From 435cd9df58e5f36bc246c5112e7ac754762776f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Al=C3=A1n=20Mu=C3=B1oz?= <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 18:37:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] add tile

 aliby/tile/ | 333 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 aliby/tile/ | 480 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 813 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 aliby/tile/
 create mode 100644 aliby/tile/

diff --git a/aliby/tile/ b/aliby/tile/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91ebe5e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/tile/
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+"""Segment/segmented pipelines.
+Includes splitting the image into traps/parts,
+cell segmentation, nucleus segmentation."""
+import warnings
+from functools import lru_cache
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+from pathlib import Path, PosixPath
+from skimage.registration import phase_cross_correlation
+from import ParametersABC, ProcessABC
+from aliby.traps import segment_traps
+from import load_attributes
+trap_template_directory = Path(__file__).parent / "trap_templates"
+# TODO do we need multiple templates, one for each setup?
+trap_template = np.array([])  # np.load(trap_template_directory / "trap_prime.npy")
+def get_tile_shapes(x, tile_size, max_shape):
+    half_size = tile_size // 2
+    xmin = int(x[0] - half_size)
+    ymin = max(0, int(x[1] - half_size))
+    if xmin + tile_size > max_shape[0]:
+        xmin = max_shape[0] - tile_size
+    if ymin + tile_size > max_shape[1]:
+        ymin = max_shape[1] - tile_size
+    return xmin, xmin + tile_size, ymin, ymin + tile_size
+###################### Dask versions ########################
+class Trap:
+    def __init__(self, centre, parent, size, max_size):
+        self.centre = centre
+        self.parent = parent  # Used to access drifts
+        self.size = size
+        self.half_size = size // 2
+        self.max_size = max_size
+    def padding_required(self, tp):
+        """Check if we need to pad the trap image for this time point."""
+        try:
+            assert all(self.at_time(tp) - self.half_size >= 0)
+            assert all(self.at_time(tp) + self.half_size <= self.max_size)
+        except AssertionError:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def at_time(self, tp):
+        """Return trap centre at time tp"""
+        drifts = self.parent.drifts
+        return self.centre - np.sum(drifts[:tp], axis=0)
+    def as_tile(self, tp):
+        """Return trap in the OMERO tile format of x, y, w, h
+        Also returns the padding necessary for this tile.
+        """
+        x, y = self.at_time(tp)
+        # tile bottom corner
+        x = int(x - self.half_size)
+        y = int(y - self.half_size)
+        return x, y, self.size, self.size
+    def as_range(self, tp):
+        """Return trap in a range format, two slice objects that can be used in Arrays"""
+        x, y, w, h = self.as_tile(tp)
+        return slice(x, x + w), slice(y, y + h)
+class TrapLocations:
+    def __init__(self, initial_location, tile_size, max_size=1200, drifts=[]):
+        self.tile_size = tile_size
+        self.max_size = max_size
+        self.initial_location = initial_location
+        self.traps = [
+            Trap(centre, self, tile_size, max_size) for centre in initial_location
+        ]
+        self.drifts = drifts
+    @classmethod
+    def from_source(cls, fpath: str):
+        with h5py.File(fpath, "r") as f:
+            # TODO read tile size from file metadata
+            drifts = f["trap_info/drifts"][()]
+            tlocs = cls(f["trap_info/trap_locations"][()], tile_size=96, drifts=drifts)
+        return tlocs
+    @property
+    def shape(self):
+        return len(self.traps), len(self.drifts)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.traps)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        yield from self.traps
+    def padding_required(self, tp):
+        return any([trap.padding_required(tp) for trap in self.traps])
+    def to_dict(self, tp):
+        res = dict()
+        if tp == 0:
+            res["trap_locations"] = self.initial_location
+            res["attrs/tile_size"] = self.tile_size
+            res["attrs/max_size"] = self.max_size
+        res["drifts"] = np.expand_dims(self.drifts[tp], axis=0)
+        # res['processed_timepoints'] = tp
+        return res
+    @classmethod
+    def read_hdf5(cls, file):
+        with h5py.File(file, "r") as hfile:
+            trap_info = hfile["trap_info"]
+            initial_locations = trap_info["trap_locations"][()]
+            drifts = trap_info["drifts"][()]
+            max_size = trap_info.attrs["max_size"]
+            tile_size = trap_info.attrs["tile_size"]
+        trap_locs = cls(initial_locations, tile_size, max_size=max_size)
+        trap_locs.drifts = drifts
+        return trap_locs
+class TilerParameters(ParametersABC):
+    def __init__(
+        self, tile_size: int, ref_channel: str, ref_z: int, template_name: str = None
+    ):
+        self.tile_size = tile_size
+        self.ref_channel = ref_channel
+        self.ref_z = ref_z
+        self.template_name = template_name
+    @classmethod
+    def from_template(cls, template_name: str, ref_channel: str, ref_z: int):
+        return cls(template.shape[0], ref_channel, ref_z, template_path=template_name)
+    @classmethod
+    def default(cls):
+        return cls(96, "Brightfield", 0)
+class Tiler(ProcessABC):
+    """A dummy TimelapseTiler object fora Dask Demo.
+    Does trap finding and image registration."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        image,
+        metadata,
+        parameters: TilerParameters,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(parameters)
+        self.image = image
+        self.channels = metadata["channels"]
+        self.ref_channel = self.get_channel_index(parameters.ref_channel)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_image(cls, image, parameters: TilerParameters):
+        return cls(, image.metadata, parameters)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_hdf5(cls, image, filepath, tile_size=None):
+        trap_locs = TrapLocations.read_hdf5(filepath)
+        metadata = load_attributes(filepath)
+        metadata["channels"] = metadata["channels/channel"].tolist()
+        if tile_size is None:
+            tile_size = trap_locs.tile_size
+        return Tiler(
+            image=image,
+            metadata=metadata,
+            template=None,
+            tile_size=tile_size,
+            trap_locs=trap_locs,
+        )
+    @lru_cache(maxsize=2)
+    def get_tc(self, t, c):
+        # Get image
+        full = self.image[t, c].compute()  # FORCE THE CACHE
+        return full
+    @property
+    def shape(self):
+        c, t, z, y, x = self.image.shape
+        return (c, t, x, y, z)
+    @property
+    def n_processed(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, "_n_processed"):
+            self._n_processed = 0
+        return self._n_processed
+    @n_processed.setter
+    def n_processed(self, value):
+        self._n_processed = value
+    @property
+    def n_traps(self):
+        return len(self.trap_locs)
+    @property
+    def finished(self):
+        return self.n_processed == self.image.shape[0]
+    def _initialise_traps(self, tile_size):
+        """Find initial trap positions.
+        Removes all those that are too close to the edge so no padding is necessary.
+        """
+        half_tile = tile_size // 2
+        max_size = min(self.image.shape[-2:])
+        initial_image = self.image[
+            0, self.ref_channel, self.ref_z
+        ]  # First time point, first channel, first z-position
+        trap_locs = segment_traps(initial_image, tile_size)
+        trap_locs = [
+            [x, y]
+            for x, y in trap_locs
+            if half_tile < x < max_size - half_tile
+            and half_tile < y < max_size - half_tile
+        ]
+        self.trap_locs = TrapLocations(trap_locs, tile_size)
+    def find_drift(self, tp):
+        # TODO check that the drift doesn't move any tiles out of the image, remove them from list if so
+        prev_tp = max(0, tp - 1)
+        drift, error, _ = phase_cross_correlation(
+            self.image[prev_tp, self.ref_channel, self.ref_z],
+            self.image[tp, self.ref_channel, self.ref_z],
+        )
+        self.trap_locs.drifts.append(drift)
+    def get_tp_data(self, tp, c):
+        traps = []
+        full = self.get_tc(tp, c)
+        # if self.trap_locs.padding_required(tp):
+        for trap in self.trap_locs:
+            ndtrap = self.ifoob_pad(full, trap.as_range(tp))
+            traps.append(ndtrap)
+        return np.stack(traps)
+    def get_trap_data(self, trap_id, tp, c):
+        full = self.get_tc(tp, c)
+        trap = self.trap_locs.traps[trap_id]
+        ndtrap = self.ifoob_pad(full, trap.as_range(tp))
+        return ndtrap
+    @staticmethod
+    def ifoob_pad(full, slices):
+        """
+        Returns the slices padded if it is out of bounds
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        full: (zstacks, max_size, max_size) ndarray
+        Entire position with zstacks as first axis
+        slices: tuple of two slices
+        Each slice indicates an axis to index
+        Returns
+        Trap for given slices, padded with median if needed, or np.nan if the padding is too much
+        """
+        max_size = full.shape[-1]
+        y, x = [slice(max(0, s.start), min(max_size, s.stop)) for s in slices]
+        trap = full[:, y, x]
+        padding = np.array(
+            [(-min(0, s.start), -min(0, max_size - s.stop)) for s in slices]
+        )
+        if padding.any():
+            tile_size = slices[0].stop - slices[0].start
+            if (padding > tile_size / 4).any():
+                trap = np.full((full.shape[0], tile_size, tile_size), np.nan)
+            else:
+                trap = np.pad(trap, [[0, 0]] + padding.tolist(), "median")
+        return trap
+    def run_tp(self, tp):
+        assert tp >= self.n_processed, "Time point already processed"
+        # TODO check contiguity?
+        if self.n_processed == 0:
+            self._initialise_traps(self.tile_size)
+        self.find_drift(tp)  # Get drift
+        # update n_processed
+        self.n_processed += 1
+        # Return result for writer
+        return self.trap_locs.to_dict(tp)
+    def run(self, tp):
+        if self.n_processed == 0:
+            self._initialise_traps(self.tile_size)
+        self.find_drift(tp)  # Get drift
+        # update n_processed
+        self.n_processed += 1
+        # Return result for writer
+        return self.trap_locs.to_dict(tp)
+    # The next set of functions are necessary for the extraction object
+    def get_traps_timepoint(self, tp, tile_size=None, channels=None, z=None):
+        # FIXME we currently ignore the tile size
+        # FIXME can we ignore z(always  give)
+        res = []
+        for c in channels:
+            val = self.get_tp_data(tp, c)[:, z]  # Only return requested z
+            # positions
+            # Starts at traps, z, y, x
+            # Turn to Trap, C, T, X, Y, Z order
+            val = val.swapaxes(1, 3).swapaxes(1, 2)
+            val = np.expand_dims(val, axis=1)
+            res.append(val)
+        return np.stack(res, axis=1)
+    def get_channel_index(self, item):
+        for i, ch in enumerate(self.channels):
+            if item in ch:
+                return i
+    def get_position_annotation(self):
+        # TODO required for matlab support
+        return None
diff --git a/aliby/tile/ b/aliby/tile/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e37eb925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/tile/
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+A set of utilities for dealing with ALCATRAS traps
+import numpy as np
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from skimage import transform, feature
+from skimage.filters.rank import entropy
+from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
+from skimage.segmentation import clear_border
+from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
+from skimage.morphology import disk, closing, square
+def stretch_image(image):
+    image = ((image - image.min()) / (image.max() - image.min())) * 255
+    minval = np.percentile(image, 2)
+    maxval = np.percentile(image, 98)
+    image = np.clip(image, minval, maxval)
+    image = (image - minval) / (maxval - minval)
+    return image
+def segment_traps(image, tile_size, downscale=0.4):
+    # Make image go between 0 and 255
+    img = image  # Keep a memory of image in case need to re-run
+    # stretched = stretch_image(image)
+    # img = stretch_image(image)
+    # TODO Optimise the hyperparameters
+    disk_radius = int(min([0.01 * x for x in img.shape]))
+    min_area = 0.2 * (tile_size ** 2)
+    if downscale != 1:
+        img = transform.rescale(image, downscale)
+    entropy_image = entropy(img, disk(disk_radius))
+    if downscale != 1:
+        entropy_image = transform.rescale(entropy_image, 1 / downscale)
+    # apply threshold
+    thresh = threshold_otsu(entropy_image)
+    bw = closing(entropy_image > thresh, square(3))
+    # remove artifacts connected to image border
+    cleared = clear_border(bw)
+    # label image regions
+    label_image = label(cleared)
+    areas = [
+        region.area
+        for region in regionprops(label_image)
+        if region.area > min_area and region.area < tile_size ** 2 * 0.8
+    ]
+    traps = (
+        np.array(
+            [
+                region.centroid
+                for region in regionprops(label_image)
+                if region.area > min_area and region.area < tile_size ** 2 * 0.8
+            ]
+        )
+        .round()
+        .astype(int)
+    )
+    ma = (
+        np.array(
+            [
+                region.minor_axis_length
+                for region in regionprops(label_image)
+                if region.area > min_area and region.area < tile_size ** 2 * 0.8
+            ]
+        )
+        .round()
+        .astype(int)
+    )
+    maskx = (tile_size // 2 < traps[:, 0]) & (
+        traps[:, 0] < image.shape[0] - tile_size // 2
+    )
+    masky = (tile_size // 2 < traps[:, 1]) & (
+        traps[:, 1] < image.shape[1] - tile_size // 2
+    )
+    traps = traps[maskx & masky, :]
+    ma = ma[maskx & masky]
+    chosen_trap_coords = np.round(traps[ma.argmin()]).astype(int)
+    x, y = chosen_trap_coords
+    template = image[
+        x - tile_size // 2 : x + tile_size // 2, y - tile_size // 2 : y + tile_size // 2
+    ]
+    traps = identify_trap_locations(image, template)
+    if len(traps) < 10 and downscale != 1:
+        print("Trying again.")
+        return segment_traps(image, tile_size, downscale=1)
+    return traps
+# def segment_traps(image, tile_size, downscale=0.4):
+#     # Make image go between 0 and 255
+#     img = image  # Keep a memory of image in case need to re-run
+#     image = stretch_image(image)
+#     # TODO Optimise the hyperparameters
+#     disk_radius = int(min([0.01 * x for x in img.shape]))
+#     min_area = 0.1 * (tile_size ** 2)
+#     if downscale != 1:
+#         img = transform.rescale(image, downscale)
+#     entropy_image = entropy(img, disk(disk_radius))
+#     if downscale != 1:
+#         entropy_image = transform.rescale(entropy_image, 1 / downscale)
+#     # apply threshold
+#     thresh = threshold_otsu(entropy_image)
+#     bw = closing(entropy_image > thresh, square(3))
+#     # remove artifacts connected to image border
+#     cleared = clear_border(bw)
+#     # label image regions
+#     label_image = label(cleared)
+#     traps = [
+#         region.centroid for region in regionprops(label_image) if region.area > min_area
+#     ]
+#     if len(traps) < 10 and downscale != 1:
+#         print("Trying again.")
+#         return segment_traps(image, tile_size, downscale=1)
+#     return traps
+def identify_trap_locations(
+    image, trap_template, optimize_scale=True, downscale=0.35, trap_size=None
+    """
+    Identify the traps in a single image based on a trap template.
+    This assumes a trap template that is similar to the image in question
+    (same camera, same magification; ideally same experiment).
+    This method speeds up the search by downscaling both the image and
+    the trap template before running the template match.
+    It also optimizes the scale and the rotation of the trap template.
+    :param image:
+    :param trap_template:
+    :param optimize_scale:
+    :param downscale:
+    :param trap_rotation:
+    :return:
+    """
+    trap_size = trap_size if trap_size is not None else trap_template.shape[0]
+    # Careful, the image is float16!
+    img = transform.rescale(image.astype(float), downscale)
+    temp = transform.rescale(trap_template, downscale)
+    # TODO random search hyperparameter optimization
+    # optimize rotation
+    matches = {
+        rotation: feature.match_template(
+            img,
+            transform.rotate(temp, rotation, cval=np.median(img)),
+            pad_input=True,
+            mode="median",
+        )
+        ** 2
+        for rotation in [0, 90, 180, 270]
+    }
+    best_rotation = max(matches, key=lambda x: np.percentile(matches[x], 99.9))
+    temp = transform.rotate(temp, best_rotation, cval=np.median(img))
+    if optimize_scale:
+        scales = np.linspace(0.5, 2, 10)
+        matches = {
+            scale: feature.match_template(
+                img, transform.rescale(temp, scale), mode="median", pad_input=True
+            )
+            ** 2
+            for scale in scales
+        }
+        best_scale = max(matches, key=lambda x: np.percentile(matches[x], 99.9))
+        matched = matches[best_scale]
+    else:
+        matched = feature.match_template(img, temp, pad_input=True, mode="median")
+    coordinates = feature.peak_local_max(
+        transform.rescale(matched, 1 / downscale),
+        min_distance=int(trap_template.shape[0] * 0.70),
+        exclude_border=(trap_size // 3),
+    )
+    return coordinates
+def get_tile_shapes(x, tile_size, max_shape):
+    half_size = tile_size // 2
+    xmin = int(x[0] - half_size)
+    ymin = max(0, int(x[1] - half_size))
+    # if xmin + tile_size > max_shape[0]:
+    #     xmin = max_shape[0] - tile_size
+    # if ymin + tile_size > max_shape[1]:
+    # #     ymin = max_shape[1] - tile_size
+    # return max(xmin, 0), xmin + tile_size, max(ymin, 0), ymin + tile_size
+    return xmin, xmin + tile_size, ymin, ymin + tile_size
+def in_image(img, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xidx=2, yidx=3):
+    if xmin >= 0 and ymin >= 0:
+        if xmax < img.shape[xidx] and ymax < img.shape[yidx]:
+            return True
+    else:
+        return False
+def get_xy_tile(img, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xidx=2, yidx=3, pad_val=None):
+    if pad_val is None:
+        pad_val = np.median(img)
+    # Get the tile from the image
+    idx = [slice(None)] * len(img.shape)
+    idx[xidx] = slice(max(0, xmin), min(xmax, img.shape[xidx]))
+    idx[yidx] = slice(max(0, ymin), min(ymax, img.shape[yidx]))
+    tile = img[tuple(idx)]
+    # Check if the tile is in the image
+    if in_image(img, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xidx, yidx):
+        return tile
+    else:
+        # Add padding
+        pad_shape = [(0, 0)] * len(img.shape)
+        pad_shape[xidx] = (max(-xmin, 0), max(xmax - img.shape[xidx], 0))
+        pad_shape[yidx] = (max(-ymin, 0), max(ymax - img.shape[yidx], 0))
+        tile = np.pad(tile, pad_shape, constant_values=pad_val)
+    return tile
+def get_trap_timelapse(
+    raw_expt, trap_locations, trap_id, tile_size=117, channels=None, z=None
+    """
+    Get a timelapse for a given trap by specifying the trap_id
+    :param trap_id: An integer defining which trap to choose. Counted
+    between 0 and Tiler.n_traps - 1
+    :param tile_size: The size of the trap tile (centered around the
+    trap as much as possible, edge cases exist)
+    :param channels: Which channels to fetch, indexed from 0.
+    If None, defaults to [0]
+    :param z: Which z_stacks to fetch, indexed from 0.
+    If None, defaults to [0].
+    :return: A numpy array with the timelapse in (C,T,X,Y,Z) order
+    """
+    # Set the defaults (list is mutable)
+    channels = channels if channels is not None else [0]
+    z = z if z is not None else [0]
+    # Get trap location for that id:
+    trap_centers = [trap_locations[i][trap_id] for i in range(len(trap_locations))]
+    max_shape = (raw_expt.shape[2], raw_expt.shape[3])
+    tiles_shapes = [
+        get_tile_shapes((x[0], x[1]), tile_size, max_shape) for x in trap_centers
+    ]
+    timelapse = [
+        get_xy_tile(
+            raw_expt[channels, i, :, :, z], xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, pad_val=None
+        )
+        for i, (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) in enumerate(tiles_shapes)
+    ]
+    return np.hstack(timelapse)
+def get_trap_timelapse_omero(
+    raw_expt, trap_locations, trap_id, tile_size=117, channels=None, z=None, t=None
+    """
+    Get a timelapse for a given trap by specifying the trap_id
+    :param raw_expt: A Timelapse object from which data is obtained
+    :param trap_id: An integer defining which trap to choose. Counted
+    between 0 and Tiler.n_traps - 1
+    :param tile_size: The size of the trap tile (centered around the
+    trap as much as possible, edge cases exist)
+    :param channels: Which channels to fetch, indexed from 0.
+    If None, defaults to [0]
+    :param z: Which z_stacks to fetch, indexed from 0.
+    If None, defaults to [0].
+    :return: A numpy array with the timelapse in (C,T,X,Y,Z) order
+    """
+    # Set the defaults (list is mutable)
+    channels = channels if channels is not None else [0]
+    z_positions = z if z is not None else [0]
+    times = (
+        t if t is not None else np.arange(raw_expt.shape[1])
+    )  # TODO choose sub-set of time points
+    shape = (len(channels), len(times), tile_size, tile_size, len(z_positions))
+    # Get trap location for that id:
+    zct_tiles, slices, trap_ids = all_tiles(
+        trap_locations, shape, raw_expt, z_positions, channels, times, [trap_id]
+    )
+    # TODO Make this an explicit function in TimelapseOMERO
+    images = raw_expt.pixels.getTiles(zct_tiles)
+    timelapse = np.full(shape, np.nan)
+    total = len(zct_tiles)
+    for (z, c, t, _), (y, x), image in tqdm(
+        zip(zct_tiles, slices, images), total=total
+    ):
+        ch = channels.index(c)
+        tp = times.tolist().index(t)
+        z_pos = z_positions.index(z)
+        timelapse[ch, tp, x[0] : x[1], y[0] : y[1], z_pos] = image
+    # for x in timelapse:  # By channel
+    #    np.nan_to_num(x, nan=np.nanmedian(x), copy=False)
+    return timelapse
+def all_tiles(trap_locations, shape, raw_expt, z_positions, channels, times, traps):
+    _, _, x, y, _ = shape
+    _, _, MAX_X, MAX_Y, _ = raw_expt.shape
+    trap_ids = []
+    zct_tiles = []
+    slices = []
+    for z in z_positions:
+        for ch in channels:
+            for t in times:
+                for trap_id in traps:
+                    centre = trap_locations[t][trap_id]
+                    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, r_xmin, r_ymin, r_xmax, r_ymax = tile_where(
+                        centre, x, y, MAX_X, MAX_Y
+                    )
+                    slices.append(
+                        ((r_ymin - ymin, r_ymax - ymin), (r_xmin - xmin, r_xmax - xmin))
+                    )
+                    tile = (r_ymin, r_xmin, r_ymax - r_ymin, r_xmax - r_xmin)
+                    zct_tiles.append((z, ch, t, tile))
+                    trap_ids.append(trap_id)  # So we remember the order!
+    return zct_tiles, slices, trap_ids
+def tile_where(centre, x, y, MAX_X, MAX_Y):
+    # Find the position of the tile
+    xmin = int(centre[1] - x // 2)
+    ymin = int(centre[0] - y // 2)
+    xmax = xmin + x
+    ymax = ymin + y
+    # What do we actually have available?
+    r_xmin = max(0, xmin)
+    r_xmax = min(MAX_X, xmax)
+    r_ymin = max(0, ymin)
+    r_ymax = min(MAX_Y, ymax)
+    return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, r_xmin, r_ymin, r_xmax, r_ymax
+def get_tile(shape, center, raw_expt, ch, t, z):
+    """Returns a tile from the raw experiment with a given shape.
+    :param shape: The shape of the tile in (C, T, Z, Y, X) order.
+    :param center: The x,y position of the centre of the tile
+    :param
+    """
+    _, _, x, y, _ = shape
+    _, _, MAX_X, MAX_Y, _ = raw_expt.shape
+    tile = np.full(shape, np.nan)
+    # Find the position of the tile
+    xmin = int(center[1] - x // 2)
+    ymin = int(center[0] - y // 2)
+    xmax = xmin + x
+    ymax = ymin + y
+    # What do we actually have available?
+    r_xmin = max(0, xmin)
+    r_xmax = min(MAX_X, xmax)
+    r_ymin = max(0, ymin)
+    r_ymax = min(MAX_Y, ymax)
+    # Fill values
+    tile[
+        :, :, (r_xmin - xmin) : (r_xmax - xmin), (r_ymin - ymin) : (r_ymax - ymin), :
+    ] = raw_expt[ch, t, r_xmin:r_xmax, r_ymin:r_ymax, z]
+    # fill_val = np.nanmedian(tile)
+    # np.nan_to_num(tile, nan=fill_val, copy=False)
+    return tile
+def get_traps_timepoint(
+    raw_expt, trap_locations, tp, tile_size=96, channels=None, z=None
+    """
+    Get all the traps from a given time point
+    :param raw_expt:
+    :param trap_locations:
+    :param tp:
+    :param tile_size:
+    :param channels:
+    :param z:
+    :return: A numpy array with the traps in the (trap, C, T, X, Y,
+    Z) order
+    """
+    # Set the defaults (list is mutable)
+    channels = channels if channels is not None else [0]
+    z_positions = z if z is not None else [0]
+    if isinstance(z_positions, slice):
+        n_z = z_positions.stop
+        z_positions = list(range(n_z))  # slice is not iterable error
+    elif isinstance(z_positions, list):
+        n_z = len(z_positions)
+    else:
+        n_z = 1
+    n_traps = len(trap_locations[tp])
+    trap_ids = list(range(n_traps))
+    shape = (len(channels), 1, tile_size, tile_size, n_z)
+    # all tiles
+    zct_tiles, slices, trap_ids = all_tiles(
+        trap_locations, shape, raw_expt, z_positions, channels, [tp], trap_ids
+    )
+    # TODO Make this an explicit function in TimelapseOMERO
+    images = raw_expt.pixels.getTiles(zct_tiles)
+    # Initialise empty traps
+    traps = np.full((n_traps,) + shape, np.nan)
+    for trap_id, (z, c, _, _), (y, x), image in zip(
+        trap_ids, zct_tiles, slices, images
+    ):
+        ch = channels.index(c)
+        z_pos = z_positions.index(z)
+        traps[trap_id, ch, 0, x[0] : x[1], y[0] : y[1], z_pos] = image
+    for x in traps:  # By channel
+        np.nan_to_num(x, nan=np.nanmedian(x), copy=False)
+    return traps
+def centre(img, percentage=0.3):
+    y, x = img.shape
+    cropx = int(np.ceil(x * percentage))
+    cropy = int(np.ceil(y * percentage))
+    startx = int(x // 2 - (cropx // 2))
+    starty = int(y // 2 - (cropy // 2))
+    return img[starty : starty + cropy, startx : startx + cropx]
+def align_timelapse_images(
+    raw_data, channel=0, reference_reset_time=80, reference_reset_drift=25
+    """
+    Uses image registration to align images in the timelapse.
+    Uses the channel with id `channel` to perform the registration.
+    Starts with the first timepoint as a reference and changes the
+    reference to the current timepoint if either the images have moved
+    by half of a trap width or `reference_reset_time` has been reached.
+    Sets `self.drift`, a 3D numpy array with shape (t, drift_x, drift_y).
+    We assume no drift occurs in the z-direction.
+    :param reference_reset_drift: Upper bound on the allowed drift before
+    resetting the reference image.
+    :param reference_reset_time: Upper bound on number of time points to
+    register before resetting the reference image.
+    :param channel: index of the channel to use for image registration.
+    """
+    ref = centre(np.squeeze(raw_data[channel, 0, :, :, 0]))
+    size_t = raw_data.shape[1]
+    drift = [np.array([0, 0])]
+    for i in range(1, size_t):
+        img = centre(np.squeeze(raw_data[channel, i, :, :, 0]))
+        shifts, _, _ = feature.register_translation(ref, img)
+        # If a huge move is detected at a single time point it is taken
+        # to be inaccurate and the correction from the previous time point
+        # is used.
+        # This might be common if there is a focus loss for example.
+        if any([abs(x - y) > reference_reset_drift for x, y in zip(shifts, drift[-1])]):
+            shifts = drift[-1]
+        drift.append(shifts)
+        ref = img
+        # TODO test necessity for references, description below
+        #   If the images have drifted too far from the reference or too
+        #   much time has passed we change the reference and keep track of
+        #   which images are kept as references
+    return np.stack(drift)