diff --git a/reanalysis_preparation.sh b/reanalysis_preparation.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..217cfa671688c01adc053a8b12f434a6ff78349e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reanalysis_preparation.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Create the reanalysis folder named e.g. results/20220418_reanalysis, and create files for each
+# of the family types, tab-delimited text format:
+# project_version plate_id family_id (excluding plate id)
+# Run this script in the reanalysis folder. Ensure that the environment variable project_id is set to
+# the same name as the reanalysis folder.
+# Create symlinks for the families that don't require any re-processing
+for file in quad.txt shared_affected.txt singleton.txt trio_affected_parent.txt trio.txt
+    count=`wc -l params/$file | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+    for ((i = 1; i <= $count; i = i + 1))
+    do
+	project=`head -n $i params/$file | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1`
+	family=`head -n $i params/$file | tail -n 1 | cut -f 3`
+	cd families
+	family_dir=`ls ../../${project}/families | grep $family`
+	ln -s ../../${project}/families/$family_dir $family_dir
+	cd ../params
+	ped=`ls ../../${project}/params/*.ped | grep $family`
+	ln -s $ped `basename $ped`
+	cd ..
+    done
+# For the singletons from duos with unaffected parents that need to be re-generated,
+# prepare appropriate PED files in the analysis/params folder to begin analysis.
+cp singleton_from_duo.txt ../../analysis/params
+cd ../../analysis/params
+count=`wc -l singleton_from_duo.txt | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+for ((i = 1; i <= $count; i = i + 1))
+    project=`head -n $i $file | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1`
+    family=`head -n $i $file | tail -n 1 | cut -f 3`
+    ped=`ls ../../results/${project}/params/*.ped | grep $family`
+    grep 2$ $ped | awk '{ print $1 "\t" $2 "\t0\t0\t" $5 "\t" $6}' > `basename $ped`
+# Create a family ids list
+cat *.ped | cut -f 1 | sort > $project_id.family_ids.txt
diff --git a/trio_wes_prepare_bcbio_config_singleton_from_duo.sh b/trio_wes_prepare_bcbio_config_singleton_from_duo.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03c7e4a5a30295cc374e778a5dee1824e52be056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trio_wes_prepare_bcbio_config_singleton_from_duo.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# trio_wes_prepare_bcbio_singleton_from_duo_config.sh <config.sh> <project_id> <params>
+# Assumes that reads for the samples are in the path
+# $READS_DIR/<project_id>/<date>/<sample><sample_suffix>/*.gz,
+# and that no samples other than those with reads are listed in the 
+# PED file. $READS_DIR is specified in the <config.sh> file.
+# Assumes that the sample names in the PED file match those 
+# specifying the read directories with the addition of a specified
+# suffix.
+# All samples must be annotated with sex (1=male, 2=female) in the
+# 5th column and phenotype (1=unaffected, 2=affected) in the 6th
+# column of the PED file.
+# Runs bcbio sample preparation and configuration file generation,
+# assuming the template configuration file is at $BCBIO_TEMPLATE,
+# specified in the <config.sh> file.
+# Assumes bcbio is on the PATH (set in <config.sh>).
+source $CONFIG_SH
+# Create the file $PROJECT_ID.family_ids.txt
+cat *.ped | cut -f 1 > $PROJECT_ID.family_ids.txt
+SHORT_PROJECT_ID=`echo $PROJECT_ID | cut -f 1 -d '_'`
+COUNT=`wc -l ${PROJECT_ID}.family_ids.txt | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+for ((i = 1; i <= $COUNT; i = i + 1))
+    ORIG_PROJECT_ID=`head -n $i $PARAMS | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d '_'`
+    ORIG_VERSION=`head -n $i $PARAMS | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 | cut -f 2 -d '_'`
+    BATCH_ID=`head -n $i $PARAMS | tail -n 1 | cut -f 2`
+    FAMILY_ID=`head -n $i $PARAMS | tail -n 1 | cut -f 3`
+    SAMPLE=`cut -f 2 *_${FAMILY_ID}.ped`
+    SEX=`cut -f 5 *_${FAMILY_ID}.ped`
+    PHENOTYPE=`cut -f 6 *_${FAMILY_ID}.ped`
+    echo "samplename,description,batch,sex,phenotype,variant_regions" > ${PREFIX}.csv
+    len=`expr length $ORIG_PROJECT_ID`
+    if [ $len -eq 5 ]
+    then
+	mkdir -p $READS_DIR/$PROJECT_ID/symlinks/$SAMPLE
+	for FILE in `find $DOWNLOAD_DIR/$ORIG_PROJECT_ID* -wholename "*$SAMPLE*/*_1_*_1.fastq.gz"`
+	do
+	    newname=`basename $FILE | sed -e 's/_1_/_one_/'`
+	    ln -s $FILE $READS_DIR/$PROJECT_ID/symlinks/$SAMPLE/${newname%1.fastq.gz}R1.fastq.gz
+	done
+	for FILE in `find $DOWNLOAD_DIR/$ORIG_PROJECT_ID* -wholename "*$SAMPLE*/*_1_*_2.fastq.gz"`
+	do
+	    newname=`basename $FILE | sed -e 's/_1_/_one_/'`
+	    ln -s $FILE $READS_DIR/$PROJECT_ID/symlinks/$SAMPLE/${newname%2.fastq.gz}R2.fastq.gz
+	done
+	for FILE in `find $DOWNLOAD_DIR/$ORIG_PROJECT_ID* -wholename "*$SAMPLE*/*_2_*_1.fastq.gz"`
+	do
+	    newname=`basename $FILE | sed -e 's/_2_/_two_/'`
+	    ln -s $FILE $READS_DIR/$PROJECT_ID/symlinks/$SAMPLE/${newname%1.fastq.gz}R1.fastq.gz
+	done
+	for FILE in `find $DOWNLOAD_DIR/$ORIG_PROJECT_ID* -wholename "*$SAMPLE*/*_2_*_2.fastq.gz"`
+	do
+	    newname=`basename $FILE | sed -e 's/_2_/_two_/'`
+	    ln -s $FILE $READS_DIR/$PROJECT_ID/symlinks/$SAMPLE/${newname%2.fastq.gz}R2.fastq.gz
+	done
+	for FILE in `ls $READS_DIR/$PROJECT_ID/symlinks/$SAMPLE/*_R[1,2].fastq.gz`
+	do
+	done
+    else
+	do
+	done
+    fi
+    bcbio_prepare_samples.py --out $READS_DIR/$PROJECT_ID --csv ${PREFIX}.csv
+    mv ${PREFIX}-merged.csv ${PREFIX}.csv
+    bcbio_nextgen.py -w template $BCBIO_TEMPLATE ${PREFIX}.csv $READS_DIR/$PROJECT_ID/*_${FAMILY_ID}_R[12].fastq.gz
+    mv ${PREFIX}/config/${PREFIX}.yaml $CONFIG_DIR/
+    perl -i -pe "s/${BATCH_ID}${FAMILY_ID}/${BATCH_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}/" $CONFIG_DIR/${PREFIX}.yaml
+    rm -r ${PREFIX}