diff --git a/src/postprocessor/core/multisignal/crosscorr.py b/src/postprocessor/core/multisignal/crosscorr.py
index 2b1c28969317f1c250768eafac8381248cd5472a..a4069829e9ada5681fd5b8ec85946e857390e1c2 100644
--- a/src/postprocessor/core/multisignal/crosscorr.py
+++ b/src/postprocessor/core/multisignal/crosscorr.py
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ class crosscorrParameters(ParametersABC):
+    stationary: boolean
+        If True, the underlying dynamic process is assumed to be
+        stationary with the mean a constant, estimated from all
+        data points.
     normalised: boolean (optional)
         If True, normalise the result for each replicate by the standard
         deviation over time for that replicate.
@@ -20,7 +24,7 @@ class crosscorrParameters(ParametersABC):
         If True, return results only for positive lags.
-    _defaults = {"normalised": True, "only_pos": False}
+    _defaults = {"stationary": False, "normalised": True, "only_pos": False}
 class crosscorr(PostProcessABC):
@@ -50,6 +54,10 @@ class crosscorr(PostProcessABC):
         trace_dfB: dataframe (required for cross-correlation only)
             An array of signal values, with each row a replicate measurement
             and each column a time point.
+        stationary: boolean
+            If True, the underlying dynamic process is assumed to be
+            stationary with the mean a constant, estimated from all
+            data points.
         normalised: boolean (optional)
             If True, normalise the result for each replicate by the standard
             deviation over time for that replicate.
@@ -84,6 +92,12 @@ class crosscorr(PostProcessABC):
         >>> plt.figure()
         >>> plt.plot(ac.columns, ac.mean(axis=0, skipna=True))
         >>> plt.show()
+        Reference
+        ---------
+        Dunlop MJ, Cox RS, Levine JH, Murray RM, Elowitz MB (2008). Regulatory
+        activity revealed by dynamic correlations in gene expression noise.
+        Nat Genet, 40, 1493-1498.
         df = (
@@ -97,25 +111,15 @@ class crosscorr(PostProcessABC):
         n_replicates = trace_A.shape[0]
         # number of time points
         n_tps = trace_A.shape[1]
-        # deviation from the mean, where the mean is calculated over replicates
-        # at each time point, which allows for non-stationary behaviour
-        dmean_A = trace_A - np.nanmean(trace_A, axis=0).reshape((1, n_tps))
-        # standard deviation over time for each replicate
-        stdA = np.sqrt(
-            np.nanmean(dmean_A**2, axis=1).reshape((n_replicates, 1))
-        )
-        if trace_dfB is not None:
-            trace_B = trace_dfB.to_numpy()
-            # cross correlation
-            dmean_B = trace_B - np.nanmean(trace_B, axis=0).reshape((1, n_tps))
-            stdB = np.sqrt(
-                np.nanmean(dmean_B**2, axis=1).reshape((n_replicates, 1))
-            )
+        # autocorrelation if 2nd dataframe is not supplied
+        if trace_dfB is None:
+            trace_dfB = trace_dfA
+            trace_B = trace_A
-            # auto correlation
-            dmean_B = dmean_A
-            stdB = stdA
-        # calculate correlation
+            trace_B = trace_dfB.to_numpy()
+        # find deviation from the mean
+        dmean_A, stdA = _dev(trace_A, n_replicates, n_tps, self.stationary)
+        dmean_B, stdB = _dev(trace_B, n_replicates, n_tps, self.stationary)
         # lag r runs over positive lags
         pos_corr = np.nan * np.ones(trace_A.shape)
         for r in range(n_tps):
@@ -148,3 +152,16 @@ class crosscorr(PostProcessABC):
             return pd.DataFrame(corr, index=df.index, columns=lags)
+def _dev(y, nr, nt, stationary=False):
+    # calculate deviation from the mean
+    if stationary:
+        # mean calculated over time and over replicates
+        dy = y - np.nanmean(y)
+    else:
+        # mean calculated over replicates at each time point
+        dy = y - np.nanmean(y, axis=0).reshape((1, nt))
+    # standard deviation calculated for each replicate
+    stdy = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(dy**2, axis=1).reshape((nr, 1)))
+    return dy, stdy
diff --git a/tests/postprocessor/test_crosscorr.py b/tests/postprocessor/test_crosscorr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea12692338da68b1c5d37539e5419a54ed7355e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/postprocessor/test_crosscorr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import pytest
+from postprocessor.core.multisignal.crosscorr import (
+    crosscorr,
+    crosscorrParameters,
+def generate_sinusoids_df(
+    time_axis,
+    num_replicates,
+    t = time_axis
+    ts = np.tile(t, num_replicates).reshape((num_replicates, len(t)))
+    s = 3 * np.sin(
+        2 * np.pi * ts + 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(num_replicates, 1)
+    )
+    s_df = pd.DataFrame(s)
+    return s_df
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("time_axis", [np.linspace(0, 4, 200)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_replicates", [333])
+def test_crosscorr(
+    time_axis,
+    num_replicates,
+    """Tests croscorr.
+    Tests whether a crosscorr runner can be initialised with default
+    parameters and runs without errors.
+    """
+    dummy_signal1 = generate_sinusoids_df(time_axis, num_replicates)
+    dummy_signal2 = generate_sinusoids_df(time_axis, num_replicates)
+    crosscorr_runner = crosscorr(crosscorrParameters.default())
+    _ = crosscorr_runner.run(dummy_signal1, dummy_signal2)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("time_axis", [np.linspace(0, 4, 200)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("num_replicates", [333])
+def test_autocorr(
+    time_axis,
+    num_replicates,
+    """Tests croscorr.
+    Tests whether a crosscorr runner can be initialised with default
+    parameters and runs without errors, when performing autocorrelation.
+    """
+    dummy_signal1 = generate_sinusoids_df(time_axis, num_replicates)
+    crosscorr_runner = crosscorr(crosscorrParameters.default())
+    _ = crosscorr_runner.run(dummy_signal1, dummy_signal1)