\section{Existing Bound on Semistabiliser Ranks}

The proof for the following Theorem \ref{thm:loose-bound-on-r} was hinted at in
\cite{SchmidtBenjamin2020Bsot}, but the value appears explicitly in
\cite{SchmidtGithub2020} as shown in the following Listing
The latter citation is a SageMath \cite{sagemath}
library for computing certain quantities related to Bridgeland stabilities on
Picard rank 1 varieties. It also includes functions to compute pseudo-walls and
pseudo-semistabilisers for tilt stability.

	caption={\raggedleft snippet from \cite{SchmidtGithub2020} \texttt{stability_conditions.tilt.walls_left}},

\begin{theorem}[Bound on $r$ - Benjamin Schmidt]
Let $X$ be a smooth projective Picard rank 1 surface with choice of ample line
bundle $L$ such that $\ell\coloneqq c_1(L)$ generates $\neronseveri(X)$ and
take $m\coloneqq \ell^2$.

Given a Chern character $v$ with $\Delta(v) \geq 0$ and positive rank (or
$\chern_0(v) = 0$ but $\chern_1(v) > 0$)
such that
$\beta_-\coloneqq\beta_{-}(v)\in\QQ$, the rank $r$ of
any solution $u$ of Problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-2} is
bounded above by:

	r \leq \frac{m\left(n \chern^{\beta_-}_1(v) - 1\right)^2}{\gcd(m,2n^2)}

The Bogomolov form applied to the twisted Chern character is the same as the
untwisted one.

	So $0 \leq \Delta(u)$ (condition 2 from Corollary \ref{cor:num_test_prob2})
		2\chern_0(u) \chern^{\beta_{-}}_2(u) \leq \chern^{\beta_{-}}_1(u)^2

	condition 5 from Corollary \ref{cor:num_test_prob2}
		0 < \chern^{\beta_{-}}_1(u) < \chern^{\beta_{-}}_1(v)

	The induced restrictions on possible pairs $\chern^{\beta_-}_0(u)$ and
	as well as conditions 1 and 6 from Corollary \ref{cor:num_test_prob2}
	are illustrated here on the right, with the invalid regions shaded.

Currently, the unshaded region in the diagram above, corresponding to possible
values for $\chern_0(u)$ and $\chern^{\beta_{-}}_2(u)$ that satisfy the
currently considered restrictions, is unbounded.
This is where the rationality of $\beta_{-}$ comes in.
If $\beta_{-} = \frac{a_v}{n}$ for some $a_v,n \in \ZZ$,
then $\chern^{\beta_-}_2(u) \in \frac{1}{\lcm(m,2n^2)}\ZZ$.
In particular, since $\chern_2^{\beta_-}(u) > 0$ we must also have
$\chern^{\beta_-}_2(u) \geq \frac{1}{\lcm(m,2n^2)}$, which then in turn gives a
bound for the rank of $u$:

	&\leq \frac{\chern^{\beta_-}_1(u)^2}{2\chern^{\beta_{-}}_2(u)} \nonumber \\
	&\leq \frac{\lcm(m,2n^2) \chern^{\beta_-}_1(u)^2}{2} \nonumber \\
	&= \frac{mn^2 \chern^{\beta_-}_1(u)^2}{\gcd(m,2n^2)}
Which we can then immediately bound using Equation \ref{eqn-tilt-cat-cond}.
Alternatively, given that
$\chern_1^{\beta_{-}}(u)$, $\chern_1^{\beta_{-}}(v)\in\frac{1}{n}\ZZ$,
we can tighten this bound on $\chern_1^{\beta_{-}}(u)$ given by that Equation to:
	n\chern^{\beta_{-}}_1(u) \leq n\chern^{\beta_{-}}_1(v) - 1
allowing us to bound the expression in Equation \ref{proof:first-bound-on-r} to
the following:
	\leq \frac{m\left(n \chern^{\beta_-}_1(v) - 1\right)^2}{\gcd(m,2n^2)}


from examples import recurring

\begin{example}[$v=(3, 2\ell, -2)$ on $\PP^2$]
Taking $\ell=c_1(\mathcal{O}(1))$ as the standard polarization on $\PP^2$, so
that $m=1$, $\beta_-=\sage{recurring.betaminus}$,
giving $n=\sage{recurring.n}$ and
$\chern_1^{\sage{recurring.betaminus}}(F) = \sage{recurring.twisted.ch[1]}$.

Using the above Theorem \ref{thm:loose-bound-on-r}, we get that the ranks of
tilt semistabilisers for $v$ are bounded above by $\sage{recurring.loose_bound}$.
However, when computing all tilt semistabilisers for $v$ on $\PP^2$, the maximum
rank that appears turns out to be 25. This will be a recurring example to
illustrate the performance of later Theorems about rank bounds

from examples import extravagant

\begin{example}[extravagant example: $v=(29, 13\ell, -3/2)$ on $\PP^2$]
Taking $\ell=c_1(\mathcal{O}(1))$ as the standard polarization on $\PP^2$, so
that $m=1$, $\beta_-=\sage{extravagant.betaminus}$,
giving $n=\sage{extravagant.n}$ and
$\chern_1^{\sage{extravagant.betaminus}}(F) = \sage{extravagant.twisted.ch[1]}$.

Using the above Theorem \ref{thm:loose-bound-on-r}, we get that the ranks of
tilt semistabilisers for $v$ are bounded above by $\sage{extravagant.loose_bound}$.
However, when computing all tilt semistabilisers for $v$ on $\PP^2$, the maximum
rank that appears turns out to be $\sage{extravagant.actual_rmax}$.

\section{Tighter Bounds}

To get tighter bounds on the rank of solutions $u$ to the Problems
\ref{problem:problem-statement-1} and
we will need to consider each of the values which
$\chern_1^{\beta}(u)$ can take.
Doing this will allow us to eliminate possible values of $\chern_0(u)$ for which
each possible value of $\chern_1^{\beta}(u)$ leads to the failure of at least one
of the inequalities.
As opposed to only eliminating possible values of $\chern_0(u)$ for which all
corresponding $\chern_1^{\beta}(u)$ fail one of the inequalities (which is what
was implicitly happening before in the proof of Theorem

	Consider the Problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-1} (or \ref{problem:problem-statement-2}),
	and $\beta_{0}\coloneqq \beta(P)$ (or $\beta_{-}(v)$ resp.).

	If $u$ is a solution to the Problem then $u$ satisfies:
		q\coloneqq \chern^{\beta_0}_1(u) &\in \left( 0, \chern_1^{\beta_0}(v) \right)
		\chern_0(u) &> \frac{q}{\mu(v) - \beta_0}

	Conversely, any $u = (r,c\ell,d\ell^2)$
	with $r,c\in \ZZ$ and $d\in \frac{1}{\lcm(m,2)}\ZZ$
	satisfying the above Equations \ref{lem:eqn:cond-for-fixed-q}
	is a solution to the Problem if and only if the following are satisfied:
		\item $\Delta(u) \geq 0$
		\item $\Delta(v-u) \geq 0$
		\item $\chern^P_2(u) \geq 0$

	{\color{red} proof}

	Consider the Problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-1} (or \ref{problem:problem-statement-2}),
	and suppose that $\beta_{0}\coloneqq \beta(P)$ (or $\beta_{-}(v)$ resp.) is
	rational, and written $\beta_0=\frac{a_v}{n}$ for
	some coprime integers $a_v$, $n$ with $n>0$.

	Then any solution $u$ satisfies:
		&= \frac{b_q}{n}
		&\text{for some }
		b_q \in \left\{ 1, 2, \ldots, n\chern_1^{\beta_0}(v) - 1 \right\}
		a_v r &\equiv -b_q \pmod{n}
	And any $u = (r,c\ell,d\ell^2)$
	with $r,c\in \ZZ$ and $d\in \frac{1}{\lcm(m,2)}\ZZ$
	satisfying these equations is a solution to the Problem if and only if, again,
	the following are satisfied:
		\item $\Delta(u) \geq 0$
		\item $\Delta(v-u) \geq 0$
		\item $\chern^P_2(u) \geq 0$

	{\color{red} proof}

\subsection{Bounds on \texorpdfstring{`$d$'}{d}-values for Solutions of Problems}

Let $v$ be a Chern character with $\Delta(v)\geq 0$,
$\chern_0(v)>0$, or $\chern_0(v)=0$ and $\chern_1(v)>0$,
and consider Problem
\ref{problem:problem-statement-1} or
Take $\beta_0 = \beta(P)$ where $P\in\Theta_v^-$ is the choice made in problem
(or $\beta_0 = \beta_{-}$ for problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-2}).
Lemma \ref{lem:fixed-q-semistabs-criterion} states that any solution
	u \coloneqq \:(r,c\ell,d\ell^2)
	\text{where $r,c\in \ZZ$ and $d\in \frac{1}{\lcm(m,2)}\ZZ$}
to the Problem satisfies
	q \coloneqq \chern_1^{\beta_0}(u)
		0, \chern_1^{\beta_0}(v)
and also gives a lower bound for $r$ when considering $u$ with a fixed $q$.
This Section studies the extra numerical conditions that such $u$ must satisfy
as per that Lemma, and will express them as bounds on $d$ in terms of $r$ (for a
fixed $q$).
These bounds will later be used in Subsections
\ref{subsec:bounds-on-semistab-rank-prob-1} and
to construct upper bounds on $r$
(in a similar way to how a bound on $\chern_0(u)$ was found in the proof of
Theorem \ref{thm:loose-bound-on-r} by considering bounds on
$\chern^{\beta_0}_0(u)$ in terms of the former).

\subsubsection{Size of pseudo-wall\texorpdfstring{: $\chern_2^P(u)>0$}{}}

In the context of Problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-2}, this condition,
when rearranged to a bound on $d$, amounts to:

	\chern_2^{\beta_{-}}(u) &> 0 \\
	d &> \frac{1}{2} {\beta_{-}}^2r + \beta_{-}q

import other_P_choice as problem1

In the case where we are tackling Problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-1},
$P=(\alpha_0,\beta_0) \in \Theta_v^-$.
Then $\sage{problem1.A2_subs}$ follows from $\chern_2^P(v)=0$. Using this substitution into the
condition $\chern_2^P(u) = \sage{problem1.radius_condition_before_sub}$ yields:


Expanding $\chern^{\beta_0}_2(u)$ in terms of $r$, $c$, $d$, and rearranging for
$d$ then yields:


\subsubsection{Semistability of the Semistabilizer:
		$\Delta(u) \geq 0$
		Δ(u) ≥ 0
Expressing $\Delta(u)\geq 0$ in terms of
$q = \chern^{\beta_0}_1(u) = c - r\beta_0$,
we get:

from plots_and_expressions import bgmlv2_with_q

Rearranging to express this as a bound on $d$, we get the following.
Recall that $r>0$ is ensured by Equations \ref{lem:eqn:cond-for-fixed-q}.

from plots_and_expressions import bgmlv2_d_ineq

\subsubsection{Semistability of the Quotient:
		$\Delta(v-u) \geq 0$
		Δ(v-u) ≥ 0

Expressing $\Delta(v-u)\geq 0$ in term of $q$ and rearranging as a bound on
$d$ yields:

from plots_and_expressions import bgmlv3_d_upperbound_terms

	d \leq
	+ \sage{bgmlv3_d_upperbound_terms.const}
	\text{when }r>R

If $r=R$, then $\Delta(v-u)=(C-c)^2 \geq 0$ is always true, and for $r<R$
the expression on the right hand side of Equation \ref{eqn-bgmlv3_d_upperbound}
gives a lower bound for $d$ instead.
However it is weaker than lower bound
given by $\chern^P_2(u)>0$ if $u$ already satisfies Equations
\ref{lem:eqn:cond-for-fixed-q} as will be shown now:

Since $r, R-r>0$, we have:
	\beta_0, \mu(u) < \mu(v) < \mu(v-u)
The first inequality coming from $P \in \Theta_v^{-}$ and Equation
\ref{lem:eqn:cond-for-fixed-q}, and the second inequality following by the
see-saw principle.
% TODO maybe cover the see-saw principle
		\mu(v-u) - \beta_0
		\mu(v) - \beta_0
	&\text{by Equation \ref{lem:proof:slope-order-rltR}}
	2 \frac{\chern^{\beta_0}_2(v)}{\chern_0(v)}
	&\text{since }\Delta(v) \geq 0
	\:\text{and }\chern_0(v) > 0
	2 \frac{\chern^{\beta_0}_2(v)}{R}
	- \frac{
Showing that the unique terms of Equation
are greater than those of Equation

\subsubsection{All Bounds on \texorpdfstring{$d$}{d} Together for Problem

In the context of Problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-2}, with
$\beta_0=\beta_{-}(v)$, we have $\chern^{\beta_{-}(v)}_2(v)=0$, simplifying the
bounds on $d$ calculated in this Subsection.
So we conclude that final 3 conditions from Corollary
for a potential solution to the problem of the form in Equation
\ref{eqn:u-coords}, amounts to the following:

from plots_and_expressions import bgmlv2_d_upperbound_terms
	d &>&
	\frac{1}{2}{\beta_0}^2 r
	&+ {\beta_0} q,
	\phantom{+}& % to keep terms aligned
	 &\qquad\text{when\:} r > 0
	d &\leq&
	&+ \sage{bgmlv2_d_upperbound_terms.problem2.const}
	& +\sage{bgmlv2_d_upperbound_terms.problem2.hyperbolic},
	 &\qquad\text{when\:} r > 0
	d &\leq&
	&+ \sage{bgmlv3_d_upperbound_terms.problem2.const}
	% ^ ch_2^\beta(F)=0 for beta_{-}
	& \sage{bgmlv3_d_upperbound_terms.problem2.hyperbolic},
	 &\qquad\text{when\:} r > R

Recalling that $q \coloneqq \chern^{\beta}_1(u) \in (0, \chern^{\beta}_1(v))$,
it is worth noting that the extreme values of $q$ in this range lead to the
tightest bounds on $d$.
Small values of $q$ brings
Equation \ref{eqn:bgmlv2_d_bound_betamin} closer to
Equation \ref{eqn:radiuscond_d_bound_betamin},
and larger values of $q$ brings
Equation \ref{eqn:bgmlv3_d_bound_betamin} closer to
Equation \ref{eqn:radiuscond_d_bound_betamin}.

For a generic case, when
$0 < q\coloneqq\chern_1^{\beta}(u) < \chern_1^{\beta}(v)$,
the bounds on $d$ in terms of $r$ is illustrated in Figure
The question of whether there are pseudo-semistabilisers of arbitrarily large
rank, in the context of the graph, comes down to whether there are points
$(r,d) \in \ZZ \oplus \frac{1}{\lcm(m,2)} \ZZ$ (with large $r$)
that fit above the yellow line (ensuring positive radius of wall) but below the
blue and green (ensuring $\Delta(u), \Delta(v-u) > 0$).
These lines have the same assymptote at $r \to \infty$
(Equations \ref{eqn:bgmlv2_d_bound_betamin},
As mentioned in the introduction to this Part, the finiteness of these
solutions is entirely determined by whether $\beta_{-}$ is rational or irrational.
This will be pursued in Subsection

from plots_and_expressions import typical_bounds_on_d

	Bounds on $d\coloneqq\chern_2(u)$ in terms of $r\coloneqq \chern_0(u)$ for a fixed
	value $\chern_1^{\beta}(v)/2$ of $q\coloneqq\chern_1^{\beta}(u)$.
	Where $\chern(v) = (3,2\ell,-2\ell^2)$.

\subsubsection{All Bounds on \texorpdfstring{$d$}{d} Together for Problem

Unlike for Problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-2},
the bounds on $d=\chern_2(u)$ induced by the final three conditions
of Lemma \ref{lem:fixed-q-semistabs-criterion}
have different
constant and linear terms, so that the graphs for upper
bounds do not share the same assymptote as the lower bound
(and they will turn out to intersect).

	&\text{when }r>0
	d &\leq
	+ \sage{problem1.bgmlv2_d_upperbound_terms.const}
	+ \sage{problem1.bgmlv2_d_upperbound_terms.hyperbolic}
	&\text{when }r>R
	d &\leq
	+ \sage{problem1.bgmlv3_d_upperbound_terms.const}
	+ \sage{problem1.bgmlv3_d_upperbound_terms.hyperbolic}
	&\text{when }r>R

	Bounds on $d\coloneqq\chern_2(u)$ in terms of $r\coloneqq \chern_0(u)$ for a fixed
	value $\chern_1^{\beta}(v)/2$ of $q\coloneqq\chern_1^{\beta}(E)$.
	Where $\chern(v) = (3,2\ell,-2\ell^2)$ and $P$ chosen as the point on $\Theta_v$
	with $\beta(P)\coloneqq-2/3-1/99$ in the context of problem 

Notice that as functions of $r$, the linear term in
Equation \ref{eqn:prob1:radiuscond} is strictly greater than
those in Equations \ref{eqn:prob1:bgmlv2}
and \ref{eqn:prob1:bgmlv3} in the context of the Problem.
This is because $R\coloneqq\chern_0(v)$
and $\chern_2^{\beta_0}(v)$ are all strictly positive:
	\item $R > 0$ from the setting of Problem
	\item $\chern_2^{\beta_0}(v)>0$
		by Lemma \ref{lem:comparison-test-with-beta_}
		because ${\beta_0} < \beta_{-}$ due to the choice of $P$ being
		a point on $\Theta_v^{-}$

This means that the lower bound for $d$ will be larger than either of the two
upper bounds for sufficiently large $r$, and hence those values of $r$ would yield no
solution to problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-1}.
A generic example of this is plotted in Figure
\ref{fig:problem1:d_bounds_xmpl_gnrc_q}, and bounds for $r$ following from this
idea will be pursued in Subsection \ref{subsec:bounds-on-semistab-rank-prob-1}.

\subsection{Bounds on Semistabilizer Rank \texorpdfstring{$r$}{} in Problem

As discussed at the end of subsection \ref{subsubsect:all-bounds-on-d-prob1}
(and illustrated in Figure \ref{fig:problem1:d_bounds_xmpl_gnrc_q}),
there are no solutions $u$ to problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-1}
with large $r=\chern_0(u)$, since the lower bound on $d=\chern_2(u)$ is larger
than the upper bounds.
Therefore, we can calculate upper bounds on $r$ by calculating for which values,
the lower bound on $d$ is equal to one of the upper bounds on $d$
(i.e. finding certain intersection points of the graph in Figure

\begin{theorem}[Problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-1} upper Bound on $r$]
	Let $u$ be a solution to problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-1}
	and $q\coloneqq\chern_1^{B}(u)$.
	Then $r\coloneqq\chern_0(u)$ is bounded above by the following expression:

	Recall that $d\coloneqq\chern_2(u)$ has two upper bounds in terms of $r$: in
	Equations \ref{eqn:prob1:bgmlv2} and \ref{eqn:prob1:bgmlv3};
	and one lower bound: in Equation \ref{eqn:prob1:radiuscond}.

	Solving for the lower bound in Equation \ref{eqn:prob1:radiuscond} being
	less than the upper bound in Equation \ref{eqn:prob1:bgmlv2} yields:

	Similarly, but with the upper bound in Equation \ref{eqn:prob1:bgmlv3}, gives:

	Therefore, $r$ is bounded above by the minimum of these two expressions which
	can then be factored into the expression given in the Lemma.

The above Lemma \ref{lem:prob1:r_bound} gives an upper bound on $r$ in terms of $q$.
But given that $0 \leq q \leq \chern_1^{B}(v)$, we can take the maximum of this
bound, over $q$ in this range, to get a simpler (but weaker) bound in the
following Lemma \ref{lem:prob1:convenient_r_bound}.

\begin{theorem}[Problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-1} global upper Bound on $r$]
	Let $u$ be a solution to problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-1}.
	Then $r\coloneqq\chern_0(u)$ is bounded above by the following expression:

	The first term of the minimum in Lemma \ref{lem:prob1:r_bound}
	increases linearly in $q$, and the second
	decreases linearly. So the maximum is achieved with the value of
	$q=q_{\mathrm{max}}$ where they are equal.
	Solving for the two terms in the minimum to be equal yields:
	Substituting $q=q_{\mathrm{max}}$ into the bound in Lemma
	\ref{lem:prob1:r_bound} gives the bound as stated in the current Lemma.

	$q_{\mathrm{max}} > 0$ is immediate from the expression, but
	$q_{\mathrm{max}} \leq \chern_1^{B}(v)$ is equivalent to $\Delta(v) \geq 0$,
	which is true by assumption in this setting.

\subsection{Bounds on Semistabilizer Rank \texorpdfstring{$r$}{} in Problem

Now, the inequalities from the above subsubsection
\ref{subsubsect:all-bounds-on-d-prob2} will be used to find, for
each given $q=\chern^{\beta}_1(E)$, how large $r$ needs to be in order to leave
no possible solutions for $d$. At that point, there are no solutions
$u=(r,c\ell,d\ell^2)$ to problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-2}.
The strategy here is similar to what was shown in Theorem

Suppose $\beta = \frac{\aa}{n}$ for some coprime $n \in \NN,\aa \in \ZZ$.
Then fix a value of $q$:
	q\coloneqq \chern_1^{\beta}(E)
	\frac{1}{n} \ZZ
	\cap [0, \chern_1^{\beta}(F)]
as noted at the beginning of this section \ref{sec:refinement} so that we are
considering $u$ which satisfy \ref{item:chern1bound:lem:num_test_prob2}
in corollary \ref{cor:num_test_prob2}.

Substituting the current values of $q$ and $\beta$ into the condition for the
radius of the pseudo-wall being positive
(eqn \ref{eqn:radiuscond_d_bound_betamin}) we get:

from plots_and_expressions import \
positive_radius_condition_with_q, \
q_value_expr, \

from plots_and_expressions import main_theorem1
\begin{theorem}[Bound on $r$ \#1]
	Let $v = (R,C\ell,D\ell^2)$ be a fixed Chern character. Then the ranks of the
	pseudo-semistabilisers for $v$,
	which are solutions to problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-2},
	with $\chern_1^\beta = q$
	are bounded above by the following expression.

			\sage{main_theorem1.r_upper_bound1}, \:\:

	Taking the maximum of this expression over
	$q \in [0, \chern_1^{\beta}(F)]\cap \frac{1}{n}\ZZ$
	would give an upper bound for the ranks of all solutions to problem


Both $d$ and the lower bound in
(eqn \ref{eqn:positive_rad_condition_in_terms_of_q_beta})
are elements of $\frac{1}{\lcm(m,2n^2)}\ZZ$.
So, if any of the two upper bounds on $d$ come to within
$\frac{1}{\lcm(m,2n^2)}$ of this lower bound, then there are no solutions for
Hence any corresponding $r$ cannot be a rank of a
pseudo-semistabiliser for $v$.

To avoid this, we must have,
considering Equations

from plots_and_expressions import \
assymptote_gap_condition1, assymptote_gap_condition2, k

	&\sage{assymptote_gap_condition1.subs(k==1)} \\

This is equivalent to:

	r \leq
		} ,


from plots_and_expressions import q_sol, bgmlv_v, psi

\begin{corollary}[Bound on $r$ \#2]
	Let $v$ be a fixed Chern character and
	$R\coloneqq\chern_0(v) \leq \frac{1}{2}\lcm(m,2n^2){\chern_1^{\beta}(F)}^2$.
	Then the ranks of the pseudo-semistabilisers for $v$,
	which are solutions to problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-2},
	are bounded above by the following expression.


The ranks of the pseudo-semistabilisers for $v$ are bounded above by the
maximum over $q\in [0, \chern_1^{\beta}(F)]$ of the expression in Theorem
Noticing that the expression is a maximum of two quadratic functions in $q$:
	f_1(q)\coloneqq\sage{main_theorem1.r_upper_bound1} \qquad
These have their minimums at $q=0$ and $q=\chern_1^{\beta}(F)$ respectively.
It suffices to find their intersection in
$q\in [0, \chern_1^{\beta}(F)]$, if it exists,
and evaluating on of the $f_i$ there.
The intersection exists, provided that
$f_1(\chern_1^{\beta}(F)) \geq f_2(\chern_1^{\beta}(F))=R$,
or equivalently,
$R \leq \frac{1}{2}\lcm(m,2n^2){\chern_1^{\beta}(F)}^2$.
Solving for $f_1(q)=f_2(q)$ yields
And evaluating $f_1$ at this $q$-value gives:
Finally, noting that $\Delta(v)=\psi^2\ell^2$, we get the bound as
stated in the corollary.


\begin{example}[$v=(3, 2\ell, -2)$ on $\PP^2$]
Just like in example \ref{exmpl:recurring-first}, take
$\ell=c_1(\mathcal{O}(1))$ as the standard polarization on $\PP^2$, so
that $m=2$, $\beta=\sage{recurring.betaminus}$,
giving $n=\sage{recurring.n}$.

Using the above corollary \ref{cor:direct_rmax_with_uniform_eps}, we get that
the ranks of tilt semistabilisers for $v$ are bounded above by
$\sage{recurring.corrolary_bound} \approx  \sage{float(recurring.corrolary_bound)}$,
which is much closer to real maximum 25 than the original bound 144.

\begin{example}[extravagant example: $v=(29, 13\ell, -3/2)$ on $\PP^2$]
Just like in example \ref{exmpl:extravagant-first}, take
$\ell=c_1(\mathcal{O}(1))$ as the standard polarization on $\PP^2$, so
that $m=2$, $\beta=\sage{extravagant.betaminus}$,
giving $n=\sage{extravagant.n}$.

Using the above corollary \ref{cor:direct_rmax_with_uniform_eps}, we get that
the ranks of tilt semistabilisers for $v$ are bounded above by
$\sage{extravagant.corrolary_bound} \approx  \sage{float(extravagant.corrolary_bound)}$,
which is much closer to real maximum $\sage{extravagant.actual_rmax}$ than the
original bound 215296.
%% refinements using specific values of q and beta

These bound can be refined a bit more by considering restrictions from the
possible values that $r$ take.
Furthermore, the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:rmax_with_uniform_eps} uses the fact
that, given an element of $\frac{1}{2n^2}\ZZ$, the closest non-equal element of
$\frac{1}{2}\ZZ$ is at least $\frac{1}{2n^2}$ away. However this a
conservative estimate, and a larger gap can sometimes be guaranteed if we know
this value of $\frac{1}{2n^2}\ZZ$ explicitly.

The expressions that will follow will be a bit more complicated and have more
parts which depend on the values of $q$ and $\beta$, even their numerators
$\aa,\bb$ specifically. The upcoming Theorem \ref{thm:rmax_with_eps1} is less useful as a
`clean' formula for a bound on the ranks of the pseudo-semistabilisers, but has a
purpose in the context of writing a computer program to find
pseudo-semistabilisers. Such a program would iterate through possible values of
$q$, then iterate through values of $r$ within the bounds (dependent on $q$),
which would then determine $c$, and then find the corresponding possible values
for $d$.

Firstly, we only need to consider $r$-values for which $c\coloneqq\chern_1(E)$ is

from plots_and_expressions import c_in_terms_of_q	
	c =
	\in \ZZ

That is, $r \equiv -\aa^{-1}\bb$ mod $n$ ($\aa$ is coprime to
$n$, and so invertible mod $n$).

Let $\aa^{'}$ be an integer representative of $\aa^{-1}$ in $\ZZ/n\ZZ$.

Next, we seek to find a larger $\epsilon$ to use in place of $\epsilon_F$ in the
proof of Theorem \ref{thm:rmax_with_uniform_eps}:

	Finding a better alternative to $\epsilon_v$:
	Suppose $d \in \frac{1}{\lcm(m,2n^2)}\ZZ$ satisfies the condition in
	eqn \ref{eqn:positive_rad_condition_in_terms_of_q_beta}.
	That is:


	Then we have:

		d - \frac{(\aa r + 2\bb)\aa}{2n^2}
		\geq \epsilon_{v,q} \geq \epsilon_v > 0

	Where $\epsilon_{v,q}$ is defined as follows:

		\epsilon_{v,q} \coloneqq
	with $k_{v,q}$ being the least $k\in\ZZ_{>0}$ satisfying
		k \equiv -\aa\bb \frac{m}{\gcd(m,2n^2)}



Consider the following sequence of logical implications.
The one-way implication follows from
$\aa r + \bb \equiv 0 \pmod{n}$,
and the final logical equivalence is just a simplification of the expressions.

	\frac{ x }{ \lcm(m,2) }
	- \frac{
		(\aa r+2\bb)\aa
	= \frac{ k }{ \lcm(m,2n^2) }
	\quad \text{for some } x \in \ZZ
	\span \span \span \span \span
\\ \nonumber
\\ \Leftrightarrow& &
	- (\aa r+2\bb)\aa
	&\equiv k &&
\\ &&&
	\mod \frac{\lcm(m,2n^2)}{\lcm(m,2)}
	\span \span \span
\\ \Rightarrow& &
	- \bb\aa
	&\equiv k &&
\\ &&&
	\mod \gcd\left(
		\frac{n \aa \lcm(m,2n^2)}{2n^2}
	\span \span \span
\\ \Leftrightarrow& &
	- \bb\aa
	&\equiv k &&
\\ &&&
	\mod \gcd\left(
		\frac{mn \aa}{\gcd(m,2n^2)}
	\span \span \span

In our situation, we want to find the least $k>0$ satisfying 
eqn \ref{eqn:finding_better_eps_problem}.
Since such a $k$ must also satisfy eqn \ref{eqn:better_eps_problem_k_mod_n},
we can pick the smallest $k_{q,v} \in \ZZ_{>0}$ which satisfies this new condition
(a computation only depending on $q$ and $\beta$, but not $r$).
We are then guaranteed that $k_{v,q}$ is less than any $k$ satisfying eqn
\ref{eqn:finding_better_eps_problem}, giving the first inequality in eqn
Furthermore, $k_{v,q}\geq 1$ gives the second part of the inequality:
$\epsilon_{v,q}\geq\epsilon_v$, with equality when $k_{v,q}=1$.


from plots_and_expressions import main_theorem2
\begin{theorem}[Bound on $r$ \#3]
	Let $v$ be a fixed Chern character, with $\frac{a_v}{n}=\beta\coloneqq\beta(v)$
	rational and expressed in lowest terms.
	Then the ranks $r$ of the pseudo-semistabilisers $u$ for $v$ with,
	which are solutions to problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-2},
	$\chern_1^\beta(u) = q = \frac{b_q}{n}$
	are bounded above by the following expression:

			\sage{main_theorem2.r_upper_bound1}, \:\:
	Where $k_{v,q}$ is defined as in definition/Lemma \ref{lemdfn:epsilon_q},
	and $R = \chern_0(v)$

	Furthermore, if $\aa \not= 0$ then
	$r \equiv \aa^{-1}b_q \pmod{n}$.

Although the general form of this bound is quite complicated, it does simplify a
lot when $m$ is small.

from plots_and_expressions import main_theorem2_corollary
\begin{corollary}[Bound on $r$ \#3 on $\PP^2$ and Principally polarized abelian surfaces]
	Suppose we are working over $\PP^2$ or a principally polarized abelian surface
	(or any other surfaces with $m=1$ or $2$).
	Let $v$ be a fixed Chern character, with $\frac{a_v}{n}=\beta\coloneqq\beta(v)$
	rational and expressed in lowest terms.
	Then the ranks $r$ of the pseudo-semistabilisers $u$ for $v$ with,
	which are solutions to problem \ref{problem:problem-statement-2},
	$\chern_1^\beta(u) = q = \frac{b_q}{n}$
	are bounded above by the following expression:

			\sage{main_theorem2_corollary.r_upper_bound1}, \:\:
	Where $R = \chern_0(v)$ and $k_{v,q}$ is the least
	$k\in\ZZ_{>0}$ satisfying
		k \equiv -\aa\bb

	Furthermore, if $\aa \not= 0$ then
	$r \equiv \aa^{-1}b_q \pmod{n}$.

This is a specialisation of Theorem \ref{thm:rmax_with_eps1}, where we can
drastically simplify the $\lcm$ and $\gcd$ terms by noting that $m$ divides both
$2$ and $2n^2$, and that $a_v$ is coprime to $n$.

\begin{example}[$v=(3, 2\ell, -2)$ on $\PP^2$]
Just like in examples \ref{exmpl:recurring-first} and
take $\ell=c_1(\mathcal{O}(1))$ as the standard polarization on $\PP^2$, so that
$\beta=\sage{recurring.betaminus}$, giving $n=\sage{recurring.n}$
and $\chern_1^{\sage{recurring.betaminus}}(F) = \sage{recurring.twisted.ch[1]}$.
%% TODO transcode notebook code
The (non-exclusive) upper bounds for $r\coloneqq\chern_0(u)$ of a tilt semistabiliser $u$ of $v$
in terms of the possible values for $q\coloneqq\chern_1^{\beta}(u)$ are as follows:

from examples import bound_comparisons
qs, theorem2_bounds, theorem3_bounds = bound_comparisons(recurring)

\directlua{ table_width = 3*4+1 }
\begin{tabular}{l\directlua{for i=0,table_width-1 do tex.sprint([[|c]]) end}}
\directlua{for i=0,table_width-1 do
	local cell = [[&$\noexpand\sage{qs[]] .. i .. "]}$"
	\\ \hline
	Thm \ref{thm:rmax_with_uniform_eps}
\directlua{for i=0,table_width-1 do
	local cell = [[&$\noexpand\sage{theorem2_bounds[]] .. i .. "]}$"
	Thm \ref{thm:rmax_with_eps1}
\directlua{for i=0,table_width-1 do
	local cell = [[&$\noexpand\sage{theorem3_bounds[]] .. i .. "]}$"

It's worth noting that the bounds given by Theorem \ref{thm:rmax_with_eps1}
reach, but do not exceed the actual maximum rank 25 of the
pseudo-semistabilisers of $v$ in this case.
As a reminder, the original loose bound from Theorem \ref{thm:loose-bound-on-r}
was 144.


\begin{example}[extravagant example: $v=(29, 13\ell, -3/2)$ on $\PP^2$]
Just like in examples \ref{exmpl:extravagant-first} and
take $\ell=c_1(\mathcal{O}(1))$ as the standard polarization on $\PP^2$, so that
$\beta=\sage{extravagant.betaminus}$, giving $n=\sage{n:=extravagant.n}$
and $\chern_1^{\sage{extravagant.betaminus}}(F) = \sage{extravagant.twisted.ch[1]}$.
This example was chosen because the $n$ value is moderatly large, giving more
possible values for $k_{v,q}$, in dfn/Lemma \ref{lemdfn:epsilon_q}. This allows
for a larger possible difference between the bounds given by Theorems
\ref{thm:rmax_with_uniform_eps} and \ref{thm:rmax_with_eps1}, with the bound
from the second being up to $\sage{n}$ times smaller, for any given $q$ value.
The (non-exclusive) upper bounds for $r\coloneqq\chern_0(u)$ of a tilt semistabiliser $u$ of $v$
in terms of the first few smallest possible values for $q\coloneqq\chern_1^{\beta}(u)$ are as follows:

qs, theorem2_bounds, theorem3_bounds = bound_comparisons(extravagant)

\directlua{ table_width = 12 }
\begin{tabular}{l\directlua{for i=0,table_width do tex.sprint([[|c]]) end}}
\directlua{for i=0,table_width-1 do
	local cell = [[&$\noexpand\sage{qs[]] .. i .. "]}$"
	\\ \hline
	Thm \ref{thm:rmax_with_uniform_eps}
\directlua{for i=0,table_width-1 do
	local cell = [[&$\noexpand\sage{theorem2_bounds[]] .. i .. "]}$"
	Thm \ref{thm:rmax_with_eps1}
\directlua{for i=0,table_width-1 do
	local cell = [[&$\noexpand\sage{theorem3_bounds[]] .. i .. "]}$"

However the reduction in the overall bound on $r$ is not as drastic, since all
possible values for $k_{v,q}$ in $\{1,2,\ldots,\sage{n}\}$ are iterated through
cyclically as we consider successive possible values for $q$.
And for each $q$ where $k_{v,q}=1$, both Theorems give the same bound.
Calculating the maximums over all values of $q$ yields
$\sage{max(theorem2_bounds)}$ for Theorem \ref{thm:rmax_with_uniform_eps}, and
$\sage{max(theorem3_bounds)}$ for Theorem \ref{thm:rmax_with_eps1}.