diff --git a/src/agora/utils/indexing_new.py b/src/agora/utils/indexing_new.py
index 7c749088c3276d95ccb9c54b8d6b7b99ea6b4fc9..f2ddf0b89d1c778b24b153ffddc4c96c715b1ca0 100644
--- a/src/agora/utils/indexing_new.py
+++ b/src/agora/utils/indexing_new.py
@@ -11,7 +11,33 @@ import numpy as np
 import typing as t
-def validate_association_new(
+def validate_lineage(
+    association: np.ndarray,
+    indices: np.ndarray,
+    match_column: t.Optional[int] = None,
+) -> t.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
+    if association.ndim == 2:
+        # reshape into 3D array for broadcasting
+        # for each trap, [trap, mother, daughter] becomes
+        #  [[trap, mother], [trap, daughter]]
+        association = _assoc_indices_to_3d(association)
+    dtype = {"names": ["trap_id", "cell_id"], "formats": [int, int]}
+    intersections = np.intersect1d(
+        association.view(dtype), indices.view(dtype)
+    )
+    inter_array = intersections.view(int).reshape(-1, 2)
+    valid_association = np.isin(association.view(dtype), intersections).all(
+        axis=1
+    )
+    valid_indices = np.intersect1d(
+        association[valid_association.flatten(), ...].view(dtype),
+        indices.view(dtype),
+    )
+    return valid_association, valid_indices
+def validate_association(
     association: np.ndarray,
     indices: np.ndarray,
     match_column: t.Optional[int] = None,
@@ -82,15 +108,19 @@ def validate_association_new(
     indicesT = indices.T
     # compare each of [[trap, mother], [trap, daughter]] for all traps
     # in association with [trap, cell_label] for all traps in indices
+    # association is no_traps x 2 x 2; indices is no_traps X 2
+    # valid_ndassociation is no_traps_association x 2 x 2 x no_traps_indices
     valid_ndassociation = (
         association[..., np.newaxis] == indicesT[np.newaxis, ...]
     # find matches in association
-    # make True comparisons have both trap_ids and cell labels matching
+    # make True comparisons with both trap_ids and cell labels matching
+    # compare trap_ids and cell_ids for each pair of traps
     valid_cell_ids = valid_ndassociation.all(axis=2)
     if match_column is None:
         # make True comparisons match at least one row in indices
+        # at least one cell_id matches
         va_intermediate = valid_cell_ids.any(axis=2)
         # make True comparisons have both mother and bud matching rows in indices
         valid_association = va_intermediate.all(axis=1)
@@ -105,7 +135,7 @@ def validate_association_new(
     valid_cell_ids_va = valid_ndassociation[valid_association].all(axis=2)
     if match_column is None:
         # make True comparisons match either a mother or a bud in association
-        valid_indices = valid_cell_ids_va.any(axis=1)[0]
+        valid_indices = valid_cell_ids_va.any(axis=(0, 1))
         valid_indices = valid_cell_ids_va[:, match_column][0]
@@ -135,8 +165,12 @@ def validate_association_new(
             valid_cell_ids_a[:, match_column] & valid_indices
-    assert valid_association != valid_association_a, "valid_association error"
-    assert valid_indices != valid_indices_a, "valid_indices error"
+    assert np.array_equal(
+        valid_association, valid_association_a
+    ), "valid_association error"
+    assert np.array_equal(
+        valid_indices, valid_indices_a
+    ), "valid_indices error"
     return valid_association, valid_indices
diff --git a/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/picker.py b/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/picker.py
index 74f3a4b0f6ab64b4f68e3258e02d35fe92b217f2..2b5414b0529f8298529f2a4851fc2d9679cee9e2 100644
--- a/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/picker.py
+++ b/src/postprocessor/core/reshapers/picker.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import pandas as pd
 from agora.abc import ParametersABC
 from agora.io.cells import Cells
-from agora.utils.indexing import validate_association
+from agora.utils.indexing_new import validate_association
 from agora.utils.cast import _str_to_int
 from agora.utils.kymograph import drop_mother_label
 from postprocessor.core.lineageprocess import LineageProcess