diff --git a/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms b/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms
index 87cdb46b6d4eb88284092adb4a19abff4cede7d8..2abce6ab8cb4590cabc29133200aa5886abbb6a5 100644
--- a/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms
+++ b/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ $gdxin
  CARBON_FLUX_CALC(location) .. carbonFlux(location) =E= sum((land_cover_before, land_cover_after), landCoverChange(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) * carbonFluxRate(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location));
- CARBON_CREDIT_CALC(location) .. carbonCredits(location) =E= -sum((land_cover_before, land_cover_after), landCoverChange(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) * carbonCreditRate(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location));
+ CARBON_CREDIT_CALC(location) .. carbonCredits(location) =E= sum((land_cover_before, land_cover_after), landCoverChange(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) * carbonCreditRate(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location));
  CARBON_CREDIT_CONSTRAINT .. sum(location, carbonCredits(location)) =G= demand('carbonCredits') + exportAmount('carbonCredits') - importAmount('carbonCredits');
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
index 537f4feb18cb995aa84ca54dfc918a8c7d8ff7ce..62149474472e7300dc2cde1d998da4a2d01ff68f 100755
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
@@ -516,6 +516,7 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final double WOOD_TRADE_BARRIER = getDoubleProperty("WOOD_TRADE_BARRIER", 0.2); //$1000/tC
 	public static final double INIT_WOOD_PRICE = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("INIT_WOOD_PRICE", 0.38) : 0.0; // $1000/tC-eq
 	public static final boolean ENABLE_VEGETATION_CLEARANCE_COST = getBooleanProperty("ENABLE_VEGETATION_CLEARANCE_COST", false); // calculates cost of clearing vegetation even if forestry off
+	public static final int MIN_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD = getIntProperty("MIN_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD", 5); // Minimum forest rotation period; Bauhus et al., 2010. Ecosystem goods and services from plantation forests.
 	// Carbon
 	public static final boolean IS_CARBON_ON = getBooleanProperty("IS_CARBON_ON", false);
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/carbon/CarbonFluxItem.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/carbon/CarbonFluxItem.java
index e62718d6372b1bb10d0cac2dd0f150ee91e1444c..e50123495f6554d3630c0e1f0a354da59133a4e2 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/carbon/CarbonFluxItem.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/carbon/CarbonFluxItem.java
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class CarbonFluxItem implements RasterItem, Serializable {
 			double meanFlux = totalFlux / totalArea;
 			carbonFluxRate.put(key, meanFlux);
-			carbonCreditRate.put(key, meanFlux);
+			carbonCreditRate.put(key, -meanFlux);
@@ -58,24 +58,24 @@ public class CarbonFluxItem implements RasterItem, Serializable {
 			double meanFlux = totalFlux / totalArea;
 			carbonFluxRate.put(key, meanFlux);
-			// Carbon credit rate
+			// Carbon credit rate for unchanged land cover
 			for (int age : tiles.getAgeKeys()) {
 				for (int i = age; i < ModelConfig.CARBON_HORIZON + age; i++) {
 					int ageCapped = Math.min(i, ModelConfig.CARBON_WOOD_MAX_TIME - 1);
 					totalFlux += cFluxes[ageCapped] * tiles.getArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age);
-			double annualisedFlux = (totalFlux / totalArea) / ModelConfig.CARBON_HORIZON;
-			carbonCreditRate.put(key, annualisedFlux);
+			double annualisedFlux = (totalFlux / totalArea) / ModelConfig.CARBON_HORIZON; 
+			carbonCreditRate.put(key, -annualisedFlux); // switching sign as we want +ve to mean C offset
-		// Credit rate
+		// Credit rate for destination land cover
 			double totalFlux = 0;
 			for (int i = 0; i < ModelConfig.CARBON_HORIZON; i++) {
 				totalFlux += cFluxes[i];
-			double annualisedFlux = totalFlux / ModelConfig.CARBON_HORIZON;
+			double annualisedFlux = -totalFlux / ModelConfig.CARBON_HORIZON; // switching sign as we want +ve to mean C offset
 			for (LandCoverType fromLc : LandCoverType.getConvertibleTypes()) {
 				if (!fromLc.equals(lcType)) {
 					LccKey lccKey = new LccKey(fromLc, lcType);
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsLocationOptimiser.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsLocationOptimiser.java
index 30cd5e2fe1cc172b1edc3f9e7200bfd8926b889a..f1f9ffab8f493d318a32a72df050c211c5024615 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsLocationOptimiser.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsLocationOptimiser.java
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser {
 			setGamsParamValue(woodYieldRotaP.addRecord(v), wYield.getYieldRota(), 5);
-			for (LandCoverType fromLc : LandCoverType.getNaturalTypes()) {
+			for (LandCoverType fromLc : LandCoverType.getForestedTypes()) {
 				for (LandCoverType toLc : LandCoverType.getConvertibleTypes()) {
 					if (fromLc.equals(toLc))
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser {
 		// Timber harvest
-		// Ignore harvest from LUC during initial calib to avoid flooding the market.
-		double woodSupplyLuc = (inputData.getTimestep().getTimestep() <= ModelConfig.END_FIRST_STAGE_CALIBRATION) ? 0.0 : outDB.getVariable("woodSupplyLuc").getFirstRecord().getLevel();
+		// Ignore harvest from LUC during calibration as we want all wood demand to be met by rotation harvest
+		double woodSupplyLuc = (ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN) ? 0.0 : outDB.getVariable("woodSupplyLuc").getFirstRecord().getLevel();
 		double woodSupplyRota = outDB.getVariable("woodSupplyRota").getFirstRecord().getLevel();
 		double totalWoodHarvest = woodSupplyLuc + woodSupplyRota;
 		double netWoodImport = getParmValue(parmNetImports, "wood");
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser {
 		// Carbon
-		double carbonSequestered = -outDB.getParameter("netCarbonCredits").getFirstRecord().getValue();
+		double carbonSequestered = outDB.getParameter("netCarbonCredits").getFirstRecord().getValue();
 		double netCarbonImport = getParmValue(parmNetImports, "carbonCredits");
 		double netCarbonFlux = outDB.getParameter("netCarbonFlux").getFirstRecord().getValue();
 		CarbonUsageData carbonUsageData = new CarbonUsageData(carbonSequestered, netCarbonImport, netCarbonFlux);
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/SspManager.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/SspManager.java
index e284d666d17eaf1487aff5370a646021be4f6d97..6f22b54b567c1d5939736c40eddff7af750deb59 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/SspManager.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/SspManager.java
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class SspManager {
 			return new SspData(pop, gdp);
 		else {
-			LogWriter.printlnWarning("Can't find straddling year for " + year + ", " + scenario + ", " + country.getCountryName());
+			LogWriter.println("Warning: Can't find straddling year for " + year + ", " + scenario + ", " + country.getCountryName(), 3);
 			return null;
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldItem.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldItem.java
index 7b8becb406d4050d202aede51f1e4197dd9b48b5..222d4994b6190ab5878311cce79b8cb39815c8a9 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldItem.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldItem.java
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class WoodYieldItem implements RasterItem {
 			LandCoverTile tiles = landUseTiles.get(key.getFromLc());
 			double totalArea = tiles.getTotalArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE); // Assuming no harvest from protected areas
-			if (totalArea < 1e-6) {
+			if (totalArea < 1e-6) { // Avoid floating point errors due to small areas
 				this.yield.put(key, 0.0) ;
 			} else {				
 				double totalYield = 0;
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ public class WoodYieldItem implements RasterItem {
 		optimalRotation = Collections.min(candidates); // Choose shortest rotation		
+		optimalRotation = Math.max(ModelConfig.MIN_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD, optimalRotation); // set lower bound
 		yieldAtRotation = yields[optimalRotation] / optimalRotation;
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldKey.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldKey.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5929d90672188e51d9632337ffa68fb8230559e3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldKey.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-package ac.ed.lurg.forestry;
-import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandCoverType;
-public class WoodYieldKey {
-	private LandCoverType forestType;
-	private int year;
-	private int age;
-	public WoodYieldKey(LandCoverType forestType, int year, int age) {
-		super();
-		this.forestType = forestType;
-		this.year = year;
-		this.age = age;
-	}
-	public LandCoverType getForestType() {
-		return forestType;
-	}
-	public int getYear() {
-		return year;
-	}
-	public int getAge() {
-		return age;
-	}
-	@Override
-	public int hashCode() {
-		final int prime = 31;
-		int result = 1;
-		result = prime * result + age;
-		result = prime * result + ((forestType == null) ? 0 : forestType.hashCode());
-		result = prime * result + year;
-		return result;
-	}
-	@Override
-	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
-		if (this == obj)
-			return true;
-		if (obj == null)
-			return false;
-		if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
-			return false;
-		WoodYieldKey other = (WoodYieldKey) obj;
-		if (age != other.age)
-			return false;
-		if (forestType != other.forestType)
-			return false;
-		if (year != other.year)
-			return false;
-		return true;
-	}
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldReader.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldReader.java
index 9dc454f54fd9869ebc2f124abb8eae8b95817870..f7cfc47ee1c20647066095b261ec9191b5533181 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldReader.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/WoodYieldReader.java
@@ -1,119 +1,119 @@
-package ac.ed.lurg.forestry;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import ac.ed.lurg.ModelConfig;
-import ac.ed.lurg.Timestep;
-import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandUseItem;
-import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LccKey;
-import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandCoverType;
-import ac.sac.raster.AbstractBinaryRasterReader;
-import ac.sac.raster.RasterHeaderDetails;
-import ac.sac.raster.RasterKey;
-import ac.sac.raster.RasterSet;
-public class WoodYieldReader {
-	private static final int MIN_COLS = ModelConfig.CARBON_WOOD_MAX_TIME + 2 + 1; // number of years + 2 for coords + 1 for age=0
-	private static final double CONVERSION_FACTOR = 10.0 * ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_CALIB_FACTOR; // convert kgC/m2 to tC/ha with calib factor
-	private RasterHeaderDetails rasterProj;
-	private String[] header = new String[MIN_COLS];
-	public WoodYieldReader(RasterHeaderDetails rasterProj) {
-		this.rasterProj = rasterProj;
-		header[0] = "Lon";
-		header[1] = "Lat";
-		for (int i = 0; i < MIN_COLS - 1; i++) {
-			header[i] = Integer.toString(i);
-		}
-	}
-	public WoodYieldRasterSet getWoodYields(RasterSet<LandUseItem> landUseRaster, Timestep timestep, double woodPrice) {
-		WoodYieldRasterSet woodYieldData = new WoodYieldRasterSet(rasterProj);
-		// Wood yield from rotation
-		List<LccKey> rotaMapping = new ArrayList<LccKey>();
-		rotaMapping.add(new LccKey(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST)); // Not using getLccMappings as that excludes X to X conversions
-		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_FILENAME, rotaMapping , true); 
-		// Wood yield from LCC
-		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_FORS_TO_PAST_FILENAME, 
-				getLccMappings(LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes(), Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.PASTURE)), false); 
-		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_FORS_TO_CROP_FILENAME, 
-				getLccMappings(LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes(), Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.CROPLAND)), false); 
-		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_FORS_TO_NTRL_FILENAME, 
-				getLccMappings(LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes(), Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.NATURAL)), false);
-		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_FORS_TO_FORS_FILENAME, 
-				getLccMappings(LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes(), LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes()), false);
-		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_PAST_FILENAME, 
-				getLccMappings(Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.NATURAL), Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.PASTURE)), false); 
-		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_CROP_FILENAME, 
-				getLccMappings(Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.NATURAL), Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.CROPLAND)), false); 
-		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_FORS_FILENAME, 
-				getLccMappings(Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.NATURAL), LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes()), false);
-		return woodYieldData;
-	}
-	public void getWoodYields(WoodYieldRasterSet woodYieldData, RasterSet<LandUseItem> landUseRaster, Timestep timestep, double woodPrice, 
-			String filePath, List<LccKey> lccMappings, boolean calcRotation) {
-		AbstractBinaryRasterReader<WoodYieldItem> yieldReader = new AbstractBinaryRasterReader<WoodYieldItem>(header, MIN_COLS - 2, woodYieldData) {
-			protected void setData(RasterKey key, WoodYieldItem item, Map<String, Double> rowValues) {
-				if (!landUseRaster.containsKey(key)) {
-					return;
-				}
-				Double[] yields = getYieldsFromRowValues(rowValues);
-				Map<LccKey, Double[]> yieldMap = new HashMap<LccKey, Double[]>();
-				for (LccKey lccKey : lccMappings) {
-					yieldMap.put(lccKey, yields);
-				}
-				item.calcYieldData(yieldMap, landUseRaster.get(key).getLandCoverTiles(), timestep);
-				if (calcRotation) // only need to do this for forest-to-forest data
-					item.calcRotationData(yieldMap, landUseRaster.get(key).getLandCoverTiles(), timestep, woodPrice);
-			}			
-		};
-		String filename = getDataDir(filePath, timestep);
-		yieldReader.getRasterDataFromFile(filename);
-	}
-	private ArrayList<LccKey> getLccMappings(Collection<LandCoverType> fromTypes, Collection<LandCoverType> toTypes) {
-		ArrayList<LccKey> lccMappings = new ArrayList<LccKey>();
-		for (LandCoverType fromLc : fromTypes) {
-			for (LandCoverType toLc : toTypes) {
-				if (!fromLc.equals(toLc)) // exclude no change as yield should be 0
-					lccMappings.add(new LccKey(fromLc, toLc));
-			}
-		}
-		return lccMappings;
-	}
-	private String getDataDir(String filename, Timestep timestep) {
-		return timestep.getWoodAndCarbonYearSubDir(ModelConfig.FORESTRY_DIR) + File.separator + filename;
-	}
-	private Double[] getYieldsFromRowValues(Map<String, Double> rowValues) {
-		Double[] yields = new Double[ModelConfig.CARBON_WOOD_MAX_TIME];
-		for (int i=0; i<ModelConfig.CARBON_WOOD_MAX_TIME; i++) {
-			yields[i] = rowValues.get(Integer.toString(i)) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
-		}
-		return yields;
-	}
+package ac.ed.lurg.forestry;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import ac.ed.lurg.ModelConfig;
+import ac.ed.lurg.Timestep;
+import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandUseItem;
+import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LccKey;
+import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandCoverType;
+import ac.sac.raster.AbstractBinaryRasterReader;
+import ac.sac.raster.RasterHeaderDetails;
+import ac.sac.raster.RasterKey;
+import ac.sac.raster.RasterSet;
+public class WoodYieldReader {
+	private static final int MIN_COLS = ModelConfig.CARBON_WOOD_MAX_TIME + 2 + 1; // number of years + 2 for coords + 1 for age=0
+	private static final double CONVERSION_FACTOR = 10.0 * ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_CALIB_FACTOR; // convert kgC/m2 to tC/ha with calib factor
+	private RasterHeaderDetails rasterProj;
+	private String[] header = new String[MIN_COLS];
+	public WoodYieldReader(RasterHeaderDetails rasterProj) {
+		this.rasterProj = rasterProj;
+		header[0] = "Lon";
+		header[1] = "Lat";
+		for (int i = 0; i < MIN_COLS - 1; i++) {
+			header[i] = Integer.toString(i);
+		}
+	}
+	public WoodYieldRasterSet getWoodYields(RasterSet<LandUseItem> landUseRaster, Timestep timestep, double woodPrice) {
+		WoodYieldRasterSet woodYieldData = new WoodYieldRasterSet(rasterProj);
+		// Wood yield from rotation
+		List<LccKey> rotaMapping = new ArrayList<LccKey>();
+		rotaMapping.add(new LccKey(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST)); // Not using getLccMappings as that excludes X to X conversions
+		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_FILENAME, rotaMapping , true); 
+		// Wood yield from LCC
+		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_FORS_TO_PAST_FILENAME, 
+				getLccMappings(LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes(), Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.PASTURE)), false); 
+		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_FORS_TO_CROP_FILENAME, 
+				getLccMappings(LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes(), Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.CROPLAND)), false); 
+		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_FORS_TO_NTRL_FILENAME, 
+				getLccMappings(LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes(), Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.NATURAL)), false);
+		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_FORS_TO_FORS_FILENAME, 
+				getLccMappings(LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes(), LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes()), false);
+		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_PAST_FILENAME, 
+				getLccMappings(Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.NATURAL), Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.PASTURE)), false); 
+		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_CROP_FILENAME, 
+				getLccMappings(Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.NATURAL), Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.CROPLAND)), false); 
+		getWoodYields(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, timestep, woodPrice, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_FORS_FILENAME, 
+				getLccMappings(Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.NATURAL), LandCoverType.getManagedForestTypes()), false);
+		return woodYieldData;
+	}
+	public void getWoodYields(WoodYieldRasterSet woodYieldData, RasterSet<LandUseItem> landUseRaster, Timestep timestep, double woodPrice, 
+			String filePath, List<LccKey> lccMappings, boolean calcRotation) {
+		AbstractBinaryRasterReader<WoodYieldItem> yieldReader = new AbstractBinaryRasterReader<WoodYieldItem>(header, MIN_COLS - 2, woodYieldData) {
+			protected void setData(RasterKey key, WoodYieldItem item, Map<String, Double> rowValues) {
+				if (!landUseRaster.containsKey(key)) {
+					return;
+				}
+				Double[] yields = getYieldsFromRowValues(rowValues);
+				Map<LccKey, Double[]> yieldMap = new HashMap<LccKey, Double[]>();
+				for (LccKey lccKey : lccMappings) {
+					yieldMap.put(lccKey, yields);
+				}
+				item.calcYieldData(yieldMap, landUseRaster.get(key).getLandCoverTiles(), timestep);
+				if (calcRotation) // only need to do this for forest-to-forest data
+					item.calcRotationData(yieldMap, landUseRaster.get(key).getLandCoverTiles(), timestep, woodPrice);
+			}			
+		};
+		String filename = getDataDir(filePath, timestep);
+		yieldReader.getRasterDataFromFile(filename);
+	}
+	private ArrayList<LccKey> getLccMappings(Collection<LandCoverType> fromTypes, Collection<LandCoverType> toTypes) {
+		ArrayList<LccKey> lccMappings = new ArrayList<LccKey>();
+		for (LandCoverType fromLc : fromTypes) {
+			for (LandCoverType toLc : toTypes) {
+				if (!fromLc.equals(toLc)) // exclude no change as yield should be 0
+					lccMappings.add(new LccKey(fromLc, toLc));
+			}
+		}
+		return lccMappings;
+	}
+	private String getDataDir(String filename, Timestep timestep) {
+		return timestep.getWoodAndCarbonYearSubDir(ModelConfig.FORESTRY_DIR) + File.separator + filename;
+	}
+	private Double[] getYieldsFromRowValues(Map<String, Double> rowValues) {
+		Double[] yields = new Double[ModelConfig.CARBON_WOOD_MAX_TIME];
+		for (int i=0; i<ModelConfig.CARBON_WOOD_MAX_TIME; i++) {
+			yields[i] = rowValues.get(Integer.toString(i)) * CONVERSION_FACTOR;
+		}
+		return yields;
+	}
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/LandCoverType.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/LandCoverType.java
index d9aac67874a670c815ea53063c0039a2ef01a919..dad537656bd284596278af324c4787dd6c8bc0df 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/LandCoverType.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/LandCoverType.java
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public enum LandCoverType {
-	public static Collection<LandCoverType> getNaturalTypes() {
+	public static Collection<LandCoverType> getForestedTypes() {
 		Collection<LandCoverType> naturalTypes = new HashSet<LandCoverType>();