diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
index 5c5c4d26715c92cce609c9a74577184066d2c7eb..6683cccb792b214f0c30f89c971c4b4a57a178a8 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
@@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final String OUTPUT_DIR = getProperty("OUTPUT_DIR", BASE_DIR + File.separator + "output");
 	public static final String TEMP_DIR = getProperty("TEMP_DIR", OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + "GamsTmp");
 	public static final String DATA_DIR = getProperty("DATA_DIR", BASE_DIR + File.separator + "data");
-	public static final String GAMS_MODEL = getProperty("GAMS_MODEL", BASE_DIR + File.separator + "GAMS/IntExtOpt.gms");
+	public static final String GAMS_DIR = getProperty("GAMS_DIR", BASE_DIR + File.separator + "GAMS");
+	public static final String GAMS_MODEL = getProperty("GAMS_MODEL", GAMS_DIR + File.separator + "IntExtOpt.gms");
 	public static final boolean CLEANUP_GAMS_DIR = getBooleanProperty("CLEANUP_GAMS_DIR", false);
 	// Country (non-gridded) data
@@ -216,10 +217,8 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final boolean ENABLE_GEN2_BIOENERGY = getBooleanProperty("ENABLE_GEN2_BIOENERGY", false);
 	public static final String BIOENERGY_DEMAND_SCENARIO = getProperty("BIOENERGY_DEMAND_SCENARIO", "BAU");
 	public static final double BIOENERGY_DEMAND_SHIFT = IS_CALIBRATION_RUN ? 1.0 : getDoubleProperty("BIOENERGY_DEMAND_SHIFT", 1.0);
 //	public static final double BIOENERGY_HEATING_VALUE_GJ_PER_T = getDoubleProperty("BIOENERGY_HEATING_VALUE_GJ_PER_T", 17.5); // GJ per t DM
 	public static final double MARKET_LAMBA = getDoubleProperty("MARKET_LAMBA", 0.4); // controls international market price adjustment rate
 	public static final double POPULATION_AGGREG_LIMIT = getDoubleProperty("POPULATION_AGGREG_LIMIT", 30.0);  // in millions, smaller countries are aggregated on a regional basis
@@ -247,6 +246,8 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final boolean DEBUG_JUST_DEMAND_OUTPUT = getBooleanProperty("DEBUG_JUST_DEMAND_OUTPUT", false);
 	public static final boolean DEBUG_LIMIT_COUNTRIES = getBooleanProperty("DEBUG_LIMIT_COUNTRIES", false);
 	public static final String DEBUG_COUNTRY_NAME = getProperty("DEBUG_COUNTRY_NAME", "United States of America");
+	public static final String GAMS_COUNTRY_TO_SAVE = getProperty("GAMS_COUNTRY_TO_SAVE", "China");;
 	public static final double PASTURE_MAX_IRRIGATION_RATE = getDoubleProperty("DEFAULT_MAX_IRRIGATION_RATE", 50.0); // shouldn't need this but some areas crops don't have a value, but was causing them to be selected
 	public static final int LPJG_TIMESTEP_SIZE = 5;
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelMain.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelMain.java
index 13c1d44e91dd5a9e06b91db74d57a070b72086ee..26e992d44ec7b81efb92eb855c8654089f41293f 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelMain.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelMain.java
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import java.io.FileWriter;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
 import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
@@ -158,17 +161,17 @@ public class ModelMain {
-			// some hacky code for debug purposes that keeps each gams gdx file
-			/*			if (ca.getCountry().getName().equals("Spain")) {
+			// some hacky code for debug purposes that keeps each gams gdx file for one country
+			if (ModelConfig.GAMS_COUNTRY_TO_SAVE != null & ca.getCountry().getName().equals(ModelConfig.GAMS_COUNTRY_TO_SAVE)) {
 				try {
-						FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/Users/peteralexander/Documents/R_Workspace/UNPLUM/temp/GamsTmp/_gams_java_gdb1.gdx"),
-						FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/Users/peteralexander/Documents/R_Workspace/UNPLUM/temp/GamsTmp/" + timestep.getTimestep() + ".gdx")
+						FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(ModelConfig.TEMP_DIR + File.separator + "_gams_java_gdb1.gdx"),
+						FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(ModelConfig.TEMP_DIR + File.separator + ModelConfig.GAMS_COUNTRY_TO_SAVE + timestep.getYear() + ".gdx")
 						, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
 				} catch (IOException e) {
-					LogWriter.printException(e);
+					LogWriter.print(e);
-			} */
+			}
 			// update global rasters
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsLocationOptimiser.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsLocationOptimiser.java
index 9a2ab9b607b2fd6060dfbc9994ca255d5c46d139..ea1a48aeff1e2e045b384963c8b63a553aef471f 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsLocationOptimiser.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsLocationOptimiser.java
@@ -119,18 +119,17 @@ public class GamsLocationOptimiser {
 				double prevFertI, prevIrrigI, prevOtherI;
 				Intensity intensity = landUseItem.getIntensity(cropType);
-				double defaultI = CropType.PASTURE == cropType ? 0.01 : 0.5;
 				if (intensity==null) { // could be first time through or this crop not previously grown in this location, so give it some default values
-					prevFertI = defaultI;
-					prevIrrigI = defaultI;
-					prevOtherI = defaultI;
+					prevFertI = CropType.PASTURE.equals(cropType) ? 0.0 : 0.5;
+					prevIrrigI = CropType.PASTURE.equals(cropType) ? 0.0 : 0.5;
+					prevOtherI = CropType.PASTURE.equals(cropType) ? 0.1 : 0.5;
 				else {
 					prevOtherI = intensity.getOtherIntensity();
-					if (prevOtherI == 0) {  // this is needed or optimizer gets a bit confused if some areas are kept as cropland but are not productive, due to zero other intensity (i.e. set aside)
-						prevFertI = defaultI;
-						prevIrrigI = defaultI;
+					if (prevOtherI == 0 & !CropType.PASTURE.equals(cropType)) {  // this is needed or optimizer gets a bit confused if some areas are kept as cropland but are not productive, due to zero other intensity (i.e. set aside)
+						prevFertI = 0.5;
+						prevIrrigI = 0.5;
 					else {
 						prevFertI = intensity.getFertiliserIntensity();