#include "NameDictionary.h" #include <Servo.h> #include <WallVis.h> //Get device name const String device_id = String(ESP.getChipId(), HEX); NameDictionary d; const String name = d.get(device_id); char _name[10]; // Set up the servo we will use Servo s1 = Servo(); // Set up LEDs as well #define LED_COUNT 12 #define LED_PIN D2 Adafruit_NeoPixel strip(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); WallVis node( "null", // Our ID "NodeRedServer", //Wifi Access Point "NodeR3dAP", //WiFi Password "",//IP address of Node RED server 1883 //Port for Node RED server ); void setup() { // Attach the servo to the right pin on the board s1.attach(D3); // Start the LED library strip.begin(); strip.fill(strip.Color(30,255,80)); strip.show(); delay(100); strip.fill(0); strip.show(); //Get the serial port ready Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Serial started!"); delay(500); //Print device name if (name == device_id) { Serial.println("!!! This device doesn't have a name yet. Let's call it: " + name); } else { Serial.println("Device name: " + name); } name.toCharArray(_name, 10); node.setID(_name); //Add in a test behaviour that responds to the command 'hello' node.add(new TestBehaviour("hello") ); //Add in three different versions of the servo wiggling, with different speed parameters node.add(new ServoWiggle(s1, "wiggle") ); node.add(new ServoWiggle(s1, "slow_wiggle", 10) ); node.add(new ServoWiggle(s1, "fast_wiggle", 1) ); //Add in a behaviour that just goes to a certain angle, with the default name 'goto' node.add(new ServoGoto(s1) ); //Add in a behaviour that rotates from 0 to 180 and back again (e.g. dropping a ball trustball style) node.add(new RotateReturn(s1,"drop",1,500, 3, 175) ); //A few useful LED behaviours node.add(new NumLEDs(&strip, "green_leds", strip.Color(10, 255, 15) ) ); node.add(new NumLEDs(&strip, "red_leds", strip.Color(255, 30, 40) )); node.add(new NumLEDs(&strip, "leds")); node.add(new BrightnessLEDs(&strip, "red", 0, 255 )); node.add(new BrightnessLEDs(&strip, "green", 120, 255 )); node.add(new BreathingLEDs(&strip, "breathe", 120, 0 )); node.add(new BreathingLEDs(&strip, "breathe_blue", 170, 255 )); //Initialise the whole infrastructure node.set_wifi(true); node.init(); delay(500); Serial.println("PactVis Outputs Test:"); } void loop() { //Should be all we have to do node.vis_loop(); }