#===========================================================================# # polymer test # # # # Run consists of a lone 32-bead coarse-grained polymer # # undergoing Brownian motion in thermal lattice-Boltzmann fluid. # # # # Here, gamma (used in the calculation of the monomer-fluid interaction # # force) is set by the user (gamma = 0.03 for this simulation...this # # value has been calibrated a priori through simulations of the drag # # force acting on a single particle of the same radius). # # Sample output from this run can be found in the file: # # 'dump.polymer.lammpstrj' # # and viewed using, e.g., the VMD software. # # # # Santtu Ollila # # santtu.ollila@aalto.fi # # Aalto University # # August 14, 2013 # #===========================================================================# units nano dimension 3 boundary p p p atom_style hybrid molecular special_bonds fene read_data data.polymer #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Need a neighbor bin size smaller than the lattice-Boltzmann grid spacing # to ensure that the particles belonging to a given processor remain inside # that processors lattice-Boltzmann grid. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- neighbor 0.5 bin neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes neigh_modify exclude type 2 2 neigh_modify exclude type 2 1 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implement a hard-sphere interaction between the particles at the center of # each monomer (use a truncated and shifted Lennard-Jones potential). #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bond_style fene bond_coeff 1 60.0 2.25 4.14195 1.5 pair_style lj/cut 1.68369 pair_coeff 1 1 4.14195 1.5 1.68369 pair_coeff 1 2 4.14195 1.5 1.68369 pair_coeff 2 2 0 1.0 mass * 0.000000771064 timestep 0.00003 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ForceAtoms are the particles at the center of each monomer which # do not interact with the fluid, but are used to implement the hard-sphere # interactions. # FluidAtoms are the particles representing the surface of the monomer # which do interact with the fluid. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- group ForceAtoms type 1 group FluidAtoms type 2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a lattice-Boltzmann fluid covering the simulation domain. # This fluid feels a force due to the particles specified through FluidAtoms # (however, this fix does not explicity apply a force back on to these # particles. This is accomplished through the use of the rigid_pc_sphere # fix). # Use the LB integration scheme of Ollila et. al. (for stability reasons, # this integration scheme should be used when a large user set value for # gamma is specified), a fluid viscosity = 0.023333333, # fluid density= 0.0000166368, # value for gamma=0.03, lattice spacing dx=1.0, and mass unit, dm=0.0000166368. # Use a thermal lattice-Boltzmann fluid (temperature 300K, random number # seed=15003). This enables the particles to undergo Brownian motion in # the fluid. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- fix 1 FluidAtoms lb/fluid 5 1 0.023333333 0.0000166368 setGamma 0.03 dx 1.0 dm 0.0000166368 noise 300.0 15003 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Apply the force from the fluid to the particles, and integrate their # motion, constraining them to move and rotate together as a single rigid # spherical object. # Since both the ForceAtoms (central atoms), and the FluidAtoms (spherical # shell) should move and rotate together, this fix is applied to all of # the atoms in the system. However, since the central atoms should not # feel a force due to the fluid, they are excluded from the force # calculation through the use of the 'innerNodes' keyword. # NOTE: This fix should only be used when the user specifies a value for # gamma (through the setGamma keyword) in the lb_fluid fix. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- fix 2 all lb/rigid/pc/sphere molecule innerNodes ForceAtoms #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # To ensure that numerical errors do not lead to a buildup of momentum in the # system, the momentum_lb fix is used every 10000 timesteps to zero out the # total (particle plus fluid) momentum in the system. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- fix 3 all lb/momentum 10000 linear 1 1 1 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Write position and velocity coordinates into a file every 2000 time steps. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- dump 1 ForceAtoms custom 2000 dump.polymer_setgamma.lammpstrj id x y z vx vy vz run 2000001