diff --git a/src/postprocessor/core/lineageprocess.py b/src/postprocessor/core/lineageprocess.py
index e5a0d9b4834ec8f46d6e0d1256c6dcaad2e460fe..296effce76612577ff97c8783a2d615389b7fc31 100644
--- a/src/postprocessor/core/lineageprocess.py
+++ b/src/postprocessor/core/lineageprocess.py
@@ -1 +1,85 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import typing as t
+from abc import abstractmethod
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from agora.abc import ParametersABC
+from postprocessor.core.abc import PostProcessABC
+# from agora.utils.lineage import group_matrix
+class LineageProcessParameters(ParametersABC):
+    """
+    Parameters
+    """
+    _defaults = {}
+class LineageProcess(PostProcessABC):
+    """
+    Lineage process that must be passed a (N,3) lineage matrix (where the coliumns are trap, mother, daughter respectively)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parameters: LineageProcessParameters):
+        super().__init__(parameters)
+    def filter_signal_cells(
+        self, signal: pd.DataFrame, lineage: np.ndarray = None
+    ):
+        """
+        Use casting to filter cell ids in signal and lineage
+        """
+        if lineage is None:
+            lineage = self.lineage
+        sig_ind = np.array(list(signal.index)).T[:, None, :]
+        mo_av = (
+            (lineage[:, :2].T[:, :, None] == sig_ind).all(axis=0).any(axis=1)
+        )
+        da_av = (
+            (lineage[:, [0, 2]].T[:, :, None] == sig_ind)
+            .all(axis=0)
+            .any(axis=1)
+        )
+        return lineage[mo_av & da_av]
+    @abstractmethod
+    def run(
+        self,
+        signal: pd.DataFrame,
+        lineage: np.ndarray,
+        *args,
+    ):
+        pass
+    @classmethod
+    def as_function(
+        cls,
+        data: pd.DataFrame,
+        lineage: t.Union[t.Dict[t.Tuple[int], t.List[int]]],
+        *extra_data,
+        **kwargs,
+    ):
+        """
+        Overrides PostProcess.as_function classmethod.
+        Lineage functions require lineage information to be passed if run as function.
+        """
+        # if isinstance(lineage, np.ndarray):
+        #     lineage = group_matrix(lineage, n_keys=2)
+        parameters = cls.default_parameters(**kwargs)
+        return cls(parameters=parameters).run(
+            data, lineage=lineage, *extra_data
+        )
+        # super().as_function(data, *extra_data, lineage=lineage, **kwargs)
+    def load_lineage(self, lineage):
+        """
+        Reshape the lineage information if needed
+        """
+        self.lineage = lineage
diff --git a/src/postprocessor/core/processes/lineageprocess.py b/src/postprocessor/core/processes/lineageprocess.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 38565e18240b8a2b1d8f6f937e7be7a6ea0beb14..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/postprocessor/core/processes/lineageprocess.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-import typing as t
-from abc import abstractmethod
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-from agora.abc import ParametersABC
-from agora.utils.lineage import group_matrix
-from postprocessor.core.abc import PostProcessABC
-class LineageProcessParameters(ParametersABC):
-    """
-    Parameters
-    """
-    _defaults = {}
-class LineageProcess(PostProcessABC):
-    """
-    Lineage process that must be passed a (N,3) lineage matrix (where the coliumns are trap, mother, daughter respectively)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parameters: LineageProcessParameters):
-        super().__init__(parameters)
-    def filter_signal_cells(self, signal: pd.DataFrame):
-        """
-        Use casting to filter cell ids in signal and lineage
-        """
-        sig_ind = np.array(list(signal.index)).T[:, None, :]
-        mo_av = (
-            (self.lineage[:, :2].T[:, :, None] == sig_ind)
-            .all(axis=0)
-            .any(axis=1)
-        )
-        da_av = (
-            (self.lineage[:, [0, 2]].T[:, :, None] == sig_ind)
-            .all(axis=0)
-            .any(axis=1)
-        )
-        return self.lineage[mo_av & da_av]
-    @abstractmethod
-    def run(
-        self,
-        data: pd.DataFrame,
-        mother_bud_ids: t.Dict[t.Tuple[int], t.Collection[int]],
-        *args,
-    ):
-        pass
-    @classmethod
-    def as_function(
-        cls,
-        data: pd.DataFrame,
-        lineage: t.Union[t.Dict[t.Tuple[int], t.List[int]]],
-        *extra_data,
-        **kwargs,
-    ):
-        """
-        Overrides PostProcess.as_function classmethod.
-        Lineage functions require lineage information to be passed if run as function.
-        """
-        if isinstance(lineage, np.ndarray):
-            lineage = group_matrix(lineage, n_keys=2)
-        parameters = cls.default_parameters(**kwargs)
-        return cls(parameters=parameters).run(
-            data, mother_bud_ids=lineage, *extra_data
-        )
-        # super().as_function(data, *extra_data, lineage=lineage, **kwargs)
diff --git a/src/postprocessor/core/multisignal/aggregate.py b/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/aggregate.py
similarity index 100%
rename from src/postprocessor/core/multisignal/aggregate.py
rename to src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/aggregate.py
diff --git a/src/postprocessor/core/processes/bud_metric.py b/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/bud_metric.py
similarity index 92%
rename from src/postprocessor/core/processes/bud_metric.py
rename to src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/bud_metric.py
index f4d42ab275e8075b82db31a55a502fb9ee7ceefb..be4a978c1c70aafa84c5157de49d447a6c587571 100644
--- a/src/postprocessor/core/processes/bud_metric.py
+++ b/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/bud_metric.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
 from agora.utils.lineage import mb_array_to_dict
-from postprocessor.core.processes.lineageprocess import (
+from postprocessor.core.lineageprocess import (
@@ -74,10 +74,3 @@ class bud_metric(LineageProcess):
         df = pd.DataFrame(mothers_mat, index=md.keys(), columns=signal.columns)
         df.index.names = signal.index.names
         return df
-    def load_lineage(self, lineage):
-        """
-        Reshape the lineage information if needed
-        """
-        self.lineage = lineage
diff --git a/src/postprocessor/core/processes/buddings.py b/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/buddings.py
similarity index 97%
rename from src/postprocessor/core/processes/buddings.py
rename to src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/buddings.py
index 839f0fdc0c2e04863ae33ac8b522120ac9256023..0b01dad70c5eab067f26b430e5451fdf70bcb4e2 100644
--- a/src/postprocessor/core/processes/buddings.py
+++ b/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/buddings.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from itertools import product
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
-from postprocessor.core.processes.lineageprocess import (
+from postprocessor.core.lineageprocess import (
diff --git a/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/picker.py b/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/picker.py
index cf06dd3643c415e1a16e5cb59fee36a6d2f25f91..2fc1ece75e5d078dbe05a309bf3a8e30aed06f07 100644
--- a/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/picker.py
+++ b/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/picker.py
@@ -198,175 +198,9 @@ class picker(PostProcessABC):
             "nonstoply_present": lambda s, thresh: s.apply(thresh, axis=1)
             > thresh,
             "growing": lambda s, thresh: s.diff(axis=1).sum(axis=1) > thresh,
-            "mb_guess": lambda s, p1, p2: self.mb_guess_wrap(s, p1, p2)
-            # "quantile": [np.quantile(signals.values[signals.notna()], threshold)],
         return set(signals.index[case_mgr[condition](signals, *threshold)])
-    def mb_guess(self, df, ba, trap, min_budgrowth_t, min_mobud_ratio):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        signals : pd.DataFrame
-        ba : list of cell_labels that come from bud assignment
-        trap : Trap id (used to fetch raw bud)
-        min_budgrowth_t: Minimal number of timepoints we lock reassignment after assigning bud
-        min_initial_size: Minimal mother-bud ratio when it was first identified
-        add_ba: Bool that incorporates bud_assignment data after the normal assignment
-        Thinking this problem  as the Movie Scheduling problem (Skiena's the algorithm design manual chapter 1.2),
-        we will try to pick the set of filtered cells that grow the fastest and don't overlap within 5 time points
-        TODO adjust overlap to minutes using metadata
-        """
-        # if trap == 21: # Use this to check specific trap problems through a debugger
-        #     print("stop")
-        ntps = df.notna().sum(axis=1)
-        mother_id = df.index[ntps.argmax()]
-        nomother = df.drop(mother_id)
-        if not len(nomother):
-            return []
-        nomother = nomother.loc[  # Clean short-lived cells outside our mother cell's timepoints
-            nomother.apply(
-                lambda x: x.first_valid_index()
-                >= df.loc[mother_id].first_valid_index()
-                and x.first_valid_index()
-                <= df.loc[mother_id].last_valid_index(),
-                axis=1,
-            )
-        ]
-        score = -nomother.apply(  # Get slope of candidate daughters
-            lambda x: self.get_slope(x.dropna()), axis=1
-        )
-        start = nomother.apply(pd.Series.first_valid_index, axis=1)
-        # clean duplicates
-        duplicates = start.duplicated(False)
-        if duplicates.any():
-            score = self.get_nodup_idx(start, score, duplicates, nomother)
-            nomother = nomother.loc[score.index]
-            nomother.index = nomother.index.astype("int")
-            start = start.loc[score.index]
-            start.index = start.index.astype(int)
-        d_to_mother = (
-            nomother[start] - df.loc[mother_id, start] * min_mobud_ratio
-        ).sort_index(axis=1)
-        size_filter = d_to_mother[
-            d_to_mother.apply(lambda x: x.dropna().iloc[0], axis=1) < 0
-        ]
-        cols_sorted = (
-            size_filter.sort_index(axis=1)
-            .apply(pd.Series.first_valid_index, axis=1)
-            .sort_values()
-        )
-        score = score.loc[cols_sorted.index]
-        if not len(cols_sorted):
-            bud_candidates = pd.DataFrame()
-        else:
-            # Find the set with the highest number of growing cells and highest avg growth rate for this #
-            mivs = self.max_ind_vertex_sets(
-                cols_sorted.values, min_budgrowth_t
-            )
-            best_set = list(
-                mivs[np.argmin([sum(score.iloc[list(s)]) for s in mivs])]
-            )
-            best_indices = cols_sorted.index[best_set]
-            start = start.loc[best_indices]
-            bud_candidates = cols_sorted.loc[best_indices]
-            # bud_candidates = cols_sorted.loc[
-            #     [True, *(np.diff(cols_sorted.values) > min_budgrowth_t)]
-            # ]
-        # Add random-forest bud assignment information here
-        new_ba_cells = []
-        if (
-            ba
-        ):  # Use the mother-daughter rf information to prioritise tracks over others
-            # TODO add merge application to indices and see if that recovers more cells
-            ba = set(ba).intersection(nomother.index)
-            ba_df = nomother.loc[ba, :]
-            start_ba = ba_df.apply(pd.Series.first_valid_index, axis=1)
-            new_ba_cells = list(set(start_ba.index).difference(start.index))
-            distances = np.subtract.outer(
-                start.values, start_ba.loc[new_ba_cells].values
-            )
-            todrop, _ = np.where(abs(distances) < min_budgrowth_t)
-            bud_candidates = bud_candidates.drop(bud_candidates.index[todrop])
-        return [mother_id] + bud_candidates.index.tolist() + new_ba_cells
-    @staticmethod
-    def max_ind_vertex_sets(values, min_distance):
-        """
-        Generates an adjacency matrix from multiple points, joining neighbours closer than min_distance
-        Then returns the maximal independent vertex sets
-        values: list of int values
-        min_distance: int minimal distance to cluster
-        """
-        adj = np.zeros((len(values), len(values))).astype(bool)
-        dist = abs(np.subtract.outer(values, values))
-        adj[dist <= min_distance] = True
-        g = ig.Graph.Adjacency(adj, mode="undirected")
-        miv_sets = g.maximal_independent_vertex_sets()
-        return miv_sets
-    def get_nodup_idx(self, start, score, duplicates, nomother):
-        """
-        Return the start DataFrame without duplicates
-        :start: pd.Series indicating the first valid time point
-        :score: pd.Series containing a score to minimise
-        :duplicates: Dataframe containing duplicated entries
-        :nomother: Dataframe with non-mother cells
-        """
-        dup_tps = np.unique(start[duplicates])
-        idx, tps = zip(
-            *[
-                (score.loc[nomother.loc[start == tp, tp].index].idxmin(), tp)
-                for tp in dup_tps
-            ]
-        )
-        score = score[~duplicates]
-        score = pd.concat(
-            (score, pd.Series(tps, index=idx, dtype="int", name="cell_label"))
-        )
-        return score
-    def mb_guess_wrap(self, signals, *args):
-        if not len(signals):
-            return pd.Series([])
-        ids = []
-        mothers, buds = self.get_mothers_daughters()
-        mothers = np.array(mothers)
-        buds = np.array(buds)
-        ba = []
-        # if buds.any():
-        #     ba_bytrap = {
-        #         i: np.where(buds[:, 0] == i) for i in range(buds[:, 0].max() + 1)
-        #     }
-        for trap in signals.index.unique(level="trap"):
-            # ba = list(
-            #     set(mothers[ba_bytrap[trap], 1][0].tolist()).union(
-            #         buds[ba_bytrap[trap], 1][0].tolist()
-            #     )
-            # )
-            df = signals.loc[trap]
-            selected_ids = self.mb_guess(df, ba, trap, *args)
-            ids += [(trap, i) for i in selected_ids]
-        idx_srs = pd.Series(False, signals.index).astype(bool)
-        idx_srs.loc[ids] = True
-        return idx_srs
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_slope(x):
-        return np.polyfit(range(len(x)), x, 1)[0]
 def _as_int(threshold: Union[float, int], ntps: int):
     if type(threshold) is float: