diff --git a/doc/src/compute_pressure_cylinder.txt b/doc/src/compute_pressure_cylinder.txt
index e73ac5b53d99e6d62133833a30156c2bd410daf0..4865fe8a795f961375d5486b1ed1b2b5358d42a7 100644
--- a/doc/src/compute_pressure_cylinder.txt
+++ b/doc/src/compute_pressure_cylinder.txt
@@ -25,18 +25,19 @@ compute 1 all pressure/cylinder -10.0 10.0 15.0 0.25 :pre
-Define a computation that calculates the pressure tensor of a
-system in cylindrical coordinates, as discussed in "(Addington)"_#Addington1.
+Define a computation that calculates the pressure tensor of a system in
+cylindrical coordinates, as discussed in "(Addington)"_#Addington1.
 This is useful for systems with a single axis of rotational symmetry,
-such as cylindrical micelles or carbon nanotubes. The compute splits 
-the system into radial, cylindrical-shell-type bins of width bin_width, centered at x=0,y=0,
-and calculates the radial (P_rhorho), azimuthal (P_phiphi), and axial (P_zz) components of the configurational pressure
-tensor. The local density is also calculated for each bin, so that
-the true pressure can be recovered as P_kin+P_conf=density*k*T+P_conf.
-The output is a global array with 5 columns; one each for bin radius,
-local number density, P_rhorho, P_phiphi, and P_zz. The number of 
-rows is governed by the values of Rmax and bin_width. Pressure
-tensor values are output in pressure units.
+such as cylindrical micelles or carbon nanotubes. The compute splits the
+system into radial, cylindrical-shell-type bins of width bin_width,
+centered at x=0,y=0, and calculates the radial (P_rhorho), azimuthal
+(P_phiphi), and axial (P_zz) components of the configurational pressure
+tensor. The local density is also calculated for each bin, so that the
+true pressure can be recovered as P_kin+P_conf=density*k*T+P_conf.  The
+output is a global array with 5 columns; one each for bin radius, local
+number density, P_rhorho, P_phiphi, and P_zz. The number of rows is
+governed by the values of Rmax and bin_width. Pressure tensor values are
+output in pressure units.
 [Output info:]
@@ -51,13 +52,20 @@ The values calculated by this compute are
 "units"_units.html. The number density values will be in 
 inverse volume "units"_units.html.
-[Restrictions:] This compute currently calculates the pressure 
-tensor contributions for pair styles only (i.e. no bond, dihedral, etc.)
-and requires pair force 
-calculations not available for many manybody pair styles. K-space 
-calculations are also excluded. Note that the pressure outputs 
-are the configurational terms only; the kinetic contribution may
-be calculated from the number density output by P_kin=density*k*T.
+This compute currently calculates the pressure tensor contributions
+for pair styles only (i.e. no bond, angle, dihedral, etc. contributions
+and in the presence of bonded interactions, the result will be incorrect
+due to exclusions for special bonds)  and requires pair-wise force
+calculations not available for most manybody pair styles. K-space
+calculations are also excluded. Note that this pressure compute outputs
+the configurational terms only; the kinetic contribution is not included
+and may be calculated from the number density output by P_kin=density*k*T.
+This compute is part of the USER-MISC package.  It is only enabled
+if LAMMPS was built with that package.  See the "Build
+package"_Build_package.html doc page for more info.
 [Related commands:]
diff --git a/doc/src/computes.txt b/doc/src/computes.txt
index a6a194ac248c10f0ef7c0fa6b9b1f721beca41e5..bdd64555418245005dab1364e2d7f71de4cea4b0 100644
--- a/doc/src/computes.txt
+++ b/doc/src/computes.txt
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ Computes :h1
+   compute_pressure_cylinder
diff --git a/doc/src/lammps.book b/doc/src/lammps.book
index 0e5ceae861b5693074de7949f0c9b2393da1a8bd..4bb439406234dfe802440353e8fd297139b21cde 100644
--- a/doc/src/lammps.book
+++ b/doc/src/lammps.book
@@ -464,6 +464,7 @@ compute_pe.html