%% Write basic article template \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{color} \newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\chern}{\operatorname{ch}} \newcommand{\firsttilt}[1]{\mathcal{B}^{#1}} \newcommand{\bddderived}{\mathcal{D}^{b}} \begin{document} \title{Explicit Formulae for Bounds on the Ranks of Tilt Destabilizers and Practical Methods for Finding Pseudowalls} \author{Luke Naylor} \maketitle \section{Introduction} There are theoretical results [ref] that show that for any $\beta_0 \in \QQ$, the vertical line $\{\sigma_{\alpha,\beta_0} \colon \alpha \in \QQ_{>0}\}$ only intersects finitely many walls. A consequence of this is that if $\beta_{-} \in \QQ$, then there can only be finitely many circular walls to the left of the vertical wall $\beta = \mu$. On the other hand, when $\beta_{-} \not\in \QQ$, [ref] showed that there are infinitely many walls. This dichotomy does not only hold for real walls, realised by actual objects in $\bddderived(X)$, but also for pseudowalls. Here pseudowalls are defined as `potential' walls, induced by hypothetical Chern characters of destabilizers which satisfy certain numerical conditions which would be satisfied by any real destabilizer, regardless of whether they are realised by actual elements of $\bddderived(X)$. Since real walls are a subset of pseudowalls, the $\beta_{-} \not\in \QQ$ case follows immediately from the corresponding case for real walls. However, the $\beta_{-} \in \QQ$ case involves showing that the following conditions only admit finitely many solutions (despite the fact that the same conditions admit infinitely many solutions when $\beta_{-} \not\in \QQ$). For a destabilizing sequence $E \hookrightarrow F \twoheadrightarrow G$ in $\mathcal{B}^\beta$ we have the following conditions. There are some Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequalities: $0 \leq \Delta(E), \Delta(G)$ and $\Delta(E) + \Delta(G) \leq \Delta(F)$. We also have a condition relating to the tilt category $\firsttilt\beta$: $0 \leq \chern^\beta_1(E) \leq \chern^\beta_1(F)$. Finally, there's a condition ensuring that the radius of the circular wall is strictly positive: $\chern^\beta_2(E) > 0$. \section{Section 1} \section{Section 2} \section{Section 3} \section{Conclusion} \end{document}