nextflow.enable.dsl = 2 include {read_inputs} from './' process check_md5s { input: val(md5sum_file) script: """ # I don't understand why getParent works since md5sum_file is not a path, but it works cd ${md5sum_file.getParent()} md5sum -c ${md5sum_file.getName()} """ } workflow validation { /* Take a parsed samplesheet, flatten it and parse into a channel of observed vs. expected checksums. Calls check_errors above to raise an exception upon any mismatches. */ take: ch_samplesheet_info main: ch_fastqs = ch_samplesheet_info .map( { indv, r1, r2 -> [r1, r2] } ).flatten() .map({file(it)}) ch_md5_files = { fastq -> fastq.getParent().getParent() + '/md5sums.txt' } ).unique() check_md5s(ch_md5_files) }