diff --git a/src/postprocessor/chainer.py b/src/postprocessor/chainer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fc68c63a7dfb4f9f8a9460d03d6bfee232b327f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/postprocessor/chainer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env jupyter
-import re
-import typing as t
-from copy import copy
-import pandas as pd
-from agora.io.signal import Signal
-from agora.utils.kymograph import bidirectional_retainment_filter
-from postprocessor.core.abc import get_process
-class Chainer(Signal):
-    """
-    Extend Signal by applying post-processes and allowing composite signals that combine basic signals.
-    Chainer "chains" multiple processes upon fetching a dataset.
-    Instead of reading processes previously applied, Chainer executes
-    them when called.
-    """
-    _synonyms = {}
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Initialise chainer."""
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        def replace_path(path: str, bgsub: bool = ""):
-            # function to add bgsub to paths
-            channel = path.split("/")[1]
-            suffix = "_bgsub" if bgsub else ""
-            path = re.sub(channel, f"{channel}{suffix}", path)
-            return path
-        # add chain with and without bgsub for composite statistics
-        self.common_chains = {
-            alias
-            + bgsub: lambda **kwargs: self.get(
-                replace_path(denominator, alias + bgsub), **kwargs
-            )
-            / self.get(replace_path(numerator, alias + bgsub), **kwargs)
-            for alias, (denominator, numerator) in self._synonyms.items()
-            for bgsub in ("", "_bgsub")
-        }
-    def get(
-        self,
-        dataset: str,
-        chain: t.Collection[str] = ("standard", "interpolate", "savgol"),
-        in_minutes: bool = True,
-        stages: bool = True,
-        retain: t.Optional[float] = None,
-        **kwargs,
-    ):
-        """Load data from an h5 file."""
-        if dataset in self.common_chains:
-            # get dataset for composite chains
-            data = self.common_chains[dataset](**kwargs)
-        else:
-            # use Signal's get_raw
-            data = self.get_raw(dataset, in_minutes=in_minutes, lineage=True)
-            if chain:
-                data = self.apply_chain(data, chain, **kwargs)
-        if retain:
-            # keep data only from early time points
-            data = self.get_retained(data, retain)
-        if stages and "stage" not in data.columns.names:
-            # return stages as additional column level
-            stages_index = [
-                x
-                for i, (name, span) in enumerate(self.stages_span_tp)
-                for x in (f"{i} { name }",) * span
-            ]
-            data.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
-                zip(stages_index, data.columns),
-                names=("stage", "time"),
-            )
-        return data
-    def apply_chain(
-        self, input_data: pd.DataFrame, chain: t.Tuple[str, ...], **kwargs
-    ):
-        """
-        Apply a series of processes to a data set.
-        Like postprocessing, Chainer consecutively applies processes.
-        Parameters can be passed as kwargs.
-        Chainer does not support applying the same process multiple times with different parameters.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        input_data : pd.DataFrame
-            Input data to process.
-        chain : t.Tuple[str, ...]
-            Tuple of strings with the names of the processes
-        **kwargs : kwargs
-            Arguments passed on to Process.as_function() method to modify the parameters.
-        Examples
-        --------
-        FIXME: Add docs.
-        """
-        result = copy(input_data)
-        self._intermediate_steps = []
-        for process in chain:
-            if process == "standard":
-                result = bidirectional_retainment_filter(result)
-            else:
-                params = kwargs.get(process, {})
-                process_cls = get_process(process)
-                result = process_cls.as_function(result, **params)
-                process_type = process_cls.__module__.split(".")[-2]
-                if process_type == "reshapers":
-                    if process == "merger":
-                        raise (NotImplementedError)
-            self._intermediate_steps.append(result)
-        return result
diff --git a/src/postprocessor/grouper.py b/src/postprocessor/grouper.py
index da6cbd67483be37f2d676f45cdc189e25228d8d6..e9abac873eddc8fe82e5c3a6a81a34debfef5288 100644
--- a/src/postprocessor/grouper.py
+++ b/src/postprocessor/grouper.py
@@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ import pandas as pd
 from pathos.multiprocessing import Pool
 from agora.io.signal import Signal
-from postprocessor.chainer import Chainer
 class Grouper(ABC):
     """Base grouper class."""
     def __init__(self, dir: Union[str, Path], name_inds=(0, -4)):
-        """Find h5 files and load a chain for each one."""
+        """Find h5 files and load each one."""
         path = Path(dir)
         assert path.exists(), f"{str(dir)} does not exist"
         self.name = path.name
@@ -29,31 +28,33 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
         self.positions_groups = {
             name: name[name_inds[0] : name_inds[1]]
-            for name in self.chainers.keys()
+            for name in self.positions.keys()
     def load_positions(self) -> None:
-        """Load a chain for each position, or h5 file."""
-        self.chainers = {f.name[:-3]: Signal(f) for f in self.files}
+        """Load a Signal for each position, or h5 file."""
+        self.positions = {f.name[:-3]: Signal(f) for f in self.files}
     def first_signal(self) -> Signal:
         """Get Signal for the first position."""
-        return list(self.chainers.values())[0]
+        return list(self.positions.values())[0]
     def ntimepoints(self) -> int:
         """Find number of time points."""
-        return max([s.ntimepoints for s in self.chainers.values()])
+        return max([s.ntimepoints for s in self.positions.values()])
-    def max_tinterval(self) -> float:
-        """Find the maximum time interval for all chains."""
-        tintervals = set([s.tinterval / 60 for s in self.chainers.values()])
+    def tinterval(self) -> float:
+        """Find the time interval for all positions."""
+        tintervals = list(
+            set([s.tinterval / 60 for s in self.positions.values()])
+        )
         assert (
             len(tintervals) == 1
-        ), "Not all chains have the same time interval"
-        return max(tintervals)
+        ), "Not all positions have the same time interval."
+        return tintervals[0]
     def available(self) -> t.Collection[str]:
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
         """Display available signals and the number of positions with these signals."""
         if not hasattr(self, "available_grouped"):
             self._available_grouped = Counter(
-                [x for s in self.chainers.values() for x in s.available]
+                [x for s in self.positions.values() for x in s.available]
         for s, n in self._available_grouped.items():
             print(f"{s} - {n}")
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
-        Concatenate data for one signal from different h5 files into a data frame.
+        Concatenate data for one signal from different h5 files.
         Each h5 files corresponds to a different position.
@@ -89,7 +90,6 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
         pool : int
            Number of threads used; if 0 or None only one core is used.
         mode: str
-        standard: boolean
         **kwargs : key, value pairings
            Named arguments for concat_ind_function
@@ -101,19 +101,18 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
             path = path.strip("/")
         good_positions = self.filter_positions(path)
         if good_positions:
-            fn_pos = concat_one_signal
             kwargs["mode"] = mode
             records = self.pool_function(
-                f=fn_pos,
+                f=concat_one_signal,
-                chainers=good_positions,
+                positions=good_positions,
             # check for errors
             errors = [
-                for kymo, k in zip(records, self.chainers.keys())
+                for kymo, k in zip(records, self.positions.keys())
                 if kymo is None
             records = [record for record in records if record is not None]
@@ -130,12 +129,12 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
             concat_sorted = concat.sort_index()
             return concat_sorted
-    def filter_positions(self, path: str) -> t.Dict[str, Chainer]:
-        """Filter chains to those whose data is available in the h5 file."""
+    def filter_positions(self, path: str) -> t.Dict[str, Signal]:
+        """Filter positions to those whose data is available in the h5 file."""
         good_positions = {
-            k: v for k, v in self.chainers.items() if path in [*v.available]
+            k: v for k, v in self.positions.items() if path in [*v.available]
-        no_positions_dif = len(self.chainers) - len(good_positions)
+        no_positions_dif = len(self.positions) - len(good_positions)
         if no_positions_dif:
                 f"Grouper: Warning: {no_positions_dif} positions do not contain"
@@ -148,52 +147,52 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
         path: str,
         f: t.Callable,
         pool: t.Optional[int] = None,
-        chainers: t.Dict[str, Chainer] = None,
+        positions: t.Dict[str, Signal] = None,
-        Enable different threads for independent chains.
+        Enable different threads for different positions.
         Particularly useful when aggregating multiple elements.
-        chainers = chainers or self.chainers
+        positions = positions or self.positions
         if pool:
             with Pool(pool) as p:
                 records = p.map(
                     lambda x: f(
-                        chainer=x[1],
+                        position=x[1],
-                        position=x[0],
+                        position_name=x[0],
-                    chainers.items(),
+                    positions.items(),
             records = [
-                    chainer=chainer,
+                    position=position,
-                    position=name,
+                    position_name=name,
-                for name, chainer in self.chainers.items()
+                for name, position in self.positions.items()
         return records
     def no_tiles(self):
         """Get total number of tiles per position (h5 file)."""
-        for pos, s in self.chainers.items():
+        for pos, s in self.positions.items():
             with h5py.File(s.filename, "r") as f:
                 print(pos, f["/trap_info/trap_locations"].shape[0])
-    def tilelocs(self) -> t.Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
+    def tile_locs(self) -> t.Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
         """Get the locations of the tiles for each position as a dictionary."""
         d = {}
-        for pos, s in self.chainers.items():
+        for pos, s in self.positions.items():
             with h5py.File(s.filename, "r") as f:
                 d[pos] = f["/trap_info/trap_locations"][()]
         return d
@@ -223,16 +222,11 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
         return set(
-                for position in self.chainers.values()
+                for position in self.positions.values()
                 for channel in position.channels
-    @property
-    def tinterval(self):
-        """Get interval between time points in seconds."""
-        return self.first_signal.tinterval
     def no_members(self) -> t.Dict[str, int]:
         """Get the number of positions belonging to each group."""
@@ -242,7 +236,7 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
     def no_tiles_by_group(self) -> t.Dict[str, int]:
         """Get total number of tiles per group."""
         no_tiles = {}
-        for pos, s in self.chainers.items():
+        for pos, s in self.positions.items():
             with h5py.File(s.filename, "r") as f:
                 no_tiles[pos] = f["/trap_info/trap_locations"].shape[0]
         no_tiles_by_group = {k: 0 for k in self.groups}
@@ -261,21 +255,12 @@ class Grouper(ABC):
         return tuple(sorted(set(self.positions_groups.keys())))
-class NameGrouper(Grouper):
-    """Group a set of positions with a shorter version of the group's name."""
-    def __init__(self, dir, name_inds=(0, -4)):
-        """Define the indices to slice names."""
-        super().__init__(dir=dir)
-        self.name_inds = name_inds
 def concat_one_signal(
     path: str,
-    chainer: Chainer,
+    position: Signal,
     group: str,
     mode: str = "retained",
-    position=None,
+    position_name=None,
 ) -> pd.DataFrame:
@@ -283,27 +268,26 @@ def concat_one_signal(
     Applies filtering if requested and adjusts indices.
-    if position is None:
+    if position_name is None:
         # name of h5 file
-        position = chainer.stem
+        position_name = position.stem
     if mode == "retained":
-        combined = chainer.retained(path, **kwargs)
+        combined = position.retained(path, **kwargs)
     elif mode == "raw":
-        combined = chainer.get_raw(path, **kwargs)
+        combined = position.get_raw(path, **kwargs)
     elif mode == "daughters":
-        combined = chainer.get_raw(path, **kwargs)
+        combined = position.get_raw(path, **kwargs)
         combined = combined.loc[
             combined.index.get_level_values("mother_label") > 0
     elif mode == "families":
-        combined = chainer[path]
+        combined = position[path]
-        raise Exception(f"{mode} not recognised.")
+        raise Exception(f"concat_one_signal: {mode} not recognised.")
     if combined is not None:
         # adjust indices
-        combined["position"] = position
+        combined["position"] = position_name
         combined["group"] = group
         combined.set_index(["group", "position"], inplace=True, append=True)
         combined.index = combined.index.swaplevel(-2, 0).swaplevel(-1, 1)
-    # should there be an error message if None is returned?
     return combined