#!/bin/bash #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #PBS -l ncpus=1,mem=16gb #PBS -q uv2000 #PBS -N go_quad #PBS -j oe # setup PATH export PATH=$PATH:/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/envs/python2/bin:/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/bin export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/lib/site_perl/5.26.2 ### folder structure for the downstream analysis - created by NHS_WES_trio_setup.sh, done previously by the stanard trio-based pipeline ### BASE=/scratch/u035/u035/shared/trio_whole_exome/analysis WORK_DIR=$BASE/${PROJECT_ID} VCF_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/VCF PED_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/PED LOG_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/LOG G2P_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/G2P VASE_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/VASE COV_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/COV DEC_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/DECIPHER IGV_DIR=${DEC_DIR}/IGV CNV_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/CNV BAMOUT_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/BAMOUT SCRIPTS_DIR=/home/u035/u035/shared/scripts # other files to be used TARGETS=/home/u035/u035/shared/resources/G2P/DDG2P.20200601.plus15bp.merged.bed # OK CLINVAR=/home/u035/u035/shared/resources/G2P/DDG2P.20200601.clinvar.20200520.plus15bp.txt # OK BLACKLIST=/home/u035/u035/shared/resources/blacklist/current_blacklist.txt # OK TRANS_MAP=/home/u035/u035/shared/resources/trans_map/current_trans_map.txt # OK ### TOOLS ### BCFTOOLS=/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/envs/python2/bin/bcftools BGZIP=/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/envs/python2/bin/bgzip TABIX=/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/envs/python2/bin/tabix VT=/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/bin/vt VASE=/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/bin/vase GATK4=/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/bin/gatk # points to ../share/gatk4- GATK3=/home/u035/u035/shared/software/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.8/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar PYTHON3=/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/bin/python3 # points to python3.6 PYTHON2=/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/envs/python2/bin/python2.7 VEP="/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/bin/perl /home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/bin/vep" # points to ../share/ensembl-vep-100.4-0/vep REFERENCE_GENOME=/home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/seq/hg38.fa echo "SOURCE_DIR = ${SOURCE_DIR}" # the general path to the source BAM files (VCF and PED already copied) i.e. /scratch/u035/u035/shared/trio_whole_exome/analysis/output/ echo "BATCH_ID = ${BATCH_ID}" # the ID of the batch being processed e.g. 11870_Germain_Lorna echo "PLATE_ID = ${PLATE_ID}" # the PCR plate ID of the batch being currently processed, e.g. 16862 echo "PROJECT_ID = ${PROJECT_ID}" # this the the folder (${BASE}/${PROJECT_ID}) where the downstream analysis will be done echo "VERSION_N = ${VERSION_N}" # the version of the alignment and genotyping analysis echo "FAMILY_ID = ${FAMILY_ID}" # the family ID of this family with affected probands echo "PRO_1_ID = ${PRO_1_ID}" # the ID of the first affected proband echo "PRO_2_ID = ${PRO_2_ID}" # the ID of the second affected proband echo "PAR_1_ID = ${PAR_1_ID}" # the ID of the first unaffected parent echo "PAR_2_ID = ${PAR_2_ID}" # the ID of the second unaffected parent echo "DECIPHER_ID = ${DECIPHER_ID}" # the DECIPHER_ID for this family # change to the LOG folder cd ${LOG_DIR} ######################################################################################################### ### check the PED file to make sure exactly 2 affected probands with exactly 2 unaffected parents ### ######################################################################################################### echo "" echo "" echo "checking the ${PED_DIR}/${BATCH_ID}_${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.ped file..." time ${PYTHON2} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/NHS_WES_check_PED_quad.py ${PED_DIR}/${BATCH_ID}_${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.ped # check if the PED file checks were successful (python exit code = 0), if not exit the bash script ret=$? if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then echo "...it appears that the PED file does not corresponds to a quad family !" echo "ERROR: Aborting the analysis" exit fi echo "" echo "" ######################################################################## ### DNU and clean the the family VCF ### ### format: ${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}-gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz ### ######################################################################## echo "" echo "" echo "Performing DNU and cleaning of the ${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}'s VCF file..." time ${VT} decompose -s ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}-gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz -o ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.decomp.vcf.gz time ${VT} normalize ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.decomp.vcf.gz -r ${REFERENCE_GENOME} -o ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.norm.vcf.gz time ${VT} uniq ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.norm.vcf.gz -o ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.DNU.vcf.gz # remove sites with AC=0 time ${BCFTOOLS} view --min-ac=1 --no-update ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.DNU.vcf.gz > ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.AC0.vcf # reset GT to no-call if num_ALT < num_ALT_THERSH or VAF < VAF_THRESH and GT != 0/0 # exlude variants from the blacklist (matching on chr,pos,ref,alt) time ${PYTHON2} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/NHS_WES_filter_LQ_GT.py ${BLACKLIST} ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.AC0.vcf ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.clean.vcf # bgzip and tabix it time cat ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.clean.vcf | ${BGZIP} > ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.ready.vcf.gz time ${TABIX} -p vcf ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.ready.vcf.gz # delete intermediate files rm ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}-gatk-haplotype-annotated.vcf.gz rm ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.decomp.vcf.gz* rm ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.norm.vcf.gz* rm ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.DNU.vcf.gz* rm ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.AC0.vcf # to avoid bgzip pipe broken annoying, but not problematic message - skip the next step, the file will be used by G2P as IN_FILE and will be deleted last # rm ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.clean.vcf echo "" echo "" echo "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" echo "DNU, AC=0, num_ALT & VAF & blacklist cleaning and of the ${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}'s VCF file: done" echo "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" echo "" echo "" ########################################################### ### run G2P for each family VCF (DD genes) ### ### format: ${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.clean.vcf ### ########################################################### echo "Performing G2P analysis (DD genes)for FAMILY_ID = ${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}..." echo "Using DDG2P.01062020.csv" IN_FILE=${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.clean.vcf G2P_LOG_DIR=${G2P_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}_LOG_DIR mkdir ${G2P_LOG_DIR} TXT_OUT=${G2P_LOG_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.report.txt HTML_OUT=${G2P_LOG_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.report.html #VCF_KEYS='gnomADe|gnomADg' # old VEP version 97 VCF_KEYS='gnomADe_r2.1.1_GRCh38|gnomADg_r3.1.1_GRCh38' time ${VEP} \ -i ${IN_FILE} \ --output_file ${G2P_LOG_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}_inter_out.txt \ --force_overwrite \ --assembly GRCh38 \ --fasta ${REFERENCE_GENOME} \ --offline \ --merged \ --use_given_ref \ --cache --cache_version 100 \ --dir_cache /home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/vep \ --individual all \ --transcript_filter "gene_symbol in /home/u035/u035/shared/resources/G2P/genes_in_DDG2P.01062020.txt" \ --dir_plugins /home/u035/u035/shared/software/bcbio/anaconda/share/ensembl-vep-100.4-0 \ --plugin G2P,file='/home/u035/u035/shared/resources/G2P/DDG2P.01062020.csv',af_from_vcf=1,confidence_levels='confirmed&probable&both RD and IF',af_from_vcf_keys=${VCF_KEYS},log_dir=${G2P_LOG_DIR},txt_report=${TXT_OUT},html_report=${HTML_OUT} echo "" echo "" echo "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" echo "G2P analysis of FAMILY_ID = ${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}: done" echo "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" echo "" echo "" ################################################################################################################################################# ### run coverage for each proband (DD genes) ### ### format: ${SOURCE_DIR}/????-??-??_${VERSION_N}_${BATCH_ID}_${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}/${PROBAND_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}/${PROBAND_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}-ready.bam ### ################################################################################################################################################# # from the VCF, get all IDs (in the format probad_family_id), they are all affected probands (already checked at the start) file=${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.ready.vcf.gz # INDI_ID is in format ${PROBAND_ID}_${FAMILY_ID} for INDI_ID in `${BCFTOOLS} query -l $file`; do ################################# ##### for each proband #### ################################# echo "Performing coverage analysis for PROBAND_ID = ${INDI_ID} ...." # make sure we are reading the data from the exact batch & plate ID BAM_FILE=${SOURCE_DIR}/????-??-??_${VERSION_N}_${BATCH_ID}_${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}/${INDI_ID}/${INDI_ID}-ready.bam OUT_FILE=${COV_DIR}/${INDI_ID}.DD15 time java -Xmx8g -jar ${GATK3} -T DepthOfCoverage -R ${REFERENCE_GENOME} -o ${OUT_FILE} -I ${BAM_FILE} -L ${TARGETS} \ --omitDepthOutputAtEachBase \ --minBaseQuality 20 \ --minMappingQuality 20 \ -ct 20 \ -jdk_deflater \ -jdk_inflater \ --allow_potentially_misencoded_quality_scores echo "" echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "percentage of DD exons (+/-15bp) covered at least 20x in PROBAND_ID = ${INDI_ID} ..." cat ${COV_DIR}/${INDI_ID}.DD15.sample_summary | awk '{print $7}' echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" # now compute the coverage per DD exon (+/-15bp) interval, adding the number of P/LP ClinVar variants (assertion criteria provided) in each interval time ${PYTHON2} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/NHS_WES_generate_coverage_result_file.py ${COV_DIR}/${INDI_ID}.DD15.sample_interval_summary ${CLINVAR} ${COV_DIR}/${INDI_ID}.DD15.COV.txt echo "" echo "" echo "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" echo "Coverage analysis of PROBAND_ID = ${INDI_ID}: done " echo " Coverage file = ${COV_DIR}/${INDI_ID}.DD15.COV.txt" echo "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" echo "" echo "" done .............................. ################################################################################### ### for each proband generate the DECIPHER file ### ### ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.ready.vcf.gz - the cleaned family VCF ### ### ${TRANS_MAP} - the current transcript mapping file ### ################################################################################### echo "Generating the DECIPHER file for all probands in ${FAMILY_ID} ..." # first, split the family VCF to individual VCFs # -c1: minimum allele count (INFO/AC) of sites to be printed # split multi-allelic sites (by -m -any) # left-alignment and normalization (by adding the -f) file=${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.ready.vcf.gz echo "splitting $file" for indi in `${BCFTOOLS} query -l $file`; do ${BCFTOOLS} view -c1 -Oz -s $indi -o ${file/.vcf*/.$indi.rough.vcf.gz} $file ${BCFTOOLS} norm -f ${REFERENCE_GENOME} -m -any -Oz -o ${file/.vcf*/.$indi.vcf.gz} ${file/.vcf*/.$indi.rough.vcf.gz} rm ${file/.vcf*/.$indi.rough.vcf.gz} done # create the names of the needed files PED_FILE=${PED_DIR}/${BATCH_ID}_${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.ped IN_G2P_FILE=${G2P_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}_LOG_DIR/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.report.txt FAM_IGV_DIR=${IGV_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID} FAM_BAM_DIR=${SOURCE_DIR}/????-??-??_${VERSION_N}_${BATCH_ID}_${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID} ## call the python scrpit time ${PYTHON2} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/NHS_WES_generate_DEC_IGV_aff_probands.py \ ${DECIPHER_ID} \ ${TRANS_MAP} \ ${PED_FILE} \ ${IN_G2P_FILE} \ ${FAM_IGV_DIR} \ ${VCF_DIR} \ ${PLATE_ID} \ ${FAMILY_ID} \ ${DEC_DIR} \ ${FAM_BAM_DIR} ############################################################################################################################# ## using the DECIPHER bulk upload file v9 for each proband --> generate the DECIPHER bulk upload file v10 for each proband ## ############################################################################################################################# # from the VCF, get all IDs (in the format probad_family_id), they are all affected probands (already checked at the start) # INDI_ID is in format ${PROBAND_ID}_${FAMILY_ID} file=${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.ready.vcf.gz for INDI_ID in `${BCFTOOLS} query -l $file`; do ################################# ##### for each proband #### ################################# echo "...Generating v10 Decipher bulk upload file for proband = ${INDI_ID} ...." time ${PYTHON3} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/convert_DEC_to_v10.py ${DEC_DIR} ${INDI_ID} done echo "" echo "" echo "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" echo "DECIPHER analysis of all probands in ${FAMILY_ID}: done" echo "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" echo "" echo "" rm ${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.clean.vcf ############################################################################################## ### for each of the affected probands ### ### for each variant in the DECIPHER upload file (only the shared variants) ### ### generate a IGV snapshot based on the realigned BAM used by GATK for calling variants ### ### first, generate BAMOUTs for each variant (to be stored in the BAMOUT folder) ### ### then, generate a batch script for IGV to produce the snapshots based on the BAMOUTs ### ############################################################################################## echo "" echo "" echo "Generating the BAMOUT files for the ${FAMILY_ID} family ...." # get the ids of the affected probands to generate the part of the command line which refers to the BAM files to by analysed #++++++++++++++++ #arr=() Create an empty array #arr+=(4) Append value(s) #${arr[2]} Retrieve third element #${arr[@]} Retrieve all elements #${!arr[@]} Retrieve array indices #${#arr[@]} Calculate array size #for key in "${!ary[@]}"; do echo "$key ${ary[$key]}"; done #https://opensource.com/article/18/5/you-dont-know-bash-intro-bash-arrays # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/105517/concatenating-string-variable-inside-a-for-loop-in-the-bash-shell/105522 #VAR="" #for ELEMENT in 'Hydrogen' 'Helium' 'Lithium' 'Beryllium'; do # VAR+="${ELEMENT} " #done #echo "$VAR" #https://linuxize.com/post/bash-concatenate-strings/ #+++++++++++++++++++++++ file=${VCF_DIR}/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.ready.vcf.gz # INDI_ID is in format ${PROBAND_ID}_${FAMILY_ID} aff_pro_arr=() for INDI_ID in `${BCFTOOLS} query -l $file`; do aff_pro_arr+=(${INDI_ID}) done echo " Found ${#aff_pro_arr[@]} affected probands in ${FAMILY_ID} for which BAMOUTs to be generated" for key in "${!aff_pro_arr[@]}"; do echo " ${aff_pro_arr[$key]}"; INPUT_BAM_LINE=${INPUT_BAM_LINE}" --input ${SOURCE_DIR}/????-??-??_${VERSION_N}_${BATCH_ID}_${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}/${aff_pro_arr[$key]}/${aff_pro_arr[$key]}-ready.bam " done #echo ${INPUT_BAM_LINE} # now go over the shared G2P variants in the for which to generate bamouts # the variants should be identical in the DECIPHER files for all affected individuals, pick the first individual # chr is the second column - need to add the 'chr' prefix # pos is the third column # the first line is a header line, starting with 'Internal reference number or ID' # file called: ${DEC_DIR}/<proband_id>_<fam_id>_DEC_FLT.csv # and for each run GATK to generate the bamout files # to be stored in ${BAMOUT_DIR}/${FAMILY_ID} mkdir ${BAMOUT_DIR}/${FAMILY_ID} var_file=${DEC_DIR}/${aff_pro_arr[0]}_DEC_FLT.csv echo "... reading the shared variants in ${var_file} to generate the bamouts for each ..." grep -v '^Internal' ${var_file} | while IFS= read -r line do echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "$line" IFS=, read -ra ary <<<"$line" # for key in "${!ary[@]}"; do echo "$key ${ary[$key]}"; done chr=${ary[1]} pos=${ary[2]} ref=${ary[4]} alt=${ary[5]} echo " --> chr = $chr, pos = $pos, ref = ${ref}, alt = ${alt}" # generate the bamout file echo "...doing the bamout" echo " time ${GATK4} HaplotypeCaller --reference ${REFERENCE_GENOME}" ${INPUT_BAM_LINE}" -L chr${chr}:${pos} --interval-padding 500 --active-probability-threshold 0.000 -ploidy 2 --output ${BAMOUT_DIR}/${FAMILY_ID}/${FAMILY_ID}_chr${chr}_${pos}.bamout.vcf -bamout ${BAMOUT_DIR}/${FAMILY_ID}/${FAMILY_ID}_chr${chr}_${pos}.bamout.bam" time ${GATK4} HaplotypeCaller --reference ${REFERENCE_GENOME} ${INPUT_BAM_LINE} -L chr${chr}:${pos} --interval-padding 500 \ --active-probability-threshold 0.000 -ploidy 2 \ --output ${BAMOUT_DIR}/${FAMILY_ID}/${FAMILY_ID}_chr${chr}_${pos}.bamout.vcf -bamout ${BAMOUT_DIR}/${FAMILY_ID}/${FAMILY_ID}_chr${chr}_${pos}.bamout.bam done ############################################################################################## ## write the IGV batch file for each affected individual in this family based on the bamouts # ## to be stored as /scratch/u035/u035/shared/trio_whole_exome/analysis/${PROJECT_ID}/DECIPHER/IGV/bamout_${PROBAND_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}.snapshot.txt # ## ${PROBAND_ID}_${FAMILY_ID} == ${aff_pro_arr[$key] # ################################################################## for key in "${!aff_pro_arr[@]}"; do echo "" echo "" echo "Generating the IGV batch file for ${aff_pro_arr[$key]}"; snap_file=/scratch/u035/u035/shared/trio_whole_exome/analysis/${PROJECT_ID}/DECIPHER/IGV/bamout_${aff_pro_arr[$key]}.snapshot.txt # check if previous version exist, if so - delete it if [ -f "${snap_file}" ]; then echo "previous version of ${snap_file} exist --> deleted" rm ${snap_file} fi # write the header for the IGV batch file echo "new" >> ${snap_file} echo "genome hg38" >> ${snap_file} echo "snapshotDirectory \"/scratch/u035/u035/shared/trio_whole_exome/analysis/${PROJECT_ID}/DECIPHER/IGV/${PLATE_ID}_${FAMILY_ID}\"" >> ${snap_file} echo "" >> ${snap_file} # now, go again over the variants in this individual's DECIPHER file and generate one snapshot file for all the variants var_file=${DEC_DIR}/${aff_pro_arr[$key]}_DEC_FLT.csv echo "... reading ${var_file} to generate the IGV batch file using the bamouts..." grep -v '^Internal' ${var_file} | while IFS= read -r line do IFS=, read -ra ary <<<"$line" chr=${ary[1]} pos=${ary[2]} ref=${ary[4]} alt=${ary[5]} left=$((${pos}-25)) right=$((${pos}+25)) echo "new" >> ${snap_file} echo "load ${BAMOUT_DIR}/${FAMILY_ID}/${FAMILY_ID}_chr${chr}_${pos}.bamout.bam" >> ${snap_file} echo "preference SAM.SHADE_BASE_QUALITY true" >> ${snap_file} echo "goto chr${chr}:${left}-${right}" >> ${snap_file} echo "group SAMPLE" >> ${snap_file} echo "sort base" >> ${snap_file} echo "squish" >> ${snap_file} echo "snapshot bamout_${aff_pro_arr[$key]}_${FAMILY_ID}_chr${chr}_${pos}_${ref}_${alt}.png" >> ${snap_file} echo "" >> ${snap_file} echo "" >> ${snap_file} done echo "Generating of the IGV batch file based on bamouts for ${aff_pro_arr[$key]}- done!" echo "snap_file = ${snap_file}" done echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" echo "+++ Variant prioritization of family ${FAMILY_ID} completed +++" echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"