#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Behaviours.h"
#include <VizBlocks.h>

class ButtonPressed : public Behaviour {
   * Class that defines a behaviour that publishes a
   * ButtonPressed message to the input topic of the
   * MQQT broker
   VizBlocks* _node;

  ButtonPressed(VizBlocks* node, String name = "ButtonPressed")
  char* args();
  String start(String args);

class ButtonReleased : public Behaviour {
   * Class that defines a behaviour that publishes a
   * ButtonReleased message to the input topic of the
   * MQQT broker
   VizBlocks* _node;

  ButtonReleased(VizBlocks* node, String name = "ButtonReleased");
  char* args()
  String start(String args)

class ButtonClicked : public Behaviour
   * Class that defines a behaviour that publishes a
   * ButtonClicked message to the input topic of the
   * MQQT broker
   VizBlocks* _node;

  ButtonClicked(VizBlocks* node, String name = "ButtonClicked");
  char* args()
  String start(String args);

class ButtonHeld : public Behaviour
   * Class that defines a behaviour that publishes a
   * ButtonLongPressed message to the input topic of the
   * MQQT broker
   VizBlocks* _node;

  ButtonHeld(VizBlocks* node, String name = "ButtonHeld")

  char* args() {return "<String buttonId>"; };

  String start(String args) {
    //This is where you do your stuff for a simple behaviour
    String str = "{\"id\":\"" + String(_node->getId()) + "\",\"Input\":{\"type\":\"" + String(name()) + "\",\"button\":\"" + args + "\"}}";
    return "ButtonHeld behaviour " + _name + " with (" + args + ")";

class ButtonTick : public Behaviour {
   * Class that defines a behaviour that publishes a
   * ButtonRepeatPressed message to the input topic of the
   * MQQT broker
   VizBlocks* _node;

  ButtonTick(VizBlocks* node, String name = "ButtonTick") :
    Behaviour(name), _node(node){ }
  char* args() {return "<String buttonId>"; };
  String start(String args);
