diff --git a/src/agora/io/decorators.py b/src/agora/io/decorators.py
index f0eea7e0e363e8a9d7075b6b3a6e236e08fccf31..f4d8d023cae59c45c736142c63b66ef8672441c8 100644
--- a/src/agora/io/decorators.py
+++ b/src/agora/io/decorators.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env jupyter
-Convenience decorators that extend commonly-used methods or functions.
+Convenience decorators to extend commonly-used methods or functions.
 import typing as t
 from functools import wraps
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ from functools import wraps
 def _first_arg_str_to_df(
     fn: t.Callable,
-    """Ensures Signal-like classes convert strings to datasets when calling them"""
+    """Enable Signal-like classes to convert strings to data sets."""
     def format_input(*args, **kwargs):
         cls = args[0]
         data = args[1]
         if isinstance(data, str):
+            # get data from h5 file
             data = cls.get_raw(data)
+        # replace path in the undecorated function with data
         return fn(cls, data, *args[2:], **kwargs)
     return format_input
diff --git a/src/agora/io/signal.py b/src/agora/io/signal.py
index 0210ef3427552c8d7fa62a9f366976459d112e51..dc951d87565acdadc2bcd58dda964897993009d5 100644
--- a/src/agora/io/signal.py
+++ b/src/agora/io/signal.py
@@ -10,23 +10,21 @@ import pandas as pd
 from agora.io.bridge import BridgeH5
 from agora.io.decorators import _first_arg_str_to_df
-from agora.utils.merge import apply_merges
 from agora.utils.association import validate_association
 from agora.utils.kymograph import add_index_levels
+from agora.utils.merge import apply_merges
 class Signal(BridgeH5):
-    Class that fetches data from the hdf5 storage for post-processing
+    Fetch data from h5 files for post-processing.
-    Signal is works under the assumption that metadata and data are
-    accessible, to perform time-adjustments and apply previously-recorded
-    postprocesses.
+    Signal assumes that the metadata and data are accessible to perform time-adjustments and apply previously recorded post-processes.
     def __init__(self, file: t.Union[str, PosixPath]):
+        """Define index_names for dataframes, candidate fluorescence channels, and composite statistics."""
         super().__init__(file, flag=None)
         self.index_names = (
@@ -34,7 +32,6 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
         self.candidate_channels = (
@@ -45,40 +42,44 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
+        # Alan: why  "equivalences"? this variable is unused.
         equivalences = {
             "m5m": ("extraction/GFP/max/max5px", "extraction/GFP/max/median")
     def __getitem__(self, dsets: t.Union[str, t.Collection]):
-        if isinstance(
-            dsets, str
-        ):  # or  isinstance(Dsets,dsets.endswith("imBackground"):
+        """Get and potentially pre-process data from h5 file and return as a dataframe."""
+        if isinstance(dsets, str):
+            # no pre-processing
             df = self.get_raw(dsets)
-        # elif isinstance(dsets, str):
-        #     df = self.apply_prepost(dsets)
+            return self.add_name(df, dsets)
         elif isinstance(dsets, list):
+            # pre-processing
             is_bgd = [dset.endswith("imBackground") for dset in dsets]
+            # Alan: what does this error message mean?
             assert sum(is_bgd) == 0 or sum(is_bgd) == len(
-            ), "Trap data and cell data can't be mixed"
+            ), "Tile data and cell data can't be mixed"
             return [
                 self.add_name(self.apply_prepost(dset), dset) for dset in dsets
             raise Exception(f"Invalid type {type(dsets)} to get datasets")
-        # return self.cols_in_mins(self.add_name(df, dsets))
-        return self.add_name(df, dsets)
     def add_name(df, name):
+        """Add column of identical strings to a dataframe."""
         df.name = name
         return df
+    # def cols_in_mins_old(self, df: pd.DataFrame):
+    #     """Convert numerical columns in a dataframe to minutes."""
+    #     try:
+    #         df.columns = (df.columns * self.tinterval // 60).astype(int)
+    #     except Exception as e:
+    #         print(f"Warning:Signal: Unable to convert columns to minutes: {e}")
+    #     return df
     def cols_in_mins(self, df: pd.DataFrame):
         # Convert numerical columns in a dataframe to minutes
@@ -89,57 +90,68 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
     def ntimepoints(self):
+        """Find the number of time points for one position, or one h5 file."""
         with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
             return f["extraction/general/None/area/timepoint"][-1] + 1
     def tinterval(self) -> int:
+        """Find the interval between time points (minutes)."""
         tinterval_location = "time_settings/timeinterval"
         with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
-            return f.attrs[tinterval_location][0]
+            if tinterval_location in f:
+                return f.attrs[tinterval_location][0]
+            else:
+                print(
+                    f"{str(self.filename).split('/')[-1]}: using default time interval of 5 minutes"
+                )
+                return 5
     def get_retained(df, cutoff):
+        """Return a fraction of the df, one without later time points."""
         return df.loc[bn.nansum(df.notna(), axis=1) > df.shape[1] * cutoff]
-    def channels(self):
+    def channels(self) -> t.Collection[str]:
+        """Get channels as an array of strings."""
         with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
-            return f.attrs["channels"]
+            return list(f.attrs["channels"])
     def retained(self, signal, cutoff=0.8):
+        """
+        Load data (via decorator) and reduce the resulting dataframe.
-        df = signal
-        # df = self[signal]
-        if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
-            return self.get_retained(df, cutoff)
-        elif isinstance(df, list):
-            return [self.get_retained(d, cutoff=cutoff) for d in df]
+        Load data for a signal or a list of signals and reduce the resulting
+        dataframes to a fraction of their original size, losing late time
+        points.
+        """
+        if isinstance(signal, pd.DataFrame):
+            return self.get_retained(signal, cutoff)
+        elif isinstance(signal, list):
+            return [self.get_retained(d, cutoff=cutoff) for d in signal]
     def lineage(
         self, lineage_location: t.Optional[str] = None, merged: bool = False
     ) -> np.ndarray:
-        Return lineage data from a given location as a matrix where
-        the first column is the trap id,
-        the second column is the mother label and
-        the third column is the daughter label.
+        Get lineage data from a given location in the h5 file.
+        Returns an array with three columns: the tile id, the mother label, and the daughter label.
         if lineage_location is None:
             lineage_location = "postprocessing/lineage"
             if merged:
                 lineage_location += "_merged"
         with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
-            trap_mo_da = f[lineage_location]
+            tile_mo_da = f[lineage_location]
             lineage = np.array(
-                    trap_mo_da["trap"],
-                    trap_mo_da["mother_label"],
-                    trap_mo_da["daughter_label"],
+                    tile_mo_da["trap"],
+                    tile_mo_da["mother_label"],
+                    tile_mo_da["daughter_label"],
         return lineage
@@ -151,22 +163,20 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
         merges: t.Union[np.ndarray, bool] = True,
         picks: t.Union[t.Collection, bool] = True,
-        """Apply modifier operations (picker, merger) to a given dataframe.
+        """
+        Apply modifier operations (picker or merger) to a dataframe.
         data : t.Union[str, pd.DataFrame]
-            DataFrame or url to one.
+            DataFrame or path to one.
         merges : t.Union[np.ndarray, bool]
-            (optional) 2-D array with three columns and variable length. The
-            first column is the trap id, second is mother label and third one is
-            daughter id.
-            If it is True it fetches merges from file, if false it skips merging step.
+            (optional) 2-D array with three columns: the tile id, the mother label, and the daughter id.
+            If True, fetch merges from file.
         picks : t.Union[np.ndarray, bool]
-            (optional) 2-D ndarray where first column is traps and second column
-            is cell labels.
-            If it is True it fetches picks from file, if false it skips picking step.
+            (optional) 2-D array with two columns: the tiles and
+            the cell labels.
+            If True, fetch picks from file.
@@ -175,31 +185,24 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
         if isinstance(merges, bool):
             merges: np.ndarray = self.get_merges() if merges else np.array([])
-        merged = copy(data)
         if merges.any():
             merged = apply_merges(data, merges)
+        else:
+            merged = copy(data)
         if isinstance(picks, bool):
             picks = (
                 if picks
                 else set(merged.index)
         with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
             if "modifiers/picks" in f and picks:
-                # missing_cells = [i for i in picks if tuple(i) not in
-                # set(merged.index)]
                 if picks:
                     return merged.loc[
                             [tuple(x) for x in merged.index]
                     if isinstance(merged.index, pd.MultiIndex):
                         empty_lvls = [[] for i in merged.index.names]
@@ -213,59 +216,75 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
                     merged = pd.DataFrame([], index=index)
         return merged
+    # Alan: do we need two similar properties - see below?
     def datasets(self):
+        """Print data sets available in h5 file."""
         if not hasattr(self, "_available"):
             self._available = []
             with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
-                f.visititems(self.store_signal_url)
+                f.visititems(self.store_signal_path)
         for sig in self._available:
     def p_available(self):
-        """Print signal list"""
+        """Print data sets available in h5 file."""
     def available(self):
-        """Return list of available signals"""
+        """Get data sets available in h5 file."""
             if not hasattr(self, "_available"):
                 self._available = []
             with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
-                f.visititems(self.store_signal_url)
+                f.visititems(self.store_signal_path)
         except Exception as e:
             self._log("Exception when visiting h5: {}".format(e), "exception")
         return self._available
     def get_merged(self, dataset):
+        """Run preprocessing for merges."""
         return self.apply_prepost(dataset, picks=False)
-    def merges(self):
+    def merges(self) -> np.ndarray:
+        """Get merges."""
         with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
             dsets = f.visititems(self._if_merges)
         return dsets
     def n_merges(self):
+        """Get number of merges."""
         return len(self.merges)
-    def picks(self):
+    def picks(self) -> np.ndarray:
+        """Get picks."""
         with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
             dsets = f.visititems(self._if_picks)
         return dsets
     def get_raw(
-        self, dataset: str, in_minutes: bool = True, lineage: bool = False
-    ):
+        self,
+        dataset: str,
+        in_minutes: bool = True,
+        lineage: bool = False,
+    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        """
+        Load data from a h5 file and return as a dataframe.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        dataset: str or list of strs
+            The name of the h5 file or a list of h5 file names
+        in_minutes: boolean
+            If True,
+        lineage: boolean
+        """
             if isinstance(dataset, str):
                 with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
@@ -273,9 +292,10 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
                     if in_minutes:
                         df = self.cols_in_mins(df)
             elif isinstance(dataset, list):
+                # Alan: no mother_labels in this case?
                 return [self.get_raw(dset) for dset in dataset]
-            if lineage:  # This assumes that df is sorted
+            if lineage:
+                # assumes that df is sorted
                 mother_label = np.zeros(len(df), dtype=int)
                 lineage = self.lineage()
                 a, b = validate_association(
@@ -285,20 +305,17 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
                 mother_label[b] = lineage[a, 1]
                 df = add_index_levels(df, {"mother_label": mother_label})
             return df
         except Exception as e:
             self._log(f"Could not fetch dataset {dataset}", "error")
             raise e
     def get_merges(self):
-        # fetch merge events going up to the first level
+        """Get merge events going up to the first level."""
         with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
             merges = f.get("modifiers/merges", np.array([]))
             if not isinstance(merges, np.ndarray):
                 merges = merges[()]
         return merges
     def get_picks(
@@ -306,58 +323,42 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
         names: t.Tuple[str, ...] = ("trap", "cell_label"),
         path: str = "modifiers/picks/",
     ) -> t.Set[t.Tuple[int, str]]:
-        """
-        Return the relevant picks based on names
-        """
+        """Get the relevant picks based on names."""
         with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
             picks = set()
             if path in f:
                 picks = set(zip(*[f[path + name] for name in names]))
             return picks
     def dataset_to_df(self, f: h5py.File, path: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
-        """
-        Fetch DataFrame from results storage file.
-        """
+        """Get data from h5 file as a dataframe."""
         assert path in f, f"{path} not in {f}"
         dset = f[path]
-        values, index, columns = ([], [], [])
+        values, index, columns = [], [], []
         index_names = copy(self.index_names)
         valid_names = [lbl for lbl in index_names if lbl in dset.keys()]
         if valid_names:
             index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
                 [dset[lbl] for lbl in valid_names], names=valid_names
-            columns = dset.attrs.get("columns", None)  # dset.attrs["columns"]
+            columns = dset.attrs.get("columns", None)
             if "timepoint" in dset:
                 columns = f[path + "/timepoint"][()]
             values = f[path + "/values"][()]
-        return pd.DataFrame(
-            values,
-            index=index,
-            columns=columns,
-        )
+        df = pd.DataFrame(values, index=index, columns=columns)
+        return df
     def stem(self):
+        """Get name of h5 file."""
         return self.filename.stem
-    def store_signal_url(
-        self, fullname: str, node: t.Union[h5py.Dataset, h5py.Group]
+    def store_signal_path(
+        self,
+        fullname: str,
+        node: t.Union[h5py.Dataset, h5py.Group],
-        """
-        Store the name of a signal it is a leaf node (a group with no more groups inside)
-        and starts with extraction
-        """
+        """Store the name of a signal if it is a leaf node (a group with no more groups inside) and if it starts with extraction."""
         if isinstance(node, h5py.Group) and np.all(
             [isinstance(x, h5py.Dataset) for x in node.values()]
@@ -383,19 +384,15 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
     # TODO FUTURE add stages support to fluigent system
     def ntps(self) -> int:
-        # Return number of time-points according to the metadata
+        """Get number of time points from the metadata."""
         return self.meta_h5["time_settings/ntimepoints"][0]
     def stages(self) -> t.List[str]:
-        """
-        Return the contents of the pump with highest flow rate
-        at each stage.
-        """
+        """Get the contents of the pump with highest flow rate at each stage."""
         flowrate_name = "pumpinit/flowrate"
         pumprate_name = "pumprate"
         switchtimes_name = "switchtimes"
         main_pump_id = np.concatenate(
@@ -418,7 +415,6 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
     def switch_times(self) -> t.List[int]:
         switchtimes_name = "switchtimes"
         switches_minutes = self.meta_h5[switchtimes_name]
         return [
             for t_min in switches_minutes
@@ -427,7 +423,7 @@ class Signal(BridgeH5):
     def stages_span(self) -> t.Tuple[t.Tuple[str, int], ...]:
-        # Return consecutive stages and their corresponding number of time-points
+        """Get consecutive stages and their corresponding number of time points."""
         transition_tps = (0, *self.switch_times, self.max_span)
         spans = [
             end - start
diff --git a/src/agora/utils/kymograph.py b/src/agora/utils/kymograph.py
index e6af6f647f5c2575b9b235086c0b78b11417f324..71411e1dab85442fd986dd9c925a11f50785e3c2 100644
--- a/src/agora/utils/kymograph.py
+++ b/src/agora/utils/kymograph.py
@@ -23,23 +23,21 @@ def add_index_levels(
 def drop_level(
-    df: pd.DataFrame, name: str = "mother_label", as_list: bool = True
+    df: pd.DataFrame,
+    name: str = "mother_label",
+    as_list: bool = True,
 ) -> t.Union[t.List[index_row], pd.Index]:
-    """Drop index level
+    """
+    Drop index level.
     df : pd.DataFrame
-        dataframe whose multiindex we will drop
+        Dataframe whose multiindex we will drop
     name : str
-        name of index level to drop
+        Mame of index level to drop
     as_list : bool
         Whether to return as a list instead of an index
-    Examples
-    --------
-    FIXME: Add docs.
     short_index = df.index.droplevel(name)
     if as_list:
@@ -50,22 +48,17 @@ def drop_level(
 def intersection_matrix(
     index1: pd.MultiIndex, index2: pd.MultiIndex
 ) -> np.ndarray:
-    """
-    Use casting to obtain the boolean mask of the intersection of two multiindices
-    """
+    """Use casting to obtain the boolean mask of the intersection of two multi-indices."""
     indices = [index1, index2]
     for i in range(2):
         if hasattr(indices[i], "to_list"):
             indices[i]: t.List = indices[i].to_list()
         indices[i]: np.ndarray = np.array(indices[i])
     return (indices[0][..., None] == indices[1].T).all(axis=1)
 def get_mother_ilocs_from_daughters(df: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray:
-    """
-    Fetch mother locations in the index of df for all daughters in df.
-    """
+    """Fetch mother locations in the index of df for all daughters in df."""
     daughter_ids = df.index[df.index.get_level_values("mother_label") > 0]
     mother_ilocs = intersection_matrix(
@@ -86,36 +79,41 @@ def get_mothers_from_another_df(whole_df: pd.DataFrame, da_df: pd.DataFrame):
 def bidirectional_retainment_filter(
-    df: pd.DataFrame, mothers_thresh: float = 0.8, daughters_thresh: int = 7
+    df: pd.DataFrame,
+    mothers_thresh: float = 0.8,
+    daughters_thresh: int = 7,
+) -> pd.DataFrame:
     Retrieve families where mothers are present for more than a fraction of the experiment, and daughters for longer than some number of time-points.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    df: pd.DataFrame
+        Data
+    mothers_thresh: float
+        Minimum fraction of experiment's total duration for which mothers must be present.
+    daughters_thresh: int
+        Minimum number of time points for which daughters must be observed
+    # daughters
     all_daughters = df.loc[df.index.get_level_values("mother_label") > 0]
-    # Filter daughters
+    # keep daughters observed sufficiently often
     retained_daughters = all_daughters.loc[
         all_daughters.notna().sum(axis=1) > daughters_thresh
-    # Fectch mother using existing daughters
+    # fetch mother using existing daughters
     mothers = df.loc[get_mothers_from_another_df(df, retained_daughters)]
-    # Get mothers
+    # keep mothers present for at least a fraction of the experiment's duration
     retained_mothers = mothers.loc[
         mothers.notna().sum(axis=1) > mothers.shape[1] * mothers_thresh
-    # Filter-out daughters with no valid mothers
+    # drop daughters with no valid mothers
     final_da_mask = intersection_matrix(
         drop_level(retained_daughters, "cell_label", as_list=False),
         drop_level(retained_mothers, "mother_label", as_list=False),
     final_daughters = retained_daughters.loc[final_da_mask.any(axis=1)]
-    # Join mothers and daughters and sort index
-    #
+    # join mothers and daughters and sort index
     return pd.concat((final_daughters, retained_mothers), axis=0).sort_index()
diff --git a/src/extraction/core/extractor.py b/src/extraction/core/extractor.py
index 36d03cb8c814de84e1fec6cc8a4e667733abf980..eee3185a613eb19af8faa5b88566d76d1f197d53 100644
--- a/src/extraction/core/extractor.py
+++ b/src/extraction/core/extractor.py
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ RED_FUNS = load_redfuns()
 class ExtractorParameters(ParametersABC):
-    Base class to define parameters for extraction
+    Base class to define parameters for extraction.
     def __init__(
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class ExtractorParameters(ParametersABC):
             Nested dictionary indicating channels, reduction functions and
             metrics to be used.
             str channel -> U(function,None) reduction -> str metric
-            If not of depth three, tree will be filled with Nones.
+            If not of depth three, tree will be filled with None.
         sub_bg: set
         multichannel_ops: dict
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class ExtractorParameters(ParametersABC):
     def guess_from_meta(store_name: str, suffix="fast"):
-        Find the microscope used from the h5 metadata
+        Find the microscope used from the h5 metadata.
@@ -90,25 +90,28 @@ class ExtractorParameters(ParametersABC):
 class Extractor(StepABC):
-    The Extractor applies a metric, such as area or median, to cells identified in the image tiles using the cell masks.
+    Apply a metric to cells identified in the tiles.
-    Its methods therefore require both tile images and masks.
+    Using the cell masks, the Extractor applies a metric, such as area or median, to cells identified in the image tiles.
-    Usually one metric is applied to the masked area in a tile, but there are metrics that depend on the whole tile.
+    Its methods require both tile images and masks.
-    Extraction follows a three-level tree structure. Channels, such as GFP, are the root level; the second level is the reduction algorithm, such as maximum projection; the last level is the metric - the specific operation to apply to the cells in the image identified by the mask, such as median, which is the median value of the pixels in each cell.
+    Usually the metric is applied to only a tile's masked area, but some metrics depend on the whole tile.
+    Extraction follows a three-level tree structure. Channels, such as GFP, are the root level; the reduction algorithm, such as maximum projection, is the second level; the specific metric, or operation, to apply to the masks is the third level.
     parameters: core.extractor Parameters
-        Parameters that include with channels, reduction and
-        extraction functions to use.
+        Parameters that include the channels, and reduction and
+        extraction functions.
     store: str
-        Path to hdf5 storage file. Must contain cell outlines.
+        Path to the h5 file, which must contain the cell masks.
     tiler: pipeline-core.core.segmentation tiler
-        Class that contains or fetches the image to be used for segmentation.
+        Class that contains or fetches the images used for segmentation.
+    # Alan: should this data be stored here or all such data in a separate file
     default_meta = {
         "pixel_size": 0.236,
         "z_size": 0.6,
@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ class Extractor(StepABC):
         store: str,
         tiler: Tiler,
-        # initate from tiler
+        """Initiate from a tiler instance."""
         return cls(parameters, store=store, tiler=tiler)
@@ -159,12 +162,12 @@ class Extractor(StepABC):
         store: str,
         img_meta: tuple,
-        # initiate from image
+        """Initiate from images."""
         return cls(parameters, store=store, tiler=Tiler(*img_meta))
     def channels(self):
-        # returns a tuple of strings of the available channels
+        """Get a tuple of the available channels."""
         if not hasattr(self, "_channels"):
             if type(self.params.tree) is dict:
                 self._channels = tuple(self.params.tree.keys())
@@ -225,7 +228,7 @@ class Extractor(StepABC):
         self._all_funs = {**self._custom_funs, **FUNS}
     def load_meta(self):
-        # load metadata from h5 file whose name is given by self.local
+        """Load metadata from h5 file."""
         self.meta = load_attributes(self.local)
     def get_tiles(
@@ -236,8 +239,9 @@ class Extractor(StepABC):
     ) -> t.Optional[np.ndarray]:
-        Finds traps for a given time point and given channels and z-stacks.
-        Returns None if no traps are found.
+        Find tiles for a given time point and given channels and z-stacks.
+        Returns None if no tiles are found.
         Any additional keyword arguments are passed to tiler.get_tiles_timepoint
@@ -377,7 +381,6 @@ class Extractor(StepABC):
                     self.reduce_dims(trap, method=RED_FUNS[red_fun])
                     for trap in traps
         d = {
             red_fun: self.extract_funs(
@@ -394,6 +397,7 @@ class Extractor(StepABC):
     ) -> np.ndarray:
         Collapse a z-stack into 2d array using method.
         If method is None, return the original data.
@@ -418,7 +422,7 @@ class Extractor(StepABC):
     ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Dict[str, t.Dict[str, tuple]]]:
-        Core extraction method for an individual time-point.
+        Extract for an individual time-point.
@@ -561,7 +565,7 @@ class Extractor(StepABC):
     def get_imgs(self, channel: t.Optional[str], traps, channels=None):
-        Returns the image from a correct source, either raw or bgsub
+        Return image from a correct source, either raw or bgsub.
@@ -592,6 +596,8 @@ class Extractor(StepABC):
     ) -> dict:
+        Wrapper to add compatibility with other steps of the pipeline.
         tps: list of int (optional)
@@ -677,7 +683,7 @@ def flatten_nesteddict(
     nest: dict, to="series", tp: int = None
 ) -> t.Dict[str, pd.Series]:
-    Converts a nested extraction dict into a dict of pd.Series
+    Convert a nested extraction dict into a dict of pd.Series.
@@ -706,6 +712,7 @@ def flatten_nesteddict(
 class hollowExtractor(Extractor):
     Extractor that only cares about receiving images and masks.
     Used for testing.
diff --git a/src/postprocessor/chainer.py b/src/postprocessor/chainer.py
index b9c43b0c1f0cedc63bd16296b58a32e25c45aa5f..a5387ccb1138357e54c46fb3e2cf6abadc5b6424 100644
--- a/src/postprocessor/chainer.py
+++ b/src/postprocessor/chainer.py
@@ -16,26 +16,33 @@ from postprocessor.core.lineageprocess import LineageProcessParameters
 class Chainer(Signal):
-    Class that extends signal by applying postprocesess.
+    Extend Signal by applying post-processes and allowing composite signals that combine basic signals.
     Instead of reading processes previously applied, it executes
     them when called.
-    process_types = ("multisignal", "processes", "reshapers")
-    common_chains = {}
+    # these no longer seem to be used
+    #process_types = ("multisignal", "processes", "reshapers")
+    #common_chains = {}
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         for channel in self.candidate_channels:
+            # find first channel in h5 file that corresponds to a candidate_channel
+            # but channel is redefined. why is there a loop over candidate channels?
+            # what about capitals?
                 channel = [
                     ch for ch in self.channels if re.match("channel", ch)
+                # is this still a good idea?
+            # what's this?
+            # composite statistic comprising the quotient of two others
             equivalences = {
                 "m5m": (
@@ -43,24 +50,27 @@ class Chainer(Signal):
-            def replace_url(url: str, bgsub: str = ""):
-                # return pattern with bgsub
-                channel = url.split("/")[1]
+            # function to add bgsub to paths
+            def replace_path(path: str, bgsub: str = ""):
+                channel = path.split("/")[1]
                 if "bgsub" in bgsub:
-                    url = re.sub(channel, f"{channel}_bgsub", url)
-                return url
+                    # add bgsub to path
+                    path = re.sub(channel, f"{channel}_bgsub", path)
+                return path
+            # for composite statistics
+            # add chain with and without bgsub
             self.common_chains = {
                 + bgsub: lambda **kwargs: self.get(
                     replace_url(denominator, alias + bgsub), **kwargs
-                / self.get(replace_url(numerator, alias + bgsub), **kwargs)
+                / self.get(replace_path(numerator, alias + bgsub), **kwargs)
                 for alias, (denominator, numerator) in equivalences.items()
                 for bgsub in ("", "_bgsub")
+            # Is this still a good idea?
     def get(
@@ -72,20 +82,22 @@ class Chainer(Signal):
         retain: t.Optional[float] = None,
-        if dataset in self.common_chains:  # Produce dataset on the fly
+        """Load data from an h5 file."""
+        1/0
+        if dataset in self.common_chains:
+            # get dataset for composite chains
             data = self.common_chains[dataset](**kwargs)
+            # use Signal's get_raw
             data = self.get_raw(dataset, in_minutes=in_minutes)
             if chain:
                 data = self.apply_chain(data, chain, **kwargs)
         if retain:
-            data = data.loc[data.notna().sum(axis=1) > data.shape[1] * retain]
-        if (
-            stages and "stage" not in data.columns.names
-        ):  # Return stages as additional column level
+            # keep data only from early time points
+            data = self.get_retained(data, retain)
+            # data = data.loc[data.notna().sum(axis=1) > data.shape[1] * retain]
+        if (stages and "stage" not in data.columns.names):
+            # return stages as additional column level
             stages_index = [
                 for i, (name, span) in enumerate(self.stages_span_tp)
@@ -95,25 +107,26 @@ class Chainer(Signal):
                 zip(stages_index, data.columns),
                 names=("stage", "time"),
         return data
     def apply_chain(
         self, input_data: pd.DataFrame, chain: t.Tuple[str, ...], **kwargs
-        """Apply a series of processes to a dataset.
+        """
+        Apply a series of processes to a data set.
+        Like postprocessing, Chainer consecutively applies processes.
-        In a similar fashion to how postprocessing works, Chainer allows the
-        consecutive application of processes to a dataset. Parameters can be
-        passed as kwargs. It does not support the same process multiple times
-        with different parameters.
+        Parameters can be passed as kwargs.
+        Chainer does not support applying the same process multiple times with different parameters.
         input_data : pd.DataFrame
-            Input data to iteratively process.
+            Input data to process.
         chain : t.Tuple[str, ...]
-            Tuple of strings with the name of processes.
+            Tuple of strings with the names of the processes
         **kwargs : kwargs
             Arguments passed on to Process.as_function() method to modify the parameters.
@@ -138,6 +151,5 @@ class Chainer(Signal):
                         raise (NotImplementedError)
                         merges = process.as_function(result, **params)
                         result = self.apply_merges(result, merges)
         return result
diff --git a/src/postprocessor/grouper.py b/src/postprocessor/grouper.py
index ec04a6f5b64a783884807e783f641dc43622497b..09bff52e5c22b54f5b6346a17a3d7e1a6cafc0af 100644
--- a/src/postprocessor/grouper.py
+++ b/src/postprocessor/grouper.py
@@ -21,55 +21,56 @@ from postprocessor.chainer import Chainer
 class Grouper(ABC):
     """Base grouper class."""
-    files = []
     def __init__(self, dir: Union[str, PosixPath]):
+        """Find h5 files and load a chain for each one."""
         path = Path(dir)
-        self.name = path.name
         assert path.exists(), "Dir does not exist"
+        self.name = path.name
         self.files = list(path.glob("*.h5"))
         assert len(self.files), "No valid h5 files in dir"
     def load_chains(self) -> None:
-        # Sets self.chainers
+        """Load a chain for each position, or h5 file."""
         self.chainers = {f.name[:-3]: Chainer(f) for f in self.files}
     def fsignal(self) -> Chainer:
-        # Returns first signal
+        """Get first chain."""
         return list(self.chainers.values())[0]
     def ntimepoints(self) -> int:
+        """Find number of time points."""
         return max([s.ntimepoints for s in self.chainers.values()])
     def tintervals(self) -> float:
+        """Find the maximum time interval for all chains."""
         tintervals = set([s.tinterval / 60 for s in self.chainers.values()])
         assert (
             len(tintervals) == 1
         ), "Not all chains have the same time interval"
         return max(tintervals)
-    def available(self) -> None:
+    def available(self) -> t.Collection[str]:
+        """Generate list of available signals in the first chain."""
         return self.fsignal.available
     def available_grouped(self) -> None:
+        """Display available signals and the number of chains for each."""
         if not hasattr(self, "_available_grouped"):
             self._available_grouped = Counter(
                 [x for s in self.chainers.values() for x in s.available]
         for s, n in self._available_grouped.items():
             print(f"{s} - {n}")
     def datasets(self) -> None:
-        """Print available datasets in first Chainer instance."""
+        """Print available data sets in the first chain."""
         return self.fsignal.datasets
@@ -84,113 +85,142 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
         standard: t.Optional[bool] = False,
-        """Concatenate multiple signals
-               Parameters
-               ----------
-               path : str
-                   signal address within h5py file.
-               reduce_cols : bool
-                   Whether or not to collapse columns into a single one.
-        axis : int
-                   Concatenation axis.
-               pool : int
-                   Number of threads used. If 0 or None only one core is used.
-               **kwargs : key, value pairings
-                   Named arguments to pass to concat_ind_function.
-               Examples
-               --------
-               FIXME: Add docs.
+        """
+        Concatenate data for one signal from different h5 files, with
+        one h5 file per position, into a dataframe.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        path : str
+           Signal location within h5py file
+        pool : int
+           Number of threads used; if 0 or None only one core is used
+        mode: str
+        standard: boolean
+        **kwargs : key, value pairings
+           Named arguments for concat_ind_function
+        Examples
+        --------
+        >>> record = grouper.concat_signal("extraction/GFP/max/median")
         if path.startswith("/"):
             path = path.strip("/")
-        sitems = self.filter_path(path)
+        good_chains = self.filter_chains(path)
         if standard:
             fn_pos = concat_standard
             fn_pos = concat_signal_ind
             kwargs["mode"] = mode
-        kymographs = self.pool_function(
+        records = self.pool_function(
-            chainers=sitems,
+            chainers=good_chains,
+        # check for errors
         errors = [
-            k
-            for kymo, k in zip(kymographs, self.chainers.keys())
-            if kymo is None
+            k for kymo, k in zip(records, self.chainers.keys()) if kymo is None
-        kymographs = [kymo for kymo in kymographs if kymo is not None]
+        records = [record for record in records if record is not None]
         if len(errors):
             print("Warning: Positions contain errors {errors}")
-        assert len(kymographs), "All datasets contain errors"
-        concat = pd.concat(kymographs, axis=0)
-        if (
-            len(concat.index.names) > 4
-        ):  # Reorder levels when mother_label is present
+        assert len(records), "All data sets contain errors"
+        # combine into one dataframe
+        concat = pd.concat(records, axis=0)
+        if len(concat.index.names) > 4:
+            # reorder levels in the multi-index dataframe when mother_label is present
             concat = concat.reorder_levels(
                 ("group", "position", "trap", "cell_label", "mother_label")
         concat_sorted = concat.sort_index()
         return concat_sorted
-    def filter_path(self, path: str) -> t.Dict[str, Chainer]:
-        # Check the path is in a given signal
-        sitems = {
+    def filter_chains(self, path: str) -> t.Dict[str, Chainer]:
+        """Filter chains to those whose data is available in the h5 file."""
+        good_chains = {
             k: v
             for k, v in self.chainers.items()
             if path in [*v.available, *v.common_chains]
-        nchains_dif = len(self.chainers) - len(sitems)
+        nchains_dif = len(self.chainers) - len(good_chains)
         if nchains_dif:
                 f"Grouper:Warning: {nchains_dif} chains do not contain"
                 f" channel {path}"
         assert len(
-            sitems
+            good_chains
         ), f"No valid dataset to use. Valid datasets are {self.available}"
+        return good_chains
-        return sitems
+    def pool_function(
+        self,
+        path: str,
+        f: t.Callable,
+        pool: t.Optional[int] = None,
+        chainers: t.Dict[str, Chainer] = None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ):
+        """Enable different threads for independent chains, particularly useful when aggregating multiple elements."""
+        if pool is None:
+            # Alan: why is None changed to 8
+            # pool = 8
+            pass
+        chainers = chainers or self.chainers
+        if pool:
+            with Pool(pool) as p:
+                records = p.map(
+                    lambda x: f(
+                        path=path,
+                        chainer=x[1],
+                        group=self.positions_groups[x[0]],
+                        position=x[0],
+                        **kwargs,
+                    ),
+                    chainers.items(),
+                )
+        else:
+            records = [
+                f(
+                    path=path,
+                    chainer=chainer,
+                    group=self.positions_groups[name],
+                    position=name,
+                    **kwargs,
+                )
+                for name, chainer in self.chainers.items()
+            ]
+        return records
     def nmembers(self) -> t.Dict[str, int]:
-        # Return the number of positions belonging to each group
+        """Get the number of positions belonging to each group."""
         return Counter(self.positions_groups.values())
-    def ntraps(self):
+    def ntiles(self):
+        """Get total number of tiles per position (h5 file)."""
         for pos, s in self.chainers.items():
             with h5py.File(s.filename, "r") as f:
                 print(pos, f["/trap_info/trap_locations"].shape[0])
-    def ntraps_by_pos(self) -> t.Dict[str, int]:
-        # Return total number of traps grouped
-        ntraps = {}
+    def ntiles_by_group(self) -> t.Dict[str, int]:
+        """Get total number of tiles per group."""
+        ntiles = {}
         for pos, s in self.chainers.items():
             with h5py.File(s.filename, "r") as f:
-                ntraps[pos] = f["/trap_info/trap_locations"].shape[0]
-        ntraps_by_pos = {k: 0 for k in self.groups}
-        for posname, vals in ntraps.items():
-            ntraps_by_pos[self.positions_groups[posname]] += vals
+                ntiles[pos] = f["/trap_info/trap_locations"].shape[0]
+        ntiles_by_group = {k: 0 for k in self.groups}
+        for posname, vals in ntiles.items():
+            ntiles_by_group[self.positions_groups[posname]] += vals
+        return ntiles_by_group
-        return ntraps_by_pos
-    def traplocs(self):
+    @property
+    def tilelocs(self) -> t.Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
+        """Get the locations of the tiles for each position as a dictionary."""
         d = {}
         for pos, s in self.chainers.items():
             with h5py.File(s.filename, "r") as f:
@@ -199,20 +229,21 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
     def groups(self) -> t.Tuple[str]:
-        # Return groups sorted alphabetically
+        """Get groups, sorted alphabetically."""
         return tuple(sorted(set(self.positions_groups.values())))
     def positions(self) -> t.Tuple[str]:
-        # Return positions sorted alphabetically
+        """Get positions, sorted alphabetically."""
         return tuple(sorted(set(self.positions_groups.keys())))
     def ncells(
-        self, path="extraction/general/None/area", mode="retained", **kwargs
+        self,
+        path="extraction/general/None/area",
+        mode="retained",
+        **kwargs,
     ) -> t.Dict[str, int]:
-        """
-        Returns number of cells retained per position in base channel
-        """
+        """Get number of cells retained per position in base channel as a dictionary."""
         return (
             self.concat_signal(path=path, mode=mode, **kwargs)
@@ -222,53 +253,12 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
     def nretained(self) -> t.Dict[str, int]:
+        """Get number of cells retained per position in base channel as a dictionary."""
         return self.ncells()
-    def pool_function(
-        self,
-        path: str,
-        f: t.Callable,
-        pool: t.Optional[int] = None,
-        chainers: t.Dict[str, Chainer] = None,
-        **kwargs,
-    ):
-        """
-        Wrapper to add support for threading to process independent chains.
-        Particularly useful when aggregating multiple elements.
-        """
-        if pool is None:
-            pool = 8
-        chainers = chainers or self.chainers
-        if pool:
-            with Pool(pool) as p:
-                kymographs = p.map(
-                    lambda x: f(
-                        path=path,
-                        chainer=x[1],
-                        group=self.positions_groups[x[0]],
-                        position=x[0],
-                        **kwargs,
-                    ),
-                    chainers.items(),
-                )
-        else:
-            kymographs = [
-                f(
-                    path=path,
-                    chainer=chainer,
-                    group=self.positions_groups[name],
-                    position=name,
-                    **kwargs,
-                )
-                for name, chainer in self.chainers.items()
-            ]
-        return kymographs
     def channels(self):
+        """Get unique channels for all chains as a set."""
         return set(
@@ -279,20 +269,24 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
     def stages_span(self):
+        # FAILS on my example
         return self.fsignal.stages_span
     def max_span(self):
+        # FAILS on my example
         return self.fsignal.max_span
-    @property
-    def tinterval(self):
-        return self.fsignal.tinterval
     def stages(self):
+        # FAILS on my example
         return self.fsignal.stages
+    @property
+    def tinterval(self):
+        """Get interval between time points."""
+        return self.fsignal.tinterval
 class MetaGrouper(Grouper):
     """Group positions using metadata's 'group' number."""
@@ -301,51 +295,49 @@ class MetaGrouper(Grouper):
 class NameGrouper(Grouper):
-    """Group a set of positions using a subsection of the name."""
+    """Group a set of positions with a shorter version of the group's name."""
-    def __init__(self, dir, criteria=None):
+    def __init__(self, dir, name_inds=(0, -4)):
+        """Define the indices to slice names."""
-        if criteria is None:
-            criteria = (0, -4)
-        self.criteria = criteria
+        self.name_inds = name_inds
     def positions_groups(self) -> t.Dict[str, str]:
+        """Get a dictionary with the positions as keys and groups as items."""
         if not hasattr(self, "_positions_groups"):
             self._positions_groups = {}
             for name in self.chainers.keys():
                 self._positions_groups[name] = name[
-                    self.criteria[0] : self.criteria[1]
+                    self.name_inds[0] : self.name_inds[1]
         return self._positions_groups
 class phGrouper(NameGrouper):
-    """Grouper for pH calibration experiments where all surveyed media pH
-    values are within a single experiment."""
+    """Grouper for pH calibration experiments where all surveyed media pH values are within a single experiment."""
-    def __init__(self, dir, criteria=(3, 7)):
-        super().__init__(dir=dir, criteria=criteria)
+    def __init__(self, dir, name_inds=(3, 7)):
+        """Initialise via NameGrouper."""
+        super().__init__(dir=dir, name_inds=name_inds)
     def get_ph(self) -> None:
+        """Find the pH from the group names and store as a dictionary."""
         self.ph = {gn: self.ph_from_group(gn) for gn in self.positions_groups}
-    def ph_from_group(group_name: int) -> float:
-        if group_name.startswith("ph_"):
+    def ph_from_group(group_name: str) -> float:
+        """Find the pH from the name of a group."""
+        if group_name.startswith("ph_") or group_name.startswith("pH_"):
             group_name = group_name[3:]
         return float(group_name.replace("_", "."))
-    def aggregate_multichains(self, paths: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
-        """Accumulate multiple chains."""
+    def aggregate_multichains(self, signals: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        """Get data from a list of signals and combine into one multi-index dataframe with 'media-pH' included."""
         aggregated = pd.concat(
-                self.concat_signal(path, reduce_cols=np.nanmean)
-                for path in paths
+                self.concat_signal(signal, reduce_cols=np.nanmean)
+                for signal in signals
@@ -360,10 +352,10 @@ class phGrouper(NameGrouper):
         aggregated = pd.concat((aggregated, ph), axis=1)
         return aggregated
+# Alan: why are these separate functions?
 def concat_standard(
     path: str,
     chainer: Chainer,
@@ -371,7 +363,6 @@ def concat_standard(
     position: t.Optional[str] = None,
 ) -> pd.DataFrame:
     combined = chainer.get(path, **kwargs).copy()
     combined["position"] = position
     combined["group"] = group
@@ -379,10 +370,10 @@ def concat_standard(
     combined.index = combined.index.reorder_levels(
         ("group", "position", "trap", "cell_label", "mother_label")
     return combined
+# why _ind ?
 def concat_signal_ind(
     path: str,
     chainer: Chainer,
@@ -391,33 +382,34 @@ def concat_signal_ind(
 ) -> pd.DataFrame:
-    """Core function that handles retrieval of an individual signal, applies
-    filtering if requested and adjusts indices."""
+    """
+    Retrieve an individual signal.
+    Applies filtering if requested and adjusts indices.
+    """
     if position is None:
+        # name of h5 file
         position = chainer.stem
     if mode == "retained":
         combined = chainer.retained(path, **kwargs)
     elif mode == "raw":
         combined = chainer.get_raw(path, **kwargs)
     elif mode == "daughters":
         combined = chainer.get_raw(path, **kwargs)
         combined = combined.loc[
             combined.index.get_level_values("mother_label") > 0
     elif mode == "families":
         combined = chainer[path]
+    else:
+        raise Exception(f"{mode} not recognised.")
     if combined is not None:
+        # adjust indices
         combined["position"] = position
         combined["group"] = group
         combined.set_index(["group", "position"], inplace=True, append=True)
         combined.index = combined.index.swaplevel(-2, 0).swaplevel(-1, 1)
+    # should there be an error message if None is returned?
     return combined
@@ -426,6 +418,14 @@ class MultiGrouper:
     def __init__(self, source: Union[str, list]):
+        """
+        Create NameGroupers for each experiment.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        source: list of str
+            List of folders, one per experiment, containing h5 files.
+        """
         if isinstance(source, str):
             source = Path(source)
             self.exp_dirs = list(source.glob("*"))
@@ -437,43 +437,38 @@ class MultiGrouper:
     def available(self) -> None:
+        """Print available signals and number of chains, one per position, for each Grouper."""
         for gpr in self.groupers:
     def sigtable(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
-        """Generate a matrix containing the number of datasets for each signal
-        and experiment."""
+        """Generate a table showing the number of positions, or h5 files, available for each signal with one column per experiment."""
         def regex_cleanup(x):
             x = re.sub(r"extraction\/", "", x)
             x = re.sub(r"postprocessing\/", "", x)
             x = re.sub(r"\/max", "", x)
             return x
         if not hasattr(self, "_sigtable"):
             raw_mat = [
-                [s.available for s in gpr.chains.values()]
+                [s.available for s in gpr.chainers.values()]
                 for gpr in self.groupers
             available_grouped = [
                 Counter([x for y in grp for x in y]) for grp in raw_mat
             nexps = len(available_grouped)
             sigs_idx = list(
                 set([y for x in available_grouped for y in x.keys()])
             sigs_idx = [regex_cleanup(x) for x in sigs_idx]
             nsigs = len(sigs_idx)
             sig_matrix = np.zeros((nsigs, nexps))
             for i, c in enumerate(available_grouped):
                 for k, v in c.items():
                     sig_matrix[sigs_idx.index(regex_cleanup(k)), i] = v
             sig_matrix[sig_matrix == 0] = np.nan
             self._sigtable = pd.DataFrame(
@@ -482,8 +477,11 @@ class MultiGrouper:
         return self._sigtable
+    # Alan: function seems out of place
+    # seaborn is not in pyproject.toml
     def sigtable_plot(self) -> None:
-        """Plot number of chains for all available experiments.
+        """
+        Plot number of chains for all available experiments.
@@ -503,27 +501,30 @@ class MultiGrouper:
         path: Union[str, list],
     ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]:
-        """Aggregate chains from multiple Groupers (and thus experiments)
+        """
+        Aggregate chains, one per position, from multiple Groupers, one per experiment.
-        chains : Union[str, list]
-            string or list of strings indicating the signal(s) to fetch.
-        **kwargs : keyword arguments to pass to Grouper.concat_signal
-            Customise the filters and format to fetch chains.
+        path : Union[str, list]
+            String or list of strings indicating the signal(s) to fetch.
+        **kwargs :
+            Passed to Grouper.concat_signal.
-        Union[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]
-            DataFrame or list of DataFrames
+        concatenated: Union[pd.DataFrame, Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]
+            A multi-index dataFrame or a dictionary of multi-index dataframes, one per signal
-        FIXME: Add docs.
+        >>> mg = MultiGrouper(["pHCalibrate7_24", "pHCalibrate6_7"])
+        >>> p405 = mg.aggregate_signal("extraction/pHluorin405_0_4/max/median")
+        >>> p588 = mg.aggregate_signal("extraction/pHluorin488_0_4/max/median")
+        >>> ratio = p405 / p488
         if isinstance(path, str):
             path = [path]
         sigs = {s: [] for s in path}
         for s in path:
             for grp in self.groupers:
@@ -533,18 +534,14 @@ class MultiGrouper:
                         [(grp.name, *x) for x in sigset.index],
                         names=("experiment", *sigset.index.names),
                     sigset.index = new_idx
                 except Exception as e:
                     print("Grouper {} failed: {}".format(grp.name, e))
-                    # raise (e)
-        concated = {
+        concatenated = {
             name: pd.concat(multiexp_sig)
             for name, multiexp_sig in sigs.items()
-        if len(concated) == 1:
-            concated = list(concated.values())[0]
-        return concated
+        if len(concatenated) == 1:
+            concatenated = list(concatenated.values())[0]
+        return concatenated