From 22095f91ea830dcfdcf14da08110e377d839185a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bart Arendarczyk <>
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2023 15:26:57 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Forestry and carbon fixes & some parameter adjustments.

 src/ac/ed/lurg/               |  34 ++--
 src/ac/ed/lurg/                 |   2 +-
 src/ac/ed/lurg/carbon/     |  17 +-
 src/ac/ed/lurg/country/      |   3 +-
 .../country/gams/     |  44 ++++-
 src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/  |   9 +-
 src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/    | 180 +++++++++---------
 src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/  |  34 ++++
 src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/     |   3 -
 src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/       |  53 +++++-
 src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/   |   4 +-
 src/ac/ed/lurg/types/            |  20 +-
 src/ac/ed/lurg/types/            |   2 +-
 13 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/

diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/
index 6fe441a2..b53c18e5 100755
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/
@@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final String YIELD_FILENAME = getProperty("YIELD_FILENAME", "yield.out");
 	public static final boolean PASTURE_FERT_RESPONSE_FROM_LPJ = getBooleanProperty("PASTURE_FERT_RESPONSE_FROM_LPJ", false);;
-	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_CEREAL_C3 = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_CEREAL_C3", 0.904);
-	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_CEREAL_C4 = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_CEREAL_C4", 0.504);
-	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_MISCANTHUS = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_MISCANTHUS", 2.047);
-	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_RICE = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_RICE", 0.978);
-	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_OILCROPS = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_OILCROPS", 1.0);
-	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_PULSES = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_PULSES", 0.347);
-	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_STARCHY_ROOTS = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_STARCHY_ROOTS",4.679);
-	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_FRUITVEG = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_FRUITVEG",3.377);
+	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_CEREAL_C3 = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_CEREAL_C3", 1.07);
+	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_CEREAL_C4 = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_CEREAL_C4", 0.707);
+	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_MISCANTHUS = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_MISCANTHUS", 2.481);
+	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_RICE = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_RICE", 1.464);
+	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_OILCROPS = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_OILCROPS", 1.47);
+	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_PULSES = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_PULSES", 0.446);
+	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_STARCHY_ROOTS = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_STARCHY_ROOTS",5.656);
+	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_FRUITVEG = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_FRUITVEG",4.812);
 	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_SUGAR = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_SUGAR", 1.0);
 	public static final double CALIB_FACTOR_PASTURE = getDoubleProperty("CALIB_FACTOR_PASTURE", 1.0);
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final int BASE_YEAR = getIntProperty("BASE_YEAR", 2019);
 	// Import export limits
-	public static final double ANNUAL_MAX_IMPORT_CHANGE = getDoubleProperty("ANNUAL_MAX_IMPORT_CHANGE", 0.02);
+	public static final double ANNUAL_MAX_IMPORT_CHANGE = getDoubleProperty("ANNUAL_MAX_IMPORT_CHANGE", 0.05);
 	public static final double IMPORT_CHANGE_ELASTICITY = getDoubleProperty("IMPORT_CHANGE_ELASTICITY", 3.0); // higher value = steeper trade imbalance adjustment
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final double PASTURE_HARVEST_FRACTION = getDoubleProperty("PASTURE_HARVEST_FRACTION", 0.5);
 	public static final double MEAT_EFFICIENCY = getDoubleProperty("MEAT_EFFICIENCY", 1.0);  // 'meat' is includes feed conversion ratio already, this is tech. change or similar
-	public static final double IRRIGIATION_EFFICIENCY = getDoubleProperty("IRRIGIATION_EFFICIENCY", 0.6);
+	public static final double IRRIGIATION_EFFICIENCY = getDoubleProperty("IRRIGIATION_EFFICIENCY", 0.33);
 	public static final int ELLIOTT_BASEYEAR = 2010;
 	public static final double ENVIRONMENTAL_WATER_CONSTRAINT = getDoubleProperty("ENVIRONMENTAL_WATER_CONSTRAINT", 0.5); // change with care, as due to normalisation it might not have the impact you first imagine
 	public static final double OTHER_WATER_USE_FACTOR = getDoubleProperty("OTHER_WATER_USE_FACTOR", 1.0);
@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final boolean RESET_ENERGYCROP_PRICE = getBooleanProperty("RESET_ENERGYCROP_PRICE", true); // Resets price after calibration to avoid problems due to low initial demand
 	//	public static final double BIOENERGY_HEATING_VALUE_GJ_PER_T = getDoubleProperty("BIOENERGY_HEATING_VALUE_GJ_PER_T", 17.5); // GJ per t DM
-	public static final double MARKET_LAMBDA = getDoubleProperty("MARKET_LAMBDA", 0.2); // controls international market price adjustment rate
-	public static final double MARKET_DAMPING = getDoubleProperty("MARKET_DAMPING", 2.0); // controls international market price adjustment rate
+	public static final double MARKET_LAMBDA = getDoubleProperty("MARKET_LAMBDA", 0.04); // controls international market price adjustment rate
+	public static final double MARKET_DAMPING = getDoubleProperty("MARKET_DAMPING", 0.4); // controls international market price adjustment rate
 	public static final String PRICE_UPDATE_METHOD = getProperty("PRICE_UPDATE_METHOD", "StockUseRatio"); // Options: StockUseRatio, MarketImbalance, StockChange
 	public static final double MAX_PRICE_INCREASE = getDoubleProperty("MAX_PRICE_INCREASE", 1.5);
@@ -445,10 +445,10 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final double UNHANDLED_CROP_RATE = getDoubleProperty("UNHANDLED_CROP_RATE", 0.0498);  // mostly forage crops
 	public static final double SETASIDE_RATE = getDoubleProperty("SETASIDE_RATE", 0.103);  // includes aside, fallow and failed cropland areas 
-	public static final double OTHER_INTENSITY_COST = getDoubleProperty("OTHER_INTENSITY_COST", 0.6);
+	public static final double OTHER_INTENSITY_COST = getDoubleProperty("OTHER_INTENSITY_COST", 0.8);
 	public static final double OTHER_INTENSITY_PARAM = getDoubleProperty("OTHER_INTENSITY_PARAM", 3.22);
-	public static final double IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR = getDoubleProperty("IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR", 0.0002);
+	public static final double IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR = getDoubleProperty("IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR", 0.00035);
 	public static final double IRRIG_COST_MULTIPLIER = getDoubleProperty("IRRIG_COST_MULTIPLIER", 1.0);
 	public static final double FERTILISER_COST_PER_T = getDoubleProperty("FERTILISER_COST_PER_T", 1.6); // $500/t, 18% N/t
 	public static final double FERTILISER_MAX_COST = FERTILISER_COST_PER_T * MAX_FERT_AMOUNT/1000;
@@ -522,11 +522,11 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final double FUELWOOD_DEMAND_ELASTICITY = getDoubleProperty("FUELDWOOD_DEMAND_ELASTICITY", -0.3598551);
 	public static final double WOOD_BIOMASS_CONVERSION_FACTOR = getDoubleProperty("WOOD_BIOMASS_CONVERSION_FACTOR", 0.3); // m3 to tC-eq p.16 []
 	public static final double VEGETATION_CLEARING_COST = getDoubleProperty("VEGETATION_CLEARING_COST", 0.001); //$1000/tC
-	public static final double FOREST_MANAGEMENT_COST = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("FOREST_ESTABLISHMENT_COST", 3.0) : 0.0; // establishment, management etc. $1000/ha
+	public static final double FOREST_MANAGEMENT_COST = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("FOREST_ESTABLISHMENT_COST", 5.0) : 0.0; // establishment, management etc. $1000/ha
 	public static final double FOREST_BASE_COST = getDoubleProperty("FOREST_BASE_COST", 0.05);
 	public static final double WOOD_TRADE_BARRIER = getDoubleProperty("WOOD_TRADE_BARRIER", 0.2); //$1000/tC
-	public static final double INIT_ROUNDWOOD_PRICE = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("INIT_ROUNDWOOD_PRICE", 0.36) : 0.0; // $1000/tC-eq
-	public static final double INIT_FUELWOOD_PRICE = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("INIT_FUELWOOD_PRICE", 0.24) : 0.0; // $1000/tC-eq
+	public static final double INIT_ROUNDWOOD_PRICE = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("INIT_ROUNDWOOD_PRICE", 0.1) : 0.0; // $1000/tC-eq
+	public static final double INIT_FUELWOOD_PRICE = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("INIT_FUELWOOD_PRICE", 0.05) : 0.0; // $1000/tC-eq
 	public static final int MAX_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD = getIntProperty("CARBON_WOOD_MAX_TIME", 160); // upper data limit, years
 	public static final int LAND_AGE_GROUP_SIZE = getIntProperty("LAND_AGE_GROUP_SIZE", 5); // grouping size for land cover age
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/
index 4b725b71..b17122b7 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ public class ModelMain {
 					double prod = woodUsage.getHarvest();
-					double netImports = woodUsage.getNetImport() - woodUsage.getLucHarvest(); // does not include transport losses
+					double netImports = woodUsage.getNetImport();
 					CountryPrice px = country.getCurrentCountryWoodPrices().get(woodType);
 					double importPrice = px.getImportPrice(); 
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/carbon/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/carbon/
index d020dde9..cc164a0e 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/carbon/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/carbon/
@@ -53,18 +53,17 @@ public class CarbonFluxItem implements RasterItem, Serializable {
 			double meanFlux = totalFlux / totalArea;
 			carbonFluxRate.put(key, meanFlux);
-			// Carbon credit rate for unchanged land cover
+		// Potential carbon flux from this existing land cover
 		double fromLcCumulFlux = 0;
 		for (int age : landTile.getAgeKeys()) {
 			for (int i = age; i <= age + ModelConfig.CARBON_HORIZON; i++) {
 				fromLcCumulFlux += cFluxes[i];
+		// Potential carbon flux if converting to this land cover
 		double toLcCumulFlux = 0;
 		for (int age = 0; age <= ModelConfig.CARBON_HORIZON; age++) {
 			toLcCumulFlux += cFluxes[age];
@@ -77,8 +76,12 @@ public class CarbonFluxItem implements RasterItem, Serializable {
 		for (LandCoverType lc : LandCoverType.getConvertibleTypes()) {
 			LccKey fromKey = new LccKey(lcType, lc);
 			LccKey toKey = new LccKey(lc, lcType);
-			carbonCreditRate.merge(fromKey, fromLcCumulFlux, (a, b) -> a - b);
-			carbonCreditRate.merge(toKey, toLcCumulFlux, (a, b) -> a + b);
+			if (lcType.equals(lc)) { // no net difference if land cover stays same
+				carbonCreditRate.put(fromKey, 0.0);
+			} else {
+				carbonCreditRate.merge(fromKey, -fromLcCumulFlux, Double::sum);
+				carbonCreditRate.merge(toKey, toLcCumulFlux, Double::sum);
+			}
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/
index ee700c56..ded725a0 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/
@@ -261,8 +261,7 @@ public class CountryAgent extends AbstractCountryAgent {
 			if (ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN && currentTimestep.getTimestep() <= ModelConfig.END_FIRST_STAGE_CALIBRATION) {
 				changeUp = changeDown = 0.0;
 			} else {
-				changeUp = maxOfProdOrSupply * globalWoodPrices.get(woodType).getMaxImportChange();
-				changeDown = maxOfProdOrSupply * globalWoodPrices.get(woodType).getMaxExportChange();
+				changeUp = changeDown = maxOfProdOrSupply * ModelConfig.MAX_IMPORT_CHANGE;
 			woodTradeConstraints.put(woodType, new TradeConstraint(baseTrade - changeDown, baseTrade + changeUp));
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/
index 235ab9c0..fa726076 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import ac.ed.lurg.ModelConfig;
 import ac.ed.lurg.carbon.CarbonFluxItem;
 import ac.ed.lurg.forestry.ForestManager;
+import ac.ed.lurg.forestry.WoodHarvestItem;
 import ac.ed.lurg.forestry.WoodYieldData;
 import ac.ed.lurg.forestry.WoodYieldItem;
 import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.*;
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser {
 	private RasterSet<LandUseItem> allocAreas(Map<Integer, ? extends LandUseItem> prevAreasAgg, GamsLocationOutput gamsOutput, int year) {
 		RasterSet<LandUseItem> newLandUseRaster = createWithSameLandCovers(rasterInputData.getPreviousLandUses());
-		// Order is important here
+		// *** Order is important here ***
 		// Disaggregate cluster land cover changes to raster grid
 		Map<RasterKey, List<LandCoverChangeItem>> lcChanges = disaggregateLandCoverChanges(gamsOutput.getLandCoverChanges(),
@@ -110,11 +111,46 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser {
 		// Allocate land cover changes
 		allocLandCoverChanges(newLandUseRaster, lcChanges);
-		// Calculate land cover changes for timber forest rotation and clear-cut
-		Map<RasterKey, List<LandCoverChangeItem>> lcChangesRota = ForestManager.handleRotaWood(
-				newLandUseRaster, rasterInputData.getCountryInput().getWoodDemand(),
+		Map<LandCoverType, Double> foo = new HashMap<>();
+		for (LandUseItem i : newLandUseRaster.values()) {
+			for (LandCoverType c : LandCoverType.getConvertibleTypes()) {
+				foo.merge(c, i.getLandCoverArea(c, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE), Double::sum);
+			}
+		}
+		// Set wood type forest fractions
+		Map<Integer, Map<WoodType, Double>> woodAreas = gamsOutput.getForestAreas();
+		for (int locId : woodAreas.keySet()) {
+			Set<RasterKey> keys = new HashSet<RasterKey>();
+			for (Entry<RasterKey, IntegerRasterItem> mapEntry : mapping.entrySet()) {
+				IntegerRasterItem iri = mapEntry.getValue();
+				if (locId == iri.getInt())
+					keys.add(mapEntry.getKey());
+			}
+			Map<WoodType, Double> areaMap = woodAreas.get(locId);
+			double totalArea = areaMap.values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum);
+			for (WoodType wType : WoodType.values()) {
+				double fraction = totalArea > 0 ? areaMap.get(wType) / totalArea : 0;
+				for (RasterKey key : keys) {
+					LandUseItem luItem = newLandUseRaster.get(key);
+					luItem.setForestFraction(wType, fraction);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Calculate land cover changes for timber forest rotation and clear-cut. Resets harvested stands to age 0
+		Map<RasterKey, WoodHarvestItem> rotaHarvestMap = ForestManager.handleRotaWood(newLandUseRaster,
 				rasterInputData.getWoodYields(), gamsOutput, mapping);
+		// Set forest rotations
+		for (RasterKey key : rotaHarvestMap.keySet()) {
+			WoodHarvestItem whItem = rotaHarvestMap.get(key);
+			LandUseItem luItem = newLandUseRaster.get(key);
+			luItem.setWoodHarvests(whItem);
+		}
 		// Add wood produced from LCC to output
 		Map<WoodType, WoodUsageData> woodUsageMap = gamsOutput.getWoodUsageData();
 		for (WoodType wType : lccWoodAmount.keySet()) {
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/
index d9fcac3f..2ef60933 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 package ac.ed.lurg.demand;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -11,7 +13,9 @@ import ac.ed.lurg.types.WoodType;
 import ac.ed.lurg.utils.LogWriter;
 import ac.ed.lurg.utils.StringTabularReader;
-public class WoodDemandManager {
+public class WoodDemandManager implements Serializable {
+	@Serial
+	private static final long serialVersionUID = 171124405614624397L;
 	private Map<SingleCountry, Map<WoodType, Double>> baseWoodDemand = new HashMap<SingleCountry, Map<WoodType, Double>>();
 	public WoodDemandManager() {
@@ -26,8 +30,7 @@ public class WoodDemandManager {
 		for (Map<String, String> row : rowList) {
 			String countryCode = row.get("Iso3");
 			String woodTypeStr = row.get("Type");
-			double demand = Double.parseDouble(row.get("Demand"));
-			demand *= ModelConfig.WOOD_BIOMASS_CONVERSION_FACTOR; // converting from m3 to MtC-eq
+			double demand = Double.parseDouble(row.get("Demand")) * ModelConfig.WOOD_BIOMASS_CONVERSION_FACTOR;
 			SingleCountry sc = CountryManager.getInstance().getForCode(countryCode);
 			WoodType woodType = WoodType.getForName(woodTypeStr);
 			Map<WoodType, Double> wMap = baseWoodDemand.computeIfAbsent(sc, k -> new HashMap<WoodType, Double>());
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/
index 44a4bbc5..4fbb77c4 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ public class ForestManager {
                                                        RasterSet<LandUseItem> inputLandUseRaster) {
         Map<WoodType, Double> woodAmount = new HashMap<>();
+        for (WoodType w : WoodType.values()) {
+            woodAmount.put(w, 0.0);
+        }
         if (!ModelConfig.IS_FORESTRY_ON) {
-            for (WoodType w : WoodType.values()) {
-                woodAmount.put(w, 0.0);
-            }
             return woodAmount;
@@ -41,9 +41,10 @@ public class ForestManager {
                 LandCoverType toLc = lccItem.getToLandCover();
                 double changedArea = lccItem.getArea();
                 double totalArea = tiles.getTotalArea(fromLc, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE);
-                if (changedArea > totalArea) {
+                if (changedArea > totalArea && Math.abs(changedArea - totalArea) > 1e-10) {
                     LogWriter.printlnError("Error: ForestManager changed area exceeds total area.");
+                changedArea = Math.min(changedArea, totalArea); // deal with floating point errors
                 double fraction = changedArea / totalArea;
                 // Assume stands are converted proportionally by area.
                 // Type of wood harvested depends on stand age.
@@ -65,114 +66,113 @@ public class ForestManager {
     // Calculates area of timber forest cleared to meet demand
-    public static Map<RasterKey, List<LandCoverChangeItem>> handleRotaWood(RasterSet<LandUseItem> outputLandUseRaster,
-                                                                            Map<WoodType, Double> woodDemand,
+    public static Map<RasterKey, WoodHarvestItem> handleRotaWood(RasterSet<LandUseItem> outputLandUseRaster,
                                                                            RasterSet<WoodYieldItem> woodYieldRaster,
-                                                                            GamsLocationOutput locationOutput,
-                                                                            RasterSet<IntegerRasterItem> mapping) {
+                                                                           GamsLocationOutput locationOutput,
+                                                                           RasterSet<IntegerRasterItem> mapping) {
         // Since some trees could be used for either roundwood or fuelwood, we harvest the more valuable roundwood first
         final List<WoodType> harvestOrder = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(WoodType.IND_ROUNDWOOD, WoodType.FUELWOOD));
-        Map<RasterKey, List<LandCoverChangeItem>> allChanges = new HashMap<>();
+        Map<RasterKey, WoodHarvestItem> harvestMap = new HashMap<>();
         if (!ModelConfig.IS_FORESTRY_ON) {
-            return allChanges;
+            return harvestMap;
         for (WoodType wType : harvestOrder) {
-            Map<RasterKey, List<LandCoverChangeItem>> changes = handleRotaWoodForType(outputLandUseRaster, woodDemand,
-                    woodYieldRaster, locationOutput, mapping, wType);
-            for (RasterKey key : changes.keySet()) {
-                List<LandCoverChangeItem> changesList = changes.get(key);
-                List<LandCoverChangeItem> changesListAll = allChanges.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>());
-                changesListAll.addAll(changesList);
-            }
+            handleRotaWoodForType(outputLandUseRaster, woodYieldRaster, locationOutput, mapping, wType, harvestMap);
-        return  allChanges;
+        return  harvestMap;
-    private static Map<RasterKey, List<LandCoverChangeItem>> handleRotaWoodForType(RasterSet<LandUseItem> outputLandUseRaster,
-                                                                                   Map<WoodType, Double> woodDemand,
-                                                                                   RasterSet<WoodYieldItem> woodYieldRaster,
-                                                                                   GamsLocationOutput locationOutput,
-                                                                                   RasterSet<IntegerRasterItem> mapping,
-                                                                                   WoodType wType) {
-        Map<Integer, Map<WoodType, Double>> rotationPeriods = locationOutput.getRotationPeriods();
-        Map<RasterKey, List<LandCoverChangeItem>> lcChanges = new HashMap<>();
-            double demand = woodDemand.get(wType);
-            if (demand == 0)
-                return lcChanges;
-            // First calculate how much wood is available
-            Map<RasterKey, Double> stockMap = new HashMap<>();
-            for (RasterKey key : outputLandUseRaster.keySet()) {
-                LandUseItem luItem = outputLandUseRaster.get(key);
-                LandCoverTile tiles = luItem.getLandCoverTiles();
-                WoodYieldItem wyItem = woodYieldRaster.get(key);
-                Integer locId = mapping.get(key).getInt();
-                double stock = 0;
-                double rotationAge = rotationPeriods.get(locId).get(wType);
-                for (int age : tiles.getAgeKeys()) {
-                    if (age >= rotationAge) {
-                        double area = tiles.getArea(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age);
-                        double yield = wyItem.getYieldRota(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, age);
-                        stock += yield * area;
-                    }
-                }
-                stockMap.put(key, stock);
-            }
+    private static void handleRotaWoodForType(RasterSet<LandUseItem> outputLandUseRaster,
+                                              RasterSet<WoodYieldItem> woodYieldRaster,
+                                              GamsLocationOutput locationOutput,
+                                              RasterSet<IntegerRasterItem> mapping,
+                                              WoodType wType,
+                                              Map<RasterKey, WoodHarvestItem> harvestMap) {
+        double demand = locationOutput.getWoodUsageData().get(wType).getHarvest()
+                - locationOutput.getWoodUsageData().get(wType).getLucHarvest();
+        if (demand <= 0) {
+            return;
+        }
-            double totalStock = stockMap.values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum);
-            if (demand > totalStock) {
-                LogWriter.printlnWarning("Insufficient " + wType.getName() + " to meet demand. Shortfall: " + (demand - totalStock));
-            }
-            double harvestFraction = Math.min(demand / totalStock, 1);
-            // Now harvest wood to meet demand.
-            // Side effect! Resets land cover age to 0 for harvested stands
-            for (RasterKey key : outputLandUseRaster.keySet()) {
-                LandUseItem luItem = outputLandUseRaster.get(key);
-                LandCoverTile tiles = luItem.getLandCoverTiles();
-                WoodYieldItem wyItem = woodYieldRaster.get(key);
-                Integer locId = mapping.get(key).getInt();
-                double rotationAge = rotationPeriods.get(locId).get(wType);
-                double totalAmountToRemove = stockMap.get(key) * harvestFraction;
-                List<Integer> ageList = new ArrayList<>(tiles.getAgeKeys());
-                List<Integer> rotationAgeList = new ArrayList<>();
-                for (int i : ageList) {
-                    if (i >= rotationAge) {
-                        rotationAgeList.add(i);
-                    }
-                }
-                // Harvest in descending age order
-                rotationAgeList.sort(Collections.reverseOrder());
-                for (int age : rotationAgeList) {
-                    if (totalAmountToRemove == 0)
-                        break;
+        // First calculate how much wood is available
+        Map<RasterKey, Double> stockMap = new HashMap<>();
+        for (RasterKey key : outputLandUseRaster.keySet()) {
+            LandUseItem luItem = outputLandUseRaster.get(key);
+            LandCoverTile tiles = luItem.getLandCoverTiles();
+            WoodYieldItem wyItem = woodYieldRaster.get(key);
+            Integer locId = mapping.get(key).getInt();
+            double stock = 0;
+            double rotationAge = wType.getMinRotation();
+            for (int age : tiles.getAgeKeys()) {
+                if (age >= rotationAge) {
                     double area = tiles.getArea(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age);
-                    double yield = wyItem.getYieldRota(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, age);
-                    if (area == 0 || yield == 0)
+                    if (area == 0)
-                    double standStock = area * yield;
-                    double amountToRemove = Math.min(totalAmountToRemove, standStock);
-                    double convertedArea = Math.min(area, amountToRemove / yield);
-                    LandCoverChangeItem lccItem = new LandCoverChangeItem(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST,
-                            LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, age, convertedArea);
-                    List<LandCoverChangeItem> mapForKey = lcChanges.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>());
-                    mapForKey.add(lccItem);
-                    if (!ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN)
-                        luItem.doForestRotation(age, convertedArea); // Side effect!
-                    totalAmountToRemove -= amountToRemove;
+                    double yield = wyItem.getYieldRota(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, age);
+                    stock += yield * area;
+            }
+            stockMap.put(key, stock);
+        }
-                if (totalAmountToRemove > 0)
-                    LogWriter.printlnWarning("ForestManager: Could not meet wood demand.");
+        double totalStock = stockMap.values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum);
+        LogWriter.println("Total stock for " + wType + " = " + totalStock);
+        if (demand > totalStock) {
+            LogWriter.printlnWarning("Insufficient " + wType.getName() + " to meet demand. Shortfall: " + (demand - totalStock));
+        }
+        if (totalStock < 1e-10) {
+            return;
+        }
+        double harvestFraction = Math.min(demand / totalStock, 1);
+        // Now harvest wood to meet demand.
+        for (RasterKey key : outputLandUseRaster.keySet()) {
+            LandUseItem luItem = outputLandUseRaster.get(key);
+            LandCoverTile tiles = luItem.getLandCoverTiles();
+            WoodYieldItem wyItem = woodYieldRaster.get(key);
+            Integer locId = mapping.get(key).getInt();
+            double rotationAge = wType.getMinRotation();
+            double totalAmountToRemove = stockMap.get(key) * harvestFraction;
+            if (totalAmountToRemove < 1e-10) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Assuming that oldest trees get harvested first
+            List<Integer> ageList = new ArrayList<>(tiles.getAgeKeys());
+            List<Integer> rotationAgeList = new ArrayList<>();
+            for (int i : ageList) {
+                if (i >= rotationAge) {
+                    rotationAgeList.add(i);
+                }
+            }
+            // Harvest in descending age order
+            rotationAgeList.sort(Collections.reverseOrder());
+            for (int age : rotationAgeList) {
+                double area = tiles.getArea(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age);
+                double yield = wyItem.getYieldRota(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, age);
+                if (area == 0 || yield == 0)
+                    continue;
+                double standStock = area * yield;
+                double amountToRemove = Math.min(totalAmountToRemove, standStock);
+                double convertedArea = Math.min(area, amountToRemove / yield);
+                LandCoverChangeItem lccItem = new LandCoverChangeItem(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST,
+                        LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, age, convertedArea);
+                WoodHarvestItem whItem = harvestMap.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new WoodHarvestItem());
+                whItem.addAreasHarvested(lccItem);
+                whItem.addWoodAmount(wType, amountToRemove);
+                luItem.doForestRotation(age, convertedArea); // WARNING! Side effect
+                totalAmountToRemove -= amountToRemove;
-        return lcChanges;
+            if (totalAmountToRemove > 0)
+                LogWriter.printlnWarning("ForestManager: Could not meet wood demand.");
+        }
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..228c118a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package ac.ed.lurg.forestry;
+import ac.ed.lurg.types.WoodType;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+public class WoodHarvestItem implements Serializable {
+    @Serial
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = -79494635617251642L;
+    private List<LandCoverChangeItem> areasHarvested = new ArrayList<>();
+    private Map<WoodType, Double> woodAmount = new HashMap<>();
+    public List<LandCoverChangeItem> getAreasHarvested() {
+        return areasHarvested;
+    }
+    public void addAreasHarvested(LandCoverChangeItem lccItem) {
+        areasHarvested.add(lccItem);
+    }
+    public Map<WoodType, Double> getWoodAmount() {
+        return woodAmount;
+    }
+    public void addWoodAmount(WoodType woodType, double amount) {
+        woodAmount.merge(woodType, amount, Double::sum);
+    }
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
index 246adc27..3fb40566 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
@@ -39,9 +39,6 @@ public class LandCoverTile implements Serializable, InterpolatingRasterItem<Land
 	public void addArea(LandCoverType lcType, LandProtectionType lpType, int age, double a) {
 		LandKey key = new LandKey(lcType, lpType, age);
-		if (Double.isNaN(a)) {
-			int foo = 1;
-		}
 		addArea(key, a);
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
index cdb21b97..d343e173 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
 import ac.ed.lurg.ModelConfig;
+import ac.ed.lurg.forestry.WoodHarvestItem;
 import ac.ed.lurg.types.*;
 import ac.ed.lurg.utils.Interpolator;
 import ac.sac.raster.InterpolatingRasterItem;
@@ -16,7 +17,8 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem>, Serial
 	private Map<CropType, Double> cropFractions = new HashMap<CropType, Double>();
 	private LandCoverTile landCoverAreas = new LandCoverTile();
 	private Map<WoodType, Double> forestFractions = new HashMap<>();
-	private Map<LccKey, Double> landCoverChange = new HashMap<LccKey, Double>(); // previous timestep LCC
+	private Map<LccKey, Double> landCoverChange = new HashMap<LccKey, Double>(); // land cover change for previous timestep
+	private WoodHarvestItem woodHarvests; // forest rotations
 	private double protectedFraction; // protected fraction of total area
 	public LandUseItem() {}
@@ -112,21 +114,40 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem>, Serial
 		if (area == 0)
 			return 0;
-        double prevFrom = getLandCoverArea(fromType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE);
+        double prevFromArea = getLandCoverArea(fromType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE);
         double areaMoved;
-        areaMoved = Math.min(area, prevFrom);
+        areaMoved = Math.min(area, prevFromArea);
         if (Math.abs(area - areaMoved) / area > 1e-6) {
         	throw new RuntimeException("Move unprotected area shortfall. Should not happen due to GAMS constraint.");
-		// Note if toType == fromType, area will be removed from fromType and added back in with age 0
-		landCoverAreas.removeArea(fromType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, areaMoved);
 		if (ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN) {
-			landCoverAreas.addArea(toType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, areaMoved); // preserve age distribution
+			// Preserve age distribution of source land cover.
+			// This is mainly so that forest <> non-forest transitions don't lose trees.
+			if (fromType.equals(LandCoverType.NATURAL) && toType.equals(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST)) {
+				double moveFraction = areaMoved / prevFromArea;
+				for (int age : landCoverAreas.getAgeKeys()) {
+					double fromArea = landCoverAreas.getArea(fromType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age);
+					if (fromArea == 0)
+						continue;
+					double partialArea = fromArea * moveFraction;
+					landCoverAreas.removeArea(fromType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age, partialArea);
+					landCoverAreas.addArea(toType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age, partialArea);
+				}
+			} else {
+				double areaMovedCalib = areaMoved;
+				if (fromType.isNatural()) {
+					areaMovedCalib *= 0.95; // keep some area during calibration to preserve age distribution
+				}
+				landCoverAreas.removeArea(fromType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, areaMovedCalib);
+				landCoverAreas.addArea(toType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, areaMovedCalib);
+			}
 		} else {
+			landCoverAreas.removeArea(fromType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, areaMoved);
 			landCoverAreas.addArea(toType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, 0, areaMoved); // new area starts at age=0
@@ -137,9 +158,27 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem>, Serial
 	public void doForestRotation(int age, double area) {
+		if (ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN)
+			return;
 		landCoverAreas.removeArea(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age, area);
 		landCoverAreas.addArea(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, 0, area);
+	public void setForestFraction(WoodType woodType, double fraction) {
+		forestFractions.put(woodType, fraction);
+	}
+	public double getForestFraction(WoodType woodType) {
+		return forestFractions.get(woodType);
+	}
+	public void setWoodHarvests(WoodHarvestItem woodHarvests) {
+		this.woodHarvests = woodHarvests;
+	}
+	public WoodHarvestItem getWoodHarvests() {
+		return woodHarvests;
+	}
 	public void resetLccAreas() {
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
index 5c95651d..a9d0862d 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ public class WoodUsageReader {
 		for (Map<String, String> row : rowList) {
 			String countryCode = row.get("Iso3");
 			String woodTypeName = row.get("Type");
-			double production = Double.parseDouble(row.get("Production"));
-			double netImport = Double.parseDouble(row.get("NetImports"));
+			double production = Double.parseDouble(row.get("Production")) * ModelConfig.WOOD_BIOMASS_CONVERSION_FACTOR;
+			double netImport = Double.parseDouble(row.get("NetImports")) * ModelConfig.WOOD_BIOMASS_CONVERSION_FACTOR;
 			SingleCountry country = CountryManager.getInstance().getForCode(countryCode);
 			WoodType woodType = WoodType.getForName(woodTypeName);
 			CompositeCountry cc = CountryManager.getInstance().getForSingleCountry(country);
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/
index 4441e9f7..06457535 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ import ac.ed.lurg.utils.LogWriter;
 public enum CropType {
-	WHEAT("WheatBarleyOats", "wheat", true, false, 9.5, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_WHEAT, 0.35),
-	MAIZE("MaizeMilletSorghum", "maize", true, false, 5.1, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_MAIZE, 0.35),
-	RICE("Rice (Paddy Equivalent)", "rice", true, false, 8.3, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_RICE, 0.35),
-	OILCROPS("Oilcrops", "oilcrops", true, false, 4.4, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_OILCROPS, 0.25),
-	PULSES("Pulses", "pulses", true, false, 10.8, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_PULSES, 0.35),
-	STARCHY_ROOTS("Starchy Roots", "starchyRoots", true, false, 14.3, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_STARCHYROOTS, 0.15),
+	WHEAT("WheatBarleyOats", "wheat", true, false, 9.5, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_WHEAT, 0.4),
+	MAIZE("MaizeMilletSorghum", "maize", true, false, 5.1, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_MAIZE, 0.4),
+	RICE("Rice (Paddy Equivalent)", "rice", true, false, 8.3, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_RICE, 0.4),
+	OILCROPS("Oilcrops", "oilcrops", true, false, 4.4, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_OILCROPS, 0.3),
+	PULSES("Pulses", "pulses", true, false, 10.8, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_PULSES, 0.5),
+	STARCHY_ROOTS("Starchy Roots", "starchyRoots", true, false, 14.3, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_STARCHYROOTS, 0.2),
 	ENERGY_CROPS("Energy crops", "energycrops", true, false, 5, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_ENERGYCROPS, 0.2),
 	SETASIDE("setaside", "setaside", false, false, 0, 0, 0),
-	MONOGASTRICS("Monogastrics", "monogastrics", true, true, 3.1, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_MONOGASTRICS, 0.1),
-	RUMINANTS("Ruminants", "ruminants", true, true, 2.2, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_RUMINANTS, 0.1),
-	FRUITVEG("FruitVeg", "fruitveg", true, false, 8.9, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_FRUITVEG, 0.1),
-	SUGAR("Sugar", "sugar", true, false, 0.1, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_SUGAR, 0.4),
+	MONOGASTRICS("Monogastrics", "monogastrics", true, true, 3.1, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_MONOGASTRICS, 0.2),
+	RUMINANTS("Ruminants", "ruminants", true, true, 2.2, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_RUMINANTS, 0.2),
+	FRUITVEG("FruitVeg", "fruitveg", true, false, 8.9, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_FRUITVEG, 0.2),
+	SUGAR("Sugar", "sugar", true, false, 0.1, ModelConfig.INITAL_PRICE_SUGAR, 0.5),
 	PASTURE("pasture", "pasture", false, false, 0, 0, 0);  // confusing having a land cover and a crop type.  Needed here for yields (but not used for cropland area fractions).
 	private String faoName;
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/
index 4e4e7c68..73c6f370 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
 import ac.ed.lurg.ModelConfig;
 public enum WoodType {
 	private String name;