#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH --mem=2GB #SBATCH --time=01:00:00 #SBATCH --job-name=gather_shared_results #SBATCH --output=gather_shared_results.%A_%a.out #SBATCH --error=gather_shared_results.%A_%a.err ### folder structure for the downstream analysis - created by trio_setup.sh ### BASE=/home/u035/u035/shared/analysis/work WORK_DIR=${BASE}/${PROJECT_ID} NHS_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/${BATCH_NUM}_${VERSION_N}_results echo "BATCH_NUM = ${BATCH_NUM}" # the numerical part of the BATCH_ID e.g. 19650 echo "PLATE_ID = ${PLATE_ID}" # the PCR plate ID of the batch being currently processed, e.g. 19285 echo "PROJECT_ID = ${PROJECT_ID}" # this the the folder (${BASE}/${PROJECT_ID}) where the downstream analysis will be done echo "FAMILY_ID = ${FAMILY_ID}" # the family ID of this family with affected probands echo "VERSION_N = ${VERSION_N}" # the version of the alignment and genotyping analysis echo "JOB_ID = ${JOB_ID}" # the numerical part of the Job id generated by EPCC when running process_NHS_WES_aff_probands.sh for this family # check if ${NHS_DIR} already exists - if not, exits and asks to run the standard trio-based analysis first if [ ! -d "${NHS_DIR}" ]; then echo "${NHS_DIR} does not exist - need to run standard trio-based analysis first!!!!" exit fi # create the family folder for the shared results for this family FAM_DIR=${NHS_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}_shared if [ -d "${FAM_DIR}" ]; then echo "${FAM_DIR} already exists - delete if you want to overwrite!!!!" exit fi mkdir ${FAM_DIR} # copy the LOG files cp ${WORK_DIR}/LOG/process_shared.${JOB_ID}_*.err ${FAM_DIR} cp ${WORK_DIR}/LOG/process_shared.${JOB_ID}_*.out ${FAM_DIR} # copy the G2P family html report cp ${WORK_DIR}/G2P/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}_LOG_DIR/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.report.html ${FAM_DIR} # copy all the DECIPHER files for bulk upload cp ${WORK_DIR}/DECIPHER/*_${FAMILY_ID}_DEC_FLT.csv ${FAM_DIR} cp ${WORK_DIR}/DECIPHER/*_${FAMILY_ID}_DECIPHER_v10.xlsx ${FAM_DIR} # copy the variant snapshots cp ${WORK_DIR}/DECIPHER/IGV/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}/*.png ${FAM_DIR} # copy the coverage files cp ${WORK_DIR}/COV/*_${FAMILY_ID}.DD15.COV.txt ${FAM_DIR} cp ${WORK_DIR}/COV/*_${FAMILY_ID}.REC_SNP_COV.txt ${FAM_DIR} echo "" echo "" echo "OK: Results for ${FAMILY_ID} are stored in ${FAM_DIR}"