diff --git a/doc/src/Manual.txt b/doc/src/Manual.txt
index ba79f78cb29ece5e0c6f4f0017fafa4c18c7906f..a5a874fa8bcb4bcd57bc914273a3db4272ebb7a8 100644
--- a/doc/src/Manual.txt
+++ b/doc/src/Manual.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!-- HTML_ONLY -->
-<META NAME="docnumber" CONTENT="31 Mar 2017 version">
+<META NAME="docnumber" CONTENT="11 Apr 2017 version">
 <META NAME="author" CONTENT="http://lammps.sandia.gov - Sandia National Laboratories">
 <META NAME="copyright" CONTENT="Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  This software and manual is distributed under the GNU General Public License.">
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 LAMMPS Documentation :c,h3
-31 Mar 2017 version :c,h4
+11 Apr 2017 version :c,h4
 Version info: :h4
diff --git a/doc/src/Section_commands.txt b/doc/src/Section_commands.txt
index e80b0303eb58ed82c40cf70609e4d77e39920947..3f1d6ff2039cd77b32b8bbb888422731c3e5c952 100644
--- a/doc/src/Section_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/src/Section_commands.txt
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ USER-OMP, t = OPT.
 "charmm (ko)"_dihedral_charmm.html,
 "class2 (ko)"_dihedral_class2.html,
 "harmonic (io)"_dihedral_harmonic.html,
 "helix (o)"_dihedral_helix.html,
diff --git a/doc/src/Section_howto.txt b/doc/src/Section_howto.txt
index 6f59f8b55ef563d4551c1a55703f4a5af06db0a2..579cb684740513eba174adfa2e07c68ddee50ee5 100644
--- a/doc/src/Section_howto.txt
+++ b/doc/src/Section_howto.txt
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ documentation for the formula it computes.
 "special_bonds"_special_bonds.html charmm
 "special_bonds"_special_bonds.html amber :ul
-NOTE: For CHARMM, the newer {charmmfsw} or {charmmfsh} styles were
+NOTE: For CHARMM, newer {charmmfsw} or {charmmfsh} styles were
 released in March 2017.  We recommend they be used instead of the
 older {charmm} styles.  See discussion of the differences on the "pair
 charmm"_pair_charmm.html and "dihedral charmm"_dihedral_charmm.html
diff --git a/doc/src/dihedral_charmm.txt b/doc/src/dihedral_charmm.txt
index 9fe05a1148740230d5c3dc5cbf53fe63d034cc9e..918755ec3889678eacc5625f5b43bc401fb1a301 100644
--- a/doc/src/dihedral_charmm.txt
+++ b/doc/src/dihedral_charmm.txt
@@ -10,25 +10,25 @@ dihedral_style charmm command :h3
 dihedral_style charmm/intel command :h3
 dihedral_style charmm/kk command :h3
 dihedral_style charmm/omp command :h3
-dihedral_style charmmfsh command :h3
+dihedral_style charmmfsw command :h3
 dihedral_style style :pre
-style = {charmm} or {charmmfsh} :ul
+style = {charmm} or {charmmfsw} :ul
 dihedral_style charmm
-dihedral_style charmmfsh
+dihedral_style charmmfsw
 dihedral_coeff  1 0.2 1 180 1.0
 dihedral_coeff  2 1.8 1   0 1.0
 dihedral_coeff  1 3.1 2 180 0.5 :pre
-The {charmm} and {charmmfsh} dihedral styles use the potential
+The {charmm} and {charmmfsw} dihedral styles use the potential
@@ -38,10 +38,12 @@ field (see comment on weighting factors below).  See
 "(Cornell)"_#dihedral-Cornell for a description of the AMBER force
-NOTE: The newer {charmmfsh} style was released in March 2017.  We
+NOTE: The newer {charmmfsw} style was released in March 2017.  We
 recommend it be used instead of the older {charmm} style when running
-a simulation with the CHARMM force field and Coulomb cutoffs, via the
-"pair_style lj/charmmfsw/coul/charmmfsh"_pair_charmm.html command.
+a simulation with the CHARMM force field, either with long-range
+Coulombics or a Coulomb cutoff, via the "pair_style
+lj/charmmfsw/coul/long"_pair_charmm.html and "pair_style
+lj/charmmfsw/coul/charmmfsh"_pair_charmm.html commands respectively.
 Otherwise the older {charmm} style is fine to use.  See the discussion
 below and more details on the "pair_style charmm"_pair_charmm.html doc
@@ -86,17 +88,18 @@ default). Otherwise 1-4 non-bonded interactions in dihedrals will be
 computed twice.
 For simulations using the CHARMM force field with a Coulomb cutoff,
-the difference between the {charmm} and {charmmfsh} styles is in the
+the difference between the {charmm} and {charmmfsw} styles is in the
 computation of the 1-4 non-bond interactions, though only if the
 distance between the two atoms is within the switching region of the
 pairwise potential defined by the corresponding CHARMM pair style,
 i.e. within the outer cutoff specified for the pair style.  The
-{charmmfsh} style should only be used when using the "pair_style
-lj/charmmfsw/coul/charmmfsh"_pair_charmm.html to make the Coulombic
-pairwise calculations consistent.  Use the {charmm} style with
-long-range Coulombics or the older "pair_style
-lj/charmm/coul/charmm"_pair_charmm.html command.  See the discussion
-on the "CHARMM pair_style"_pair_charmm.html doc page for details.
+{charmmfsw} style should only be used when using the corresponding
+"pair_style lj/charmmfsw/coul/charmmfsw"_pair_charmm.html or
+"pair_style lj/charmmfsw/coul/long"_pair_charmm.html commands.  Use
+the {charmm} style with the older "pair_style"_pair_charmm.html
+commands that have just "charmm" in their style name.  See the
+discussion on the "CHARMM pair_style"_pair_charmm.html doc page for
 Note that for AMBER force fields, which use pair styles with "lj/cut",
 the special_bonds 1-4 scaling factor should be set to the AMBER
@@ -104,7 +107,7 @@ defaults (1/2 and 5/6) and all the dihedral weighting factors (4th
 coeff above) must be set to 0.0. In this case, you can use any pair
 style you wish, since the dihedral does not need any Lennard-Jones
 parameter information and will not compute any 1-4 non-bonded
-interactions.  Likewise the {charmm} or {charmmfsh} styles are
+interactions.  Likewise the {charmm} or {charmmfsw} styles are
 identical in this case since no 1-4 non-bonded interactions are
diff --git a/doc/src/pair_charmm.txt b/doc/src/pair_charmm.txt
index ba6e60e1214ed89f0c563f09863deb935fc4b076..9c5973c7255e240b5da207e9458c770198cfed43 100644
--- a/doc/src/pair_charmm.txt
+++ b/doc/src/pair_charmm.txt
@@ -99,9 +99,10 @@ artifacts.
 NOTE: The newer {charmmfsw} or {charmmfsh} styles were released in
 March 2017.  We recommend they be used instead of the older {charmm}
-styles.  Eventually code from the new styles will propagate into the
-related pair styles (e.g. implicit, accelerator, free energy
+styles.  This includes the newer "dihedral_style
+charmmfsw"_dihedral_charmm.html command.  Eventually code from the new
+styles will propagate into the related pair styles (e.g. implicit,
+accelerator, free energy variants).
 The general CHARMM formulas are as follows
diff --git a/examples/cmap/in.cmap b/examples/cmap/in.cmap
index d2b2714b826fc2f25abc00b2ec0c265726dc3e87..3b6f2767edc8cb8cbfcb99cbbb1446458fe7e4a0 100644
--- a/examples/cmap/in.cmap
+++ b/examples/cmap/in.cmap
@@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ boundary        p p p
 atom_style      full
 bond_style      harmonic
 angle_style     charmm
-dihedral_style  charmm
+dihedral_style  charmmfsw
 improper_style  harmonic
-pair_style      lj/charmm/coul/charmm 8 12
-#pair_style      lj/charmmfsw/coul/charmmfsh 8 12
+pair_style      lj/charmmfsw/coul/charmmfsh 8 12
 pair_modify     mix arithmetic
 fix             cmap all cmap charmm22.cmap
diff --git a/examples/cmap/log.5Oct16.cmap.g++.1 b/examples/cmap/log.5Oct16.cmap.g++.1
deleted file mode 100644
index fbfc2b8baff4262d4e71a83ea7fb56b202effd6e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/examples/cmap/log.5Oct16.cmap.g++.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-LAMMPS (5 Oct 2016)
-# Created by charmm2lammps v1.8.2.6 beta on Thu Mar  3 20:56:57 EST 2016
-units           real
-neigh_modify    delay 2 every 1
-#newton          off
-boundary        p p p
-atom_style      full
-bond_style      harmonic
-angle_style     charmm
-dihedral_style  charmm
-improper_style  harmonic
-pair_style      lj/charmm/coul/charmm 8 12
-#pair_style      lj/charmmfsw/coul/charmmfsh 8 12
-pair_modify     mix arithmetic
-fix             cmap all cmap charmm22.cmap
-Reading potential file charmm22.cmap with DATE: 2016-09-26
-fix_modify      cmap energy yes
-read_data       gagg.data fix cmap crossterm CMAP
-  orthogonal box = (-34.4147 -36.1348 -39.3491) to (45.5853 43.8652 40.6509)
-  1 by 1 by 1 MPI processor grid
-  reading atoms ...
-  34 atoms
-  scanning bonds ...
-  4 = max bonds/atom
-  scanning angles ...
-  6 = max angles/atom
-  scanning dihedrals ...
-  12 = max dihedrals/atom
-  scanning impropers ...
-  1 = max impropers/atom
-  reading bonds ...
-  33 bonds
-  reading angles ...
-  57 angles
-  reading dihedrals ...
-  75 dihedrals
-  reading impropers ...
-  7 impropers
-  4 = max # of 1-2 neighbors
-  7 = max # of 1-3 neighbors
-  13 = max # of 1-4 neighbors
-  16 = max # of special neighbors
-special_bonds   charmm
-fix             1 all nve
-#fix             1 all nvt temp 300 300 100.0
-#fix             2 all shake 1e-9 500 0 m 1.0
-velocity        all create 0.0 12345678 dist uniform
-thermo          1000
-thermo_style    custom step ecoul evdwl ebond eangle edihed f_cmap eimp
-timestep        2.0
-run             100000
-Neighbor list info ...
-  1 neighbor list requests
-  update every 1 steps, delay 2 steps, check yes
-  max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
-  master list distance cutoff = 14
-  ghost atom cutoff = 14
-  binsize = 7 -> bins = 12 12 12
-Memory usage per processor = 14.6355 Mbytes
-Step E_coul E_vdwl E_bond E_angle E_dihed f_cmap E_impro 
-       0    26.542777  -0.93822087    1.2470497    4.8441789    4.5432816    -1.473352   0.10453023 
-    1000    28.673005  -0.47724367   0.80029132     3.151679    4.4684446   -2.3928648   0.18604953 
-    2000     27.67955    -1.170342   0.72018905    4.0400131    4.4713764   -2.5490207   0.21834436 
-    3000    29.256656  -0.35856055   0.73303546    3.7411606    4.4710568   -2.8939692   0.37728884 
-    4000    30.097549   -1.1353905   0.79007053    3.0688444    4.4091469   -2.3383587   0.20743631 
-    5000    28.357525   -1.0723742    0.9180297    3.6579424    4.8792664   -2.3185572  0.088366962 
-    6000    29.214175  -0.95299225   0.81926009    3.6805429    4.6742897   -2.9343577   0.26697813 
-    7000    27.018614  -0.52423475   0.72502764    3.8840137    4.7780956   -2.3916009   0.24952584 
-    8000    29.682167   -1.0939711   0.76111486    3.1090116    4.9359719   -2.5662984    0.1411154 
-    9000    27.909695  -0.80905986   0.78952533     4.203187    4.1301204    -2.000402  0.088859259 
-   10000    27.480298  -0.86273377    1.1293962    4.3857421     4.899282   -3.3895621   0.12126215 
-   11000    28.303203   -1.0221152   0.62762348     4.055414    4.5863024   -2.5842816   0.17996907 
-   12000    28.311127  -0.94227367   0.91859012    3.6673926    4.7018632    -3.902715   0.30065704 
-   13000    30.818607   -1.5220116   0.95710386    3.3364371     4.543427   -3.0423067   0.16712905 
-   14000    27.643736   -1.0144117   0.95806952    4.1046912     4.800236   -4.0534389   0.29293405 
-   15000    27.660491   -1.0390086   0.78061056    4.1139174    4.7197202   -2.3670379   0.22126985 
-   16000    27.845157  -0.63654502   0.78007478    3.9365994     4.949418   -3.1470214   0.22335355 
-   17000     28.44772   -1.0255112   0.70402007    4.0573343    4.2887527   -2.2099596  0.048050962 
-   18000    27.128323  -0.96218536    1.1327159    4.3222585     4.326607   -2.2881766   0.13491257 
-   19000    27.337633  -0.78999574   0.80152298    4.2239689    4.7073478   -2.2924164   0.12710292 
-   20000    27.780537  -0.46458072   0.79707671    3.7232618     4.943417   -2.5290628   0.26191223 
-   21000    26.435484   -0.7803224    1.0753217    4.4196051    5.9945933   -2.3340925   0.16448475 
-   22000    28.619429   -1.1623149    0.9401731    3.8508844    5.1636737   -2.5551846   0.25318434 
-   23000    28.399338  -0.79700962   0.85575503     4.488526    4.5975422   -2.5663549   0.13601693 
-   24000    29.645532    -1.158744   0.83180313    3.8193399      4.60319   -2.6847864   0.24260466 
-   25000    28.695339   -1.4802204   0.76583757    3.6786272    4.8959496   -2.3627896  0.080867326 
-   26000    28.149711    -1.029689   0.79383806    3.7885067    4.3345813   -2.1041553   0.14598209 
-   27000    29.580373   -1.0525813    1.0262723    3.7767318    4.6119758   -2.2802386  0.088556038 
-   28000     28.44308  -0.93411225    0.8794395     3.948079     4.780246   -2.1814583   0.14340149 
-   29000    29.335621   -1.6087988   0.71803091    3.7819186    4.6688385   -2.4282242   0.16061111 
-   30000    28.706138   -1.3938241   0.67713818     4.031275    4.4756505   -2.1807056   0.11461356 
-   31000    27.451944  0.010297225   0.65064883    3.6402029    4.3607811   -2.5511516   0.12637237 
-   32000    27.070878    -1.103158    1.1932199    5.1329709    4.5201653   -2.2224479   0.11215427 
-   33000    29.889976   -1.6228316   0.69407996    3.5361991    4.3502767   -1.9847454   0.09089949 
-   34000    28.223151    -0.927208     1.043253    3.4650939    5.1028142   -2.8127219   0.10648823 
-   35000    27.985986  -0.48153861   0.63878449    3.3724641    4.9551679   -2.6565919   0.12123115 
-   36000    28.580688   -1.4500694     1.055762    4.0490064     4.423782   -2.3103578  0.072747638 
-   37000    29.192947  -0.49678176    1.1146731    2.9233947    4.5738603   -2.4376144   0.22874047 
-   38000    26.954594  -0.53812359   0.79230685    4.3356989    5.0284656   -2.3791255    0.0486081 
-   39000    27.567555  -0.57870028   0.73614374     4.191991    4.9209556   -2.6122044   0.08635571 
-   40000    28.494172  -0.79057135   0.79072816    4.1893209    4.4826919   -2.4179635   0.14612898 
-   41000     28.44904   -1.1002948   0.93405654    4.3586358    4.4338415   -2.2950944   0.15705834 
-   42000     28.95725   -1.0297067    1.1632348     4.274711    4.9979487   -2.7611464   0.15944725 
-   43000    28.640394  -0.70938882   0.68100893    3.1844315    5.1817454   -2.2837487   0.14189233 
-   44000    27.997558   -1.0115099   0.59125208    4.0883422    4.6033907   -2.2775964  0.094273258 
-   45000     27.67163  -0.67992747    1.1225552    3.9020703    4.8171056   -2.1952679  0.041418433 
-   46000    28.822607   -0.6687953   0.74160059    3.3193715    4.5546965   -2.3024572  0.047569065 
-   47000     29.20147   -1.4456785   0.79223353    3.8288813    4.5811826   -2.5154936  0.061230141 
-   48000    27.843026   -1.0222301   0.87322137    4.3432743    4.4266307   -2.1414153   0.06802794 
-   49000    28.199573   -1.1887794    1.2781088    4.0779644    4.5881353    -2.319775  0.094803547 
-   50000    28.759212    -1.354416   0.68534569    3.8394841    4.2308134   -2.1281844    0.1395951 
-   51000    27.876455   -1.5705462   0.76557156    4.5335223     4.523708    -2.203702   0.14679803 
-   52000    27.930587   -1.2277489   0.96071516     3.960953    5.1152188   -2.4101451  0.060949521 
-   53000    27.031236   -1.4746477    1.2341141    5.0540975    4.3656865   -2.1288513  0.092725656 
-   54000    28.809394   -1.1162427   0.94350207    3.4013958    4.4755547   -2.3342811   0.18855912 
-   55000    28.948415   -1.1560418    0.6260139    3.5386373    4.5244978    -2.340212   0.17474657 
-   56000    28.048368  -0.95784532   0.76432571    4.1404665    4.4570033   -2.0899628  0.045693628 
-   57000    28.707642    -1.366574    0.9907873     3.729903    4.3131997   -2.2777698  0.065420213 
-   58000    26.361663   -1.0424403    1.0452563    5.0977108    4.7035231   -2.3101244   0.13671642 
-   59000    29.218218   -1.2210564   0.62435875    3.4236327    4.5481681   -2.1575943  0.037984042 
-   60000    27.655546   -1.1053224   0.86323501    3.7641375    4.8946898   -2.2422249  0.077725979 
-   61000    27.252108   -1.3744824    1.1150806    5.0444848    4.4878135   -2.2743829  0.058331257 
-   62000    27.163469   -1.1715781   0.72099321    4.5295501    4.9509918   -2.2993961  0.050401105 
-   63000    29.581575   -1.2238537   0.86303245    3.1194038    5.2218965   -2.5002427  0.055032632 
-   64000    27.897822   -1.1011516   0.74540883    4.2869228    4.3394269   -2.2552393    0.1403321 
-   65000    27.083245   -1.0633392   0.92771724    5.0805224    4.2747962   -2.2388039  0.064196692 
-   66000    29.072723   -1.5514209   0.89798805    4.2600224    4.4261812   -2.3524752   0.15067414 
-   67000    27.308181  -0.72224802   0.97109517    4.5074578    4.4559352   -2.1381121  0.089297603 
-   68000    27.505686  -0.43855431   0.80785812    4.1917251    5.0157721   -2.3382145   0.11105164 
-   69000    29.041681  -0.64735378   0.89874684    3.3891579    4.3753361   -2.2320941   0.14716747 
-   70000    29.735756   -1.7061457    0.9206878    3.5767878    4.3851664   -2.2516304  0.097196062 
-   71000    28.224352  -0.92217702   0.86093586    3.9507157    4.5596589   -2.2173397  0.089116669 
-   72000    29.282336    -1.056142   0.65185725    3.8735742    4.4839333   -2.4314756  0.071909704 
-   73000    26.257283  -0.64273826   0.98300685     5.063943     5.045958   -2.5544375    0.2180275 
-   74000    28.825119  -0.97736616   0.87201848      3.55875    4.3653309   -2.2303567  0.098963875 
-   75000    29.239507  -0.96508809   0.74517323    3.4306236    4.7651921   -2.6077732   0.17883654 
-   76000    27.349841  -0.50990238    1.1183613    4.4252451    4.4097775   -2.4125794   0.18483606 
-   77000    28.130197   -1.4081219   0.94921357    4.2572132    4.5162849   -2.4013797  0.073744606 
-   78000    28.235774   -0.9214321    0.6324981    3.8697686    4.8092154   -2.2272847  0.092108346 
-   79000    26.732846  -0.55949486    1.0989617    5.0088609    4.4930687    -2.277945   0.03855146 
-   80000    28.529208  -0.94244671   0.79407482     3.961106    4.3930011   -2.3127726  0.091124948 
-   81000    29.603852   -1.6116062     1.060847    3.7824932     4.151001   -1.9139868   0.19875986 
-   82000    28.232876   -1.1833011    1.0182713    3.4195758    5.1394333   -2.4632697   0.28501012 
-   83000    29.565482   -1.3479552   0.99056973    3.7851802    4.4781011   -2.7872481    0.2031991 
-   84000    28.780274   -1.3073882    1.0512637     4.004638     4.502282   -2.3789146  0.015656202 
-   85000    27.262312   -1.1305346     1.203524    4.7938623    4.1747105   -2.0952844  0.054240361 
-   86000    28.157348   -1.0662817   0.81163796    3.9912709    4.8320213    -2.255237   0.14698333 
-   87000    28.445543   -1.3365026   0.78156195    4.4767689    4.4457575   -2.5008786   0.13879386 
-   88000    27.656717   -1.1490599   0.87974869    4.4629952    4.7023033   -2.3258145  0.081904139 
-   89000    28.838821    -1.020709   0.85587929    3.7110705    4.4938307   -2.4914483   0.11447952 
-   90000    27.356497  -0.59107077   0.81879666    4.5209332    4.4703836   -2.3806717  0.071307775 
-   91000    27.780445  -0.80564513   0.94752313    3.8468943    4.2924253   -2.1011134    0.1118672 
-   92000    28.555276   -1.3514732   0.80826674    3.9590742    4.5775954   -2.4891232  0.054254978 
-   93000    28.747267   -1.2133243   0.75507246    4.1319789    4.9048611   -2.4913887   0.13045693 
-   94000    27.479343  -0.69973695   0.99696121    3.5966229     4.549025   -2.4155312   0.41745762 
-   95000    27.726945   -1.1905026    1.1120842    4.7433275    4.5386861   -2.7947142   0.33671682 
-   96000    28.021114   -1.0341645    0.6663033    4.2397505    4.6203984   -1.9904034   0.10972565 
-   97000    28.382022   -1.3916008     1.180588    4.0729621    4.6741792    -2.554927   0.13462346 
-   98000    27.895969   -0.7496449    1.3072185    4.2611888    4.3726077   -2.1320701   0.15376665 
-   99000    28.517889   -1.2183957     1.279778     3.957647    4.2638434   -2.2888407  0.042705003 
-  100000    28.109211   -1.2538948   0.83671785    4.3734766     4.544545   -2.3076497  0.042189096 
-Loop time of 2.84552 on 1 procs for 100000 steps with 34 atoms
-Performance: 6072.706 ns/day, 0.004 hours/ns, 35142.973 timesteps/s
-99.9% CPU use with 1 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads
-MPI task timing breakdown:
-Section |  min time  |  avg time  |  max time  |%varavg| %total
-Pair    | 0.94207    | 0.94207    | 0.94207    |   0.0 | 33.11
-Bond    | 1.6125     | 1.6125     | 1.6125     |   0.0 | 56.67
-Neigh   | 0.0073986  | 0.0073986  | 0.0073986  |   0.0 |  0.26
-Comm    | 0.012739   | 0.012739   | 0.012739   |   0.0 |  0.45
-Output  | 0.00075531 | 0.00075531 | 0.00075531 |   0.0 |  0.03
-Modify  | 0.21483    | 0.21483    | 0.21483    |   0.0 |  7.55
-Other   |            | 0.05524    |            |       |  1.94
-Nlocal:    34 ave 34 max 34 min
-Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-Nghost:    0 ave 0 max 0 min
-Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-Neighs:    395 ave 395 max 395 min
-Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-Total # of neighbors = 395
-Ave neighs/atom = 11.6176
-Ave special neighs/atom = 9.52941
-Neighbor list builds = 237
-Dangerous builds = 0
-Total wall time: 0:00:02
diff --git a/examples/cmap/log.5Oct16.cmap.g++.4 b/examples/cmap/log.5Oct16.cmap.g++.4
deleted file mode 100644
index de5d670073dd10a47f59634bf80160e5f4162a71..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/examples/cmap/log.5Oct16.cmap.g++.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-LAMMPS (5 Oct 2016)
-# Created by charmm2lammps v1.8.2.6 beta on Thu Mar  3 20:56:57 EST 2016
-units           real
-neigh_modify    delay 2 every 1
-#newton          off
-boundary        p p p
-atom_style      full
-bond_style      harmonic
-angle_style     charmm
-dihedral_style  charmm
-improper_style  harmonic
-pair_style      lj/charmm/coul/charmm 8 12
-#pair_style      lj/charmmfsw/coul/charmmfsh 8 12
-pair_modify     mix arithmetic
-fix             cmap all cmap charmm22.cmap
-Reading potential file charmm22.cmap with DATE: 2016-09-26
-fix_modify      cmap energy yes
-read_data       gagg.data fix cmap crossterm CMAP
-  orthogonal box = (-34.4147 -36.1348 -39.3491) to (45.5853 43.8652 40.6509)
-  1 by 2 by 2 MPI processor grid
-  reading atoms ...
-  34 atoms
-  scanning bonds ...
-  4 = max bonds/atom
-  scanning angles ...
-  6 = max angles/atom
-  scanning dihedrals ...
-  12 = max dihedrals/atom
-  scanning impropers ...
-  1 = max impropers/atom
-  reading bonds ...
-  33 bonds
-  reading angles ...
-  57 angles
-  reading dihedrals ...
-  75 dihedrals
-  reading impropers ...
-  7 impropers
-  4 = max # of 1-2 neighbors
-  7 = max # of 1-3 neighbors
-  13 = max # of 1-4 neighbors
-  16 = max # of special neighbors
-special_bonds   charmm
-fix             1 all nve
-#fix             1 all nvt temp 300 300 100.0
-#fix             2 all shake 1e-9 500 0 m 1.0
-velocity        all create 0.0 12345678 dist uniform
-thermo          1000
-thermo_style    custom step ecoul evdwl ebond eangle edihed f_cmap eimp
-timestep        2.0
-run             100000
-Neighbor list info ...
-  1 neighbor list requests
-  update every 1 steps, delay 2 steps, check yes
-  max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
-  master list distance cutoff = 14
-  ghost atom cutoff = 14
-  binsize = 7 -> bins = 12 12 12
-Memory usage per processor = 15.9307 Mbytes
-Step E_coul E_vdwl E_bond E_angle E_dihed f_cmap E_impro 
-       0    26.542777  -0.93822087    1.2470497    4.8441789    4.5432816    -1.473352   0.10453023 
-    1000    28.673005  -0.47724367   0.80029132     3.151679    4.4684446   -2.3928648   0.18604953 
-    2000     27.67955    -1.170342   0.72018905    4.0400131    4.4713764   -2.5490207   0.21834436 
-    3000    29.256656  -0.35856055   0.73303546    3.7411606    4.4710568   -2.8939692   0.37728884 
-    4000    30.097549   -1.1353905   0.79007053    3.0688444    4.4091469   -2.3383587   0.20743631 
-    5000    28.357525   -1.0723742    0.9180297    3.6579424    4.8792663   -2.3185572  0.088366962 
-    6000    29.214175  -0.95299239   0.81926011    3.6805428    4.6742897   -2.9343578   0.26697816 
-    7000    27.018614  -0.52423469   0.72502751    3.8840141    4.7780958   -2.3916014   0.24952572 
-    8000    29.682494   -1.0940368   0.76113051    3.1089345    4.9357863   -2.5662256   0.14112613 
-    9000    27.853918   -0.7913741   0.79503268    4.2177256     4.146792     -2.00475  0.090585666 
-   10000     27.13754  -0.80551128    1.1325023    4.4718283    5.2460631   -3.4947725   0.11893125 
-   11000    28.277434   -1.4897448   0.90075953    4.1895717    4.3594269   -1.9553119  0.090222212 
-   12000    28.630973    -1.222206   0.67796385    3.3905661    4.9691334   -2.9052721   0.13897658 
-   13000    28.593007  -0.95684026   0.75585196    3.7242568    4.7417932   -2.3893117    0.2074121 
-   14000    26.147115   -0.6026921   0.93591488    5.1292829    4.9821952   -2.2571835   0.11872421 
-   15000     26.29432  -0.82424162     1.048979    4.5569495    5.1189308   -2.9750422   0.16195676 
-   16000    29.189992  -0.80998247   0.74093508    3.8299275    4.4536688   -2.5497538   0.19155639 
-   17000    25.878012   -0.3519646    1.0988924    4.7359591    5.3923098   -2.7211029   0.13405223 
-   18000    27.726135  -0.28229987   0.63072344    4.1777888    4.7237271   -2.2177157   0.15939372 
-   19000    27.153504  -0.66477422   0.77910129    4.2036117     5.113851   -2.3494315  0.094793307 
-   20000    28.044833   -1.2835827   0.88745367    3.9955526    4.5077788   -3.0116467   0.17197859 
-   21000    27.205696  -0.74090037    1.0023251    4.3421733     4.912671   -2.3473271   0.26089356 
-   22000    27.385785  -0.93740972   0.84554838     4.562743     4.883866   -2.2110955   0.11573301 
-   23000     27.05534  -0.95605442   0.96719024    3.9277618    5.0359014   -2.6135949   0.21368061 
-   24000    28.273378  -0.97543103    0.8983443    4.2067985    4.4782971   -2.4230505   0.30311692 
-   25000    27.477789  -0.20383849    0.8380706    3.8037992    4.8312504   -2.5831791  0.093843746 
-   26000    30.344199   -1.9773473   0.92882437    3.7821405    4.5176677   -2.3020968    0.2194307 
-   27000     27.32767   -0.9803839   0.92988865    3.7611603    5.0328211   -2.4647656   0.18213622 
-   28000     27.34208    -1.037938   0.74488346    4.1727342    4.7056812   -2.2718346   0.17741362 
-   29000    27.682777  -0.51006495   0.57074224    4.7332237    4.7080462   -2.0491512    0.2130517 
-   30000    24.925731   0.13670248   0.84976065    4.4143762    6.0677158   -3.5479173   0.28059419 
-   31000    28.623419  -0.90725708    1.0710501    3.6930688    4.6639301   -2.2225373   0.20988139 
-   32000    27.732286   -1.1948367   0.89230134    4.4398373    4.8923907   -3.5849327   0.49167488 
-   33000    28.800772   -1.5319589   0.93455495    4.1634728    4.6107706   -2.3503486   0.22636535 
-   34000    27.374398   -1.0957453   0.89450276    3.9829508     4.991786   -2.3548834   0.15869465 
-   35000     28.38753  -0.89261166   0.90000776     3.536864    4.4293294   -2.4218118   0.10640557 
-   36000    27.713974  0.088038031   0.85190574    3.8969601    4.6256355   -2.7935475   0.34671662 
-   37000     29.13007    -1.378597   0.74412556     3.131538    4.6458653   -2.9373734   0.38035616 
-   38000    28.556573   -1.4055344     1.139984    4.0035753    4.2938358    -2.489329   0.25338326 
-   39000    26.447036   -1.1829705   0.87032438    5.0804461    4.5772023   -2.7346466   0.32165802 
-   40000    27.991454  -0.64295679   0.61020872     4.165871    4.4623087   -2.2244194   0.13826991 
-   41000    29.483296   -1.2400745   0.66926627    3.3473666    4.5766617   -2.3051145   0.12171554 
-   42000    26.948627   -1.2162288    1.1440628    4.3993073    5.1176533   -2.4734485   0.15497709 
-   43000     28.04459  -0.26543193   0.83647367    3.5160747    4.6964397   -2.2805068   0.12618821 
-   44000    28.213608    -1.216128    0.9132792    4.0206483    4.9483599   -2.3387049   0.10132022 
-   45000    28.283506   -1.0390766   0.86113772     4.504509    4.7209088   -2.3043085   0.14588362 
-   46000    27.433853  -0.57912107   0.78448334    4.5998579    5.1181394   -2.6165094   0.18722528 
-   47000    27.552939   -1.1128925   0.80087638    4.3448001    4.8062869   -2.4296883    0.2702479 
-   48000    28.874034   -1.3242519   0.71770727    3.5648565    4.4671824   -2.2608958   0.16115978 
-   49000    29.216186   -1.2210307   0.76937497    3.9260628    4.7550577   -2.7316081  0.085505664 
-   50000    28.065856   -1.1545547   0.86953819    4.4137666     4.732157   -2.4450867   0.23320539 
-   51000    26.308975  -0.99728352   0.90408444    4.2400186    5.6340425   -2.2090554  0.079882158 
-   52000    28.517571   -1.5027398   0.83520278    3.8176552    4.3001251   -2.0731682    0.1665375 
-   53000     28.77579   -1.3564268   0.97253881    3.6866407    4.8532347   -2.5330776   0.17668411 
-   54000    29.135315   -1.0994106   0.67605671    3.6819254    4.3134408   -1.9796929  0.076951331 
-   55000    26.168938  -0.76247492   0.88784685    4.6533473    6.0484793   -2.1334561  0.036876985 
-   56000    27.471775  -0.68648837    1.0576168    4.0354311    4.4767052   -2.2368959   0.24950568 
-   57000    29.787083   -1.4914384    1.0702944    3.5388133    4.5173097   -2.6694464   0.27937092 
-   58000    28.705448   -1.3016617   0.63337853    3.9552713    4.4119825   -1.8774657   0.17540021 
-   59000    29.130155  -0.91647363   0.84384883    3.1076903    4.5346348   -2.3457338   0.16674486 
-   60000    26.874199  -0.81598034    1.3432151    5.1322624    4.9545484   -2.9566615   0.25950486 
-   61000    27.401306  -0.82895856    1.1636949     4.020154    4.5745928    -2.601466   0.18061051 
-   62000    28.930313   -1.5231967   0.85173243    4.3517328    4.4878662   -2.5859205    0.1755493 
-   63000     26.56874  0.026147233   0.60836216    4.4231618    4.4390677   -2.1721849   0.08594237 
-   64000    26.729023  -0.76953985   0.76734633    4.5104288    5.0886456   -2.2118551   0.11339216 
-   65000    28.900471   -1.3901477   0.86194657    4.2774976     4.498325   -2.3672362   0.20668335 
-   66000    26.884253  -0.21198879   0.98509625    4.0843117    4.4344172   -2.3289416   0.23631017 
-   67000    27.210888  -0.84075559    1.0396559    4.7253607    4.4314589   -2.2985702   0.19326507 
-   68000    28.042102   -1.1898715     1.053534    3.8748712    4.4358449   -2.3998723    0.2431659 
-   69000    28.939141   -1.6968936   0.98155912    4.0460838    5.0075204   -2.5547087   0.28645131 
-   70000     27.15577  -0.85202797    1.1469079    4.7645212    4.6133209   -2.3410451  0.086576572 
-   71000    25.507417  -0.27780727   0.95157881    4.8759406     4.853401   -2.9598705   0.41011008 
-   72000    29.804703   -1.4847015   0.96345767    3.6797304    4.3678377   -2.4594626   0.14480206 
-   73000    28.602798   -1.4906143   0.72497266    4.2442974    4.5360598   -2.3621638   0.14385651 
-   74000      28.4928  -0.91319873    1.0377472    3.8033127    4.3991601   -2.4051911  0.095567428 
-   75000     26.38168  -0.70733237    1.1557817     5.697939    4.5935618   -2.4285007  0.058980519 
-   76000     27.16626  -0.83631031   0.84844246    4.7460887    4.5801472   -2.1260014   0.12845946 
-   77000    29.040661   -1.3089499   0.80285084     4.664804    4.5215895   -2.6861939   0.13215598 
-   78000    27.477871   -1.0600977   0.88595045    4.6264017    5.4095605    -2.474411   0.10987174 
-   79000    26.151797  -0.55779685   0.91382436      4.99964    4.9184022   -2.2547241   0.22854038 
-   80000     28.14523  -0.54460026    0.8982411    3.5374555    4.3785673   -2.3196807  0.088567964 
-   81000    29.029941   -1.6467789   0.79042284    3.7269899    4.7407998   -2.3795824    0.1408727 
-   82000    27.920287  -0.72798032    1.0076975    3.4449461    4.5621371   -2.8239074   0.25103454 
-   83000    29.131054    -1.114367   0.76887285     3.459639    4.5163922    -2.607825   0.19991648 
-   84000    28.249768  -0.69944068    1.0510846    4.0436296    4.6430538   -2.4213355  0.077299966 
-   85000     28.06888  -0.62132922   0.91829312    4.1294147    4.3099557    -2.354063   0.15866186 
-   86000    28.664264   -1.1022906   0.87831695    4.5773522    4.6045802   -2.9206875   0.33950063 
-   87000    27.960967   -1.2852756   0.77694253    3.9011301    4.9114139   -3.2374868    0.3068138 
-   88000    27.190678   -1.2803268    1.1545301    4.5769709    5.2404761   -2.3825838   0.10356039 
-   89000    26.792931  -0.44516641    1.0236244    4.2007253    4.7098685   -2.3608551  0.034447062 
-   90000    27.173991  -0.87185611     1.065719    4.1953618    4.6856408   -2.6539232   0.16957757 
-   91000    28.626528    -1.239257   0.89524651    4.7048012    4.6344201   -2.7367901   0.43534143 
-   92000    27.661812    -1.109044   0.92817391    5.0294489    4.3890711   -2.4108669   0.12570139 
-   93000    28.156793   -1.0820907   0.92812693     4.938385    4.4901426   -2.4023366   0.30135781 
-   94000    28.842149   -1.3524969    1.1451109    4.3125908    4.6959035   -2.6747199    0.2254607 
-   95000    27.862247   -1.2119045    1.0218976    4.2614082    4.4931316   -2.6902934   0.16345201 
-   96000    27.084973  -0.93738328    1.3984324    4.5647189    4.4232205   -2.2834097   0.11217888 
-   97000    27.587078  -0.89397255   0.78218462    3.8944421    4.3981479   -2.4205318   0.16570942 
-   98000    27.981746   -1.2380545   0.84847869     4.311441    4.7340377   -2.4270441  0.023565612 
-   99000    27.476625   -0.8569146   0.82550381    4.1656963    4.4064921   -2.4169708     0.160814 
-  100000    26.121325  -0.63610855    1.0803389    4.9257118    4.7073263   -2.4010334  0.066303044 
-Loop time of 2.693 on 4 procs for 100000 steps with 34 atoms
-Performance: 6416.646 ns/day, 0.004 hours/ns, 37133.367 timesteps/s
-98.4% CPU use with 4 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads
-MPI task timing breakdown:
-Section |  min time  |  avg time  |  max time  |%varavg| %total
-Pair    | 0.065478   | 0.2501     | 0.63682    |  45.6 |  9.29
-Bond    | 0.066944   | 0.44772    | 0.88814    |  53.7 | 16.63
-Neigh   | 0.0076509  | 0.0077319  | 0.0078275  |   0.1 |  0.29
-Comm    | 0.57917    | 1.4166     | 1.9823     |  46.9 | 52.60
-Output  | 0.0033755  | 0.0035856  | 0.0037644  |   0.2 |  0.13
-Modify  | 0.03866    | 0.1366     | 0.23978    |  24.6 |  5.07
-Other   |            | 0.4306     |            |       | 15.99
-Nlocal:    8.5 ave 15 max 2 min
-Histogram: 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
-Nghost:    25.5 ave 32 max 19 min
-Histogram: 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
-Neighs:    98.75 ave 257 max 18 min
-Histogram: 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
-Total # of neighbors = 395
-Ave neighs/atom = 11.6176
-Ave special neighs/atom = 9.52941
-Neighbor list builds = 294
-Dangerous builds = 0
-Total wall time: 0:00:02
diff --git a/src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsh.cpp b/src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsw.cpp
similarity index 95%
rename from src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsh.cpp
rename to src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsw.cpp
index 93c1853fe53124bd6d9583be6317645631c1a147..613170bbfab6c7eff157a9c97951c371b5a0bf8e 100644
--- a/src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsh.cpp
+++ b/src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsw.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <mpi.h>
 #include <math.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include "dihedral_charmmfsh.h"
+#include "dihedral_charmmfsw.h"
 #include "atom.h"
 #include "comm.h"
 #include "neighbor.h"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ using namespace MathConst;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-DihedralCharmmfsh::DihedralCharmmfsh(LAMMPS *lmp) : Dihedral(lmp)
+DihedralCharmmfsw::DihedralCharmmfsw(LAMMPS *lmp) : Dihedral(lmp)
   weightflag = 0;
   writedata = 1;
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ DihedralCharmmfsh::DihedralCharmmfsh(LAMMPS *lmp) : Dihedral(lmp)
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   if (allocated && !copymode) {
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ DihedralCharmmfsh::~DihedralCharmmfsh()
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void DihedralCharmmfsh::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
+void DihedralCharmmfsw::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
   int i1,i2,i3,i4,i,m,n,type;
   double vb1x,vb1y,vb1z,vb2x,vb2y,vb2z,vb3x,vb3y,vb3z,vb2xm,vb2ym,vb2zm;
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ void DihedralCharmmfsh::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void DihedralCharmmfsh::allocate()
+void DihedralCharmmfsw::allocate()
   allocated = 1;
   int n = atom->ndihedraltypes;
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ void DihedralCharmmfsh::allocate()
    set coeffs for one type
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void DihedralCharmmfsh::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
+void DihedralCharmmfsw::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
   if (narg != 5) error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for dihedral coefficients");
   if (!allocated) allocate();
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ void DihedralCharmmfsh::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
    error check and initialize all values needed for force computation
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void DihedralCharmmfsh::init_style()
+void DihedralCharmmfsw::init_style()
   // insure use of CHARMM pair_style if any weight factors are non-zero
   // set local ptrs to LJ 14 arrays setup by Pair
@@ -392,14 +392,14 @@ void DihedralCharmmfsh::init_style()
   if (weightflag) {
     int itmp;
     if (force->pair == NULL)
-      error->all(FLERR,"Dihedral charmmfsh is incompatible with Pair style");
+      error->all(FLERR,"Dihedral charmmfsw is incompatible with Pair style");
     lj14_1 = (double **) force->pair->extract("lj14_1",itmp);
     lj14_2 = (double **) force->pair->extract("lj14_2",itmp);
     lj14_3 = (double **) force->pair->extract("lj14_3",itmp);
     lj14_4 = (double **) force->pair->extract("lj14_4",itmp);
     int *ptr = (int *) force->pair->extract("implicit",itmp);
     if (!lj14_1 || !lj14_2 || !lj14_3 || !lj14_4 || !ptr)
-      error->all(FLERR,"Dihedral charmmfsh is incompatible with Pair style");
+      error->all(FLERR,"Dihedral charmmfsw is incompatible with Pair style");
     implicit = *ptr;
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ void DihedralCharmmfsh::init_style()
   if (p_cutcoul == NULL || p_cutljinner == NULL || 
       p_cutlj == NULL || p_dihedflag == NULL)
-    error->all(FLERR,"Dihedral charmmfsh is incompatible with Pair style");
+    error->all(FLERR,"Dihedral charmmfsw is incompatible with Pair style");
   dihedflag = *p_dihedflag;
   cut_coul14 = *p_cutcoul;
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ void DihedralCharmmfsh::init_style()
    proc 0 writes out coeffs to restart file
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void DihedralCharmmfsh::write_restart(FILE *fp)
+void DihedralCharmmfsw::write_restart(FILE *fp)
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ void DihedralCharmmfsh::write_restart(FILE *fp)
    proc 0 reads coeffs from restart file, bcasts them
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void DihedralCharmmfsh::read_restart(FILE *fp)
+void DihedralCharmmfsw::read_restart(FILE *fp)
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ void DihedralCharmmfsh::read_restart(FILE *fp)
    proc 0 writes to data file
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void DihedralCharmmfsh::write_data(FILE *fp)
+void DihedralCharmmfsw::write_data(FILE *fp)
   for (int i = 1; i <= atom->ndihedraltypes; i++)
     fprintf(fp,"%d %g %d %d %g\n",i,k[i],multiplicity[i],shift[i],weight[i]);
diff --git a/src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsh.h b/src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsw.h
similarity index 84%
rename from src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsh.h
rename to src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsw.h
index 44ea9b265860de23625ad4daf0d2aabd074ffc78..ab0ccf675dad3f9667f24cc26ba9815eb307b14e 100644
--- a/src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsh.h
+++ b/src/MOLECULE/dihedral_charmmfsw.h
@@ -13,22 +13,22 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include "dihedral.h"
 namespace LAMMPS_NS {
-class DihedralCharmmfsh : public Dihedral {
+class DihedralCharmmfsw : public Dihedral {
-  DihedralCharmmfsh(class LAMMPS *);
-  virtual ~DihedralCharmmfsh();
+  DihedralCharmmfsw(class LAMMPS *);
+  virtual ~DihedralCharmmfsw();
   virtual void compute(int, int);
   virtual void coeff(int, char **);
   virtual void init_style();
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ E: Incorrect weight arg for dihedral coefficients
 Self-explanatory.  Check the input script or data file.
-E: Dihedral charmmfsh is incompatible with Pair style
+E: Dihedral charmmfsw is incompatible with Pair style
-Dihedral style charmmfsh must be used with a pair style charmm
+Dihedral style charmmfsw must be used with a pair style charmm
 in order for the 1-4 epsilon/sigma parameters to be defined.
diff --git a/src/fix_adapt.cpp b/src/fix_adapt.cpp
index 07559c77198ec79148e07250cae2bd1410351db5..bc7aa843ef0945541afd258a6a3cd77dc25e88de 100644
--- a/src/fix_adapt.cpp
+++ b/src/fix_adapt.cpp
@@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ nadapt(0), id_fix_diam(NULL), id_fix_chg(NULL), adapt(NULL)
   // allocate bond style arrays:
   n = atom->nbondtypes;
   for (int m = 0; m < nadapt; ++m)
     if (adapt[m].which == BOND)
-      // For now just use same storage and fake it to be one-dimensional:
@@ -389,7 +389,6 @@ void FixAdapt::init()
     } else if (ad->which == BOND){
       ad->bond = NULL;
       anybond = 1;
-      // Use same routines from pair to strip any suffices:
       int n = strlen(ad->bstyle) + 1;
       char *bstyle = new char[n];
@@ -404,7 +403,6 @@ void FixAdapt::init()
         ad->bond = force->bond_match(bsuffix);
         delete [] bsuffix;
-      // If not set grab regular one instead:
       if (ad->bond == NULL) ad->bond = force->bond_match(bstyle);
       if (ad->bond == NULL )
         error->all(FLERR,"Fix adapt bond style does not exist");
@@ -414,7 +412,7 @@ void FixAdapt::init()
       if (ptr == NULL)
         error->all(FLERR,"Fix adapt bond style param not supported");
-      // For bond styles you should use a vector
+      // for bond styles, use a vector
       if (ad->bdim == 1) ad->vector = (double *) ptr;
@@ -449,10 +447,10 @@ void FixAdapt::init()
       for (i = ad->ilo; i <= ad->ihi; i++)
         for (j = MAX(ad->jlo,i); j <= ad->jhi; j++)
           ad->array_orig[i][j] = ad->array[i][j];
-    }else if (ad->which == PAIR && ad->pdim == 0){
+    } else if (ad->which == PAIR && ad->pdim == 0){
       ad->scalar_orig = *ad->scalar;
-    }else if (ad->which == BOND && ad->bdim == 1){
+    } else if (ad->which == BOND && ad->bdim == 1){
       for (i = ad->ilo; i <= ad->ihi; ++i )
         ad->vector_orig[i] = ad->vector[i];
@@ -612,8 +610,10 @@ void FixAdapt::change_settings()
   modify->addstep_compute(update->ntimestep + nevery);
   // re-initialize pair styles if any PAIR settings were changed
+  // ditto for bond styles if any BOND setitings were changes
   // this resets other coeffs that may depend on changed values,
-  // and also offset and tail corrections
+  //   and also offset and tail corrections
   if (anypair) {
     for (int m = 0; m < nadapt; m++) {
       Adapt *ad = &adapt[m];
diff --git a/src/version.h b/src/version.h
index 0d5dc11b4af78b16bf3b357e8e27da0756812070..e6ffb22dc0c08bd54aca97a7320d97a920125839 100644
--- a/src/version.h
+++ b/src/version.h
@@ -1 +1 @@
-#define LAMMPS_VERSION "31 Mar 2017"
+#define LAMMPS_VERSION "11 Apr 2017"