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+"Previous Section"_Section_start.html - "LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc - "Next Section"_Section_packages.html :c
+3. Commands :h2
+This section describes how a LAMMPS input script is formatted and the
+input script commands used to define a LAMMPS simulation.
+3.1 "LAMMPS input script"_#cmd_1
+3.2 "Parsing rules"_#cmd_2
+3.3 "Input script structure"_#cmd_3
+3.4 "Commands listed by category"_#cmd_4
+3.5 "Commands listed alphabetically"_#cmd_5 :all(b)
+3.1 LAMMPS input script :link(cmd_1),h4
+LAMMPS executes by reading commands from a input script (text file),
+one line at a time.  When the input script ends, LAMMPS exits.  Each
+command causes LAMMPS to take some action.  It may set an internal
+variable, read in a file, or run a simulation.  Most commands have
+default settings, which means you only need to use the command if you
+wish to change the default.
+In many cases, the ordering of commands in an input script is not
+important.  However the following rules apply:
+(1) LAMMPS does not read your entire input script and then perform a
+simulation with all the settings.  Rather, the input script is read
+one line at a time and each command takes effect when it is read.
+Thus this sequence of commands:
+timestep 0.5
+run      100
+run      100 :pre
+does something different than this sequence:
+run      100
+timestep 0.5
+run      100 :pre
+In the first case, the specified timestep (0.5 fmsec) is used for two
+simulations of 100 timesteps each.  In the 2nd case, the default
+timestep (1.0 fmsec) is used for the 1st 100 step simulation and a 0.5
+fmsec timestep is used for the 2nd one.
+(2) Some commands are only valid when they follow other commands.  For
+example you cannot set the temperature of a group of atoms until atoms
+have been defined and a group command is used to define which atoms
+belong to the group.
+(3) Sometimes command B will use values that can be set by command A.
+This means command A must precede command B in the input script if it
+is to have the desired effect.  For example, the
+"read_data"_read_data.html command initializes the system by setting
+up the simulation box and assigning atoms to processors.  If default
+values are not desired, the "processors"_processors.html and
+"boundary"_boundary.html commands need to be used before read_data to
+tell LAMMPS how to map processors to the simulation box.
+Many input script errors are detected by LAMMPS and an ERROR or
+WARNING message is printed.  "This section"_Section_errors.html gives
+more information on what errors mean.  The documentation for each
+command lists restrictions on how the command can be used.
+3.2 Parsing rules :link(cmd_2),h4
+Each non-blank line in the input script is treated as a command.
+LAMMPS commands are case sensitive.  Command names are lower-case, as
+are specified command arguments.  Upper case letters may be used in
+file names or user-chosen ID strings.
+Here is how each line in the input script is parsed by LAMMPS:
+(1) If the last printable character on the line is a "&" character,
+the command is assumed to continue on the next line.  The next line is
+concatenated to the previous line by removing the "&" character and
+line break.  This allows long commands to be continued across two or
+more lines.  See the discussion of triple quotes in (6) for how to
+continue a command across multiple line without using "&" characters.
+(2) All characters from the first "#" character onward are treated as
+comment and discarded.  See an exception in (6).  Note that a
+comment after a trailing "&" character will prevent the command from
+continuing on the next line.  Also note that for multi-line commands a
+single leading "#" will comment out the entire command.
+(3) The line is searched repeatedly for $ characters, which indicate
+variables that are replaced with a text string.  See an exception in
+If the $ is followed by curly brackets, then the variable name is the
+text inside the curly brackets.  If no curly brackets follow the $,
+then the variable name is the single character immediately following
+the $.  Thus $\{myTemp\} and $x refer to variable names "myTemp" and
+How the variable is converted to a text string depends on what style
+of variable it is; see the "variable"_variable.html doc page for details.
+It can be a variable that stores multiple text strings, and return one
+of them.  The returned text string can be multiple "words" (space
+separated) which will then be interpreted as multiple arguments in the
+input command.  The variable can also store a numeric formula which
+will be evaluated and its numeric result returned as a string.
+As a special case, if the $ is followed by parenthesis, then the text
+inside the parenthesis is treated as an "immediate" variable and
+evaluated as an "equal-style variable"_variable.html.  This is a way
+to use numeric formulas in an input script without having to assign
+them to variable names.  For example, these 3 input script lines:
+variable X equal (xlo+xhi)/2+sqrt(v_area)
+region 1 block $X 2 INF INF EDGE EDGE
+variable X delete :pre
+can be replaced by
+region 1 block $((xlo+xhi)/2+sqrt(v_area)) 2 INF INF EDGE EDGE :pre
+so that you do not have to define (or discard) a temporary variable X.
+Note that neither the curly-bracket or immediate form of variables can
+contain nested $ characters for other variables to substitute for.
+Thus you cannot do this:
+variable        a equal 2
+variable        b2 equal 4
+print           "B2 = $\{b$a\}" :pre
+Nor can you specify this $($x-1.0) for an immediate variable, but
+you could use $(v_x-1.0), since the latter is valid syntax for an
+"equal-style variable"_variable.html.
+See the "variable"_variable.html command for more details of how
+strings are assigned to variables and evaluated, and how they can be
+used in input script commands.
+(4) The line is broken into "words" separated by whitespace (tabs,
+spaces).  Note that words can thus contain letters, digits,
+underscores, or punctuation characters.
+(5) The first word is the command name.  All successive words in the
+line are arguments.
+(6) If you want text with spaces to be treated as a single argument,
+it can be enclosed in either single or double or triple quotes.  A
+long single argument enclosed in single or double quotes can span
+multiple lines if the "&" character is used, as described above.  When
+the lines are concatenated together (and the "&" characters and line
+breaks removed), the text will become a single line.  If you want
+multiple lines of an argument to retain their line breaks, the text
+can be enclosed in triple quotes, in which case "&" characters are not
+needed.  For example:
+print "Volume = $v"
+print 'Volume = $v'
+if "$\{steps\} > 1000" then quit
+variable a string "red green blue &
+                   purple orange cyan"
+print """
+System volume = $v
+System temperature = $t
+""" :pre
+In each case, the single, double, or triple quotes are removed when
+the single argument they enclose is stored internally.
+See the "dump modify format"_dump_modify.html, "print"_print.html,
+"if"_if.html, and "python"_python.html commands for examples.
+A "#" or "$" character that is between quotes will not be treated as a
+comment indicator in (2) or substituted for as a variable in (3).
+NOTE: If the argument is itself a command that requires a quoted
+argument (e.g. using a "print"_print.html command as part of an
+"if"_if.html or "run every"_run.html command), then single, double, or
+triple quotes can be nested in the usual manner.  See the doc pages
+for those commands for examples.  Only one of level of nesting is
+allowed, but that should be sufficient for most use cases.
+3.3 Input script structure :h3,link(cmd_3)
+This section describes the structure of a typical LAMMPS input script.
+The "examples" directory in the LAMMPS distribution contains many
+sample input scripts; the corresponding problems are discussed in
+"Section 7"_Section_example.html, and animated on the "LAMMPS
+WWW Site"_lws.
+A LAMMPS input script typically has 4 parts:
+Atom definition
+Run a simulation :ol
+The last 2 parts can be repeated as many times as desired.  I.e. run a
+simulation, change some settings, run some more, etc.  Each of the 4
+parts is now described in more detail.  Remember that almost all the
+commands need only be used if a non-default value is desired.
+(1) Initialization
+Set parameters that need to be defined before atoms are created or
+read-in from a file.
+The relevant commands are "units"_units.html,
+"dimension"_dimension.html, "newton"_newton.html,
+"processors"_processors.html, "boundary"_boundary.html,
+"atom_style"_atom_style.html, "atom_modify"_atom_modify.html.
+If force-field parameters appear in the files that will be read, these
+commands tell LAMMPS what kinds of force fields are being used:
+"pair_style"_pair_style.html, "bond_style"_bond_style.html,
+"angle_style"_angle_style.html, "dihedral_style"_dihedral_style.html,
+(2) Atom definition
+There are 3 ways to define atoms in LAMMPS.  Read them in from a data
+or restart file via the "read_data"_read_data.html or
+"read_restart"_read_restart.html commands.  These files can contain
+molecular topology information.  Or create atoms on a lattice (with no
+molecular topology), using these commands: "lattice"_lattice.html,
+"region"_region.html, "create_box"_create_box.html,
+"create_atoms"_create_atoms.html.  The entire set of atoms can be
+duplicated to make a larger simulation using the
+"replicate"_replicate.html command.
+(3) Settings
+Once atoms and molecular topology are defined, a variety of settings
+can be specified: force field coefficients, simulation parameters,
+output options, etc.
+Force field coefficients are set by these commands (they can also be
+set in the read-in files): "pair_coeff"_pair_coeff.html,
+"bond_coeff"_bond_coeff.html, "angle_coeff"_angle_coeff.html,
+"kspace_style"_kspace_style.html, "dielectric"_dielectric.html,
+Various simulation parameters are set by these commands:
+"neighbor"_neighbor.html, "neigh_modify"_neigh_modify.html,
+"group"_group.html, "timestep"_timestep.html,
+"reset_timestep"_reset_timestep.html, "run_style"_run_style.html,
+"min_style"_min_style.html, "min_modify"_min_modify.html.
+Fixes impose a variety of boundary conditions, time integration, and
+diagnostic options.  The "fix"_fix.html command comes in many flavors.
+Various computations can be specified for execution during a
+simulation using the "compute"_compute.html,
+"compute_modify"_compute_modify.html, and "variable"_variable.html
+Output options are set by the "thermo"_thermo.html, "dump"_dump.html,
+and "restart"_restart.html commands.
+(4) Run a simulation
+A molecular dynamics simulation is run using the "run"_run.html
+command.  Energy minimization (molecular statics) is performed using
+the "minimize"_minimize.html command.  A parallel tempering
+(replica-exchange) simulation can be run using the
+"temper"_temper.html command.
+3.4 Commands listed by category :link(cmd_4),h4
+This section lists core LAMMPS commands, grouped by category.
+The "next section"_#cmd_5 lists all commands alphabetically.  The
+next section also includes (long) lists of style options for entries
+that appear in the following categories as a single command (fix,
+compute, pair, etc).  Commands that are added by user packages are not
+included in the categories here, but they are in the next section.
+Setup simulation box:
+Setup atoms:
+Force fields:
+Operations within timestepping (fixes) and diagnostics (computes):
+"dump image"_dump_image.html,
+"dump movie"_dump_image.html,
+Input script control:
+3.5 Individual commands :h3,link(cmd_5),link(comm)
+This section lists all LAMMPS commands alphabetically, with a separate
+listing below of styles within certain commands.  The "previous
+section"_#cmd_4 lists the same commands, grouped by category.  Note
+that some style options for some commands are part of specific LAMMPS
+packages, which means they cannot be used unless the package was
+included when LAMMPS was built.  Not all packages are included in a
+default LAMMPS build.  These dependencies are listed as Restrictions
+in the command's documentation.
+"dump image"_dump_image.html,
+"dump movie"_dump_image.html,
+"write_restart"_write_restart.html :tb(c=6,ea=c)
+These are additional commands in USER packages, which can be used if
+"LAMMPS is built with the appropriate
+"dump netcdf"_dump_netcdf.html,
+"dump netcdf/mpiio"_dump_netcdf.html,
+"dump vtk"_dump_vtk.html,
+"temper/npt"_temper_npt.html :tb(c=3,ea=c)
+Fix styles :h3
+See the "fix"_fix.html command for one-line descriptions of each style
+or click on the style itself for a full description.  Some of the
+styles have accelerated versions, which can be used if LAMMPS is built
+with the "appropriate accelerated package"_Section_accelerate.html.
+This is indicated by additional letters in parenthesis: g = GPU, i =
+"deform (k)"_fix_deform.html,
+"gravity (o)"_fix_gravity.html,
+"langevin (k)"_fix_langevin.html,
+"momentum (k)"_fix_momentum.html,
+"nph (ko)"_fix_nh.html,
+"nphug (o)"_fix_nphug.html,
+"nph/asphere (o)"_fix_nph_asphere.html,
+"nph/sphere (o)"_fix_nph_sphere.html,
+"npt (kio)"_fix_nh.html,
+"npt/asphere (o)"_fix_npt_asphere.html,
+"npt/sphere (o)"_fix_npt_sphere.html,
+"nve (kio)"_fix_nve.html,
+"nve/asphere (i)"_fix_nve_asphere.html,
+"nve/sphere (o)"_fix_nve_sphere.html,
+"nvt (iko)"_fix_nh.html,
+"nvt/asphere (o)"_fix_nvt_asphere.html,
+"nvt/sllod (io)"_fix_nvt_sllod.html,
+"nvt/sphere (o)"_fix_nvt_sphere.html,
+"property/atom (k)"_fix_property_atom.html,
+"qeq/comb (o)"_fix_qeq_comb.html,
+"rigid (o)"_fix_rigid.html,
+"rigid/nph (o)"_fix_rigid.html,
+"rigid/npt (o)"_fix_rigid.html,
+"rigid/nve (o)"_fix_rigid.html,
+"rigid/nvt (o)"_fix_rigid.html,
+"rigid/small (o)"_fix_rigid.html,
+"setforce (k)"_fix_setforce.html,
+"wall/lj93 (k)"_fix_wall.html,
+"wall/reflect (k)"_fix_wall_reflect.html,
+"wall/srd"_fix_wall_srd.html :tb(c=8,ea=c)
+These are additional fix styles in USER packages, which can be used if
+"LAMMPS is built with the appropriate
+"dpd/energy (k)"_fix_dpd_energy.html,
+"eos/table/rx (k)"_fix_eos_table_rx.html,
+"qeq/reax (ko)"_fix_qeq_reax.html,
+"reax/c/bonds (k)"_fix_reax_bonds.html,
+"reax/c/species (k)"_fix_reaxc_species.html,
+"rx (k)"_fix_rx.html,
+"shardlow (k)"_fix_shardlow.html,
+"wall/region/ees"_fix_wall_ees.html :tb(c=6,ea=c)
+Compute styles :h3
+See the "compute"_compute.html command for one-line descriptions of
+each style or click on the style itself for a full description.  Some
+of the styles have accelerated versions, which can be used if LAMMPS
+is built with the "appropriate accelerated
+package"_Section_accelerate.html.  This is indicated by additional
+letters in parenthesis: g = GPU, i = USER-INTEL, k =
+"temp (k)"_compute_temp.html,
+"voronoi/atom"_compute_voronoi_atom.html :tb(c=6,ea=c)
+These are additional compute styles in USER packages, which can be
+used if "LAMMPS is built with the appropriate
+"xrd"_compute_xrd.html :tb(c=6,ea=c)
+Pair_style potentials :h3
+See the "pair_style"_pair_style.html command for an overview of pair
+potentials.  Click on the style itself for a full description.  Many
+of the styles have accelerated versions, which can be used if LAMMPS
+is built with the "appropriate accelerated
+package"_Section_accelerate.html.  This is indicated by additional
+letters in parenthesis: g = GPU, i = USER-INTEL, k =
+"hybrid/overlay (k)"_pair_hybrid.html,
+"adp (o)"_pair_adp.html,
+"airebo (oi)"_pair_airebo.html,
+"airebo/morse (oi)"_pair_airebo.html,
+"beck (go)"_pair_beck.html,
+"born (go)"_pair_born.html,
+"born/coul/long (go)"_pair_born.html,
+"born/coul/msm (o)"_pair_born.html,
+"born/coul/wolf (go)"_pair_born.html,
+"brownian (o)"_pair_brownian.html,
+"brownian/poly (o)"_pair_brownian.html,
+"buck (giko)"_pair_buck.html,
+"buck/coul/cut (giko)"_pair_buck.html,
+"buck/coul/long (giko)"_pair_buck.html,
+"buck/coul/msm (o)"_pair_buck.html,
+"buck/long/coul/long (o)"_pair_buck_long.html,
+"colloid (go)"_pair_colloid.html,
+"comb (o)"_pair_comb.html,
+"coul/cut (gko)"_pair_coul.html,
+"coul/debye (gko)"_pair_coul.html,
+"coul/dsf (gko)"_pair_coul.html,
+"coul/long (gko)"_pair_coul.html,
+"coul/wolf (ko)"_pair_coul.html,
+"dpd (gio)"_pair_dpd.html,
+"dpd/tstat (go)"_pair_dpd.html,
+"eam (gikot)"_pair_eam.html,
+"eam/alloy (gikot)"_pair_eam.html,
+"eam/fs (gikot)"_pair_eam.html,
+"eim (o)"_pair_eim.html,
+"gauss (go)"_pair_gauss.html,
+"gayberne (gio)"_pair_gayberne.html,
+"gran/hertz/history (o)"_pair_gran.html,
+"gran/hooke (o)"_pair_gran.html,
+"gran/hooke/history (o)"_pair_gran.html,
+"hbond/dreiding/lj (o)"_pair_hbond_dreiding.html,
+"hbond/dreiding/morse (o)"_pair_hbond_dreiding.html,
+"lj/charmm/coul/charmm (iko)"_pair_charmm.html,
+"lj/charmm/coul/charmm/implicit (ko)"_pair_charmm.html,
+"lj/charmm/coul/long (giko)"_pair_charmm.html,
+"lj/class2 (gko)"_pair_class2.html,
+"lj/class2/coul/cut (ko)"_pair_class2.html,
+"lj/class2/coul/long (gko)"_pair_class2.html,
+"lj/cubic (go)"_pair_lj_cubic.html,
+"lj/cut (gikot)"_pair_lj.html,
+"lj/cut/coul/cut (gko)"_pair_lj.html,
+"lj/cut/coul/debye (gko)"_pair_lj.html,
+"lj/cut/coul/dsf (gko)"_pair_lj.html,
+"lj/cut/coul/long (gikot)"_pair_lj.html,
+"lj/cut/coul/msm (go)"_pair_lj.html,
+"lj/cut/coul/wolf (o)"_pair_lj.html,
+"lj/cut/dipole/cut (go)"_pair_dipole.html,
+"lj/cut/tip4p/cut (o)"_pair_lj.html,
+"lj/cut/tip4p/long (ot)"_pair_lj.html,
+"lj/expand (gko)"_pair_lj_expand.html,
+"lj/gromacs (gko)"_pair_gromacs.html,
+"lj/gromacs/coul/gromacs (ko)"_pair_gromacs.html,
+"lj/long/coul/long (io)"_pair_lj_long.html,
+"lj/smooth (o)"_pair_lj_smooth.html,
+"lj/smooth/linear (o)"_pair_lj_smooth_linear.html,
+"lj96/cut (go)"_pair_lj96.html,
+"lubricate (o)"_pair_lubricate.html,
+"lubricate/poly (o)"_pair_lubricate.html,
+"mie/cut (o)"_pair_mie.html,
+"morse (gkot)"_pair_morse.html,
+"nb3b/harmonic (o)"_pair_nb3b_harmonic.html,
+"nm/cut (o)"_pair_nm.html,
+"nm/cut/coul/cut (o)"_pair_nm.html,
+"nm/cut/coul/long (o)"_pair_nm.html,
+"peri/lps (o)"_pair_peri.html,
+"peri/pmb (o)"_pair_peri.html,
+"rebo (oi)"_pair_airebo.html,
+"resquared (go)"_pair_resquared.html,
+"snap (k)"_pair_snap.html,
+"soft (go)"_pair_soft.html,
+"sw (giko)"_pair_sw.html,
+"table (gko)"_pair_table.html,
+"tersoff (giko)"_pair_tersoff.html,
+"tersoff/mod (gko)"_pair_tersoff_mod.html,
+"tersoff/mod/c (o)"_pair_tersoff_mod.html,
+"tersoff/zbl (gko)"_pair_tersoff_zbl.html,
+"tip4p/cut (o)"_pair_coul.html,
+"tip4p/long (o)"_pair_coul.html,
+"ufm (got)"_pair_ufm.html,
+"vashishta (ko)"_pair_vashishta.html,
+"vashishta/table (o)"_pair_vashishta.html,
+"yukawa (gok)"_pair_yukawa.html,
+"yukawa/colloid (go)"_pair_yukawa_colloid.html,
+"zbl (gok)"_pair_zbl.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
+These are additional pair styles in USER packages, which can be used
+if "LAMMPS is built with the appropriate
+"agni (o)"_pair_agni.html,
+"coul/cut/soft (o)"_pair_lj_soft.html,
+"coul/diel (o)"_pair_coul_diel.html,
+"coul/long/soft (o)"_pair_lj_soft.html,
+"dpd/fdt/energy (k)"_pair_dpd_fdt.html,
+"eam/cd (o)"_pair_eam.html,
+"edip (o)"_pair_edip.html,
+"exp6/rx (k)"_pair_exp6_rx.html,
+"lj/charmm/coul/long/soft (o)"_pair_charmm.html,
+"lj/cut/coul/cut/soft (o)"_pair_lj_soft.html,
+"lj/cut/coul/long/soft (o)"_pair_lj_soft.html,
+"lj/cut/dipole/sf (go)"_pair_dipole.html,
+"lj/cut/soft (o)"_pair_lj_soft.html,
+"lj/cut/thole/long (o)"_pair_thole.html,
+"lj/cut/tip4p/long/soft (o)"_pair_lj_soft.html,
+"lj/sdk (gko)"_pair_sdk.html,
+"lj/sdk/coul/long (go)"_pair_sdk.html,
+"lj/sdk/coul/msm (o)"_pair_sdk.html,
+"meam/spline (o)"_pair_meam_spline.html,
+"multi/lucy/rx (k)"_pair_multi_lucy_rx.html,
+"reax/c (ko)"_pair_reaxc.html,
+"snap (k)"_pair_snap.html,
+"table/rx (k)"_pair_table_rx.html,
+"tersoff/table (o)"_pair_tersoff.html,
+"tip4p/long/soft (o)"_pair_lj_soft.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
+Bond_style potentials :h3
+See the "bond_style"_bond_style.html command for an overview of bond
+potentials.  Click on the style itself for a full description.  Some
+of the styles have accelerated versions, which can be used if LAMMPS
+is built with the "appropriate accelerated
+package"_Section_accelerate.html.  This is indicated by additional
+letters in parenthesis: g = GPU, i = USER-INTEL, k =
+"class2 (ko)"_bond_class2.html,
+"fene (iko)"_bond_fene.html,
+"fene/expand (o)"_bond_fene_expand.html,
+"gromos (o)"_bond_gromos.html,
+"harmonic (ko)"_bond_harmonic.html,
+"morse (o)"_bond_morse.html,
+"nonlinear (o)"_bond_nonlinear.html,
+"quartic (o)"_bond_quartic.html,
+"table (o)"_bond_table.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
+These are additional bond styles in USER packages, which can be used
+if "LAMMPS is built with the appropriate
+"harmonic/shift (o)"_bond_harmonic_shift.html,
+"harmonic/shift/cut (o)"_bond_harmonic_shift_cut.html,
+"oxdna2/fene"_bond_oxdna.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
+Angle_style potentials :h3
+See the "angle_style"_angle_style.html command for an overview of
+angle potentials.  Click on the style itself for a full description.
+Some of the styles have accelerated versions, which can be used if
+LAMMPS is built with the "appropriate accelerated
+package"_Section_accelerate.html.  This is indicated by additional
+letters in parenthesis: g = GPU, i = USER-INTEL, k = KOKKOS, o =
+"charmm (ko)"_angle_charmm.html,
+"class2 (ko)"_angle_class2.html,
+"cosine (o)"_angle_cosine.html,
+"cosine/delta (o)"_angle_cosine_delta.html,
+"cosine/periodic (o)"_angle_cosine_periodic.html,
+"cosine/squared (o)"_angle_cosine_squared.html,
+"harmonic (iko)"_angle_harmonic.html,
+"table (o)"_angle_table.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
+These are additional angle styles in USER packages, which can be used
+if "LAMMPS is built with the appropriate
+"cosine/shift (o)"_angle_cosine_shift.html,
+"cosine/shift/exp (o)"_angle_cosine_shift_exp.html,
+"dipole (o)"_angle_dipole.html,
+"fourier (o)"_angle_fourier.html,
+"fourier/simple (o)"_angle_fourier_simple.html,
+"quartic (o)"_angle_quartic.html,
+"sdk"_angle_sdk.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
+Dihedral_style potentials :h3
+See the "dihedral_style"_dihedral_style.html command for an overview
+of dihedral potentials.  Click on the style itself for a full
+description.  Some of the styles have accelerated versions, which can
+be used if LAMMPS is built with the "appropriate accelerated
+package"_Section_accelerate.html.  This is indicated by additional
+letters in parenthesis: g = GPU, i = USER-INTEL, k = KOKKOS, o =
+"charmm (iko)"_dihedral_charmm.html,
+"class2 (ko)"_dihedral_class2.html,
+"harmonic (io)"_dihedral_harmonic.html,
+"helix (o)"_dihedral_helix.html,
+"multi/harmonic (o)"_dihedral_multi_harmonic.html,
+"opls (iko)"_dihedral_opls.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
+These are additional dihedral styles in USER packages, which can be
+used if "LAMMPS is built with the appropriate
+"cosine/shift/exp (o)"_dihedral_cosine_shift_exp.html,
+"fourier (io)"_dihedral_fourier.html,
+"nharmonic (o)"_dihedral_nharmonic.html,
+"quadratic (o)"_dihedral_quadratic.html,
+"spherical (o)"_dihedral_spherical.html,
+"table (o)"_dihedral_table.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
+Improper_style potentials :h3
+See the "improper_style"_improper_style.html command for an overview
+of improper potentials.  Click on the style itself for a full
+description.  Some of the styles have accelerated versions, which can
+be used if LAMMPS is built with the "appropriate accelerated
+package"_Section_accelerate.html.  This is indicated by additional
+letters in parenthesis: g = GPU, i = USER-INTEL, k = KOKKOS, o =
+"class2 (ko)"_improper_class2.html,
+"cvff (io)"_improper_cvff.html,
+"harmonic (iko)"_improper_harmonic.html,
+"umbrella (o)"_improper_umbrella.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
+These are additional improper styles in USER packages, which can be
+used if "LAMMPS is built with the appropriate
+"cossq (o)"_improper_cossq.html,
+"fourier (o)"_improper_fourier.html,
+"ring (o)"_improper_ring.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
+Kspace solvers :h3
+See the "kspace_style"_kspace_style.html command for an overview of
+Kspace solvers.  Click on the style itself for a full description.
+Some of the styles have accelerated versions, which can be used if
+LAMMPS is built with the "appropriate accelerated
+package"_Section_accelerate.html.  This is indicated by additional
+letters in parenthesis: g = GPU, i = USER-INTEL, k = KOKKOS, o =
+"ewald (o)"_kspace_style.html,
+"msm (o)"_kspace_style.html,
+"msm/cg (o)"_kspace_style.html,
+"pppm (gok)"_kspace_style.html,
+"pppm/cg (o)"_kspace_style.html,
+"pppm/disp (i)"_kspace_style.html,
+"pppm/tip4p (o)"_kspace_style.html :tb(c=4,ea=c)
diff --git a/doc/compute_displace_atom.txt b/doc/compute_displace_atom.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..150a6fb30e101f65463ed4acea290e44bc1a1b9c
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+++ b/doc/compute_displace_atom.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+"LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc :c
+compute displace/atom command :h3
+compute ID group-ID displace/atom :pre
+ID, group-ID are documented in "compute"_compute.html command :ulb,l
+displace/atom = style name of this compute command :l
+zero or more keyword/arg pairs may be appended :l
+keyword = {refresh} :l
+  {replace} arg = per-atom variable ID :pre
+compute 1 all displace/atom
+compute 1 all displace/atom refresh myVar :pre
+Define a computation that calculates the current displacement of each
+atom in the group from its original (reference) coordinates, including
+all effects due to atoms passing thru periodic boundaries.
+A vector of four quantities per atom is calculated by this compute.
+The first 3 elements of the vector are the dx,dy,dz displacements.
+The 4th component is the total displacement, i.e. sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy +
+The displacement of an atom is from its original position at the time
+the compute command was issued.  The value of the displacement will be
+0.0 for atoms not in the specified compute group.
+NOTE: Initial coordinates are stored in "unwrapped" form, by using the
+image flags associated with each atom.  See the "dump
+custom"_dump.html command for a discussion of "unwrapped" coordinates.
+See the Atoms section of the "read_data"_read_data.html command for a
+discussion of image flags and how they are set for each atom.  You can
+reset the image flags (e.g. to 0) before invoking this compute by
+using the "set image"_set.html command.
+NOTE: If you want the quantities calculated by this compute to be
+continuous when running from a "restart file"_read_restart.html, then
+you should use the same ID for this compute, as in the original run.
+This is so that the fix this compute creates to store per-atom
+quantities will also have the same ID, and thus be initialized
+correctly with time=0 atom coordinates from the restart file.
+The {refresh} option can be used in conjuction with the "dump_modify
+refresh" command to generate incremental dump files.
+The definition and motivation of an incremental dump file is as
+follows.  Instead of outputting all atoms at each snapshot (with some
+associated values), you may only wish to output the subset of atoms
+with a value that has changed in some way compared to the value the
+last time that atom was output.  In some scenarios this can result in
+a dramatically smaller dump file.  If desired, by post-processing the
+sequence of snapshots, the values for all atoms at all timesteps can
+be inferred.
+A concrete example using this compute, is a simulation of atom
+diffusion in a solid, represented as atoms on a lattice.  Diffusive
+hops are rare.  Imagine that when a hop occurs an atom moves more than
+a distance {Dhop}.  For any snapshot we only want to output atoms that
+have hopped since the last snapshot.  This can be accomplished with
+something like the following commands:
+write_dump      all custom tmp.dump id type x y z    # see comment below :pre
+variable        Dhop equal 0.6
+variable        check atom "c_dsp[4] > v_Dhop"
+compute         dsp all displace/atom refresh check
+dump            1 all custom 100 tmp.dump id type x y z
+dump_modify     1 append yes thresh c_dsp[4] > ${Dhop} &
+                refresh c_dsp delay 100 :pre
+The "dump_modify thresh"_dump_modify.html command will only ouptut
+atoms that have displaced more than 0.6 Angstroms on each snapshot
+(assuming metal units).  The dump_modify {refresh} option triggers a
+call to this compute at the end of every dump.
+The {refresh} argument for this compute is the ID of an "atom-style
+variable"_variable.html which calculates a Boolean value (0 or 1)
+based on the same criterion used by dump_modify thresh.  This compute
+evaluates the atom-style variable.  For each atom that returns 1
+(true), the original (reference) coordinates of the atom (stored by
+this compute) are updated.
+The effect of these commands is that a particular atom will only be
+output in the dump file on the snapshot after it makes a diffusive
+hop.  It will not be output again until it makes another hop.
+Note that in the first snapshot of a subsequent run, no atoms will be
+typically be output.  That is because the initial displacement for all
+atoms is 0.0.  If an initial dump snapshot is desired, containing the
+initial reference positions of all atoms, one way to do this is
+illustrated above.  An initial write_dump command can be used before
+the first run.  It will contain the positions of all the atoms,
+Options in the "dump_modify"_dump_modify.html command above will
+append new output to that same file and delay the output until a later
+timestep.  The {delay} setting avoids a second time = 0 snapshot which
+would be empty.
+[Output info:]
+This compute calculates a per-atom array with 4 columns, which can be
+accessed by indices 1-4 by any command that uses per-atom values from
+a compute as input.  See "Section
+6.15"_Section_howto.html#howto_15 for an overview of LAMMPS output
+The per-atom array values will be in distance "units"_units.html.
+This compute supports the {refresh} option as explained above, for use
+in conjunction with "dump_modify refresh"_dump_modify.html to generate
+incremental dump files.
+[Restrictions:] none
+[Related commands:]
+"compute msd"_compute_msd.html, "dump custom"_dump.html, "fix
+[Default:] none
diff --git a/doc/create_atoms.txt b/doc/create_atoms.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d824ae1ef2e57815bba64e8596d069048a46f12
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+++ b/doc/create_atoms.txt
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+"LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc :c
+create_atoms command :h3
+create_atoms type style args keyword values ... :pre
+type = atom type (1-Ntypes) of atoms to create (offset for molecule creation) :ulb,l
+style = {box} or {region} or {single} or {random} :l
+  {box} args = none
+  {region} args = region-ID
+    region-ID = particles will only be created if contained in the region
+  {single} args = x y z
+    x,y,z = coordinates of a single particle (distance units)
+  {random} args = N seed region-ID
+    N = number of particles to create
+    seed = random # seed (positive integer)
+    region-ID = create atoms within this region, use NULL for entire simulation box :pre
+zero or more keyword/value pairs may be appended :l
+keyword = {mol} or {basis} or {remap} or {var} or {set} or {units} :l
+  {mol} value = template-ID seed
+    template-ID = ID of molecule template specified in a separate "molecule"_molecule.html command
+    seed = random # seed (positive integer)
+  {basis} values = M itype
+    M = which basis atom
+    itype = atom type (1-N) to assign to this basis atom
+  {remap} value = {yes} or {no}
+  {var} value = name = variable name to evaluate for test of atom creation
+  {set} values = dim name
+    dim = {x} or {y} or {z}
+    name = name of variable to set with x, y, or z atom position
+  {rotate} values = theta Rx Ry Rz
+    theta = rotation angle for single molecule (degrees)
+    Rx,Ry,Rz = rotation vector for single molecule
+  {units} value = {lattice} or {box}
+    {lattice} = the geometry is defined in lattice units
+    {box} = the geometry is defined in simulation box units :pre
+create_atoms 1 box
+create_atoms 3 region regsphere basis 2 3
+create_atoms 3 single 0 0 5
+create_atoms 1 box var v set x xpos set y ypos :pre
+This command creates atoms (or molecules) on a lattice, or a single
+atom (or molecule), or a random collection of atoms (or molecules), as
+an alternative to reading in their coordinates explicitly via a
+"read_data"_read_data.html or "read_restart"_read_restart.html
+command.  A simulation box must already exist, which is typically
+created via the "create_box"_create_box.html command.  Before using
+this command, a lattice must also be defined using the
+"lattice"_lattice.html command, unless you specify the {single} style
+with units = box or the {random} style.  For the remainder of this doc
+page, a created atom or molecule is referred to as a "particle".
+If created particles are individual atoms, they are assigned the
+specified atom {type}, though this can be altered via the {basis}
+keyword as discussed below.  If molecules are being created, the type
+of each atom in the created molecule is specified in the file read by
+the "molecule"_molecule.html command, and those values are added to
+the specified atom {type}.  E.g. if {type} = 2, and the file specifies
+atom types 1,2,3, then each created molecule will have atom types
+For the {box} style, the create_atoms command fills the entire
+simulation box with particles on the lattice.  If your simulation box
+is periodic, you should insure its size is a multiple of the lattice
+spacings, to avoid unwanted atom overlaps at the box boundaries.  If
+your box is periodic and a multiple of the lattice spacing in a
+particular dimension, LAMMPS is careful to put exactly one particle at
+the boundary (on either side of the box), not zero or two.
+For the {region} style, a geometric volume is filled with particles on
+the lattice.  This volume what is inside the simulation box and is
+also consistent with the region volume.  See the "region"_region.html
+command for details.  Note that a region can be specified so that its
+"volume" is either inside or outside a geometric boundary.  Also note
+that if your region is the same size as a periodic simulation box (in
+some dimension), LAMMPS does not implement the same logic described
+above as for the {box} style, to insure exactly one particle at
+periodic boundaries.  if this is what you desire, you should either
+use the {box} style, or tweak the region size to get precisely the
+particles you want.
+For the {single} style, a single particle is added to the system at
+the specified coordinates.  This can be useful for debugging purposes
+or to create a tiny system with a handful of particles at specified
+For the {random} style, N particles are added to the system at
+randomly generated coordinates, which can be useful for generating an
+amorphous system.  The particles are created one by one using the
+specified random number {seed}, resulting in the same set of particles
+coordinates, independent of how many processors are being used in the
+simulation.  If the {region-ID} argument is specified as NULL, then
+the created particles will be anywhere in the simulation box.  If a
+{region-ID} is specified, a geometric volume is filled which is both
+inside the simulation box and is also consistent with the region
+volume.  See the "region"_region.html command for details.  Note that
+a region can be specified so that its "volume" is either inside or
+outside a geometric boundary.
+NOTE: Particles generated by the {random} style will typically be
+highly overlapped which will cause many interatomic potentials to
+compute large energies and forces.  Thus you should either perform an
+"energy minimization"_minimize.html or run dynamics with "fix
+nve/limit"_fix_nve_limit.html to equilibrate such a system, before
+running normal dynamics.
+Note that this command adds particles to those that already exist.
+This means it can be used to add particles to a system previously read
+in from a data or restart file.  Or the create_atoms command can be
+used multiple times, to add multiple sets of particles to the
+simulation.  For example, grain boundaries can be created, by
+interleaving create_atoms with "lattice"_lattice.html commands
+specifying different orientations.  By using the create_atoms command
+in conjunction with the "delete_atoms"_delete_atoms.html command,
+reasonably complex geometries can be created, or a protein can be
+solvated with a surrounding box of water molecules.
+In all these cases, care should be taken to insure that new atoms do
+not overlap existing atoms inappropriately, especially if molecules
+are being added.  The "delete_atoms"_delete_atoms.html command can be
+used to remove overlapping atoms or molecules.
+NOTE: You cannot use any of the styles explained above to create atoms
+that are outside the simulation box; they will just be ignored by
+LAMMPS.  This is true even if you are using shrink-wrapped box
+boundaries, as specified by the "boundary"_boundary.html command.
+However, you can first use the "change_box"_change_box.html command to
+temporarily expand the box, then add atoms via create_atoms, then
+finally use change_box command again if needed to re-shrink-wrap the
+new atoms.  See the "change_box"_change_box.html doc page for an
+example of how to do this, using the create_atoms {single} style to
+insert a new atom outside the current simulation box.
+Individual atoms are inserted by this command, unless the {mol}
+keyword is used.  It specifies a {template-ID} previously defined
+using the "molecule"_molecule.html command, which reads a file that
+defines the molecule.  The coordinates, atom types, charges, etc, as
+well as any bond/angle/etc and special neighbor information for the
+molecule can be specified in the molecule file.  See the
+"molecule"_molecule.html command for details.  The only settings
+required to be in this file are the coordinates and types of atoms in
+the molecule.
+Using a lattice to add molecules, e.g. via the {box} or {region} or
+{single} styles, is exactly the same as adding atoms on lattice
+points, except that entire molecules are added at each point, i.e. on
+the point defined by each basis atom in the unit cell as it tiles the
+simulation box or region.  This is done by placing the geometric
+center of the molecule at the lattice point, and giving the molecule a
+random orientation about the point.  The random {seed} specified with
+the {mol} keyword is used for this operation, and the random numbers
+generated by each processor are different.  This means the coordinates
+of individual atoms (in the molecules) will be different when running
+on different numbers of processors, unlike when atoms are being
+created in parallel.
+Also note that because of the random rotations, it may be important to
+use a lattice with a large enough spacing that adjacent molecules will
+not overlap, regardless of their relative orientations.
+NOTE: If the "create_box"_create_box.html command is used to create
+the simulation box, followed by the create_atoms command with its
+{mol} option for adding molecules, then you typically need to use the
+optional keywords allowed by the "create_box"_create_box.html command
+for extra bonds (angles,etc) or extra special neighbors.  This is
+because by default, the "create_box"_create_box.html command sets up a
+non-molecular system which doesn't allow molecules to be added.
+This is the meaning of the other allowed keywords.
+The {basis} keyword is only used when atoms (not molecules) are being
+created.  It specifies an atom type that will be assigned to specific
+basis atoms as they are created.  See the "lattice"_lattice.html
+command for specifics on how basis atoms are defined for the unit cell
+of the lattice.  By default, all created atoms are assigned the
+argument {type} as their atom type.
+The {remap} keyword only applies to the {single} style.  If it is set
+to {yes}, then if the specified position is outside the simulation
+box, it will mapped back into the box, assuming the relevant
+dimensions are periodic.  If it is set to {no}, no remapping is done
+and no particle is created if its position is outside the box.
+The {var} and {set} keywords can be used together to provide a
+criterion for accepting or rejecting the addition of an individual
+atom, based on its coordinates.  The {name} specified for the {var}
+keyword is the name of an "equal-style variable"_variable.html which
+should evaluate to a zero or non-zero value based on one or two or
+three variables which will store the x, y, or z coordinates of an atom
+(one variable per coordinate).  If used, these other variables must be
+"internal-style variables"_variable.html defined in the input script;
+their initial numeric value can be anything.  They must be
+internal-style variables, because this command resets their values
+directly.  The {set} keyword is used to identify the names of these
+other variables, one variable for the x-coordinate of a created atom,
+one for y, and one for z.
+When an atom is created, its x,y,z coordinates become the values for
+any {set} variable that is defined.  The {var} variable is then
+evaluated.  If the returned value is 0.0, the atom is not created.  If
+it is non-zero, the atom is created.
+As an example, these commands can be used in a 2d simulation, to
+create a sinusoidal surface.  Note that the surface is "rough" due to
+individual lattice points being "above" or "below" the mathematical
+expression for the sinusoidal curve.  If a finer lattice were used,
+the sinusoid would appear to be "smoother".  Also note the use of the
+"xlat" and "ylat" "thermo_style"_thermo_style.html keywords which
+converts lattice spacings to distance.  Click on the image for a
+larger version.
+dimension       2
+variable        x equal 100
+variable        y equal 25
+lattice         hex 0.8442
+region          box block 0 $x 0 $y -0.5 0.5
+create_box      1 box :pre
+variable        xx internal 0.0
+variable        yy internal 0.0
+variable        v equal "(0.2*v_y*ylat * cos(v_xx/xlat * 2.0*PI*4.0/v_x) + 0.5*v_y*ylat - v_yy) > 0.0"
+create_atoms    1 box var v set x xx set y yy
+write_dump      all atom sinusoid.lammpstrj :pre
+The {rotate} keyword can only be used with the {single} style and
+when adding a single molecule. It allows to specify the orientation
+at which the molecule is inserted.  The axis of rotation is
+determined by the rotation vector (Rx,Ry,Rz) that goes through the
+insertion point.  The specified {theta} determines the angle of
+rotation around that axis.  Note that the direction of rotation for
+the atoms around the rotation axis is consistent with the right-hand
+rule: if your right-hand's thumb points along {R}, then your fingers
+wrap around the axis in the direction of rotation.
+The {units} keyword determines the meaning of the distance units used
+to specify the coordinates of the one particle created by the {single}
+style.  A {box} value selects standard distance units as defined by
+the "units"_units.html command, e.g. Angstroms for units = real or
+metal.  A {lattice} value means the distance units are in lattice
+Atom IDs are assigned to created atoms in the following way.  The
+collection of created atoms are assigned consecutive IDs that start
+immediately following the largest atom ID existing before the
+create_atoms command was invoked.  This is done by the processor's
+communicating the number of atoms they each own, the first processor
+numbering its atoms from 1 to N1, the second processor from N1+1 to
+N2, etc.  Where N1 = number of atoms owned by the first processor, N2
+= number owned by the second processor, etc.  Thus when the same
+simulation is performed on different numbers of processors, there is
+no guarantee a particular created atom will be assigned the same ID in
+both simulations.  If molecules are being created, molecule IDs are
+assigned to created molecules in a similar fashion.
+Aside from their ID, atom type, and xyz position, other properties of
+created atoms are set to default values, depending on which quantities
+are defined by the chosen "atom style"_atom_style.html.  See the "atom
+style"_atom_style.html command for more details.  See the
+"set"_set.html and "velocity"_velocity.html commands for info on how
+to change these values.
+charge = 0.0
+dipole moment magnitude = 0.0
+diameter = 1.0
+shape = 0.0 0.0 0.0
+density = 1.0
+volume = 1.0
+velocity = 0.0 0.0 0.0
+angular velocity = 0.0 0.0 0.0
+angular momentum = 0.0 0.0 0.0
+quaternion = (1,0,0,0)
+bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers = none :ul
+If molecules are being created, these defaults can be overridden by
+values specified in the file read by the "molecule"_molecule.html
+command.  E.g. the file typically defines bonds (angles,etc) between
+atoms in the molecule, and can optionally define charges on each atom.
+Note that the {sphere} atom style sets the default particle diameter
+to 1.0 as well as the density.  This means the mass for the particle
+is not 1.0, but is PI/6 * diameter^3 = 0.5236.
+Note that the {ellipsoid} atom style sets the default particle shape
+to (0.0 0.0 0.0) and the density to 1.0 which means it is a point
+particle, not an ellipsoid, and has a mass of 1.0.
+Note that the {peri} style sets the default volume and density to 1.0
+and thus also set the mass for the particle to 1.0.
+The "set"_set.html command can be used to override many of these
+default settings.
+An "atom_style"_atom_style.html must be previously defined to use this
+A rotation vector specified for a single molecule must be in
+the z-direction for a 2d model.
+[Related commands:]
+"lattice"_lattice.html, "region"_region.html, "create_box"_create_box.html,
+"read_data"_read_data.html, "read_restart"_read_restart.html
+The default for the {basis} keyword is that all created atoms are
+assigned the argument {type} as their atom type (when single atoms are
+being created).  The other defaults are {remap} = no, {rotate} =
+random, and {units} = lattice.
diff --git a/doc/delete_atoms.txt b/doc/delete_atoms.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1aa71d341f83a34a25017b4d123996f22a6fcd16
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+++ b/doc/delete_atoms.txt
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+"LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc :c
+delete_atoms command :h3
+delete_atoms style args keyword value ... :pre
+style = {group} or {region} or {overlap} or {porosity} :ulb,l
+  {group} args = group-ID
+  {region} args = region-ID
+  {overlap} args = cutoff group1-ID group2-ID
+    cutoff = delete one atom from pairs of atoms within the cutoff (distance units)
+    group1-ID = one atom in pair must be in this group
+    group2-ID = other atom in pair must be in this group
+  {porosity} args = region-ID fraction seed
+    region-ID = region within which to perform deletions
+    fraction = delete this fraction of atoms
+    seed = random number seed (positive integer) :pre
+zero or more keyword/value pairs may be appended :l
+keyword = {compress} or {bond} or {mol} :l
+  {compress} value = {no} or {yes}
+  {bond} value = {no} or {yes}
+  {mol} value = {no} or {yes} :pre
+delete_atoms group edge
+delete_atoms region sphere compress no
+delete_atoms overlap 0.3 all all
+delete_atoms overlap 0.5 solvent colloid
+delete_atoms porosity cube 0.1 482793 bond yes :pre
+Delete the specified atoms.  This command can be used to carve out
+voids from a block of material or to delete created atoms that are too
+close to each other (e.g. at a grain boundary).
+For style {group}, all atoms belonging to the group are deleted.
+For style {region}, all atoms in the region volume are deleted.
+Additional atoms can be deleted if they are in a molecule for which
+one or more atoms were deleted within the region; see the {mol}
+keyword discussion below.
+For style {overlap} pairs of atoms whose distance of separation is
+within the specified cutoff distance are searched for, and one of the
+2 atoms is deleted.  Only pairs where one of the two atoms is in the
+first group specified and the other atom is in the second group are
+considered.  The atom that is in the first group is the one that is
+Note that it is OK for the two group IDs to be the same (e.g. group
+{all}), or for some atoms to be members of both groups.  In these
+cases, either atom in the pair may be deleted.  Also note that if
+there are atoms which are members of both groups, the only guarantee
+is that at the end of the deletion operation, enough deletions will
+have occurred that no atom pairs within the cutoff will remain
+(subject to the group restriction).  There is no guarantee that the
+minimum number of atoms will be deleted, or that the same atoms will
+be deleted when running on different numbers of processors.
+For style {porosity} a specified {fraction} of atoms are deleted
+within the specified region.  For example, if fraction is 0.1, then
+10% of the atoms will be deleted.  The atoms to delete are chosen
+randomly.  There is no guarantee that the exact fraction of atoms will
+be deleted, or that the same atoms will be deleted when running on
+different numbers of processors.
+If the {compress} keyword is set to {yes}, then after atoms are
+deleted, then atom IDs are re-assigned so that they run from 1 to the
+number of atoms in the system.  Note that this is not done for
+molecular systems (see the "atom_style"_atom_style.html command),
+regardless of the {compress} setting, since it would foul up the bond
+connectivity that has already been assigned.  However, the
+"reset_ids"_reset_ids.html command can be used after this command to
+accomplish the same thing.
+Note that the re-assignement of IDs is not really a compression, where
+gaps in atom IDs are removed by decrementing atom IDs that are larger.
+Instead the IDs for all atoms are erased, and new IDs are assigned so
+that the atoms owned by individual processors have consecutive IDs, as
+the "create_atoms"_create_atoms.html command explains.
+A molecular system with fixed bonds, angles, dihedrals, or improper
+interactions, is one where the topology of the interactions is
+typically defined in the data file read by the
+"read_data"_read_data.html command, and where the interactions
+themselves are defined with the "bond_style"_bond_style.html,
+"angle_style"_angle_style.html, etc commands.  If you delete atoms
+from such a system, you must be careful not to end up with bonded
+interactions that are stored by remaining atoms but which include
+deleted atoms.  This will cause LAMMPS to generate a "missing atoms"
+error when the bonded interaction is computed.  The {bond} and {mol}
+keywords offer two ways to do that.
+It the {bond} keyword is set to {yes} then any bond or angle or
+dihedral or improper interaction that includes a deleted atom is also
+removed from the lists of such interactions stored by non-deleted
+atoms.  Note that simply deleting interactions due to dangling bonds
+(e.g. at a surface) may result in a inaccurate or invalid model for
+the remaining atoms.
+It the {mol} keyword is set to {yes}, then for every atom that is
+deleted, all other atoms in the same molecule (with the same molecule
+ID) will also be deleted.  This is not done for atoms with molecule ID
+= 0, since such an ID is assumed to flag isolated atoms that are not
+part of molecules.
+NOTE: The molecule deletion operation in invoked after all individual
+atoms have been deleted using the rules described above for each
+style.  This means additional atoms may be deleted that are not in the
+group or region, that are not required by the overlap cutoff
+criterion, or that will create a higher fraction of porosity than was
+The {overlap} styles requires inter-processor communication to acquire
+ghost atoms and build a neighbor list.  This means that your system
+must be ready to perform a simulation before using this command (force
+fields setup, atom masses set, etc).  Since a neighbor list is used to
+find overlapping atom pairs, it also means that you must define a
+"pair style"_pair_style.html with the minimum force cutoff distance
+between any pair of atoms types (plus the "neighbor"_neighbor.html
+skin) >= the specified overlap cutoff.
+If the "special_bonds"_special_bonds.html command is used with a
+setting of 0, then a pair of bonded atoms (1-2, 1-3, or 1-4) will not
+appear in the neighbor list, and thus will not be considered for
+deletion by the {overlap} styles.  You probably don't want to be
+deleting one atom in a bonded pair anyway.
+The {bond yes} option cannot be used with molecular systems defined
+using molecule template files via the "molecule"_molecule.html and
+"atom_style template"_atom_style.html commands.
+[Related commands:]
+"create_atoms"_create_atoms.html, "reset_ids"_reset_ids.html
+The option defaults are compress = yes, bond = no, mol = no.
diff --git a/doc/dump.txt b/doc/dump.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c386e24106725b5913304f8c4c6f2beda0b3ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/dump.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+ "LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc :c
+dump command :h3
+"dump vtk"_dump_vtk.html command :h3
+"dump h5md"_dump_h5md.html command :h3
+"dump molfile"_dump_molfile.html command :h3
+"dump netcdf"_dump_netcdf.html command :h3
+"dump image"_dump_image.html command :h3
+"dump movie"_dump_image.html command :h3
+dump ID group-ID style N file args :pre
+ID = user-assigned name for the dump :ulb,l
+group-ID = ID of the group of atoms to be dumped :l
+style = {atom} or {atom/gz} or {atom/mpiio} or {cfg} or {cfg/gz} or {cfg/mpiio} or {custom} or {custom/gz} or {custom/mpiio} or {dcd} or {h5md} or {image} or or {local} or {molfile} or {movie} or {netcdf} or {netcdf/mpiio} or {vtk} or {xtc} or {xyz} or {xyz/gz} or {xyz/mpiio} :l
+N = dump every this many timesteps :l
+file = name of file to write dump info to :l
+args = list of arguments for a particular style :l
+  {atom} args = none
+  {atom/gz} args = none
+  {atom/mpiio} args = none
+  {cfg} args = same as {custom} args, see below
+  {cfg/gz} args = same as {custom} args, see below
+  {cfg/mpiio} args = same as {custom} args, see below
+  {custom}, {custom/gz}, {custom/mpiio} args = see below
+  {dcd} args = none
+  {h5md} args = discussed on "dump h5md"_dump_h5md.html doc page
+  {image} args = discussed on "dump image"_dump_image.html doc page
+  {local} args = see below
+  {molfile} args = discussed on "dump molfile"_dump_molfile.html doc page
+  {movie} args = discussed on "dump image"_dump_image.html doc page
+  {netcdf} args = discussed on "dump netcdf"_dump_netcdf.html doc page
+  {netcdf/mpiio} args = discussed on "dump netcdf"_dump_netcdf.html doc page
+  {vtk} args = same as {custom} args, see below, also "dump vtk"_dump_vtk.html doc page
+  {xtc} args = none
+  {xyz} args = none
+  {xyz/gz} args = none
+  {xyz/mpiio} args = none :pre
+{custom} or {custom/gz} or {custom/mpiio} or {netcdf} or {netcdf/mpiio} args = list of atom attributes :l
+    possible attributes = id, mol, proc, procp1, type, element, mass,
+                          x, y, z, xs, ys, zs, xu, yu, zu,
+                          xsu, ysu, zsu, ix, iy, iz,
+                          vx, vy, vz, fx, fy, fz,
+                          q, mux, muy, muz, mu,
+                          radius, diameter, omegax, omegay, omegaz,
+                          angmomx, angmomy, angmomz, tqx, tqy, tqz,
+                          c_ID, c_ID\[N\], f_ID, f_ID\[N\], v_name :pre
+      id = atom ID
+      mol = molecule ID
+      proc = ID of processor that owns atom
+      procp1 = ID+1 of processor that owns atom
+      type = atom type
+      element = name of atom element, as defined by "dump_modify"_dump_modify.html command
+      mass = atom mass
+      x,y,z = unscaled atom coordinates
+      xs,ys,zs = scaled atom coordinates
+      xu,yu,zu = unwrapped atom coordinates
+      xsu,ysu,zsu = scaled unwrapped atom coordinates
+      ix,iy,iz = box image that the atom is in
+      vx,vy,vz = atom velocities
+      fx,fy,fz = forces on atoms
+      q = atom charge
+      mux,muy,muz = orientation of dipole moment of atom
+      mu = magnitude of dipole moment of atom
+      radius,diameter = radius,diameter of spherical particle
+      omegax,omegay,omegaz = angular velocity of spherical particle
+      angmomx,angmomy,angmomz = angular momentum of aspherical particle
+      tqx,tqy,tqz = torque on finite-size particles
+      c_ID = per-atom vector calculated by a compute with ID
+      c_ID\[I\] = Ith column of per-atom array calculated by a compute with ID, I can include wildcard (see below)
+      f_ID = per-atom vector calculated by a fix with ID
+      f_ID\[I\] = Ith column of per-atom array calculated by a fix with ID, I can include wildcard (see below)
+      v_name = per-atom vector calculated by an atom-style variable with name
+      d_name = per-atom floating point vector with name, managed by fix property/atom
+      i_name = per-atom integer vector with name, managed by fix property/atom :pre
+{local} args = list of local attributes :l
+    possible attributes = index, c_ID, c_ID\[I\], f_ID, f_ID\[I\]
+      index = enumeration of local values
+      c_ID = local vector calculated by a compute with ID
+      c_ID\[I\] = Ith column of local array calculated by a compute with ID, I can include wildcard (see below)
+      f_ID = local vector calculated by a fix with ID
+      f_ID\[I\] = Ith column of local array calculated by a fix with ID, I can include wildcard (see below) :pre
+dump myDump all atom 100 dump.atom
+dump myDump all atom/mpiio 100 dump.atom.mpiio
+dump myDump all atom/gz 100 dump.atom.gz
+dump 2 subgroup atom 50 dump.run.bin
+dump 2 subgroup atom 50 dump.run.mpiio.bin
+dump 4a all custom 100 dump.myforce.* id type x y vx fx
+dump 4b flow custom 100 dump.%.myforce id type c_myF\[3\] v_ke
+dump 4b flow custom 100 dump.%.myforce id type c_myF\[*\] v_ke
+dump 2 inner cfg 10 dump.snap.*.cfg mass type xs ys zs vx vy vz
+dump snap all cfg 100 dump.config.*.cfg mass type xs ys zs id type c_Stress\[2\]
+dump 1 all xtc 1000 file.xtc :pre
+Dump a snapshot of atom quantities to one or more files every N
+timesteps in one of several styles.  The {image} and {movie} styles are
+the exception: the {image} style renders a JPG, PNG, or PPM image file
+of the atom configuration every N timesteps while the {movie} style
+combines and compresses them into a movie file; both are discussed in
+detail on the "dump image"_dump_image.html doc page.  The timesteps on
+which dump output is written can also be controlled by a variable.
+See the "dump_modify every"_dump_modify.html command.
+Only information for atoms in the specified group is dumped.  The
+"dump_modify thresh and region and refresh"_dump_modify.html commands
+can also alter what atoms are included.  Not all styles support all
+these options; see details on the "dump_modify"_dump_modify.html doc
+As described below, the filename determines the kind of output (text
+or binary or gzipped, one big file or one per timestep, one big file
+or multiple smaller files).
+NOTE: Because periodic boundary conditions are enforced only on
+timesteps when neighbor lists are rebuilt, the coordinates of an atom
+written to a dump file may be slightly outside the simulation box.
+Re-neighbor timesteps will not typically coincide with the timesteps
+dump snapshots are written.  See the "dump_modify
+pbc"_dump_modify.html command if you with to force coordinates to be
+strictly inside the simulation box.
+NOTE: Unless the "dump_modify sort"_dump_modify.html option is
+invoked, the lines of atom information written to dump files
+(typically one line per atom) will be in an indeterminate order for
+each snapshot.  This is even true when running on a single processor,
+if the "atom_modify sort"_atom_modify.html option is on, which it is
+by default.  In this case atoms are re-ordered periodically during a
+simulation, due to spatial sorting.  It is also true when running in
+parallel, because data for a single snapshot is collected from
+multiple processors, each of which owns a subset of the atoms.
+For the {atom}, {custom}, {cfg}, and {local} styles, sorting is off by
+default.  For the {dcd}, {xtc}, {xyz}, and {molfile} styles, sorting by
+atom ID is on by default. See the "dump_modify"_dump_modify.html doc
+page for details.
+The {atom/gz}, {cfg/gz}, {custom/gz}, and {xyz/gz} styles are identical
+in command syntax to the corresponding styles without "gz", however,
+they generate compressed files using the zlib library. Thus the filename
+suffix ".gz" is mandatory. This is an alternative approach to writing
+compressed files via a pipe, as done by the regular dump styles, which
+may be required on clusters where the interface to the high-speed network
+disallows using the fork() library call (which is needed for a pipe).
+For the remainder of this doc page, you should thus consider the {atom}
+and {atom/gz} styles (etc) to be inter-changeable, with the exception
+of the required filename suffix.
+As explained below, the {atom/mpiio}, {cfg/mpiio}, {custom/mpiio}, and
+{xyz/mpiio} styles are identical in command syntax and in the format
+of the dump files they create, to the corresponding styles without
+"mpiio", except the single dump file they produce is written in
+parallel via the MPI-IO library.  For the remainder of this doc page,
+you should thus consider the {atom} and {atom/mpiio} styles (etc) to
+be inter-changeable.  The one exception is how the filename is
+specified for the MPI-IO styles, as explained below.
+The precision of values output to text-based dump files can be
+controlled by the "dump_modify format"_dump_modify.html command and
+its options.
+The {style} keyword determines what atom quantities are written to the
+file and in what format.  Settings made via the
+"dump_modify"_dump_modify.html command can also alter the format of
+individual values and the file itself.
+The {atom}, {local}, and {custom} styles create files in a simple text
+format that is self-explanatory when viewing a dump file.  Many of the
+LAMMPS "post-processing tools"_Section_tools.html, including
+"Pizza.py"_http://www.sandia.gov/~sjplimp/pizza.html, work with this
+format, as does the "rerun"_rerun.html command.
+For post-processing purposes the {atom}, {local}, and {custom} text
+files are self-describing in the following sense.
+The dimensions of the simulation box are included in each snapshot.
+For an orthogonal simulation box this information is is formatted as:
+ITEM: BOX BOUNDS xx yy zz
+xlo xhi
+ylo yhi
+zlo zhi :pre
+where xlo,xhi are the maximum extents of the simulation box in the
+x-dimension, and similarly for y and z.  The "xx yy zz" represent 6
+characters that encode the style of boundary for each of the 6
+simulation box boundaries (xlo,xhi and ylo,yhi and zlo,zhi).  Each of
+the 6 characters is either p = periodic, f = fixed, s = shrink wrap,
+or m = shrink wrapped with a minimum value.  See the
+"boundary"_boundary.html command for details.
+For triclinic simulation boxes (non-orthogonal), an orthogonal
+bounding box which encloses the triclinic simulation box is output,
+along with the 3 tilt factors (xy, xz, yz) of the triclinic box,
+formatted as follows:
+ITEM: BOX BOUNDS xy xz yz xx yy zz
+xlo_bound xhi_bound xy
+ylo_bound yhi_bound xz
+zlo_bound zhi_bound yz :pre
+The presence of the text "xy xz yz" in the ITEM line indicates that
+the 3 tilt factors will be included on each of the 3 following lines.
+This bounding box is convenient for many visualization programs.  The
+meaning of the 6 character flags for "xx yy zz" is the same as above.
+Note that the first two numbers on each line are now xlo_bound instead
+of xlo, etc, since they represent a bounding box.  See "this
+section"_Section_howto.html#howto_12 of the doc pages for a geometric
+description of triclinic boxes, as defined by LAMMPS, simple formulas
+for how the 6 bounding box extents (xlo_bound,xhi_bound,etc) are
+calculated from the triclinic parameters, and how to transform those
+parameters to and from other commonly used triclinic representations.
+The "ITEM: ATOMS" line in each snapshot lists column descriptors for
+the per-atom lines that follow.  For example, the descriptors would be
+"id type xs ys zs" for the default {atom} style, and would be the atom
+attributes you specify in the dump command for the {custom} style.
+For style {atom}, atom coordinates are written to the file, along with
+the atom ID and atom type.  By default, atom coords are written in a
+scaled format (from 0 to 1).  I.e. an x value of 0.25 means the atom
+is at a location 1/4 of the distance from xlo to xhi of the box
+boundaries.  The format can be changed to unscaled coords via the
+"dump_modify"_dump_modify.html settings.  Image flags can also be
+added for each atom via dump_modify.
+Style {custom} allows you to specify a list of atom attributes to be
+written to the dump file for each atom.  Possible attributes are
+listed above and will appear in the order specified.  You cannot
+specify a quantity that is not defined for a particular simulation -
+such as {q} for atom style {bond}, since that atom style doesn't
+assign charges.  Dumps occur at the very end of a timestep, so atom
+attributes will include effects due to fixes that are applied during
+the timestep.  An explanation of the possible dump custom attributes
+is given below.
+For style {local}, local output generated by "computes"_compute.html
+and "fixes"_fix.html is used to generate lines of output that is
+written to the dump file.  This local data is typically calculated by
+each processor based on the atoms it owns, but there may be zero or
+more entities per atom, e.g. a list of bond distances.  An explanation
+of the possible dump local attributes is given below.  Note that by
+using input from the "compute
+property/local"_compute_property_local.html command with dump local,
+it is possible to generate information on bonds, angles, etc that can
+be cut and pasted directly into a data file read by the
+"read_data"_read_data.html command.
+Style {cfg} has the same command syntax as style {custom} and writes
+extended CFG format files, as used by the
+"AtomEye"_http://mt.seas.upenn.edu/Archive/Graphics/A visualization
+package.  Since the extended CFG format uses a single snapshot of the
+system per file, a wildcard "*" must be included in the filename, as
+discussed below.  The list of atom attributes for style {cfg} must
+begin with either "mass type xs ys zs" or "mass type xsu ysu zsu"
+since these quantities are needed to write the CFG files in the
+appropriate format (though the "mass" and "type" fields do not appear
+explicitly in the file).  Any remaining attributes will be stored as
+"auxiliary properties" in the CFG files.  Note that you will typically
+want to use the "dump_modify element"_dump_modify.html command with
+CFG-formatted files, to associate element names with atom types, so
+that AtomEye can render atoms appropriately. When unwrapped
+coordinates {xsu}, {ysu}, and {zsu} are requested, the nominal AtomEye
+periodic cell dimensions are expanded by a large factor UNWRAPEXPAND =
+10.0, which ensures atoms that are displayed correctly for up to
+UNWRAPEXPAND/2 periodic boundary crossings in any direction.  Beyond
+this, AtomEye will rewrap the unwrapped coordinates.  The expansion
+causes the atoms to be drawn farther away from the viewer, but it is
+easy to zoom the atoms closer, and the interatomic distances are
+The {dcd} style writes DCD files, a standard atomic trajectory format
+used by the CHARMM, NAMD, and XPlor molecular dynamics packages.  DCD
+files are binary and thus may not be portable to different machines.
+The number of atoms per snapshot cannot change with the {dcd} style.
+The {unwrap} option of the "dump_modify"_dump_modify.html command
+allows DCD coordinates to be written "unwrapped" by the image flags
+for each atom.  Unwrapped means that if the atom has passed through
+a periodic boundary one or more times, the value is printed for what
+the coordinate would be if it had not been wrapped back into the
+periodic box.  Note that these coordinates may thus be far outside
+the box size stored with the snapshot.
+The {xtc} style writes XTC files, a compressed trajectory format used
+by the GROMACS molecular dynamics package, and described
+The precision used in XTC files can be adjusted via the
+"dump_modify"_dump_modify.html command.  The default value of 1000
+means that coordinates are stored to 1/1000 nanometer accuracy.  XTC
+files are portable binary files written in the NFS XDR data format,
+so that any machine which supports XDR should be able to read them.
+The number of atoms per snapshot cannot change with the {xtc} style.
+The {unwrap} option of the "dump_modify"_dump_modify.html command allows
+XTC coordinates to be written "unwrapped" by the image flags for each
+atom.  Unwrapped means that if the atom has passed thru a periodic
+boundary one or more times, the value is printed for what the
+coordinate would be if it had not been wrapped back into the periodic
+box.  Note that these coordinates may thus be far outside the box size
+stored with the snapshot.
+The {xyz} style writes XYZ files, which is a simple text-based
+coordinate format that many codes can read. Specifically it has
+a line with the number of atoms, then a comment line that is
+usually ignored followed by one line per atom with the atom type
+and the x-, y-, and z-coordinate of that atom. You can use the
+"dump_modify element"_dump_modify.html option to change the output
+from using the (numerical) atom type to an element name (or some
+other label). This will help many visualization programs to guess
+bonds and colors.
+Note that {atom}, {custom}, {dcd}, {xtc}, and {xyz} style dump files
+can be read directly by "VMD"_http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd, a
+popular molecular viewing program.
+Dumps are performed on timesteps that are a multiple of N (including
+timestep 0) and on the last timestep of a minimization if the
+minimization converges.  Note that this means a dump will not be
+performed on the initial timestep after the dump command is invoked,
+if the current timestep is not a multiple of N.  This behavior can be
+changed via the "dump_modify first"_dump_modify.html command, which
+can also be useful if the dump command is invoked after a minimization
+ended on an arbitrary timestep.  N can be changed between runs by
+using the "dump_modify every"_dump_modify.html command (not allowed
+for {dcd} style).  The "dump_modify every"_dump_modify.html command
+also allows a variable to be used to determine the sequence of
+timesteps on which dump files are written.  In this mode a dump on the
+first timestep of a run will also not be written unless the
+"dump_modify first"_dump_modify.html command is used.
+The specified filename determines how the dump file(s) is written.
+The default is to write one large text file, which is opened when the
+dump command is invoked and closed when an "undump"_undump.html
+command is used or when LAMMPS exits.  For the {dcd} and {xtc} styles,
+this is a single large binary file.
+Dump filenames can contain two wildcard characters.  If a "*"
+character appears in the filename, then one file per snapshot is
+written and the "*" character is replaced with the timestep value.
+For example, tmp.dump.* becomes tmp.dump.0, tmp.dump.10000,
+tmp.dump.20000, etc.  This option is not available for the {dcd} and
+{xtc} styles.  Note that the "dump_modify pad"_dump_modify.html
+command can be used to insure all timestep numbers are the same length
+(e.g. 00010), which can make it easier to read a series of dump files
+in order with some post-processing tools.
+If a "%" character appears in the filename, then each of P processors
+writes a portion of the dump file, and the "%" character is replaced
+with the processor ID from 0 to P-1.  For example, tmp.dump.% becomes
+tmp.dump.0, tmp.dump.1, ... tmp.dump.P-1, etc.  This creates smaller
+files and can be a fast mode of output on parallel machines that
+support parallel I/O for output. This option is not available for the
+{dcd}, {xtc}, and {xyz} styles.
+By default, P = the number of processors meaning one file per
+processor, but P can be set to a smaller value via the {nfile} or
+{fileper} keywords of the "dump_modify"_dump_modify.html command.
+These options can be the most efficient way of writing out dump files
+when running on large numbers of processors.
+Note that using the "*" and "%" characters together can produce a
+large number of small dump files!
+For the {atom/mpiio}, {cfg/mpiio}, {custom/mpiio}, and {xyz/mpiio}
+styles, a single dump file is written in parallel via the MPI-IO
+library, which is part of the MPI standard for versions 2.0 and above.
+Using MPI-IO requires two steps.  First, build LAMMPS with its MPIIO
+package installed, e.g.
+make yes-mpiio    # installs the MPIIO package
+make mpi          # build LAMMPS for your platform :pre
+Second, use a dump filename which contains ".mpiio".  Note that it
+does not have to end in ".mpiio", just contain those characters.
+Unlike MPI-IO restart files, which must be both written and read using
+MPI-IO, the dump files produced by these MPI-IO styles are identical
+in format to the files produced by their non-MPI-IO style
+counterparts.  This means you can write a dump file using MPI-IO and
+use the "read_dump"_read_dump.html command or perform other
+post-processing, just as if the dump file was not written using
+Note that MPI-IO dump files are one large file which all processors
+write to.  You thus cannot use the "%" wildcard character described
+above in the filename since that specifies generation of multiple
+files.  You can use the ".bin" suffix described below in an MPI-IO
+dump file; again this file will be written in parallel and have the
+same binary format as if it were written without MPI-IO.
+If the filename ends with ".bin", the dump file (or files, if "*" or
+"%" is also used) is written in binary format.  A binary dump file
+will be about the same size as a text version, but will typically
+write out much faster.  Of course, when post-processing, you will need
+to convert it back to text format (see the "binary2txt
+tool"_Section_tools.html#binary) or write your own code to read the
+binary file.  The format of the binary file can be understood by
+looking at the tools/binary2txt.cpp file.  This option is only
+available for the {atom} and {custom} styles.
+If the filename ends with ".gz", the dump file (or files, if "*" or "%"
+is also used) is written in gzipped format.  A gzipped dump file will
+be about 3x smaller than the text version, but will also take longer
+to write.  This option is not available for the {dcd} and {xtc}
+Note that in the discussion which follows, for styles which can
+reference values from a compute or fix, like the {custom}, {cfg}, or
+{local} styles, the bracketed index I can be specified using a
+wildcard asterisk with the index to effectively specify multiple
+values.  This takes the form "*" or "*n" or "n*" or "m*n".  If N = the
+size of the vector (for {mode} = scalar) or the number of columns in
+the array (for {mode} = vector), then an asterisk with no numeric
+values means all indices from 1 to N.  A leading asterisk means all
+indices from 1 to n (inclusive).  A trailing asterisk means all
+indices from n to N (inclusive).  A middle asterisk means all indices
+from m to n (inclusive).
+Using a wildcard is the same as if the individual columns of the array
+had been listed one by one.  E.g. these 2 dump commands are
+equivalent, since the "compute stress/atom"_compute_stress_atom.html
+command creates a per-atom array with 6 columns:
+compute myPress all stress/atom NULL
+dump 2 all custom 100 tmp.dump id myPress\[*\]
+dump 2 all custom 100 tmp.dump id myPress\[1\] myPress\[2\] myPress\[3\] &
+                                  myPress\[4\] myPress\[5\] myPress\[6\] :pre
+This section explains the local attributes that can be specified as
+part of the {local} style.
+The {index} attribute can be used to generate an index number from 1
+to N for each line written into the dump file, where N is the total
+number of local datums from all processors, or lines of output that
+will appear in the snapshot.  Note that because data from different
+processors depend on what atoms they currently own, and atoms migrate
+between processor, there is no guarantee that the same index will be
+used for the same info (e.g. a particular bond) in successive
+The {c_ID} and {c_ID\[I\]} attributes allow local vectors or arrays
+calculated by a "compute"_compute.html to be output.  The ID in the
+attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute that has
+been defined previously in the input script.  See the
+"compute"_compute.html command for details.  There are computes for
+calculating local information such as indices, types, and energies for
+bonds and angles.
+Note that computes which calculate global or per-atom quantities, as
+opposed to local quantities, cannot be output in a dump local command.
+Instead, global quantities can be output by the "thermo_style
+custom"_thermo_style.html command, and per-atom quantities can be
+output by the dump custom command.
+If {c_ID} is used as a attribute, then the local vector calculated by
+the compute is printed.  If {c_ID\[I\]} is used, then I must be in the
+range from 1-M, which will print the Ith column of the local array
+with M columns calculated by the compute.  See the discussion above
+for how I can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively
+specify multiple values.
+The {f_ID} and {f_ID\[I\]} attributes allow local vectors or arrays
+calculated by a "fix"_fix.html to be output.  The ID in the attribute
+should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been defined
+previously in the input script.
+If {f_ID} is used as a attribute, then the local vector calculated by
+the fix is printed.  If {f_ID\[I\]} is used, then I must be in the
+range from 1-M, which will print the Ith column of the local with M
+columns calculated by the fix.  See the discussion above for how I can
+be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple
+Here is an example of how to dump bond info for a system, including
+the distance and energy of each bond:
+compute 1 all property/local batom1 batom2 btype
+compute 2 all bond/local dist eng
+dump 1 all local 1000 tmp.dump index c_1\[1\] c_1\[2\] c_1\[3\] c_2\[1\] c_2\[2\] :pre
+This section explains the atom attributes that can be specified as
+part of the {custom} and {cfg} styles.
+The {id}, {mol}, {proc}, {procp1}, {type}, {element}, {mass}, {vx},
+{vy}, {vz}, {fx}, {fy}, {fz}, {q} attributes are self-explanatory.
+{Id} is the atom ID.  {Mol} is the molecule ID, included in the data
+file for molecular systems.  {Proc} is the ID of the processor (0 to
+Nprocs-1) that currently owns the atom.  {Procp1} is the proc ID+1,
+which can be convenient in place of a {type} attribute (1 to Ntypes)
+for coloring atoms in a visualization program.  {Type} is the atom
+type (1 to Ntypes).  {Element} is typically the chemical name of an
+element, which you must assign to each type via the "dump_modify
+element"_dump_modify.html command.  More generally, it can be any
+string you wish to associated with an atom type.  {Mass} is the atom
+mass.  {Vx}, {vy}, {vz}, {fx}, {fy}, {fz}, and {q} are components of
+atom velocity and force and atomic charge.
+There are several options for outputting atom coordinates.  The {x},
+{y}, {z} attributes write atom coordinates "unscaled", in the
+appropriate distance "units"_units.html (Angstroms, sigma, etc).  Use
+{xs}, {ys}, {zs} if you want the coordinates "scaled" to the box size,
+so that each value is 0.0 to 1.0.  If the simulation box is triclinic
+(tilted), then all atom coords will still be between 0.0 and 1.0.
+I.e. actual unscaled (x,y,z) = xs*A + ys*B + zs*C, where (A,B,C) are
+the non-orthogonal vectors of the simulation box edges, as discussed
+in "Section 6.12"_Section_howto.html#howto_12.
+Use {xu}, {yu}, {zu} if you want the coordinates "unwrapped" by the
+image flags for each atom.  Unwrapped means that if the atom has
+passed thru a periodic boundary one or more times, the value is
+printed for what the coordinate would be if it had not been wrapped
+back into the periodic box.  Note that using {xu}, {yu}, {zu} means
+that the coordinate values may be far outside the box bounds printed
+with the snapshot.  Using {xsu}, {ysu}, {zsu} is similar to using
+{xu}, {yu}, {zu}, except that the unwrapped coordinates are scaled by
+the box size. Atoms that have passed through a periodic boundary will
+have the corresponding coordinate increased or decreased by 1.0.
+The image flags can be printed directly using the {ix}, {iy}, {iz}
+attributes.  For periodic dimensions, they specify which image of the
+simulation box the atom is considered to be in.  An image of 0 means
+it is inside the box as defined.  A value of 2 means add 2 box lengths
+to get the true value.  A value of -1 means subtract 1 box length to
+get the true value.  LAMMPS updates these flags as atoms cross
+periodic boundaries during the simulation.
+The {mux}, {muy}, {muz} attributes are specific to dipolar systems
+defined with an atom style of {dipole}.  They give the orientation of
+the atom's point dipole moment.  The {mu} attribute gives the
+magnitude of the atom's dipole moment.
+The {radius} and {diameter} attributes are specific to spherical
+particles that have a finite size, such as those defined with an atom
+style of {sphere}.
+The {omegax}, {omegay}, and {omegaz} attributes are specific to
+finite-size spherical particles that have an angular velocity.  Only
+certain atom styles, such as {sphere} define this quantity.
+The {angmomx}, {angmomy}, and {angmomz} attributes are specific to
+finite-size aspherical particles that have an angular momentum.  Only
+the {ellipsoid} atom style defines this quantity.
+The {tqx}, {tqy}, {tqz} attributes are for finite-size particles that
+can sustain a rotational torque due to interactions with other
+The {c_ID} and {c_ID\[I\]} attributes allow per-atom vectors or arrays
+calculated by a "compute"_compute.html to be output.  The ID in the
+attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute that has
+been defined previously in the input script.  See the
+"compute"_compute.html command for details.  There are computes for
+calculating the per-atom energy, stress, centro-symmetry parameter,
+and coordination number of individual atoms.
+Note that computes which calculate global or local quantities, as
+opposed to per-atom quantities, cannot be output in a dump custom
+command.  Instead, global quantities can be output by the
+"thermo_style custom"_thermo_style.html command, and local quantities
+can be output by the dump local command.
+If {c_ID} is used as a attribute, then the per-atom vector calculated
+by the compute is printed.  If {c_ID\[I\]} is used, then I must be in
+the range from 1-M, which will print the Ith column of the per-atom
+array with M columns calculated by the compute.  See the discussion
+above for how I can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to
+effectively specify multiple values.
+The {f_ID} and {f_ID\[I\]} attributes allow vector or array per-atom
+quantities calculated by a "fix"_fix.html to be output.  The ID in the
+attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been
+defined previously in the input script.  The "fix
+ave/atom"_fix_ave_atom.html command is one that calculates per-atom
+quantities.  Since it can time-average per-atom quantities produced by
+any "compute"_compute.html, "fix"_fix.html, or atom-style
+"variable"_variable.html, this allows those time-averaged results to
+be written to a dump file.
+If {f_ID} is used as a attribute, then the per-atom vector calculated
+by the fix is printed.  If {f_ID\[I\]} is used, then I must be in the
+range from 1-M, which will print the Ith column of the per-atom array
+with M columns calculated by the fix.  See the discussion above for
+how I can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify
+multiple values.
+The {v_name} attribute allows per-atom vectors calculated by a
+"variable"_variable.html to be output.  The name in the attribute
+should be replaced by the actual name of the variable that has been
+defined previously in the input script.  Only an atom-style variable
+can be referenced, since it is the only style that generates per-atom
+values.  Variables of style {atom} can reference individual atom
+attributes, per-atom atom attributes, thermodynamic keywords, or
+invoke other computes, fixes, or variables when they are evaluated, so
+this is a very general means of creating quantities to output to a
+dump file.
+The {d_name} and {i_name} attributes allow to output custom per atom
+floating point or integer properties that are managed by
+"fix property/atom"_fix_property_atom.html.
+See "Section 10"_Section_modify.html of the manual for information
+on how to add new compute and fix styles to LAMMPS to calculate
+per-atom quantities which could then be output into dump files.
+To write gzipped dump files, you must either compile LAMMPS with the
+-DLAMMPS_GZIP option or use the styles from the COMPRESS package
+- see the "Making LAMMPS"_Section_start.html#start_2 section of
+the documentation.
+The {atom/gz}, {cfg/gz}, {custom/gz}, and {xyz/gz} styles are part
+of the COMPRESS package.  They are only enabled if LAMMPS was built
+with that package.  See the "Making
+LAMMPS"_Section_start.html#start_3 section for more info.
+The {atom/mpiio}, {cfg/mpiio}, {custom/mpiio}, and {xyz/mpiio} styles
+are part of the MPIIO package.  They are only enabled if LAMMPS was
+built with that package.  See the "Making
+LAMMPS"_Section_start.html#start_3 section for more info.
+The {xtc} style is part of the MISC package.  It is only enabled if
+LAMMPS was built with that package.  See the "Making
+LAMMPS"_Section_start.html#start_3 section for more info.
+[Related commands:]
+"dump h5md"_dump_h5md.html, "dump image"_dump_image.html,
+"dump molfile"_dump_molfile.html, "dump_modify"_dump_modify.html,
+The defaults for the {image} and {movie} styles are listed on the
+"dump image"_dump_image.html doc page.
diff --git a/doc/dump_modify.txt b/doc/dump_modify.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6de6de545e720d518316ea9d31c82fb825fd8c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/dump_modify.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1090 @@
+"LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc :c
+dump_modify command :h3
+dump_modify dump-ID keyword values ... :pre
+dump-ID = ID of dump to modify :ulb,l
+one or more keyword/value pairs may be appended :l
+these keywords apply to various dump styles :l
+keyword = {append} or {at} or {buffer} or {delay} or {element} or {every} or {fileper} or {first} or {flush} or {format} or {image} or {label} or {nfile} or {pad} or {precision} or {region} or {scale} or {sort} or {thresh} or {unwrap} :l
+  {append} arg = {yes} or {no}
+  {at} arg = N
+    N = index of frame written upon first dump
+  {buffer} arg = {yes} or {no}
+  {delay} arg = Dstep
+    Dstep = delay output until this timestep
+  {element} args = E1 E2 ... EN, where N = # of atom types
+    E1,...,EN = element name, e.g. C or Fe or Ga
+  {every} arg = N
+    N = dump every this many timesteps
+    N can be a variable (see below)
+  {fileper} arg = Np
+    Np = write one file for every this many processors
+  {first} arg = {yes} or {no}
+  {format} args = {line} string, {int} string, {float} string, M string, or {none}
+    string = C-style format string
+    M = integer from 1 to N, where N = # of per-atom quantities being output
+  {flush} arg = {yes} or {no}
+  {image} arg = {yes} or {no}
+  {label} arg = string
+    string = character string (e.g. BONDS) to use in header of dump local file
+  {nfile} arg = Nf
+    Nf = write this many files, one from each of Nf processors
+  {pad} arg = Nchar = # of characters to convert timestep to
+  {pbc} arg = {yes} or {no} = remap atoms via periodic boundary conditions
+  {precision} arg = power-of-10 value from 10 to 1000000
+  {region} arg = region-ID or "none"
+  {refresh} arg = c_ID = compute ID that supports a refresh operation
+  {scale} arg = {yes} or {no}
+  {sfactor} arg = coordinate scaling factor (> 0.0)
+  {thermo} arg = {yes} or {no}
+  {tfactor} arg = time scaling factor (> 0.0)
+  {sort} arg = {off} or {id} or N or -N
+     off = no sorting of per-atom lines within a snapshot
+     id = sort per-atom lines by atom ID
+     N = sort per-atom lines in ascending order by the Nth column
+     -N = sort per-atom lines in descending order by the Nth column
+  {thresh} args = attribute operator value
+    attribute = same attributes (x,fy,etotal,sxx,etc) used by dump custom style
+    operator = "<" or "<=" or ">" or ">=" or "==" or "!=" or "|^"
+    value = numeric value to compare to, or LAST
+    these 3 args can be replaced by the word "none" to turn off thresholding
+  {unwrap} arg = {yes} or {no} :pre
+these keywords apply only to the {image} and {movie} "styles"_dump_image.html :l
+keyword = {acolor} or {adiam} or {amap} or {backcolor} or {bcolor} or {bdiam} or {boxcolor} or {color} or {bitrate} or {framerate} :l
+  {acolor} args = type color
+    type = atom type or range of types (see below)
+    color = name of color or color1/color2/...
+  {adiam} args = type diam
+    type = atom type or range of types (see below)
+    diam = diameter of atoms of that type (distance units)
+  {amap} args = lo hi style delta N entry1 entry2 ... entryN
+    lo = number or {min} = lower bound of range of color map
+    hi = number or {max} = upper bound of range of color map
+    style = 2 letters = "c" or "d" or "s" plus "a" or "f"
+      "c" for continuous
+      "d" for discrete
+      "s" for sequential
+      "a" for absolute
+      "f" for fractional
+    delta = binsize (only used for style "s", otherwise ignored)
+      binsize = range is divided into bins of this width
+    N = # of subsequent entries
+    entry = value color (for continuous style)
+      value = number or {min} or {max} = single value within range
+      color = name of color used for that value
+    entry = lo hi color (for discrete style)
+      lo/hi = number or {min} or {max} = lower/upper bound of subset of range
+      color = name of color used for that subset of values
+    entry = color (for sequential style)
+      color = name of color used for a bin of values
+  {backcolor} arg = color
+    color = name of color for background
+  {bcolor} args = type color
+    type = bond type or range of types (see below)
+    color = name of color or color1/color2/...
+  {bdiam} args = type diam
+    type = bond type or range of types (see below)
+    diam = diameter of bonds of that type (distance units)
+  {boxcolor} arg = color
+    color = name of color for simulation box lines and processor sub-domain lines
+  {color} args = name R G B
+    name = name of color
+    R,G,B = red/green/blue numeric values from 0.0 to 1.0
+  {bitrate} arg = rate
+    rate = target bitrate for movie in kbps
+  {framerate} arg = fps
+    fps = frames per second for movie :pre
+dump_modify 1 format line "%d %d %20.15g %g %g" scale yes
+dump_modify 1 format float %20.15g scale yes
+dump_modify myDump image yes scale no flush yes
+dump_modify 1 region mySphere thresh x < 0.0 thresh epair >= 3.2
+dump_modify xtcdump precision 10000 sfactor 0.1
+dump_modify 1 every 1000 nfile 20
+dump_modify 1 every v_myVar
+dump_modify 1 amap min max cf 0.0 3 min green 0.5 yellow max blue boxcolor red :pre
+Modify the parameters of a previously defined dump command.  Not all
+parameters are relevant to all dump styles.
+As explained on the "dump"_dump.html doc page, the {atom/mpiio},
+{custom/mpiio}, and {xyz/mpiio} dump styles are identical in command
+syntax and in the format of the dump files they create, to the
+corresponding styles without "mpiio", except the single dump file they
+produce is written in parallel via the MPI-IO library.  Thus if a
+dump_modify option below is valid for the {atom} style, it is also
+valid for the {atom/mpiio} style, and similarly for the other styles
+which allow for use of MPI-IO.
+These keywords apply to various dump styles, including the "dump
+image"_dump_image.html and "dump movie"_dump_image.html styles.  The
+description gives details.
+The {append} keyword applies to all dump styles except {cfg} and {xtc}
+and {dcd}.  It also applies only to text output files, not to binary
+or gzipped or image/movie files.  If specified as {yes}, then dump
+snapshots are appended to the end of an existing dump file.  If
+specified as {no}, then a new dump file will be created which will
+overwrite an existing file with the same name.
+The {at} keyword only applies to the {netcdf} dump style.  It can only
+be used if the {append yes} keyword is also used.  The {N} argument is
+the index of which frame to append to.  A negative value can be
+specified for {N}, which means a frame counted from the end of the
+file.  The {at} keyword can only be used if the dump_modify command is
+before the first command that causes dump snapshots to be output,
+e.g. a "run"_run.html or "minimize"_minimize.html command.  Once the
+dump file has been opened, this keyword has no further effect.
+The {buffer} keyword applies only to dump styles {atom}, {cfg},
+{custom}, {local}, and {xyz}.  It also applies only to text output
+files, not to binary or gzipped files.  If specified as {yes}, which
+is the default, then each processor writes its output into an internal
+text buffer, which is then sent to the processor(s) which perform file
+writes, and written by those processors(s) as one large chunk of text.
+If specified as {no}, each processor sends its per-atom data in binary
+format to the processor(s) which perform file wirtes, and those
+processor(s) format and write it line by line into the output file.
+The buffering mode is typically faster since each processor does the
+relatively expensive task of formatting the output for its own atoms.
+However it requires about twice the memory (per processor) for the
+extra buffering.
+The {delay} keyword applies to all dump styles.  No snapshots will be
+output until the specified {Dstep} timestep or later.  Specifying
+{Dstep} < 0 is the same as turning off the delay setting.  This is a
+way to turn off unwanted output early in a simulation, for example,
+during an equilibration phase.
+The {element} keyword applies only to the dump {cfg}, {xyz}, and
+{image} styles.  It associates element names (e.g. H, C, Fe) with
+LAMMPS atom types.  See the list of element names at the bottom of
+this page.
+In the case of dump {cfg}, this allows the "AtomEye"_atomeye
+visualization package to read the dump file and render atoms with the
+appropriate size and color.
+In the case of dump {image}, the output images will follow the same
+"AtomEye"_atomeye convention.  An element name is specified for each
+atom type (1 to Ntype) in the simulation.  The same element name can
+be given to multiple atom types.
+In the case of {xyz} format dumps, there are no restrictions to what
+label can be used as an element name.  Any whitespace separated text
+will be accepted.
+The {every} keyword changes the dump frequency originally specified by
+the "dump"_dump.html command to a new value.  The every keyword can be
+specified in one of two ways.  It can be a numeric value in which case
+it must be > 0.  Or it can be an "equal-style variable"_variable.html,
+which should be specified as v_name, where name is the variable name.
+In this case, the variable is evaluated at the beginning of a run to
+determine the next timestep at which a dump snapshot will be written
+out.  On that timestep the variable will be evaluated again to
+determine the next timestep, etc.  Thus the variable should return
+timestep values.  See the stagger() and logfreq() and stride() math
+functions for "equal-style variables"_variable.html, as examples of
+useful functions to use in this context.  Other similar math functions
+could easily be added as options for "equal-style
+variables"_variable.html.  Also see the next() function, which allows
+use of a file-style variable which reads successive values from a
+file, each time the variable is evaluated.  Used with the {every}
+keyword, if the file contains a list of ascending timesteps, you can
+output snapshots whenever you wish.
+Note that when using the variable option with the {every} keyword, you
+need to use the {first} option if you want an initial snapshot written
+to the dump file.  The {every} keyword cannot be used with the dump
+{dcd} style.
+For example, the following commands will
+write snapshots at timesteps 0,10,20,30,100,200,300,1000,2000,etc:
+variable        s equal logfreq(10,3,10)
+dump            1 all atom 100 tmp.dump
+dump_modify     1 every v_s first yes :pre
+The following commands would write snapshots at the timesteps listed
+in file tmp.times:
+variable        f file tmp.times
+variable        s equal next(f)
+dump            1 all atom 100 tmp.dump
+dump_modify     1 every v_s :pre
+NOTE: When using a file-style variable with the {every} keyword, the
+file of timesteps must list a first timestep that is beyond the
+current timestep (e.g. it cannot be 0).  And it must list one or more
+timesteps beyond the length of the run you perform.  This is because
+the dump command will generate an error if the next timestep it reads
+from the file is not a value greater than the current timestep.  Thus
+if you wanted output on steps 0,15,100 of a 100-timestep run, the file
+should contain the values 15,100,101 and you should also use the
+dump_modify first command.  Any final value > 100 could be used in
+place of 101.
+The {first} keyword determines whether a dump snapshot is written on
+the very first timestep after the dump command is invoked.  This will
+always occur if the current timestep is a multiple of N, the frequency
+specified in the "dump"_dump.html command, including timestep 0.  But
+if this is not the case, a dump snapshot will only be written if the
+setting of this keyword is {yes}.  If it is {no}, which is the
+default, then it will not be written.
+The {flush} keyword determines whether a flush operation is invoked
+after a dump snapshot is written to the dump file.  A flush insures
+the output in that file is current (no buffering by the OS), even if
+LAMMPS halts before the simulation completes.  Flushes cannot be
+performed with dump style {xtc}.
+The {format} keyword can be used to change the default numeric format
+output by the text-based dump styles: {atom}, {custom}, {cfg}, and
+{xyz} styles, and their MPIIO variants.  Only the {line} or {none}
+options can be used with the {atom} and {xyz} styles.
+All the specified format strings are C-style formats, e.g. as used by
+the C/C++ printf() command.  The {line} keyword takes a single
+argument which is the format string for an entire line of output for
+each atom (do not include a trailing "\n"), with N fields, which you
+must enclose in quotes if it is more than one field.  The {int} and
+{float} keywords take a single format argument and are applied to all
+integer or floating-point quantities output.  The setting for {M
+string} also takes a single format argument which is used for the Mth
+value output in each line, e.g. the 5th column is output in high
+precision for "format 5 %20.15g".
+NOTE: When using the {line} keyword for the {cfg} style, the first two
+fields (atom ID and type) are not actually written into the CFG file,
+however you must include formats for them in the format string.
+The {format} keyword can be used multiple times.  The precedence is
+that for each value in a line of output, the {M} format (if specified)
+is used, else the {int} or {float} setting (if specified) is used,
+else the {line} setting (if specified) for that value is used, else
+the default setting is used.  A setting of {none} clears all previous
+settings, reverting all values to their default format.
+NOTE: Atom and molecule IDs are stored internally as 4-byte or 8-byte
+signed integers, depending on how LAMMPS was compiled.  When
+specifying the {format int} option you can use a "%d"-style format
+identifier in the format string and LAMMPS will convert this to the
+corresponding 8-byte form it it is needed when outputting those
+values.  However, when specifying the {line} option or {format M
+string} option for those values, you should specify a format string
+appropriate for an 8-byte signed integer, e.g. one with "%ld", if
+LAMMPS was compiled with the -DLAMMPS_BIGBIG option for 8-byte IDs.
+NOTE: Any value written to a text-based dump file that is a per-atom
+quantity calculated by a "compute"_compute.html or "fix"_fix.html is
+stored internally as a floating-point value.  If the value is actually
+an integer and you wish it to appear in the text dump file as a
+(large) integer, then you need to use an appropriate format.  For
+example, these commands:
+compute     1 all property/local batom1 batom2
+dump        1 all local 100 tmp.bonds index c_1\[1\] c_1\[2\]
+dump_modify 1 format "%d %0.0f %0.0f" :pre
+will output the two atom IDs for atoms in each bond as integers.  If
+the dump_modify command were omitted, they would appear as
+floating-point values, assuming they were large integers (more than 6
+digits).  The "index" keyword should use the "%d" format since it is
+not generated by a compute or fix, and is stored internally as an
+The {fileper} keyword is documented below with the {nfile} keyword.
+The {image} keyword applies only to the dump {atom} style.  If the
+image value is {yes}, 3 flags are appended to each atom's coords which
+are the absolute box image of the atom in each dimension.  For
+example, an x image flag of -2 with a normalized coord of 0.5 means
+the atom is in the center of the box, but has passed thru the box
+boundary 2 times and is really 2 box lengths to the left of its
+current coordinate.  Note that for dump style {custom} these various
+values can be printed in the dump file by using the appropriate atom
+attributes in the dump command itself.
+The {label} keyword applies only to the dump {local} style.  When
+it writes local information, such as bond or angle topology
+to a dump file, it will use the specified {label} to format
+the header.  By default this includes 2 lines:
+ITEM: ENTRIES ... :pre
+The word "ENTRIES" will be replaced with the string specified,
+e.g. BONDS or ANGLES.
+The {nfile} or {fileper} keywords can be used in conjunction with the
+"%" wildcard character in the specified dump file name, for all dump
+styles except the {dcd}, {image}, {movie}, {xtc}, and {xyz} styles
+(for which "%" is not allowed).  As explained on the "dump"_dump.html
+command doc page, the "%" character causes the dump file to be written
+in pieces, one piece for each of P processors.  By default P = the
+number of processors the simulation is running on.  The {nfile} or
+{fileper} keyword can be used to set P to a smaller value, which can
+be more efficient when running on a large number of processors.
+The {nfile} keyword sets P to the specified Nf value.  For example, if
+Nf = 4, and the simulation is running on 100 processors, 4 files will
+be written, by processors 0,25,50,75.  Each will collect information
+from itself and the next 24 processors and write it to a dump file.
+For the {fileper} keyword, the specified value of Np means write one
+file for every Np processors.  For example, if Np = 4, every 4th
+processor (0,4,8,12,etc) will collect information from itself and the
+next 3 processors and write it to a dump file.
+The {pad} keyword only applies when the dump filename is specified
+with a wildcard "*" character which becomes the timestep.  If {pad} is
+0, which is the default, the timestep is converted into a string of
+unpadded length, e.g. 100 or 12000 or 2000000.  When {pad} is
+specified with {Nchar} > 0, the string is padded with leading zeroes
+so they are all the same length = {Nchar}.  For example, pad 7 would
+yield 0000100, 0012000, 2000000.  This can be useful so that
+post-processing programs can easily read the files in ascending
+timestep order.
+The {pbc} keyword applies to all the dump styles.  As explained on the
+"dump"_dump.html doc page, atom coordinates in a dump file may be
+slightly outside the simulation box.  This is because periodic
+boundary conditions are enforced only on timesteps when neighbor lists
+are rebuilt, which will not typically coincide with the timesteps dump
+snapshots are written.  If the setting of this keyword is set to
+{yes}, then all atoms will be remapped to the periodic box before the
+snapshot is written, then restored to their original position.  If it
+is set to {no} they will not be.  The {no} setting is the default
+because it requires no extra computation.
+The {precision} keyword only applies to the dump {xtc} style.  A
+specified value of N means that coordinates are stored to 1/N
+nanometer accuracy, e.g. for N = 1000, the coordinates are written to
+1/1000 nanometer accuracy.
+The {refresh} keyword only applies to the dump {custom}, {cfg},
+{image}, and {movie} styles.  It allows an "incremental" dump file to
+be written, by refreshing a compute that is used as a threshold for
+determining which atoms are included in a dump snapshot.  The
+specified {c_ID} gives the ID of the compute.  It is prefixed by "c_"
+to indicate a compute, which is the only current option.  At some
+point, other options may be added, e.g. fixes or variables.
+NOTE: This keyword can only be specified once for a dump.  Refreshes
+of multiple computes cannot yet be performed.
+The definition and motivation of an incremental dump file is as
+follows.  Instead of outputting all atoms at each snapshot (with some
+associated values), you may only wish to output the subset of atoms
+with a value that has changed in some way compared to the value the
+last time that atom was output.  In some scenarios this can result in
+a dramatically smaller dump file.  If desired, by post-processing the
+sequence of snapshots, the values for all atoms at all timesteps can
+be inferred.
+A concrete example is a simulation of atom diffusion in a solid,
+represented as atoms on a lattice.  Diffusive hops are rare.  Imagine
+that when a hop occurs an atom moves more than a distance {Dhop}.  For
+any snapshot we only want to output atoms that have hopped since the
+last snapshot.  This can be accomplished with something the following
+variable        Dhop equal 0.6
+variable        check atom "c_dsp[4] > v_Dhop"
+compute         dsp all displace/atom refresh check
+dump            1 all custom 20 tmp.dump id type x y z
+dump_modify     1 append yes thresh c_dsp[4] > ${Dhop} refresh c_dsp :pre
+The "compute displace/atom"_compute_displace_atom.html command
+calculates the displacement of each atom from its reference position.
+The "4" index is the scalar displacement; 1,2,3 are the xyz components
+of the displacement.  The "dump_modify thresh"_dump_modify.html
+command will cause only atoms that have displaced more than 0.6
+Angstroms to be output on a given snapshot (assuming metal units).
+However, note that when an atom is output, we also need to update the
+reference position for that atom to its new coordinates.  So that it
+will not be output in every snapshot thereafter.  That reference
+position is stored by "compute
+displace/atom"_compute_displace_atom.html.  So the dump_modify
+{refresh} option triggers a call to compute displace/atom at the end
+of every dump to perform that update.  The {refresh check} option
+shown as part of the "compute
+displace/atom"_compute_displace_atom.html command enables the compute
+to respond to the call from the dump command, and update the
+appropriate reference positions.  This is done be defining an
+"atom-style variable"_variable.html, {check} in this example, which
+calculates a Boolean value (0 or 1) for each atom, based on the same
+criterion used by dump_modify thresh.  
+See the "compute displace/atom"_compute_displace_atom.html command for
+more details, including an example of how to produce output that
+includes an initial snapshot with the reference position of all atoms.
+Note that only computes with a {refresh} option will work with
+dump_modify refresh.  See individual compute doc pages for details.
+Currently, only compute displace/atom supports this option.  Others
+may be added at some point.  If you use a compute that doesn't support
+refresh operations, LAMMPS will not complain; dump_modify refresh will
+simply do nothing.
+The {region} keyword only applies to the dump {custom}, {cfg},
+{image}, and {movie} styles.  If specified, only atoms in the region
+will be written to the dump file or included in the image/movie.  Only
+one region can be applied as a filter (the last one specified).  See
+the "region"_region.html command for more details.  Note that a region
+can be defined as the "inside" or "outside" of a geometric shape, and
+it can be the "union" or "intersection" of a series of simpler
+The {scale} keyword applies only to the dump {atom} style.  A scale
+value of {yes} means atom coords are written in normalized units from
+0.0 to 1.0 in each box dimension.  If the simulation box is triclinic
+(tilted), then all atom coords will still be between 0.0 and 1.0.  A
+value of {no} means they are written in absolute distance units
+(e.g. Angstroms or sigma).
+The {sfactor} and {tfactor} keywords only apply to the dump {xtc}
+style.  They allow customization of the unit conversion factors used
+when writing to XTC files.  By default they are initialized for
+whatever "units"_units.html style is being used, to write out
+coordinates in nanometers and time in picoseconds.  I.e. for {real}
+units, LAMMPS defines {sfactor} = 0.1 and {tfactor} = 0.001, since the
+Angstroms and fmsec used by {real} units are 0.1 nm and 0.001 psec
+respectively.  If you are using a units system with distance and time
+units far from nm and psec, you may wish to write XTC files with
+different units, since the compression algorithm used in XTC files is
+most effective when the typical magnitude of position data is between
+10.0 and 0.1.
+The {sort} keyword determines whether lines of per-atom output in a
+snapshot are sorted or not.  A sort value of {off} means they will
+typically be written in indeterminate order, either in serial or
+parallel.  This is the case even in serial if the "atom_modify
+sort"_atom_modify.html option is turned on, which it is by default, to
+improve performance.  A sort value of {id} means sort the output by
+atom ID.  A sort value of N or -N means sort the output by the value
+in the Nth column of per-atom info in either ascending or descending
+The dump {local} style cannot be sorted by atom ID, since there are
+typically multiple lines of output per atom.  Some dump styles, such
+as {dcd} and {xtc}, require sorting by atom ID to format the output
+file correctly.  If multiple processors are writing the dump file, via
+the "%" wildcard in the dump filename, then sorting cannot be
+NOTE: Unless it is required by the dump style, sorting dump file
+output requires extra overhead in terms of CPU and communication cost,
+as well as memory, versus unsorted output.
+The {thermo} keyword only applies the dump {netcdf} style.  It
+triggers writing of "thermo"_thermo.html information to the dump file
+alongside per-atom data.  The values included in the dump file are
+identical to the values specified by "thermo_style"_thermo_style.html.
+The {thresh} keyword only applies to the dump {custom}, {cfg},
+{image}, and {movie} styles.  Multiple thresholds can be specified.
+Specifying {none} turns off all threshold criteria.  If thresholds are
+specified, only atoms whose attributes meet all the threshold criteria
+are written to the dump file or included in the image.  The possible
+attributes that can be tested for are the same as those that can be
+specified in the "dump custom"_dump.html command, with the exception
+of the {element} attribute, since it is not a numeric value.  Note
+that a different attributes can be used than those output by the "dump
+custom"_dump.html command.  E.g. you can output the coordinates and
+stress of atoms whose energy is above some threshold.
+If an atom-style variable is used as the attribute, then it can
+produce continuous numeric values or effective Boolean 0/1 values
+which may be useful for the comparison operator.  Boolean values can
+be generated by variable formulas that use comparison or Boolean math
+operators or special functions like gmask() and rmask() and grmask().
+See the "variable"_variable.html command doc page for details.
+The specified value must be a simple numeric value or the word LAST.
+If LAST is used, it refers to the value of the attribute the last time
+the dump command was invoked to produce a snapshot.  This is a way to
+only dump atoms whose attribute has changed (or not changed).
+Three examples follow.
+dump_modify ... thresh ix != LAST :pre
+This will dump atoms which have crossed the periodic x boundary of the
+simulation box since the last dump.  (Note that atoms that crossed
+once and then crossed back between the two dump timesteps would not be
+region foo sphere 10 20 10 15
+variable inregion atom rmask(foo)
+dump_modify ... thresh v_inregion |^ LAST
+This will dump atoms which crossed the boundary of the spherical
+region since the last dump.
+variable charge atom "(q > 0.5) || (q < -0.5)"
+dump_modify ... thresh v_charge |^ LAST
+This will dump atoms whose charge has changed from an absolute value
+less than 1/2 to greater than 1/2 (or vice versa) since the last dump.
+E.g. due to reactions and subsequent charge equilibration in a
+reactive force field.
+The choice of operators listed above are the usual comparison
+operators.  The XOR operation (exclusive or) is also included as "|^".
+In this context, XOR means that if either the attribute or value is
+0.0 and the other is non-zero, then the result is "true" and the
+threshold criterion is met.  Otherwise it is not met.
+The {unwrap} keyword only applies to the dump {dcd} and {xtc} styles.
+If set to {yes}, coordinates will be written "unwrapped" by the image
+flags for each atom.  Unwrapped means that if the atom has passed thru
+a periodic boundary one or more times, the value is printed for what
+the coordinate would be if it had not been wrapped back into the
+periodic box.  Note that these coordinates may thus be far outside the
+box size stored with the snapshot.
+These keywords apply only to the "dump image"_dump_image.html and
+"dump movie"_dump_image.html styles.  Any keyword that affects an
+image, also affects a movie, since the movie is simply a collection of
+images.  Some of the keywords only affect the "dump
+movie"_dump_image.html style.  The descriptions give details.
+The {acolor} keyword can be used with the "dump image"_dump_image.html
+command, when its atom color setting is {type}, to set the color that
+atoms of each type will be drawn in the image.
+The specified {type} should be an integer from 1 to Ntypes = the
+number of atom types.  A wildcard asterisk can be used in place of or
+in conjunction with the {type} argument to specify a range of atom
+types.  This takes the form "*" or "*n" or "n*" or "m*n".  If N = the
+number of atom types, then an asterisk with no numeric values means
+all types from 1 to N.  A leading asterisk means all types from 1 to n
+(inclusive).  A trailing asterisk means all types from n to N
+(inclusive).  A middle asterisk means all types from m to n
+The specified {color} can be a single color which is any of the 140
+pre-defined colors (see below) or a color name defined by the
+dump_modify color option.  Or it can be two or more colors separated
+by a "/" character, e.g. red/green/blue.  In the former case, that
+color is assigned to all the specified atom types.  In the latter
+case, the list of colors are assigned in a round-robin fashion to each
+of the specified atom types.
+The {adiam} keyword can be used with the "dump image"_dump_image.html
+command, when its atom diameter setting is {type}, to set the size
+that atoms of each type will be drawn in the image.  The specified
+{type} should be an integer from 1 to Ntypes.  As with the {acolor}
+keyword, a wildcard asterisk can be used as part of the {type}
+argument to specify a range of atomt types.  The specified {diam} is
+the size in whatever distance "units"_units.html the input script is
+using, e.g. Angstroms.
+The {amap} keyword can be used with the "dump image"_dump_image.html
+command, with its {atom} keyword, when its atom setting is an
+atom-attribute, to setup a color map.  The color map is used to assign
+a specific RGB (red/green/blue) color value to an individual atom when
+it is drawn, based on the atom's attribute, which is a numeric value,
+e.g. its x-component of velocity if the atom-attribute "vx" was
+The basic idea of a color map is that the atom-attribute will be
+within a range of values, and that range is associated with a series
+of colors (e.g. red, blue, green).  An atom's specific value (vx =
+-3.2) can then mapped to the series of colors (e.g. halfway between
+red and blue), and a specific color is determined via an interpolation
+There are many possible options for the color map, enabled by the
+{amap} keyword.  Here are the details.
+The {lo} and {hi} settings determine the range of values allowed for
+the atom attribute.  If numeric values are used for {lo} and/or {hi},
+then values that are lower/higher than that value are set to the
+value.  I.e. the range is static.  If {lo} is specified as {min} or
+{hi} as {max} then the range is dynamic, and the lower and/or
+upper bound will be calculated each time an image is drawn, based
+on the set of atoms being visualized.
+The {style} setting is two letters, such as "ca".  The first letter is
+either "c" for continuous, "d" for discrete, or "s" for sequential.
+The second letter is either "a" for absolute, or "f" for fractional.
+A continuous color map is one in which the color changes continuously
+from value to value within the range.  A discrete color map is one in
+which discrete colors are assigned to sub-ranges of values within the
+range.  A sequential color map is one in which discrete colors are
+assigned to a sequence of sub-ranges of values covering the entire
+An absolute color map is one in which the values to which colors are
+assigned are specified explicitly as values within the range.  A
+fractional color map is one in which the values to which colors are
+assigned are specified as a fractional portion of the range.  For
+example if the range is from -10.0 to 10.0, and the color red is to be
+assigned to atoms with a value of 5.0, then for an absolute color map
+the number 5.0 would be used.  But for a fractional map, the number
+0.75 would be used since 5.0 is 3/4 of the way from -10.0 to 10.0.
+The {delta} setting must be specified for all styles, but is only used
+for the sequential style; otherwise the value is ignored.  It
+specifies the bin size to use within the range for assigning
+consecutive colors to.  For example, if the range is from -10.0 to
+10.0 and a {delta} of 1.0 is used, then 20 colors will be assigned to
+the range.  The first will be from -10.0 <= color1 < -9.0, then 2nd
+from -9.0 <= color2 < -8.0, etc.
+The {N} setting is how many entries follow.  The format of the entries
+depends on whether the color map style is continuous, discrete or
+sequential.  In all cases the {color} setting can be any of the 140
+pre-defined colors (see below) or a color name defined by the
+dump_modify color option.
+For continuous color maps, each entry has a {value} and a {color}.
+The {value} is either a number within the range of values or {min} or
+{max}.  The {value} of the first entry must be {min} and the {value}
+of the last entry must be {max}.  Any entries in between must have
+increasing values.  Note that numeric values can be specified either
+as absolute numbers or as fractions (0.0 to 1.0) of the range,
+depending on the "a" or "f" in the style setting for the color map.
+Here is how the entries are used to determine the color of an
+individual atom, given the value X of its atom attribute.  X will fall
+between 2 of the entry values.  The color of the atom is linearly
+interpolated (in each of the RGB values) between the 2 colors
+associated with those entries.  For example, if X = -5.0 and the 2
+surrounding entries are "red" at -10.0 and "blue" at 0.0, then the
+atom's color will be halfway between "red" and "blue", which happens
+to be "purple".
+For discrete color maps, each entry has a {lo} and {hi} value and a
+{color}.  The {lo} and {hi} settings are either numbers within the
+range of values or {lo} can be {min} or {hi} can be {max}.  The {lo}
+and {hi} settings of the last entry must be {min} and {max}.  Other
+entries can have any {lo} and {hi} values and the sub-ranges of
+different values can overlap.  Note that numeric {lo} and {hi} values
+can be specified either as absolute numbers or as fractions (0.0 to
+1.0) of the range, depending on the "a" or "f" in the style setting
+for the color map.
+Here is how the entries are used to determine the color of an
+individual atom, given the value X of its atom attribute.  The entries
+are scanned from first to last.  The first time that {lo} <= X <=
+{hi}, X is assigned the color associated with that entry.  You can
+think of the last entry as assigning a default color (since it will
+always be matched by X), and the earlier entries as colors that
+override the default.  Also note that no interpolation of a color RGB
+is done.  All atoms will be drawn with one of the colors in the list
+of entries.
+For sequential color maps, each entry has only a {color}.  Here is how
+the entries are used to determine the color of an individual atom,
+given the value X of its atom attribute.  The range is partitioned
+into N bins of width {binsize}.  Thus X will fall in a specific bin
+from 1 to N, say the Mth bin.  If it falls on a boundary between 2
+bins, it is considered to be in the higher of the 2 bins.  Each bin is
+assigned a color from the E entries.  If E < N, then the colors are
+repeated.  For example if 2 entries with colors red and green are
+specified, then the odd numbered bins will be red and the even bins
+green.  The color of the atom is the color of its bin.  Note that the
+sequential color map is really a shorthand way of defining a discrete
+color map without having to specify where all the bin boundaries are.
+Here is an example of using a sequential color map to color all the
+atoms in individual molecules with a different color.  See the
+examples/pour/in.pour.2d.molecule input script for an example of how
+this is used.
+variable        colors string &
+                "red green blue yellow white &
+                purple pink orange lime gray"
+variable        mol atom mol%10
+dump            1 all image 250 image.*.jpg v_mol type &
+                zoom 1.6 adiam 1.5
+dump_modify     1 pad 5 amap 0 10 sa 1 10 $\{colors\} :pre
+In this case, 10 colors are defined, and molecule IDs are
+mapped to one of the colors, even if there are 1000s of molecules.
+The {backcolor} sets the background color of the images.  The color
+name can be any of the 140 pre-defined colors (see below) or a color
+name defined by the dump_modify color option.
+The {bcolor} keyword can be used with the "dump image"_dump_image.html
+command, with its {bond} keyword, when its color setting is {type}, to
+set the color that bonds of each type will be drawn in the image.
+The specified {type} should be an integer from 1 to Nbondtypes = the
+number of bond types.  A wildcard asterisk can be used in place of or
+in conjunction with the {type} argument to specify a range of bond
+types.  This takes the form "*" or "*n" or "n*" or "m*n".  If N = the
+number of bond types, then an asterisk with no numeric values means
+all types from 1 to N.  A leading asterisk means all types from 1 to n
+(inclusive).  A trailing asterisk means all types from n to N
+(inclusive).  A middle asterisk means all types from m to n
+The specified {color} can be a single color which is any of the 140
+pre-defined colors (see below) or a color name defined by the
+dump_modify color option.  Or it can be two or more colors separated
+by a "/" character, e.g. red/green/blue.  In the former case, that
+color is assigned to all the specified bond types.  In the latter
+case, the list of colors are assigned in a round-robin fashion to each
+of the specified bond types.
+The {bdiam} keyword can be used with the "dump image"_dump_image.html
+command, with its {bond} keyword, when its diam setting is {type}, to
+set the diameter that bonds of each type will be drawn in the image.
+The specified {type} should be an integer from 1 to Nbondtypes.  As
+with the {bcolor} keyword, a wildcard asterisk can be used as part of
+the {type} argument to specify a range of bond types.  The specified
+{diam} is the size in whatever distance "units"_units.html you are
+using, e.g. Angstroms.
+The {bitrate} keyword can be used with the "dump
+movie"_dump_image.html command to define the size of the resulting
+movie file and its quality via setting how many kbits per second are
+to be used for the movie file. Higher bitrates require less
+compression and will result in higher quality movies.  The quality is
+also determined by the compression format and encoder.  The default
+setting is 2000 kbit/s, which will result in average quality with
+older compression formats.
+NOTE: Not all movie file formats supported by dump movie allow the
+bitrate to be set.  If not, the setting is silently ignored.
+The {boxcolor} keyword sets the color of the simulation box drawn
+around the atoms in each image as well as the color of processor
+sub-domain boundaries.  See the "dump image box" command for how to
+specify that a box be drawn via the {box} keyword, and the sub-domain
+boundaries via the {subbox} keyword.  The color name can be any of the
+140 pre-defined colors (see below) or a color name defined by the
+dump_modify color option.
+The {color} keyword allows definition of a new color name, in addition
+to the 140-predefined colors (see below), and associates 3
+red/green/blue RGB values with that color name.  The color name can
+then be used with any other dump_modify keyword that takes a color
+name as a value.  The RGB values should each be floating point values
+between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
+When a color name is converted to RGB values, the user-defined color
+names are searched first, then the 140 pre-defined color names.  This
+means you can also use the {color} keyword to overwrite one of the
+pre-defined color names with new RBG values.
+The {framerate} keyword can be used with the "dump
+movie"_dump_image.html command to define the duration of the resulting
+movie file.  Movie files written by the dump {movie} command have a
+default frame rate of 24 frames per second and the images generated
+will be converted at that rate.  Thus a sequence of 1000 dump images
+will result in a movie of about 42 seconds.  To make a movie run
+longer you can either generate images more frequently or lower the
+frame rate.  To speed a movie up, you can do the inverse.  Using a
+frame rate higher than 24 is not recommended, as it will result in
+simply dropping the rendered images. It is more efficient to dump
+images less frequently.
+[Restrictions:] none
+[Related commands:]
+"dump"_dump.html, "dump image"_dump_image.html, "undump"_undump.html
+The option defaults are
+append = no
+buffer = yes for dump styles {atom}, {custom}, {loca}, and {xyz}
+element = "C" for every atom type
+every = whatever it was set to via the "dump"_dump.html command
+fileper = # of processors
+first = no
+flush = yes
+format = %d and %g for each integer or floating point value
+image = no
+label = ENTRIES
+nfile = 1
+pad = 0
+pbc = no
+precision = 1000
+region = none
+scale = yes
+sort = off for dump styles {atom}, {custom}, {cfg}, and {local}
+sort = id for dump styles {dcd}, {xtc}, and {xyz}
+thresh = none
+unwrap = no :ul
+acolor = * red/green/blue/yellow/aqua/cyan
+adiam = * 1.0
+amap = min max cf 0.0 2 min blue max red
+backcolor = black
+bcolor = * red/green/blue/yellow/aqua/cyan
+bdiam = * 0.5
+bitrate = 2000
+boxcolor = yellow
+color = 140 color names are pre-defined as listed below
+framerate = 24 :ul
+These are the standard 109 element names that LAMMPS pre-defines for
+use with the "dump image"_dump_image.html and dump_modify commands.
+1-10 = "H", "He", "Li", "Be", "B", "C", "N", "O", "F", "Ne"
+11-20 = "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P", "S", "Cl", "Ar", "K", "Ca"
+21-30 = "Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn"
+31-40 = "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se", "Br", "Kr", "Rb", "Sr", "Y", "Zr"
+41-50 = "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn"
+51-60 = "Sb", "Te", "I", "Xe", "Cs", "Ba", "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd"
+61-70 = "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb"
+71-80 = "Lu", "Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg"
+81-90 = "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po", "At", "Rn", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac", "Th"
+91-100 = "Pa", "U", "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf", "Es", "Fm"
+101-109 = "Md", "No", "Lr", "Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs", "Mt" :ul
+These are the 140 colors that LAMMPS pre-defines for use with the
+"dump image"_dump_image.html and dump_modify commands.  Additional
+colors can be defined with the dump_modify color command.  The 3
+numbers listed for each name are the RGB (red/green/blue) values.
+Divide each value by 255 to get the equivalent 0.0 to 1.0 value.
+aliceblue = 240, 248, 255 |
+antiquewhite = 250, 235, 215 |
+aqua = 0, 255, 255 |
+aquamarine = 127, 255, 212 |
+azure = 240, 255, 255 |
+beige = 245, 245, 220 |
+bisque = 255, 228, 196 |
+black = 0, 0, 0 |
+blanchedalmond = 255, 255, 205 |
+blue = 0, 0, 255 |
+blueviolet = 138, 43, 226 |
+brown = 165, 42, 42 |
+burlywood = 222, 184, 135 |
+cadetblue = 95, 158, 160 |
+chartreuse = 127, 255, 0 |
+chocolate = 210, 105, 30 |
+coral = 255, 127, 80 |
+cornflowerblue = 100, 149, 237 |
+cornsilk = 255, 248, 220 |
+crimson = 220, 20, 60 |
+cyan = 0, 255, 255 |
+darkblue = 0, 0, 139 |
+darkcyan = 0, 139, 139 |
+darkgoldenrod = 184, 134, 11 |
+darkgray = 169, 169, 169 |
+darkgreen = 0, 100, 0 |
+darkkhaki = 189, 183, 107 |
+darkmagenta = 139, 0, 139 |
+darkolivegreen = 85, 107, 47 |
+darkorange = 255, 140, 0 |
+darkorchid = 153, 50, 204 |
+darkred = 139, 0, 0 |
+darksalmon = 233, 150, 122 |
+darkseagreen = 143, 188, 143 |
+darkslateblue = 72, 61, 139 |
+darkslategray = 47, 79, 79 |
+darkturquoise = 0, 206, 209 |
+darkviolet = 148, 0, 211 |
+deeppink = 255, 20, 147 |
+deepskyblue = 0, 191, 255 |
+dimgray = 105, 105, 105 |
+dodgerblue = 30, 144, 255 |
+firebrick = 178, 34, 34 |
+floralwhite = 255, 250, 240 |
+forestgreen = 34, 139, 34 |
+fuchsia = 255, 0, 255 |
+gainsboro = 220, 220, 220 |
+ghostwhite = 248, 248, 255 |
+gold = 255, 215, 0 |
+goldenrod = 218, 165, 32 |
+gray = 128, 128, 128 |
+green = 0, 128, 0 |
+greenyellow = 173, 255, 47 |
+honeydew = 240, 255, 240 |
+hotpink = 255, 105, 180 |
+indianred = 205, 92, 92 |
+indigo = 75, 0, 130 |
+ivory = 255, 240, 240 |
+khaki = 240, 230, 140 |
+lavender = 230, 230, 250 |
+lavenderblush = 255, 240, 245 |
+lawngreen = 124, 252, 0 |
+lemonchiffon = 255, 250, 205 |
+lightblue = 173, 216, 230 |
+lightcoral = 240, 128, 128 |
+lightcyan = 224, 255, 255 |
+lightgoldenrodyellow = 250, 250, 210 |
+lightgreen = 144, 238, 144 |
+lightgrey = 211, 211, 211 |
+lightpink = 255, 182, 193 |
+lightsalmon = 255, 160, 122 |
+lightseagreen = 32, 178, 170 |
+lightskyblue = 135, 206, 250 |
+lightslategray = 119, 136, 153 |
+lightsteelblue = 176, 196, 222 |
+lightyellow = 255, 255, 224 |
+lime = 0, 255, 0 |
+limegreen = 50, 205, 50 |
+linen = 250, 240, 230 |
+magenta = 255, 0, 255 |
+maroon = 128, 0, 0 |
+mediumaquamarine = 102, 205, 170 |
+mediumblue = 0, 0, 205 |
+mediumorchid = 186, 85, 211 |
+mediumpurple = 147, 112, 219 |
+mediumseagreen = 60, 179, 113 |
+mediumslateblue = 123, 104, 238 |
+mediumspringgreen = 0, 250, 154 |
+mediumturquoise = 72, 209, 204 |
+mediumvioletred = 199, 21, 133 |
+midnightblue = 25, 25, 112 |
+mintcream = 245, 255, 250 |
+mistyrose = 255, 228, 225 |
+moccasin = 255, 228, 181 |
+navajowhite = 255, 222, 173 |
+navy = 0, 0, 128 |
+oldlace = 253, 245, 230 |
+olive = 128, 128, 0 |
+olivedrab = 107, 142, 35 |
+orange = 255, 165, 0 |
+orangered = 255, 69, 0 |
+orchid = 218, 112, 214 |
+palegoldenrod = 238, 232, 170 |
+palegreen = 152, 251, 152 |
+paleturquoise = 175, 238, 238 |
+palevioletred = 219, 112, 147 |
+papayawhip = 255, 239, 213 |
+peachpuff = 255, 239, 213 |
+peru = 205, 133, 63 |
+pink = 255, 192, 203 |
+plum = 221, 160, 221 |
+powderblue = 176, 224, 230 |
+purple = 128, 0, 128 |
+red = 255, 0, 0 |
+rosybrown = 188, 143, 143 |
+royalblue = 65, 105, 225 |
+saddlebrown = 139, 69, 19 |
+salmon = 250, 128, 114 |
+sandybrown = 244, 164, 96 |
+seagreen = 46, 139, 87 |
+seashell = 255, 245, 238 |
+sienna = 160, 82, 45 |
+silver = 192, 192, 192 |
+skyblue = 135, 206, 235 |
+slateblue = 106, 90, 205 |
+slategray = 112, 128, 144 |
+snow = 255, 250, 250 |
+springgreen = 0, 255, 127 |
+steelblue = 70, 130, 180 |
+tan = 210, 180, 140 |
+teal = 0, 128, 128 |
+thistle = 216, 191, 216 |
+tomato = 253, 99, 71 |
+turquoise = 64, 224, 208 |
+violet = 238, 130, 238 |
+wheat = 245, 222, 179 |
+white = 255, 255, 255 |
+whitesmoke = 245, 245, 245 |
+yellow = 255, 255, 0 |
+yellowgreen = 154, 205, 50 :tb(c=5,s=|)
diff --git a/doc/reset_ids.txt b/doc/reset_ids.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8655a9d54f3c5b0f7e97512f6553dd6246bfa321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/reset_ids.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+"LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc :c
+reset_ids command :h3
+reset_ids :pre
+reset_ids :pre
+Reset atom IDs for the system, including all the global IDs stored
+for bond, angle, dihedral, improper topology data.  This will
+create a set of IDs that are numbered contiguously from 1 to N
+for a N atoms system.
+This can be useful to do after perfoming a "delete_atoms" command for
+a molecular system.  The delete_atoms compress yes option will not
+perform this operation due to the existence of bond topology.  It can
+also be useful to do after any simulation which has lost atoms,
+e.g. due to atoms moving outside a simulation box with fixed
+boundaries (see the "boundary command"), or due to evaporation (see
+the "fix evaporate" command).
+Note that the resetting of IDs is not really a compression, where gaps
+in atom IDs are removed by decrementing atom IDs that are larger.
+Instead the IDs for all atoms are erased, and new IDs are assigned so
+that the atoms owned by an individual processor have consecutive IDs,
+as the "create_atoms"_create_atoms.html command explains.
+NOTE: If this command is used before a "pair style"_pair_style.html is
+defined, an error about bond topology atom IDs not being found may
+result.  This is because the cutoff distance for ghost atom
+communication was not sufficient to find atoms in bonds, angles, etc
+that are owned by other processors.  The "comm_modify
+cutoff"_comm_modify.html command can be used to correct this issue.
+Or you can define a pair style before using this command.  If you do
+the former, you should unset the comm_modify cutoff after using
+reset_ids so that subsequent communication is not inefficient.
+[Restrictions:] none
+[Related commands:]
+[Default:] none
diff --git a/src/atom.h b/src/atom.h
index 72c7aedc0d27ff65578f2e1b1652588c64960852..6d8db51d74b1c8604d6201da494869c9ef0c81e7 100644
--- a/src/atom.h
+++ b/src/atom.h
@@ -187,7 +187,8 @@ class Atom : protected Pointers {
   int nextra_store;
   int map_style;                  // style of atom map: 0=none, 1=array, 2=hash
-  int map_user;                   // user selected style = same 0,1,2
+  int map_user;                   // user requested map style:
+                                  // 0 = no request, 1=array, 2=hash, 3=yes
   tagint map_tag_max;             // max atom ID that map() is setup for
   // spatial sorting of atoms
diff --git a/src/delete_atoms.cpp b/src/delete_atoms.cpp
index 4c7829662c6d85bd25df0bfe4bac8f5439f1d058..f5324f95585417c787e149ddc0d3566cc79c49f1 100644
--- a/src/delete_atoms.cpp
+++ b/src/delete_atoms.cpp
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
 #include "force.h"
 #include "group.h"
 #include "region.h"
+#include "modify.h"
 #include "neighbor.h"
 #include "neigh_list.h"
 #include "neigh_request.h"
 #include "random_mars.h"
 #include "memory.h"
 #include "error.h"
-#include "modify.h"
 #include <map>
@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ void DeleteAtoms::command(int narg, char **arg)
   if (allflag) {
     int igroup = group->find("all");
-    if ((igroup >= 0) && modify->check_rigid_group_overlap(group->bitmask[igroup]))
+    if ((igroup >= 0) && 
+        modify->check_rigid_group_overlap(group->bitmask[igroup]))
       error->warning(FLERR,"Attempting to delete atoms in rigid bodies");
   } else {
     if (modify->check_rigid_list_overlap(dlist))
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ void DeleteAtoms::command(int narg, char **arg)
-  // if non-molecular system and compress flag set,
+  // if non-molecular system and compress flag set:
   // reset atom tags to be contiguous
   // set all atom IDs to 0, call tag_extend()
diff --git a/src/dump.cpp b/src/dump.cpp
index ddd958c25c6715c5f41512fb542280341839b8c1..cfa3e873f49c61b68231f5506b3c6ee24a3a67a1 100644
--- a/src/dump.cpp
+++ b/src/dump.cpp
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ Dump::Dump(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) : Pointers(lmp)
   buffer_flag = 0;
   padflag = 0;
   pbcflag = 0;
+  delay_flag = 0;
   maxbuf = maxids = maxsort = maxproc = 0;
   buf = bufsort = NULL;
@@ -304,6 +305,10 @@ void Dump::write()
   imageint *imagehold;
   double **xhold,**vhold;
+  // if timestep < delaystep, just return
+  if (delay_flag && update->ntimestep < delaystep) return;
   // if file per timestep, open new file
   if (multifile) openfile();
@@ -876,6 +881,13 @@ void Dump::modify_params(int narg, char **arg)
         error->all(FLERR,"Dump_modify buffer yes not allowed for this style");
       iarg += 2;
+    } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"delay") == 0) {
+      if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify command");
+      delaystep = force->bnumeric(FLERR,arg[iarg+1]);
+      if (delaystep >= 0) delay_flag = 1;
+      else delay_flag = 0;
+      iarg += 2;
     } else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"every") == 0) {
       if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify command");
       int idump;
diff --git a/src/dump.h b/src/dump.h
index a5582ce5a50e28e46f99f23a64cf965de4f3b805..8b4071b9f7dca66a858243f3eed2aa2dc92b2e8b 100644
--- a/src/dump.h
+++ b/src/dump.h
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ class Dump : protected Pointers {
   int sortcol;               // 0 to sort on ID, 1-N on columns
   int sortcolm1;             // sortcol - 1
   int sortorder;             // ASCEND or DESCEND
+  int delay_flag;            // 1 if delay output until delaystep
+  bigint delaystep;
   char boundstr[9];          // encoding of boundary flags
diff --git a/src/read_dump.cpp b/src/read_dump.cpp
index fcb0e4d2fe6a345c4525e36702e3af735d69a892..7f2488fbb2ecd451468a0e09c934fdaa79b1c7c8 100644
--- a/src/read_dump.cpp
+++ b/src/read_dump.cpp
@@ -577,13 +577,14 @@ int ReadDump::fields_and_keywords(int narg, char **arg)
   fieldlabel = new char*[narg+2];
   // add id and type fields as needed
-  // scan ahead to see if "add yes" keyword/value is used
+  // scan ahead to see if "add yes/keep" keyword/value is used
   // requires extra "type" field from from dump file
   int iarg;
   for (iarg = 0; iarg < narg; iarg++)
     if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"add") == 0)
-      if (iarg < narg-1 && strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"yes") == 0) break;
+      if (iarg < narg-1 && (strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"yes") == 0 ||
+                            strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"keep") == 0)) break;
   nfield = 0;
   fieldtype[nfield++] = ID;
diff --git a/src/reset_ids.cpp b/src/reset_ids.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a33cd535bf9d60746b90910e370145dd1f31113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reset_ids.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
+   http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
+   Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
+   Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
+   DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
+   certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
+   the GNU General Public License.
+   See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
+------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "reset_ids.h"
+#include "atom.h"
+#include "atom_vec.h"
+#include "domain.h"
+#include "comm.h"
+#include "memory.h"
+#include "error.h"
+using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ResetIDs::ResetIDs(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pointers(lmp) {}
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void ResetIDs::command(int narg, char **arg)
+  if (domain->box_exist == 0)
+    error->all(FLERR,"Reset_ids command before simulation box is defined");
+  if (narg != 0) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal reset_ids command");
+  if (atom->tag_enable == 0)
+    error->all(FLERR,"Cannot use reset_ids unless atoms have IDs");
+  // NOTE: check if any fixes exist which store atom IDs?
+  // if so, this operation will mess up the fix
+  if (comm->me == 0) {
+    if (screen) fprintf(screen,"Resetting atom IDs ...\n");
+    if (logfile) fprintf(logfile,"Resetting atom IDs ...\n");
+  }
+  // create an atom map if one doesn't exist already
+  int mapflag = 0;
+  if (atom->map_style == 0) {
+    mapflag = 1;
+    atom->nghost = 0;
+    atom->map_init();
+    atom->map_set();
+  }
+  // initialize system since comm->borders() will be invoked
+  lmp->init();
+  // setup domain, communication
+  // acquire ghosts - is that really necessary?
+  // exchange will clear map, borders will reset
+  // this is the map needed to lookup current global IDs for bond topology
+  if (domain->triclinic) domain->x2lamda(atom->nlocal);
+  domain->pbc();
+  domain->reset_box();
+  comm->setup();
+  comm->exchange();
+  comm->borders();
+  if (domain->triclinic) domain->lamda2x(atom->nlocal+atom->nghost);
+  // oldIDs = copy of current owned IDs
+  tagint *tag = atom->tag;
+  int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
+  int nall = nlocal + atom->nghost;
+  tagint *oldIDs;
+  memory->create(oldIDs,nlocal,"reset_ids:oldIDs");
+  for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
+    oldIDs[i] = tag[i];
+    tag[i] = 0;
+  }
+  // assign new contigous IDs to owned atoms via tag_extend()
+  atom->tag_extend();
+  // newIDs = copy of new IDs
+  // restore old IDs, consistent with existing atom map
+  // forward_comm_array acquires new IDs for ghost atoms
+  double **newIDs;
+  memory->create(newIDs,nall,1,"reset_ids:newIDs");  
+  for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
+    newIDs[i][0] = tag[i];
+    tag[i] = oldIDs[i];
+  }
+  comm->forward_comm_array(1,newIDs);
+  // loop over bonds, angles, etc and reset IDs in stored topology arrays
+  // only necessary for molecular = 1, not molecular = 2
+  // badcount = atom IDs that could not be found
+  int badcount = 0;
+  if (atom->molecular == 1) {
+    int j,m;
+    tagint oldID;
+    if (atom->avec->bonds_allow) {
+      int *num_bond = atom->num_bond;
+      tagint **bond_atom = atom->bond_atom;
+      for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
+        for (j = 0; j < num_bond[i]; j++) {
+          oldID = bond_atom[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) bond_atom[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (atom->avec->angles_allow) {
+      int *num_angle = atom->num_angle;
+      tagint **angle_atom1 = atom->angle_atom1;
+      tagint **angle_atom2 = atom->angle_atom2;
+      tagint **angle_atom3 = atom->angle_atom3;
+      for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
+        for (j = 0; j < num_angle[i]; j++) {
+          oldID = angle_atom1[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) angle_atom1[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+          oldID = angle_atom2[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) angle_atom2[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+          oldID = angle_atom3[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) angle_atom3[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (atom->avec->dihedrals_allow) {
+      int *num_dihedral = atom->num_dihedral;
+      tagint **dihedral_atom1 = atom->dihedral_atom1;
+      tagint **dihedral_atom2 = atom->dihedral_atom2;
+      tagint **dihedral_atom3 = atom->dihedral_atom3;
+      tagint **dihedral_atom4 = atom->dihedral_atom4;
+      for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
+        for (j = 0; j < num_dihedral[i]; j++) {
+          oldID = dihedral_atom1[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) dihedral_atom1[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+          oldID = dihedral_atom2[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) dihedral_atom2[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+          oldID = dihedral_atom3[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) dihedral_atom3[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+          oldID = dihedral_atom4[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) dihedral_atom4[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (atom->avec->impropers_allow) {
+      int *num_improper = atom->num_improper;
+      tagint **improper_atom1 = atom->improper_atom1;
+      tagint **improper_atom2 = atom->improper_atom2;
+      tagint **improper_atom3 = atom->improper_atom3;
+      tagint **improper_atom4 = atom->improper_atom4;
+      for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
+        for (j = 0; j < num_improper[i]; j++) {
+          oldID = improper_atom1[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) improper_atom1[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+          oldID = improper_atom2[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) improper_atom2[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+          oldID = improper_atom3[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) improper_atom3[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+          oldID = improper_atom4[i][j];
+          m = atom->map(oldID);
+          if (m >= 0) improper_atom4[i][j] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[m][0]);
+          else badcount++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // error check
+  int all;
+  MPI_Allreduce(&badcount,&all,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,world);
+  if (all) {
+    char str[128];
+    sprintf(str,"Reset_ids missing %d bond topology atom IDs - "
+            "use comm_modify cutoff",all);
+    error->all(FLERR,str);
+  }
+  // reset IDs and atom map for owned atoms
+  atom->map_clear();
+  atom->nghost = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) tag[i] = static_cast<tagint> (newIDs[i][0]);
+  atom->map_init();
+  atom->map_set();
+  // delete temporary atom map
+  if (mapflag) {
+    atom->map_delete();
+    atom->map_style = 0;
+  }
+  // clean up
+  memory->destroy(oldIDs);
+  memory->destroy(newIDs);
diff --git a/src/reset_ids.h b/src/reset_ids.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..065f440a8bafb5bb515c0183f79ca798fc18e12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reset_ids.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
+   LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
+   http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
+   Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
+   Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
+   DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
+   certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
+   the GNU General Public License.
+   See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
+------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef LMP_RESET_IDS_H
+#define LMP_RESET_IDS_H
+#include "pointers.h"
+namespace LAMMPS_NS {
+class ResetIDs : protected Pointers {
+ public:
+  ResetIDs(class LAMMPS *);
+  void command(int, char **);
+ private:
+/* ERROR/WARNING messages: