diff --git a/src/aliby/io/dataset.py b/src/aliby/io/dataset.py
index 83f4401631fd82d6f5f4a2a198405771e6b8ae4e..f26baf7f93b361cc0b9e734ca2155e20ea70605f 100644
--- a/src/aliby/io/dataset.py
+++ b/src/aliby/io/dataset.py
@@ -18,35 +18,40 @@ from aliby.io.image import ImageLocalOME
 def dispatch_dataset(expt_id: int or str, **kwargs):
-    Choose a subtype of dataset based on the identifier.
+    Find paths to the data.
-    Input:
-    --------
-    expt_id: int or string serving as dataset identifier.
+    Connects to OMERO if data is remotely available.
-    Returns:
-    --------
-    Callable Dataset instance, either network-dependent or local.
-    """
-    if isinstance(expt_id, int):  # Is an experiment online
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    expt_id: int or str
+        To identify the data, either an OMERO ID or an OME-TIFF file or a local directory.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    A callable Dataset instance, either network-dependent or local.
+    """
+    if isinstance(expt_id, int):
+        # data available online
         from aliby.io.omero import Dataset
         return Dataset(expt_id, **kwargs)
-    elif isinstance(expt_id, str):  # Files or Dir
+    elif isinstance(expt_id, str):
+        # data available locally
         expt_path = Path(expt_id)
         if expt_path.is_dir():
+            # data in multiple folders
             return DatasetLocalDir(expt_path)
+            # data in one folder as OME-TIFF files
             return DatasetLocalOME(expt_path)
-        raise Warning("Invalid expt_id")
+        raise Warning(f"{expt_id} is an invalid expt_id")
 class DatasetLocalABC(ABC):
-    Abstract Base class to fetch local files, either OME-XML or raw images.
+    Abstract Base class to find local files, either OME-XML or raw images.
     _valid_suffixes = ("tiff", "png")
@@ -73,12 +78,9 @@ class DatasetLocalABC(ABC):
     def unique_name(self):
         return self.path.name
-    @abstractproperty
-    def date(self):
-        pass
     def files(self):
+        """Return a dictionary with any available metadata files."""
         if not hasattr(self, "_files"):
             self._files = {
                 f: f
@@ -91,34 +93,35 @@ class DatasetLocalABC(ABC):
         return self._files
     def cache_logs(self, root_dir):
-        # Copy metadata files to results folder
+        """Copy metadata files to results folder."""
         for name, annotation in self.files.items():
             shutil.copy(annotation, root_dir / name.name)
         return True
+    @abstractproperty
+    def date(self):
+        pass
     def get_images(self):
-        # Return a dictionary with the name of images and their unique identifiers
 class DatasetLocalDir(DatasetLocalABC):
-    """
-    Organise an entire dataset, composed of multiple images, as a directory containing directories with individual files.
-    It relies on ImageDir to manage images.
-    """
+    """Find paths to a data set, comprising multiple images in different folders."""
     def __init__(self, dpath: t.Union[str, PosixPath], *args, **kwargs):
     def date(self):
-        # Use folder creation date, for cases where metadata is minimal
+        """Find date when a folder was created."""
         return time.strftime(
             "%Y%m%d", time.strptime(time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(self.path)))
     def get_images(self):
+        """Return a dictionary of folder names and their paths."""
         return {
             folder.name: folder
             for folder in self.path.glob("*/")
@@ -131,13 +134,7 @@ class DatasetLocalDir(DatasetLocalABC):
 class DatasetLocalOME(DatasetLocalABC):
-    """Load a dataset from a folder
-    We use a given image of a dataset to obtain the metadata,
-    as we cannot expect folders to contain this information.
-    It uses the standard OME-TIFF file format.
-    """
+    """Find names of images in a folder, assuming images in OME-TIFF format."""
     def __init__(self, dpath: t.Union[str, PosixPath], *args, **kwargs):
@@ -145,11 +142,11 @@ class DatasetLocalOME(DatasetLocalABC):
     def date(self):
-        # Access the date from the metadata of the first position
+        """Get the date from the metadata of the first position."""
         return ImageLocalOME(list(self.get_images().values())[0]).date
     def get_images(self):
-        # Fetches all valid formats and overwrites if duplicates with different suffix
+        """Return a dictionary with the names of the image files."""
         return {
             f.name: str(f)
             for suffix in self._valid_suffixes
diff --git a/src/aliby/pipeline.py b/src/aliby/pipeline.py
index 2977cada71b37a131f30e25103d6d668853878d0..d401d3ae037e4d95fce183d83514b0c6d95163c4 100644
--- a/src/aliby/pipeline.py
+++ b/src/aliby/pipeline.py
@@ -36,23 +36,14 @@ from postprocessor.core.processor import PostProcessor, PostProcessorParameters
 class PipelineParameters(ParametersABC):
-    """
-    Parameters that host what is run and how. It takes a list of dictionaries, one for
-    general in collection:
-    pass dictionary for each step
-    --------------------
-    expt_id: int or str Experiment id (if integer) or local path (if string).
-    directory: str Directory into which results are dumped. Default is "../data"
-    Provides default parameters for the entire pipeline. This downloads the logfiles and sets the default
-    timepoints and extraction parameters from there.
-    """
+    """Define parameters for the different steps of the pipeline."""
     _pool_index = None
     def __init__(
         self, general, tiler, baby, extraction, postprocessing, reporting
+        """Initialise, but called by a class method not directly."""
         self.general = general
         self.tiler = tiler
         self.baby = baby
@@ -69,13 +60,34 @@ class PipelineParameters(ParametersABC):
+        """
+        Initialise parameters for steps of the pipeline.
+        Some parameters are extracted from the log files.
+        Parameters
+        ---------
+        general: dict
+            Parameters to set up the pipeline.
+        tiler: dict
+            Parameters for tiler.
+        baby: dict (optional)
+            Parameters for Baby.
+        extraction: dict (optional)
+            Parameters for extraction.
+        postprocessing: dict (optional)
+            Parameters for post-processing.
+        """
+        # Alan: should 19993 be updated?
         expt_id = general.get("expt_id", 19993)
         if isinstance(expt_id, PosixPath):
             expt_id = str(expt_id)
             general["expt_id"] = expt_id
+        # Alan: an error message rather than a default might be better
         directory = Path(general.get("directory", "../data"))
+        # get log files, either locally or via OMERO
         with dispatch_dataset(
             **{k: general.get(k) for k in ("host", "username", "password")},
@@ -83,7 +95,7 @@ class PipelineParameters(ParametersABC):
             directory = directory / conn.unique_name
             if not directory.exists():
-                # Download logs to use for metadata
+            # download logs for metadata
             meta_d = MetaData(directory, None).load_logs()
@@ -95,9 +107,10 @@ class PipelineParameters(ParametersABC):
                 "channels": ["Brightfield"],
                 "ntps": [2000],
-            # Set minimal metadata
+            # set minimal metadata
             meta_d = minimal_default_meta
+        # define default values for general parameters
         tps = meta_d.get("ntps", 2000)
         defaults = {
             "general": dict(
@@ -118,7 +131,8 @@ class PipelineParameters(ParametersABC):
-        for k, v in general.items():  # Overwrite general parameters
+        # update default values using inputs
+        for k, v in general.items():
             if k not in defaults["general"]:
                 defaults["general"][k] = v
             elif isinstance(v, dict):
@@ -127,15 +141,13 @@ class PipelineParameters(ParametersABC):
                 defaults["general"][k] = v
+        # define defaults and update with any inputs
         defaults["tiler"] = TilerParameters.default(**tiler).to_dict()
         defaults["baby"] = BabyParameters.default(**baby).to_dict()
         defaults["extraction"] = (
             or BabyParameters.default(**extraction).to_dict()
-        defaults["postprocessing"] = {}
-        defaults["reporting"] = {}
         defaults["postprocessing"] = PostProcessorParameters.default(
@@ -156,16 +168,15 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
-    iterative_steps = ["tiler", "baby", "extraction"]
+    pipeline_steps = ["tiler", "baby", "extraction"]
     step_sequence = [
     # Indicate step-writer groupings to perform special operations during step iteration
+    # specify the group in the h5 files written by each step (?)
     writer_groups = {
         "tiler": ["trap_info"],
         "baby": ["cell_info"],
@@ -178,8 +189,8 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
     def __init__(self, parameters: PipelineParameters, store=None):
+        """Initialise - not usually called directly."""
         if store is not None:
             store = Path(store)
         self.store = store
@@ -188,20 +199,19 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
     def setLogger(
         folder, file_level: str = "INFO", stream_level: str = "WARNING"
+        """Initialise and format logger."""
         logger = logging.getLogger("aliby")
         logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, file_level))
         formatter = logging.Formatter(
             "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s:%(message)s",
+        # for streams - stdout, files, etc.
         ch = logging.StreamHandler()
         ch.setLevel(getattr(logging, stream_level))
-        # create file handler which logs even debug messages
+        # create file handler that logs even debug messages
         fh = logging.FileHandler(Path(folder) / "aliby.log", "w+")
         fh.setLevel(getattr(logging, file_level))
@@ -216,20 +226,20 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
     def from_folder(cls, dir_path):
-        Constructor to re-process all files in a given folder.
+        Re-process all h5 files in a given folder.
-        Assumes all files share the same parameters (even if they don't share
-        the same channel set).
+        All files must share the same parameters, even if they have different channels.
-        dir_path : str or Pathlib indicating the folder containing the files to process
+        dir_path : str or Pathlib
+            Folder containing the files.
+        # find h5 files
         dir_path = Path(dir_path)
         files = list(dir_path.rglob("*.h5"))
         assert len(files), "No valid files found in folder"
         fpath = files[0]
         # TODO add support for non-standard unique folder names
         with h5py.File(fpath, "r") as f:
             pipeline_parameters = PipelineParameters.from_yaml(
@@ -237,8 +247,7 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
         pipeline_parameters.general["directory"] = dir_path.parent
         pipeline_parameters.general["filter"] = [fpath.stem for fpath in files]
-        # Fix legacy postprocessing parameters
+        # fix legacy post-processing parameters
         post_process_params = pipeline_parameters.postprocessing.get(
             "parameters", None
@@ -247,16 +256,19 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
             del pipeline_parameters.postprocessing["parameters"]
         return cls(pipeline_parameters)
     def from_existing_h5(cls, fpath):
-        Constructor to process an existing hdf5 file.
-        Notice that it forces a single file, not suitable for multiprocessing of certain positions.
+        Re-process an existing h5 file.
-        It i s also used as a base for a folder-wide reprocessing.
+        Not suitable for more than one file.
+        Parameters
+        ---------
+        fpath: str
+            Name of file.
         with h5py.File(fpath, "r") as f:
             pipeline_parameters = PipelineParameters.from_yaml(
@@ -265,7 +277,6 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
         directory = Path(fpath).parent
         pipeline_parameters.general["directory"] = directory
         pipeline_parameters.general["filter"] = Path(fpath).stem
         post_process_params = pipeline_parameters.postprocessing.get(
             "parameters", None
@@ -274,7 +285,6 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
             del pipeline_parameters.postprocessing["parameters"]
         return cls(pipeline_parameters, store=directory)
@@ -287,7 +297,6 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
         Steps: all holds general tasks
         steps: strain_name holds task for a given strain
         config = self.parameters.to_dict()
         expt_id = config["general"]["id"]
         distributed = config["general"]["distributed"]
@@ -297,80 +306,70 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
             k: config["general"].get(k)
             for k in ("host", "username", "password")
         dispatcher = dispatch_dataset(expt_id, **self.server_info)
             f"Fetching data using {dispatcher.__class__.__name__}"
-        # Do all all initialisations
+        # get log files, either locally or via OMERO
         with dispatcher as conn:
             image_ids = conn.get_images()
             directory = self.store or root_dir / conn.unique_name
             if not directory.exists():
-            # Download logs to use for metadata
+            # download logs to use for metadata
-        # Modify to the configuration
+        # update configuration
         self.parameters.general["directory"] = str(directory)
         config["general"]["directory"] = directory
-        # Filter TODO integrate filter onto class and add regex
-        def filt_int(d: dict, filt: int):
-            return {k: v for i, (k, v) in enumerate(d.items()) if i == filt}
-        def filt_str(image_ids: dict, filt: str):
-            return {k: v for k, v in image_ids.items() if re.search(filt, k)}
-        def pick_filter(image_ids: dict, filt: int or str):
-            if isinstance(filt, str):
-                image_ids = filt_str(image_ids, filt)
-            elif isinstance(filt, int):
-                image_ids = filt_int(image_ids, filt)
-            return image_ids
+        # pick particular images if desired
         if isinstance(pos_filter, list):
             image_ids = {
                 k: v
                 for filt in pos_filter
-                for k, v in pick_filter(image_ids, filt).items()
+                for k, v in self.apply_filter(image_ids, filt).items()
-            image_ids = pick_filter(image_ids, pos_filter)
+            image_ids = self.apply_filter(image_ids, pos_filter)
         assert len(image_ids), "No images to segment"
-        if distributed != 0:  # Gives the number of simultaneous processes
+        # create pipeline
+        if distributed != 0:
+            # multiple cores
             with Pool(distributed) as p:
                 results = p.map(
-                    lambda x: self.create_pipeline(*x),
+                    lambda x: self.run_one_pipeline(*x),
                     [(k, i) for i, k in enumerate(image_ids.items())],
-                    # num_cpus=distributed,
-                    # position=0,
-        else:  # Sequential
+        else:
+            # single core
             results = []
             for k, v in tqdm(image_ids.items()):
-                r = self.create_pipeline((k, v), 1)
+                r = self.run_one_pipeline((k, v), 1)
         return results
-    def create_pipeline(
+    def apply_filter(self, image_ids: dict, filt: int or str):
+        """Select images by picking a particular one or by using a regular expression to parse their file names."""
+        if isinstance(filt, str):
+            # pick images using a regular expression
+            image_ids = {
+                k: v for k, v in image_ids.items() if re.search(filt, k)
+            }
+        elif isinstance(filt, int):
+            # pick the filt'th image
+            image_ids = {
+                k: v for i, (k, v) in enumerate(image_ids.items()) if i == filt
+            }
+        return image_ids
+    def run_one_pipeline(
-        image_id: t.Tuple[str, str or PosixPath or int],
+        name_image_id: t.Tuple[str, str or PosixPath or int],
         index: t.Optional[int] = None,
         """ """
         self._pool_index = index
-        name, image_id = image_id
+        name, image_id = name_image_id
         session = None
         filename = None
         run_kwargs = {"extraction": {"labels": None, "masks": None}}
@@ -386,7 +385,6 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
             ) = self._setup_pipeline(image_id)
             loaded_writers = {
                 name: writer(filename)
                 for k in self.step_sequence
@@ -398,20 +396,17 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
                 "baby": ["mother_assign"],
-            # START PIPELINE
+            # START
             frac_clogged_traps = 0
             min_process_from = min(process_from.values())
             with get_image_class(image_id)(
                 image_id, **self.server_info
             ) as image:
-                # Initialise Steps
+                # initialise steps
                 if "tiler" not in steps:
                     steps["tiler"] = Tiler.from_image(
                         image, TilerParameters.from_dict(config["tiler"])
                 if process_from["baby"] < tps:
                     session = initialise_tf(2)
                     steps["baby"] = BabyRunner.from_tiler(
@@ -420,8 +415,7 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
                     if trackers_state:
                         steps["baby"].crawler.tracker_states = trackers_state
-                # Limit extraction parameters during run using the available channels in tiler
+                # limit extraction parameters using the available channels in tiler
                 if process_from["extraction"] < tps:
                     # TODO Move this parameter validation into Extractor
                     av_channels = set((*steps["tiler"].channels, "general"))
@@ -433,7 +427,6 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
                     config["extraction"]["sub_bg"] = av_channels.intersection(
                     av_channels_wsub = av_channels.union(
                         [c + "_bgsub" for c in config["extraction"]["sub_bg"]]
@@ -441,7 +434,6 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
                     for op, (input_ch, _, _) in tmp.items():
                         if not set(input_ch).issubset(av_channels_wsub):
                             del config["extraction"]["multichannel_ops"][op]
                     exparams = ExtractorParameters.from_dict(
@@ -456,14 +448,12 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
                         # position=index + 1,
                     for i in pbar:
                         if (
                             < earlystop["thresh_pos_clogged"]
                             or i < earlystop["min_tp"]
-                            for step in self.iterative_steps:
+                            for step in self.pipeline_steps:
                                 if i >= process_from[step]:
                                     result = steps[step].run_tp(
                                         i, **run_kwargs.get(step, {})
@@ -478,7 +468,7 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
                                             meta={"last_processed": i},
-                                    # Step-specific actions
+                                    # step-specific actions
                                     if (
                                         step == "tiler"
                                         and i == min_process_from
@@ -486,9 +476,8 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
                                             f"Found {steps['tiler'].n_traps} traps in {image.name}"
-                                    elif (
-                                        step == "baby"
-                                    ):  # Write state and pass info to ext
+                                    elif step == "baby":
+                                        # write state and pass info to ext
@@ -513,7 +502,8 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
                             frac = np.round(frac_clogged_traps * 100)
                             pbar.set_postfix_str(f"{frac} Clogged")
-                        else:  # Stop if more than X% traps are clogged
+                        else:
+                            # stop if more than X% traps are clogged
                                 f"{name}:Analysis stopped early at time {i} with {frac_clogged_traps} clogged traps"
@@ -522,23 +512,22 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
                         meta.add_fields({"last_processed": i})
-                    # Run post-processing
+                    # run post-processing
                     meta.add_fields({"end_status": "Success"})
                     post_proc_params = PostProcessorParameters.from_dict(
                     PostProcessor(filename, post_proc_params).run()
                     self._log("Analysis finished successfully.", "info")
                     return 1
-        except Exception as e:  # Catch bugs during setup or runtime
+        except Exception as e:
+            # catch bugs during setup or run time
                 f"{name}: Exception caught.",
-            # This prints the type, value, and stack trace of the
-            # current exception being handled.
+            # print the type, value, and stack trace of the exception
             raise e
@@ -607,17 +596,17 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
-        Initialise pipeline components and if necessary use
-        exising file to continue existing experiments.
+        Initialise pipeline components.
+        If necessary use a file to continue existing experiments.
-        image_id : int
-            identifier of image in OMERO server, or filename
+        image_id : int or str
+            Identifier of image in OMERO server, or filename
-        ---------
+        -------
         filename: str
@@ -639,7 +628,7 @@ class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
         general_config = config["general"]
         session = None
         earlystop = general_config.get("earlystop", None)
-        process_from = {k: 0 for k in self.iterative_steps}
+        process_from = {k: 0 for k in self.pipeline_steps}
         steps = {}
         ow = {k: 0 for k in self.step_sequence}