#!/bin/bash #PBS -l walltime=48:00:00 #PBS -l ncpus=1,mem=2gb #PBS -q uv2000 #PBS -N trio_whole_exome_checksums #PBS -j oe # enable running singletons if [ -z $PBS_ARRAY_INDEX ] then if [ -z $INDEX ] then export PBS_ARRAY_INDX=1 else export PBS_ARRAY_INDEX=$INDEX fi fi # Expects environment variables to be set # PROJECT_ID - e.g. 12345_LastnameFirstname # CONFIG_SH - absolute path to configuration script setting environment variables source $CONFIG_SH FAMILY_ID=`head -n $PBS_ARRAY_INDEX $PARAMS_DIR/$PROJECT_ID.family_ids.txt | tail -n 1` # This assumes that ${PROJECT_ID}_${FAMILY_ID} is unique, and it should be - if there was # a re-run of a family, it should have a new project id. cd $OUTPUT_DIR/*${PROJECT_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}* rm md5sum.txt 2> /dev/null for file in `find . -type f | grep -v '\.bam'` do md5sum $file >> md5sum.txt done