diff --git a/Documentation/Data/Parameters_example.csv b/Documentation/Data/Parameters_example.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc5bdc1ed7300673ec6edfddf27b132bfc97191b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/Data/Parameters_example.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Parameters,Central value
+"Irrigation cost, w_cost (\$/m2)",0.5
+"Fertiliser cost, f_cost (\$/t)",1800
+"Other intensity cost, m_cost (\$)",600
+"Land cover change cost, lc_change_cost: Natural to agricultural (\$/ha)",60
+"Land cover change cost, lc_change_cost: Managed forest to agricultural (\$/ha)",160
+"Land cover change cost, lc_change_cost: Agricultural land to natural land (\$/ha)",200
+"Land cover change cost, lc_change_cost: Pasture to cropland (\$/ha)",220
+"Land cover change cost, lc_change_cost: Cropland to pasture (\$/ha)",370
+Minimum natural or managed forest cover,10%
+Pasture harvest fraction,50%
+Seed and waste rate,10%
+"Technology yield change rate, ?",0.20%
+Intial price shift factor,1%
+"International market price sensitivity, ?",30%
+"International import tariff, i_tariff",20%
+"Transport cost, t_cost (\$/t)",50%
+"Transportation losses, t_cost",5%