From 09a5543a7fd4796823871b99e45e0722bfebeaa4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Murray Wham <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 12:52:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Adding process labels for resource managers. Fixing fastq
 merging, BCBio. Adding recognition for other input run formats.

 pipeline/       | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 pipeline/ | 39 +++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pipeline/ b/pipeline/
index 2fb6521..cae26d8 100644
--- a/pipeline/
+++ b/pipeline/
@@ -5,9 +5,13 @@ include {validation} from './'
 params.bcbio = null
 params.bcbio_template = null
+params.output_dir = null
+params.target_bed = null
 process merge_fastqs {
-    publishDir "outputs/individuals/$indv_id/merged_fastqs", mode: 'copy'
+    label 'medium'
+    publishDir "${params.output_dir}/individuals/$indv_id/merged_fastqs", mode: 'copy'
     tuple(val(indv_id), path(r1), path(r2))
@@ -22,13 +26,15 @@ process merge_fastqs {
     // todo: pigz if gzip becomes a bottleneck
-    cat ${r1.join(' ')} | gzip -c > ${indv_id}_merged_r1.fastq.gz &
-    cat ${r2.join(' ')} | gzip -c > ${indv_id}_merged_r2.fastq.gz
+    zcat ${r1.join(' ')} | gzip -c > ${indv_id}_merged_r1.fastq.gz &
+    zcat ${r2.join(' ')} | gzip -c > ${indv_id}_merged_r2.fastq.gz
 process write_bcbio_csv {
-    publishDir "outputs/families/$family_id", mode: 'copy'
+    label 'small'
+    publishDir "${params.output_dir}/families/$family_id", mode: 'copy'
     tuple(val(family_id), val(individual_info))
@@ -46,38 +52,29 @@ process write_bcbio_csv {
     with open('${family_id}.csv', 'w') as f:
         for l in lines:
-            l = l.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(', ')
-            f.write(','.join(l))
-            f.write('\\n')
+            f.write(l.replace(', ', ',') + '\\n')
-process prepare_bcbio_yaml {
-    publishDir "outputs/families/$family_id", mode: 'copy'
+process bcbio {
+    label 'large'
-    input:
-    tuple(val(family_id), val(family_fastqs))
-    val(family_csv)
+    publishDir "${params.output_dir}/families/$family_id", mode: 'copy'
-    output:
-    path("${family_id}.yaml")
+    input:
+    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals))
+    path(family_csv)
-    ${params.bcbio_prepare_samples} --out . --csv $family_csv
-    ${params.bcbio} -w template ${params.bcbio_template} ${family_id}-merged.csv ${family_fastqs.join(' ')}
-    """
+    ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ --out . --csv $family_csv &&
-process run_bcbio {
-    input:
-    path(bcbio_config)
+    ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ -w template ${params.bcbio_template} ${family_csv.getBaseName()}-merged.csv ${individuals.collect({"${it}.fastq.gz"}).join(' ')} &&
-    script:
-    """
-    ${params.bcbio} $bcbio_config -n 16 -t local
+    cd ${family_id}-merged &&
+    export PATH=$PATH:${params.bcbio}/tools/bin &&
+    ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ config/${family_id}-merged.yaml -n 16 -t local
@@ -100,20 +97,30 @@ workflow prepare_bcbio_config {
         ch_joined_family_info ={ k, v -> v })
-        ch_metadata =
             { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1s, r2s, merged_r1, merged_r2 ->
-                [family_id, [sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_r1, merged_r2]]
-        }).groupTuple()
+                [family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_r1]
+        })
+        .tap {ch_read1_meta}  // I hate this syntax so much
-        ch_family_fastqs =
             { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1s, r2s, merged_r1, merged_r2 ->
-                [family_id, merged_r1, merged_r2]
+                [family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_r2]
+        })
+        .tap {ch_read2_meta}
+        ch_metadata = ch_read1_meta.mix(ch_read2_meta).map(
+            { family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_fastq ->
+                [family_id, [merged_fastq, sample_id, family_id, sex, phenotype, params.target_bed]]
         ch_bcbio_csv = write_bcbio_csv(ch_metadata)
-        ch_bcbio_yaml = prepare_bcbio_yaml(ch_family_fastqs, ch_bcbio_csv)
-        run_bcbio(ch_bcbio_yaml)
+        ch_individuals =
+            { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1s, r2s, merged_r1, merged_r2 ->
+                [family_id, sample_id]
+        }).groupTuple()
+        bcbio(ch_individuals, ch_bcbio_csv)
diff --git a/pipeline/ b/pipeline/
index ba6c229..c02547a 100644
--- a/pipeline/
+++ b/pipeline/
@@ -3,14 +3,43 @@ nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
 include {read_inputs} from './'
 process check_md5s {
+    label 'small'
-    val(md5sum_file)
+    val(fastq_file)
+    // getParent() gives null object errors if this is a path
-    # I don't understand why getParent works since md5sum_file is not a path, but it works
-    cd ${md5sum_file.getParent()}
-    md5sum -c ${md5sum_file.getName()}
+    edgen_dir=${fastq_file.getParent().getParent()}
+    edgen_md5_file=\$edgen_dir/md5sums.txt
+    edgen_fastq=${fastq_file.getParent().getName()}/${fastq_file.getName()}
+    crf_dir=${fastq_file.getParent()}
+    crf_md5_file="\$(ls \$crf_dir/*md5.txt | head -n 1)"
+    crf_fastq=${fastq_file.getName()}
+    local_md5_file=${fastq_file}.md5
+    if [ -f \$edgen_md5_file ]
+    then
+        cd \$edgen_dir
+        md5sum -c <(cat md5sums.txt | grep \$edgen_fastq)
+    elif [ -f \$crf_md5_file ]
+    then
+        cd \$crf_dir
+        md5sum -c <(cat \$crf_md5_file | grep \$crf_fastq)
+    elif [ -f \$local_md5_file ]
+    then
+        cd ${fastq_file.getParent()}
+        md5sum -c \$local_md5_file
+    else
+        echo "Could not find md5 file for $fastq_file"
+        exit 1
+    fi
@@ -37,5 +66,5 @@ workflow validation {
             { fastq -> fastq.getParent().getParent() + '/md5sums.txt' }
-        check_md5s(ch_md5_files)
+        check_md5s(ch_fastqs)

From 8f754358e536de8c2565814ea42dd2f931d06deb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Murray Wham <>
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 13:09:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Moving BCBio outputs into the right places

 pipeline/     |  32 +++++---
 pipeline/       | 173 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 pipeline/ |  19 ++---
 3 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pipeline/ b/pipeline/
index e5f6b31..d9e1a63 100644
--- a/pipeline/
+++ b/pipeline/
@@ -64,8 +64,25 @@ workflow read_inputs {
-        ch_individuals_by_family - merge of samplesheet and ped file information,
-        grouped by family ID:
+        ch_individuals - merge of samplesheet and ped file information:
+        [
+            [
+                indv_id,
+                family_id,
+                father_id,
+                mother_id,
+                sex,
+                affected,
+                [r1_fastqs],
+                [r2_fastqs]
+            ],  
+        ...
+        ]
+        */
+        ch_individuals = ch_ped_file_info.join(ch_samplesheet_info)
+        /*
+        ch_individuals_by_family - as ch_individuals, but grouped by family:
@@ -76,19 +93,16 @@ workflow read_inputs {
-                    r1_fastqs,
-                    r2_fastqs
+                    [r1_fastqs],
+                    [r2_fastqs]
-        ch_individuals_by_family = ch_ped_file_info
-            .join(ch_samplesheet_info)
-            .map({[it[1], it]})
+        ch_individuals_by_family ={[it[1], it]})
-        ch_samplesheet_info
-        ch_ped_file_info
+        ch_individuals
diff --git a/pipeline/ b/pipeline/
index cae26d8..c7df05e 100644
--- a/pipeline/
+++ b/pipeline/
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
-include {read_inputs} from './'
-include {validation} from './'
+include {read_inputs} from './pipeline/'
+include {validation} from './pipeline/'
 params.bcbio = null
 params.bcbio_template = null
 params.output_dir = null
+params.pipeline_project_id = null
+params.pipeline_project_version = null
 params.target_bed = null
 process merge_fastqs {
     label 'medium'
-    publishDir "${params.output_dir}/individuals/$indv_id/merged_fastqs", mode: 'copy'
-    tuple(val(indv_id), path(r1), path(r2))
+    tuple(val(indv_id), val(family_id), val(father), val(mother), val(sex), val(affected), path(r1), path(r2))
@@ -34,13 +34,11 @@ process merge_fastqs {
 process write_bcbio_csv {
     label 'small'
-    publishDir "${params.output_dir}/families/$family_id", mode: 'copy'
     tuple(val(family_id), val(individual_info))
-    path("${family_id}.csv")
+    tuple(val(family_id), path("${family_id}.csv"))
@@ -60,26 +58,135 @@ process write_bcbio_csv {
 process bcbio {
     label 'large'
-    publishDir "${params.output_dir}/families/$family_id", mode: 'copy'
-    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals))
-    path(family_csv)
+    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path(family_csv))
+    output:
+    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path("${family_id}-merged"))
     ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ --out . --csv $family_csv &&
     ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ -w template ${params.bcbio_template} ${family_csv.getBaseName()}-merged.csv ${individuals.collect({"${it}.fastq.gz"}).join(' ')} &&
     cd ${family_id}-merged &&
-    export PATH=$PATH:${params.bcbio}/tools/bin &&
     ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ config/${family_id}-merged.yaml -n 16 -t local
+    """
+process bcbio_family_outputs {
+    label 'small'
+    input:
+    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path(bcbio_output_dir))
+    script:
+    """
+    merged_bcbio_family_output="\$(ls -d $bcbio_output_dir/results/????-??-??_* | head -n 1)" &&
+    bcbio_family_output="\$(echo \$merged_bcbio_family_output | sed 's/-merged\\/*\$//g')" &&
+    run_date="\$(basename \$bcbio_family_output | sed -E 's/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})_.+\$/\\1/g')" &&
+    broken_family_id="\$(echo ${family_id} | sed 's/_//g')" &&
+    if [ \$merged_bcbio_family_output != \$bcbio_family_output ] && [ -d \$merged_bcbio_family_output ]
+    then
+        mv \$merged_bcbio_family_output \$bcbio_family_output
+    fi
+    for suffix in gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz{,.tbi}
+    do
+        src=\$bcbio_family_output/\${broken_family_id}-\${suffix}
+        if [ -f \$src ]
+        then
+            mv \$src \$bcbio_family_output/${family_id}-\${suffix}
+        fi
+    done &&
+    for sample in ${individuals.join(' ')}
+    do
+        if [ -d "$bcbio_output_dir/results/\$sample" ]
+        then
+            mv "$bcbio_output_dir/results/\$sample" "\$bcbio_family_output"
+        fi
+    done &&
+    cd \$bcbio_family_output &&
+    samtools=${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/samtools &&
+    for bam in */*.bam
+    do
+        cram=\${bam%.bam}.cram &&
+        \$samtools view -@ ${task.cpus} -T ${params.reference_genome} -C -o \$cram \$bam &&
+        rm \$bam &&
+        \$samtools index \$cram &&
+        \$samtools flagstat \$bam > \$bam.flagstat.txt &&
+        \$samtools flagstat \$cram > \$cram.flagstat.txt &&
+        diff \$bam.flagstat.txt \$cram.flagstat.txt
+        if [ \$? -ne 0 ]
+        then
+            echo "Unexpected flagstat results in \$cram.flagstat.txt"
+            exit 1
+        fi
+    done &&
+    for f in \$(find . -type f | grep -v '\\.bam')
+    do
+        md5sum \$f >> md5sum.txt
+    done
+process collate_pipeline_outputs {
+    label 'small'
+    publishDir "${params.output_dir}/${params.pipeline_project_id}/families/$family_id", mode: 'copy', pattern: "${bcbio_output_dir}"
+    input:
+    val(family_ids)
+    val(bcbio_family_output_dirs)
+    script:
+    """
+    mkdir -p outputs/{config,families,params,prioritization,qc} &&
+    for d in ${bcbio_family_output_dirs.join(' ')}
+    do
+        ln -s \$d outputs/families/\$(basename \$d)
+    done &&
+    cd outputs/families &&
+    multiqc \
+        --title "Trio whole exome QC report: ${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}" \
+        --outdir ../qc \
+        --filename ${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}_qc_report.html \
+        . &&
+    peddy_output=../qc/${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}.ped_check.txt
+    # \
+    #     --output \$peddy_output \
+    #     --project ${params.pipeline_project_id} \
+    #     --batch ${family_ids[0].split('_')[0]} \
+    #     --version ${params.pipeline_project_version} \
+    #     --ped ${params.ped_file} \
+    #     --families . &&
+    # no && here - exit status checked below
+    # grep -v 'False\$' \$peddy_output
+    # if [ \$? -ne 0 ]
+    # then
+    #     echo "Found Peddy mismatches in \$peddy_output"
+    #     exit 1
+    # fi
+    """
-workflow prepare_bcbio_config {
+workflow run_bcbio {
     - For each individual, merge all R1 and R2 fastqs
     - For each family:
@@ -89,21 +196,19 @@ workflow prepare_bcbio_config {
-        ch_samplesheet_info
-        ch_individuals_by_family
+        ch_individuals
-        ch_merged_fastqs = merge_fastqs(ch_samplesheet_info)
-        ch_joined_family_info ={ k, v -> v })
-        .join(ch_merged_fastqs)
+        ch_merged_fastqs = merge_fastqs(ch_individuals)
+        ch_joined_indv_info = ch_individuals.join(ch_merged_fastqs)
             { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1s, r2s, merged_r1, merged_r2 ->
                 [family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_r1]
         .tap {ch_read1_meta}  // I hate this syntax so much
             { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1s, r2s, merged_r1, merged_r2 ->
                 [family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_r2]
@@ -114,22 +219,28 @@ workflow prepare_bcbio_config {
                 [family_id, [merged_fastq, sample_id, family_id, sex, phenotype, params.target_bed]]
-        ch_bcbio_csv = write_bcbio_csv(ch_metadata)
+        ch_bcbio_csvs = write_bcbio_csv(ch_metadata)
-        ch_individuals =
+        ch_bcbio_inputs =
             { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1s, r2s, merged_r1, merged_r2 ->
                 [family_id, sample_id]
-        }).groupTuple()
-        bcbio(ch_individuals, ch_bcbio_csv)
+        }).groupTuple().join(ch_bcbio_csvs)
+        ch_bcbio_outputs = bcbio(ch_bcbio_inputs)
+        bcbio_family_outputs(ch_bcbio_outputs)
+        collate_pipeline_outputs(
+  {it[0]}).collect(),
+  {it[2]}).collect()
+        )
 workflow {
-    ch_samplesheet_info = read_inputs.out[0]
-    ch_ped_file_info = read_inputs.out[1]
-    ch_individuals_by_family = read_inputs.out[2]
+    ch_individual_info = read_inputs.out[0]
-    validation(ch_samplesheet_info)
-    prepare_bcbio_config(ch_samplesheet_info, ch_individuals_by_family)
+    validation(ch_individual_info)
+    run_bcbio(ch_individual_info)
diff --git a/pipeline/ b/pipeline/
index c02547a..18058f8 100644
--- a/pipeline/
+++ b/pipeline/
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
-include {read_inputs} from './'
 process check_md5s {
     label 'small'
@@ -51,20 +49,17 @@ workflow validation {
-        ch_samplesheet_info
+        ch_indv_info
-        ch_fastqs = ch_samplesheet_info
-        .map(
-            { indv, r1, r2 ->
+        ch_fastqs =
+            { indv, family, father, mother, sex, affected, r1, r2 ->
                 [r1, r2]
-        ).flatten()
+        )
+        .flatten()
-        ch_md5_files =
-            { fastq -> fastq.getParent().getParent() + '/md5sums.txt' }
-        ).unique()

From 9271ba1876771213a226f75925457e1c27ed3cc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Murray Wham <>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 17:44:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Adding parse_peddy_output check, simplifying process
 inputs/outputs. Outputting BCBio outputs properly, fixing outputs at end -
 cp-RL and mode: move. Pulling changes to from ultra2 branch

 pipeline/                      |   2 +-
 pipeline/                        | 189 ++++++++++++++---------- |  34 +++--
 3 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pipeline/ b/pipeline/
index d9e1a63..526df57 100644
--- a/pipeline/
+++ b/pipeline/
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ workflow read_inputs {
         ch_individuals_by_family - as ch_individuals, but grouped by family:
-                indv1,
+                family_id,
diff --git a/pipeline/ b/pipeline/
index c7df05e..546681d 100644
--- a/pipeline/
+++ b/pipeline/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
-include {read_inputs} from './pipeline/'
-include {validation} from './pipeline/'
+include {read_inputs} from './'
+include {validation} from './'
 params.bcbio = null
 params.bcbio_template = null
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ params.output_dir = null
 params.pipeline_project_id = null
 params.pipeline_project_version = null
 params.target_bed = null
+params.parse_peddy_output = null
 process merge_fastqs {
     label 'medium'
-    tuple(val(indv_id), val(family_id), val(father), val(mother), val(sex), val(affected), path(r1), path(r2))
+    tuple(val(indv_id), path(r1), path(r2))
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ process write_bcbio_csv {
-process bcbio {
+process bcbio_family_processing {
     label 'large'
@@ -71,67 +73,89 @@ process bcbio {
     cd ${family_id}-merged &&
     ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ config/${family_id}-merged.yaml -n 16 -t local
+    """
+process format_bcbio_individual_outputs {
+    input:
+    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path(bcbio_output_dir))
+    output:
+    tuple(val(family_id), path('individual_outputs'))
+    script:
+    """
+    samtools=${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/samtools &&
+    mkdir individual_outputs
+    for i in ${individuals.join(' ')}
+    do
+        indv_input=\$PWD/${bcbio_output_dir}/results/\$i
+        indv_output=individual_outputs/\$i &&
+        mkdir -p \$indv_output &&
+        ln -s \$indv_input/\${i}-callable.bed \$indv_output/\${i}-callable.bed &&
+        ln -s \$indv_input/qc \$indv_output/qc &&
+        bam=\$indv_input/\$i-ready.bam
+        cram="\$indv_output/\$i-ready.cram" &&
+        \$samtools view -@ ${task.cpus} -T ${params.reference_genome} -C -o \$cram \$bam &&
+        \$samtools index \$cram &&
+        bam_flagstat=./\$i-ready.bam.flagstat.txt &&
+        cram_flagstat=\$cram.flagstat.txt &&
+        \$samtools flagstat \$bam > \$bam_flagstat &&
+        \$samtools flagstat \$cram > \$cram_flagstat &&
+        diff \$bam_flagstat \$cram_flagstat
+        if [ \$? -ne 0 ]
+        then
+            echo "Unexpected flagstat results in \$cram_flagstat"
+            exit 1
+        fi
+    done
-process bcbio_family_outputs {
+process format_bcbio_family_outputs {
     label 'small'
-    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path(bcbio_output_dir))
+    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path(bcbio_output_dir), path(formatted_individual_outputs))
+    output:
+    tuple(val(family_id), path("*_${family_id}"))
-    merged_bcbio_family_output="\$(ls -d $bcbio_output_dir/results/????-??-??_* | head -n 1)" &&
+    merged_bcbio_family_output="\$(ls -d \$(readlink -f $bcbio_output_dir)/results/????-??-??_* | head -n 1)" &&
     bcbio_family_output="\$(echo \$merged_bcbio_family_output | sed 's/-merged\\/*\$//g')" &&
     run_date="\$(basename \$bcbio_family_output | sed -E 's/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})_.+\$/\\1/g')" &&
     broken_family_id="\$(echo ${family_id} | sed 's/_//g')" &&
-    if [ \$merged_bcbio_family_output != \$bcbio_family_output ] && [ -d \$merged_bcbio_family_output ]
-    then
-        mv \$merged_bcbio_family_output \$bcbio_family_output
-    fi
+    bcbio_family_output="\$(basename \$merged_bcbio_family_output | sed 's/-merged\\/*\$//g')" &&
+    mkdir \$bcbio_family_output &&
     for suffix in gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz{,.tbi}
-        src=\$bcbio_family_output/\${broken_family_id}-\${suffix}
+        src=\$merged_bcbio_family_output/\${broken_family_id}-\${suffix}
         if [ -f \$src ]
-            mv \$src \$bcbio_family_output/${family_id}-\${suffix}
+            ln -s \$src \$bcbio_family_output/${family_id}-\${suffix}
     done &&
-    for sample in ${individuals.join(' ')}
+    for f in \$merged_bcbio_family_output/*{.log,.csv,.yaml,multiqc}
-        if [ -d "$bcbio_output_dir/results/\$sample" ]
-        then
-            mv "$bcbio_output_dir/results/\$sample" "\$bcbio_family_output"
-        fi
+        ln -s \$f \$bcbio_family_output/
     done &&
-    cd \$bcbio_family_output &&
-    samtools=${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/samtools &&
-    for bam in */*.bam
+    for i in ${individuals.join(' ')}
-        cram=\${bam%.bam}.cram &&
-        \$samtools view -@ ${task.cpus} -T ${params.reference_genome} -C -o \$cram \$bam &&
-        rm \$bam &&
-        \$samtools index \$cram &&
-        \$samtools flagstat \$bam > \$bam.flagstat.txt &&
-        \$samtools flagstat \$cram > \$cram.flagstat.txt &&
-        diff \$bam.flagstat.txt \$cram.flagstat.txt
-        if [ \$? -ne 0 ]
-        then
-            echo "Unexpected flagstat results in \$cram.flagstat.txt"
-            exit 1
-        fi
+        ln -s \$(readlink -f $formatted_individual_outputs)/\$i \$bcbio_family_output/\$i
     done &&
+    cd \$bcbio_family_output &&
     for f in \$(find . -type f | grep -v '\\.bam')
         md5sum \$f >> md5sum.txt
@@ -140,66 +164,77 @@ process bcbio_family_outputs {
 process collate_pipeline_outputs {
     label 'small'
-    publishDir "${params.output_dir}/${params.pipeline_project_id}/families/$family_id", mode: 'copy', pattern: "${bcbio_output_dir}"
+    publishDir "${params.output_dir}", mode: 'move', pattern: "${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}"
-    val(family_ids)
+    output:
+    path("${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}")
-    mkdir -p outputs/{config,families,params,prioritization,qc} &&
+    outputs=${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}
+    mkdir \$outputs &&
+    mkdir \$outputs/{config,families,params,prioritization,qc} &&
     for d in ${bcbio_family_output_dirs.join(' ')}
-        ln -s \$d outputs/families/\$(basename \$d)
+        cp -rL \$d \$outputs/families/\$(basename \$d)
     done &&
-    cd outputs/families &&
-    multiqc \
+    cd \$outputs/families &&
+    ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/multiqc \
         --title "Trio whole exome QC report: ${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}" \
         --outdir ../qc \
         --filename ${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}_qc_report.html \
         . &&
-    peddy_output=../qc/${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}.ped_check.txt
-    # \
-    #     --output \$peddy_output \
-    #     --project ${params.pipeline_project_id} \
-    #     --batch ${family_ids[0].split('_')[0]} \
-    #     --version ${params.pipeline_project_version} \
-    #     --ped ${params.ped_file} \
-    #     --families . &&
+    peddy_output=../qc/${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}.ped_check.txt &&
+    perl ${params.parse_peddy_output} \
+        --output \$peddy_output \
+        --project ${params.pipeline_project_id} \
+        --batch ${bcbio_family_output_dirs[0].getName().split('_')[1]} \
+        --version ${params.pipeline_project_version} \
+        --ped ${params.ped_file} \
+        --families . &&
     # no && here - exit status checked below
-    # grep -v 'False\$' \$peddy_output
-    # if [ \$? -ne 0 ]
-    # then
-    #     echo "Found Peddy mismatches in \$peddy_output"
-    #     exit 1
-    # fi
+    grep -v 'False\$' \$peddy_output
+    if [ \$? -ne 0 ]
+    then
+        echo "Found Peddy mismatches in \$peddy_output"
+        exit 1
+    fi
-workflow run_bcbio {
+workflow process_families {
-    - For each individual, merge all R1 and R2 fastqs
-    - For each family:
+    - For each individual in the family, merge all R1 and R2 fastqs
+    - For the family:
       - Read the relevant information from the samplesheet, ped files and merged fastqs
       - Write a BCBio config file
       - Run BCBio on it
+      - Move files around into the right places
+      - Run CRAM compression, MultiQC and MD5 checks
-        ch_merged_fastqs = merge_fastqs(ch_individuals)
+        ch_merged_fastqs = merge_fastqs(
+                { indv, family, father, mother, sex, affected, r1, r2 ->
+                    [ indv, r1, r2 ]
+            })
+        )
         ch_joined_indv_info = ch_individuals.join(ch_merged_fastqs)
@@ -214,33 +249,35 @@ workflow run_bcbio {
         .tap {ch_read2_meta}
-        ch_metadata = ch_read1_meta.mix(ch_read2_meta).map(
-            { family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_fastq ->
-                [family_id, [merged_fastq, sample_id, family_id, sex, phenotype, params.target_bed]]
-            }
-        ).groupTuple()
-        ch_bcbio_csvs = write_bcbio_csv(ch_metadata)
+        ch_bcbio_csvs = write_bcbio_csv(
+            ch_read1_meta.mix(ch_read2_meta).map(
+                { family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_fastq ->
+                    [family_id, [merged_fastq, sample_id, family_id, sex, phenotype, params.target_bed]]
+                }
+            ).groupTuple()
+        )
         ch_bcbio_inputs =
             { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1s, r2s, merged_r1, merged_r2 ->
                 [family_id, sample_id]
-        ch_bcbio_outputs = bcbio(ch_bcbio_inputs)
-        bcbio_family_outputs(ch_bcbio_outputs)
-        collate_pipeline_outputs(
-  {it[0]}).collect(),
-  {it[2]}).collect()
+        ch_bcbio_family_outputs = bcbio_family_processing(ch_bcbio_inputs)
+        ch_individual_folders = format_bcbio_individual_outputs(ch_bcbio_family_outputs)
+        ch_formatted_bcbio_outputs = format_bcbio_family_outputs(
+            ch_bcbio_family_outputs.join(ch_individual_folders)
+        collate_pipeline_outputs({it[1]}).collect())
 workflow {
-    ch_individual_info = read_inputs.out[0]
+    ch_individuals = read_inputs.out[0]
+    ch_individuals_by_family = read_inputs.out[1]
-    validation(ch_individual_info)
-    run_bcbio(ch_individual_info)
+    validation(ch_individuals)
+    process_families(ch_individuals)
diff --git a/ b/
index e72bda8..05e4d02 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,30 +21,33 @@ use IO::File;
 my $usage = qq{USAGE:
 $0 [--help]
-  --output  Output directory
-  --ped     Pedigree file for project
-  --project Project id
-  --batch   Batch id
-  --version Analysis run version (v1, v2, etc)
+  --output   Output file
+  --families Family directory
+  --ped      Pedigree file for project
+  --project  Project id
+  --batch    Batch id
+  --version  Analysis run version (v1, v2, etc)
 my $help = 0;
 my $ped_file;
+my $fam_dir;
 my $project_id;
 my $version;
-my $out_dir;
+my $out_file;
 my $batch_id;
-    'help'      => \$help,
-    'project=s' => \$project_id,
-    'ped=s'     => \$ped_file,
-    'output=s'  => \$out_dir,
-    'version=s' => \$version,
-    'batch=s'   => \$batch_id
+    'help'       => \$help,
+    'project=s'  => \$project_id,
+    'ped=s'      => \$ped_file,
+    'output=s'   => \$out_file,
+    'families=s' => \$fam_dir,
+    'version=s'  => \$version,
+    'batch=s'    => \$batch_id
 ) or die $usage;
-if ($help || !$project_id || !$ped_file || !$out_dir || !$batch_id || !$version)
+if ($help || !$project_id || !$ped_file || !$out_file || !$batch_id || !$version || !$fam_dir)
     print $usage;
@@ -70,7 +73,6 @@ while (my $line = <$in_fh>)
-my $out_file = sprintf("$out_dir/qc/%s_%s.ped_check.txt", $version, $project_id);
 my $out_fh = new IO::File;
 $out_fh->open($out_file, "w") or die "Could not open $out_file\n$!";
@@ -78,8 +80,8 @@ printf $out_fh "project_id\tbatch_id\tsample_a\tsample_b\tpedigree_parents\tpred
 foreach my $family_id (sort keys %ped)
-	my @peddy_glob = glob(sprintf("$out_dir/*/*_%s_%s_%s_%s/%s_%s/qc/peddy/%s%s.ped_check.csv", 
-		$version, $project_id, $batch_id, $family_id, $ped{$family_id}{'aff'}, $family_id, $batch_id, $family_id));
+	my @peddy_glob = glob(sprintf("$fam_dir/*_%s_%s_%s_%s/%s_%s/qc/peddy/%s%s.ped_check.csv", 
+	        $project_id, $version, $batch_id, $family_id, $ped{$family_id}{'aff'}, $family_id, $batch_id, $family_id));
 	next if (scalar(@peddy_glob) == 0);
 	my $peddy_fh = new IO::File;

From 95f1c2d0abfa8ad5eada82d153ab10ac6f94ea65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Murray Wham <>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 12:14:19 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Adding config/params metadata

 pipeline/ | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pipeline/ b/pipeline/
index 546681d..7c55fec 100644
--- a/pipeline/
+++ b/pipeline/
@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ process format_bcbio_family_outputs {
     tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path(bcbio_output_dir), path(formatted_individual_outputs))
-    tuple(val(family_id), path("*_${family_id}"))
+    // we don't use bcbio_output_dir here, but we need it later
+    tuple(val(family_id), path("*_${family_id}"), path(bcbio_output_dir))
@@ -172,6 +173,7 @@ process collate_pipeline_outputs {
+    val(raw_bcbio_output_dirs)
@@ -209,7 +211,20 @@ process collate_pipeline_outputs {
         echo "Found Peddy mismatches in \$peddy_output"
         exit 1
-    fi
+    fi &&
+    cd ../.. &&
+    for d in ${raw_bcbio_output_dirs.join(' ')}
+    do
+        family_id_merged=\$(basename \$d)
+        family_id=\$(echo \$family_id_merged | sed 's/-merged//') &&
+        dest_basename=${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}_\$family_id &&
+        cp -L \$d/config/\$family_id_merged.csv \$outputs/params/\$dest_basename.csv &&
+        cp -L \$d/config/\$family_id_merged.yaml \$outputs/config/\$dest_basename.yaml &&
+        cp -L ${params.ped_file} \$outputs/params/ &&
+        cp -L ${params.sample_sheet} \$outputs/params/
+    done
@@ -268,7 +283,10 @@ workflow process_families {
-        collate_pipeline_outputs({it[1]}).collect())
+        collate_pipeline_outputs(
+  {it[1]}).collect(),
+  {it[2]}).collect()
+        )

From 61c7c113543a5ec34f12dd6e91cbd11303e029d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Murray Wham <>
Date: Mon, 2 May 2022 11:42:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Doc updates, updating format of sample sheets. Adding
 nextflow.config. Adding entrypoint, moving param declarations there.
 Making most input parameters their own Channels.

---                                     | 95 +++++++++++++------                                       | 47 +++++++++
 nextflow.config                               | 30 ++++++
 pipeline/                            | 20 ++--
 pipeline/{ =>}          | 94 ++++++++++++------
 .../ped_files/giab_test_non_trios.ped         |  7 ++
 .../input_data/ped_files/giab_test_trios.ped  |  6 ++
 .../input_data/sample_sheets/batch_1.tsv      | 14 +--
 .../sample_sheets/batch_2_md5_errors.tsv      |  4 +-
 .../sample_sheets/giab_test_non_trios.tsv     |  8 ++
 .../sample_sheets/giab_test_trios.tsv         |  7 ++
 tests/                       | 31 ++++++
 tests/                            |  3 +-
 .../{ =>}  |  0
 14 files changed, 288 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644 nextflow.config
 rename pipeline/{ =>} (77%)
 create mode 100644 tests/assets/input_data/ped_files/giab_test_non_trios.ped
 create mode 100644 tests/assets/input_data/ped_files/giab_test_trios.ped
 create mode 100644 tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/giab_test_non_trios.tsv
 create mode 100644 tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/giab_test_trios.tsv
 create mode 100755 tests/
 rename tests/scripts/{ =>} (100%)

diff --git a/ b/
index dcd54f8..cc37a5c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,33 +1,56 @@
-# Trio-Whole-Exome pipeline
+# Trio-Whole-Exome Pipeline
 This is an automated version of the scripts currently run manually according to SOP as part of the whole exome trios
-project with David Fitzpatrick's group. This pipeline is controlled by [NextFlow](
+project with David Fitzpatrick's group. This pipeline is controlled by [NextFlow](
 ## Setup
-A [Conda]( environment containing NextFlow is available in `environment.yaml`. Once you have Conda
-installed, you can create an environment by `cd`-ing into this project and running the command:
+This pipeline requires:
-    $ conda env create -n <environment_name>
+- NextFlow
+- An install of BCBio v1.2.8
+A [Conda]( environment containing NextFlow is available in `environment.yml`. This can be created
+with the command:
-## Running
+    $ conda env create -n <environment_name> -f environment.yml
+## Running the pipeline
 The pipeline requires two main input files:
+### Configuration
+This pipeline uses a config at trio-whole-exome/nextflow.config, containing profiles for different sizes of process.
+NextFlow picks this up automatically.
+A second config is necessary for providing executor and param information. This can be supplied via the `-c` argument.
+- `bcbio` - path to a BCBio install, containing 'anaconda', 'galaxy', 'genomes', etc
+- `bcbio_template` - path to a template config for BCBio variant calling. Should set `upload.dir: ./results` so that
+  BCBio will output results to the working dir.
+- `output_dir` - where the results get written to on the system. The variant calling creates initial results here,
+  and variant prioritisation adds to them
+- `target_bed` - bed file of Twist exome targets
+- `reference_genome` - hg38 reference genome in fasta format
+- `parse_peddy_output` - path to the parse_peddy_output Perl script. Todo: remove once scripts are in bin/
 ### Samplesheet
-This is a tab-separated file mapping fastq pairs to metadata. The columns are individual ID, family ID, fastq sample ID,
-r1 fastq and r2 fastq. If a sample has been sequenced over multiple lanes, then include a line for each fastq pair:
+This is a tab-separated file mapping individuals to fastq pairs. The columns are individual_id, read_1 and read_2. If a
+sample has been sequenced over multiple lanes, then include a line for each fastq pair:
-    individual_id	 family_id  sample_id                           read_1                      read_2
-    000001         000001     12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B  path/to/lane_1_r1.fastq.gz  path/to/lane_1_r2.fastq.gz
-    000001         000001     12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B  path/to/lane_2_r1.fastq.gz  path/to/lane_2_r2.fastq.gz
+    individual_id   read_1                      read_2
+    000001          path/to/lane_1_r1.fastq.gz  path/to/lane_1_r2.fastq.gz
+    000001          path/to/lane_2_r1.fastq.gz  path/to/lane_2_r2.fastq.gz
 ### Ped file
-Tab-separated Ped file mapping individuals to each other and affected status. Per the
+Tab-separated Ped file mapping individuals to each other family IDs and and affected status. Per the
 [specification](, the columns are
 family ID, individual ID, father ID, mother ID, sex (1=male, 2=female, other=unknown), affected status (-9 or 0=missing,
 1=unaffected, 2=affected):
@@ -36,27 +59,45 @@ family ID, individual ID, father ID, mother ID, sex (1=male, 2=female, other=unk
     000001  000002  0       0       1  1
     000001  000003  0       0       2  1
-The pipeline can now be run. First, check for errors:
+The pipeline does support non-trios, e.g. singletons, duos, quads.
-    $ nextflow run pipeline/ --ped_file path/to/batch.ped  --sample_sheet path/to/batch_samplesheet.tsv
+### Usage
+The pipeline can now be run. First, run the initial variant calling:
+    $ nextflow path/to/trio-whole-exome/ \
+        -c path/to/nextflow.config
+        --workflow 'variant-calling' \
+        --pipeline_project_id projname --pipeline_project_version v1 \
+        --ped_file path/to/batch.ped \
+        --sample_sheet path/to/samplesheet.tsv
+Todo: variant prioritisation workflow
-Todo: run the main processing
 ## Tests
 This pipeline has automated tests contained in the folder `tests/`. To the run the tests locally, `cd` to this folder
-with your Conda environment active and run `./`.
+with your Conda environment active and run the test scripts:
+These tests use the environment variable `NEXTFLOW_CONFIG`, pointing to a platform-specific config file.
+## Terminology FAQ
-## Terminology
+- 'Batch'
+  - Slightly ambiguous term - can be a pipeline batch, a sequencing batch or a BCBio batch. To this end, a single
+    run of this pipeline is known as a project.
+- 'Pipeline project'
+  - A single run of this pipeline, potentially mixing samples and families from multiple sequencing batches. There's
+    always one Ped file and sample sheet per pipeline project.
+- 'Sequencing batch'
+  - A group of samples that were prepared and sequenced together.
+- 'BCBio batch'
+  - Used internally by BCBio to identify a family.
+- 'Sample ID'
+  - Specific to a sequencing batch, family ID, individual ID and extraction kit type
-- Batch: slightly ambiguous term - could be a pipeline batch, a sequencing batch or a BCBio batch
-  - Pipeline batch: a single run of this pipeline, potentially mixing samples and families from multiple
-    sequencing batches
-  - Sequencing batch: a group of samples that were prepared and sequenced together
-  - BCBio batch: used internally by BCBio to identify a family
-- Sample ID: specific to a sequencing batch, family ID, individual ID and extraction kit type
-- file_list.tsv: there's one of these files per sequencing batch, summarising all fastqs in the batch. A
-  pipeline batch may need to refer to multiple different individuals across different file lists.
-- Ped file: defines family relationships between individuals. There's always one Ped file per pipeline batch.
-- Sample sheet: links the Ped file and file list(s) by defining what raw fastqs belong to each individual.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58404a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
+include {var_calling} from './pipeline/'
+// which part of the pipeline to run - either 'variant-calling' or 'variant-prioritisation'
+params.workflow = null
+// path to a bcbio install, containing 'anaconda', 'galaxy', 'genomes', etc
+params.bcbio = null
+// path to a template config for bcbio variant calling
+params.bcbio_template = null
+// where the results get written to on the system. The variant calling creates initial
+// results here, and variant prioritisation adds to them
+params.output_dir = null
+// name of the pipeline batch, e.g. '21900', '20220427'
+params.pipeline_project_id = null
+// version of the pipeline batch, e.g. 'v1'
+params.pipeline_project_version = null
+// bed file of Twist exome targets
+params.target_bed = null
+// hg38 reference genome in fasta format
+params.reference_genome = null
+// path to the parse_peddy_output Perl script. Todo: remove once scripts are in bin/
+params.parse_peddy_output = null
+// path to a Ped file describing all the families in the pipeline batch
+params.ped_file = null
+// path to a samplesheet mapping individual IDs to fastq pairs
+params.sample_sheet = null
+workflow {
+    if (params.workflow == 'variant-calling') {
+        var_calling()
+    } else if (params.workflow == 'variant-prioritisation') {
+        println "Variant prioritisation coming soon"
+    } else {
+        exit 1, 'params.workflow required - variant-calling or variant-prioritisation'
+    }
diff --git a/nextflow.config b/nextflow.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d861ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nextflow.config
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+process {
+    executor = 'slurm'
+    cpus = 4
+    memory = 8.GB
+    time = '6h'
+    withLabel: small {
+        executor = 'local'
+        cpus = 2
+        memory = 2.GB
+    }
+    withLabel: medium {
+        cpus = 4
+        memory = 8.GB
+    }
+    withLabel: large {
+        cpus = 16
+        memory = 32.GB
+    }
+profiles {
+    debug {
+        process.echo = true
+    }
diff --git a/pipeline/ b/pipeline/
index 526df57..73d3a16 100644
--- a/pipeline/
+++ b/pipeline/
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
-params.ped_file = null
-params.sample_sheet = null
 workflow read_inputs {
@@ -24,9 +22,8 @@ workflow read_inputs {
-        ped_file = file(params.ped_file, checkIfExists: true)
-        ch_ped_file_info = Channel.fromPath(ped_file)
-            .splitCsv(sep: '\t')
+        ch_ped_file = Channel.fromPath(params.ped_file, checkIfExists: true)
+        ch_ped_file_info = ch_ped_file.splitCsv(sep: '\t')
                 { line ->
@@ -55,9 +52,8 @@ workflow read_inputs {
-        samplesheet = file(params.sample_sheet, checkIfExists: true)
-        ch_samplesheet_info = Channel.fromPath(samplesheet)
-            .splitCsv(sep:'\t', header: true)
+        ch_samplesheet = Channel.fromPath(params.sample_sheet, checkIfExists: true)
+        ch_samplesheet_info = ch_samplesheet.splitCsv(sep:'\t', header: true)
                 { line -> [line.individual_id, file(line.read_1), file(line.read_2)] }
@@ -103,6 +99,10 @@ workflow read_inputs {
         ch_individuals_by_family ={[it[1], it]})
-        ch_individuals
-        ch_individuals_by_family
+        ch_ped_file = ch_ped_file
+        ch_ped_file_info = ch_ped_file_info
+        ch_samplesheet = ch_samplesheet
+        ch_samplesheet_info = ch_samplesheet_info
+        ch_individuals = ch_individuals
+        ch_individuals_by_family = ch_individuals_by_family
diff --git a/pipeline/ b/pipeline/
similarity index 77%
rename from pipeline/
rename to pipeline/
index 7c55fec..4ef7a4a 100644
--- a/pipeline/
+++ b/pipeline/
@@ -3,14 +3,6 @@ nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
 include {read_inputs} from './'
 include {validation} from './'
-params.bcbio = null
-params.bcbio_template = null
-params.output_dir = null
-params.pipeline_project_id = null
-params.pipeline_project_version = null
-params.target_bed = null
-params.parse_peddy_output = null
 process merge_fastqs {
     label 'medium'
@@ -38,6 +30,7 @@ process write_bcbio_csv {
     tuple(val(family_id), val(individual_info))
+    path(target_bed)
     tuple(val(family_id), path("${family_id}.csv"))
@@ -45,14 +38,16 @@ process write_bcbio_csv {
     #!/usr/bin/env python
+    import os
+    target_bed = os.path.realpath('${target_bed}')
     individual_info = '$individual_info'
     lines = individual_info.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split('], [')
     with open('${family_id}.csv', 'w') as f:
         for l in lines:
-            f.write(l.replace(', ', ',') + '\\n')
+            f.write(l.replace(', ', ',') + ',' + target_bed + '\\n')
@@ -62,17 +57,19 @@ process bcbio_family_processing {
     tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path(family_csv))
+    path(bcbio)
+    path(bcbio_template)
     tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path("${family_id}-merged"))
-    ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ --out . --csv $family_csv &&
-    ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ -w template ${params.bcbio_template} ${family_csv.getBaseName()}-merged.csv ${individuals.collect({"${it}.fastq.gz"}).join(' ')} &&
+    ${bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ --out . --csv $family_csv &&
+    ${bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ -w template ${bcbio_template} ${family_csv.getBaseName()}-merged.csv ${individuals.collect({"${it}.fastq.gz"}).join(' ')} &&
     cd ${family_id}-merged &&
-    ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ config/${family_id}-merged.yaml -n 16 -t local
+    ../${bcbio}/anaconda/bin/ config/${family_id}-merged.yaml -n 16 -t local
@@ -80,13 +77,15 @@ process bcbio_family_processing {
 process format_bcbio_individual_outputs {
     tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path(bcbio_output_dir))
+    path(bcbio)
+    path(reference_genome)
     tuple(val(family_id), path('individual_outputs'))
-    samtools=${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/samtools &&
+    samtools=${bcbio}/anaconda/bin/samtools &&
     mkdir individual_outputs
     for i in ${individuals.join(' ')}
@@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ process format_bcbio_individual_outputs {
         cram="\$indv_output/\$i-ready.cram" &&
-        \$samtools view -@ ${task.cpus} -T ${params.reference_genome} -C -o \$cram \$bam &&
+        \$samtools view -@ ${task.cpus} -T ${reference_genome} -C -o \$cram \$bam &&
         \$samtools index \$cram &&
         bam_flagstat=./\$i-ready.bam.flagstat.txt &&
         cram_flagstat=\$cram.flagstat.txt &&
@@ -165,15 +164,19 @@ process format_bcbio_family_outputs {
 process collate_pipeline_outputs {
     label 'small'
     publishDir "${params.output_dir}", mode: 'move', pattern: "${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}"
+    val(family_ids)
+    path(ped_file)
+    path(samplesheet)
+    path(bcbio)
+    path(parse_peddy_output)
@@ -189,20 +192,25 @@ process collate_pipeline_outputs {
         cp -rL \$d \$outputs/families/\$(basename \$d)
     done &&
+    for f in ${family_ids.join(' ')}
+    do
+        grep \$f ${ped_file} > \$outputs/params/\$f.ped
+    done &&
     cd \$outputs/families &&
-    ${params.bcbio}/anaconda/bin/multiqc \
+    ../../${bcbio}/anaconda/bin/multiqc \
         --title "Trio whole exome QC report: ${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}" \
         --outdir ../qc \
         --filename ${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}_qc_report.html \
         . &&
     peddy_output=../qc/${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}.ped_check.txt &&
-    perl ${params.parse_peddy_output} \
+    perl ../../${parse_peddy_output} \
         --output \$peddy_output \
         --project ${params.pipeline_project_id} \
         --batch ${bcbio_family_output_dirs[0].getName().split('_')[1]} \
         --version ${params.pipeline_project_version} \
-        --ped ${params.ped_file} \
+        --ped ../../${ped_file} \
         --families . &&
     # no && here - exit status checked below
@@ -222,8 +230,8 @@ process collate_pipeline_outputs {
         dest_basename=${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}_\$family_id &&
         cp -L \$d/config/\$family_id_merged.csv \$outputs/params/\$dest_basename.csv &&
         cp -L \$d/config/\$family_id_merged.yaml \$outputs/config/\$dest_basename.yaml &&
-        cp -L ${params.ped_file} \$outputs/params/ &&
-        cp -L ${params.sample_sheet} \$outputs/params/
+        cp -L ${ped_file} \$outputs/params/ &&
+        cp -L ${samplesheet} \$outputs/params/
@@ -242,8 +250,16 @@ workflow process_families {
+        ch_ped_file
+        ch_samplesheet
+        ch_bcbio = file(params.bcbio, checkIfExists: true)
+        ch_bcbio_template = file(params.bcbio_template, checkIfExists: true)
+        ch_target_bed = file(params.target_bed, checkIfExists: true)
+        ch_parse_peddy_output = file(params.parse_peddy_output, checkIfExists: true)
+        ch_reference_genome = file(params.reference_genome, checkIfExists: true)
         ch_merged_fastqs = merge_fastqs(
                 { indv, family, father, mother, sex, affected, r1, r2 ->
@@ -267,9 +283,10 @@ workflow process_families {
         ch_bcbio_csvs = write_bcbio_csv(
                 { family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_fastq ->
-                    [family_id, [merged_fastq, sample_id, family_id, sex, phenotype, params.target_bed]]
+                    [family_id, [merged_fastq, sample_id, family_id, sex, phenotype]]
-            ).groupTuple()
+            ).groupTuple(),
+            ch_target_bed
         ch_bcbio_inputs =
@@ -277,25 +294,42 @@ workflow process_families {
                 [family_id, sample_id]
-        ch_bcbio_family_outputs = bcbio_family_processing(ch_bcbio_inputs)
-        ch_individual_folders = format_bcbio_individual_outputs(ch_bcbio_family_outputs)
+        ch_bcbio_family_outputs = bcbio_family_processing(
+            ch_bcbio_inputs,
+            ch_bcbio,
+            ch_bcbio_template
+        )
+        ch_individual_folders = format_bcbio_individual_outputs(
+            ch_bcbio_family_outputs,
+            ch_bcbio,
+            ch_reference_genome
+        )
         ch_formatted_bcbio_outputs = format_bcbio_family_outputs(
+  {it[0]}).collect(),
-  {it[2]}).collect()
+  {it[2]}).collect(),
+            ch_ped_file,
+            ch_samplesheet,
+            ch_bcbio,
+            ch_parse_peddy_output
-workflow {
+workflow var_calling {
-    ch_individuals = read_inputs.out[0]
-    ch_individuals_by_family = read_inputs.out[1]
-    validation(ch_individuals)
-    process_families(ch_individuals)
+    validation(read_inputs.out.ch_individuals)
+    process_families(
+        read_inputs.out.ch_individuals,
+        read_inputs.out.ch_ped_file,
+        read_inputs.out.ch_samplesheet
+    )
diff --git a/tests/assets/input_data/ped_files/giab_test_non_trios.ped b/tests/assets/input_data/ped_files/giab_test_non_trios.ped
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..415e097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/assets/input_data/ped_files/giab_test_non_trios.ped
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+00001_000001	000001_000001	0	000003_000002	1	2
+00001_000001	000003_000001	0	0	2	1
+00001_000002	000004_000002	0	0	1	2
+00001_000003	000005_000003	000007_000003	000008_000003	1	2
+00001_000003	000006_000003	000007_000003	000008_000003	2	2
+00001_000003	000007_000003	0	0	1	1
+00001_000003	000008_000003	0	0	2	1
diff --git a/tests/assets/input_data/ped_files/giab_test_trios.ped b/tests/assets/input_data/ped_files/giab_test_trios.ped
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..566cce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/assets/input_data/ped_files/giab_test_trios.ped
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+00001_000001	000001_000001	000002_000002	000003_000002	1	2
+00001_000001	000002_000001	0	0	1	1
+00001_000001	000003_000001	0	0	2	1
+00001_000002	000004_000002	000005_000002	000006_000002	1	2
+00001_000002	000005_000002	0	0	1	1
+00001_000002	000006_000002	0	0	2	1
diff --git a/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/batch_1.tsv b/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/batch_1.tsv
index 7b93d54..f0a24cc 100644
--- a/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/batch_1.tsv
+++ b/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/batch_1.tsv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-individual_id	family_id	sample_id	read_1	read_2
-000001	000001	12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_1_00001AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_1_00001AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
-000001	000001	12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_2_00001AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_2_00001AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
-000002	000001	12345_000002_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000002_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_3_00002AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000002_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_3_00002AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
-000002	000001	12345_000002_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000002_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_4_00002AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000002_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_4_00002AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
-000003	000001	12345_000003_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000003_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_5_00003AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000003_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_5_00003AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
-000003	000001	12345_000003_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000003_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_6_00003AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000003_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_6_00003AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
+individual_id	read_1	read_2
+000001	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_1_00001AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_1_00001AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
+000001	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_2_00001AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000001_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_2_00001AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
+000002	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000002_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_3_00002AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000002_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_3_00002AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
+000002	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000002_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_4_00002AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000002_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_4_00002AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
+000003	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000003_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_5_00003AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000003_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_5_00003AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
+000003	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000003_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_6_00003AM0001L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12345_A_Researcher/20210922/12345_000003_000001_WESTwist_IDT-B/200922_A00001_0001_BHNTGMDMXX_6_00003AM0001L01_2.fastq.gz
diff --git a/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/batch_2_md5_errors.tsv b/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/batch_2_md5_errors.tsv
index fca9441..88f1476 100644
--- a/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/batch_2_md5_errors.tsv
+++ b/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/batch_2_md5_errors.tsv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-individual_id	family_id	sample_id	read_1	read_2
-000006	000003	12346_000006_000003_WESTwist_IDT-B	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12346_MD5_Errors/20211005/12346_000006_000003_WESTwist_IDT-B/211005_A00002_0002_AJTHSNRLXX_1_00002AM0002L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12346_MD5_Errors/20211005/12346_000006_000003_WESTwist_IDT-B/211005_A00002_0002_AJTHSNRLXX_1_00002AM0002L01_2.fastq.gz
+individual_id	read_1	read_2
+000006	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12346_MD5_Errors/20211005/12346_000006_000003_WESTwist_IDT-B/211005_A00002_0002_AJTHSNRLXX_1_00002AM0002L01_1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/edinburgh_genomics/X12346_MD5_Errors/20211005/12346_000006_000003_WESTwist_IDT-B/211005_A00002_0002_AJTHSNRLXX_1_00002AM0002L01_2.fastq.gz
diff --git a/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/giab_test_non_trios.tsv b/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/giab_test_non_trios.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf341e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/giab_test_non_trios.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+individual_id	read_1	read_2
+000001_000001	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG002_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG002_R2.fastq.gz
+000003_000001	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG004_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG004_R2.fastq.gz
+000004_000002	assets/input_data/giab/ChineseTrio/HG005_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/ChineseTrio/HG005_R2.fastq.gz
+000005_000003	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG002_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG002_R2.fastq.gz
+000006_000003	assets/input_data/giab/ChineseTrio/HG005_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/ChineseTrio/HG005_R2.fastq.gz
+000007_000003	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG003_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG003_R2.fastq.gz
+000008_000003	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG004_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG004_R2.fastq.gz
diff --git a/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/giab_test_trios.tsv b/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/giab_test_trios.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35429e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/giab_test_trios.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+individual_id	read_1	read_2
+000001_000001	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG002_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG002_R2.fastq.gz
+000002_000001	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG003_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG003_R2.fastq.gz
+000003_000001	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG004_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/AshkenazimTrio/HG004_R2.fastq.gz
+000004_000002	assets/input_data/giab/ChineseTrio/HG005_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/ChineseTrio/HG005_R2.fastq.gz
+000005_000002	assets/input_data/giab/ChineseTrio/HG006_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/ChineseTrio/HG006_R2.fastq.gz
+000006_000002	assets/input_data/giab/ChineseTrio/HG007_R1.fastq.gz	assets/input_data/giab/ChineseTrio/HG007_R2.fastq.gz
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..23ce6e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+source scripts/
+nextflow -c "$NEXTFLOW_CONFIG" clean -f
+echo "Reduced GiaB data - trios"
+run_nextflow ../ \
+    -c "$NEXTFLOW_CONFIG" \
+    --workflow 'variant-calling' \
+    --pipeline_project_id giab_test_trios \
+    --pipeline_project_version v1 \
+    --ped_file $PWD/assets/input_data/ped_files/giab_test_trios.ped \
+    --sample_sheet $PWD/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/giab_test_trios.tsv
+test_exit_status=$(( $test_exit_status + $? ))
+echo "Reduced GiaB data - non-trios"
+run_nextflow ../ \
+    -c "$NEXTFLOW_CONFIG" \
+    --workflow 'variant-calling' \
+    --pipeline_project_id giab_test_non_trios \
+    --pipeline_project_version v1 \
+    --ped_file $PWD/assets/input_data/ped_files/giab_test_non_trios.ped \
+    --sample_sheet $PWD/assets/input_data/sample_sheets/giab_test_non_trios.tsv
+test_exit_status=$(( $test_exit_status + $? ))
+echo "Tests finished with exit status $test_exit_status"
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 2ae8c81..18d0898 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-source scripts/
+source scripts/
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ common_args="--bcbio $bcbio --bcbio_prepare_samples $bcbio_prepare_samples --bcb
 nextflow clean -f
-rm -r ./outputs/* ./work/*
 echo "Test case 1: simple trio"
 run_nextflow ../pipeline/ --ped_file assets/input_data/ped_files/batch_1.ped  --sample_sheet assets/input_data/sample_sheets/batch_1.tsv $common_args
diff --git a/tests/scripts/ b/tests/scripts/
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/scripts/
rename to tests/scripts/