Software | bcbio-1.1.5 (ultra) | bcbio-1.2.3 (ultra) | bcbio-1.2.8 (ultra2) | bcbio-1.2.8 (ultra2 tools upgrade) | Notes ---------|-------------|-------------|-------------|------|------- bcbio-nextgen | 1.1.5-b | **1.2.3** | **1.2.8** | 1.2.8 | Pipeline bcftools | 1.9 | **1.10.2** | **1.9** | **1.13** | VCF manipulation suite gatk4 | | **** | **** | **** | Alignment post-processing and variant calling picard | 2.20.5 | **2.23.3** | **2.25.7** | **2.26.10** | VCF/BAM manipulation suite - only one VCF tool used samtools | 1.9 | 1.9 | 1.9 | **1.7** | BAM manipulation suite variant-effect-predictor | 97.3 | **100.4** | 100.4 | 100.4 | VCF annotations bamtools | 2.4.0 | 2.4.0 | 2.4.0 | 2.5.1 | BAM manipulation suite bcbio-variation | 0.2.6 | 0.2.6 | 0.2.6 | 0.2.6 bedtools | 2.27.1 | 2.27.1 | **2.30.0** | 2.30.0 | BED file manipulation suite biobambam | 2.0.87 | 2.0.87 | 2.0.87 | **2.0.182** | BAM manipulation suite bwa | 0.7.17 | 0.7.17 | 0.7.17 | 0.7.17 fastqc | 0.11.8 | 0.11.8 | 0.11.8 | **0.11.9** | QC checks on FASTQ files grabix | 0.1.8 | 0.1.8 | 0.1.8 | 0.1.8 | vt | 2015.11.10 | 2015.11.10 | 2015.11.10 | 2015.11.10 | vase | 0.2.4 | **0.4** | **0.4.2** | 0.4.2 | Identification of de novo variants rtg-tools | 3.10.1 | **3.11** | 3.11 | **3.12.1** | Used for GIAB concordance analysis Resource | bcbio-1.1.5 (ultra) | bcbio-1.2.3 (ultra) | bcbio-1.2.8 (ultra2) | Notes ---------|-------------|-------------|-------------|------ seq | 1000g-20150219_1 | 1000g-20150219_1 | 1000g-20150219_1 | bwa | 1000g-20150219 | 1000g-20150219 | 1000g-20150219 | ccds | r20 | r20 | r20 | capture_regions | 20161202 | 20161202 | 20161202 | coverage | 2018-10-16 | 2018-10-16 | 2018-10-16 | prioritize | 20181227 | 20181227 | 20181227 | dbsnp | 151-20180418 | **153-20180725** | **154-20210112** | VCF annotations hapmap_snps | 20160105 | 20160105 | 20160105 | 1000g_omni_snps | 20160105 | 20160105 | 20160105 | ACMG56_genes | 20160726 | 20160726 | 20160726 | 1000g_snps | 20160105 | 20160105 | 20160105 | mills_indels | 20160105 | 20160105 | 20160105 | 1000g_indels | 2.8_hg38_20150522 | 2.8_hg38_20150522 | 2.8_hg38_20150522 | clinvar | 20190513 | 20190513 | **20210110** | VCF annotations, not used qsignature | 20160526 | 20160526 | 20160526 | genesplicer | 2004.04.03 | 2004.04.03 | 2004.04.03 | effects_transcript | 2017-03-16 | 2017-03-16 | 2017-03-16 | varpon | 20181105 | 20181105 | 20181105 | vcfanno | 20190119 | 20190119 | **20210204** | VCF annotations, not used viral | 2017.02.04 | 2017.02.04 | 2017.02.04 | gnomad genomes | 2.1 | **3.0** | **3.1.1** | VCF annotations, used by G2P for MAF thresholding gnomad exomes | 2.1 | 2.1 | **2.1.1** | VCF annotations, used by G2P for MAF thresholding dbnsfp | 3.5a | not installed | not installed | VCF annotations, not used