From 0658b14fd0faa538f204e9364fb314ae56a9cb53 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Alexander <>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2015 13:07:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Calc irrigation usage more correctly

 GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms                            | 20 ++++++++++---------
 src/ac/ed/lurg/               |  3 ++-
 src/ac/ed/lurg/                 |  4 ++--
 .../country/gams/     |  9 ++++++++-
 src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/         |  1 +
 src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/    |  2 +-
 src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/       | 15 ++++++++------
 src/ac/ed/lurg/utils/           |  2 +-
 8 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms b/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms
index db113c5c..4defc99f 100644
--- a/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms
+++ b/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
  PARAMETER worldImportPrices(import_crop)    prices for imports;
  PARAMETER maxNetImport(import_crop)         maximum net import for each crop based on world market;
  PARAMETER minNetImport(import_crop)         minimum net import for each crop based on world market;
- PARAMETER irrigCost(location)               irrigation cost;
- PARAMETER irrigMaxRate(crop, location)      max water application rate irrigation in mm;
- PARAMETER irrigConstraint(location)         max water available for irrigation in mm;
+ PARAMETER irrigCost(location)               irrigation cost in energy per 1000 Mlitre or   Mha for each litre per m2;
+ PARAMETER irrigMaxRate(crop, location)      max water application rate irrigation in litre per m2;
+ PARAMETER irrigConstraint(location)         max water available for irrigation in litre per m2;
  PARAMETER cropAdj(crop)                     this is the fudge factor that allows the model to fit the observed data
  SCALAR meatEfficency                        efficiency of converting feed and pasture into animal products;
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ $gdxin
  UNIT_ENERGY_EQ(crop, location) .. unitEnergy(crop, location) =E=  ( baseCost(crop) +              
                                                                      fertiliserUnitCost * fertI(crop, location) + 
-                                                                     irrigCost(location) * irrigI(crop, location) +
+                                                                     irrigCost(location) * irrigMaxRate(crop, location) * irrigI(crop, location) +
                                                                      SQR(otherIntensity(crop, location)) * 1
                                                                      ) ;
@@ -166,11 +166,13 @@ $gdxin
  ENERGY_EQ .. energy =E= 
               SUM((crop, location), area(crop, location) * unitEnergy(crop, location)) +
-              sum(location, agriLandExpansion(location) * landChangeEnergy) +
-              sum(location, (SQR(cropIncrease(location) + cropDecrease(location)) / (suitableLandArea(location) * 0.01 + sum(crop_less_pasture, previousArea(crop_less_pasture, location)))
-                     + (cropIncrease(location) + cropDecrease(location)) * 0.1) * landChangeEnergy) + 
-              sum(location, (SQR(pastureIncrease(location) + pastureDecrease(location)) / (suitableLandArea(location) * 0.01 + previousArea('pasture', location))
-                     + (pastureIncrease(location) + pastureDecrease(location)) * 0.1) * landChangeEnergy) +
+              sum(location, 
+                     agriLandExpansion(location) +
+                     0.45 * SQR(cropIncrease(location) + cropDecrease(location)) / (suitableLandArea(location) * 0.01 + sum(crop_less_pasture, previousArea(crop_less_pasture, location))) +
+                     0.05 * (cropIncrease(location) + cropDecrease(location)) + 
+                     0.45 * SQR(pastureIncrease(location) + pastureDecrease(location)) / (suitableLandArea(location) * 0.01 + previousArea('pasture', location)) +
+                     0.05 * (pastureIncrease(location) + pastureDecrease(location))
+               )  * landChangeEnergy + 
               sum(import_crop, importAmount(import_crop) * worldImportPrices(import_crop) - exportAmount(import_crop) * worldExportPrices(import_crop)) 
          ) / 1000000;          
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/
index c507777c..59019ffa 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final double MARKET_LAMBA = getDoubleProperty("MARKET_LAMBA", 0.3); // controls international market price adjustment rate
 	public static final double POPULATION_AGGREG_LIMIT = getDoubleProperty("POPULATION_AGGREG_LIMIT", 40.0);  // in millions, smaller countries are aggregated on a regional basis
-	public static final double IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR = getDoubleProperty("IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR", 2.0);
+	public static final double IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR = getDoubleProperty("IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR", 0.1);
 	public static final double FERTILISER_MAX_COST = getDoubleProperty("FERTILISER_MAX_COST", 2.5);
 	public static final double TRANSPORT_LOSSES = getDoubleProperty("TRANSPORT_LOSSES", 0.15);  // in international trade
 	public static final double TRADE_BARRIER_FACTOR = getDoubleProperty("TRADE_BARRIER_FACTOR", 1.2);  // price factor in international trade, transport cost and real trade barriers
@@ -157,4 +157,5 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final int NUM_PASTURE_CATEGORIES = getIntProperty("NUM_PASTURE_CATEGORIES", 1);
 	public static final boolean DEBUG_LIMIT_COUNTRIES = getBooleanProperty("DEBUG_LIMIT_COUNTRIES", false);
+	public static final double DEFAULT_MAX_IRRIGATION_RATE = getDoubleProperty("DEFAULT_MAX_IRRIGATION_RATE", 50.0); // should need this but some areas crops don't have a value, but was causing them to be selected
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/
index 5f9982f5..2f25d8d8 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ public class ModelMain {
 	private void writeLandCoverFile(Timestep timestep, RasterSet<LandUseItem> landUseRaster) {
 		try {
-			StringBuffer sbHeadings = new StringBuffer("Year, Cropland (Mha), Pasture (Mha), Natural (Mha), Fert crop (Mt), Fert pasture (Mt), Irrig crop (M litre), Irrig pasture (M litre)");
+			StringBuffer sbHeadings = new StringBuffer("Year, Cropland (Mha), Pasture (Mha), Natural (Mha), Fert crop (Mt), Fert pasture (Mt), Irrig crop (km3), Irrig pasture (km3)");
 			BufferedWriter outputFile = getFileWriter(timestep, ModelConfig.LAND_COVER_OUTPUT_FILE, sbHeadings.toString());
 			StringBuffer sbData = new StringBuffer();
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ public class ModelMain {
 			// DEBUG code
 			if (ModelConfig.DEBUG_LIMIT_COUNTRIES) {
-				if (!(cc.getName().equals("United States of America") || cc.getName().equals("Russian Federationxx") || cc.getName().equals("South Asia_otherxx")) ) {
+				if (!(cc.getName().equals("United States of Americaxx") || cc.getName().equals("India") || cc.getName().equals("Russian Federationxx") || cc.getName().equals("South Asia_otherxx")) ) {
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/
index 105e2978..fea86a05 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/
@@ -355,7 +355,14 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser {
 				// Crops yields and area fractions
 				for (CropType crop : CropType.getNonMeatTypes()) {
 					if (irrigItem!= null) {
-						aggIrig.setMaxIrrigAmount(crop, aggregateMean(aggIrig.getMaxIrrigAmount(crop), suitableAreaSoFar, irrigItem.getMaxIrrigAmount(crop), suitableAreaThisTime));
+						double irrigMax = irrigItem.getMaxIrrigAmount(crop);
+						if (irrigMax == 0.0) {
+							LogWriter.printlnError("Can't find irrig max amount for col:" + key.getCol() + ", row:"  + key.getRow() + ", x:" + yieldRaster.getXCoordin(key) + ", y:" + yieldRaster.getYCoordin(key) + ", crop:" + crop);
+							irrigMax = ModelConfig.DEFAULT_MAX_IRRIGATION_RATE;
+						}
+						aggIrig.setMaxIrrigAmount(crop, aggregateMean(aggIrig.getMaxIrrigAmount(crop), suitableAreaSoFar, irrigMax, suitableAreaThisTime));
 					double areaSoFar = aggLandUse.getCropArea(crop);
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
index 23f62525..79bdedf5 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ public class Intensity {
 		return unitEnergy;
+	/** irrigation rate in litre/m2 */
 	public double getIrrigationRate() {
 		return maxIrrigRate * irrigationIntensity;
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
index b209ed0f..fa266640 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ public class IrrigationItem implements RasterItem {
 	// when is the limited to be >= 0 (only Greenland had negative values)
 	// this gives a value from 1 to 0, with 1 being the most costly and 0 the least.
-	private double irrigationCost; // cost per ? of irrigation
+	private double irrigationCost; // cost per 10000 Mlitre or 10^10 l or 10^7 m3 or 10^-2 km3, when multipled by rates from areas in Mha makes sense to have it in this apparently odd unit
 	private double irrigConstraint;  // mm or litre/m2 (they are the same) of water available
 	private Map<CropType, Double> maxIrrigAmounts = new HashMap<CropType, Double>(); // amount of water (litres/m2) used at maximum irrigation, i.e. to achieve no water stress
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
index 7838ff59..94c2d60d 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
@@ -69,32 +69,35 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem> {
 		return getFertiliserTotal(items, crops.toArray(new CropType[crops.size()]));
-	/** Irrigation rate in litre/ha */
+	/** Irrigation rate in litre/m2 */
 	public double getIrrigationRate(CropType crop) {
 		Intensity i = getIntensity(crop);
 		return (i == null) ? 0 : i.getIrrigationRate();
-	/** Irrigation amount in M litres, for this location */
-	public double getIrrigationAmount(CropType c) {
+	/** Irrigation amount in km3 or 10^9 m3, for this location */
+	private double getIrrigationAmount(CropType c) {
 		double rate = getIrrigationRate(c);
 		double area = getCropArea(c);
-		return rate * area;
+		return rate * area * 0.01;  // rate(10^-3m or mm or l/m2) * area(10^6ha) = 10^3 m.ha = 10^7 m3 = 1/100 km3
+	/** Irrigation rate in litre/m2 */
 	public double getIrrigationAverageRate(CropType... crops) {
 		double irrigTotal = 0;
 		double areaTotal = 0;
 		for (CropType c : crops) {
-			irrigTotal += getIrrigationAmount(c);
-			areaTotal = getCropArea(c);
+			double area = getCropArea(c);
+			irrigTotal += getIrrigationRate(c) * area;
+			areaTotal += area;
 		return areaTotal > 0 ? irrigTotal / areaTotal : 0;
+	/** Irrigation amount in km3, for this location */
 	public static double getIrrigationTotal(Collection<? extends LandUseItem> items, CropType... crops) {			
 		double total = 0;
 		for (LandUseItem a : items) {
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/utils/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/utils/
index 27ca8df9..32b5da0c 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/utils/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/utils/
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class LogWriter {
 	private void print(String s, PrintStream stream, boolean newLine) {
 		if (newLine) logFile.write(System.lineSeparator());
-	//	logFile.flush();  
+		logFile.flush();  
 		if (!ModelConfig.SUPPRESS_STD_OUTPUT) {