


\title{Bridgeland Stabilities and Finding Walls}
\author{Luke Naylor}
\institute{Hodge Club}
\date{March 2023}



	from pseudowalls import *
	from sagetexscripts import *


\section{Transitioning to Stab on Triangulated Categories}

\begin{frame}{Central Charge for Mumford Stability}
		&\centralcharge \colon \coh(X) \to \CC \\
		&\centralcharge (E) = - \degree(E) + i \rank(E)



	\begin{columns}[T] % align columns
			\centralcharge (E) = r(E) e^{i\pi \varphi(E)}
			$\varphi$ called "phase"
			\mu(E) =
				- \realpart(\centralcharge(E))
				(allow for $+\infty$)


\begin{frame}{Extending Central Charge to $D^b(X)$}
		E^\bullet = [\cdots \to * \to * \to * \to \cdots] \in D^b(X)
		\rank(E^\bullet) &= \sum (-1)^i \rank(\cohom^i(E)) \\
		\degree(E^\bullet) &= \sum (-1)^i \degree(\cohom^i(E))


			In particular, for shifts:
				\item $\rank(E[1]) = - \rank(E)$
				\item $\degree(E[1]) = - \degree(E)$
			For $\centralcharge$:
				\item $\centralcharge(E[1]) = - \centralcharge(E)$
				\item $\centralcharge(E[2]) = \centralcharge(E)$


\begin{frame}{Slicing - Phase $\phi$}
\begin{columns}[t,onlytextwidth] % align columns


		\item $\centralcharge(E[2]) = \centralcharge(E)$
		\item But $\phi(E[n]) = \phi(E) + n$
		\item Stability decided among $E \in D^b(X) \colon \phi(E) \in (0, \pi] =
			\coh(X)$ \\
			($\phi$ only partial ``function'')

\begin{frame}{Benefits of this Generalization}
		\item Can take different slicings (and heart)
		\item Tweak $\centralcharge$ \quad $\to$ \quad m.b. tweak slicing
		\item No ``strong'' Bridgeland stabilities with $\coh(X)$ as heart for dim>1
		\item Gieseker stability (a polynomial stability) can be constructed as a
			limit of Bridgeland stabilities

\section{Moving to Picard Rank 1 Surfaces}

\begin{frame}{Moving to Surfaces}
		\item $\centralcharge(\bigO_x) = 0$ for Mumford stability
			\\ ignores extra term in Chern character:
			$(r, d \ell, \chi)$
		\item Classically, Gieseker stability used
			\\ \qquad slope comparison $\to$ lexicographic comparison

\begin{frame}{New Central Charges for Surfaces}
	Explicitly constructed for K3 - Bridgeland (2003)

	\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Picard Rank 1 with polarization $L$]
			\centralcharge_{\alpha, \beta}(E) &:=
			- \left<
				\exp( - \beta \ell - \alpha \ell i),
																				&\text{where}\:\:\ell := c_1(L),\:
			\\ &= - \chern_{\mathrm{top}}(\exp( \alpha \ell + \beta \ell i)^{-1} \otimes E)
																				&\text{($\leftarrow$ abuse)}
	$\exp(a) = \left(1, a, \frac12 a^2\right)$ defined formally,
	in particular: $\exp(n \ell) = L^{\otimes n}$
		For Mumford stability on Curves:
			\centralcharge(E) &= -\chern_1(E) + \chern_0(E) i
										 \\ &= - \left<\exp(-i), E\right>

	v = generic_chern_char(2, "v")
	Z = stability.Tilt().central_charge(v).expand()
	nu = stability.Tilt().slope(v)

\begin{frame}{Explicit Formulae for New Central Charge}
		\centralcharge_{\alpha, \beta}\left(v_0, v_1 \ell, v_2 \ell^2\right)
		&= \sage{Z} \\
		\nu_{\alpha, \beta}\left(v_0, v_1 \ell, v_2 \ell^2\right)
		&= \sage{nu} \\
		Denominator /
	$\imagpart(\centralcharge_{\alpha, \beta}) > 0 \iff \beta < \frac{v_1}{v_0} = \mu$
	\\ $\to$ other $E\in\coh(X)$ cannot be in heart

\begin{frame}{New Heart - Tilting}
	Role of $\coh(X)$ as heart of $\derived^b(X)$ replaced:
	\begin{tcolorbox}[title=First Tilt of $\coh(X)$]
			\firsttilt\beta :=
				E \in \derived^b(X) \colon \quad
				\cohom^{0}(E) \in \Torsion_\beta, \quad
				\cohom^{-1}(E) \in \Free_\beta, \quad
				\cohom^i(E) = 0 \:\: \text{o.w.}
		where $\beta \in \RR$ and:
			\Tor \deribeta &:=
				E \in \coh(X) \colon \qquad
				\mu(G) > \beta \quad \text{whenever} \: E \twoheadrightarrow G \not=0,E
				\: \ni \cohom^0
			\Free_\beta &:=
				E \in \coh(X) \colon \qquad
				\mu(G) \leq \beta \quad \text{whenever} \: 0 \not= G \hookrightarrow E
				\: \ni \cohom^{-1}
		\item $\Torsion_\beta \subset \firsttilt\beta$ includes Mumford semistable
			$E \in Coh(X)$ s.t. $\mu(E) \geq \beta$
		\item As $\beta \to - \infty$, \: $\firsttilt\beta \rightsquigarrow \coh(X)$
				\item $\Torsion_\beta \rightsquigarrow \coh(X)$
				\item $\Free_\beta \rightsquigarrow 0$
		\item $\hom(T, F) = 0$ for $T \in \Torsion_\beta, F \in \Free_\beta$
			makes this a torsion theory
		\item As $\beta \to +\infty$, \:
			$\Torsion_\beta \rightsquigarrow$ torsion sheaves (includes skyscrapers)

\begin{frame}{Tilts $\firsttilt\beta$ on $\alpha,\beta$-Plane}
	When $E \in \coh(X)$ is Gieseker semistable (hence Mumford semistable):

\begin{frame}{Notable Stability Conditions on Plane}
	\begin{columns}[t,onlytextwidth] % align columns
			$\beta \to -\infty$, Fixed $\alpha$
			\hline \vspace{1em}
			$n \in \ZZ$
				\nu_{\alpha, -n}(E) =
					\chern_2(E\otimes L^n)
					- \frac{\alpha^2}{2} \rank(E)
					(\chern_1(E) +
					n \rank(E)
				%n \in \ZZ
			$\rightsquigarrow$ Tends to Gieseker Stability
			\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Gieseker Stability]
				E stable when red. Hilb. poly.
					p_E(n) = \frac{\chern_2(E\otimes L^n)}{\rank(E)}
				not overtaken by $p_F(n)$ of any \\
				$0 \not= F \hookrightarrow E$, for large $n$. \\
				(equiv. to lexic. comparison between poly. coeffs)
			$\beta = \mu(E)$
			\hline \vspace{1em}
			$\nu_{\alpha, \beta}(E) = + \infty$ \\
			so can only be destabilized by
			$F \hookrightarrow E$ with $\nu_{\alpha, \beta}(F) = + \infty$ too
			($\beta = \mu(F)$) \\
			$\rightsquigarrow$ Destabilized w.r.t. Mumford slope

% walls, make the explanation about fixing a Chern character
	Fix a Chern character $v$
	\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Wall point for $v$]
		Stability condition $\sigma$ where there's a strictly semistable object of
		Chern character $v$
	$\sigma_{\alpha, \beta}$ wall point for $v$:
	\hline \vspace{0.5em}
	$F \hookrightarrow E$,
	destabilizing in $\firsttilt\beta$, with $\chern(E) = v$:
		\nu_{\alpha, \beta}(E)
		\nu_{\alpha, \beta}(F)
		= 0
		\item $E$ strictly semistable
		\item $F$ necessarily semistable
		\item Polynomial condition on $\alpha, \beta$
		\item $E$ switches between stable and unstable crossing wall
