From 703a795af851366233d700e05463ff9e59761993 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Berger <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2018 01:50:16 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Modify Howto and Tools

- add missing TOCs in Howto section
- limit section numbering to maximum of 3 levels
- add "Tool descriptions" header
 doc/src/Howto.txt  | 156 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 doc/src/Manual.txt |   2 +-
 doc/src/Tools.txt  |   2 +
 3 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/Howto.txt b/doc/src/Howto.txt
index bcfae46579..9d385f23a4 100644
--- a/doc/src/Howto.txt
+++ b/doc/src/Howto.txt
@@ -21,67 +21,44 @@ also show how to setup and run various kinds of simulations.
 Tutorials howto :h3
-"Using GitHub with LAMMPS"_Howto_github.html
-"PyLAMMPS interface to LAMMPS"_Howto_pylammps.html
-"Using LAMMPS with bash on Windows"_Howto_bash.html :all(b)
+<!-- RST
-General howto :h3
+.. toctree::
+   :name: tutorials
+   :maxdepth: 1
-"Restart a simulation"_Howto_restart.html
-"Visualize LAMMPS snapshots"_Howto_viz.html
-"Run multiple simulations from one input script"_Howto_multiple.html
-"Multi-replica simulations"_Howto_replica.html
-"Library interface to LAMMPS"_Howto_library.html
-"Couple LAMMPS to other codes"_Howto_couple.html :all(b)
+   Howto_github
+   Howto_pylammps
+   Howto_bash
-Settings howto :h3
+END_RST -->
-"2d simulations"_Howto_2d.html
-"Triclinic (non-orthogonal) simulation boxes"_Howto_triclinic.html
-"NEMD simulations"_Howto_nemd.html
-"Long-range dispersion settings"_Howto_dispersion.html :all(b)
+<!-- HTML_ONLY -->
-Analysis howto :h3
+"Using GitHub with LAMMPS"_Howto_github.html
+"PyLAMMPS interface to LAMMPS"_Howto_pylammps.html
+"Using LAMMPS with bash on Windows"_Howto_bash.html :all(b)
-"Output from LAMMPS (thermo, dumps, computes, fixes, variables)"_Howto_output.html
-"Use chunks to calculate system properties"_Howto_chunk.html
-"Calculate temperature"_Howto_temperature.html
-"Calculate elastic constants"_Howto_elastic.html
-"Calculate thermal conductivity"_Howto_kappa.html
-"Calculate viscosity"_Howto_viscosity.html
-"Calculate diffusion coefficients"_Howto_diffusion.html :all(b)
+<!-- END_HTML_ONLY -->
-Force fields howto :h3
+General howto :h3
-"CHARMM, AMBER, and DREIDING force fields"_Howto_bioFF.html
-"TIP3P water model"_Howto_tip3p.html
-"TIP4P water model"_Howto_tip4p.html
-"SPC water model"_Howto_spc.html :all(b)
+<!-- RST
-Packages howto :h3
+.. toctree::
+   :name: general
+   :maxdepth: 1
-"Finite-size spherical and aspherical particles"_Howto_spherical.html
-"Granular models"_Howto_granular.html
-"Body style particles"_Howto_body.html
-"Polarizable models"_Howto_polarizable.html
-"Adiabatic core/shell model"_Howto_coreshell.html
-"Drude induced dipoles"_Howto_drude.html
-"Drude induced dipoles (extended)"_Howto_drude2.html
-"Manifolds (surfaces)"_Howto_manifold.html
-"Magnetic spins"_Howto_spins.html :all(b)
-<!-- HTML_ONLY -->
+   Howto_restart
+   Howto_viz
+   Howto_multiple
+   Howto_replica
+   Howto_library
+   Howto_couple
-External howto :h3
+END_RST -->
-"Using GitHub with LAMMPS"_Howto_github.html
-"PyLAMMPS interface to LAMMPS"_Howto_pylammps.html
-"Using LAMMPS with bash on Windows"_Howto_bash.html :all(b)
-General howto :h3
+<!-- HTML_ONLY -->
 "Restart a simulation"_Howto_restart.html
 "Visualize LAMMPS snapshots"_Howto_viz.html
@@ -90,8 +67,28 @@ General howto :h3
 "Library interface to LAMMPS"_Howto_library.html
 "Couple LAMMPS to other codes"_Howto_couple.html :all(b)
+<!-- END_HTML_ONLY -->
 Settings howto :h3
+<!-- RST
+.. toctree::
+   :name: settings
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   Howto_2d
+   Howto_triclinic
+   Howto_thermostat
+   Howto_barostat
+   Howto_walls
+   Howto_nemd
+   Howto_dispersion
+END_RST -->
+<!-- HTML_ONLY -->
 "2d simulations"_Howto_2d.html
 "Triclinic (non-orthogonal) simulation boxes"_Howto_triclinic.html
@@ -100,8 +97,29 @@ Settings howto :h3
 "NEMD simulations"_Howto_nemd.html
 "Long-range dispersion settings"_Howto_dispersion.html :all(b)
+<!-- END_HTML_ONLY -->
 Analysis howto :h3
+<!-- RST
+.. toctree::
+   :name: analysis
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   Howto_output
+   Howto_chunk
+   Howto_temperature
+   Howto_elastic
+   Howto_kappa
+   Howto_viscosity
+   Howto_diffusion
+END_RST -->
+<!-- HTML_ONLY -->
 "Output from LAMMPS (thermo, dumps, computes, fixes, variables)"_Howto_output.html
 "Use chunks to calculate system properties"_Howto_chunk.html :all(b)
 "Calculate temperature"_Howto_temperature.html
@@ -110,15 +128,55 @@ Analysis howto :h3
 "Calculate viscosity"_Howto_viscosity.html
 "Calculate a diffusion coefficient"_Howto_diffusion.html :all(b)
+<!-- END_HTML_ONLY -->
 Force fields howto :h3
+<!-- RST
+.. toctree::
+   :name: force
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   Howto_bioFF
+   Howto_tip3p
+   Howto_tip4p
+   Howto_spc
+END_RST -->
+<!-- HTML_ONLY -->
 "CHARMM, AMBER, and DREIDING force fields"_Howto_bioFF.html
 "TIP3P water model"_Howto_tip3p.html
 "TIP4P water model"_Howto_tip4p.html
 "SPC water model"_Howto_spc.html :all(b)
+<!-- END_HTML_ONLY -->
 Packages howto :h3
+<!-- RST
+.. toctree::
+   :name: packages
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   Howto_spherical
+   Howto_granular
+   Howto_body
+   Howto_polarizable
+   Howto_coreshell
+   Howto_drude
+   Howto_drude2
+   Howto_manifold
+   Howto_spins
+END_RST -->
+<!-- HTML_ONLY -->
 "Finite-size spherical and aspherical particles"_Howto_spherical.html
 "Granular models"_Howto_granular.html
 "Body style particles"_Howto_body.html
diff --git a/doc/src/Manual.txt b/doc/src/Manual.txt
index 30e1864106..c5e5aff61b 100644
--- a/doc/src/Manual.txt
+++ b/doc/src/Manual.txt
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ every LAMMPS command.
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
-   :numbered:
+   :numbered: 3
    :caption: User Documentation
    :name: userdoc
diff --git a/doc/src/Tools.txt b/doc/src/Tools.txt
index 5e02e00715..a9ad5032ce 100644
--- a/doc/src/Tools.txt
+++ b/doc/src/Tools.txt
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ Miscellaneous tools :h3
+Tool descriptions :h3
 amber2lmp tool :h4,link(amber)
 The amber2lmp sub-directory contains two Python scripts for converting