diff --git a/hindcast/hind_config.properties b/hindcast/hind_config.properties
index 790dbb08a3a6897bf07492241c8f6ea84528820b..e4e42cc2f85c091864056a95f969493d732566f3 100644
--- a/hindcast/hind_config.properties
+++ b/hindcast/hind_config.properties
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ BASE_DIR=./hindcast
 # irritatingly the gams file is also found under the BASE_DIR, and don't want to duplicate so need to specify exactly
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
index 441fcfd8c33fa76cc344927697c804da75eb1be1..a8dd6d8e15eb453125d651e4210d036d88bc6fa0 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/ModelConfig.java
@@ -193,23 +193,23 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final int BIOENERGY_CHANGE_START_YEAR = getIntProperty("BIOENERGY_CHANGE_START_YEAR", 2010);
 	public static final int BIOENERGY_CHANGE_END_YEAR = getIntProperty("BIOENERGY_CHANGE_END_YEAR", 2030);
-	public static final double MARKET_LAMBA = getDoubleProperty("MARKET_LAMBA", 0.3); // controls international market price adjustment rate
+	public static final double MARKET_LAMBA = getDoubleProperty("MARKET_LAMBA", 0.4); // controls international market price adjustment rate
 	public static final double POPULATION_AGGREG_LIMIT = getDoubleProperty("POPULATION_AGGREG_LIMIT", 30.0);  // in millions, smaller countries are aggregated on a regional basis
 	public static final double UNHANDLED_CROP_AREA = getDoubleProperty("UNHANDLED_CROP_AREA", 0.3);  // includes fruit veg forage crops set aside and failed crop
-	public static final double OTHER_INTENSITY_COST = getDoubleProperty("OTHER_INTENSITY_COST", 0.4);
+	public static final double OTHER_INTENSITY_COST = getDoubleProperty("OTHER_INTENSITY_COST", 0.2);
 	public static final double OTHER_INTENSITY_PARAM = getDoubleProperty("OTHER_INTENSITY_PARAM", 3.22);
-	public static final double IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR = getDoubleProperty("IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR", 0.03);
+	public static final double IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR = getDoubleProperty("IRRIG_COST_SCALE_FACTOR", 0.02);
 	public static final double FERTILISER_COST_PER_T = getDoubleProperty("FERTILISER_COST_PER_T", 0.5/0.18); // $500/t, 18% N/t
 	public static final double FERTILISER_MAX_COST = FERTILISER_COST_PER_T * MAX_FERT_AMOUNT/1000;
-	public static final double DOMESTIC_PRICE_MARKUP = getDoubleProperty("DOMESTIC_PRICE_MARKUP", 2.0);
+	public static final double DOMESTIC_PRICE_MARKUP = getDoubleProperty("DOMESTIC_PRICE_MARKUP", 1.0);
 	public static final double TRANSPORT_LOSSES = getDoubleProperty("TRANSPORT_LOSSES", 0.05);  // in international trade
-	public static final double TRANSPORT_COST = getDoubleProperty("TRANSPORT_COST", 0.2);  // 100 $/t  see Wheat Transportation Profile - USDA
-	public static final double TRADE_BARRIER_FACTOR_DEFAULT = getDoubleProperty("TRADE_BARRIER_FACTOR_DEFAULT", 0.4);  // price factor in international trade, transport cost and real trade barriers
+	public static final double TRANSPORT_COST = getDoubleProperty("TRANSPORT_COST", 0.3);  // 100 $/t  see Wheat Transportation Profile - USDA
+	public static final double TRADE_BARRIER_FACTOR_DEFAULT = getDoubleProperty("TRADE_BARRIER_FACTOR_DEFAULT", 0.5);  // price factor in international trade, transport cost and real trade barriers
 	public static final double TRADE_BARRIER_ADJ = getDoubleProperty("TRADE_BARRIER_ADJ", 1.0);
 	public static final boolean ACTIVE_TRADE_BARRIERS = getBooleanProperty("ACTIVE_TRADE_BARRIERS", false);  // if set to true read in barrier information from file, otherwise use default as above
@@ -222,5 +222,5 @@ public class ModelConfig {
 	public static final int LPJG_TIMESTEP_SIZE = 5;
 	public static final int NUM_YIELD_CLUSTERS = 500;
-	public static final long RANDOM_SEED = 290374;  // any number will do
+	public static final long RANDOM_SEED = 29031974;  // any number will do
diff --git a/src/ac/ed/lurg/output/LandUseOutputer.java b/src/ac/ed/lurg/output/LandUseOutputer.java
index 30814ef961eaa7d923b143ba2fab971269aa9f0f..9fb3bf6e06f85b5a61c8fda21d23671aa0f17406 100644
--- a/src/ac/ed/lurg/output/LandUseOutputer.java
+++ b/src/ac/ed/lurg/output/LandUseOutputer.java
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ public class LandUseOutputer extends AbstractLandUseOutputer {
 			String landCoverFileName = outputDir.getPath() + File.separator + "LandUse.txt";
 			fertWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(landCoverFileName, false));
-			StringBuffer sbHeader = new StringBuffer("Lon,Lat,protected");
+			StringBuffer sbHeader = new StringBuffer("Lon Lat area protected");
 			for (LandCoverType cover : LandCoverType.values()) {
-				sbHeader.append("," + cover.getName());
+				sbHeader.append(" " + cover.getName());
 			for (CropType crop : CropType.getAllItems()) {
 				String cropString = crop.getGamsName();
-				sbHeader.append("," + cropString + "_A," + cropString + "_FI," + cropString + "_II," + cropString + "_OI");
+				sbHeader.append(" " + cropString + "_A " + cropString + "_FI " + cropString + "_FQ " + cropString + "_II " + cropString + "_IQ "+ cropString + "_OI");
@@ -52,21 +52,25 @@ public class LandUseOutputer extends AbstractLandUseOutputer {
 				double lat = landUseRaster.getXCoordin(key);
 				double lon = landUseRaster.getYCoordin(key);
-				StringBuffer sbData = new StringBuffer(String.format("%.2f,%.2f", lat, lon));
+				StringBuffer sbData = new StringBuffer(String.format("%.2f %.2f", lat, lon));
-				sbData.append(String.format(",%.14f", item.getProtectedArea()));
+				sbData.append(String.format(" %.14f", item.getTotalLandCoverArea()));
+				sbData.append(String.format(" %.14f", item.getProtectedArea()));
 				for (LandCoverType cover : LandCoverType.values()) {
-					sbData.append(String.format(",%.14f", item.getLandCoverArea(cover)));
+					sbData.append(String.format(" %.14f", item.getLandCoverArea(cover)));
 				for (CropType crop : CropType.getAllItems()) {
 					double cropFract = item.getCropFraction(crop);
 					Intensity intensity = item.getIntensity(crop);
 					double fertI = intensity==null ? 0.0 : intensity.getFertiliserIntensity();
+					double fertQ = intensity==null ? 0.0 : intensity.getFertiliserAmount();
 					double irrigI = intensity==null ? 0.0 : intensity.getIrrigationIntensity();
+					double irrigQ = intensity==null ? 0.0 : intensity.getIrrigationRate();
 					double otherI = intensity==null ? 0.0 : intensity.getOtherIntensity();
-					sbData.append(String.format(",%.14f,%.14f,%.14f,%.14f", cropFract, fertI, irrigI, otherI));
+					sbData.append(String.format(" %.14f %.14f %.14f %.14f %.14f %.14f", cropFract, fertI, fertQ, irrigI, irrigQ, otherI));