#include <Servo.h> #include <WallVis.h> WallVis node( "new001", // Our ID "WallVisNet", //Wifi Access Point "wallvisAP", //WiFi Password "",//IP address of Node RED server 1883 //Port for Node RED server ); // Set up the servo we will use Servo s1 = Servo(); Servo s2 = Servo(); Servo s3 = Servo(); Servo s4 = Servo(); void setup() { // Attach the servo to the right pin on the board s1.attach(D1); s2.attach(D2); s3.attach(D3); s4.attach(D4); s1.write(0); s2.write(0); s3.write(0); s4.write(0); //Get the serial port ready Serial.begin(115200); //Add in a behaviour that just goes to a certain angle, with the default name 'goto' node.add(new ServoGoto(s1,"goto1") ); node.add(new ServoGoto(s2,"goto2") ); node.add(new ServoGoto(s3,"goto3") ); node.add(new ServoGoto(s4,"goto4") ); //Add in a behaviour that rotates from 0 to 180 and back again (e.g. dropping a ball trustball style) node.add(new RotateReturn(s1,"drop1",1,500, 3, 175) ); node.add(new RotateReturn(s2,"drop2",1,500, 3, 175) ); node.add(new RotateReturn(s3,"drop3",1,500, 3, 175) ); node.add(new RotateReturn(s4,"drop4",1,500, 3, 175) ); //Initialise the whole infrastructure node.set_wifi(false); node.init(); } void loop() { //Should be all we have to do node.vis_loop(); }