From 39f3e716dd8fbb203524d95e78a9129df0d8a057 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bart Arendarczyk <> Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2022 11:07:51 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Changes to timber yield calculation and optimisation. --- GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms | 70 ++++---- src/ac/ed/lurg/ | 15 +- src/ac/ed/lurg/ | 3 +- src/ac/ed/lurg/ | 14 -- .../ed/lurg/country/ | 2 +- src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ | 24 +-- .../lurg/country/ | 15 +- .../lurg/country/gams/ | 6 +- .../lurg/country/gams/ | 11 +- .../country/gams/ | 98 ++++++----- .../lurg/country/gams/ | 10 +- .../country/gams/ | 162 +++++++++++++----- .../ed/lurg/demand/ | 38 ++-- .../lurg/forestry/ | 16 +- src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ | 7 + src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ | 38 ++-- src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ | 159 +++++++---------- .../ed/lurg/forestry/ | 21 ++- src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ | 65 +++---- .../ed/lurg/forestry/ | 95 ++++++++++ src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ | 27 ++- src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ | 34 ++++ src/ac/ed/lurg/types/ | 37 ++-- 23 files changed, 581 insertions(+), 386 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ create mode 100644 src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ diff --git a/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms b/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms index 730865bf..8a750b8c 100644 --- a/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms +++ b/GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms @@ -14,10 +14,13 @@ SET land_cover / cropland, pasture, timberForest, carbonForest, natural /; SET managed_forest(land_cover) / timberForest, carbonForest /; SET agriculture(land_cover) / cropland, pasture /; + SET wood_producing(land_cover) / timberForest, natural /; ALIAS (land_cover, land_cover_before); ALIAS (land_cover, land_cover_after); SET location; + SET year; + PARAMETER suitableLandArea(location) areas of land in Mha; PARAMETER previousCropArea(crop, location) areas for previous timestep in Mha; PARAMETER previousFertIntensity(crop, location); @@ -48,12 +51,11 @@ PARAMETER subsidyRate(all_types) rates of subsidy compared to costs; PARAMETER previousLandCoverArea(land_cover, location) land cover area in Mha; - PARAMETER carbonFluxRate(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) carbon flux from LULUCF - tC-eq per ha; PARAMETER carbonCreditRate(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) potential carbon credits from LULUCF - tC-eq per ha; - PARAMETER woodYieldRota(location) wood yield from forest rotation - tC per ha; - PARAMETER woodYieldLUC(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) wood yield from land cover change; - PARAMETER forestRotationPeriod(location) timber forest rotation period - years; + PARAMETER woodYieldLUC(wood_producing, land_cover_after, location) wood yield from land cover change; PARAMETER conversionCost(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) cost of converting from one land cover to another - $1000 per ha; + PARAMETER woodYieldMax(location); + PARAMETER woodYieldParam(location); SCALAR meatEfficency efficiency of converting feed and pasture into animal products; SCALAR fertiliserUnitCost fert cost at max fert rate; @@ -69,18 +71,17 @@ SCALAR forestManagementCost cost $1000 per ha; SCALAR vegClearingCostRate cost of clearing vegetation $1000 per tC; - SCALAR carbonHorizon period over which carbon credits are calculated; SCALAR carbonForestMaxProportion maximum proportion of land cover as carbon forest; *$gdxin "C:\Users\Bart\Documents\PhD\GAMS testing area\_gams_java_gdb1.gdx" $gdxin %gdxincname% -$load location, suitableLandArea, demand +$load location, year, suitableLandArea, demand $load previousCropArea, previousFertIntensity, previousIrrigIntensity, previousOtherIntensity, previousRuminantFeed, previousMonogastricFeed, previousImportAmount, previousExportAmount $load yieldNone, yieldFertOnly, yieldIrrigOnly, yieldBoth, yieldShock $load fertParam, irrigParam, otherIParam, exportPrices, importPrices, maxNetImport, minNetImport, unhandledCropRate, setAsideRate, maxGrossLccRate, subsidyRate $load meatEfficency, otherICost, irrigCost, irrigMaxRate, irrigConstraint, fertiliserUnitCost, domesticPriceMarkup, minDemandPerCereal, minDemandPerOilcrop, seedAndWasteRate -$load previousLandCoverArea, carbonFluxRate, carbonCreditRate, woodYieldRota, woodYieldLUC, forestRotationPeriod, conversionCost -$load forestManagementCost, vegClearingCostRate, carbonHorizon, carbonForestMaxProportion, maxFertChange, maxIrrigChange +$load previousLandCoverArea, carbonCreditRate, conversionCost, woodYieldMax, woodYieldParam +$load forestManagementCost, vegClearingCostRate, carbonForestMaxProportion, maxFertChange, maxIrrigChange $gdxin SCALAR delta "use to smooth power function see 7.5 dd docs solversconopt.pdf" / 0.00000000001 /; @@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ $gdxin PARAMETER animalProdCost(animal); animalProdCost('ruminants') = 0.28; animalProdCost('monogastrics') = 0.24; - + * maxNetImport(import_types) = min(maxNetImport(import_types), demand(import_types)); * minNetImport(import_types) = min(minNetImport(import_types), demand(import_types)); @@ -145,16 +146,15 @@ $gdxin landCoverChange(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) land cover change in Mha totalConversionCost(location) land cover conversion cost - $1000 per ha - woodSupplyRota - woodSupplyLUC + woodYieldRota(location) + rotationPeriod(location) forestryCost(location) - carbonFlux(location) total carbon flux - Mt C carbonCredits(location) * A "artificial variable for debugging" total_cost total cost of domestic supply including net imports; - POSITIVE VARIABLE cropArea, fertI, irrigI, otherIntensity, ruminantFeed, monogastricFeed, importAmount, exportAmount, totalFeedDM, - landCoverArea, landCoverChange, totalConversionCost, woodSupplyRota, woodSupplyLUC, animalProd; + POSITIVE VARIABLE cropArea, fertI, irrigI, otherIntensity, ruminantFeed, monogastricFeed, importAmount, exportAmount, totalFeedDM, + landCoverArea, landCoverChange, totalConversionCost, animalProd, woodYieldRota, rotationPeriod; * POSITIVE VARIABLE A; @@ -193,12 +193,12 @@ $gdxin LAND_COVER_CHANGE_CONSTRAINT(land_cover, location) conservation of land area CONVERSION_COST_CALC(location) cost of land cover conversion - WOOD_SUPPLY_ROTA_CALC - WOOD_SUPPLY_LUC_CALC - WOOD_SUPPLY_CONSTRAINT + WOOD_YIELD_CALC(location) + WOOD_DEMAND_CONSTRAINT + ROTATION_PERIOD_MIN_CONSTRAINT(location) + ROTATION_PERIOD_MAX_CONSTRAINT(location) FORESTRY_COST_CALC(location) - CARBON_FLUX_CALC(location) calc carbon flux CARBON_CREDIT_CALC(location) CARBON_CREDIT_CONSTRAINT CARBON_FOREST_CONSTRAINT @@ -268,29 +268,31 @@ $gdxin PASTURE_LAND_COVER_CALC(location) .. landCoverArea('pasture', location) =E= cropArea('pasture', location); LAND_COVER_CHANGE_CALC(land_cover, location) .. landCoverArea(land_cover, location) =E= previousLandCoverArea(land_cover, location) + - sum(land_cover_before, landCoverChange(land_cover_before, land_cover, location)) - - sum(land_cover_after, landCoverChange(land_cover, land_cover_after, location)); + sum((land_cover_before), landCoverChange(land_cover_before, land_cover, location)) - + sum((land_cover_after), landCoverChange(land_cover, land_cover_after, location)); LAND_COVER_CHANGE_CONSTRAINT(land_cover, location) .. sum(land_cover_after, landCoverChange(land_cover, land_cover_after, location)) =E= previousLandCoverArea(land_cover, location); CONVERSION_COST_CALC(location) .. totalConversionCost(location) =E= sum((land_cover_before, land_cover_after), landCoverChange(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) * conversionCost(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location)); + +* MIN_LAND_COVER_AREA_CONSTRAINT(land_cover, location) .. landCoverArea(land_cover, location) =G= minLandCoverArea(land_cover, location); + ************* Forestry *********************************** - - WOOD_SUPPLY_ROTA_CALC .. woodSupplyRota =E= sum(location, landCoverArea('timberForest', location) * woodYieldRota(location)); - WOOD_SUPPLY_LUC_CALC .. woodSupplyLUC =E= sum((land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location), landCoverChange(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) * woodYieldLUC(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location)); + WOOD_YIELD_CALC(location) .. woodYieldRota(location) =E= woodYieldMax(location) * (1 - exp(-woodYieldParam(location) * rotationPeriod(location))) / rotationPeriod(location); - WOOD_SUPPLY_CONSTRAINT .. woodSupplyRota =G= demand('wood') + exportAmount('wood') - importAmount('wood'); + ROTATION_PERIOD_MIN_CONSTRAINT(location) .. rotationPeriod(location) =G= 5; + ROTATION_PERIOD_MAX_CONSTRAINT(location) .. rotationPeriod(location) =L= 160; - FORESTRY_COST_CALC(location) .. forestryCost(location) =E= landCoverArea('timberForest', location) * forestManagementCost / forestRotationPeriod(location) + - landCoverArea('carbonForest', location) * forestManagementCost / carbonHorizon; + WOOD_DEMAND_CONSTRAINT .. demand('wood') + exportAmount('wood') - importAmount('wood') =L= sum(location, woodYieldRota(location) * landCoverArea('timberForest', location)); -*********** Carbon fluxes *********************************** - - CARBON_FLUX_CALC(location) .. carbonFlux(location) =E= sum((land_cover_before, land_cover_after), landCoverChange(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) * carbonFluxRate(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location)); - + FORESTRY_COST_CALC(location) .. forestryCost(location) =E= sum(managed_forest, landCoverArea(managed_forest, location) * 0.05) + + forestManagementCost / rotationPeriod(location); + +*********** Carbon *********************************** + CARBON_CREDIT_CALC(location) .. carbonCredits(location) =E= sum((land_cover_before, land_cover_after), landCoverChange(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location) * carbonCreditRate(land_cover_before, land_cover_after, location)); CARBON_CREDIT_CONSTRAINT .. sum(location, carbonCredits(location)) =G= demand('carbonCredits') + exportAmount('carbonCredits') - importAmount('carbonCredits'); @@ -324,6 +326,7 @@ $gdxin monogastricFeed.L(feed_crop) = previousMonogastricFeed(feed_crop); importAmount.L(all_types) = previousImportAmount(all_types); exportAmount.L(all_types) = previousExportAmount(all_types); + rotationPeriod.L(location) = 40; * LAND_USE.OptFile = 1; @@ -346,8 +349,9 @@ $gdxin parameter netImportCost(all_types); parameter feedCostRate(feed_crop); parameter productionShock(all_types); - scalar netCarbonFlux; + parameter carbonFlux(location); scalar netCarbonCredits; + scalar woodSupplyRota; * Production quantities based on smaller area (before unhandledCropArea adjustment applied) totalProd(crop) = sum(location, cropArea.l(crop, location) * yield.l(crop, location)); @@ -367,8 +371,10 @@ $gdxin netImportAmount(import_types) = importAmount.l(import_types) - exportAmount.l(import_types); netImportCost(import_types) = importAmount.l(import_types) * importPrices(import_types) - exportAmount.l(import_types) * exportPrices(import_types); - netCarbonFlux = SUM(location, carbonFlux.L(location)); + netCarbonCredits = SUM(location, carbonCredits.L(location)); + + woodSupplyRota = sum(location, woodYieldRota.L(location) * landCoverArea.L('timberForest', location)); Scalar totalCostsLessLU; diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ index 5c5ba546..dec4e057 100755 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ @@ -242,9 +242,9 @@ public class ModelConfig { public static final double CELL_SIZE_Y = getDoubleProperty("CELL_SIZE_Y", CELL_SIZE_X); public static final String SPATIAL_DIR_NAME = getProperty("SPATIAL_DIR_NAME", "halfdeg"); public static final String SPATIAL_DATA_DIR = getProperty("SPATIAL_DATA_DIR", DATA_DIR + File.separator + SPATIAL_DIR_NAME); - public static final String INITAL_LAND_COVER_FILENAME = getProperty("INITAL_LAND_COVER_FILENAME", "hurtt_2010.txt"); + public static final String INITAL_LAND_COVER_FILENAME = getProperty("INITAL_LAND_COVER_FILENAME", "hilda_plus_2019.txt"); public static final String INITAL_LAND_COVER_FILE = SPATIAL_DATA_DIR + File.separator + INITAL_LAND_COVER_FILENAME; - public static final String COUNTRY_BOUNDARY_FILE = SPATIAL_DATA_DIR + File.separator + "country_boundaries.asc"; + public static final String COUNTRY_BOUNDARY_FILE = SPATIAL_DATA_DIR + File.separator + "country_boundaries.csv"; public static final String IRRIGATION_COST_FILE = SPATIAL_DATA_DIR + File.separator + "irrigation_cost.asc"; public static final String IRRIGATION_CONSTRAINT_FILE = SPATIAL_DATA_DIR + File.separator + "blue_water_available_pseudoCRU_rcp8p5_2004_2013_grid_allhdyro_mm.txt"; public static final String FPU_BOUNDARIES_FILE = SPATIAL_DATA_DIR + File.separator + "FPU.asc"; @@ -270,7 +270,9 @@ public class ModelConfig { public static final String WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_PAST_FILENAME = getProperty("WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_PAST_FILENAME", "landsymm_plutW_from_ntrl_to_past.dat"); public static final String WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_CROP_FILENAME = getProperty("WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_CROP_FILENAME", "landsymm_plutW_from_ntrl_to_crop.dat"); public static final String WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_FORS_FILENAME = getProperty("WOOD_YIELD_NTRL_TO_FORS_FILENAME", "landsymm_plutW_from_ntrl_to_forC.dat"); - public static final String WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_FILENAME = getProperty("WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_FILENAME", "landsymm_pcutW_sts_forC.dat"); + public static final String WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_FORS_FILENAME = getProperty("WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_FORS_FILENAME", "landsymm_pcutW_sts_forC.dat"); + public static final String WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_NTRL_FILENAME = getProperty("WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_NTRL_FILENAME", "landsymm_pcutW_sts_ntrl.dat"); + public static final String WOOD_YIELD_PARAM_FILENAME = getProperty("WOOD_YIELD_PARAM_FILENAME", "pcutW_forC_param.out"); public static final String C_FLUX_NTRL_TO_CROP_FILENAME = getProperty("C_FLUX_NTRL_TO_CROP_FILENAME", "landsymm_plutC_from_ntrl_to_crop.dat"); public static final String C_FLUX_NTRL_TO_PAST_FILENAME = getProperty("C_FLUX_NTRL_TO_PAST_FILENAME", "landsymm_plutC_from_ntrl_to_past.dat"); @@ -501,7 +503,7 @@ public class ModelConfig { // Forestry public static final boolean IS_FORESTRY_ON = getBooleanProperty("IS_FORESTRY_ON", true); - public static final String WOOD_DEMAND_FILENAME = getProperty("WOOD_DEMAND_FILENAME", "wood_demand.csv"); + public static final String WOOD_DEMAND_FILENAME = getProperty("WOOD_DEMAND_FILENAME", "wood_demand_adj.csv"); public static final String WOOD_DEMAND_FILE = getProperty("WOOD_DEMAND_FILE", DATA_DIR + File.separator + WOOD_DEMAND_FILENAME); public static final double INIT_WOOD_STOCK = getDoubleProperty("INIT_WOOD_STOCK", 1500.0); // MtC-eq public static final double IND_ROUNDWOOD_DEMAND_ELASTICITY = getDoubleProperty("IND_ROUNDWOOD_DEMAND_ELASTICITY", 0.3123881); // fitted to FAO data @@ -509,12 +511,13 @@ public class ModelConfig { public static final double WOOD_BIOMASS_CONVERSION_FACTOR = getDoubleProperty("WOOD_BIOMASS_CONVERSION_FACTOR", 3e-7); // m3 to MtC-eq p.16 [] public static final double DISCOUNT_RATE = getDoubleProperty("DISCOUNT_RATE", 0.05); // for calculating rotation period public static final double VEGETATION_CLEARING_COST = getDoubleProperty("VEGETATION_CLEARING_COST", 0.001); //$1000/tC - public static final double FOREST_MANAGEMENT_COST = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("FOREST_ESTABLISHMENT_COST", 5.0) : 0.0; // establishment, management etc. $1000/ha + public static final double FOREST_MANAGEMENT_COST = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("FOREST_ESTABLISHMENT_COST", 3.0) : 0.0; // establishment, management etc. $1000/ha public static final double WOOD_TRADE_BARRIER = getDoubleProperty("WOOD_TRADE_BARRIER", 0.2); //$1000/tC - public static final double INIT_WOOD_PRICE = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("INIT_WOOD_PRICE", 0.22) : 0.0; // $1000/tC-eq + public static final double INIT_WOOD_PRICE = IS_FORESTRY_ON ? getDoubleProperty("INIT_WOOD_PRICE", 0.1) : 0.0; // $1000/tC-eq public static final boolean ENABLE_VEGETATION_CLEARANCE_COST = getBooleanProperty("ENABLE_VEGETATION_CLEARANCE_COST", false); // calculates cost of clearing vegetation even if forestry off public static final int MIN_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD = getIntProperty("MIN_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD", 5); // Minimum forest rotation period; Bauhus et al., 2010. Ecosystem goods and services from plantation forests. public static final int MAX_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD = getIntProperty("CARBON_WOOD_MAX_TIME", 160); // upper data limit, years + public static final int LAND_AGE_GROUP_SIZE = getIntProperty("LAND_AGE_GROUP_SIZE", 5); // grouping size for land cover age // Carbon public static final boolean IS_CARBON_ON = getBooleanProperty("IS_CARBON_ON", false); diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ index 83762f5d..c529dc40 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ @@ -158,10 +158,11 @@ public class ModelMain { getWoodYieldData(timestep); getCarbonFluxData(timestep); + + LogWriter.println("Memory usage 1: " + (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()) / (1024.0*1024.0*1024.0)); ConversionCostReader conCostReader = new ConversionCostReader(timestep); Map<LccKey, Double> conversionCosts = conCostReader.getConversionCosts(); - countryAgents.determineProductionForAll(timestep, yieldSurfaces, currentIrrigationData, carbonFluxData, woodYieldData, conversionCosts); diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ index da4ed902..c92e3e41 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ @@ -104,18 +104,4 @@ public class Timestep implements Serializable { return rootDir + File.separator + (endYear-ModelConfig.LPJG_TIMESTEP_SIZE+1) + "-" + endYear; } - public String getWoodAndCarbonYearSubDir(String rootDir) { - int startYear; - - if (ModelConfig.CHANGE_YIELD_DATA_YEAR) { - double currentYear = (float) getYear(); - double timestepSize = (float) ModelConfig.CARBON_DATA_TIMESTEP_SIZE; - startYear = (int) (Math.floor(currentYear / timestepSize) * timestepSize) + 10; - } - else { - startYear = ModelConfig.BASE_YEAR; - } - - return rootDir + File.separator + startYear; - } } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ index 08d16b6c..d308ca22 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractCountryAgent { protected Timestep currentTimestep; protected Map<CommodityType, Map<CropType, Double>> currentDemandFract; protected double currentGen2EcDemand; - protected Map<WoodType, Double> currentWoodDemand; + protected Map<Integer, Map<WoodType, Double>> currentWoodDemand; protected double currentCarbonDemand; protected double exportTaxRate; diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ index 5147bb42..59f94d17 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ @@ -147,8 +147,6 @@ public class CountryAgent extends AbstractCountryAgent { if (!ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN) incrementLandCoverAge(); - - doForestRotation(woodYieldData); return result; } @@ -250,11 +248,12 @@ public class CountryAgent extends AbstractCountryAgent { if ((ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN || ModelConfig.USE_INITIAL_CROP_USAGE_DATA) && currentTimestep.isInitialTimestep()) { double prodFract = woodUsage.getHarvest() / totalWoodProd; - double potentialMaxYield = WoodYieldRasterSet.getMaxWoodHarvest(woodYieldData, previousGamsRasterOutput.getLandUses()); - double potentialAdjYield = potentialMaxYield * prodFract; // adjust based on demand and cap at max 50% realised - double currentDemand = currentWoodDemand.get(woodType); + double potentialMaxYield = WoodYieldRasterSet.getPotentialTimberProduction(woodYieldData, previousGamsRasterOutput.getLandUses()) * 0.9; + double potentialAdjYield = potentialMaxYield * prodFract; + double currentDemand = currentWoodDemand.get(0).get(woodType); double importsNeeded = currentDemand - potentialAdjYield; - baseTrade = importsNeeded > 0 ? importsNeeded : importsNeeded; + if (baseTrade > 0 & importsNeeded > baseTrade) + baseTrade = importsNeeded; } double changeUp; @@ -263,7 +262,7 @@ public class CountryAgent extends AbstractCountryAgent { double maxOfProdOrSupply = woodUsage.getHarvest() + Math.max(baseTrade, 0); if (ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN && currentTimestep.getTimestep() <= ModelConfig.END_FIRST_STAGE_CALIBRATION) { - changeUp = changeDown = 0; + changeUp = changeDown = 0.0; } else { changeUp = maxOfProdOrSupply * globalWoodPrice.getMaxImportChange(); changeDown = maxOfProdOrSupply * globalWoodPrice.getMaxExportChange(); @@ -343,17 +342,6 @@ public class CountryAgent extends AbstractCountryAgent { } } - private void doForestRotation(RasterSet<WoodYieldItem> woodYieldData) { - for (Map.Entry<RasterKey, LandUseItem> entry : previousGamsRasterOutput.getLandUses().entrySet()) { - RasterKey key = entry.getKey(); - LandUseItem luItem = entry.getValue(); - WoodYieldItem wyItem = woodYieldData.get(key); - if (wyItem == null) - continue; - luItem.doForestRotation(wyItem.getOptimalRotation()); - } - } - public CarbonUsageData getCarbonUsageData() { return previousGamsRasterOutput.getCarbonUsageData(); } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ index e1eb38c5..22c8d9f6 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/ @@ -1,17 +1,22 @@ package; -import ac.sac.raster.AbstractRasterReader; +import java.util.Map; + +import ac.sac.raster.AbstractTabularRasterReader; +import ac.sac.raster.RasterKey; import ac.sac.raster.RasterSet; -public class CountryBoundaryReader extends AbstractRasterReader<CountryBoundaryItem> { +public class CountryBoundaryReader extends AbstractTabularRasterReader<CountryBoundaryItem> { + + private static int MIN_COLS = 2; public CountryBoundaryReader (RasterSet<CountryBoundaryItem> dataset) { - super(dataset); + super(",", MIN_COLS, dataset); } @Override - public void setData(CountryBoundaryItem item, String token) { - int isoCode = Integer.parseInt(token); + public void setData(RasterKey key, CountryBoundaryItem item, Map<String, Double> rowValues) { + int isoCode = (int) getValueForCol(rowValues, "FaoCode"); SingleCountry c = CountryManager.getForCode(isoCode); item.setCountry(c); } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ index 4b5971c3..f621e4fa 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class GamsCountryInput { private double carbonDemand; private CountryPrice carbonPrice; private TradeConstraint carbonTradeConstraint; - private Map<WoodType, Double> woodDemand; + private Map<Integer, Map<WoodType, Double>> woodDemand; private CountryPrice woodPrice; private Map<WoodType, TradeConstraint> woodTradeConstraints; private Map<WoodType, WoodUsageData> previousWoodUsageData; @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class GamsCountryInput { public GamsCountryInput(CompositeCountry country, Map<CommodityType, Double> projectedDemand, Map<CropType, CountryPrice> countryPrices, Map<CropType, TradeConstraint> importConstraints, Map<CropType, CropUsageData> previousCropUsageData, Map<CommodityType, Map<CropType, Double>> minDemandFracts, Map<CropType, Double> subsidyRates, double secondGenBioenergyDemand, - double carbonDemand, CountryPrice carbonPrice, TradeConstraint carbonTradeConstraint, Map<WoodType, Double> woodDemand, + double carbonDemand, CountryPrice carbonPrice, TradeConstraint carbonTradeConstraint, Map<Integer, Map<WoodType, Double>> woodDemand, CountryPrice woodPrice, Map<WoodType, TradeConstraint> woodTradeConstraints, Map<WoodType, WoodUsageData> previousWoodUsageData) { super(); = country; @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public class GamsCountryInput { return carbonTradeConstraint; } - public Map<WoodType, Double> getWoodDemand() { + public Map<Integer, Map<WoodType, Double>> getWoodDemand() { return woodDemand; } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ index 211b4974..8dfe79e3 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ @@ -20,12 +20,11 @@ public class GamsLocationInput { private Map<Integer, ? extends WoodYieldData> woodYields; private Map<LccKey, Double> conversionCosts; private GamsCountryInput countryInput; - private Map<Integer, Double> rotationPeriods; public GamsLocationInput(Timestep timestep, Map<Integer, ? extends YieldResponsesItem> yields, Map<Integer, ? extends LandUseItem> previousLandUse, Map<Integer, ? extends IrrigationItem> irrigationCosts, Map<Integer, ? extends CarbonFluxItem> carbonFluxes, Map<Integer, ? extends WoodYieldData> woodYields, - Map<LccKey, Double> conversionCosts, GamsCountryInput countryInput, Map<Integer, Double> rotationPeriods) { + Map<LccKey, Double> conversionCosts, GamsCountryInput countryInput) { super(); this.timestep = timestep; this.yields = yields; @@ -34,8 +33,7 @@ public class GamsLocationInput { this.carbonFluxes = carbonFluxes; this.woodYields = woodYields; this.conversionCosts = conversionCosts; - this.countryInput = countryInput; - this.rotationPeriods = rotationPeriods; + this.countryInput = countryInput; } public Map<Integer, ? extends YieldResponsesItem> getYields() { @@ -65,12 +63,9 @@ public class GamsLocationInput { public GamsCountryInput getCountryInput() { return countryInput; } - - public Map<Integer, Double> getRotationPeriods() { - return rotationPeriods; - } public Timestep getTimestep() { return timestep; } + } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ index a2920a6b..c86ce111 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ @@ -117,6 +117,10 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser { //if (DEBUG) LogWriter.println(" " + locId); locationSet.addRecord(locId.toString()); } + GAMSSet yearSet = inDB.addSet("year", 1); + for (Integer year = 0; year <= 160; year++) { + yearSet.addRecord(year.toString()); + } if (DEBUG) LogWriter.println("\nPrevious crop and land areas"); GAMSParameter prevCropP = inDB.addParameter("previousCropArea", 2); @@ -191,11 +195,13 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser { // Previous land covers for (LandCoverType lc : LandCoverType.getConvertibleTypes()) { - Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>(); - v.add(lc.getName()); - v.add(locString); - double area = landUseItem.getLandCoverArea(lc, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE); - setGamsParamValueTruncate(prevLandCoverP.addRecord(v), area, 6); + Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>(); + v.add(lc.getName()); + v.add(locString); + double area = landUseItem.getLandCoverArea(lc, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE); + if (area == 0) + continue; + setGamsParamValueTruncate(prevLandCoverP.addRecord(v), area, 6); } } @@ -356,9 +362,6 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser { addScalar(inDB, "maxIrrigChange", ModelConfig.MAX_IRRIG_CHANGE, 5); // Forestry - Map<WoodType, Double> woodDemandMap = countryInput.getWoodDemand(); - double totalWoodDemand = woodDemandMap.values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum); - setGamsParamValue(demandP.addRecord("wood"), totalWoodDemand, 5); // Not simulating production of different wood products so need to aggregate double woodMinNetImport = 0; @@ -380,38 +383,52 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser { // Yield from timber forest rotation Map<Integer, ? extends WoodYieldData> woodYieldData = inputData.getWoodYields(); - GAMSParameter woodYieldRotaP = inDB.addParameter("woodYieldRota", 1); - GAMSParameter woodYieldLuc = inDB.addParameter("woodYieldLUC", 3); + GAMSParameter woodYieldLucP = inDB.addParameter("woodYieldLUC", 3); + GAMSParameter woodRespMaxYieldP = inDB.addParameter("woodYieldMax", 1); + GAMSParameter woodRespSlopeP = inDB.addParameter("woodYieldParam", 1); + + Map<Integer, ? extends LandUseItem> prevLandUses = inputData.getPreviousLandUse(); for (Entry<Integer, ? extends WoodYieldData> entry : woodYieldData.entrySet()) { Integer locationId = entry.getKey(); String locString = Integer.toString(locationId); WoodYieldData wYield = entry.getValue(); - Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>(); - v.add(locString); - setGamsParamValue(woodYieldRotaP.addRecord(v), wYield.getYieldRota(), 5); - for (LandCoverType fromLc : LandCoverType.getForestedTypes()) { - for (LandCoverType toLc : LandCoverType.getConvertibleTypes()) { - if (fromLc.equals(toLc)) - continue; - Vector<String> w = new Vector<String>(); + for (LandCoverType toLc : LandCoverType.getConvertibleTypes()) { + Vector<String> w = new Vector<String>(); w.add(fromLc.getName()); w.add(toLc.getName()); w.add(locString); - setGamsParamValue(woodYieldLuc.addRecord(w), wYield.getYieldLuc(fromLc, toLc), 5); + double stock = wYield.getYieldLuc(fromLc, toLc); + double area = prevLandUses.get(locationId).getLandCoverArea(fromLc, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE); + double yield = area == 0 ? 0.0: stock / area; + setGamsParamValue(woodYieldLucP.addRecord(w), yield, 5); } } + + { + Vector<String> w = new Vector<String>(); + w.add(locString); + setGamsParamValue(woodRespMaxYieldP.addRecord(w), wYield.getMaxYieldParam(), 5); + setGamsParamValue(woodRespSlopeP.addRecord(w), wYield.getSlopeParam(), 5); + } + } - GAMSParameter forestRotationP = inDB.addParameter("forestRotationPeriod", 1); - for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : inputData.getRotationPeriods().entrySet()) { - int locationId = entry.getKey(); - double rotPeriod = entry.getValue(); - String locString = Integer.toString(locationId); - setGamsParamValue(forestRotationP.addRecord(locString), rotPeriod, 0); + Map<Integer, Map<WoodType, Double>> woodDemandMap = countryInput.getWoodDemand(); + GAMSParameter woodDemandP = inDB.addParameter("expectedWoodSupply", 1); + double woodNetImportsExpected = countryInput.getPreviousWoodUsageData().values().stream().mapToDouble(o -> o.getNetImport()).sum(); + double woodDemandExpected = countryInput.getWoodDemand().get(0).values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum); + double woodNetImportsPropOfDemand = woodDemandExpected > 0 ? woodNetImportsExpected / woodDemandExpected : 0; + for (Integer i : woodDemandMap.keySet()) { + double demand = woodDemandMap.get(i).values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum); + double productionExpected = Math.max(0.0, demand - demand * woodNetImportsPropOfDemand); + setGamsParamValue(woodDemandP.addRecord(i.toString()), productionExpected, 5); } + + double currentWoodDemand = woodDemandMap.get(0).values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum); + setGamsParamValue(demandP.addRecord("wood"), currentWoodDemand, -1); // Carbon setGamsParamValue(demandP.addRecord("carbonCredits"), countryInput.getCarbonDemand(), 5); @@ -592,9 +609,9 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser { Map<Integer, ArrayList<LandCoverChangeItem>> landCoverChanges = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<LandCoverChangeItem>>(); for (GAMSVariableRecord rec : varLandCoverChange) { - String fromLcStr = rec.getKeys()[0]; - String toLcStr = rec.getKeys()[1]; - String locationName = rec.getKeys()[2]; + String fromLcStr = rec.getKey(0); + String toLcStr = rec.getKey(1); + String locationName = rec.getKey(2); int locId = Integer.parseInt(locationName); double change = rec.getLevel(); @@ -608,14 +625,9 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser { ArrayList<LandCoverChangeItem> changesList = landCoverChanges.computeIfAbsent(locId, k -> new ArrayList<LandCoverChangeItem>()); changesList.add(new LandCoverChangeItem(fromLc, toLc, change)); } - // Timber harvest - // Ignore harvest from LUC during calibration as we want all wood demand to be met by rotation harvest - //double woodSupplyLuc = (ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN) ? 0.0 : outDB.getVariable("woodSupplyLuc").getFirstRecord().getLevel(); - double woodSupplyLuc = 0.0; - double woodSupplyRota = outDB.getVariable("woodSupplyRota").getFirstRecord().getLevel(); - double totalWoodHarvest = woodSupplyLuc + woodSupplyRota; + double woodSupplyRota = outDB.getParameter("woodSupplyRota").getFirstRecord().getValue(); double netWoodImport = getParmValue(parmNetImports, "wood"); // Need to disaggregate wood harvest and import by type. This is just for future proofing. Eventually, could have separate harvest for each wood type. @@ -631,17 +643,25 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser { double previousHarvest = previousWoodUsageMap.get(wt).getHarvest(); // assuming equal split if no previous harvest - double newHarvest = (previousWoodHarvestSum > 0) ? totalWoodHarvest * (previousHarvest / previousWoodHarvestSum) : totalWoodHarvest / numWoodTypes; - newWoodUsageMap.put(wt, new WoodUsageData(newHarvest, newNetImport, woodSupplyLuc / numWoodTypes)); + double newHarvest = (previousWoodHarvestSum > 0) ? woodSupplyRota * (previousHarvest / previousWoodHarvestSum) : woodSupplyRota / numWoodTypes; + newWoodUsageMap.put(wt, new WoodUsageData(newHarvest, newNetImport, 0)); + } + + Map<Integer, Double> rotationPeriods = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); + GAMSVariable varRotaP = outDB.getVariable("rotationPeriod"); + for (GAMSVariableRecord rec : varRotaP) { + int loc = Integer.parseInt(rec.getKey(0)); + double period = rec.getLevel(); + rotationPeriods.put(loc, period); } // Carbon double carbonSequestered = outDB.getParameter("netCarbonCredits").getFirstRecord().getValue(); double netCarbonImport = getParmValue(parmNetImports, "carbonCredits"); - double netCarbonFlux = outDB.getParameter("netCarbonFlux").getFirstRecord().getValue(); - CarbonUsageData carbonUsageData = new CarbonUsageData(carbonSequestered, netCarbonImport, netCarbonFlux); + CarbonUsageData carbonUsageData = new CarbonUsageData(carbonSequestered, netCarbonImport, 0.0); - GamsLocationOutput results = new GamsLocationOutput(modelStatus, landUses, cropUsageData, landCoverChanges, carbonUsageData, newWoodUsageMap); + GamsLocationOutput results = new GamsLocationOutput(modelStatus, landUses, cropUsageData, landCoverChanges, carbonUsageData, + newWoodUsageMap, rotationPeriods); return results; } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ index a5b82623..309b8eee 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ @@ -21,12 +21,14 @@ public class GamsLocationOutput { Map<Integer, ArrayList<LandCoverChangeItem>> landCoverChanges; private CarbonUsageData carbonUsageData; private Map<WoodType, WoodUsageData> woodUsageData; + private Map<Integer, Double> rotationPeriods; public GamsLocationOutput(ModelStat status, Map<Integer, LandUseItem> landUses, Map<CropType, CropUsageData> cropUsageData, Map<Integer, ArrayList<LandCoverChangeItem>> landCoverChanges, - CarbonUsageData carbonUsageData, Map<WoodType, WoodUsageData> woodUsageData) { + CarbonUsageData carbonUsageData, Map<WoodType, WoodUsageData> woodUsageData, + Map<Integer, Double> rotationPeriods) { super(); this.status = status; this.landUses = landUses; @@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ public class GamsLocationOutput { this.landCoverChanges = landCoverChanges; this.carbonUsageData = carbonUsageData; this.woodUsageData = woodUsageData; + this.rotationPeriods = rotationPeriods; } public ModelStat getStatus() { @@ -58,4 +61,9 @@ public class GamsLocationOutput { public Map<WoodType, WoodUsageData> getWoodUsageData() { return woodUsageData; } + + public Map<Integer, Double> getRotationPeriods() { + return rotationPeriods; + } + } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ index 78d0f007..492cd248 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/ @@ -1,18 +1,23 @@ package; import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; +import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; + import ac.ed.lurg.ModelConfig; import ac.ed.lurg.carbon.CarbonFluxItem; import; import ac.ed.lurg.forestry.WoodYieldData; import ac.ed.lurg.forestry.WoodYieldItem; +import ac.ed.lurg.forestry.WoodYieldRasterSet; import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.Intensity; import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.IrrigationItem; +import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandCoverTile; import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandUseItem; import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LccKey; import ac.ed.lurg.types.CropType; @@ -58,6 +63,26 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser { private GamsRasterOutput convertToRaster(GamsLocationInput gamsInput, GamsLocationOutput gamsOutput) { RasterSet<LandUseItem> newIntensityRaster = allocAreas(gamsInput.getPreviousLandUse(), gamsOutput, gamsInput.getTimestep().getYear()); + Map<Integer, ArrayList<LandCoverChangeItem>> landCoverChanges =gamsOutput.getLandCoverChanges(); + Map<Integer, ? extends WoodYieldData> woodYieldDataMap = gamsInput.getWoodYields(); + double woodSupplyLuc = 0; + for (int loc : landCoverChanges.keySet()) { + ArrayList<LandCoverChangeItem> lccArr = landCoverChanges.get(loc); + WoodYieldData wyData = woodYieldDataMap.get(loc); + for (LandCoverChangeItem lccItem : lccArr) { + double area = lccItem.getArea(); + double yield = wyData.getYieldLuc(lccItem.getFromLandCover(), lccItem.getToLandCover()); + woodSupplyLuc += area * yield; + } + } + + if (!ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN) { + double woodNetImports = gamsOutput.getWoodUsageData().values().stream().mapToDouble(o -> o.getNetImport()).sum(); + double woodDemand = gamsInput.getCountryInput().getWoodDemand().get(0).values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum); + double residual = allocateTimberHarvest(rasterInputData.getPreviousLandUses(), gamsOutput.getRotationPeriods(), woodDemand, woodNetImports, woodSupplyLuc); + if (residual > 0.0) + LogWriter.printlnWarning("Not enough wood to harvest"); + } return new GamsRasterOutput(gamsOutput.getStatus(), newIntensityRaster, gamsOutput.getCommoditiesData(), gamsOutput.getCarbonUsageData(), gamsOutput.getWoodUsageData()); @@ -127,7 +152,7 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser { LandCoverType fromLC = lccItem.getFromLandCover(); LandCoverType toLC = lccItem.getToLandCover(); double change = lccItem.getArea(); - allocAllLandCropsTop(newLandUseRaster, keys, toLC, fromLC, change, locId); + allocAllLandCropsTop(newLandUseRaster, keys, toLC, fromLC, change, locId, false); } } @@ -148,7 +173,8 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser { return newLandUseRaster; } - private void allocAllLandCropsTop(RasterSet<LandUseItem> newLandUseRaster, Set<RasterKey> keys, LandCoverType toLC, LandCoverType fromLC, double change, Integer locId) { + private void allocAllLandCropsTop(RasterSet<LandUseItem> newLandUseRaster, Set<RasterKey> keys, LandCoverType toLC, + LandCoverType fromLC, double change, Integer locId, boolean natToTimb) { LandCoverType toType = toLC; LandCoverType fromType = fromLC; @@ -159,14 +185,15 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser { fromType = toLC; } - double shortfall = allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keys, toType, fromType, change); + double shortfall = allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keys, toType, fromType, change, natToTimb); if (shortfall > 0.00001) { LogWriter.printlnError("This should never happen, due to GAMS constraint. Not able to incorporate all changes: from " + fromLC + " to " + toLC + " " + locId + ": " + shortfall); } } - private double allocAllLandCrops(RasterSet<LandUseItem> newLandUseRaster, Set<RasterKey> keys, LandCoverType toType, LandCoverType fromType, double change) { + private double allocAllLandCrops(RasterSet<LandUseItem> newLandUseRaster, Set<RasterKey> keys, LandCoverType toType, + LandCoverType fromType, double change, boolean natToTimb) { if (DEBUG) LogWriter.println("allocAllLandCrops: from " + fromType + " to " + toType + " change " + change, 3); if (change < 0.00001) return 0; @@ -186,7 +213,12 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser { if (newLandUseItem!=null) { double cellChange = (totalUnprotectedLC > 0) ? change * newLandUseItem.getLandCoverArea(fromType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE)/totalUnprotectedLC : change / keys.size(); - double shortfall = newLandUseItem.moveAreas(toType, fromType, cellChange); + double shortfall = 0; + if (natToTimb) { + shortfall = newLandUseItem.convertNaturalToTimber(cellChange); + } else { + shortfall = newLandUseItem.moveAreas(toType, fromType, cellChange); + } if (shortfall == 0) keysWithSpace.add(key); else @@ -200,6 +232,65 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser { return totalShortfall; } + private double allocateTimberHarvest(RasterSet<LandUseItem> landUseRaster, Map<Integer, Double> rotationPeriods, + double demand, double net_imports, double woodSupplyLuc) { + + double stockToRemove = demand - net_imports - woodSupplyLuc; + if (stockToRemove <= 0) + return 0.0; + + Map<LandCoverType, Map<Integer, Double>> stock = new HashMap<LandCoverType, Map<Integer, Double>>(); + for (RasterKey key : landUseRaster.keySet()) { + LandUseItem luItem = landUseRaster.get(key); + WoodYieldItem wyItem = rasterInputData.getWoodYields().get(key); + if (luItem == null | wyItem == null) + continue; + IntegerRasterItem locId = mapping.get(key); + double rotaPeriod = locId == null ? 160 : rotationPeriods.get(locId.getInt()); + for (LandCoverType lcType : LandCoverType.getWoodProducers()) { + Map<Integer, Double> mapping = stock.computeIfAbsent(lcType, k -> new HashMap<Integer, Double>()); + LandCoverTile tiles = luItem.getLandCoverTiles().get(lcType); + for (int age : tiles.getAgeKeys()) { + if (age >= rotaPeriod) { + double s = tiles.getArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age) * wyItem.getYieldRota(lcType, age); + mapping.merge(age, s, (a, b) -> a + b); + } + } + } + } + + List<LandCoverType> lcOrder = new ArrayList<LandCoverType>(Arrays.asList(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, LandCoverType.NATURAL)); + for (LandCoverType lcType : lcOrder) { + Map<Integer, Double> stockMapping = stock.get(lcType); + for (int age = 251; age >= 0; age--) { + if (stockMapping.containsKey(age)) { + double s = stockMapping.get(age); + double toRemoveThisTime = Math.min(stockToRemove, s); + double factor = 1 - toRemoveThisTime / s; + for (RasterKey key : landUseRaster.keySet()) { + LandUseItem luItem = landUseRaster.get(key); + if (luItem == null) + continue; + LandCoverTile tiles = luItem.getLandCoverTiles().get(lcType); + IntegerRasterItem locId = mapping.get(key); + double rotaPeriod = locId == null ? 160 : rotationPeriods.get(locId.getInt()); + if (age >= rotaPeriod) { + double previousArea = tiles.getArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age); + if (previousArea == 0.0) + continue; + double newArea = previousArea * factor; + tiles.setArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age, newArea); + } + } + stockToRemove -= toRemoveThisTime; + if (stockToRemove <= 1e-10) + break; + } + } + } + return stockToRemove; + } + @SuppressWarnings("serial") private GamsLocationInput convertFromRaster(GamsRasterInput rasterInputData) { // as a first attempt only going to look at pasture and cereal yields, assuming other yields will be correlated to one or the other. @@ -239,8 +330,7 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser { }; LazyTreeMap<Integer, WoodYieldData> aggregatedWoodYields = new LazyTreeMap<Integer, WoodYieldData>() { protected WoodYieldData createValue() { return new WoodYieldData(); } - }; - Map<Integer, Double> aggregatedForestRotation = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); + }; int yRespFound = 0, yRespMissing = 0; int mappingsFound = 0, mappingsMissing = 0; @@ -312,29 +402,32 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser { } if (woodYieldItem != null) { - for (Map.Entry<LccKey, Double> wyEntry : woodYieldItem.getYieldMap().entrySet()) { + // wood from LUC + for (Map.Entry<LccKey, Map<Integer, Double>> wyEntry : woodYieldItem.getYieldLucMap().entrySet()) { LccKey lccKey = wyEntry.getKey(); - double wYieldThisTime = wyEntry.getValue(); + Map<Integer, Double> yieldMap = wyEntry.getValue(); + double stock = 0; + for (int age : yieldMap.keySet()) { + double y = yieldMap.get(age); + double a = landUseItem.getLandCoverArea(lccKey.getFromLc(), LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age); + stock += y * a; + } + double wYieldThisTime = stock; double wYieldSoFar = aggWYield.getYieldLuc(lccKey); - double areaThisTime = landUseItem.getLandCoverArea(lccKey.getFromLc()); - double areaSoFar = aggLandUse.getLandCoverArea(lccKey.getFromLc()); - double wYieldAgg = aggregateMean(wYieldSoFar, areaSoFar, wYieldThisTime, areaThisTime); - aggWYield.setYieldLuc(lccKey, wYieldAgg); + double wYieldAgg = wYieldSoFar + wYieldThisTime; + aggWYield.setYieldLuc(lccKey, wYieldAgg); } - - { - // Rotation wood yield - double wYieldThisTime = woodYieldItem.getYieldAtRotation(); - double wYieldSoFar = aggWYield.getYieldRota(); - double wYieldAgg = aggregateMean(wYieldSoFar, suitableAreaSoFar, wYieldThisTime, suitableAreaThisTime); - aggWYield.setYieldRota(wYieldAgg); + + for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : woodYieldItem.getYieldResponseMap().entrySet()) { + double areaThisTime = landUseItem.getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST); + double areaSoFar = aggLandUse.getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST); + int age = entry.getKey(); + double yieldThisTime = entry.getValue(); + double yieldSoFar = aggWYield.getYieldRota(age); + double yieldAgg = aggregateMean(yieldSoFar, areaSoFar, yieldThisTime, areaThisTime); + aggWYield.setYieldRota(age, yieldAgg); } - // Rotation period - double forestRotaThisTime = woodYieldItem.getOptimalRotation(); - double forestRotaSoFar = (aggregatedForestRotation.containsKey(clusterId)) ? aggregatedForestRotation.get(clusterId) : forestRotaThisTime; - double forestRotaAgg = aggregateMean(forestRotaSoFar, suitableAreaSoFar, forestRotaThisTime, suitableAreaThisTime); - aggregatedForestRotation.put(clusterId, forestRotaAgg); } // Crops yields and area fractions @@ -391,7 +484,6 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser { double protAreaSoFar = aggLandUse.getLandCoverArea(lcType, LandProtectionType.PROTECTED); aggLandUse.setLandCoverArea(lcType, LandProtectionType.PROTECTED, protAreaSoFar + protAreaThisTime); } - } LogWriter.println("Mapping: " + rasterInputData.getCountryInput().getCountry() + ", countFound=" + mappingsFound + ", countMissing=" + mappingsMissing, 3); @@ -399,25 +491,9 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser { checkedTotalAreas(landUseRaster, "before"); checkedTotalAreas(aggregatedAreas, "after"); - - - if (!ModelConfig.IS_FORESTRY_ON) { - for (Integer locId : aggregatedYields.keySet()) { - aggregatedForestRotation.put(locId, 1.0); // shouldn't matter what this is as long as it's >0 - } - } - - // TODO shouldn't have missing data in the first place - double meanRotation = aggregatedForestRotation.values().stream().mapToDouble(o -> o.doubleValue()).sum() / aggregatedForestRotation.keySet().size(); - for (Integer locId : aggregatedYields.keySet()) { - if (!aggregatedForestRotation.containsKey(locId)) { - aggregatedForestRotation.put(locId, meanRotation); - LogWriter.printlnWarning("GamsRasterOptimister.convertFromRaster missing timber rotation; substituting average"); - } - } return new GamsLocationInput(rasterInputData.getTimestep(), aggregatedYields, aggregatedAreas, aggregatedIrrigCosts, - aggregatedCarbonFluxes, aggregatedWoodYields, rasterInputData.getConversionCosts(), rasterInputData.getCountryInput(), aggregatedForestRotation); + aggregatedCarbonFluxes, aggregatedWoodYields, rasterInputData.getConversionCosts(), rasterInputData.getCountryInput()); } private void logWarningWithCoord(String message, RasterKey key, YieldRaster yieldRaster, CropType crop) { diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/ index 127c3066..d72c4b85 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/demand/ @@ -114,27 +114,31 @@ public abstract class AbstractDemandManager implements Serializable { protected abstract Map<WoodType, Double> getWoodDemand(SingleCountry country, int year); - public Map<WoodType, Double> getWoodDemandComposite(CompositeCountry cc, int year) { + public Map<Integer, Map<WoodType, Double>> getWoodDemandComposite(CompositeCountry cc, int year) { if (!ModelConfig.CHANGE_DEMAND_YEAR) year = ModelConfig.BASE_YEAR; - - Map<WoodType, Double> compositeDemandMap = new HashMap<WoodType, Double>(); - Map<WoodType, Double> singleDemandMap; - - for (SingleCountry c : compositeCountryManager.getAllForCompositeCountry(cc)) { - singleDemandMap = getWoodDemand(c, year); - if (singleDemandMap.isEmpty()) { - LogWriter.printlnWarning("Wood demand not found for: " + c.getCountryName()); - continue; - } - for (WoodType w : WoodType.values()) { - double totalDemand = (compositeDemandMap.containsKey(w)) ? compositeDemandMap.get(w) : 0.0; - double demand = singleDemandMap.get(w); - totalDemand += demand; - compositeDemandMap.put(w, totalDemand); + Map<Integer, Map<WoodType, Double>> annualDemandMap = new HashMap<Integer, Map<WoodType, Double>>(); + for (int i = 0; i <= 2100 - year; i++) { + Map<WoodType, Double> compositeDemandMap = new HashMap<WoodType, Double>(); + Map<WoodType, Double> singleDemandMap; + + for (SingleCountry c : compositeCountryManager.getAllForCompositeCountry(cc)) { + singleDemandMap = getWoodDemand(c, year + i); + if (singleDemandMap.isEmpty()) { + LogWriter.printlnWarning("Wood demand not found for: " + c.getCountryName()); + continue; + } + for (WoodType w : WoodType.values()) { + double totalDemand = (compositeDemandMap.containsKey(w)) ? compositeDemandMap.get(w) : 0.0; + double demand = singleDemandMap.get(w); + totalDemand += demand; + compositeDemandMap.put(w, totalDemand); + } } + annualDemandMap.put(i, compositeDemandMap); } - return compositeDemandMap; + + return annualDemandMap; } public double getWorldCarbonDemand(int year) { diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ index a5760f6c..41760185 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ @@ -1,16 +1,7 @@ package ac.ed.lurg.forestry; -import; -import; -import; -import; -import java.util.Map.Entry; - import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandUseItem; import ac.ed.lurg.output.AbstractLandUseOutputer; -import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandCoverType; -import ac.ed.lurg.utils.LogWriter; -import ac.sac.raster.RasterKey; import ac.sac.raster.RasterSet; public class ForestryDataOutputer extends AbstractLandUseOutputer { @@ -23,10 +14,11 @@ public class ForestryDataOutputer extends AbstractLandUseOutputer { @Override public void writeOutput() { + /* File outputDir = getOutputDir(year); String outputFileName = outputDir.getPath() + File.separator + "Forestry.txt"; BufferedWriter outputWriter = null; - try { + try { outputWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFileName, false)); outputWriter.write("Lon Lat RotationAge YieldAtRotation RotationCutArea StandingStockTimber StandingStockCarbon StandingStockNatural"); outputWriter.newLine(); @@ -40,7 +32,6 @@ public class ForestryDataOutputer extends AbstractLandUseOutputer { if (wyItem == null) continue; - double lat = landUseRaster.getXCoordin(key); double lon = landUseRaster.getYCoordin(key); int rotaAge = wyItem.getOptimalRotation(); @@ -53,6 +44,7 @@ public class ForestryDataOutputer extends AbstractLandUseOutputer { outputWriter.write(String.format("%.2f %.2f %d %.14f %.14f %.14f %.14f %.14f", lat, lon, rotaAge, rotaYield, rotaArea, stockTimber, stockCarbon, stockNatural)); outputWriter.newLine(); + } } catch (IOException e) { @@ -69,6 +61,6 @@ public class ForestryDataOutputer extends AbstractLandUseOutputer { } } - + */ } } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7de2c87c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +package ac.ed.lurg.forestry; + +public class ForestryPlanner { + + + +} diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ index ab8b8b00..e3a504c1 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ @@ -7,37 +7,39 @@ import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LccKey; import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandCoverType; public class WoodYieldData { - private double yieldRota; // wood yield at current rotation length - private Map<LccKey, Double> yieldLuc = new HashMap<LccKey, Double>(); // wood yield from clearing current forest - - public void setYieldRota(double yield) { - yieldRota = yield; - } + private Map<LccKey, Double> yieldLuc = new HashMap<LccKey, Double>(); + private WoodYieldResponse yieldResponse = new WoodYieldResponse(); public void setYieldLuc(LccKey key, double yield) { yieldLuc.put(key, yield); } - public double getYieldRota() { - return yieldRota; - } - public double getYieldLuc(LandCoverType fromLc, LandCoverType toLc) { LccKey key = new LccKey(fromLc, toLc); - if (yieldLuc.containsKey(key)) - return yieldLuc.get(key); - - return Double.NaN; + return getYieldLuc(key); } public double getYieldLuc(LccKey key) { - if (yieldLuc.containsKey(key)) - return yieldLuc.get(key); - - return Double.NaN; + return yieldLuc.getOrDefault(key, 0.0); } public Map<LccKey, Double> getYieldLucMap() { return yieldLuc; } + + public double getYieldRota(int age) { + return yieldResponse.getYield(age); + } + + public void setYieldRota(int age, double yield) { + yieldResponse.setYield(age, yield); + } + + public double getMaxYieldParam() { + return yieldResponse.getMaxYield(); + } + + public double getSlopeParam() { + return yieldResponse.getSlope(); + } } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ index d27c6e4a..aa0aea7c 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ @@ -1,138 +1,97 @@ package ac.ed.lurg.forestry; -import java.util.ArrayList; -import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; -import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import ac.ed.lurg.ModelConfig; import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandCoverTile; -import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandKey; import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LccKey; import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandCoverType; -import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandProtectionType; -import ac.ed.lurg.utils.Interpolator; import ac.sac.raster.RasterItem; public class WoodYieldItem implements RasterItem { - private Map<LccKey, Double> yield = new HashMap<LccKey, Double>(); - private int optimalRotation; // Only applies to TIMBER_FOREST - private double yieldAtRotation; // Only applies to TIMBER_FOREST - private double rotationArea = 0; // current area clear-cut + private Map<LccKey, Map<Integer, Double>> yieldLuc = new HashMap<LccKey, Map<Integer, Double>>(); + private Map<LandCoverType, Map<Integer, Double>> yieldRota = new HashMap<LandCoverType, Map<Integer, Double>>(); + private WoodYieldResponse yieldResponse = new WoodYieldResponse(); private double maxYield = 0; // Yield at maximum age. Used for clustering + private double potentialYield = 0; public WoodYieldItem() {} - public void calcYieldData(LccKey key, Double[] yields, Map<LandCoverType, LandCoverTile> landUseTiles, int maxAge) { - // Mean wood yield for grid cell + public void setYieldLuc(LccKey key, Double[] yields, Map<LandCoverType, LandCoverTile> landUseTiles, int maxAge) { LandCoverTile tiles = landUseTiles.get(key.getFromLc()); - - double totalArea = tiles.getTotalArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE); // Assuming no harvest from protected areas - if (totalArea < 1e-6) { // Avoid floating point errors due to small areas - this.yield.put(key, 0.0) ; - } else { - double totalYield = 0; - for (int age : tiles.getAgeKeys()) { - int ageCapped = Math.min(age, maxAge); - totalYield += yields[ageCapped] * tiles.getArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age); - } - double meanYield = totalYield / totalArea; - this.yield.put(key, meanYield); + Map<Integer, Double> yieldMap = yieldLuc.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new HashMap<Integer, Double>()); + for (Integer age : tiles.getAgeKeys()) { + int ageCapped = Math.min(age, maxAge); + yieldMap.put(ageCapped, yields[ageCapped]); + } + } + + public void setYieldRota(LandCoverType lcType, Double[] yields, Map<LandCoverType, LandCoverTile> landUseTiles, int maxAge) { + LandCoverTile tiles = landUseTiles.get(lcType); + Map<Integer, Double> yieldMap = yieldRota.computeIfAbsent(lcType, k -> new HashMap<Integer, Double>()); + for (Integer age : tiles.getAgeKeys()) { + int ageCapped = Math.min(age, maxAge); + yieldMap.put(ageCapped, yields[ageCapped]); } // For clustering - if (key.getFromLc().equals(LandCoverType.NATURAL) && key.getToLc().equals(LandCoverType.PASTURE)) + if (lcType.equals(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST)) { maxYield = yields[ModelConfig.MAX_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD]; + potentialYield = yields[20] / 20; + } } - - public void calcRotationData(Map<Integer, Double> woodYields, Map<LandCoverType, LandCoverTile> landUseTiles, double woodPrice) { - - // This is in case ModelConfig.ENABLE_VEGETATION_CLEARANCE_COST is true. We want conversion yields but don't care about rotation. - if (!ModelConfig.IS_FORESTRY_ON) { - optimalRotation = 1; - yieldAtRotation = 0; - return; - } - - // We only have yields for every CARBON_DATA_TIMESTEP_SIZE years so need to interpolate. - Double[] yieldsInterp = new Double[ModelConfig.MAX_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD + 1]; - woodYields.putIfAbsent(0, 0.0); - List<Integer> ages = woodYields.keySet().stream().toList(); - List<Integer> agesSorted = new ArrayList<Integer>(ages); - Collections.sort(agesSorted); - for (int i = 0; i < agesSorted.size() - 1; i++) { - int fromAge = agesSorted.get(i); - int toAge = agesSorted.get(i + 1); - double fromYield = woodYields.get(fromAge); - double toYield = woodYields.get(toAge); - for (int age = fromAge; age < toAge; age++) { - if (age > ModelConfig.MAX_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD) - break; - double factor = ((double) age - fromAge) / (toAge - fromAge); - double yield = Interpolator.interpolate(fromYield, toYield, factor); - yieldsInterp[age] = yield; - } - } - - // Optimal rotation - Map<Integer, Double> levArr = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); - for (int age = ModelConfig.MIN_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD; age < ModelConfig.MAX_FOREST_ROTATION_PERIOD; age++) { - double lev = (woodPrice * yieldsInterp[age] * Math.exp(-ModelConfig.DISCOUNT_RATE * age) - ModelConfig.FOREST_MANAGEMENT_COST) / (1 - Math.exp(-ModelConfig.DISCOUNT_RATE * age)); - levArr.put(age, lev); - } - - double maxLev = Collections.max(levArr.values()); - List<Integer> candidates = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // There may be several equal maximum values - for (int age : levArr.keySet()) { - if (levArr.get(age) == maxLev) { - candidates.add(age); - } - } - - optimalRotation = Collections.min(candidates); // Choose shortest rotation - yieldAtRotation = yieldsInterp[optimalRotation] / optimalRotation; - - // Area that is currently being clear-cut - LandCoverTile forestTile = landUseTiles.get(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST); - for (int age : forestTile.getAgeKeys()) { - if (age >= optimalRotation) { - LandKey key = new LandKey(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age); - double area = forestTile.getArea(key); - this.rotationArea += area; - } + public void setYieldResponse(Double[] yields, int modelYear) { + int dataYear = Math.floorDiv(modelYear - 10, ModelConfig.CARBON_DATA_TIMESTEP_SIZE) * ModelConfig.CARBON_DATA_TIMESTEP_SIZE + 10; + for (int age = modelYear - dataYear; age <= 160; age += ModelConfig.CARBON_DATA_TIMESTEP_SIZE) { + yieldResponse.setYield(age, yields[age]); } + yieldResponse.setYield(0, 0); // in case missing } - public void setDefaultForMissingData() { - + public WoodYieldResponse getYieldResponse() { + return yieldResponse; + } + + + public double getYieldLuc(LandCoverType fromLc, LandCoverType toLc, int age) { + return getYieldLuc(new LccKey(fromLc, toLc), age); } - public double getYield(LandCoverType fromLc, LandCoverType toLc) { - return yield.get(new LccKey(fromLc, toLc)); + public double getYieldLuc(LccKey key, int age) { + if (yieldLuc.containsKey(key)) { + return yieldLuc.get(key).getOrDefault(age, 0.0); + } else { + return 0.0; + } } - public double getYield(LccKey key) { - return yield.get(key); + public double getYieldRota(LandCoverType lcType, int age) { + if (yieldRota.containsKey(lcType)) { + return yieldRota.get(lcType).getOrDefault(age, 0.0); + } else { + return 0.0; + } } - public Map<LccKey, Double> getYieldMap() { - return yield; + public double getMaxYield() { + return maxYield; } - - public int getOptimalRotation() { - return optimalRotation; + + public Map<LccKey, Map<Integer, Double>> getYieldLucMap() { + return yieldLuc; } - - public double getYieldAtRotation() { - return yieldAtRotation; + + public Map<LandCoverType, Map<Integer, Double>> getYieldRotaMap() { + return yieldRota; } - - public double getMaxYield() { - return maxYield; + + public Map<Integer, Double> getYieldResponseMap() { + return yieldResponse.getYieldMap(); } - public double getRotationArea() { - return rotationArea; + public double getPotentialYield() { + return potentialYield; } + } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ index 635e1d79..ae4ab078 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package ac.ed.lurg.forestry; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; +import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandCoverTile; import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandUseItem; import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandCoverType; import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandProtectionType; @@ -29,17 +30,19 @@ public class WoodYieldRasterSet extends RasterSet<WoodYieldItem> { return subsetForestGrowthRaster; } - public static double getMaxWoodHarvest(RasterSet<WoodYieldItem> woodYields, RasterSet<LandUseItem> landUses) { + public static double getPotentialTimberProduction(RasterSet<WoodYieldItem> woodYieldData, RasterSet<LandUseItem> landUseData) { double total = 0; - for (Map.Entry<RasterKey, WoodYieldItem> entry : woodYields.entrySet()) { - RasterKey key = entry.getKey(); - WoodYieldItem wyItem = entry.getValue(); - LandUseItem luItem = landUses.get(key); - if (wyItem == null) + for (RasterKey key : landUseData.keySet()) { + LandUseItem luItem = landUseData.get(key); + WoodYieldItem wyItem = woodYieldData.get(key); + if (luItem == null | wyItem == null) continue; - double area = luItem.getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE); - double rotaYield = wyItem.getYieldAtRotation(); - total += area * rotaYield; + double area = 0; + for (LandCoverType lcType : LandCoverType.getForestedTypes()) { + area += luItem.getLandCoverArea(lcType, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE); + } + double yield = wyItem.getPotentialYield(); // assuming rotation period of 20 years + total += area * yield; } return total; } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ index af8ff6fd..6a9a40e1 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandUseItem; import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LccKey; import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandCoverType; import ac.ed.lurg.utils.LogWriter; +import ac.ed.lurg.yield.YieldResponsesItem; +import ac.sac.raster.AbstractTabularRasterReader; import ac.sac.raster.RasterHeaderDetails; import ac.sac.raster.RasterKey; import ac.sac.raster.RasterSet; @@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ public class WoodYieldReader { private RasterHeaderDetails rasterProj; private int modelYear; private Map<Integer, RasterKey> keyMap; + double woodPrice; public WoodYieldReader(RasterHeaderDetails rasterProj) { this.rasterProj = rasterProj; @@ -36,9 +39,14 @@ public class WoodYieldReader { WoodYieldRasterSet woodYieldData = new WoodYieldRasterSet(rasterProj); keyMap = getRasterKeys(woodYieldData); modelYear = ModelConfig.IS_CALIBRATION_RUN ? ModelConfig.BASE_YEAR : timestep.getYear(); + this.woodPrice = woodPrice; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Wood yield from rotation - readRotationData(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_FILENAME, woodPrice); + readLccData(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_FORS_FILENAME, + Arrays.asList(new LccKey(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST, LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST))); + + readLccData(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_ROTA_NTRL_FILENAME, + Arrays.asList(new LccKey(LandCoverType.NATURAL, LandCoverType.NATURAL))); // Wood yield from LCC readLccData(woodYieldData, landUseRaster, ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_FORS_TO_PAST_FILENAME, @@ -102,47 +110,30 @@ public class WoodYieldReader { WoodYieldItem wyItem = woodYieldData.get(key.getCol(), key.getRow()); LandUseItem luItem = landUseRaster.get(key); for (LccKey lccKey : lccMappings) { - wyItem.calcYieldData(lccKey, map.get(key), luItem.getLandCoverTiles(), maxAge); + if (lccKey.getFromLc().equals(lccKey.getToLc())) { + wyItem.setYieldRota(lccKey.getFromLc(), map.get(key), luItem.getLandCoverTiles(), maxAge); + if (lccKey.getFromLc().equals(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST)) { + wyItem.setYieldResponse(map.get(key), modelYear); + } + } else { + wyItem.setYieldLuc(lccKey, map.get(key), luItem.getLandCoverTiles(), maxAge); + } } } } LogWriter.println("Reading " + fileName + " took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms"); } - public void readRotationData(WoodYieldRasterSet woodYieldData, RasterSet<LandUseItem> landUseRaster, String fileName, double carbonPrice) { - long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); - int maxYear = Math.floorDiv(modelYear - 10, ModelConfig.CARBON_DATA_TIMESTEP_SIZE) * ModelConfig.CARBON_DATA_TIMESTEP_SIZE + 10; - Map<RasterKey, Map<Integer, Double>> map = new HashMap<RasterKey, Map<Integer, Double>>(); - for (int dataYear = maxYear; dataYear >= ModelConfig.CARBON_DATA_MIN_YEAR; dataYear -= ModelConfig.CARBON_DATA_TIMESTEP_SIZE) { - int nCol = keyMap.size(); - int age = modelYear - dataYear; - String filePath = getDataDir(fileName, dataYear); - try { - RandomAccessFile reader = new RandomAccessFile(filePath, "r"); - int startPos = nCol * age * Double.BYTES; - int nRead = nCol * Double.BYTES; -; - byte[] byteData = new byte[nRead]; -; - Double[] data = byteArrayToDouble(byteData); - for (int i = 0; i < nCol; i++) { - Map<Integer, Double> locData = map.computeIfAbsent(keyMap.get(i), o -> new HashMap<Integer, Double>()); - locData.put(age, data[i] * CONVERSION_FACTOR); - } - reader.close(); - } catch (IOException e) { - e.printStackTrace(); - } - } - for (RasterKey key : map.keySet()) { - if (landUseRaster.containsKey(key)) { - WoodYieldItem wyItem = woodYieldData.get(key.getCol(), key.getRow()); - LandUseItem luItem = landUseRaster.get(key); - wyItem.calcRotationData(map.get(key), luItem.getLandCoverTiles(), carbonPrice); - } - } - LogWriter.println("Reading " + fileName + " took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms"); - } +// public void readYieldResponses(WoodYieldRasterSet woodYieldRaster) { +// AbstractTabularRasterReader<WoodYieldItem> reader = new AbstractTabularRasterReader<WoodYieldItem>("\\s+", 4, woodYieldRaster) { +// protected void setData(RasterKey key, WoodYieldItem item, Map<String, Double> rowValues) { +// item.setYieldResponse(getValueForCol(rowValues, "a") * CONVERSION_FACTOR, getValueForCol(rowValues, "b")); +// } +// }; +// int dataYear = Math.floorDiv(modelYear - 10, ModelConfig.CARBON_DATA_TIMESTEP_SIZE) * ModelConfig.CARBON_DATA_TIMESTEP_SIZE + 10; +// String fileName = getDataDir(ModelConfig.WOOD_YIELD_PARAM_FILENAME, dataYear); +// reader.getRasterDataFromFile(fileName); +// } public Map<Integer, RasterKey> getRasterKeys(WoodYieldRasterSet woodYieldData) { Map<Integer, RasterKey> keyMap = new HashMap<Integer, RasterKey>(); @@ -192,5 +183,5 @@ public class WoodYieldReader { private String getDataDir(String filename, int dataYear) { return ModelConfig.FORESTRY_DIR + File.separator + dataYear + File.separator + filename; } - + } diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e68902f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/forestry/ @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +package ac.ed.lurg.forestry; + +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Vector; + +public class WoodYieldResponse { + private Map<Integer, Double> yields = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); + private Double maxYield; + private Double slope; + + public void setYield(int age, double yield) { + yields.put(age, yield); + } + + public double getYield(int age) { + return yields.getOrDefault(age, Double.NaN); + } + + public void calcParams() { + if (yields.size() == 0) { + maxYield = 0.0; + slope = 0.0; + return; + } + + maxYield = yields.values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::max) + 1e-6; + Vector<Double> kEst = new Vector<Double>(); + for (int a : yields.keySet()) { + if (a == 0) + continue; + double y = yields.get(a); + kEst.add(Math.log(1 - y / maxYield) / (-a)); + } + Collections.sort(kEst); + slope = kEst.get((int) kEst.size() / 2); + + double minA = maxYield * 0.8; + double stepA = (maxYield * 1.2 - minA) / 100; + double minB = slope * 0.8; + double stepB = (slope * 1.2 - minB) / 100; + + double bestA = maxYield; + double bestB = slope; + double bestError = calcResidualSqr(bestA, bestB); + + for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { + double a = minA + stepA * i; + for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { + double b = minB + stepB * j; + double error = calcResidualSqr(a, b); + if (error < bestError) { + bestA = a; + bestB = b; + bestError = error; + } + } + } + + maxYield = bestA; + slope = bestB; + } + + public double getMaxYield() { + if (maxYield == null) + calcParams(); + return maxYield; + } + + public double getSlope() { + if (slope == null) + calcParams(); + return slope; + } + + private double yieldFunction(double a, double b, int t) { + return a * (1 - Math.exp(-b * t)); + } + + private double calcResidualSqr(double maxYield, double slope) { + double sumOfSquares = 0; + for (int age : yields.keySet()) { + double y = yields.get(age); + double fit = yieldFunction(maxYield, slope, age); + double res2 = Math.pow(y - fit, 2); + sumOfSquares += res2; + } + return sumOfSquares; + } + + public Map<Integer, Double> getYieldMap() { + return yields; + } +} diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ index e2a62e53..cd292e71 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ public class LandCoverItem implements RasterItem { public Map<LandCoverType, LandCoverTile> getLandCoverTiles() { createLandCoverTiles(); setUnavailableArea(); + cleanUp(); return landCoverAreas; } @@ -120,6 +121,10 @@ public class LandCoverItem implements RasterItem { } Map<Integer, Double> ageMap = getLandUseAgeDist().get(lcType); + if (ageMap == null) { + ageMap = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); + ageMap.put(15, 1.0); + } double totalProp = ageMap.values().stream().reduce(0.0, Double::sum); if (totalProp == 0.0) { // If no distribution given then assume land is in oldest age group int maxAgeGroup = ageMap.keySet().stream().max(Integer::compare).get(); @@ -132,17 +137,23 @@ public class LandCoverItem implements RasterItem { } } - // Assuming land cover area all in middle of age group for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> ageEntry : ageMap.entrySet()) { double prop = ageEntry.getValue(); if (prop == 0.0) continue; int ageGroup = ageEntry.getKey(); int minAge = (int) (ageGroup - 1) * ModelConfig.LAND_COVER_INIT_AGE_GROUP_SIZE + 1; - int midAge = minAge + ModelConfig.LAND_COVER_INIT_AGE_GROUP_SIZE / 2; - - landCoverAreas.get(lcType).setArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, midAge, unprotectedArea * prop); - landCoverAreas.get(lcType).setArea(LandProtectionType.PROTECTED, midAge, protectedArea * prop); + int maxAge = minAge + ModelConfig.LAND_COVER_INIT_AGE_GROUP_SIZE - 1; + double groupProp = 0.2; + // Assuming even distribution within each age group + for (int a = minAge; a <= maxAge; a+=2) { + double unprotectedA = unprotectedArea * prop * groupProp; + if (unprotectedA > 0) + landCoverAreas.get(lcType).setArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, a, unprotectedA); + double protectedA = protectedArea * prop * groupProp; + if (protectedA > 0) + landCoverAreas.get(lcType).setArea(LandProtectionType.PROTECTED, a, protectedA); + } } } @@ -197,4 +208,10 @@ public class LandCoverItem implements RasterItem { } } + private void cleanUp() { + for (LandCoverTile tile : landCoverAreas.values()) { + tile.cleanUp(); + } + } + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ index fd3b53c9..4ba22ac7 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/ @@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem>, Serial return landCoverAreas.get(lcType).getTotalArea(lpType); } + public double getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType lcType, LandProtectionType lpType, int age) { + return landCoverAreas.get(lcType).getArea(lpType, age); + } + public double getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType lcType) { Double d = landCoverAreas.get(lcType).getTotalArea(); return d == null ? 0.0 : d; @@ -139,6 +143,27 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem>, Serial return area - areaMoved; } + public double convertNaturalToTimber(double area) { + if (area == 0) + return 0; + double prevFrom = getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.NATURAL, LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE); + double areaMoved; + areaMoved = Math.min(area, prevFrom); + if (Math.abs(area - areaMoved) / area > 1e-6) { + throw new RuntimeException("Move unprotected area shortfall. Should not happen due to GAMS constraint."); + } + LandCoverTile toTiles = landCoverAreas.get(LandCoverType.TIMBER_FOREST); + LandCoverTile fromTiles = landCoverAreas.get(LandCoverType.NATURAL); + double prop = areaMoved / prevFrom; + for (int age : fromTiles.getAgeKeys()) { + double a = fromTiles.getArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age); + double propA = a * prop; + fromTiles.removeArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age, propA); + toTiles.addArea(LandProtectionType.CONVERTIBLE, age, propA); + } + return area - areaMoved; + } + public void resetLccAreas() { landCoverChange.clear(); } @@ -156,6 +181,15 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem>, Serial landCoverAreas.get(c).removeAllArea(p); landCoverAreas.get(c).addArea(p, 0, landCover); } + + public void setLandCoverArea(LandCoverType c, LandProtectionType p, int age, double d) { + if (Double.isNaN(d) || Double.isInfinite(d)) + throw new RuntimeException("AreasItem for " + c + " is " + d); + + double landCover = (d < 0.0) ? 0.0 : d; + + landCoverAreas.get(c).setArea(p, age, landCover); + } public Map<LandCoverType, Double> getLandCoverAreaMap() { Map<LandCoverType, Double> areaMap = new HashMap<LandCoverType, Double>(); diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/ index dad53765..45318c61 100644 --- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/ +++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/ @@ -9,26 +9,29 @@ import ac.ed.lurg.utils.LogWriter; public enum LandCoverType { - TIMBER_FOREST("timberForest", false, true, true, true), - CARBON_FOREST("carbonForest", false, true, true, true), - NATURAL ("natural", true, true, true, false), - CROPLAND ("cropland", false, true, false, false), - PASTURE ("pasture", false, true, false, false), - BARREN ("barren", false, false, false, false), - URBAN("urban", true, false, false, false); + TIMBER_FOREST("timberForest", false, true, true, true, true), + CARBON_FOREST("carbonForest", false, true, true, true, false), + NATURAL ("natural", true, true, true, false, true), + CROPLAND ("cropland", false, true, false, false, false), + PASTURE ("pasture", false, true, false, false, false), + BARREN ("barren", false, false, false, false, false), + URBAN("urban", true, false, false, false, false); private String name; private boolean isProtectable; private boolean isConvertible; private boolean isNatural; private boolean isManagedForest; + private boolean isWoodProducer; - LandCoverType(String name, boolean isProtectable, boolean isConvertible, boolean isNatural, boolean isManagedForest) { + LandCoverType(String name, boolean isProtectable, boolean isConvertible, boolean isNatural, + boolean isManagedForest, boolean isWoodProducer) { = name; this.isProtectable = isProtectable; this.isConvertible = isConvertible; this.isNatural = isNatural; this.isManagedForest = isManagedForest; + this.isWoodProducer = isWoodProducer; } public String getName() { @@ -94,39 +97,39 @@ public enum LandCoverType { } public static Collection<LandCoverType> getManagedForestTypes() { - Collection<LandCoverType> managedForestTypes = new HashSet<LandCoverType>(); - for (LandCoverType c : values()) if (c.isManagedForest) managedForestTypes.add(c); return managedForestTypes; - } public static Collection<LandCoverType> getForestedTypes() { - Collection<LandCoverType> naturalTypes = new HashSet<LandCoverType>(); - for (LandCoverType c : values()) if (c.isNatural) naturalTypes.add(c); - + return naturalTypes; - } public static Collection<LandCoverType> getAgriculturalTypes() { - Collection<LandCoverType> agriTypes = new HashSet<LandCoverType>(); - for (LandCoverType c : values()) if (!c.isNatural && c.isConvertible) agriTypes.add(c); return agriTypes; + } + + public static Collection<LandCoverType> getWoodProducers() { + Collection<LandCoverType> woodProducers = new HashSet<LandCoverType>(); + for (LandCoverType c : values()) + if (c.isWoodProducer) + woodProducers.add(c); + return woodProducers; } } -- GitLab