diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dce5281da30a15f53b1b77b9f2e52d5a38b85535..e5dfd44fe549a2631d87fcabba091e32c1f8ef0c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -25,4 +25,74 @@ Because this is not a single sketch, development needs a bit of thinking about.
 # Usage
-The library is designed to be used within normal Arduino sketches. 
+The library is designed to be used within normal Arduino sketches. It wraps up most of the business of connecting to MQTT etc. in a `WallVis` class, and you then give it a bunch of `Behaviours` that do interesting things.
+## Setup
+The node is set up with all of the connection information for the WiFi network and for NodeRE, e.g.:
+#include <WallVis.h>
+WallVis node(
+  "new001",     // Our ID
+  "WallVisNet", //Wifi Access Point
+  "wallvisAP",  //WiFi Password
+  "",//IP address of Node RED server
+  1883          //Port for Node RED server
+  );
+A very simple sketch would then simply initialise this, and call its main function in a loop:
+void setup()
+  Serial.begin(115200);
+  //Initialise the whole infrastructure
+  node.init();
+void loop()
+  node.vis_loop();
+## Adding behaviours
+However, this would not do anything useful - it needs to know what to do. So we should add some `Behaviour`s. Each behaviour is one thing that the node knows how to do - set a number of LEDs to be active, move a servo to a certain angle, wiggle a servo for a bit etc.
+Any number of behaviours can be added. They each need a unique name, so that they can be called correctly. Behaviours can also have parameters. In this example, we are adding three different behaviours, that all wiggle a servo. They have different speeds of wiggling, though (the last parameter) and different names. (`s1` is the Servo object they are working on).
+node.add(new ServoWiggle(s1, "wiggle") );
+node.add(new ServoWiggle(s1, "slow_wiggle", 10) );
+node.add(new ServoWiggle(s1, "fast_wiggle", 1) );
+Now, the node will respond to three commands - `wiggle`, `slow_wiggle` and `fast_wiggle`.
+You can see a full example of this in the `ExampleNode` sketch.
+## Calling Behaviours
+Behaviours can currently be called in two ways:
+* via Node RED, by sending a message on the channel. So, instead of sending '100' to make the node wiggle, now you have to sent 'wiggle 100'.
+* you can also do this using the Arduino serial monitor, to make it easier to test
+Each `Behaviour` has a unique name, and some number of parameters (mostly none, or one).
+# Behaviours
+Behaviours are defined as classes. Each class has a unique name, and a constructor that takes several arguments. These are for things that should not change, e.g. the Servo object that is being wiggled. When the behaviour is called, it is called with arguments for *just that action*. So, for wiggling a servo, the constructor is:
+`ServoWiggle( <servo_object>, <name>, <wiggle_speed>)`
+When the behaviour is then called, it is given the angle through which to wiggle, so the size of the wiggle can be controlled.
+The current set of behaviours and their parameters are:
+| Constructor | Called with | Effect |
+| ---- | ---- | ---- |
+|`ServoWiggle( <servo_object>, <name>, <wiggle_speed> )`|`wiggle <int wiggle_angle>`|wiggles the servo|
diff --git a/examples/ExampleNode/ExampleNode.ino b/examples/ExampleNode/ExampleNode.ino
index bb8c04464adf732fa686d079467fbe54a6ae7249..737addf2c8c18bf2ca74c1ad078103ad9ae1e3a5 100644
--- a/examples/ExampleNode/ExampleNode.ino
+++ b/examples/ExampleNode/ExampleNode.ino
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 #include <Servo.h>
 #include <WallVis.h>
-#include <Behaviours.h>
 WallVis node(
   "new001",     // Our ID