From a38fe470a8aaa1ed9922e95e76e77c74f4a50b69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Saturnino Luz <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2017 10:37:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed conditional dependency on igraph package

 DESCRIPTION                  |  2 +-
 R/markov.R                   | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/vocalgraphs.R              |  3 +-
 man/identifyVocalisations.Rd |  6 ++--
 man/igraph.vocaldia.Rd       |  4 ++-
 man/plot.vocaldia.Rd         |  9 ++---
 man/toDotNotation.Rd         |  5 +--
 man/write.vocaldia.Rd        |  7 ++--
 8 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

index 9ad4bda..3df33c3 100644
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ LazyData: true
 Package: vocaldia
 Type: Package
 Title: Create and Manipulate Vocalisation Diagrams
-Version: 0.8.1
+Version: 0.8.2
 Date: 2017-04-03
 Authors@R: person("Saturnino", "Luz", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"))
 Description: Create adjacency matrices of vocalisation graphs from
diff --git a/R/markov.R b/R/markov.R
index 7dc0e60..9948dc8 100644
--- a/R/markov.R
+++ b/R/markov.R
@@ -317,12 +317,12 @@ identifyPauses <- function(vocvector){
 ##' E.g (speakers A, B, C):
 ##' \preformatted{
 ##'        ^      ^    ^    ^        ^                  ^
 ##'        |      |    |    |        |                  |
-##'        |      |    |    ---------------- Non-SwitchingVocalisation's
+##'        |      |    |    ----------- Non-SwitchingVocalisation
 ##'        |      |    |
-##'        ---------------------> SwitchingVocalisation's
+##'        ---------------------> SwitchingVocalisation
 ##' }
 ##' @title identifyVocalisations: replace appropriate vocalisation
@@ -417,23 +417,21 @@ getEntropy <- function (distribution){
 ##' Plot a vocalisation diagram
 ##' @title plot.vocaldia
 ##' @param x a vocalisation diagram
-##' @param package the package to be used for ploting (igraph
-##'     (default) or Rgraphviz)
 ##' @param ... arguments for the layout algorithm
 ##' @return \code{NULL}
 ##' @examples
 ##' data(vocdia)
-##' require('igraph')
-##' plot(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia, id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
+##' if (require('igraph'))
+##'  plot(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia, id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
 ##'                           individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'))
 ##' @export
-plot.vocaldia <- function(x, ..., package='igraph'){
-    vd <- x
-    if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)){
-    ##        require('igraph')
-    g <- igraph.vocaldia(vd)
-    plot(g, layout=igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold(g), ...)
-    return(g)
+plot.vocaldia <- function(x, ...){
+    x
+    if (requireNamespace('igraph', quietly = TRUE)){
+        ##        require('igraph')
+        g <- igraph.vocaldia(x)
+        plot(g, layout=igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold(g), ...)
+        return(g)
     ##if (requireNamespace("Rgraphviz", quietly = TRUE)){
     ##    cat('Rgraphviz support under construction. PLease use igraph instead')
@@ -449,7 +447,7 @@ plot.vocaldia <- function(x, ..., package='igraph'){
     ##     plot(g, edgeAttrs=ea, attrs=at, ...)
     ##     return(g)
-    warning(paste('Package ',package, ' not supported. Try igraph.')) 
+    warning(paste('Package igraph not installed. Try installing igraph or "require(igraph)" if installed.')) 
@@ -462,16 +460,22 @@ plot.vocaldia <- function(x, ..., package='igraph'){
 ##' @return an igraph
 ##' @examples
 ##' data(vocdia)
-##' igraph.vocaldia(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia, id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
+##' if (require('igraph'))
+##'     igraph.vocaldia(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia,
+##'                                           id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
 ##'                   individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'))
 ##' @export
 igraph.vocaldia <- function(vd, ...){
-    g <- igraph::graph.adjacency(vd$ttarray, weighted=T)
-    igraph::V(g)$label <- names(vd$ttarray[1,])
-    igraph::E(g)$label <- round(igraph::E(g)$weight,digits=3)
-    igraph::V(g)$size <- 25*exp(vd$tdarray)
-    g$layout <- igraph::layout.kamada.kawai(g)
-    g
+    if (requireNamespace('igraph', quietly = TRUE)){
+        g <- igraph::graph.adjacency(vd$ttarray, weighted=T)
+        igraph::V(g)$label <- names(vd$ttarray[1,])
+        igraph::E(g)$label <- round(igraph::E(g)$weight,digits=3)
+        igraph::V(g)$size <- 25*exp(vd$tdarray)
+        g$layout <- igraph::layout.kamada.kawai(g)
+        return(g)
+    }
+    else
+        warning(paste('Package igraph not supported. Try installing igraph or "require(igraph)" if installed.')) 
 ## ##' Create a graphNEL vocalisation diagram
@@ -501,9 +505,10 @@ igraph.vocaldia <- function(vd, ...){
 ##' @return \code{NULL}
 ##' @examples
 ##' data(vocdia)
-##' write.vocaldia(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia, id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
-##'                             individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'),
-##'                             file=tempfile(pattern='vocaldia-', fileext='.dot') )
+##' write.vocaldia(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia,
+##'                                             id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
+##'                        individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'),
+##'                        file=tempfile(pattern='vocaldia-', fileext='.dot'))
 ##' @export
 write.vocaldia <- function(vd,  file="", ...){
     o <- toDotNotation(vd,  ...)
@@ -528,12 +533,15 @@ write.vocaldia <- function(vd,  file="", ...){
 ##' @return character data containing the diagram in dot format.
 ##' @examples
 ##' data(vocdia)
-##' toDotNotation(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia, id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
-##'                                     individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'))
+##' toDotNotation(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia,
+##'                                            id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
+##'                              individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'))
 ##' @seealso graphviz manual
 ##' @export
-toDotNotation <- function(vd, individual=T, varsizenode=T, shape='circle',
-                          fontsize=16, rankdir='LR', nodeattribs='fixedsize=true;',
+toDotNotation <- function(vd, individual=T, varsizenode=T,
+                          shape='circle',
+                          fontsize=16, rankdir='LR',
+                          nodeattribs='fixedsize=true;',
   head <- paste("## diagram generated by vocalgraphs.r\n## ", comment,
diff --git a/R/vocalgraphs.R b/R/vocalgraphs.R
index a8f294a..3e7a633 100644
--- a/R/vocalgraphs.R
+++ b/R/vocalgraphs.R
@@ -421,7 +421,8 @@ getTurnTakingProbMatrix <- function(df, individual=FALSE, ...)
 ##' getTurnTakingMatrix(x)
 ##' getTurnTakingMatrix(x, individual=TRUE)
 ##' @export
-getTurnTakingMatrix <- function(df, begin='begin', end='end', nodecolumn='role', 
+getTurnTakingMatrix <- function(df, begin='begin', end='end',
+                                nodecolumn='role', 
                                 individual=FALSE, noPauseTypes=FALSE)
     ##df <- subset(df, df$id %in% ids)
diff --git a/man/identifyVocalisations.Rd b/man/identifyVocalisations.Rd
index 87e3038..e60a836 100644
--- a/man/identifyVocalisations.Rd
+++ b/man/identifyVocalisations.Rd
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ speaker (as opposed to speaker to Grp or speaker to Pause).
 E.g (speakers A, B, C):
        ^      ^    ^    ^        ^                  ^
        |      |    |    |        |                  |
-       |      |    |    ---------------- Non-SwitchingVocalisation's
+       |      |    |    ----------- Non-SwitchingVocalisation
        |      |    |
-       ---------------------> SwitchingVocalisation's
+       ---------------------> SwitchingVocalisation
diff --git a/man/igraph.vocaldia.Rd b/man/igraph.vocaldia.Rd
index 0f31590..e0e0af1 100644
--- a/man/igraph.vocaldia.Rd
+++ b/man/igraph.vocaldia.Rd
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Create a vocalisation diagram
-igraph.vocaldia(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia, id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
+if (require('igraph'))
+    igraph.vocaldia(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia,
+                                          id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
                   individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'))
diff --git a/man/plot.vocaldia.Rd b/man/plot.vocaldia.Rd
index ad47186..d3b7ba0 100644
--- a/man/plot.vocaldia.Rd
+++ b/man/plot.vocaldia.Rd
@@ -4,15 +4,12 @@
-\method{plot}{vocaldia}(x, ..., package = "igraph")
+\method{plot}{vocaldia}(x, ...)
 \item{x}{a vocalisation diagram}
 \item{...}{arguments for the layout algorithm}
-\item{package}{the package to be used for ploting (igraph
-(default) or Rgraphviz)}
@@ -25,7 +22,7 @@ Plot a vocalisation diagram
-plot(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia, id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
+if (require('igraph'))
+ plot(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia, id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
                           individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'))
diff --git a/man/toDotNotation.Rd b/man/toDotNotation.Rd
index c21731e..f44d87c 100644
--- a/man/toDotNotation.Rd
+++ b/man/toDotNotation.Rd
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ Create a vocalisation diagram in dot notation
-toDotNotation(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia, id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
-                                    individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'))
+                                           id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
+                             individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'))
 graphviz manual
diff --git a/man/write.vocaldia.Rd b/man/write.vocaldia.Rd
index 4f0c059..f548b6e 100644
--- a/man/write.vocaldia.Rd
+++ b/man/write.vocaldia.Rd
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ Write a vocalisation diagram
-write.vocaldia(getSampledVocalMatrix(subset(atddia, id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
-                            individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'),
-                            file=tempfile(pattern='vocaldia-', fileext='.dot') )
+                                            id=='Abbott_Maddock_01'),
+                       individual=TRUE, nodecolumn='speaker'),
+                       file=tempfile(pattern='vocaldia-', fileext='.dot'))