diff --git a/data/sims/rcp_sims.csv b/data/sims/rcp_sims.csv
index e7979734db0d2107c605c16a421214acea5346c3..312f9758d1c9fe727a939854cad128d5c9a5f3f3 100644
--- a/data/sims/rcp_sims.csv
+++ b/data/sims/rcp_sims.csv
@@ -19,6 +19,36 @@ rcp/26,s17,1.09375,0.029375,TRUE,1.40625,2.025,1.34375,0.000265625,0.16875,0.078
@@ -39,6 +69,36 @@ rcp/45,s17,1.09375,0.029375,TRUE,1.40625,2.025,1.34375,0.000265625,0.16875,0.078
@@ -59,6 +119,36 @@ rcp/60,s17,1.09375,0.029375,TRUE,1.40625,2.025,1.34375,0.000265625,0.16875,0.078
@@ -79,6 +169,36 @@ rcp/85,s17,1.09375,0.029375,TRUE,1.40625,2.025,1.34375,0.000265625,0.16875,0.078
@@ -99,3 +219,33 @@ rcp/none,s17,1.09375,0.029375,FALSE,1.40625,2.025,1.34375,0.000265625,0.16875,0.
diff --git a/debug_config.properties b/debug_config.properties
index d73e715188f73ae552aebe75ad29f3862ff8af0e..5f6225900ccaa2d2e7719e9a427182d8447536f7 100644
--- a/debug_config.properties
+++ b/debug_config.properties
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
 # Properties for testing
+DEBUG_COUNTRY_NAME=Pakistan & Afghanistan
@@ -27,7 +24,7 @@ ENABLE_GEN2_BIOENERGY=true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
index ee3f236aaa47d987c72941c60071f9891c83b5ea..47723e89f372e7101389dbef7d81d4bcc52521cc 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final String COUNTRY_DATA_FILE = DATA_DIR + File.separator + "country_data.csv";
 	public static final String NET_IMPORTS_FILE = DATA_DIR + File.separator + "net_imports.csv";
 	public static final String BIOENERGY_1GEN_BASE_DEMAND_FILE = DATA_DIR + File.separator + "bio_demand.csv";
-	public static final String BIOENERGY_FUTURE_DEMAND_FILE = DATA_DIR + File.separator + "bioenergy_futures_BAU.csv";
+	public static final String BIOENERGY_FUTURE_DEMAND_FILE = getProperty("BIOENERGY_FUTURE_DEMAND_FILE", DATA_DIR + File.separator + "bioenergy_futures_BAU.csv");
 	public static final String TRADE_BARRIERS_FILE = DATA_DIR + File.separator + "tradeBarriers.csv";
 	public static final String STOCKS_FILE = DATA_DIR + File.separator + "global_stocks.csv";
 	public static final String FAO_CONSUMPTION_FILE = DATA_DIR + File.separator + "fao_consump.csv";
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsRasterOptimiser.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsRasterOptimiser.java
index 21b89ce5e244aa0638cea1114cabe28acdbfff20..7200115bf530337718a1f0a5b4caa6fdead15b32 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsRasterOptimiser.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/country/gams/GamsRasterOptimiser.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	package ac.ed.lurg.country.gams;
+package ac.ed.lurg.country.gams;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -74,6 +74,17 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser {
 			LogWriter.printlnError("Total Area " + comment + ": " + l.getName() + ": " + total);
+		if (DEBUG) {
+			double protectedArea = 0;
+			double suitableArea = 0;
+			for (LandUseItem a : areaRaster.values()) {
+				protectedArea += a.getProtectedAreaIncMinNatural();
+				suitableArea += a.getSuitableLand();
+			}
+			LogWriter.println("Total protected " + comment + ": " + protectedArea);
+			LogWriter.println("Total suitableArea " + comment + ": " + suitableArea);
+		}
 	private RasterSet<LandUseItem> allocAreas(Map<Integer, ? extends LandUseItem> prevAreasAgg, GamsLocationOutput gamsOutput) {
@@ -94,15 +105,29 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser {
 				if (iri != null && locId == iri.getInt())
-			if (DEBUG) 
-				checkedTotalAreas(newLandUseRaster.createSubsetForKeys(keys), locId + " before");
 			double pastureChange = newLandUseAggItem.getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.PASTURE) - prevLandUseAggItem.getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.PASTURE);
 			double croplandChange = newLandUseAggItem.getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.CROPLAND) - prevLandUseAggItem.getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.CROPLAND);
-			double prevForestToNaturalFraction = prevLandUseAggItem.getForestToNaturalFraction();
-			double prevForestManagedFraction = prevLandUseAggItem.getForestManagedFraction();
+			RasterSet<LandUseItem> landUseItemsForLocation = newLandUseRaster.createSubsetForKeys(keys);
+			if (DEBUG) {
+				checkedTotalAreas(landUseItemsForLocation, locId + " before");
+				LogWriter.println("pastureChange" + pastureChange);
+				LogWriter.println("croplandChange" + croplandChange);
+			}
+			double prevUnprotectedManagedForest = 0, prevUnprotectedUnmanagedForest = 0, prevUnprotectedNatural = 0;  
+			for (LandUseItem luItem: landUseItemsForLocation.values()) {
+				prevUnprotectedManagedForest += luItem.getUnprotectedLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.MANAGED_FOREST);
+				prevUnprotectedUnmanagedForest += luItem.getUnprotectedLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.UNMANAGED_FOREST);
+				prevUnprotectedNatural += luItem.getUnprotectedNatural();
+			}
+			double prevForestTotal = prevUnprotectedManagedForest + prevUnprotectedUnmanagedForest;
+			double prevForestToNaturalFraction = (prevUnprotectedNatural > 0) ? prevForestTotal / prevUnprotectedNatural : 0;
+			double prevForestManagedFraction = (prevForestTotal > 0) ? prevUnprotectedManagedForest / prevForestTotal : 0;
 			double pastureFromCrop = 0;
 			double pastureFromNatural = 0;
 			double cropFromNatural = 0;
@@ -127,21 +152,22 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser {
 				pastureFromNatural = pastureChange;
 				cropFromNatural = croplandChange;
+			if (DEBUG) {
+				LogWriter.println("pastureFromCrop" + pastureFromCrop);
+				LogWriter.println("pastureFromNatural" + pastureFromNatural);
+				LogWriter.println("cropFromNatural" + cropFromNatural);
+			}
+			allocAllLandCropsTop(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.PASTURE, LandCoverType.MANAGED_FOREST, pastureFromNatural * prevForestToNaturalFraction * prevForestManagedFraction, locId);
+			allocAllLandCropsTop(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.PASTURE, LandCoverType.UNMANAGED_FOREST, pastureFromNatural * prevForestToNaturalFraction * (1-prevForestManagedFraction), locId);
+			allocAllLandCropsTop(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.PASTURE, LandCoverType.OTHER_NATURAL, pastureFromNatural * (1-prevForestToNaturalFraction), locId);
+			allocAllLandCropsTop(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.PASTURE, LandCoverType.CROPLAND, pastureFromCrop, locId);
+			allocAllLandCropsTop(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.CROPLAND, LandCoverType.MANAGED_FOREST, cropFromNatural * prevForestToNaturalFraction * prevForestManagedFraction, locId);
+			allocAllLandCropsTop(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.CROPLAND, LandCoverType.UNMANAGED_FOREST, cropFromNatural * prevForestToNaturalFraction * (1-prevForestManagedFraction), locId);
+			allocAllLandCropsTop(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.CROPLAND, LandCoverType.OTHER_NATURAL, cropFromNatural * (1-prevForestToNaturalFraction), locId);
-			double shortfall = 0;
-			shortfall += allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.PASTURE, LandCoverType.MANAGED_FOREST, pastureFromNatural * prevForestToNaturalFraction * prevForestManagedFraction);
-			shortfall += allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.PASTURE, LandCoverType.UNMANAGED_FOREST, pastureFromNatural * prevForestToNaturalFraction * (1-prevForestManagedFraction));
-			shortfall += allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.PASTURE, LandCoverType.OTHER_NATURAL, pastureFromNatural * (1-prevForestToNaturalFraction));
-			shortfall += allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.PASTURE, LandCoverType.CROPLAND, pastureFromCrop);
-			shortfall += allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.CROPLAND, LandCoverType.MANAGED_FOREST, cropFromNatural * prevForestToNaturalFraction * prevForestManagedFraction);
-			shortfall += allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.CROPLAND, LandCoverType.UNMANAGED_FOREST, cropFromNatural * prevForestToNaturalFraction * (1-prevForestManagedFraction));
-			shortfall += allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keys, LandCoverType.CROPLAND, LandCoverType.OTHER_NATURAL, cropFromNatural * (1-prevForestToNaturalFraction));
-			if (shortfall > 0.00001)
-				LogWriter.printlnError("This should never happen, due to GAMS constraint. Not able to incorporate all changes, as not enough forest or natural areas left: " + locId + ": " + shortfall);
-			if (DEBUG) 
-				checkedTotalAreas(newLandUseRaster.createSubsetForKeys(keys), locId + " after");
+			if (DEBUG) checkedTotalAreas(landUseItemsForLocation, locId + " after");
 			for (RasterKey key : keys) {
 				LandUseItem newLandUseItem = newLandUseRaster.get(key);
@@ -156,8 +182,8 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser {
 		return newLandUseRaster;
-	private double allocAllLandCrops(RasterSet<LandUseItem> newLandUseRaster, Set<RasterKey> keys, LandCoverType toLC, LandCoverType fromLC, double change) {
+	private void allocAllLandCropsTop(RasterSet<LandUseItem> newLandUseRaster, Set<RasterKey> keys, LandCoverType toLC, LandCoverType fromLC, double change, Integer locId) {
 		LandCoverType toType = toLC;
 		LandCoverType fromType = fromLC;
@@ -167,17 +193,34 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser {
 			toType = fromLC;
 			fromType = toLC;
+		double shortfall = allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keys, toType, fromType, change);
+		if (shortfall > 0.00001)
+			LogWriter.printlnError("This should never happen, due to GAMS constraint. Not able to incorporate all changes: from " + fromLC + " to " + toLC + " " + locId + ": " + shortfall);
+	}
+	private double allocAllLandCrops(RasterSet<LandUseItem> newLandUseRaster, Set<RasterKey> keys, LandCoverType toType, LandCoverType fromType, double change) {
+		if (DEBUG) LogWriter.println("allocAllLandCrops: from " + fromType + " to " + toType + " change " + change);
+		if (change < 0.00001)
+			return 0;
 		double totalShortfall = 0;
 		Set<RasterKey> keysWithSpace = new HashSet<RasterKey>();
-		double avgChange = change/keys.size();
+		double totalUnprotectedLC = 0;
+		for (RasterKey key : keys) {
+			LandUseItem newLandUseItem = newLandUseRaster.get(key);
+			totalUnprotectedLC += newLandUseItem.getUnprotectedLandCoverArea(fromType);
+		}
 		for (RasterKey key : keys) {
 			//if (DEBUG) LogWriter.println("  Processing raster key " + key);
 			LandUseItem newLandUseItem = newLandUseRaster.get(key);
 			if (newLandUseItem!=null) {
-				double shortfall = newLandUseItem.moveAreas(toType, fromType, avgChange);
+				double cellChange = (fromType.isProtectable() && totalUnprotectedLC > 0) ? change * newLandUseItem.getUnprotectedLandCoverArea(fromType)/totalUnprotectedLC : change / keys.size();
+				double shortfall = newLandUseItem.moveAreas(toType, fromType, cellChange);
 				if (shortfall == 0)
@@ -190,6 +233,7 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser {
 			totalShortfall = allocAllLandCrops(newLandUseRaster, keysWithSpace, toType, fromType, totalShortfall);
+		if (DEBUG) LogWriter.println("allocAllLandCrops: from " + fromType + " to " + toType + " change " + change + " totalShortfall " + totalShortfall);
 		return totalShortfall;
@@ -328,8 +372,8 @@ public class GamsRasterOptimiser {
 				// Protected areas
-				double protectedThisTime = landUseItem.getProtectedArea();
-				double protectedSoFar = aggLandUse.getProtectedArea();
+				double protectedThisTime = landUseItem.getProtectedAreaIncMinNatural();
+				double protectedSoFar = aggLandUse.getProtectedAreaIncMinNatural();
 				aggLandUse.setProtectedArea(protectedSoFar+ protectedThisTime);
 				// Land covers ares
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/LandUseItem.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/LandUseItem.java
index 8e1b123c068232bf7183b1e2ceb2e4a47022fcdc..1ef034c203259022eccc95ccf624871d9bbdc135 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/LandUseItem.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/landuse/LandUseItem.java
@@ -34,8 +34,14 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem>, Serial
 		this.protectedArea = protectedArea;
-	public double getProtectedArea(){
-		return this.protectedArea;
+	public double getProtectedAreaIncMinNatural() {
+		double minOrProtectedA = 0;
+			double minNatural = getTotalLandCoverArea() * ModelConfig.MIN_NATURAL_RATE;
+			minOrProtectedA = Math.max(protectedArea, minNatural);
+		}
+		return minOrProtectedA;
 	public Intensity getIntensity(CropType crop) {
@@ -144,19 +150,20 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem>, Serial
-	/** move areas from one land cover to another, return an residual not possible */
-	public double moveAreas(LandCoverType toType, LandCoverType fromType, double changeReq) {
-		double prevTo = getLandCoverArea(toType);
-		double prevFrom = getLandCoverArea(fromType);		
-		double actuallyChanged = Math.min(prevFrom, changeReq);
-		setLandCoverArea(toType, prevTo + actuallyChanged);
-		setLandCoverArea(fromType, prevFrom - actuallyChanged);
+	/** move areas from one land cover to another, return any residual not possible */
+    public double moveAreas(LandCoverType toType, LandCoverType fromType, double changeReq) {
-		return changeReq - actuallyChanged;
-	}
+        double prevTo = getLandCoverArea(toType);
+        double prevFrom = getLandCoverArea(fromType);
+        double availLC = fromType.isProtectable() ? Math.min(prevFrom, getUnprotectedNatural()) : prevFrom;  // if protected can not go past protected area
+        double actuallyChanged = Math.min(availLC, changeReq);
+        setLandCoverArea(toType, prevTo + actuallyChanged);
+        setLandCoverArea(fromType, prevFrom - actuallyChanged);
+        return changeReq - actuallyChanged;
+    }
 	public double getCropArea(CropType c) {
 		Double d = getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.CROPLAND) * getCropFraction(c);
@@ -204,33 +211,48 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem>, Serial
 		return d;
+	/** averages protected areas across land cover types */
+	public double getUnprotectedLandCoverArea(LandCoverType c) {
+		double lcTypeArea = getLandCoverArea(c);
+		if (c.isProtectable()) {
+			double unprotectedNaturalFract = getUnprotectedNaturalFract();
+			return lcTypeArea * unprotectedNaturalFract;
+		}
+		else {
+			return lcTypeArea;
+		}
+	}
+	private double getUnprotectedNaturalFract() {
+		double unprotectedNat = getUnprotectedNatural();
+		double totalNatural = getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.OTHER_NATURAL) + getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.MANAGED_FOREST) + getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.UNMANAGED_FOREST);
+		double unprotectedFract = (totalNatural > 0) ? unprotectedNat/totalNatural : 0;
+		return unprotectedFract;
+	}
+	public double getUnprotectedNatural() {
+		double totalNatural = getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.OTHER_NATURAL) + getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.MANAGED_FOREST) + getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.UNMANAGED_FOREST);
+		double minOrProtectedA = getProtectedAreaIncMinNatural();
+		double unprotectedNat = Math.max(0, totalNatural - minOrProtectedA);  // if we are already using more than is protected then the unprotectedArea is 0
+		return unprotectedNat;
+	}
 	public double getSuitableLand() {
-		double totalNatural  = getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.OTHER_NATURAL) + getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.MANAGED_FOREST) + getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.UNMANAGED_FOREST);
+		double totalUnprotectedNatural  = getUnprotectedNatural();
 		double currentAgri = getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.PASTURE) + getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.CROPLAND);
-		double protectedA = ModelConfig.PROTECTED_AREAS_ENABLED ? protectedArea : 0;
-		double minNatural = (currentAgri+totalNatural) * ModelConfig.MIN_NATURAL_RATE;
-		double minOrProtectedA = Math.max(protectedA, minNatural);
-		double unprotectedA = Math.max(0, totalNatural - minOrProtectedA);  // if we are already using more than is protected then the unprotectedArea is 0
-		double suitable = currentAgri + unprotectedA;
+		double suitable = currentAgri + totalUnprotectedNatural;
 		return suitable;
-	public double getForestToNaturalFraction() {
-		double forest = getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.MANAGED_FOREST) + getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.UNMANAGED_FOREST);
-		double natural = forest + getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.OTHER_NATURAL);
-		double d = forest / natural;
-		return (Double.isNaN(d) || Double.isInfinite(d)) ? 1.0 : d;
-	}
 	public double getForestManagedFraction() {
 		double managed = getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.MANAGED_FOREST);
 		double unmanaged = getLandCoverArea(LandCoverType.UNMANAGED_FOREST);
 		double d = managed / (managed + unmanaged);
 		return (Double.isNaN(d) || Double.isInfinite(d)) ? 1.0 : d;
 	public CropToDouble getCropChanges(LandUseItem prevAreaAggItem) {
 		CropToDouble changes = new CropToDouble();
@@ -309,4 +331,9 @@ public class LandUseItem implements InterpolatingRasterItem<LandUseItem>, Serial
 		return total;
+	@Override
+	public String toString() {
+		return "LandUseItem: [landCoverAreas=" + landCoverAreas + ", protectedArea=" + protectedArea + "], suitableLand " +  getSuitableLand();
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/output/LandUseOutputer.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/output/LandUseOutputer.java
index 9fb3bf6e06f85b5a61c8fda21d23671aa0f17406..4b3c8123c946545fb67ab3d9dbd921ddf6d576cb 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/output/LandUseOutputer.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/output/LandUseOutputer.java
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class LandUseOutputer extends AbstractLandUseOutputer {
 				sbData.append(String.format(" %.14f", item.getTotalLandCoverArea()));
-				sbData.append(String.format(" %.14f", item.getProtectedArea()));
+				sbData.append(String.format(" %.14f", item.getProtectedAreaIncMinNatural()));
 				for (LandCoverType cover : LandCoverType.values()) {
 					sbData.append(String.format(" %.14f", item.getLandCoverArea(cover)));
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/LandCoverType.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/LandCoverType.java
index e6096fecacd5b9f7e49d63a4302878038707b29b..6c0c8428eb59c97872fe94902445c4cb1f478179 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/LandCoverType.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/types/LandCoverType.java
@@ -2,22 +2,28 @@ package ac.ed.lurg.types;
 public enum LandCoverType {
-	MANAGED_FOREST ("managedForest"),
-	UNMANAGED_FOREST ("unmanagedForest"),
-	OTHER_NATURAL ("otherNatural"),
-	CROPLAND ("cropland"),
-	PASTURE ("pasture"),
-	BARREN ("barren"),
-	URBAN("urban");
+	MANAGED_FOREST ("managedForest", true),
+	UNMANAGED_FOREST ("unmanagedForest", true),
+	OTHER_NATURAL ("otherNatural", true),
+	CROPLAND ("cropland", false),
+	PASTURE ("pasture", false),
+	BARREN ("barren", false),
+	URBAN("urban", false);
 	private String name;
+	private boolean isProtectable;
-	LandCoverType(String name) {
+	LandCoverType(String name, boolean isProtectable) {
 		this.name = name;
+		this.isProtectable = isProtectable;
 	public String getName() {
 		return name;
+	public boolean isProtectable() {
+		return isProtectable;
+	}