diff --git a/bin/peddy_validation.pl b/bin/peddy_validation.pl
index 02482134378b4249a992d7808995547e7a4c7814..c78682786fb0444124ac433709446bb6231a4b25 100755
--- a/bin/peddy_validation.pl
+++ b/bin/peddy_validation.pl
@@ -25,28 +25,21 @@ $0 [--help]
   --output   Output file
   --families Family directory
   --ped      Pedigree file for project
-  --project  Project id
-  --batch    Batch id
-  --version  Analysis run version (v1, v2, etc)
 my $help = 0;
 my $ped_file;
 my $fam_dir;
-my $project_id;
-my $version;
 my $out_file;
     'help'       => \$help,
-    'project=s'  => \$project_id,
     'ped=s'      => \$ped_file,
     'output=s'   => \$out_file,
     'families=s' => \$fam_dir,
-    'version=s'  => \$version
 ) or die $usage;
-if ($help || !$project_id || !$ped_file || !$out_file || !$version || !$fam_dir)
+if ($help || !$ped_file || !$out_file || !$fam_dir)
     print $usage;
@@ -75,7 +68,7 @@ $in_fh->close();
 my $out_fh = new IO::File;
 $out_fh->open($out_file, "w") or die "Could not open $out_file\n$!";
-printf $out_fh "project_id\tsample_a\tsample_b\tpedigree_parents\tpredicted_parents\tparent_error\n";
+printf $out_fh "sample_a\tsample_b\tpedigree_parents\tpredicted_parents\tparent_error\n";
 foreach my $family_id (sort keys %ped)
@@ -113,22 +106,17 @@ foreach my $family_id (sort keys %ped)
 		my ($sample_a, $sample_b) = split(/\t/, $sample_pair);
-		$sample_a =~ /(.+)_$family_id/;
-		my $sample_a_nofam = $1;
-		$sample_b =~ /(.+)_$family_id/;
-		my $sample_b_nofam = $1;
-		if ($ped{$family_id}{$sample_a_nofam}{'father'} eq $sample_b_nofam ||
-		    $ped{$family_id}{$sample_a_nofam}{'mother'} eq $sample_b_nofam ||
-		    $ped{$family_id}{$sample_b_nofam}{'father'} eq $sample_a_nofam ||
-		    $ped{$family_id}{$sample_b_nofam}{'mother'} eq $sample_a_nofam)
+		if ($ped{$family_id}{$sample_a}{'father'} eq $sample_b ||
+		    $ped{$family_id}{$sample_a}{'mother'} eq $sample_b ||
+		    $ped{$family_id}{$sample_b}{'father'} eq $sample_a ||
+		    $ped{$family_id}{$sample_b}{'mother'} eq $sample_a)
 			$info{'pedigree_parents'}{$sample_pair} = 'True';
 		$info{'parent_error'}{$sample_pair} = $info{'pedigree_parents'}{$sample_pair} eq $info{'predicted_parents'}{$sample_pair} ? 'False' : 'True';
-		printf $out_fh "$project_id\t$sample_pair\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", 
+		printf $out_fh "$sample_pair\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", 
diff --git a/bin/sample_id_cleanup.pl b/bin/sample_id_cleanup.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8abfc2dabce11da6c618828e4d6ed863d8bbf7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/sample_id_cleanup.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alison Meynert (alison.meynert@ed.ac.uk)
+Fixes batch, maternal, and paternal ids that have had underscores stripped unintentionally.
+    batch: 19875457300
+    maternal_id: 134114457300
+    paternal_id: 134116457300
+use strict;
+use Cwd;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use IO::File;
+my $usage = qq{USAGE:
+$0 [--help]
+  --map   Id map
+  --input Input YAML
+my $help = 0;
+my $map_file;
+my $input_file;
+    'help'       => \$help,
+    'map=s'      => \$map_file,
+    'input=s'    => \$input_file
+) or die $usage;
+if ($help || !$map_file)
+    print $usage;
+    exit(0);
+# Read in the map file
+my $in_fh = new IO::File;
+$in_fh->open($map_file, "r") or die "Could not open $map_file\n$!";
+my $i = 0;
+`cp $input_file temp.yaml.$i`;
+while (my $line = <$in_fh>)
+    chomp $line;
+    my ($old_id, $new_id) = split(/\s+/, $line);
+    my $j = $i;
+    $i++;
+    `sed -e 's/$old_id/$new_id/' temp.yaml.$j > temp.yaml.$i`;
+`mv temp.yaml.$i $input_file`;
+`rm temp.yaml.*`;
diff --git a/pipeline/var_calling.nf b/pipeline/var_calling.nf
index 2e0210e4b90d4f55b707e379d2555ed9733d998b..f2c9846ae382ca324411150270dfc1b2aef7fda2 100644
--- a/pipeline/var_calling.nf
+++ b/pipeline/var_calling.nf
@@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ process merge_fastqs {
     label 'medium'
-    tuple(val(indv_id), path(r1), path(r2))
+    tuple(val(indv_id), val(family_id), path(r1), path(r2))
-        val(indv_id),
-        path("${indv_id}_merged_r1.fastq.gz"),
-        path("${indv_id}_merged_r2.fastq.gz")
+        val(family_id),
+        path("${indv_id}_R1.fastq.gz"),
+        path("${indv_id}_R2.fastq.gz")
     // todo: pigz if gzip becomes a bottleneck
-    zcat ${r1.join(' ')} | gzip -c > ${indv_id}_merged_r1.fastq.gz &
-    zcat ${r2.join(' ')} | gzip -c > ${indv_id}_merged_r2.fastq.gz
+    zcat ${r1.join(' ')} | gzip -c > ${indv_id}_R1.fastq.gz &
+    zcat ${r2.join(' ')} | gzip -c > ${indv_id}_R2.fastq.gz
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ process write_bcbio_csv {
     lines = individual_info.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split('], [')
     with open('${family_id}.csv', 'w') as f:
-        f.write('samplename,description,batch,sex,phenotype,variant_regions\\n')
+        f.write('samplename,description,batch,sex,phenotype,paternal_id,maternal_id,variant_regions\\n')
         for l in lines:
             f.write(l.replace(', ', ',') + ',' + target_bed + '\\n')
@@ -56,29 +56,45 @@ process bcbio_family_processing {
     label 'large'
-    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path(family_csv))
+    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path(family_csv), path(merged_fastq1), path(merged_fastq2))
-    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path("${family_id}-merged"))
+    tuple(val(family_id), val(individuals), path("${family_id}"))
-    ${bcbio}/anaconda/bin/bcbio_prepare_samples.py --out . --csv $family_csv &&
-    ${bcbio}/anaconda/bin/bcbio_nextgen.py -w template ${bcbio_template} ${family_csv.getBaseName()}-merged.csv ${individuals.collect({"${it}.fastq.gz"}).join(' ')} &&
+    ${bcbio}/anaconda/bin/bcbio_nextgen.py -w template ${bcbio_template} $family_csv $merged_fastq1 $merged_fastq2 &&
+    cd ${family_id}
-    cd ${family_id}-merged &&
-    ../${bcbio}/anaconda/bin/bcbio_nextgen.py config/${family_id}-merged.yaml -n 16 -t local
+    # fix numeric ids where underscores have been stripped out
+    # family id
+    family_id_1=`echo $family_id | cut -f 1 -d '_'`
+    family_id_2=`echo $family_id | cut -f 2 -d '_'`
+    echo \${family_id_1}\${family_id_2} ${family_id} > id_map.txt
+    # individual ids
+    for indv_id in `grep -v samplename ../$family_csv | cut -f 1 -d ','`
+    do
+      indv_id_1=`echo \$indv_id | cut -f 1 -d '_'`
+      indv_id_2=`echo \$indv_id | cut -f 2 -d '_'`
+      echo \${indv_id_1}\${indv_id_2} \${indv_id} >> id_map.txt
+    done
+    sample_id_cleanup.pl --map id_map.txt --input config/${family_id}.yaml
+    ../${bcbio}/anaconda/bin/bcbio_nextgen.py config/${family_id}.yaml -n $task.cpus -t local
-    output_dir=${family_id}-merged/results
-    family_dir="${family_id}-merged/results/\$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')_${family_id}-merged"
+    output_dir=${family_id}/results
+    family_dir="${family_id}/results/\$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')_${family_id}"
     mkdir -p \$family_dir
-    mkdir ${family_id}-merged/config
-    touch ${family_id}-merged/config/${family_id}-merged{.csv,.yaml,-template.yaml}
+    mkdir ${family_id}/config
+    touch ${family_id}/config/${family_id}{.csv,.yaml,-template.yaml}
     cd \$family_dir
     touch "\$(echo ${family_id} | sed 's/_//g')-gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz{,.tbi}" bcbio-nextgen{,-commands}.log data_versions.csv
     touch project-summary.yaml metadata.csv programs.txt
@@ -264,8 +280,6 @@ process collate_pipeline_outputs {
     peddy_validation_output=../qc/${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}.ped_check.txt &&
     peddy_validation.pl \
         --output \$peddy_validation_output \
-        --project ${params.pipeline_project_id} \
-        --version ${params.pipeline_project_version} \
         --ped ../../${ped_file} \
         --families . &&
@@ -315,8 +329,6 @@ process collate_pipeline_outputs {
     peddy_validation_output=../qc/${params.pipeline_project_id}_${params.pipeline_project_version}.ped_check.txt &&
     peddy_validation.pl \
         --output \$peddy_validation_output \
-        --project ${params.pipeline_project_id} \
-        --version ${params.pipeline_project_version} \
         --ped ../../${ped_file} \
         --families . &&
@@ -361,36 +373,26 @@ workflow process_families {
         ch_merged_fastqs = merge_fastqs(
                 { indv, family, father, mother, sex, affected, r1, r2 ->
-                    [ indv, r1, r2 ]
+                    [ indv, family, r1, r2 ]
-        )
-        ch_joined_indv_info = ch_individuals.join(ch_merged_fastqs)
+        ).groupTuple()
-        ch_joined_indv_info.map(
-            { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1s, r2s, merged_r1, merged_r2 ->
-                [family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_r1]
-        })
-        .tap {ch_read1_meta}  // I hate this syntax so much
+	ch_families = ch_individuals.map(
+            { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1, r2 ->
+                [family_id, [sample_id, sample_id, family_id, sex, phenotype, father, mother]]
+      	    }).groupTuple()
-        ch_joined_indv_info.map(
-            { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1s, r2s, merged_r1, merged_r2 ->
-                [family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_r2]
-        })
-        .tap {ch_read2_meta}
+        ch_indv_by_family = ch_individuals.map(
+	    { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1, r2 ->
+                [family_id, sample_id]
+	    }).groupTuple()
         ch_bcbio_csvs = write_bcbio_csv(
-            ch_read1_meta.mix(ch_read2_meta).map(
-                { family_id, sample_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, merged_fastq ->
-                    [family_id, [merged_fastq, sample_id, family_id, sex, phenotype]]
-                }
-            ).groupTuple(),
+	    ch_families,
-        ch_bcbio_inputs = ch_joined_indv_info.map(
-            { sample_id, family_id, father, mother, sex, phenotype, r1s, r2s, merged_r1, merged_r2 ->
-                [family_id, sample_id]
-        }).groupTuple().join(ch_bcbio_csvs)
+        ch_bcbio_inputs = ch_indv_by_family.join(ch_bcbio_csvs.join(ch_merged_fastqs))
         ch_bcbio_family_outputs = bcbio_family_processing(