diff --git a/aliby/__init__.py b/aliby/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/aliby/baby_client.py b/aliby/baby_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4dd610796e0fe73ea52d7bf96e82ca94336cc2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/baby_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+import collections
+import itertools
+import json
+import time
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Iterable
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import re
+import requests
+import tensorflow as tf
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from agora.base import ParametersABC, ProcessABC
+import baby.errors
+from baby import modelsets
+from baby.brain import BabyBrain
+from baby.crawler import BabyCrawler
+from requests.exceptions import Timeout, HTTPError
+from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder
+from aliby.utils import Cache, accumulate, get_store_path
+################### Dask Methods ################################
+def format_segmentation(segmentation, tp):
+    """Format a single timepoint into a dictionary.
+    Parameters
+    ------------
+    segmentation: list
+                  A list of results, each result is the output of the crawler, which is JSON-encoded
+    tp: int
+        the time point considered
+    Returns
+    --------
+    A dictionary containing the formatted results of BABY
+    """
+    # Segmentation is a list of dictionaries, ordered by trap
+    # Add trap information
+    # mother_assign = None
+    for i, x in enumerate(segmentation):
+        x["trap"] = [i] * len(x["cell_label"])
+        x["mother_assign_dynamic"] = np.array(x["mother_assign"])[
+            np.array(x["cell_label"], dtype=int) - 1
+        ]
+    # Merge into a dictionary of lists, by column
+    merged = {
+        k: list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(res[k] for res in segmentation))
+        for k in segmentation[0].keys()
+    }
+    # Special case for mother_assign
+    # merged["mother_assign_dynamic"] = [merged["mother_assign"]]
+    if "mother_assign" in merged:
+        del merged["mother_assign"]
+        mother_assign = [x["mother_assign"] for x in segmentation]
+    # Check that the lists are all of the same length (in case of errors in
+    # BABY)
+    n_cells = min([len(v) for v in merged.values()])
+    merged = {k: v[:n_cells] for k, v in merged.items()}
+    merged["timepoint"] = [tp] * n_cells
+    merged["mother_assign"] = mother_assign
+    return merged
+class BabyParameters(ParametersABC):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        model_config,
+        tracker_params,
+        clogging_thresh,
+        min_bud_tps,
+        isbud_thresh,
+        session,
+        graph,
+        print_info,
+        suppress_errors,
+        error_dump_dir,
+        tf_version,
+    ):
+        self.model_config = model_config
+        self.tracker_params = tracker_params
+        self.clogging_thresh = clogging_thresh
+        self.min_bud_tps = min_bud_tps
+        self.isbud_thresh = isbud_thresh
+        self.session = session
+        self.graph = graph
+        self.print_info = print_info
+        self.suppress_errors = suppress_errors
+        self.error_dump_dir = error_dump_dir
+        self.tf_version = tf_version
+    @classmethod
+    def default(cls, **kwargs):
+        """kwargs passes values to the model chooser"""
+        return cls(
+            model_config=choose_model_from_params(**kwargs),
+            tracker_params=dict(ctrack_params=dict(), budtrack_params=dict()),
+            clogging_thresh=1,
+            min_bud_tps=3,
+            isbud_thresh=0.5,
+            session=None,
+            graph=None,
+            print_info=False,
+            suppress_errors=False,
+            error_dump_dir=None,
+            tf_version=2,
+        )
+class BabyRunner:
+    """A BabyRunner object for cell segmentation.
+    Does segmentation one time point at a time."""
+    def __init__(self, tiler, parameters=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.tiler = tiler
+        # self.model_config = modelsets()[choose_model_from_params(**kwargs)]
+        self.model_config = modelsets()[
+            (
+                parameters.model_config
+                if parameters is not None
+                else choose_model_from_params(**kwargs)
+            )
+        ]
+        self.brain = BabyBrain(**self.model_config)
+        self.crawler = BabyCrawler(self.brain)
+        self.bf_channel = self.tiler.get_channel_index("Brightfield")
+    @classmethod
+    def from_tiler(cls, parameters: BabyParameters, tiler):
+        return cls(tiler, parameters)
+    def get_data(self, tp):
+        # Swap axes x and z, probably shouldn't swap, just move z
+        return self.tiler.get_tp_data(tp, self.bf_channel).swapaxes(1, 3).swapaxes(1, 2)
+    def run_tp(self, tp, with_edgemasks=True, assign_mothers=True, **kwargs):
+        """Simulating processing time with sleep"""
+        # Access the image
+        img = self.get_data(tp)
+        segmentation = self.crawler.step(
+            img, with_edgemasks=with_edgemasks, assign_mothers=assign_mothers, **kwargs
+        )
+        return format_segmentation(segmentation, tp)
+class BabyClient:
+    """A dummy BabyClient object for Dask Demo.
+    Does segmentation one time point at a time.
+    Should work better with the parallelisation.
+    """
+    bf_channel = 0
+    model_name = "prime95b_brightfield_60x_5z"
+    url = "http://localhost:5101"
+    max_tries = 50
+    sleep_time = 0.1
+    def __init__(self, tiler, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.tiler = tiler
+        self._session = None
+    @property
+    def session(self):
+        if self._session is None:
+            r_session = requests.get(self.url + f"/session/{self.model_name}")
+            r_session.raise_for_status()
+            self._session = r_session.json()["sessionid"]
+        return self._session
+    def get_data(self, tp):
+        return self.tiler.get_tp_data(tp, self.bf_channel).swapaxes(1, 3)
+    def queue_image(self, img, **kwargs):
+        bit_depth = img.dtype.itemsize * 8  # bit depth =  byte_size * 8
+        data = create_request(img.shape, bit_depth, img, **kwargs)
+        status = requests.post(
+            self.url + f"/segment?sessionid={self.session}",
+            data=data,
+            headers={"Content-Type": data.content_type},
+        )
+        status.raise_for_status()
+        return status
+    def get_segmentation(self):
+        try:
+            seg_response = requests.get(
+                self.url + f"/segment?sessionid={self.session}", timeout=120
+            )
+            seg_response.raise_for_status()
+            result = seg_response.json()
+        except Timeout as e:
+            raise e
+        except HTTPError as e:
+            raise e
+        return result
+    def run_tp(self, tp, **kwargs):
+        # Get data
+        img = self.get_data(tp)
+        # Queue image
+        status = self.queue_image(img, **kwargs)
+        # Get segmentation
+        for _ in range(self.max_tries):
+            try:
+                seg = self.get_segmentation()
+                break
+            except (Timeout, HTTPError):
+                time.sleep(self.sleep_time)
+                continue
+        return format_segmentation(seg, tp)
+def choose_model_from_params(
+    modelset_filter=None,
+    camera="prime95b",
+    channel="brightfield",
+    zoom="60x",
+    n_stacks="5z",
+    **kwargs,
+    """
+    Define which model to query from the server based on a set of parameters.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    valid_models: List[str]
+                  The names of the models that are available.
+    modelset_filter: str
+                    A regex filter to apply on the models to start.
+    camera: str
+            The camera used in the experiment (case insensitive).
+    channel:str
+            The channel used for segmentation (case insensitive).
+    zoom: str
+          The zoom on the channel.
+    n_stacks: str
+              The number of z_stacks to use in segmentation
+    Returns
+    -------
+    model_name : str
+    """
+    valid_models = list(modelsets().keys())
+    # Apply modelset filter if specified
+    if modelset_filter is not None:
+        msf_regex = re.compile(modelset_filter)
+        valid_models = filter(msf_regex.search, valid_models)
+    # Apply parameter filters if specified
+    params = [
+        str(x) if x is not None else ".+"
+        for x in [camera.lower(), channel.lower(), zoom, n_stacks]
+    ]
+    params_re = re.compile("^" + "_".join(params) + "$")
+    valid_models = list(filter(params_re.search, valid_models))
+    # Check that there are valid models
+    if len(valid_models) == 0:
+        raise KeyError("No model sets found matching {}".format(", ".join(params)))
+    # Pick the first model
+    return valid_models[0]
diff --git a/aliby/cells.py b/aliby/cells.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..463e232c5b70808b13571039d269f23879cef62c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/cells.py
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path, PosixPath
+from time import perf_counter
+from typing import Union
+from itertools import groupby
+from collections.abc import Iterable
+from utils_find_1st import find_1st, cmp_equal
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+from scipy import ndimage
+from scipy.sparse.base import isdense
+from aliby.io.matlab import matObject
+from aliby.utils import timed
+from aliby.io.writer import load_complex
+def cell_factory(store, type="matlab"):
+    if isinstance(store, matObject):
+        return CellsMat(store)
+    if type == "matlab":
+        mat_object = matObject(store)
+        return CellsMat(mat_object)
+    elif type == "hdf5":
+        return CellsHDF(store)
+    else:
+        raise TypeError(
+            "Could not get cells for type {}:" "valid types are matlab and hdf5"
+        )
+class Cells:
+    """An object that gathers information about all the cells in a given
+    trap.
+    This is the abstract object, used for type testing
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_source(source: Union[PosixPath, str], kind: str = None):
+        if isinstance(source, str):
+            source = Path(source)
+        if kind is None:  # Infer kind from filename
+            kind = "matlab" if source.suffix == ".mat" else "hdf5"
+        return cell_factory(source, kind)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _asdense(array):
+        if not isdense(array):
+            array = array.todense()
+        return array
+    @staticmethod
+    def _astype(array, kind):
+        # Convert sparse arrays if needed and if kind is 'mask' it fills the outline
+        array = Cells._asdense(array)
+        if kind == "mask":
+            array = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(array).astype(int)
+        return array
+    @classmethod
+    def hdf(cls, fpath):
+        return CellsHDF(fpath)
+    @classmethod
+    def mat(cls, path):
+        return CellsMat(matObject(store))
+class CellsHDF(Cells):
+    def __init__(self, filename, path="cell_info"):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.cinfo_path = path
+        self._edgem_indices = None
+        self._edgemasks = None
+        self._tile_size = None
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        if item == "edgemasks":
+            return self.edgemasks
+        _item = "_" + item
+        if not hasattr(self, _item):
+            setattr(self, _item, self._fetch(item))
+        return getattr(self, _item)
+    def _get_idx(self, cell_id, trap_id):
+        return (self["cell_label"] == cell_id) & (self["trap"] == trap_id)
+    def _fetch(self, path):
+        with h5py.File(self.filename, mode="r") as f:
+            return f[self.cinfo_path][path][()]
+    @property
+    def ntraps(self):
+        with h5py.File(self.filename, mode="r") as f:
+            return len(f["/trap_info/trap_locations"][()])
+    @property
+    def traps(self):
+        return list(set(self["trap"]))
+    @property
+    def tile_size(self):  # TODO read from metadata
+        if self._tile_size is None:
+            with h5py.File(self.filename, mode="r") as f:
+                self._tile_size == f["trap_info/tile_size"][0]
+        return self._tile_size
+    @property
+    def edgem_indices(self):
+        if self._edgem_indices is None:
+            edgem_path = "edgemasks/indices"
+            self._edgem_indices = load_complex(self._fetch(edgem_path))
+        return self._edgem_indices
+    @property
+    def edgemasks(self):
+        if self._edgemasks is None:
+            edgem_path = "edgemasks/values"
+            self._edgemasks = self._fetch(edgem_path)
+        return self._edgemasks
+    def _edgem_where(self, cell_id, trap_id):
+        ix = trap_id + 1j * cell_id
+        return find_1st(self.edgem_indices == ix, True, cmp_equal)
+    @property
+    def labels(self):
+        """
+        Return all cell labels in object
+        We use mother_assign to list traps because it is the only propriety that appears even
+        when no cells are found"""
+        return [self.labels_in_trap(trap) for trap in self.traps]
+    def where(self, cell_id, trap_id):
+        """
+        Returns
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+            cell_id: int
+                Cell index
+            trap_id: int
+                Trap index
+        Returns
+        ----------
+            indices int array
+            boolean mask array
+            edge_ix int array
+        """
+        indices = self._get_idx(cell_id, trap_id)
+        edgem_ix = self._edgem_where(cell_id, trap_id)
+        return (
+            self["timepoint"][indices],
+            indices,
+            edgem_ix,
+        )  # FIXME edgem_ix makes output different to matlab's Cell
+    def outline(self, cell_id, trap_id):
+        times, indices, cell_ix = self.where(cell_id, trap_id)
+        return times, self["edgemasks"][cell_ix, times]
+    def mask(self, cell_id, trap_id):
+        times, outlines = self.outline(cell_id, trap_id)
+        return times, np.array(
+            [ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(o) for o in outlines]
+        )
+    def at_time(self, timepoint, kind="mask"):
+        ix = self["timepoint"] == timepoint
+        cell_ix = self["cell_label"][ix]
+        traps = self["trap"][ix]
+        indices = traps + 1j * cell_ix
+        choose = np.in1d(self.edgem_indices, indices)
+        edgemasks = self["edgemasks"][choose, timepoint]
+        masks = [
+            self._astype(edgemask, kind) for edgemask in edgemasks if edgemask.any()
+        ]
+        return self.group_by_traps(traps, masks)
+    def group_by_traps(self, traps, data):
+        # returns a dict with traps as keys and labels as value
+        iterator = groupby(zip(traps, data), lambda x: x[0])
+        d = {key: [x[1] for x in group] for key, group in iterator}
+        d = {i: d.get(i, []) for i in self.traps}
+        return d
+    def labels_in_trap(self, trap_id):
+        # Return set of cell ids in a trap.
+        return set((self["cell_label"][self["trap"] == trap_id]))
+    def labels_at_time(self, timepoint):
+        labels = self["cell_label"][self["timepoint"] == timepoint]
+        traps = self["trap"][self["timepoint"] == timepoint]
+        return self.group_by_traps(traps, labels)
+class CellsMat(Cells):
+    def __init__(self, mat_object):
+        super(CellsMat, self).__init__()
+        # TODO add __contains__ to the matObject
+        timelapse_traps = mat_object.get(
+            "timelapseTrapsOmero", mat_object.get("timelapseTraps", None)
+        )
+        if timelapse_traps is None:
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                "Could not find a timelapseTraps or "
+                "timelapseTrapsOmero object. Cells "
+                "from cellResults not implemented"
+            )
+        else:
+            self.trap_info = timelapse_traps["cTimepoint"]["trapInfo"]
+            if isinstance(self.trap_info, list):
+                self.trap_info = {
+                    k: list([res.get(k, []) for res in self.trap_info])
+                    for k in self.trap_info[0].keys()
+                }
+    def where(self, cell_id, trap_id):
+        times, indices = zip(
+            *[
+                (tp, np.where(cell_id == x)[0][0])
+                for tp, x in enumerate(self.trap_info["cellLabel"][:, trap_id].tolist())
+                if np.any(cell_id == x)
+            ]
+        )
+        return times, indices
+    def outline(self, cell_id, trap_id):
+        times, indices = self.where(cell_id, trap_id)
+        info = self.trap_info["cell"][times, trap_id]
+        def get_segmented(cell, index):
+            if cell["segmented"].ndim == 0:
+                return cell["segmented"][()].todense()
+            else:
+                return cell["segmented"][index].todense()
+        segmentation_outline = [
+            get_segmented(cell, idx) for idx, cell in zip(indices, info)
+        ]
+        return times, np.array(segmentation_outline)
+    def mask(self, cell_id, trap_id):
+        times, outlines = self.outline(cell_id, trap_id)
+        return times, np.array(
+            [ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(o) for o in outlines]
+        )
+    def at_time(self, timepoint, kind="outline"):
+        """Returns the segmentations for all the cells at a given timepoint.
+        FIXME: this is extremely hacky and accounts for differently saved
+            results in the matlab object. Deprecate ASAP.
+        """
+        # Case 1: only one cell per trap: trap_info['cell'][timepoint] is a
+        # structured array
+        if isinstance(self.trap_info["cell"][timepoint], dict):
+            segmentations = [
+                self._astype(x, "outline")
+                for x in self.trap_info["cell"][timepoint]["segmented"]
+            ]
+        # Case 2: Multiple cells per trap: it becomes a list of arrays or
+        # dictionaries,  one for each trap
+        # Case 2.1 : it's a dictionary
+        elif isinstance(self.trap_info["cell"][timepoint][0], dict):
+            segmentations = []
+            for x in self.trap_info["cell"][timepoint]:
+                seg = x["segmented"]
+                if not isinstance(seg, np.ndarray):
+                    seg = [seg]
+                segmentations.append([self._astype(y, "outline") for y in seg])
+        # Case 2.2 : it's an array
+        else:
+            segmentations = [
+                [self._astype(y, type) for y in x["segmented"]] if x.ndim != 0 else []
+                for x in self.trap_info["cell"][timepoint]
+            ]
+            # Return dict for compatibility with hdf5 output
+        return {i: v for i, v in enumerate(segmentations)}
+    def labels_at_time(self, tp):
+        labels = self.trap_info["cellLabel"]
+        labels = [_aslist(x) for x in labels[tp]]
+        labels = {i: [lbl for lbl in lblset] for i, lblset in enumerate(labels)}
+        return labels
+    @property
+    def ntraps(self):
+        return len(self.trap_info["cellLabel"][0])
+    @property
+    def tile_size(self):
+        pass
+class ExtractionRunner:
+    """An object to run extraction of fluorescence, and general data out of
+    segmented data.
+    Configure with what extraction we want to run.
+    Cell selection criteria.
+    Filtering criteria.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tiler, cells):
+        pass
+    def run(self, keys, store, **kwargs):
+        pass
+def _aslist(x):
+    if isinstance(x, Iterable):
+        if hasattr(x, "tolist"):
+            x = x.tolist()
+    else:
+        x = [x]
+    return x
diff --git a/aliby/core.py b/aliby/core.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56422434475f9bd42e2d891f3a32ba3295d14f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/core.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+"""Barebones implementation of the structure/organisation of experiments."""
+class Experiment:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.strains = dict()
+        self._metadata = None
+    def add_strains(self, name, strain):
+        self.strains[name] = strain
+class Strain:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.positions = dict()
+    def add_position(self, name, position):
+        self.positions[name] = position
+class Position:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.traps = []
+    def add_trap(self, trap):
+        self.traps.append(trap)
+class Trap:  # TODO Name this Tile?
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.cells = []
+    def add_cell(self, cell):
+        self.cells.append(cell)
diff --git a/aliby/experiment.py b/aliby/experiment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9919f40feffbe22a1598be6eb563514ad151cfe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/experiment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+"""Core classes for the pipeline"""
+import atexit
+import itertools
+import os
+import abc
+import glob
+import json
+import warnings
+from getpass import getpass
+from pathlib import Path
+import re
+import logging
+from typing import Union
+import h5py
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import pandas as pd
+import omero
+from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway
+from logfile_parser import Parser
+from aliby.timelapse import TimelapseOMERO, TimelapseLocal
+from aliby.utils import accumulate
+from aliby.io.writer import Writer
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+########################### Dask objects ###################################
+##################### ENVIRONMENT INITIALISATION ################
+import omero
+from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway, PixelsWrapper
+from omero.model import enums as omero_enums
+import numpy as np
+# Set up the pixels so that we can reuse them across sessions (?)
+    omero_enums.PixelsTypeint8: np.int8,
+    omero_enums.PixelsTypeuint8: np.uint8,
+    omero_enums.PixelsTypeint16: np.int16,
+    omero_enums.PixelsTypeuint16: np.uint16,
+    omero_enums.PixelsTypeint32: np.int32,
+    omero_enums.PixelsTypeuint32: np.uint32,
+    omero_enums.PixelsTypefloat: np.float32,
+    omero_enums.PixelsTypedouble: np.float64,
+class NonCachedPixelsWrapper(PixelsWrapper):
+    """Extend gateway.PixelWrapper to override _prepareRawPixelsStore."""
+    def _prepareRawPixelsStore(self):
+        """
+        Creates RawPixelsStore and sets the id etc
+        This overrides the superclass behaviour to make sure that
+        we don't re-use RawPixelStore in multiple processes since
+        the Store may be closed in 1 process while still needed elsewhere.
+        This is needed when napari requests may planes simultaneously,
+        e.g. when switching to 3D view.
+        """
+        ps = self._conn.c.sf.createRawPixelsStore()
+        ps.setPixelsId(self._obj.id.val, True, self._conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
+        return ps
+omero.gateway.PixelsWrapper = NonCachedPixelsWrapper
+# Update the BlitzGateway to use our NonCachedPixelsWrapper
+######################  DATA ACCESS ###################
+import dask.array as da
+from dask import delayed
+def get_data_lazy(image) -> da.Array:
+    """Get 5D dask array, with delayed reading from OMERO image."""
+    nt, nc, nz, ny, nx = [getattr(image, f"getSize{x}")() for x in "TCZYX"]
+    pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels()
+    dtype = PIXEL_TYPES.get(pixels.getPixelsType().value, None)
+    get_plane = delayed(lambda idx: pixels.getPlane(*idx))
+    def get_lazy_plane(zct):
+        return da.from_delayed(get_plane(zct), shape=(ny, nx), dtype=dtype)
+    # 5D stack: TCZXY
+    t_stacks = []
+    for t in range(nt):
+        c_stacks = []
+        for c in range(nc):
+            z_stack = []
+            for z in range(nz):
+                z_stack.append(get_lazy_plane((z, c, t)))
+            c_stacks.append(da.stack(z_stack))
+        t_stacks.append(da.stack(c_stacks))
+    return da.stack(t_stacks)
+# Metadata writer
+from aliby.io.metadata_parser import parse_logfiles
+class MetaData:
+    """Small metadata Process that loads log."""
+    def __init__(self, log_dir, store):
+        self.log_dir = log_dir
+        self.store = store
+    def load_logs(self):
+        parsed_flattened = parse_logfiles(self.log_dir)
+        return parsed_flattened
+    def run(self):
+        metadata_writer = Writer(self.store)
+        metadata_dict = self.load_logs()
+        metadata_writer.write(path="/", meta=metadata_dict, overwrite=False)
+########################### Old Objects ####################################
+class Experiment(abc.ABC):
+    """
+    Abstract base class for experiments.
+    Gives all the functions that need to be implemented in both the local
+    version and the Omero version of the Experiment class.
+    As this is an abstract class, experiments can not be directly instantiated
+    through the usual `__init__` function, but must be instantiated from a
+    source.
+    >>> expt = Experiment.from_source(root_directory)
+    Data from the current timelapse can be obtained from the experiment using
+    colon and comma separated slicing.
+    The order of data is C, T, X, Y, Z
+    C, T and Z can have any slice
+    X and Y will only consider the beginning and end as we want the images
+    to be continuous
+    >>> bf_1 = expt[0, 0, :, :, :] # First channel, first timepoint, all x,y,z
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+    # metadata_parser = AcqMetadataParser()
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.exptID = ""
+        self._current_position = None
+        self.position_to_process = 0
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        return self.current_position[item]
+    @property
+    def shape(self):
+        return self.current_position.shape
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_source(*args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Factory method to construct an instance of an Experiment subclass (
+        either ExperimentOMERO or ExperimentLocal).
+        :param source: Where the data is stored (OMERO server or directory
+        name)
+        :param kwargs: If OMERO server, `user` and `password` keyword
+        arguments are required. If the data is stored locally keyword
+        arguments are ignored.
+        """
+        if len(args) > 1:
+            logger.debug("ExperimentOMERO: {}".format(args, kwargs))
+            return ExperimentOMERO(*args, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            logger.debug("ExperimentLocal: {}".format(args, kwargs))
+            return ExperimentLocal(*args, **kwargs)
+    @property
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def positions(self):
+        """Returns list of available position names"""
+        return
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def get_position(self, position):
+        return
+    @property
+    def current_position(self):
+        return self._current_position
+    @property
+    def channels(self):
+        return self._current_position.channels
+    @current_position.setter
+    def current_position(self, position):
+        self._current_position = self.get_position(position)
+    def get_hypercube(self, x, y, z_positions, channels, timepoints):
+        return self.current_position.get_hypercube(
+            x, y, z_positions, channels, timepoints
+        )
+# Todo: cache images like in ExperimentLocal
+class ExperimentOMERO(Experiment):
+    """
+    Experiment class to organise different timelapses.
+    Connected to a Dataset object which handles database I/O.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, omero_id, host, port=4064, **kwargs):
+        super(ExperimentOMERO, self).__init__()
+        self.exptID = omero_id
+        # Get annotations
+        self.use_annotations = kwargs.get("use_annotations", True)
+        self._files = None
+        self._tags = None
+        # Create a connection
+        self.connection = BlitzGateway(
+            kwargs.get("username") or input("Username: "),
+            kwargs.get("password") or getpass("Password: "),
+            host=host,
+            port=port,
+        )
+        connected = self.connection.connect()
+        try:
+            assert connected is True, "Could not connect to server."
+        except AssertionError as e:
+            self.connection.close()
+            raise (e)
+        try:  # Run everything that could cause the initialisation to fail
+            self.dataset = self.connection.getObject("Dataset", self.exptID)
+            self.name = self.dataset.getName()
+            # Create positions objects
+            self._positions = {
+                img.getName(): img.getId()
+                for img in sorted(
+                    self.dataset.listChildren(), key=lambda x: x.getName()
+                )
+            }
+            # Set up local cache
+            self.root_dir = Path(kwargs.get("save_dir", "./")) / self.name
+            if not self.root_dir.exists():
+                self.root_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
+            self.compression = kwargs.get("compression", None)
+            self.image_cache = h5py.File(self.root_dir / "images.h5", "a")
+            # Set up the current position as the first in the list
+            self._current_position = self.get_position(self.positions[0])
+            self.running_tp = 0
+        except Exception as e:
+            # Close the connection!
+            print("Error in initialisation, closing connection.")
+            self.connection.close()
+            print(self.connection.isConnected())
+            raise e
+        atexit.register(self.close)  # Close everything if program ends
+    def close(self):
+        print("Clean-up on exit.")
+        self.image_cache.close()
+        self.connection.close()
+    @property
+    def files(self):
+        if self._files is None:
+            self._files = {
+                x.getFileName(): x
+                for x in self.dataset.listAnnotations()
+                if isinstance(x, omero.gateway.FileAnnotationWrapper)
+            }
+        return self._files
+    @property
+    def tags(self):
+        if self._tags is None:
+            self._tags = {
+                x.getName(): x
+                for x in self.dataset.listAnnotations()
+                if isinstance(x, omero.gateway.TagAnnotationWrapper)
+            }
+        return self._tags
+    @property
+    def positions(self):
+        return list(self._positions.keys())
+    def _get_position_annotation(self, position):
+        # Get file annotations filtered by position name and ordered by
+        # creation date
+        r = re.compile(position)
+        wrappers = sorted(
+            [self.files[key] for key in filter(r.match, self.files)],
+            key=lambda x: x.creationEventDate(),
+            reverse=True,
+        )
+        # Choose newest file
+        if len(wrappers) < 1:
+            return None
+        else:
+            # Choose the newest annotation and cache it
+            annotation = wrappers[0]
+            filepath = self.root_dir / annotation.getFileName().replace("/", "_")
+            if not filepath.exists():
+                with open(str(filepath), "wb") as fd:
+                    for chunk in annotation.getFileInChunks():
+                        fd.write(chunk)
+            return filepath
+    def get_position(self, position):
+        """Get a Timelapse object for a given position by name"""
+        # assert position in self.positions, "Position not available."
+        img = self.connection.getObject("Image", self._positions[position])
+        if self.use_annotations:
+            annotation = self._get_position_annotation(position)
+        else:
+            annotation = None
+        return TimelapseOMERO(img, annotation, self.image_cache)
+    def cache_locally(
+        self,
+        root_dir="./",
+        positions=None,
+        channels=None,
+        timepoints=None,
+        z_positions=None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Save the experiment locally.
+        :param root_dir: The directory in which the experiment will be
+        saved. The experiment will be a subdirectory of "root_directory"
+        and will be named by its id.
+        """
+        logger.warning("Saving experiment {}; may take some time.".format(self.name))
+        if positions is None:
+            positions = self.positions
+        if channels is None:
+            channels = self.current_position.channels
+        if timepoints is None:
+            timepoints = range(self.current_position.size_t)
+        if z_positions is None:
+            z_positions = range(self.current_position.size_z)
+        save_dir = Path(root_dir) / self.name
+        if not save_dir.exists():
+            save_dir.mkdir()
+        # Save the images
+        for pos_name in tqdm(positions):
+            pos = self.get_position(pos_name)
+            pos_dir = save_dir / pos_name
+            if not pos_dir.exists():
+                pos_dir.mkdir()
+            self.cache_set(pos, range(pos.size_t))
+        self.cache_logs(save_dir)
+        # Save the file annotations
+        cache_config = dict(
+            positions=positions,
+            channels=channels,
+            timepoints=timepoints,
+            z_positions=z_positions,
+        )
+        with open(str(save_dir / "cache.config"), "w") as fd:
+            json.dump(cache_config, fd)
+        logger.info("Downloaded experiment {}".format(self.exptID))
+    def cache_logs(self, **kwargs):
+        # Save the file annotations
+        tags = dict()  # and the tag annotations
+        for annotation in self.dataset.listAnnotations():
+            if isinstance(annotation, omero.gateway.FileAnnotationWrapper):
+                filepath = self.root_dir / annotation.getFileName().replace("/", "_")
+                if str(filepath).endswith("txt") and not filepath.exists():
+                    # Save only the text files
+                    with open(str(filepath), "wb") as fd:
+                        for chunk in annotation.getFileInChunks():
+                            fd.write(chunk)
+            if isinstance(annotation, omero.gateway.TagAnnotationWrapper):
+                key = annotation.getDescription()
+                if key == "":
+                    key = "misc. tags"
+                if key in tags:
+                    if not isinstance(tags[key], list):
+                        tags[key] = [tags[key]]
+                    tags[key].append(annotation.getValue())
+                else:
+                    tags[key] = annotation.getValue()
+        with open(str(self.root_dir / "omero_tags.json"), "w") as fd:
+            json.dump(tags, fd)
+        return
+    def run(self, keys: Union[list, int], store, **kwargs):
+        if self.running_tp == 0:
+            self.cache_logs(**kwargs)
+            self.running_tp = 1  # Todo rename based on annotations
+        run_tps = dict()
+        for pos, tps in accumulate(keys):
+            position = self.get_position(pos)
+            run_tps[pos] = position.run(tps, store, save_dir=self.root_dir)
+        # Update the keys to match what was actually run
+        keys = [(pos, tp) for pos in run_tps for tp in run_tps[pos]]
+        return keys
+class ExperimentLocal(Experiment):
+    def __init__(self, root_dir, finished=True):
+        super(ExperimentLocal, self).__init__()
+        self.root_dir = Path(root_dir)
+        self.exptID = self.root_dir.name
+        self._pos_mapper = dict()
+        # Fixme: Made the assumption that the Acq file gets saved before the
+        #  experiment is run and that the information in that file is
+        #  trustworthy.
+        acq_file = self._find_acq_file()
+        acq_parser = Parser("multiDGUI_acq_format")
+        with open(acq_file, "r") as fd:
+            metadata = acq_parser.parse(fd)
+        self.metadata = metadata
+        self.metadata["finished"] = finished
+        self.files = [f for f in self.root_dir.iterdir() if f.is_file()]
+        self.image_cache = h5py.File(self.root_dir / "images.h5", "a")
+        if self.finished:
+            cache = self._find_cache()
+            # log = self._find_log() # Todo: add log metadata
+            if cache is not None:
+                with open(cache, "r") as fd:
+                    cache_config = json.load(fd)
+                self.metadata.update(**cache_config)
+        self._current_position = self.get_position(self.positions[0])
+    def _find_file(self, regex):
+        file = glob.glob(os.path.join(str(self.root_dir), regex))
+        if len(file) != 1:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return file[0]
+    def _find_acq_file(self):
+        file = self._find_file("*[Aa]cq.txt")
+        if file is None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Cannot load this experiment. There are either "
+                "too many or too few acq files."
+            )
+        return file
+    def _find_cache(self):
+        return self._find_file("cache.config")
+    @property
+    def finished(self):
+        return self.metadata["finished"]
+    @property
+    def running(self):
+        return not self.metadata["finished"]
+    @property
+    def positions(self):
+        return self.metadata["positions"]["posname"]
+    def _get_position_annotation(self, position):
+        r = re.compile(position)
+        files = list(filter(lambda x: r.match(x.stem), self.files))
+        if len(files) == 0:
+            return None
+        files = sorted(files, key=lambda x: x.lstat().st_ctime, reverse=True)
+        # Get the newest and return as string
+        return files[0]
+    def get_position(self, position):
+        if position not in self._pos_mapper:
+            annotation = self._get_position_annotation(position)
+            self._pos_mapper[position] = TimelapseLocal(
+                position,
+                self.root_dir,
+                finished=self.finished,
+                annotation=annotation,
+                cache=self.image_cache,
+            )
+        return self._pos_mapper[position]
+    def run(self, keys, store, **kwargs):
+        """
+        :param keys: List of (position, time point) tuples to process.
+        :return:
+        """
+        run_tps = dict()
+        for pos, tps in accumulate(keys):
+            run_tps[pos] = self.get_position(pos).run(tps, store)
+        # Update the keys to match what was actually run
+        keys = [(pos, tp) for pos in run_tps for tp in run_tps[pos]]
+        return keys
diff --git a/aliby/extract.py b/aliby/extract.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..edd7c063cd9866c6f994a0d487eb912fe366e54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/extract.py
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+A module to extract data from a processed experiment.
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from core.io.matlab import matObject
+from growth_rate.estimate_gr import estimate_gr
+class Extracted:
+    # TODO write the filtering functions.
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.volume = None
+        self._keep = None
+    def filter(self, filename=None, **kwargs):
+        """
+        1. Filter out small non-growing tracks. This means:
+            a. the cell size never reaches beyond a certain size-threshold
+            volume_thresh or
+            b. the cell's volume doesn't increase by at least a minimum
+            amount over its lifetime
+        2. Join daughter tracks that are contiguous and within a volume
+           threshold of each other
+        3. Discard tracks that are shorter than a threshold number of
+           timepoints
+        This function is used to fix tracking/bud errors in post-processing.
+        The parameters define the thresholds used to determine which cells are
+        discarded.
+        FIXME Ideally we get to a point where this is no longer needed.
+        :return:
+        """
+        #self.join_tracks()
+        filter_out = self.filter_size(**kwargs)
+        filter_out += self.filter_lifespan(**kwargs)
+        # TODO save data or just filtering parameters?
+        #self.to_hdf(filename)
+        self.keep = ~filter_out
+    def filter_size(self, volume_thresh=7, growth_thresh=10, **kwargs):
+        """Filter out small and non-growing cells.
+        :param volume_thresh: Size threshold for small cells
+        :param growth_thresh: Size difference threshold for non-growing cells
+        """
+        filter_out = np.where(np.max(self.volume, axis=1) < volume_thresh,
+                              True, False)
+        growth = [v[v > 0] for v in self.volume]
+        growth = np.array([v[-1] - v[0] if len(v) > 0 else 0 for v in growth])
+        filter_out += np.where(growth < growth_thresh, True, False)
+        return filter_out
+    def filter_lifespan(self, min_time=5, **kwargs):
+        """Remove daughter cells that have a small life span.
+        :param min_time: The minimum life span, under which cells are removed.
+        """
+        # TODO What if there are nan values?
+        filter_out = np.where(np.count_nonzero(self.volume, axis=1) <
+                              min_time, True, False)
+        return filter_out
+    def join_tracks(self, threshold=7):
+        """ Join contiguous tracks that are within a certain volume
+        threshold of each other.
+        :param threshold: Maximum volume difference to join contiguous tracks.
+        :return:
+        """
+        # For all pairs of cells
+        #
+        pass
+class ExtractedHDF(Extracted):
+    # TODO pull all the data out of the HFile and filter!
+    def __init__(self, file):
+        # We consider the data to be read-only
+        self.hfile = h5py.File(file, 'r')
+class ExtractedMat(Extracted):
+    """ Pulls the extracted data out of the MATLAB cTimelapse file.
+    This is mostly a convenience function in order to run the
+    gaussian-processes growth-rate estimation
+    """
+    def __init__(self, file, debug=False):
+        ct = matObject(file)
+        self.debug = debug
+        # Pre-computed data
+        # TODO what if there is no timelapseTrapsOmero?
+        self.metadata = ct['timelapseTrapsOmero']['metadata']
+        self.extracted_data = ct['timelapseTrapsOmero']['extractedData']
+        self.channels = ct['timelapseTrapsOmero']['extractionParameters'][
+            'functionParameters']['channels'].tolist()
+        self.time_settings = ct['timelapseTrapsOmero']['metadata']['acq'][
+            'times']
+        # Get filtering information
+        n_cells = self.extracted_data['cellNum'][0].shape
+        self.keep = np.full(n_cells, True)
+        # Not yet computed data
+        self._growth_rate = None
+        self._daughter_index = None
+    def get_channel_index(self, channel):
+        """Get index of channel based on name. This only considers
+        fluorescence channels."""
+        return self.channels.index(channel)
+    @property
+    def trap_num(self):
+        return self.extracted_data['trapNum'][0][self.keep]
+    @property
+    def cell_num(self):
+        return self.extracted_data['cellNum'][0][self.keep]
+    def identity(self, cell_idx):
+        """Get the (position), trap, and cell label given a cell's global
+        index."""
+        # Todo include position when using full strain
+        trap = self.trap_num[cell_idx]
+        cell = self.cell_num[cell_idx]
+        return trap, cell
+    def global_index(self, trap_id, cell_label):
+        """Get the global index of a cell given it's trap/cellNum
+        combination."""
+        candidates = np.where(np.logical_and(
+                            (self.trap_num == trap_id), # +1?
+                            (self.cell_num == cell_label)
+                        ))[0]
+        # TODO raise error if number of candidates != 1
+        if len(candidates) == 1:
+            return candidates[0]
+        elif len(candidates) == 0:
+            return -1
+        else:
+            raise(IndexError("No such cell/trap combination"))
+    @property
+    def daughter_label(self):
+        """Returns the cell label of the daughters of each cell over the
+        timelapse.
+        0 corresponds to no daughter. This *not* the index of the daughter
+        cell within the data. To get this, use daughter_index.
+        """
+        return self.extracted_data['daughterLabel'][0][self.keep]
+    def _single_daughter_idx(self, mother_idx, daughter_labels):
+        trap_id, _ = self.identity(mother_idx)
+        daughter_index = [self.global_index(trap_id, cell_label) for
+                          cell_label
+                          in daughter_labels]
+        return daughter_index
+    @property
+    def daughter_index(self):
+        """Returns the global index of the daughters of each cell.
+        This is different from the daughter label because it corresponds to
+        the index of the daughter when counting all of the cells. This can
+        be used to index within the data arrays.
+        """
+        if self._daughter_index is None:
+            daughter_index = [self._single_daughter_idx(i, daughter_labels)
+                          for i, daughter_labels in enumerate(
+                                  self.daughter_label)]
+            self._daughter_index = np.array(daughter_index)
+        return self._daughter_index
+    @property
+    def births(self):
+        return np.array(self.extracted_data['births'][0].todense())[self.keep]
+    @property
+    def volume(self):
+        """Get the volume of all of the cells"""
+        return np.array(self.extracted_data['volume'][0].todense())[self.keep]
+    def _gr_estimation(self):
+        dt = self.time_settings['interval'] / 360  # s to h conversion
+        results = []
+        for v in tqdm(self.volume):
+            results.append(estimate_gr(v, dt))
+        merged = {k: np.stack([x[k] for x in results]) for k in results[0]}
+        self._gr_results = merged
+        return
+    @property
+    def growth_rate(self):
+        """Get the growth rate for all cells.
+        Note that this uses the gaussian processes method of estimating
+        growth rate by default. If there is no growth rate in the given file
+        (usually the case for MATLAB), it needs to run estimation first.
+        This can take a while.
+        """
+        # TODO cache the results of growth rate estimation.
+        if self._gr_results is None:
+            dt = self.time_settings['interval'] / 360  # s to h conversion
+            self._growth_rate = [estimate_gr(v, dt) for v in self.volume]
+        return self._gr_results['growth_rate']
+    def _fluo_attribute(self, channel, attribute):
+        channel_id = self.get_channel_index(channel)
+        res = np.array(self.extracted_data[attribute][channel_id].todense())
+        return res[self.keep]
+    def protein_localisation(self, channel, method='nucEstConv'):
+        """Returns protein localisation data for a given channel.
+        Uses the 'nucEstConv' by default. Alternatives are 'smallPeakConv',
+        'max5px', 'max2p5pc'
+        """
+        return self._fluo_attribute(channel, method)
+    def background_fluo(self, channel):
+        return self._fluo_attribute(channel, 'imBackground')
+    def mean(self, channel):
+        return self._fluo_attribute(channel, 'mean')
+    def median(self, channel):
+        return self._fluo_attribute(channel, 'median')
+    def filter(self, filename=None):
+        """Filters and saves results to and HDF5 file.
+        This is necessary because we cannot write to the MATLAB file,
+        so the results of the filter cannot be saved in the object.
+        """
+        super().filter(filename=filename)
+        self._growth_rate = None  # reset growth rate so it is recomputed
+    def to_hdf(self, filename):
+        """Store the current results, including any filtering done, to a file.
+        TODO Should we save filtered results or just re-do?
+        :param filename:
+        :return:
+        """
+        store = h5py.File(filename, 'w')
+        try:
+            # Store (some of the) metadata
+            for meta in ['experiment', 'username', 'microscope',
+                              'comments', 'project', 'date', 'posname',
+                              'exptid']:
+                store.attrs[meta] = self.metadata[meta]
+            # TODO store timing information?
+            store.attrs['time_interval'] = self.time_settings['interval']
+            store.attrs['timepoints'] = self.time_settings['ntimepoints']
+            store.attrs['total_duration'] = self.time_settings['totalduration']
+            # Store volume, births, daughterLabel, trapNum, cellNum
+            for key in ['volume', 'births', 'daughter_label', 'trap_num',
+                        'cell_num']:
+                store[key] = getattr(self, key)
+            # Store growth rate results
+            if self._gr_results:
+                grp = store.create_group('gaussian_process')
+                for key, val in self._gr_results.items():
+                    grp[key] = val
+            for channel in self.channels:
+                # Create a group for each channel
+                grp = store.create_group(channel)
+                # Store protein_localisation, background fluorescence, mean, median
+                # for each channel
+                grp['protein_localisation'] = self.protein_localisation(channel)
+                grp['background_fluo'] = self.background_fluo(channel)
+                grp['mean'] = self.mean(channel)
+                grp['median'] = self.median(channel)
+        finally:
+            store.close()
diff --git a/aliby/grouper.py b/aliby/grouper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3d6f7aea4d832a5d0f763d2bd16c62c15adea74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/grouper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
+from pathlib import Path
+from pathos.multiprocessing import Pool
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from aliby.io.signal import Signal
+class Grouper(ABC):
+    """
+    Base grouper class
+    """
+    files = []
+    def __init__(self, dir):
+        self.files = list(Path(dir).glob("*.h5"))
+        self.load_signals()
+    def load_signals(self):
+        self.signals = {f.name[:-3]: Signal(f) for f in self.files}
+    @property
+    def fsignal(self):
+        return list(self.signals.values())[0]
+    @property
+    def siglist(self):
+        return self.fsignal.datasets
+    @abstractproperty
+    def group_names():
+        pass
+    def concat_signal(self, path, reduce_cols=None, axis=0, pool=8):
+        group_names = self.group_names
+        sitems = self.signals.items()
+        if pool:
+            with Pool(pool) as p:
+                signals = p.map(
+                    lambda x: concat_signal_ind(path, group_names, x[0], x[1]),
+                    sitems,
+                )
+        else:
+            signals = [
+                concat_signal_ind(path, group_names, name, signal)
+                for name, signal in sitems
+            ]
+        signals = [s for s in signals if s is not None]
+        sorted = pd.concat(signals, axis=axis).sort_index()
+        if reduce_cols:
+            sorted = sorted.apply(np.nanmean, axis=1)
+            spath = path.split("/")
+            sorted.name = "_".join([spath[1], spath[-1]])
+        return sorted
+    @property
+    def ntraps(self):
+        for pos, s in self.signals.items():
+            with h5py.File(s.filename, "r") as f:
+                print(pos, f["/trap_info/trap_locations"].shape[0])
+    def traplocs(self):
+        d = {}
+        for pos, s in self.signals.items():
+            with h5py.File(s.filename, "r") as f:
+                d[pos] = f["/trap_info/trap_locations"][()]
+        return d
+class MetaGrouper(Grouper):
+    """Group positions using metadata's 'group' number"""
+    pass
+class NameGrouper(Grouper):
+    """
+    Group a set of positions using a subsection of the name
+    """
+    def __init__(self, dir, by=None):
+        super().__init__(dir=dir)
+        if by is None:
+            by = (0, -4)
+        self.by = by
+    @property
+    def group_names(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, "_group_names"):
+            self._group_names = {}
+            for name in self.signals.keys():
+                self._group_names[name] = name[self.by[0] : self.by[1]]
+        return self._group_names
+    def aggregate_multisignals(self, paths=None, **kwargs):
+        aggregated = pd.concat(
+            [
+                self.concat_signal(path, reduce_cols=np.nanmean, **kwargs)
+                for path in paths
+            ],
+            axis=1,
+        )
+        # ph = pd.Series(
+        #     [
+        #         self.ph_from_group(x[list(aggregated.index.names).index("group")])
+        #         for x in aggregated.index
+        #     ],
+        #     index=aggregated.index,
+        #     name="media_pH",
+        # )
+        # self.aggregated = pd.concat((aggregated, ph), axis=1)
+        return aggregated
+class phGrouper(NameGrouper):
+    """
+    Grouper for pH calibration experiments where all surveyed media pH values
+    are within a single experiment.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, dir, by=(3, 7)):
+        super().__init__(dir=dir, by=by)
+    def get_ph(self):
+        self.ph = {gn: self.ph_from_group(gn) for gn in self.group_names}
+    @staticmethod
+    def ph_from_group(group_name):
+        if group_name.startswith("ph_"):
+            group_name = group_name[3:]
+        return float(group_name.replace("_", "."))
+    def aggregate_multisignals(self, paths):
+        aggregated = pd.concat(
+            [self.concat_signal(path, reduce_cols=np.nanmean) for path in paths], axis=1
+        )
+        ph = pd.Series(
+            [
+                self.ph_from_group(x[list(aggregated.index.names).index("group")])
+                for x in aggregated.index
+            ],
+            index=aggregated.index,
+            name="media_pH",
+        )
+        aggregated = pd.concat((aggregated, ph), axis=1)
+        return aggregated
+def concat_signal_ind(path, group_names, group, signal):
+    print("Looking at ", group)
+    # try:
+    combined = signal[path]
+    combined["position"] = group
+    combined["group"] = group_names[group]
+    combined.set_index(["group", "position"], inplace=True, append=True)
+    combined.index = combined.index.swaplevel(-2, 0).swaplevel(-1, 1)
+    return combined
+    # except:
+    #     return None
diff --git a/aliby/haystack.py b/aliby/haystack.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c30cf4aad367bb811cae00f9e081d2f4676aa240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/haystack.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import numpy as np
+from time import perf_counter
+from pathlib import Path
+import tensorflow as tf
+from aliby.io.writer import DynamicWriter
+def initialise_tf(version):
+    # Initialise tensorflow
+    if version == 1:
+        core_config = tf.ConfigProto()
+        core_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
+        session = tf.Session(config=core_config)
+        return session
+    # TODO this only works for TF2
+    if version == 2:
+        gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices("GPU")
+        if gpus:
+            for gpu in gpus:
+                tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True)
+            logical_gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_logical_devices("GPU")
+            print(len(gpus), "Physical GPUs,", len(logical_gpus), "Logical GPUs")
+        return None
+def timer(func, *args, **kwargs):
+    start = perf_counter()
+    result = func(*args, **kwargs)
+    print(f"Function {func.__name__}: {perf_counter() - start}s")
+    return result
+################## CUSTOM OBJECTS ##################################
+class ModelPredictor:
+    """Generic object that takes a NN and returns the prediction.
+    Use for predicting fluorescence/other from bright field.
+    This does not do instance segmentations of anything.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tiler, model, name):
+        self.tiler = tiler
+        self.model = model
+        self.name = name
+    def get_data(self, tp):
+        # Change axes to X,Y,Z rather than Z,Y,X
+        return self.tiler.get_tp_data(tp, self.bf_channel).swapaxes(1, 3).swapaxes(1, 2)
+    def format_result(self, result, tp):
+        return {self.name: result, "timepoints": [tp] * len(result)}
+    def run_tp(self, tp, **kwargs):
+        """Simulating processing time with sleep"""
+        # Access the image
+        segmentation = self.model.predict(self.get_data(tp))
+        return self._format_result(segmentation, tp)
+class ModelPredictorWriter(DynamicWriter):
+    def __init__(self, file, name, shape, dtype):
+        super.__init__(file)
+        self.datatypes = {name: (shape, dtype), "timepoint": ((None,), np.uint16)}
+        self.group = f"{self.name}_info"
+class Saver:
+    channel_names = {0: "BrightField", 1: "GFP"}
+    def __init__(self, tiler, save_directory, pos_name):
+        """This class straight up saves the trap data for use with neural networks in the future."""
+        self.tiler = tiler
+        self.name = pos_name
+        self.save_dir = Path(save_directory)
+    def channel_dir(self, index):
+        ch_dir = self.save_dir / self.channel_names[index]
+        if not ch_dir.exists():
+            ch_dir.mkdir()
+        return ch_dir
+    def get_data(self, tp, ch):
+        return self.tiler.get_tp_data(tp, ch).swapaxes(1, 3).swapaxes(1, 2)
+    def cache(self, tp):
+        # Get a given time point
+        # split into channels
+        for ch in self.channel_names:
+            ch_dir = self.channel_dir(ch)
+            data = self.get_data(tp, ch)
+            for tid, trap in enumerate(data):
+                np.save(ch_dir / f"{self.name}_{tid}_{tp}.npy", trap)
+        return
diff --git a/aliby/io/__init__.py b/aliby/io/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/aliby/io/base.py b/aliby/io/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9b911736943ecbcc9abe79300e52ceff5fe34e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/io/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+from typing import Union
+import collections
+from itertools import groupby, chain, product
+import numpy as np
+import h5py
+class BridgeH5:
+    """
+    Base class to interact with h5 data stores.
+    It also contains functions useful to predict how long should segmentation take.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, flag="r"):
+        self.filename = filename
+        if flag is not None:
+            self._hdf = h5py.File(filename, flag)
+            self._filecheck
+    def _filecheck(self):
+        assert "cell_info" in self._hdf, "Invalid file. No 'cell_info' found."
+    def close(self):
+        self._hdf.close()
+    def max_ncellpairs(self, nstepsback):
+        """
+        Get maximum number of cell pairs to be calculated
+        """
+        dset = self._hdf["cell_info"][()]
+        # attrs = self._hdf[dataset].attrs
+        pass
+    @property
+    def cell_tree(self):
+        return self.get_info_tree()
+    def get_n_cellpairs(self, nstepsback=2):
+        cell_tree = self.cell_tree
+        # get pair of consecutive trap-time points
+        pass
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_consecutives(tree, nstepsback):
+        # Receives a sorted tree and returns the keys of consecutive elements
+        vals = {k: np.array(list(v)) for k, v in tree.items()}  # get tp level
+        where_consec = [
+            {
+                k: np.where(np.subtract(v[n + 1 :], v[: -n - 1]) == n + 1)[0]
+                for k, v in vals.items()
+            }
+            for n in range(nstepsback)
+        ]  # get indices of consecutive elements
+        return where_consec
+    def get_npairs(self, nstepsback=2, tree=None):
+        if tree is None:
+            tree = self.cell_tree
+        consecutive = self.get_consecutives(tree, nstepsback=nstepsback)
+        flat_tree = flatten(tree)
+        n_predictions = 0
+        for i, d in enumerate(consecutive, 1):
+            flat = list(chain(*[product([k], list(v)) for k, v in d.items()]))
+            pairs = [(f, (f[0], f[1] + i)) for f in flat]
+            for p in pairs:
+                n_predictions += len(flat_tree.get(p[0], [])) * len(
+                    flat_tree.get(p[1], [])
+                )
+        return n_predictions
+    def get_npairs_over_time(self, nstepsback=2):
+        tree = self.cell_tree
+        npairs = []
+        for t in self._hdf["cell_info"]["processed_timepoints"][()]:
+            tmp_tree = {
+                k: {k2: v2 for k2, v2 in v.items() if k2 <= t} for k, v in tree.items()
+            }
+            npairs.append(self.get_npairs(tree=tmp_tree))
+        return np.diff(npairs)
+    def get_info_tree(
+        self, fields: Union[tuple, list] = ("trap", "timepoint", "cell_label")
+    ):
+        """
+        Returns traps, time points and labels for this position in form of a tree
+        in the hierarchy determined by the argument fields. Note that it is
+        compressed to non-empty elements and timepoints.
+        Default hierarchy is:
+        - trap
+         - time point
+          - cell label
+        This function currently produces trees of depth 3, but it can easily be
+        extended for deeper trees if needed (e.g. considering groups,
+        chambers and/or positions).
+        input
+        :fields: Fields to fetch from 'cell_info' inside the hdf5 storage
+        returns
+        :tree: Nested dictionary where keys (or branches) are the upper levels
+             and the leaves are the last element of :fields:.
+        """
+        zipped_info = (*zip(*[self._hdf["cell_info"][f][()] for f in fields]),)
+        return recursive_groupsort(zipped_info)
+def groupsort(iterable: Union[tuple, list]):
+    # Sorts iterable and returns a dictionary where the values are grouped by the first element.
+    iterable = sorted(iterable, key=lambda x: x[0])
+    grouped = {k: [x[1:] for x in v] for k, v in groupby(iterable, lambda x: x[0])}
+    return grouped
+def recursive_groupsort(iterable):
+    # Recursive extension of groupsort
+    if len(iterable[0]) > 1:
+        return {k: recursive_groupsort(v) for k, v in groupsort(iterable).items()}
+    else:  # Only two elements in list
+        return [x[0] for x in iterable]
+def flatten(d, parent_key="", sep="_"):
+    """Flatten nested dict. Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/6027615"""
+    items = []
+    for k, v in d.items():
+        new_key = parent_key + (k,) if parent_key else (k,)
+        if isinstance(v, collections.MutableMapping):
+            items.extend(flatten(v, new_key, sep=sep).items())
+        else:
+            items.append((new_key, v))
+    return dict(items)
diff --git a/aliby/io/matlab.py b/aliby/io/matlab.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18362ed377b86e577bc6dc703a0f5c8bb67d5c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/io/matlab.py
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+"""Read and convert MATLAB files from Swain Lab platform.
+TODO: Information that I need from lab members esp J and A
+    * Lots of examples to try
+    * Any ideas on what these Map objects are?
+TODO: Update Swain Lab wiki
+All credit to Matt Bauman for
+the reverse engineering at https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/gist/mbauman/9121961
+import re
+import struct
+import sys
+from collections import Iterable
+from io import BytesIO
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import scipy
+from numpy.compat import asstr
+# TODO only use this if scipy>=1.6 or so
+from scipy.io import matlab
+from scipy.io.matlab.mio5 import MatFile5Reader
+from scipy.io.matlab.mio5_params import mat_struct
+from aliby.io.utils import read_int, read_string, read_delim
+def read_minimat_vars(rdr):
+    rdr.initialize_read()
+    mdict = {"__globals__": []}
+    i = 0
+    while not rdr.end_of_stream():
+        hdr, next_position = rdr.read_var_header()
+        name = asstr(hdr.name)
+        if name == "":
+            name = "var_%d" % i
+            i += 1
+        res = rdr.read_var_array(hdr, process=False)
+        rdr.mat_stream.seek(next_position)
+        mdict[name] = res
+        if hdr.is_global:
+            mdict["__globals__"].append(name)
+    return mdict
+def read_workspace_vars(fname):
+    fp = open(fname, "rb")
+    rdr = MatFile5Reader(fp, struct_as_record=True, squeeze_me=True)
+    vars = rdr.get_variables()
+    fws = vars["__function_workspace__"]
+    ws_bs = BytesIO(fws.tostring())
+    ws_bs.seek(2)
+    rdr.mat_stream = ws_bs
+    # Guess byte order.
+    mi = rdr.mat_stream.read(2)
+    rdr.byte_order = mi == b"IM" and "<" or ">"
+    rdr.mat_stream.read(4)  # presumably byte padding
+    mdict = read_minimat_vars(rdr)
+    fp.close()
+    return mdict
+class matObject:
+    """A python read-out of MATLAB objects
+    The objects pulled out of the
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filepath):
+        self.filepath = filepath  # For record
+        self.classname = None
+        self.object_name = None
+        self.buffer = None
+        self.version = None
+        self.names = None
+        self.segments = None
+        self.heap = None
+        self.attrs = dict()
+        self._init_buffer()
+        self._init_heap()
+        self._read_header()
+        self.parse_file()
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        return self.attrs[item]
+    def keys(self):
+        """Returns the names of the available properties"""
+        return self.attrs.keys()
+    def get(self, item, default=None):
+        return self.attrs.get(item, default)
+    def _init_buffer(self):
+        fp = open(self.filepath, "rb")
+        rdr = MatFile5Reader(fp, struct_as_record=True, squeeze_me=True)
+        vars = rdr.get_variables()
+        self.classname = vars["None"]["s2"][0].decode("utf-8")
+        self.object_name = vars["None"]["s0"][0].decode("utf-8")
+        fws = vars["__function_workspace__"]
+        self.buffer = BytesIO(fws.tostring())
+        fp.close()
+    def _init_heap(self):
+        super_data = read_workspace_vars(self.filepath)
+        elem = super_data["var_0"][0, 0]
+        if isinstance(elem, mat_struct):
+            self.heap = elem.MCOS[0]["arr"]
+        else:
+            self.heap = elem["MCOS"][0]["arr"]
+    def _read_header(self):
+        self.buffer.seek(248)  # the start of the header
+        version = read_int(self.buffer)
+        n_str = read_int(self.buffer)
+        offsets = read_int(self.buffer, n=6)
+        # check that the next two are zeros
+        reserved = read_int(self.buffer, n=2)
+        assert all(
+            [x == 0 for x in reserved]
+        ), "Non-zero reserved header fields: {}".format(reserved)
+        # check that we are at the right place
+        assert self.buffer.tell() == 288, "String elemnts begin at 288"
+        hdrs = []
+        for i in range(n_str):
+            hdrs.append(read_string(self.buffer))
+        self.names = hdrs
+        self.version = version
+        # The offsets are actually STARTING FROM 248 as well
+        self.segments = [x + 248 for x in offsets]  # list(offsets)
+        return
+    def parse_file(self):
+        # Get class attributes from segment 1
+        self.buffer.seek(self.segments[0])
+        classes = self._parse_class_attributes(self.segments[1])
+        # Get first set of properties from segment 2
+        self.buffer.seek(self.segments[1])
+        props1 = self._parse_properties(self.segments[2])
+        # Get the property description from segment 3
+        self.buffer.seek(self.segments[2])
+        object_info = self._parse_prop_description(classes, self.segments[3])
+        # Get more properties from segment 4
+        self.buffer.seek(self.segments[3])
+        props2 = self._parse_properties(self.segments[4])
+        # Check that the last segment is empty
+        self.buffer.seek(self.segments[4])
+        seg5_length = (self.segments[5] - self.segments[4]) // 8
+        read_delim(self.buffer, seg5_length)
+        props = (props1, props2)
+        self._to_attrs(object_info, props)
+    def _to_attrs(self, object_info, props):
+        """Re-organise the various classes and subclasses into a nested
+        dictionary.
+        :return:
+        """
+        for pkg_clss, indices, idx in object_info:
+            pkg, clss = pkg_clss
+            idx = max(indices)
+            which = indices.index(idx)
+            obj = flatten_obj(props[which][idx])
+            subdict = self.attrs
+            if pkg != "":
+                subdict = self.attrs.setdefault(pkg, {})
+            if clss in subdict:
+                if isinstance(subdict[clss], list):
+                    subdict[clss].append(obj)
+                else:
+                    subdict[clss] = [subdict[clss]]
+                    subdict[clss].append(obj)
+            else:
+                subdict[clss] = obj
+    def describe(self):
+        describe(self.attrs)
+    def _parse_class_attributes(self, section_end):
+        """Read the Class attributes = the first segment"""
+        read_delim(self.buffer, 4)
+        classes = []
+        while self.buffer.tell() < section_end:
+            package_index = read_int(self.buffer) - 1
+            package = self.names[package_index] if package_index > 0 else ""
+            name_idx = read_int(self.buffer) - 1
+            name = self.names[name_idx] if name_idx > 0 else ""
+            classes.append((package, name))
+            read_delim(self.buffer, 2)
+        return classes
+    def _parse_prop_description(self, classes, section_end):
+        """Parse the description of each property = the third segment"""
+        read_delim(self.buffer, 6)
+        object_info = []
+        while self.buffer.tell() < section_end:
+            class_idx = read_int(self.buffer) - 1
+            class_type = classes[class_idx]
+            read_delim(self.buffer, 2)
+            indices = [x - 1 for x in read_int(self.buffer, 2)]
+            obj_id = read_int(self.buffer)
+            object_info.append((class_type, indices, obj_id))
+        return object_info
+    def _parse_properties(self, section_end):
+        """
+        Parse the actual values of the attributes == segments 2 and 4
+        """
+        read_delim(self.buffer, 2)
+        props = []
+        while self.buffer.tell() < section_end:
+            n_props = read_int(self.buffer)
+            d = parse_prop(n_props, self.buffer, self.names, self.heap)
+            if not d:  # Empty dictionary
+                break
+            props.append(d)
+            # Move to next 8-byte aligned offset
+            self.buffer.seek(self.buffer.tell() + self.buffer.tell() % 8)
+        return props
+    def to_hdf(self, filename):
+        f = h5py.File(filename, mode="w")
+        save_to_hdf(f, "/", self.attrs)
+def describe(d, indent=0, width=4, out=None):
+    for key, value in d.items():
+        print(f'{"": <{width * indent}}' + str(key), file=out)
+        if isinstance(value, dict):
+            describe(value, indent + 1, out=out)
+        elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
+            print(
+                f'{"": <{width * (indent + 1)}} {value.shape} array '
+                f"of type {value.dtype}",
+                file=out,
+            )
+        elif isinstance(value, scipy.sparse.csc.csc_matrix):
+            print(
+                f'{"": <{width * (indent + 1)}} {value.shape} '
+                f"sparse matrix of type {value.dtype}",
+                file=out,
+            )
+        elif isinstance(value, Iterable) and not isinstance(value, str):
+            print(
+                f'{"": <{width * (indent + 1)}} {type(value)} of len ' f"{len(value)}",
+                file=out,
+            )
+        else:
+            print(f'{"": <{width * (indent + 1)}} {value}', file=out)
+def parse_prop(n_props, buff, names, heap):
+    d = dict()
+    for i in range(n_props):
+        name_idx, flag, heap_idx = read_int(buff, 3)
+        if flag not in [0, 1, 2] and name_idx == 0:
+            n_props = flag
+            buff.seek(buff.tell() - 1)  # go back on one byte
+            d = parse_prop(n_props, buff, names, heap)
+        else:
+            item_name = names[name_idx - 1]
+            if flag == 0:
+                d[item_name] = names[heap_idx]
+            elif flag == 1:
+                d[item_name] = heap[heap_idx + 2]  # Todo: what is the heap?
+            elif flag == 2:
+                assert 0 <= heap_idx <= 1, (
+                    "Boolean flag has a value other " "than 0 or 1 "
+                )
+                d[item_name] = bool(heap_idx)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "unknown flag {} for property {} with heap "
+                    "index {}".format(flag, item_name, heap_idx)
+                )
+    return d
+def is_object(x):
+    """Checking object dtype for structured numpy arrays"""
+    if x.dtype.names is not None and len(x.dtype.names) > 1:  # Complex obj
+        return all(x.dtype[ix] == np.object for ix in range(len(x.dtype)))
+    else:  # simple object
+        return x.dtype == np.object
+def flatten_obj(arr):
+    # TODO turn structured arrays into nested dicts of lists rather that
+    #  lists of dicts
+    if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
+        if arr.dtype.names:
+            arrdict = dict()
+            for fieldname in arr.dtype.names:
+                arrdict[fieldname] = flatten_obj(arr[fieldname])
+            arr = arrdict
+        elif arr.dtype == np.object and arr.ndim == 0:
+            arr = flatten_obj(arr[()])
+        elif arr.dtype == np.object and arr.ndim > 0:
+            try:
+                arr = np.stack(arr)
+                if arr.dtype.names:
+                    d = {k: flatten_obj(arr[k]) for k in arr.dtype.names}
+                    arr = d
+            except:
+                arr = [flatten_obj(x) for x in arr.tolist()]
+    elif isinstance(arr, dict):
+        arr = {k: flatten_obj(v) for k, v in arr.items()}
+    elif isinstance(arr, list):
+        try:
+            arr = flatten_obj(np.stack(arr))
+        except:
+            arr = [flatten_obj(x) for x in arr]
+    return arr
+def save_to_hdf(h5file, path, dic):
+    """
+    Saving a MATLAB object to HDF5
+    """
+    if isinstance(dic, list):
+        dic = {str(i): v for i, v in enumerate(dic)}
+    for key, item in dic.items():
+        if isinstance(item, (int, float, str)):
+            h5file[path].attrs.create(key, item)
+        elif isinstance(item, list):
+            if len(item) == 0 and path + key not in h5file:  # empty list empty group
+                h5file.create_group(path + key)
+            if all(isinstance(x, (int, float, str)) for x in item):
+                if path not in h5file:
+                    h5file.create_group(path)
+                h5file[path].attrs.create(key, item)
+            else:
+                if path + key not in h5file:
+                    h5file.create_group(path + key)
+                save_to_hdf(
+                    h5file, path + key + "/", {str(i): x for i, x in enumerate(item)}
+                )
+        elif isinstance(item, scipy.sparse.csc.csc_matrix):
+            try:
+                h5file.create_dataset(
+                    path + key, data=item.todense(), compression="gzip"
+                )
+            except Exception as e:
+                print(path + key)
+                raise e
+        elif isinstance(item, (np.ndarray, np.int64, np.float64)):
+            if item.dtype == np.dtype("<U1"):  # Strings to 'S' type for HDF5
+                item = item.astype("S")
+            try:
+                h5file.create_dataset(path + key, data=item, compression="gzip")
+            except Exception as e:
+                print(path + key)
+                raise e
+        elif isinstance(item, dict):
+            if path + key not in h5file:
+                h5file.create_group(path + key)
+            save_to_hdf(h5file, path + key + "/", item)
+        elif item is None:
+            continue
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f"Cannot save {type(item)} type at key {path + key}")
+class _Info:
+    def __init__(self, info):
+        self.info = info
+        self._identity = None
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        val = self.info[item]
+        if val.shape[0] == 1:
+            val = val[0]
+        if 0 in val[1].shape:
+            val = val[0]
+        if isinstance(val, scipy.sparse.csc.csc_matrix):
+            return np.asarray(val.todense())
+        if val.dtype == np.dtype("O"):
+            # 3d "sparse matrix"
+            if all(isinstance(x, scipy.sparse.csc.csc_matrix) for x in val):
+                val = np.array([x.todense() for x in val])
+            # TODO: The actual object data
+        equality = val[0] == val[1]
+        if isinstance(equality, scipy.sparse.csc.csc_matrix):
+            equality = equality.todense()
+        if equality.all():
+            val = val[0]
+        return np.squeeze(val)
+    @property
+    def categories(self):
+        return self.info.dtype.names
+class TrapInfo(_Info):
+    def __init__(self, info):
+        """
+        The information on all of the traps in a given position.
+        :param info: The TrapInfo structure, can be found in the heap of
+        the CTimelapse at index 7
+        """
+        super().__init__(info)
+class CellInfo(_Info):
+    def __init__(self, info):
+        """
+        The extracted information of all cells in a given position.
+        :param info: The CellInfo structure, can be found in the heap
+        of the CTimelapse at index 15.
+        """
+        super().__init__(info)
+    @property
+    def identity(self):
+        if self._identity is None:
+            self._identity = pd.DataFrame(
+                zip(self["trapNum"], self["cellNum"]), columns=["trapNum", "cellNum"]
+            )
+        return self._identity
+    def index(self, trapNum, cellNum):
+        query = "trapNum=={} and cellNum=={}".format(trapNum, cellNum)
+        try:
+            result = self.identity.query(query).index[0]
+        except Exception as e:
+            print(query)
+            raise e
+        return result
+    @property
+    def nucEstConv1(self):
+        return np.asarray(self.info["nuc_est_conv"][0][0].todense())
+    @property
+    def nucEstConv2(self):
+        return np.asarray(self.info["nuc_est_conv"][0][1].todense())
+    @property
+    def mothers(self):
+        return np.where((self["births"] != 0).any(axis=1))[0]
+    def daughters(self, mother_index):
+        """
+        Get daughters of cell with index `mother_index`.
+        :param mother_index: the index of the mother within the data. This is
+        different from the mother's cell/trap identity.
+        """
+        daughter_ids = np.unique(self["daughterLabel"][mother_index]).tolist()
+        daughter_ids.remove(0)
+        mother_trap = self.identity["trapNum"].loc[mother_index]
+        daughters = [self.index(mother_trap, cellNum) for cellNum in daughter_ids]
+        return daughters
+def _todict(matobj):
+    """
+    A recursive function which constructs from matobjects nested dictionaries
+    """
+    if not hasattr(matobj, "_fieldnames"):
+        return matobj
+    d = {}
+    for strg in matobj._fieldnames:
+        elem = matobj.__dict__[strg]
+        if isinstance(elem, matlab.mio5_params.mat_struct):
+            d[strg] = _todict(elem)
+        elif isinstance(elem, np.ndarray):
+            d[strg] = _toarray(elem)
+        else:
+            d[strg] = elem
+    return d
+def _toarray(ndarray):
+    """
+    A recursive function which constructs ndarray from cellarrays
+    (which are loaded as numpy ndarrays), recursing into the elements
+    if they contain matobjects.
+    """
+    if ndarray.dtype != "float64":
+        elem_list = []
+        for sub_elem in ndarray:
+            if isinstance(sub_elem, matlab.mio5_params.mat_struct):
+                elem_list.append(_todict(sub_elem))
+            elif isinstance(sub_elem, np.ndarray):
+                elem_list.append(_toarray(sub_elem))
+            else:
+                elem_list.append(sub_elem)
+        return np.array(elem_list)
+    else:
+        return ndarray
+from pathlib import Path
+class Strain:
+    """The cell info for all the positions of a strain."""
+    def __init__(self, origin, strain):
+        self.origin = Path(origin)
+        self.files = [x for x in origin.iterdir() if strain in str(x)]
+        self.cts = [matObject(x) for x in self.files]
+        self.cinfos = [CellInfo(x.heap[15]) for x in self.cts]
+        self._identity = None
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        try:
+            return np.concatenate([c[item] for c in self.cinfos])
+        except ValueError:  # If first axis is the channel
+            return np.concatenate([c[item] for c in self.cinfos], axis=1)
+    @property
+    def categories(self):
+        return set.union(*[set(c.categories) for c in self.cinfos])
+    @property
+    def identity(self):
+        if self._identity is None:
+            identities = []
+            for pos_id, cinfo in enumerate(self.cinfos):
+                identity = cinfo.identity
+                identity["position"] = pos_id
+                identities.append(identity)
+            self._identity = pd.concat(identities, ignore_index=True)
+        return self._identity
+    def index(self, posNum, trapNum, cellNum):
+        query = "position=={} and trapNum=={} and cellNum=={}".format(
+            posNum, trapNum, cellNum
+        )
+        try:
+            result = self.identity.query(query).index[0]
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise e
+        return result
+    @property
+    def mothers(self):
+        # At least two births are needed to be considered a mother cell
+        return np.where(np.count_nonzero(self["births"], axis=1) > 3)[0]
+    def daughters(self, mother_index):
+        """
+        Get daughters of cell with index `mother_index`.
+        :param mother_index: the index of the mother within the data. This is
+        different from the mother's pos/trap/cell identity.
+        """
+        daughter_ids = np.unique(self["daughterLabel"][mother_index]).tolist()
+        if 0 in daughter_ids:
+            daughter_ids.remove(0)
+        mother_pos_trap = self.identity[["position", "trapNum"]].loc[mother_index]
+        daughters = []
+        for cellNum in daughter_ids:
+            try:
+                daughters.append(self.index(*mother_pos_trap, cellNum))
+            except IndexError:
+                continue
+        return daughters
diff --git a/aliby/io/metadata_parser.py b/aliby/io/metadata_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81938152ecdf00bf3d892d4231ca44e5b47d6635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/io/metadata_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Parse microscopy log files according to specified JSON grammars.
+Produces dictionary to include in HDF5
+import glob
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from pytz import timezone
+from logfile_parser import Parser
+# Paradigm: able to do something with all datatypes present in log files,
+# then pare down on what specific information is really useful later.
+# Needed because HDF5 attributes do not support dictionaries
+def flatten_dict(nested_dict, separator='/'):
+    '''
+    Flattens nested dictionary
+    '''
+    df = pd.json_normalize(nested_dict, sep=separator)
+    return df.to_dict(orient='records')[0]
+# Needed because HDF5 attributes do not support datetime objects
+# Takes care of time zones & daylight saving
+def datetime_to_timestamp(time, locale = 'Europe/London'):
+    '''
+    Convert datetime object to UNIX timestamp
+    '''
+    return timezone(locale).localize(time).timestamp()
+def find_file(root_dir, regex):
+    file = glob.glob(os.path.join(str(root_dir), regex))
+    if len(file) != 1:
+        return None
+    else:
+        return file[0]
+# TODO: re-write this as a class if appropriate
+# WARNING: grammars depend on the directory structure of a locally installed
+# logfile_parser repo
+def parse_logfiles(root_dir,
+                   acq_grammar = 'multiDGUI_acq_format.json',
+                   log_grammar = 'multiDGUI_log_format.json'):
+    '''
+    Parse acq and log files depending on the grammar specified, then merge into
+    single dict.
+    '''
+    # Both acq and log files contain useful information.
+    #ACQ_FILE = 'flavin_htb2_glucose_long_ramp_DelftAcq.txt'
+    #LOG_FILE = 'flavin_htb2_glucose_long_ramp_Delftlog.txt'
+    log_parser = Parser(log_grammar)
+    try:
+        log_file = find_file(root_dir, '*log.txt')
+    except:
+        raise ValueError('Experiment log file not found.')
+    with open(log_file, 'r') as f:
+        log_parsed = log_parser.parse(f)
+    acq_parser = Parser(acq_grammar)
+    try:
+        acq_file = find_file(root_dir, '*[Aa]cq.txt')
+    except:
+        raise ValueError('Experiment acq file not found.')
+    with open(acq_file, 'r') as f:
+        acq_parsed = acq_parser.parse(f)
+    parsed = {**acq_parsed, **log_parsed}
+    for key, value in parsed.items():
+        if isinstance(value, datetime):
+            parsed[key] = datetime_to_timestamp(value)
+    parsed_flattened = flatten_dict(parsed)
+    return parsed_flattened
diff --git a/aliby/io/omero.py b/aliby/io/omero.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..266d7d163db6137b584b357c9361a726101bed5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/io/omero.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import h5py
+import omero
+from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway
+from aliby.experiment import get_data_lazy
+from aliby.cells import CellsHDF
+class Argo:
+    # TODO use the one in extraction?
+    def __init__(
+        self, host="islay.bio.ed.ac.uk", username="upload", password="***REMOVED***"
+    ):
+        self.conn = None
+        self.host = host
+        self.username = username
+        self.password = password
+    def get_meta(self):
+        pass
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self.conn = BlitzGateway(
+            host=self.host, username=self.username, passwd=self.password
+        )
+        self.conn.connect()
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, *exc):
+        self.conn.close()
+        return False
+class Dataset(Argo):
+    def __init__(self, expt_id):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.expt_id = expt_id
+        self._files = None
+    @property
+    def dataset(self):
+        return self.conn.getObject("Dataset", self.expt_id)
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self.dataset.getName()
+    @property
+    def date(self):
+        return self.dataset.getDate()
+    @property
+    def unique_name(self):
+        return "_".join((self.date.strftime("%Y_%m_%d").replace("/", "_"), self.name))
+    def get_images(self):
+        return {im.getName(): im.getId() for im in self.dataset.listChildren()}
+    @property
+    def files(self):
+        if self._files is None:
+            self._files = {
+                x.getFileName(): x
+                for x in self.dataset.listAnnotations()
+                if isinstance(x, omero.gateway.FileAnnotationWrapper)
+            }
+        return self._files
+    @property
+    def tags(self):
+        if self._tags is None:
+            self._tags = {
+                x.getName(): x
+                for x in self.dataset.listAnnotations()
+                if isinstance(x, omero.gateway.TagAnnotationWrapper)
+            }
+        return self._tags
+    def cache_logs(self, root_dir):
+        for name, annotation in self.files.items():
+            filepath = root_dir / annotation.getFileName().replace("/", "_")
+            if str(filepath).endswith("txt") and not filepath.exists():
+                # Save only the text files
+                with open(str(filepath), "wb") as fd:
+                    for chunk in annotation.getFileInChunks():
+                        fd.write(chunk)
+        return True
+class Image(Argo):
+    def __init__(self, image_id):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.image_id = image_id
+        self._image_wrap = None
+    @property
+    def image_wrap(self):
+        # TODO check that it is alive/ connected
+        if self._image_wrap is None:
+            self._image_wrap = self.conn.getObject("Image", self.image_id)
+        return self._image_wrap
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self.image_wrap.getName()
+    @property
+    def data(self):
+        return get_data_lazy(self.image_wrap)
+    @property
+    def metadata(self):
+        meta = dict()
+        meta["size_x"] = self.image_wrap.getSizeX()
+        meta["size_y"] = self.image_wrap.getSizeY()
+        meta["size_z"] = self.image_wrap.getSizeZ()
+        meta["size_c"] = self.image_wrap.getSizeC()
+        meta["size_t"] = self.image_wrap.getSizeT()
+        meta["channels"] = self.image_wrap.getChannelLabels()
+        meta["name"] = self.image_wrap.getName()
+        return meta
+class Cells(CellsHDF):
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        file = h5py.File(filename, "r")
+        super().__init__(file)
+    def __enter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, *exc):
+        self.close
+        return False
diff --git a/aliby/io/signal.py b/aliby/io/signal.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63b930cb05660e4f050809c7781d8b787a4cc7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/io/signal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+import numpy as np
+from copy import copy
+from itertools import accumulate
+from numpy import ndarray
+# from more_itertools import first_true
+import h5py
+import pandas as pd
+from utils_find_1st import find_1st, cmp_larger
+from aliby.io.base import BridgeH5
+class Signal(BridgeH5):
+    """
+    Class that fetches data from the hdf5 storage for post-processing
+    """
+    def __init__(self, file):
+        super().__init__(file, flag=None)
+        self.names = ["experiment", "position", "trap"]
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_name(df, name):
+        df.name = name
+        return df
+    def mothers(self, signal, cutoff=0.8):
+        df = self[signal]
+        get_mothers = lambda df: df.loc[df.notna().sum(axis=1) > df.shape[1] * cutoff]
+        if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
+            return get_mothers(df)
+        elif isinstance(df, list):
+            return [get_mothers(d) for d in df]
+    def __getitem__(self, dsets):
+        if isinstance(dsets, str) and (
+            dsets.startswith("postprocessing")
+            or dsets.startswith("/postprocessing")
+            or dsets.endswith("imBackground")
+        ):
+            df = self.get_raw(dsets)
+        elif isinstance(dsets, str):
+            df = self.apply_prepost(dsets)
+        elif isinstance(dsets, list):
+            is_bgd = [dset.endswith("imBackground") for dset in dsets]
+            assert sum(is_bgd) == 0 or sum(is_bgd) == len(
+                dsets
+            ), "Trap data and cell data can't be mixed"
+            with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
+                return [self.add_name(self.apply_prepost(dset), dset) for dset in dsets]
+        return self.add_name(df, dsets)
+    def apply_prepost(self, dataset: str):
+        merges = self.get_merges()
+        with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
+            df = self.dset_to_df(f, dataset)
+            merged = df
+            if merges.any():
+                # Split in two dfs, one with rows relevant for merging and one without them
+                mergable_ids = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
+                    np.unique(merges.reshape(-1, 2), axis=0).T,
+                    names=df.index.names,
+                )
+                merged = self.apply_merge(df.loc[mergable_ids], merges)
+                nonmergable_ids = df.index.difference(mergable_ids)
+                merged = pd.concat(
+                    (merged, df.loc[nonmergable_ids]), names=df.index.names
+                )
+            search = lambda a, b: np.where(
+                np.in1d(
+                    np.ravel_multi_index(a.T, a.max(0) + 1),
+                    np.ravel_multi_index(b.T, a.max(0) + 1),
+                )
+            )
+            if "modifiers/picks" in f:
+                picks = self.get_picks(names=merged.index.names)
+                missing_cells = [i for i in picks if tuple(i) not in set(merged.index)]
+                if picks:
+                    # return merged.loc[
+                    #     set(picks).intersection([tuple(x) for x in merged.index])
+                    # ]
+                    return merged.loc[picks]
+                else:
+                    if isinstance(merged.index, pd.MultiIndex):
+                        empty_lvls = [[] for i in merged.index.names]
+                        index = pd.MultiIndex(
+                            levels=empty_lvls,
+                            codes=empty_lvls,
+                            names=merged.index.names,
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        index = pd.Index([], name=merged.index.name)
+                    merged = pd.DataFrame([], index=index)
+            return merged
+    @property
+    def datasets(self):
+        with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
+            dsets = f.visititems(self._if_ext_or_post)
+        return dsets
+    def get_merged(self, dataset):
+        return self.apply_prepost(dataset, skip_pick=True)
+    @property
+    def merges(self):
+        with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
+            dsets = f.visititems(self._if_merges)
+        return dsets
+    @property
+    def n_merges(self):
+        print("{} merge events".format(len(self.merges)))
+    @property
+    def merges(self):
+        with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
+            dsets = f.visititems(self._if_merges)
+        return dsets
+    @property
+    def picks(self):
+        with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
+            dsets = f.visititems(self._if_picks)
+        return dsets
+    def apply_merge(self, df, changes):
+        if len(changes):
+            for target, source in changes:
+                df.loc[tuple(target)] = self.join_tracks_pair(
+                    df.loc[tuple(target)], df.loc[tuple(source)]
+                )
+                df.drop(tuple(source), inplace=True)
+        return df
+    def get_raw(self, dataset):
+        if isinstance(dataset, str):
+            with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
+                return self.dset_to_df(f, dataset)
+        elif isinstance(dataset, list):
+            return [self.get_raw(dset) for dset in dataset]
+    def get_merges(self):
+        # fetch merge events going up to the first level
+        with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
+            merges = f.get("modifiers/merges", np.array([]))
+            if not isinstance(merges, np.ndarray):
+                merges = merges[()]
+        return merges
+    # def get_picks(self, levels):
+    def get_picks(self, names, path="modifiers/picks/"):
+        with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
+            if path in f:
+                return list(zip(*[f[path + name] for name in names]))
+                # return f["modifiers/picks"]
+            else:
+                return None
+    def dset_to_df(self, f, dataset):
+        dset = f[dataset]
+        names = copy(self.names)
+        if not dataset.endswith("imBackground"):
+            names.append("cell_label")
+        lbls = {lbl: dset[lbl][()] for lbl in names if lbl in dset.keys()}
+        index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
+            list(lbls.values()), names=names[-len(lbls) :]
+        )
+        columns = (
+            dset["timepoint"][()] if "timepoint" in dset else dset.attrs["columns"]
+        )
+        df = pd.DataFrame(dset[("values")][()], index=index, columns=columns)
+        return df
+    @staticmethod
+    def dataset_to_df(f: h5py.File, path: str, mode: str = "h5py"):
+        if mode is "h5py":
+            all_indices = ["experiment", "position", "trap", "cell_label"]
+            indices = {k: f[path][k][()] for k in all_indices if k in f[path].keys()}
+            return pd.DataFrame(
+                f[path + "/values"][()],
+                index=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
+                    list(indices.values()), names=indices.keys()
+                ),
+                columns=f[path + "/timepoint"][()],
+            )
+    @staticmethod
+    def _if_ext_or_post(name, *args):
+        flag = False
+        if name.startswith("extraction") and len(name.split("/")) == 4:
+            flag = True
+        elif name.startswith("postprocessing") and len(name.split("/")) == 3:
+            flag = True
+        if flag:
+            print(name)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _if_merges(name: str, obj):
+        if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset) and name.startswith("modifiers/merges"):
+            return obj[()]
+    @staticmethod
+    def _if_picks(name: str, obj):
+        if isinstance(obj, h5py.Group) and name.endswith("picks"):
+            return obj[()]
+    @staticmethod
+    def join_tracks_pair(target, source):
+        tgt_copy = copy(target)
+        end = find_1st(target.values[::-1], 0, cmp_larger)
+        tgt_copy.iloc[-end:] = source.iloc[-end:].values
+        return tgt_copy
diff --git a/aliby/io/utils.py b/aliby/io/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1029e822d7b1fa91daf28f63886d9fa44ce4bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/io/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import re
+import struct
+def clean_ascii(text):
+    return re.sub(r'[^\x20-\x7F]', '.', text)
+def xxd(x, start=0, stop=None):
+    if stop is None:
+        stop = len(x)
+    for i in range(start, stop, 8):
+        # Row number
+        print("%04d" % i, end="   ")
+        # Hexadecimal bytes
+        for r in range(i, i + 8):
+            print("%02x" % x[r], end="")
+            if (r + 1) % 4 == 0:
+                print("  ", end="")
+        # ASCII
+        print("   ", clean_ascii(x[i:i + 8].decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')),
+              "   ", end="")
+        # Int32
+        print('{:>10} {:>10}'.format(*struct.unpack('II', x[i: i + 8])),
+              end="   ")
+        print("")  # Newline
+    return
+# Buffer reading functions
+def read_int(buffer, n=1):
+    res = struct.unpack('I' * n, buffer.read(4 * n))
+    if n == 1:
+        res = res[0]
+    return res
+def read_string(buffer):
+    return ''.join([x.decode() for x in iter(lambda: buffer.read(1), b'\x00')])
+def read_delim(buffer, n):
+    delim = read_int(buffer, n)
+    assert all([x == 0 for x in delim]), "Unknown nonzero value in delimiter"
diff --git a/aliby/io/writer.py b/aliby/io/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d94e624c3d8e282a18d4e90092438343190b95c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/io/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+import itertools
+import logging
+from time import perf_counter
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from collections.abc import Iterable
+from typing import Dict
+from utils_find_1st import find_1st, cmp_equal
+from aliby.io.base import BridgeH5
+from aliby.utils import timed
+#################### Dynamic version ##################################
+def load_attributes(file: str, group="/"):
+    with h5py.File(file, "r") as f:
+        meta = dict(f[group].attrs.items())
+    return meta
+class DynamicWriter:
+    data_types = {}
+    group = ""
+    compression = None
+    def __init__(self, file: str):
+        self.file = file
+        self.metadata = load_attributes(file)
+    def _append(self, data, key, hgroup):
+        """Append data to existing dataset."""
+        try:
+            n = len(data)
+        except:
+            # Attributes have no length
+            n = 1
+        if key not in hgroup:
+            # TODO Include sparsity check
+            max_shape, dtype = self.datatypes[key]
+            shape = (n,) + max_shape[1:]
+            hgroup.create_dataset(
+                key,
+                shape=shape,
+                maxshape=max_shape,
+                dtype=dtype,
+                compression=self.compression,
+            )
+            hgroup[key][()] = data
+        else:
+            # The dataset already exists, expand it
+            try:  # FIXME This is broken by bugged mother-bud assignment
+                dset = hgroup[key]
+                dset.resize(dset.shape[0] + n, axis=0)
+                dset[-n:] = data
+            except:
+                logging.debug(
+                    "DynamicWriter:Inconsistency between dataset shape and new empty data"
+                )
+        return
+    def _overwrite(self, data, key, hgroup):
+        """Overwrite existing dataset with new data"""
+        # We do not append to mother_assign; raise error if already saved
+        n = len(data)
+        max_shape, dtype = self.datatypes[key]
+        if key in hgroup:
+            del hgroup[key]
+        hgroup.require_dataset(
+            key, shape=(n,), dtype=dtype, compression=self.compression
+        )
+        hgroup[key][()] = data
+    def _check_key(self, key):
+        if key not in self.datatypes:
+            raise KeyError(f"No defined data type for key {key}")
+    def write(self, data, overwrite: list):
+        # Data is a dictionary, if not, make it one
+        # Overwrite data is a dictionary
+        with h5py.File(self.file, "a") as store:
+            hgroup = store.require_group(self.group)
+            for key, value in data.items():
+                # We're only saving data that has a pre-defined data-type
+                self._check_key(key)
+                try:
+                    if key.startswith("attrs/"):  # metadata
+                        key = key.split("/")[1]  # First thing after attrs
+                        hgroup.attrs[key] = value
+                    elif key in overwrite:
+                        self._overwrite(value, key, hgroup)
+                    else:
+                        self._append(value, key, hgroup)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    print(key, value)
+                    raise (e)
+        return
+##################### Special instances #####################
+class TilerWriter(DynamicWriter):
+    datatypes = {
+        "trap_locations": ((None, 2), np.uint16),
+        "drifts": ((None, 2), np.float32),
+        "attrs/tile_size": ((1,), np.uint16),
+        "attrs/max_size": ((1,), np.uint16),
+    }
+    group = "trap_info"
+tile_size = 117
+def save_complex(array, dataset):
+    # Dataset needs to be 2D
+    n = len(array)
+    if n > 0:
+        dataset.resize(dataset.shape[0] + n, axis=0)
+        dataset[-n:, 0] = array.real
+        dataset[-n:, 1] = array.imag
+def load_complex(dataset):
+    array = dataset[:, 0] + 1j * dataset[:, 1]
+    return array
+class BabyWriter(DynamicWriter):
+    compression = "gzip"
+    max_ncells = 2e5  # Could just make this None
+    max_tps = 1e3  # Could just make this None
+    chunk_cells = 25  # The number of cells in a chunk for edge masks
+    default_tile_size = 117
+    datatypes = {
+        "centres": ((None, 2), np.uint16),
+        "position": ((None,), np.uint16),
+        "angles": ((None,), h5py.vlen_dtype(np.float32)),
+        "radii": ((None,), h5py.vlen_dtype(np.float32)),
+        "edgemasks": ((max_ncells, max_tps, tile_size, tile_size), np.bool),
+        "ellipse_dims": ((None, 2), np.float32),
+        "cell_label": ((None,), np.uint16),
+        "trap": ((None,), np.uint16),
+        "timepoint": ((None,), np.uint16),
+        "mother_assign": ((None,), h5py.vlen_dtype(np.uint16)),
+        "mother_assign_dynamic": ((None,), np.uint16),
+        "volumes": ((None,), np.float32),
+    }
+    group = "cell_info"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        # Get max_tps and trap info
+        self._traps_initialised = False
+    def __init_trap_info(self):
+        # Should only be run after the traps have been initialised
+        trap_metadata = load_attributes(self.file, "trap_info")
+        tile_size = trap_metadata.get("tile_size", self.default_tile_size)
+        max_tps = self.metadata["time_settings/ntimepoints"][0]
+        self.datatypes["edgemasks"] = (
+            (self.max_ncells, max_tps, tile_size, tile_size),
+            np.bool,
+        )
+        self._traps_initialised = True
+    def __init_edgemasks(self, hgroup, edgemasks, current_indices, n_cells):
+        # Create values dataset
+        # This holds the edge masks directly and
+        # Is of shape (n_tps, n_cells, tile_size, tile_size)
+        key = "edgemasks"
+        max_shape, dtype = self.datatypes[key]
+        shape = (n_cells, 1) + max_shape[2:]
+        chunks = (self.chunk_cells, 1) + max_shape[2:]
+        val_dset = hgroup.create_dataset(
+            "values",
+            shape=shape,
+            maxshape=max_shape,
+            dtype=dtype,
+            chunks=chunks,
+            compression=self.compression,
+        )
+        val_dset[:, 0] = edgemasks
+        # Create index dataset
+        # Holds the (trap, cell_id) description used to index into the
+        # values and is of shape (n_cells, 2)
+        ix_max_shape = (max_shape[0], 2)
+        ix_shape = (0, 2)
+        ix_dtype = np.uint16
+        ix_dset = hgroup.create_dataset(
+            "indices",
+            shape=ix_shape,
+            maxshape=ix_max_shape,
+            dtype=ix_dtype,
+            compression=self.compression,
+        )
+        save_complex(current_indices, ix_dset)
+    def __append_edgemasks(self, hgroup, edgemasks, current_indices):
+        key = "edgemasks"
+        val_dset = hgroup["values"]
+        ix_dset = hgroup["indices"]
+        existing_indices = load_complex(ix_dset)
+        # Check if there are any new labels
+        available = np.in1d(current_indices, existing_indices)
+        missing = current_indices[~available]
+        all_indices = np.concatenate([existing_indices, missing])
+        # Resizing
+        t = perf_counter()
+        n_tps = val_dset.shape[1] + 1
+        n_add_cells = len(missing)
+        # RESIZE DATASET FOR TIME and Cells
+        new_shape = (val_dset.shape[0] + n_add_cells, n_tps) + val_dset.shape[2:]
+        val_dset.resize(new_shape)
+        logging.debug(f"Timing:resizing:{perf_counter() - t}")
+        # Writing data
+        cell_indices = np.where(np.in1d(all_indices, current_indices))[0]
+        for ix, mask in zip(cell_indices, edgemasks):
+            try:
+                val_dset[ix, n_tps - 1] = mask
+            except Exception as e:
+                logging.debug(f"{ix}, {n_tps}, {val_dset.shape}")
+        # Save the index values
+        save_complex(missing, ix_dset)
+    def write_edgemasks(self, data, keys, hgroup):
+        if not self._traps_initialised:
+            self.__init_trap_info()
+        # DATA is TRAP_IDS, CELL_LABELS, EDGEMASKS in a structured array
+        key = "edgemasks"
+        val_key = "values"
+        idx_key = "indices"
+        # Length of edgemasks
+        traps, cell_labels, edgemasks = data
+        n_cells = len(cell_labels)
+        hgroup = hgroup.require_group(key)
+        current_indices = np.array(traps) + 1j * np.array(cell_labels)
+        if val_key not in hgroup:
+            self.__init_edgemasks(hgroup, edgemasks, current_indices, n_cells)
+        else:
+            self.__append_edgemasks(hgroup, edgemasks, current_indices)
+    def write(self, data, overwrite: list):
+        with h5py.File(self.file, "a") as store:
+            hgroup = store.require_group(self.group)
+            for key, value in data.items():
+                # We're only saving data that has a pre-defined data-type
+                self._check_key(key)
+                try:
+                    if key.startswith("attrs/"):  # metadata
+                        key = key.split("/")[1]  # First thing after attrs
+                        hgroup.attrs[key] = value
+                    elif key in overwrite:
+                        self._overwrite(value, key, hgroup)
+                    elif key == "edgemasks":
+                        keys = ["trap", "cell_label", "edgemasks"]
+                        value = [data[x] for x in keys]
+                        self.write_edgemasks(value, keys, hgroup)
+                    else:
+                        self._append(value, key, hgroup)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    print(key, value)
+                    raise (e)
+        return
+#################### Extraction version ###############################
+class Writer(BridgeH5):
+    """
+    Class in charge of transforming data into compatible formats
+    Decoupling interface from implementation!
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+        filename: str Name of file to write into
+        flag: str, default=None
+            Flag to pass to the default file reader. If None the file remains closed.
+        compression: str, default=None
+            Compression method passed on to h5py writing functions (only used for
+        dataframes and other array-like data.)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, compression=None):
+        super().__init__(filename, flag=None)
+        if compression is None:
+            self.compression = "gzip"
+    def write(
+        self,
+        path: str,
+        data: Iterable = None,
+        meta: Dict = {},
+        overwrite: str = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        path : str
+            Path inside h5 file to write into.
+        data : Iterable, default = None
+        meta : Dict, default = {}
+        """
+        self.id_cache = {}
+        with h5py.File(self.filename, "a") as f:
+            if overwrite == "overwrite":  # TODO refactor overwriting
+                if path in f:
+                    del f[path]
+            elif overwrite == "accumulate":  # Add a number if needed
+                if path in f:
+                    parent, name = path.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)
+                    n = sum([x.startswith(name) for x in f[path]])
+                    path = path + str(n).zfill(3)
+            elif overwrite == "skip":
+                if path in f:
+                    logging.debug("Skipping dataset {}".format(path))
+            logging.debug(
+                "{} {} to {} and {} metadata fields".format(
+                    overwrite, type(data), path, len(meta)
+                )
+            )
+            if data is not None:
+                self.write_dset(f, path, data)
+            if meta:
+                for attr, metadata in meta.items():
+                    self.write_meta(f, path, attr, data=metadata)
+    def write_dset(self, f: h5py.File, path: str, data: Iterable):
+        if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
+            self.write_pd(f, path, data, compression=self.compression)
+        elif isinstance(data, pd.MultiIndex):
+            self.write_index(f, path, data)  # , compression=self.compression)
+        elif isinstance(data, Iterable):
+            self.write_arraylike(f, path, data)
+        else:
+            self.write_atomic(data, f, path)
+    def write_meta(self, f: h5py.File, path: str, attr: str, data: Iterable):
+        obj = f.require_group(path)
+        obj.attrs[attr] = data
+    @staticmethod
+    def write_arraylike(f: h5py.File, path: str, data: Iterable, **kwargs):
+        if path in f:
+            del f[path]
+        narray = np.array(data)
+        chunks = None
+        if narray.any():
+            chunks = (1, *narray.shape[1:])
+        dset = f.create_dataset(
+            path,
+            shape=narray.shape,
+            chunks=chunks,
+            dtype="int",
+            compression=kwargs.get("compression", None),
+        )
+        dset[()] = narray
+    @staticmethod  # TODO Use this function to implement Diane's dynamic writer
+    def write_dynamic(f: h5py.File, path: str, data: Iterable):
+        pass
+    @staticmethod
+    def write_index(f, path, pd_index, **kwargs):
+        f.require_group(path)  # TODO check if we can remove this
+        for i, name in enumerate(pd_index.names):
+            ids = pd_index.get_level_values(i)
+            id_path = path + "/" + name
+            f.create_dataset(
+                name=id_path,
+                shape=(len(ids),),
+                dtype="uint16",
+                compression=kwargs.get("compression", None),
+            )
+            indices = f[id_path]
+            indices[()] = ids
+    def write_pd(self, f, path, df, **kwargs):
+        values_path = path + "values" if path.endswith("/") else path + "/values"
+        if path not in f:
+            max_ncells = 2e5
+            max_tps = 1e3
+            f.create_dataset(
+                name=values_path,
+                shape=df.shape,
+                # chunks=(min(df.shape[0], 1), df.shape[1]),
+                # dtype=df.dtypes.iloc[0], This is making NaN in ints into negative vals
+                dtype="float",
+                maxshape=(max_ncells, max_tps),
+                compression=kwargs.get("compression", None),
+            )
+            dset = f[values_path]
+            dset[()] = df.values
+            for name in df.index.names:
+                indices_path = "/".join((path, name))
+                f.create_dataset(
+                    name=indices_path,
+                    shape=(len(df),),
+                    dtype="uint16",  # Assuming we'll always use int indices
+                    chunks=True,
+                    maxshape=(max_ncells,),
+                )
+                dset = f[indices_path]
+                dset[()] = df.index.get_level_values(level=name).tolist()
+            if df.columns.dtype == np.int or df.columns.dtype == np.dtype("uint"):
+                tp_path = path + "/timepoint"
+                f.create_dataset(
+                    name=tp_path,
+                    shape=(df.shape[1],),
+                    maxshape=(max_tps,),
+                    dtype="uint16",
+                )
+                tps = df.columns.tolist()
+                f[tp_path][tps] = tps
+            else:
+                f[path].attrs["columns"] = df.columns.tolist()
+        else:
+            dset = f[values_path]
+            # Filter out repeated timepoints
+            new_tps = set(df.columns)
+            if path + "/timepoint" in f:
+                new_tps = new_tps.difference(f[path + "/timepoint"][()])
+            df = df[new_tps]
+            if (
+                not hasattr(self, "id_cache") or not df.index.nlevels in self.id_cache
+            ):  # Use cache dict to store previously-obtained indices
+                self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels] = {}
+                existing_ids = self.get_existing_ids(
+                    f, [path + "/" + x for x in df.index.names]
+                )
+                # Split indices in existing and additional
+                new = df.index.tolist()
+                if df.index.nlevels == 1:  # Cover for cases with a single index
+                    new = [(x,) for x in df.index.tolist()]
+                (
+                    found_multis,
+                    self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels]["additional_multis"],
+                ) = self.find_ids(
+                    existing=existing_ids,
+                    new=new,
+                )
+                found_indices = np.array(locate_indices(existing_ids, found_multis))
+                # We must sort our indices for h5py indexing
+                incremental_existing = np.argsort(found_indices)
+                self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels]["found_indices"] = found_indices[
+                    incremental_existing
+                ]
+                self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels]["found_multi"] = found_multis[
+                    incremental_existing
+                ]
+            existing_values = df.loc[
+                [
+                    _tuple_or_int(x)
+                    for x in self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels]["found_multi"]
+                ]
+            ].values
+            new_values = df.loc[
+                [
+                    _tuple_or_int(x)
+                    for x in self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels]["additional_multis"]
+                ]
+            ].values
+            ncells, ntps = f[values_path].shape
+            # Add found cells
+            dset.resize(dset.shape[1] + df.shape[1], axis=1)
+            dset[:, ntps:] = np.nan
+            for i, tp in enumerate(df.columns):
+                dset[
+                    self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels]["found_indices"], tp
+                ] = existing_values[:, i]
+            # Add new cells
+            n_newcells = len(self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels]["additional_multis"])
+            dset.resize(dset.shape[0] + n_newcells, axis=0)
+            dset[ncells:, :] = np.nan
+            for i, tp in enumerate(df.columns):
+                dset[ncells:, tp] = new_values[:, i]
+            # save indices
+            for i, name in enumerate(df.index.names):
+                tmp = path + "/" + name
+                dset = f[tmp]
+                n = dset.shape[0]
+                dset.resize(n + n_newcells, axis=0)
+                dset[n:] = (
+                    self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels]["additional_multis"][:, i]
+                    if len(self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels]["additional_multis"].shape)
+                    > 1
+                    else self.id_cache[df.index.nlevels]["additional_multis"]
+                )
+            tmp = path + "/timepoint"
+            dset = f[tmp]
+            n = dset.shape[0]
+            dset.resize(n + df.shape[1], axis=0)
+            dset[n:] = df.columns.tolist()
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_existing_ids(f, paths):
+        # Fetch indices and convert them to a (nentries, nlevels) ndarray
+        return np.array([f[path][()] for path in paths]).T
+    @staticmethod
+    def find_ids(existing, new):
+        # Compare two tuple sets and return the intersection and difference
+        # (elements in the 'new' set not in 'existing')
+        set_existing = set([tuple(*x) for x in zip(existing.tolist())])
+        existing_cells = np.array(list(set_existing.intersection(new)))
+        new_cells = np.array(list(set(new).difference(set_existing)))
+        return (
+            existing_cells,
+            new_cells,
+        )
+# @staticmethod
+def locate_indices(existing, new):
+    if new.any():
+        if new.shape[1] > 1:
+            return [
+                find_1st(
+                    (existing[:, 0] == n[0]) & (existing[:, 1] == n[1]), True, cmp_equal
+                )
+                for n in new
+            ]
+        else:
+            return [find_1st(existing[:, 0] == n, True, cmp_equal) for n in new]
+    else:
+        return []
+# def tuple_or_int(x):
+#     if isinstance(x, Iterable):
+#         return tuple(x)
+#     else:
+#         return x
+def _tuple_or_int(x):
+    # Convert tuple to int if it only contains one value
+    if len(x) == 1:
+        return x[0]
+    else:
+        return x
diff --git a/aliby/multiexperiment.py b/aliby/multiexperiment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1076ec65572d8fec2e30210519cba1b18ea4ba06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/multiexperiment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from pathos.multiprocessing import Pool
+from aliby.pipeline import PipelineParameters, Pipeline
+class MultiExp:
+    """
+    Manages cases when you need to segment several different experiments with a single
+    position (e.g. pH calibration).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, expt_ids, npools=8, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.expt_ids = expt_ids
+    def run(self):
+        run_expt = lambda expt: Pipeline(
+            PipelineParameters.default(general={"expt_id": expt, "distributed": 0})
+        ).run()
+        with Pool(npools) as p:
+            results = p.map(lambda x: self.create_pipeline(x), self.exp_ids)
+    @classmethod
+    def default(self):
+        return cls(expt_ids=list(range(20448, 20467 + 1)))
diff --git a/aliby/pipeline.py b/aliby/pipeline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d0c31588f92d9ff14e0ff7bbfbe150d4599bffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/pipeline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+Pipeline and chaining elements.
+import logging
+import os
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import List
+from pathlib import Path
+import traceback
+import itertools
+import yaml
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from time import perf_counter
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from pathos.multiprocessing import Pool
+from agora.base import ParametersABC, ProcessABC
+from aliby.experiment import MetaData
+from aliby.io.omero import Dataset, Image
+from aliby.haystack import initialise_tf
+from aliby.baby_client import BabyRunner, BabyParameters
+from aliby.segment import Tiler, TilerParameters
+from aliby.io.writer import TilerWriter, BabyWriter
+from aliby.io.signal import Signal
+from extraction.core.extractor import Extractor, ExtractorParameters
+from extraction.core.functions.defaults import exparams_from_meta
+from postprocessor.core.processor import PostProcessor, PostProcessorParameters
+class PipelineParameters(ParametersABC):
+    def __init__(self, general, tiler, baby, extraction, postprocessing):
+        self.general = general
+        self.tiler = tiler
+        self.baby = baby
+        self.extraction = extraction
+        self.postprocessing = postprocessing
+    @classmethod
+    def default(
+        cls,
+        general={},
+        tiler={},
+        baby={},
+        extraction={},
+        postprocessing={},
+    ):
+        """
+        Load unit test experiment
+        :expt_id: Experiment id
+        :directory: Output directory
+        Provides default parameters for the entire pipeline. This downloads the logfiles and sets the default
+        timepoints and extraction parameters from there.
+        """
+        expt_id = general.get("expt_id", 19993)
+        directory = Path(general.get("directory", "../data"))
+        with Dataset(int(expt_id)) as conn:
+            directory = directory / conn.unique_name
+            if not directory.exists():
+                directory.mkdir(parents=True)
+                # Download logs to use for metadata
+            conn.cache_logs(directory)
+        meta = MetaData(directory, None).load_logs()
+        tps = meta["time_settings/ntimepoints"][0]
+        defaults = {
+            "general": dict(
+                id=expt_id,
+                distributed=0,
+                tps=tps,
+                directory=directory,
+                strain="",
+                earlystop=dict(
+                    min_tp=180,
+                    thresh_pos_clogged=0.3,
+                    thresh_trap_clogged=7,
+                    ntps_to_eval=5,
+                ),
+            )
+        }
+        defaults["tiler"] = TilerParameters.default().to_dict()
+        defaults["baby"] = BabyParameters.default().to_dict()
+        defaults["extraction"] = exparams_from_meta(meta)
+        defaults["postprocessing"] = PostProcessorParameters.default().to_dict()
+        for k in defaults.keys():
+            exec("defaults[k].update(" + k + ")")
+        return cls(**{k: v for k, v in defaults.items()})
+    def load_logs(self):
+        parsed_flattened = parse_logfiles(self.log_dir)
+        return parsed_flattened
+class Pipeline(ProcessABC):
+    """
+    A chained set of Pipeline elements connected through pipes.
+    """
+    # Tiling, Segmentation,Extraction and Postprocessing should use their own default parameters
+    # Early stop for clogging
+    earlystop = {
+        "min_tp": 180,
+        "thresh_pos_clogged": 0.3,
+        "thresh_trap_clogged": 7,
+        "ntps_to_eval": 5,
+    }
+    def __init__(self, parameters: PipelineParameters):
+        super().__init__(parameters)
+        self.store = self.parameters.general["directory"]
+    @classmethod
+    def from_yaml(cls, fpath):
+        # This is just a convenience function, think before implementing
+        # for other processes
+        return cls(parameters=PipelineParameters.from_yaml(fpath))
+    def run(self):
+        # Config holds the general information, use in main
+        # Steps holds the description of tasks with their parameters
+        # Steps: all holds general tasks
+        # steps: strain_name holds task for a given strain
+        config = self.parameters.to_dict()
+        expt_id = config["general"]["id"]
+        distributed = config["general"]["distributed"]
+        strain_filter = config["general"]["strain"]
+        root_dir = config["general"]["directory"]
+        root_dir = Path(root_dir)
+        print("Searching OMERO")
+        # Do all initialis
+        with Dataset(int(expt_id)) as conn:
+            image_ids = conn.get_images()
+            directory = root_dir / conn.unique_name
+            if not directory.exists():
+                directory.mkdir(parents=True)
+                # Download logs to use for metadata
+            conn.cache_logs(directory)
+        # Modify to the configuration
+        self.parameters.general["directory"] = directory
+        config["general"]["directory"] = directory
+        # Filter TODO integrate filter onto class and add regex
+        image_ids = {k: v for k, v in image_ids.items() if k.startswith(strain_filter)}
+        if distributed != 0:  # Gives the number of simultaneous processes
+            with Pool(distributed) as p:
+                results = p.map(lambda x: self.create_pipeline(x), image_ids.items())
+            return results
+        else:  # Sequential
+            results = []
+            for k, v in image_ids.items():
+                r = self.create_pipeline((k, v))
+                results.append(r)
+    def create_pipeline(self, image_id):
+        config = self.parameters.to_dict()
+        name, image_id = image_id
+        general_config = config["general"]
+        session = None
+        earlystop = general_config["earlystop"]
+        try:
+            directory = general_config["directory"]
+            with Image(image_id) as image:
+                filename = f"{directory}/{image.name}.h5"
+                try:
+                    os.remove(filename)
+                except:
+                    pass
+                # Run metadata first
+                process_from = 0
+                # if True:  # not Path(filename).exists():
+                meta = MetaData(directory, filename)
+                meta.run()
+                tiler = Tiler.from_image(
+                    image, TilerParameters.from_dict(config["tiler"])
+                )
+                # else: TODO add support to continue local experiments?
+                #     tiler = Tiler.from_hdf5(image.data, filename)
+                #     s = Signal(filename)
+                #     process_from = s["/general/None/extraction/volume"].columns[-1]
+                #     if process_from > 2:
+                #         process_from = process_from - 3
+                #         tiler.n_processed = process_from
+                writer = TilerWriter(filename)
+                session = initialise_tf(2)
+                runner = BabyRunner.from_tiler(
+                    BabyParameters.from_dict(config["baby"]), tiler
+                )
+                bwriter = BabyWriter(filename)
+                exparams = ExtractorParameters.from_dict(config["extraction"])
+                ext = Extractor.from_tiler(exparams, store=filename, tiler=tiler)
+                # RUN
+                tps = general_config["tps"]
+                frac_clogged_traps = 0
+                for i in tqdm(
+                    range(process_from, tps), desc=image.name, initial=process_from
+                ):
+                    if (
+                        frac_clogged_traps < earlystop["thresh_pos_clogged"]
+                        or i < earlystop["min_tp"]
+                    ):
+                        t = perf_counter()
+                        trap_info = tiler.run_tp(i)
+                        logging.debug(f"Timing:Trap:{perf_counter() - t}s")
+                        t = perf_counter()
+                        writer.write(trap_info, overwrite=[])
+                        logging.debug(f"Timing:Writing-trap:{perf_counter() - t}s")
+                        t = perf_counter()
+                        seg = runner.run_tp(i)
+                        logging.debug(f"Timing:Segmentation:{perf_counter() - t}s")
+                        # logging.debug(
+                        #     f"Segmentation failed:Segmentation:{perf_counter() - t}s"
+                        # )
+                        t = perf_counter()
+                        bwriter.write(seg, overwrite=["mother_assign"])
+                        logging.debug(f"Timing:Writing-baby:{perf_counter() - t}s")
+                        t = perf_counter()
+                        tmp = ext.run(tps=[i])
+                        logging.debug(f"Timing:Extraction:{perf_counter() - t}s")
+                    else:  # Stop if more than X% traps are clogged
+                        logging.debug(
+                            f"EarlyStop:{earlystop['thresh_pos_clogged']*100}% traps clogged at time point {i}"
+                        )
+                        print(
+                            f"Stopping analysis at time {i} with {frac_clogged_traps} clogged traps"
+                        )
+                        break
+                    if (
+                        i > earlystop["min_tp"]
+                    ):  # Calculate the fraction of clogged traps
+                        frac_clogged_traps = self.check_earlystop(filename, earlystop)
+                        logging.debug(f"Quality:Clogged_traps:{frac_clogged_traps}")
+                        print("Frac clogged traps: ", frac_clogged_traps)
+                # Run post processing
+                post_proc_params = PostProcessorParameters.from_dict(
+                    self.parameters.postprocessing
+                ).to_dict()
+                PostProcessor(filename, post_proc_params).run()
+                return True
+        except Exception as e:  # bug in the trap getting
+            print(f"Caught exception in worker thread (x = {name}):")
+            # This prints the type, value, and stack trace of the
+            # current exception being handled.
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            print()
+            raise e
+        finally:
+            if session:
+                session.close()
+    def check_earlystop(self, filename, es_parameters):
+        s = Signal(filename)
+        df = s["/extraction/general/None/area"]
+        frac_clogged_traps = (
+            df[df.columns[-1 - es_parameters["ntps_to_eval"] : -1]]
+            .dropna(how="all")
+            .notna()
+            .groupby("trap")
+            .apply(sum)
+            .apply(np.mean, axis=1)
+            > es_parameters["thresh_trap_clogged"]
+        ).mean()
+        return frac_clogged_traps
diff --git a/aliby/post_processing.py b/aliby/post_processing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58481dd84c44911d6f90f2fb3947eaeb199f9ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/post_processing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+Post-processing utilities
+Notes: I don't have statistics on ranges of radii for each of the knots in
+the radial spline representation, but we regularly extract the average of
+these radii for each cell. So, depending on camera/lens, we get:
+    * 60x evolve: mean radii of 2-14 pixels (and measured areas of 30-750
+    pixels^2)
+    * 60x prime95b: mean radii of 3-24 pixels (and measured areas of 60-2000
+	pixels^2)
+And I presume that for a 100x lens we would get an ~5/3 increase over those
+In terms of the current volume estimation method, it's currently only
+implemented in the AnalysisToolbox repository, but it's super simple:
+mVol = 4/3*pi*sqrt(mArea/pi).^3
+where mArea is simply the sum of pixels for that cell.
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
+from scipy import ndimage
+from skimage.morphology import erosion, ball
+from skimage import measure, draw
+def my_ball(radius):
+    """Generates a ball-shaped structuring element.
+    This is the 3D equivalent of a disk.
+    A pixel is within the neighborhood if the Euclidean distance between
+    it and the origin is no greater than radius.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    radius : int
+        The radius of the ball-shaped structuring element.
+    Other Parameters
+    ----------------
+    dtype : data-type
+        The data type of the structuring element.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    selem : ndarray
+        The structuring element where elements of the neighborhood
+        are 1 and 0 otherwise.
+    """
+    n = 2 * radius + 1
+    Z, Y, X = np.mgrid[-radius:radius:n * 1j,
+              -radius:radius:n * 1j,
+              -radius:radius:n * 1j]
+    X **= 2
+    Y **= 2
+    Z **= 2
+    X += Y
+    X += Z
+    # s = X ** 2 + Y ** 2 + Z ** 2
+    return X <= radius * radius
+def circle_outline(r):
+    return ellipse_perimeter(r, r)
+def ellipse_perimeter(x, y):
+    im_shape = int(2*max(x, y) + 1)
+    img = np.zeros((im_shape, im_shape), dtype=np.uint8)
+    rr, cc = draw.ellipse_perimeter(int(im_shape//2), int(im_shape//2),
+                                    int(x), int(y))
+    img[rr, cc] = 1
+    return np.pad(img, 1)
+def capped_cylinder(x, y):
+    max_size = (y + 2*x + 2)
+    pixels = np.zeros((max_size, max_size))
+    rect_start = ((max_size-x)//2, x + 1)
+    rr, cc = draw.rectangle_perimeter(rect_start, extent=(x, y),
+                                     shape=(max_size, max_size))
+    pixels[rr, cc] = 1
+    circle_centres = [(max_size//2 - 1, x),
+                      (max_size//2 - 1, max_size - x - 1 )]
+    for r, c in circle_centres:
+        rr, cc = draw.circle_perimeter(r, c, (x + 1)//2,
+                                       shape=(max_size, max_size))
+        pixels[rr, cc] = 1
+    pixels = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(pixels)
+    pixels ^= erosion(pixels)
+    return pixels
+def volume_of_sphere(radius):
+    return 4 / 3 * np.pi * radius**3
+def plot_voxels(voxels):
+    verts, faces, normals, values = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(
+        voxels, 0)
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
+    mesh = Poly3DCollection(verts[faces])
+    mesh.set_edgecolor('k')
+    ax.add_collection3d(mesh)
+    ax.set_xlim(0, voxels.shape[0])
+    ax.set_ylim(0, voxels.shape[1])
+    ax.set_zlim(0, voxels.shape[2])
+    plt.tight_layout()
+    plt.show()
+# Volume estimation
+def union_of_spheres(outline, shape='my_ball', debug=False):
+    filled = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(outline)
+    nearest_neighbor = ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(
+        outline == 0) * filled
+    voxels = np.zeros((filled.shape[0], filled.shape[1], max(filled.shape)))
+    c_z = voxels.shape[2] // 2
+    for x,y in zip(*np.where(filled)):
+        radius = nearest_neighbor[(x,y)]
+        if radius > 0:
+            if shape == 'ball':
+                b = ball(radius)
+            elif shape == 'my_ball':
+                b = my_ball(radius)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(f"{shape} is not an accepted value for "
+                                 f"shape.")
+            centre_b = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(b)
+            I,J,K = np.ogrid[:b.shape[0], :b.shape[1], :b.shape[2]]
+            voxels[I + int(x - centre_b[0]), J + int(y - centre_b[1]),
+                   K + int(c_z - centre_b[2])] += b
+    if debug:
+        plot_voxels(voxels)
+    return voxels.astype(bool).sum()
+def improved_uos(outline, shape='my_ball', debug=False):
+    filled = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(outline)
+    nearest_neighbor = ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(
+        outline == 0) * filled
+    voxels = np.zeros((filled.shape[0], filled.shape[1], max(filled.shape)))
+    c_z = voxels.shape[2] // 2
+    while np.any(nearest_neighbor != 0):
+        radius = np.max(nearest_neighbor)
+        x, y = np.argwhere(nearest_neighbor == radius)[0]
+        if shape == 'ball':
+            b = ball(np.ceil(radius))
+        elif shape == 'my_ball':
+            b = my_ball(np.ceil(radius))
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f"{shape} is not an accepted value for shape")
+        centre_b = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(b)
+        I, J, K = np.ogrid[:b.shape[0], :b.shape[1], :b.shape[2]]
+        voxels[I + int(x - centre_b[0]), J + int(y - centre_b[1]),
+               K + int(c_z - centre_b[2])] += b
+        # Use the central disk of the ball from voxels to get the circle
+        # = 0 if nn[x,y] < r else nn[x,y]
+        rr, cc = draw.circle(x, y, np.ceil(radius), nearest_neighbor.shape)
+        nearest_neighbor[rr, cc] = 0
+    if debug:
+        plot_voxels(voxels)
+    return voxels.astype(bool).sum()
+def conical(outline, debug=False):
+    nearest_neighbor = ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(
+        outline == 0) * ndimage.binary_fill_holes(outline)
+    if debug:
+        hf = plt.figure()
+        ha = hf.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
+        X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nearest_neighbor.shape[0]),
+                           np.arange(nearest_neighbor.shape[1]))
+        ha.plot_surface(X, Y, nearest_neighbor)
+        plt.show()
+    return 4 * nearest_neighbor.sum()
+def volume(outline, method='spheres'):
+    if method=='conical':
+        return conical(outline)
+    elif method=='spheres':
+        return union_of_spheres(outline)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Method {method} not implemented.")
+def circularity(outline):
+    pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/aliby/results.py b/aliby/results.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd12c2831dc9da6e84017eb5e80b3672492013d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/results.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+"""Pipeline results classes and utilities"""
+class SegmentationResults:
+    """
+    Object storing the data from the Segmentation pipeline.
+    Everything is stored as an `AttributeDict`, which is a `defaultdict` where
+    you can get elements as attributes.
+    In addition, it implements:
+     - IO functionality (read from file, write to file)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, raw_expt):
+        pass
+class CellResults:
+    """
+    Results on a set of cells TODO: what set of cells, how?
+    Contains:
+    * cellInf describing which cells are taken into account
+    * annotations on the cell
+    * segmentation maps of the cell TODO: how to define and save this?
+    * trapLocations TODO: why is this not part of cellInf?
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cellInf=None, annotations=None, segmentation=None,
+                 trapLocations=None):
+        self._cellInf = cellInf
+        self._annotations = annotations
+        self._segmentation = segmentation
+        self._trapLocations = trapLocations
diff --git a/aliby/segment.py b/aliby/segment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6550bd404f1d042b99f24105677900e6e29c60e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/segment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+"""Segment/segmented pipelines.
+Includes splitting the image into traps/parts,
+cell segmentation, nucleus segmentation."""
+import warnings
+from functools import lru_cache
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+from pathlib import Path, PosixPath
+from skimage.registration import phase_cross_correlation
+from agora.base import ParametersABC, ProcessABC
+from aliby.traps import segment_traps
+from aliby.timelapse import TimelapseOMERO
+from aliby.io.matlab import matObject
+from aliby.traps import (
+    identify_trap_locations,
+    get_trap_timelapse,
+    get_traps_timepoint,
+    centre,
+    get_trap_timelapse_omero,
+from aliby.utils import accumulate, get_store_path
+from aliby.io.writer import Writer, load_attributes
+from aliby.io.metadata_parser import parse_logfiles
+trap_template_directory = Path(__file__).parent / "trap_templates"
+# TODO do we need multiple templates, one for each setup?
+trap_template = np.array([])  # np.load(trap_template_directory / "trap_prime.npy")
+def get_tile_shapes(x, tile_size, max_shape):
+    half_size = tile_size // 2
+    xmin = int(x[0] - half_size)
+    ymin = max(0, int(x[1] - half_size))
+    if xmin + tile_size > max_shape[0]:
+        xmin = max_shape[0] - tile_size
+    if ymin + tile_size > max_shape[1]:
+        ymin = max_shape[1] - tile_size
+    return xmin, xmin + tile_size, ymin, ymin + tile_size
+###################### Dask versions ########################
+class Trap:
+    def __init__(self, centre, parent, size, max_size):
+        self.centre = centre
+        self.parent = parent  # Used to access drifts
+        self.size = size
+        self.half_size = size // 2
+        self.max_size = max_size
+    def padding_required(self, tp):
+        """Check if we need to pad the trap image for this time point."""
+        try:
+            assert all(self.at_time(tp) - self.half_size >= 0)
+            assert all(self.at_time(tp) + self.half_size <= self.max_size)
+        except AssertionError:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def at_time(self, tp):
+        """Return trap centre at time tp"""
+        drifts = self.parent.drifts
+        return self.centre - np.sum(drifts[:tp], axis=0)
+    def as_tile(self, tp):
+        """Return trap in the OMERO tile format of x, y, w, h
+        Also returns the padding necessary for this tile.
+        """
+        x, y = self.at_time(tp)
+        # tile bottom corner
+        x = int(x - self.half_size)
+        y = int(y - self.half_size)
+        return x, y, self.size, self.size
+    def as_range(self, tp):
+        """Return trap in a range format, two slice objects that can be used in Arrays"""
+        x, y, w, h = self.as_tile(tp)
+        return slice(x, x + w), slice(y, y + h)
+class TrapLocations:
+    def __init__(self, initial_location, tile_size, max_size=1200, drifts=[]):
+        self.tile_size = tile_size
+        self.max_size = max_size
+        self.initial_location = initial_location
+        self.traps = [
+            Trap(centre, self, tile_size, max_size) for centre in initial_location
+        ]
+        self.drifts = drifts
+    @classmethod
+    def from_source(cls, fpath: str):
+        with h5py.File(fpath, "r") as f:
+            # TODO read tile size from file metadata
+            drifts = f["trap_info/drifts"][()]
+            tlocs = cls(f["trap_info/trap_locations"][()], tile_size=96, drifts=drifts)
+        return tlocs
+    @property
+    def shape(self):
+        return len(self.traps), len(self.drifts)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.traps)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        yield from self.traps
+    def padding_required(self, tp):
+        return any([trap.padding_required(tp) for trap in self.traps])
+    def to_dict(self, tp):
+        res = dict()
+        if tp == 0:
+            res["trap_locations"] = self.initial_location
+            res["attrs/tile_size"] = self.tile_size
+            res["attrs/max_size"] = self.max_size
+        res["drifts"] = np.expand_dims(self.drifts[tp], axis=0)
+        # res['processed_timepoints'] = tp
+        return res
+    @classmethod
+    def read_hdf5(cls, file):
+        with h5py.File(file, "r") as hfile:
+            trap_info = hfile["trap_info"]
+            initial_locations = trap_info["trap_locations"][()]
+            drifts = trap_info["drifts"][()]
+            max_size = trap_info.attrs["max_size"]
+            tile_size = trap_info.attrs["tile_size"]
+        trap_locs = cls(initial_locations, tile_size, max_size=max_size)
+        trap_locs.drifts = drifts
+        return trap_locs
+class TilerParameters(ParametersABC):
+    def __init__(
+        self, tile_size: int, ref_channel: str, ref_z: int, template_name: str = None
+    ):
+        self.tile_size = tile_size
+        self.ref_channel = ref_channel
+        self.ref_z = ref_z
+        self.template_name = template_name
+    @classmethod
+    def from_template(cls, template_name: str, ref_channel: str, ref_z: int):
+        return cls(template.shape[0], ref_channel, ref_z, template_path=template_name)
+    @classmethod
+    def default(cls):
+        return cls(96, "Brightfield", 0)
+class Tiler(ProcessABC):
+    """A dummy TimelapseTiler object fora Dask Demo.
+    Does trap finding and image registration."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        image,
+        metadata,
+        parameters: TilerParameters,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(parameters)
+        self.image = image
+        self.channels = metadata["channels"]
+        self.ref_channel = self.get_channel_index(parameters.ref_channel)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_image(cls, image, parameters: TilerParameters):
+        return cls(image.data, image.metadata, parameters)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_hdf5(cls, image, filepath, tile_size=None):
+        trap_locs = TrapLocations.read_hdf5(filepath)
+        metadata = load_attributes(filepath)
+        metadata["channels"] = metadata["channels/channel"].tolist()
+        if tile_size is None:
+            tile_size = trap_locs.tile_size
+        return Tiler(
+            image=image,
+            metadata=metadata,
+            template=None,
+            tile_size=tile_size,
+            trap_locs=trap_locs,
+        )
+    @lru_cache(maxsize=2)
+    def get_tc(self, t, c):
+        # Get image
+        full = self.image[t, c].compute()  # FORCE THE CACHE
+        return full
+    @property
+    def shape(self):
+        c, t, z, y, x = self.image.shape
+        return (c, t, x, y, z)
+    @property
+    def n_processed(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, "_n_processed"):
+            self._n_processed = 0
+        return self._n_processed
+    @n_processed.setter
+    def n_processed(self, value):
+        self._n_processed = value
+    @property
+    def n_traps(self):
+        return len(self.trap_locs)
+    @property
+    def finished(self):
+        return self.n_processed == self.image.shape[0]
+    def _initialise_traps(self, tile_size):
+        """Find initial trap positions.
+        Removes all those that are too close to the edge so no padding is necessary.
+        """
+        half_tile = tile_size // 2
+        max_size = min(self.image.shape[-2:])
+        initial_image = self.image[
+            0, self.ref_channel, self.ref_z
+        ]  # First time point, first channel, first z-position
+        trap_locs = segment_traps(initial_image, tile_size)
+        trap_locs = [
+            [x, y]
+            for x, y in trap_locs
+            if half_tile < x < max_size - half_tile
+            and half_tile < y < max_size - half_tile
+        ]
+        self.trap_locs = TrapLocations(trap_locs, tile_size)
+    def find_drift(self, tp):
+        # TODO check that the drift doesn't move any tiles out of the image, remove them from list if so
+        prev_tp = max(0, tp - 1)
+        drift, error, _ = phase_cross_correlation(
+            self.image[prev_tp, self.ref_channel, self.ref_z],
+            self.image[tp, self.ref_channel, self.ref_z],
+        )
+        self.trap_locs.drifts.append(drift)
+    def get_tp_data(self, tp, c):
+        traps = []
+        full = self.get_tc(tp, c)
+        # if self.trap_locs.padding_required(tp):
+        for trap in self.trap_locs:
+            ndtrap = self.ifoob_pad(full, trap.as_range(tp))
+            traps.append(ndtrap)
+        return np.stack(traps)
+    def get_trap_data(self, trap_id, tp, c):
+        full = self.get_tc(tp, c)
+        trap = self.trap_locs.traps[trap_id]
+        ndtrap = self.ifoob_pad(full, trap.as_range(tp))
+        return ndtrap
+    @staticmethod
+    def ifoob_pad(full, slices):
+        """
+        Returns the slices padded if it is out of bounds
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        full: (zstacks, max_size, max_size) ndarray
+        Entire position with zstacks as first axis
+        slices: tuple of two slices
+        Each slice indicates an axis to index
+        Returns
+        Trap for given slices, padded with median if needed, or np.nan if the padding is too much
+        """
+        max_size = full.shape[-1]
+        y, x = [slice(max(0, s.start), min(max_size, s.stop)) for s in slices]
+        trap = full[:, y, x]
+        padding = np.array(
+            [(-min(0, s.start), -min(0, max_size - s.stop)) for s in slices]
+        )
+        if padding.any():
+            tile_size = slices[0].stop - slices[0].start
+            if (padding > tile_size / 4).any():
+                trap = np.full((full.shape[0], tile_size, tile_size), np.nan)
+            else:
+                trap = np.pad(trap, [[0, 0]] + padding.tolist(), "median")
+        return trap
+    def run_tp(self, tp):
+        assert tp >= self.n_processed, "Time point already processed"
+        # TODO check contiguity?
+        if self.n_processed == 0:
+            self._initialise_traps(self.tile_size)
+        self.find_drift(tp)  # Get drift
+        # update n_processed
+        self.n_processed += 1
+        # Return result for writer
+        return self.trap_locs.to_dict(tp)
+    def run(self, tp):
+        if self.n_processed == 0:
+            self._initialise_traps(self.tile_size)
+        self.find_drift(tp)  # Get drift
+        # update n_processed
+        self.n_processed += 1
+        # Return result for writer
+        return self.trap_locs.to_dict(tp)
+    # The next set of functions are necessary for the extraction object
+    def get_traps_timepoint(self, tp, tile_size=None, channels=None, z=None):
+        # FIXME we currently ignore the tile size
+        # FIXME can we ignore z(always  give)
+        res = []
+        for c in channels:
+            val = self.get_tp_data(tp, c)[:, z]  # Only return requested z
+            # positions
+            # Starts at traps, z, y, x
+            # Turn to Trap, C, T, X, Y, Z order
+            val = val.swapaxes(1, 3).swapaxes(1, 2)
+            val = np.expand_dims(val, axis=1)
+            res.append(val)
+        return np.stack(res, axis=1)
+    def get_channel_index(self, item):
+        for i, ch in enumerate(self.channels):
+            if item in ch:
+                return i
+    def get_position_annotation(self):
+        # TODO required for matlab support
+        return None
diff --git a/aliby/tests/__init__.py b/aliby/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/aliby/tests/test_integration.py b/aliby/tests/test_integration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10e45f8ae16b8319cf18266bf2e3a331e502969b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/tests/test_integration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Testing the "run" functions in the pipeline elements.
+import pytest
+pytest.mark.skip(reason='All tests still WIP')
+# Todo: data needed: an experiment object
+# Todo: data needed: an sqlite database
+# Todo: data needed: a Shelf storage
+class TestPipeline:
+    def test_experiment(self):
+        pass
+    def test_omero_experiment(self):
+        pass
+    def test_tiler(self):
+        pass
+    def test_baby_client(self):
+        pass
+    def test_baby_runner(self):
+        pass
+    def test_pipeline(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/aliby/tests/test_units.py b/aliby/tests/test_units.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..447ab6018d2e249612094202a490c0beb9ae4324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/tests/test_units.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import pytest
+pytest.mark.skip("all tests still WIP")
+from core.core import PersistentDict
+# Todo: temporary file needed
+class TestPersistentDict:
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class')
+    def _get_json_file(self, tmp_path):
+        self._filename = tmp_path / 'persistent_dict.json'
+    def test_persistent_dict(self):
+        p = PersistentDict(self._filename)
+        p['hello/from/the/other/side'] = "adele"
+        p['hello/how/you/doing'] = 'lionel'
+        # Todo: run checks
+# Todo: data needed - small experiment
+class TestExperiment:
+    def test_shape(self):
+        pass
+    def test_positions(self):
+        pass
+    def test_channels(self):
+        pass
+    def test_hypercube(self):
+        pass
+# Todo: data needed - a dummy OMERO server
+class TestConnection:
+    def test_dataset(self):
+        pass
+    def test_image(self):
+        pass
+# Todo data needed - a position
+class TestTimelapse:
+    def test_id(self):
+        pass
+    def test_name(self):
+        pass
+    def test_size_z(self):
+        pass
+    def test_size_c(self):
+        pass
+    def test_size_t(self):
+        pass
+    def test_size_x(self):
+        pass
+    def test_size_y(self):
+        pass
+    def test_channels(self):
+        pass
+    def test_channel_index(self):
+        pass
+# Todo: data needed image and template
+class TestTrapUtils:
+    def test_trap_locations(self):
+        pass
+    def test_tile_shape(self):
+        pass
+    def test_get_tile(self):
+        pass
+    def test_centre(self):
+        pass
+# Todo: data needed - a functional experiment object
+class TestTiler:
+    def test_n_timepoints(self):
+        pass
+    def test_n_traps(self):
+        pass
+    def test_get_trap_timelapse(self):
+        pass
+    def test_get_trap_timepoints(self):
+        pass
+# Todo: data needed - a functional tiler object
+# Todo: running server needed
+class TestBabyClient:
+    def test_get_new_session(self):
+        pass
+    def test_queue_image(self):
+        pass
+    def test_get_segmentation(self):
+        pass
+# Todo: data needed - a functional tiler object
+class TestBabyRunner:
+    def test_model_choice(self):
+        pass
+    def test_properties(self):
+        pass
+    def test_segment(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/aliby/timelapse.py b/aliby/timelapse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2d2233ffdb1e17988ae2512db201e00db8c2fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/timelapse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+import itertools
+import logging
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+from pathlib import Path
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import cv2
+from aliby.io.matlab import matObject
+from aliby.utils import Cache, imread, get_store_path
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def parse_local_fs(pos_dir, tp=None):
+    """
+    Local file structure:
+    - pos_dir
+        -- exptID_{timepointID}_{ChannelID}_{z_position_id}.png
+    :param pos_dirs:
+    :return: Image_mapper
+    """
+    pos_dir = Path(pos_dir)
+    img_mapper = dict()
+    def channel_idx(img_name):
+        return img_name.stem.split("_")[-2]
+    def tp_idx(img_name):
+        return int(img_name.stem.split("_")[-3]) - 1
+    def z_idx(img_name):
+        return img_name.stem.split("_")[-1]
+    if tp is not None:
+        img_list = [img for img in pos_dir.iterdir() if tp_idx(img) in tp]
+    else:
+        img_list = [img for img in pos_dir.iterdir()]
+    for tp, group in itertools.groupby(sorted(img_list, key=tp_idx), key=tp_idx):
+        img_mapper[int(tp)] = {
+            channel: {i: item for i, item in enumerate(sorted(grp, key=z_idx))}
+            for channel, grp in itertools.groupby(
+                sorted(group, key=channel_idx), key=channel_idx
+            )
+        }
+    return img_mapper
+class Timelapse:
+    """
+    Timelapse class contains the specifics of one position.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._id = None
+        self._name = None
+        self._channels = []
+        self._size_c = 0
+        self._size_t = 0
+        self._size_x = 0
+        self._size_y = 0
+        self._size_z = 0
+        self.image_cache = None
+        self.annotation = None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.name
+    def full_mask(self):
+        return np.full(self.shape, False)
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        cached = self.image_cache[item]
+        # Check if there are missing values, if so reload
+        # TODO only reload missing
+        mask = np.isnan(cached)
+        if np.any(mask):
+            full = self.load_fn(item)
+            shape = self.image_cache[
+                item
+            ].shape  # TODO speed this up by  recognising the shape from the item
+            self.image_cache[item] = np.reshape(full, shape)
+            return full
+        return cached
+    def get_hypercube(self):
+        pass
+    def load_fn(self, item):
+        """
+        The hypercube is ordered as: C, T, X, Y, Z
+        :param item:
+        :return:
+        """
+        def parse_slice(s):
+            step = s.step if s.step is not None else 1
+            if s.start is None and s.stop is None:
+                return None
+            elif s.start is None and s.stop is not None:
+                return range(0, s.stop, step)
+            elif s.start is not None and s.stop is None:
+                return [s.start]
+            else:  # both s.start and s.stop are not None
+                return range(s.start, s.stop, step)
+        def parse_subitem(subitem, kw):
+            if isinstance(subitem, (int, float)):
+                res = [int(subitem)]
+            elif isinstance(subitem, list) or isinstance(subitem, tuple):
+                res = list(subitem)
+            elif isinstance(subitem, slice):
+                res = parse_slice(subitem)
+            else:
+                res = subitem
+                # raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse slice {kw}: {subitem}")
+            if kw in ["x", "y"]:
+                # Need exactly two values
+                if res is not None:
+                    if len(res) < 2:
+                        # An int was passed, assume it was
+                        res = [res[0], self.size_x]
+                    elif len(res) > 2:
+                        res = [res[0], res[-1] + 1]
+            return res
+        if isinstance(item, int):
+            return self.get_hypercube(
+                x=None, y=None, z_positions=None, channels=[item], timepoints=None
+            )
+        elif isinstance(item, slice):
+            return self.get_hypercube(channels=parse_slice(item))
+        keywords = ["channels", "timepoints", "x", "y", "z_positions"]
+        kwargs = dict()
+        for kw, subitem in zip(keywords, item):
+            kwargs[kw] = parse_subitem(subitem, kw)
+        return self.get_hypercube(**kwargs)
+    @property
+    def shape(self):
+        return (self.size_c, self.size_t, self.size_x, self.size_y, self.size_z)
+    @property
+    def id(self):
+        return self._id
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self._name
+    @property
+    def size_z(self):
+        return self._size_z
+    @property
+    def size_c(self):
+        return self._size_c
+    @property
+    def size_t(self):
+        return self._size_t
+    @property
+    def size_x(self):
+        return self._size_x
+    @property
+    def size_y(self):
+        return self._size_y
+    @property
+    def channels(self):
+        return self._channels
+    def get_channel_index(self, channel):
+        return self.channels.index(channel)
+def load_annotation(filepath: Path):
+    try:
+        return matObject(filepath)
+    except Exception as e:
+        raise (
+            "Could not load annotation file. \n"
+            "Non MATLAB files currently unsupported"
+        ) from e
+class TimelapseOMERO(Timelapse):
+    """
+    Connected to an Image object which handles database I/O.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, image, annotation, cache, **kwargs):
+        super(TimelapseOMERO, self).__init__()
+        self.image = image
+        # Pre-load pixels
+        self.pixels = self.image.getPrimaryPixels()
+        self._id = self.image.getId()
+        self._name = self.image.getName()
+        self._size_x = self.image.getSizeX()
+        self._size_y = self.image.getSizeY()
+        self._size_z = self.image.getSizeZ()
+        self._size_c = self.image.getSizeC()
+        self._size_t = self.image.getSizeT()
+        self._channels = self.image.getChannelLabels()
+        # Check whether there are file annotations for this position
+        if annotation is not None:
+            self.annotation = load_annotation(annotation)
+        # Get an HDF5 dataset to use as a cache.
+        compression = kwargs.get("compression", None)
+        self.image_cache = cache.require_dataset(
+            self.name,
+            self.shape,
+            dtype=np.float16,
+            fillvalue=np.nan,
+            compression=compression,
+        )
+    def get_hypercube(
+        self, x=None, y=None, z_positions=None, channels=None, timepoints=None
+    ):
+        if x is None and y is None:
+            tile = None  # Get full plane
+        elif x is None:
+            ymin, ymax = y
+            tile = (None, ymin, None, ymax - ymin)
+        elif y is None:
+            xmin, xmax = x
+            tile = (xmin, None, xmax - xmin, None)
+        else:
+            xmin, xmax = x
+            ymin, ymax = y
+            tile = (xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin)
+        if z_positions is None:
+            z_positions = range(self.size_z)
+        if channels is None:
+            channels = range(self.size_c)
+        if timepoints is None:
+            timepoints = range(self.size_t)
+        z_positions = z_positions or [0]
+        channels = channels or [0]
+        timepoints = timepoints or [0]
+        zcttile_list = [
+            (z, c, t, tile)
+            for z, c, t in itertools.product(z_positions, channels, timepoints)
+        ]
+        planes = list(self.pixels.getTiles(zcttile_list))
+        order = (
+            len(z_positions),
+            len(channels),
+            len(timepoints),
+            planes[0].shape[-2],
+            planes[0].shape[-1],
+        )
+        result = np.stack([x for x in planes]).reshape(order)
+        # Set to C, T, X, Y, Z order
+        result = np.moveaxis(result, -1, -2)
+        return np.moveaxis(result, 0, -1)
+    def cache_set(self, save_dir, timepoints, expt_name, quiet=True):
+        # TODO deprecate when this is default
+        pos_dir = save_dir / self.name
+        if not pos_dir.exists():
+            pos_dir.mkdir()
+        for tp in tqdm(timepoints, desc=self.name):
+            for channel in tqdm(self.channels, disable=quiet):
+                for z_pos in tqdm(range(self.size_z), disable=quiet):
+                    ch_id = self.get_channel_index(channel)
+                    image = self.get_hypercube(
+                        x=None,
+                        y=None,
+                        channels=[ch_id],
+                        z_positions=[z_pos],
+                        timepoints=[tp],
+                    )
+                    im_name = "{}_{:06d}_{}_{:03d}.png".format(
+                        expt_name, tp + 1, channel, z_pos + 1
+                    )
+                    cv2.imwrite(str(pos_dir / im_name), np.squeeze(image))
+        # TODO update positions table to get the number of timepoints?
+        return list(itertools.product([self.name], timepoints))
+    def run(self, keys, store, save_dir="./", **kwargs):
+        """
+        Parse file structure and get images for the timepoints in keys.
+        """
+        save_dir = Path(save_dir)
+        if keys is None:
+            # TODO save final metadata
+            return None
+        store = save_dir / store
+        # A position specific store
+        store = store.with_name(self.name + store.name)
+        # Create store if it does not exist
+        if not store.exists():
+            # The first run, add metadata to the store
+            with h5py.File(store, "w") as pos_store:
+                # TODO Add metadata to the store.
+                pass
+        # TODO check how sensible the keys are with what is available
+        #   if some of the keys don't make sense, log a warning and remove
+        #   them so that the next steps of the pipeline make sense
+        return keys
+    def clear_cache(self):
+        self.image_cache.clear()
+class TimelapseLocal(Timelapse):
+    def __init__(
+        self, position, root_dir, finished=True, annotation=None, cache=None, **kwargs
+    ):
+        """
+        Linked to a local directory containing the images for one position
+        in an experiment.
+        Can be a still running experiment or a finished one.
+        :param position: Name of the position
+        :param root_dir: Root directory
+        :param finished: Whether the experiment has finished running or the
+        class will be used as part of a pipeline, mostly with calls to `run`
+        """
+        super(TimelapseLocal, self).__init__()
+        self.pos_dir = Path(root_dir) / position
+        assert self.pos_dir.exists()
+        self._id = position
+        self._name = position
+        if finished:
+            self.image_mapper = parse_local_fs(self.pos_dir)
+            self._update_metadata()
+        else:
+            self.image_mapper = dict()
+        self.annotation = None
+        # Check whether there are file annotations for this position
+        if annotation is not None:
+            self.annotation = load_annotation(annotation)
+        compression = kwargs.get("compression", None)
+        self.image_cache = cache.require_dataset(
+            self.name,
+            self.shape,
+            dtype=np.float16,
+            fillvalue=np.nan,
+            compression=compression,
+        )
+    def _update_metadata(self):
+        self._size_t = len(self.image_mapper)
+        # Todo: if cy5 is the first one it causes issues with getting x, y
+        #   hence the sorted but it's not very robust
+        self._channels = sorted(
+            list(set.union(*[set(tp.keys()) for tp in self.image_mapper.values()]))
+        )
+        self._size_c = len(self._channels)
+        # Todo: refactor so we don't rely on there being any images at all
+        self._size_z = max([len(self.image_mapper[0][ch]) for ch in self._channels])
+        single_img = self.get_hypercube(
+            x=None, y=None, z_positions=None, channels=[0], timepoints=[0]
+        )
+        self._size_x = single_img.shape[2]
+        self._size_y = single_img.shape[3]
+    def get_hypercube(
+        self, x=None, y=None, z_positions=None, channels=None, timepoints=None
+    ):
+        xmin, xmax = x if x is not None else (None, None)
+        ymin, ymax = y if y is not None else (None, None)
+        if z_positions is None:
+            z_positions = range(self.size_z)
+        if channels is None:
+            channels = range(self.size_c)
+        if timepoints is None:
+            timepoints = range(self.size_t)
+        def z_pos_getter(z_positions, ch_id, t):
+            default = np.zeros((self.size_x, self.size_y))
+            names = [
+                self.image_mapper[t][self.channels[ch_id]].get(i, None)
+                for i in z_positions
+            ]
+            res = [imread(name) if name is not None else default for name in names]
+            return res
+        # nested list of images in C, T, X, Y, Z order
+        ctxyz = []
+        for ch_id in channels:
+            txyz = []
+            for t in timepoints:
+                xyz = z_pos_getter(z_positions, ch_id, t)
+                txyz.append(np.dstack(list(xyz))[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax])
+            ctxyz.append(np.stack(txyz))
+        return np.stack(ctxyz)
+    def clear_cache(self):
+        self.image_cache.clear()
+    def run(self, keys, store, save_dir="./", **kwargs):
+        """
+        Parse file structure and get images for the time points in keys.
+        """
+        if keys is None:
+            return None
+        elif isinstance(keys, int):
+            keys = [keys]
+        self.image_mapper.update(parse_local_fs(self.pos_dir, tp=keys))
+        self._update_metadata()
+        # Create store if it does not exist
+        store = get_store_path(save_dir, store, self.name)
+        if not store.exists():
+            # The first run, add metadata to the store
+            with h5py.File(store, "w") as pos_store:
+                # TODO Add metadata to the store.
+                pass
+        # TODO check how sensible the keys are with what is available
+        #   if some of the keys don't make sense, log a warning and remove
+        #   them so that the next steps of the pipeline make sense
+        return keys
diff --git a/aliby/traps.py b/aliby/traps.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e37eb925eb5763c43efbabed961fb76385aa5e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/traps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+A set of utilities for dealing with ALCATRAS traps
+import numpy as np
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from skimage import transform, feature
+from skimage.filters.rank import entropy
+from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
+from skimage.segmentation import clear_border
+from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
+from skimage.morphology import disk, closing, square
+def stretch_image(image):
+    image = ((image - image.min()) / (image.max() - image.min())) * 255
+    minval = np.percentile(image, 2)
+    maxval = np.percentile(image, 98)
+    image = np.clip(image, minval, maxval)
+    image = (image - minval) / (maxval - minval)
+    return image
+def segment_traps(image, tile_size, downscale=0.4):
+    # Make image go between 0 and 255
+    img = image  # Keep a memory of image in case need to re-run
+    # stretched = stretch_image(image)
+    # img = stretch_image(image)
+    # TODO Optimise the hyperparameters
+    disk_radius = int(min([0.01 * x for x in img.shape]))
+    min_area = 0.2 * (tile_size ** 2)
+    if downscale != 1:
+        img = transform.rescale(image, downscale)
+    entropy_image = entropy(img, disk(disk_radius))
+    if downscale != 1:
+        entropy_image = transform.rescale(entropy_image, 1 / downscale)
+    # apply threshold
+    thresh = threshold_otsu(entropy_image)
+    bw = closing(entropy_image > thresh, square(3))
+    # remove artifacts connected to image border
+    cleared = clear_border(bw)
+    # label image regions
+    label_image = label(cleared)
+    areas = [
+        region.area
+        for region in regionprops(label_image)
+        if region.area > min_area and region.area < tile_size ** 2 * 0.8
+    ]
+    traps = (
+        np.array(
+            [
+                region.centroid
+                for region in regionprops(label_image)
+                if region.area > min_area and region.area < tile_size ** 2 * 0.8
+            ]
+        )
+        .round()
+        .astype(int)
+    )
+    ma = (
+        np.array(
+            [
+                region.minor_axis_length
+                for region in regionprops(label_image)
+                if region.area > min_area and region.area < tile_size ** 2 * 0.8
+            ]
+        )
+        .round()
+        .astype(int)
+    )
+    maskx = (tile_size // 2 < traps[:, 0]) & (
+        traps[:, 0] < image.shape[0] - tile_size // 2
+    )
+    masky = (tile_size // 2 < traps[:, 1]) & (
+        traps[:, 1] < image.shape[1] - tile_size // 2
+    )
+    traps = traps[maskx & masky, :]
+    ma = ma[maskx & masky]
+    chosen_trap_coords = np.round(traps[ma.argmin()]).astype(int)
+    x, y = chosen_trap_coords
+    template = image[
+        x - tile_size // 2 : x + tile_size // 2, y - tile_size // 2 : y + tile_size // 2
+    ]
+    traps = identify_trap_locations(image, template)
+    if len(traps) < 10 and downscale != 1:
+        print("Trying again.")
+        return segment_traps(image, tile_size, downscale=1)
+    return traps
+# def segment_traps(image, tile_size, downscale=0.4):
+#     # Make image go between 0 and 255
+#     img = image  # Keep a memory of image in case need to re-run
+#     image = stretch_image(image)
+#     # TODO Optimise the hyperparameters
+#     disk_radius = int(min([0.01 * x for x in img.shape]))
+#     min_area = 0.1 * (tile_size ** 2)
+#     if downscale != 1:
+#         img = transform.rescale(image, downscale)
+#     entropy_image = entropy(img, disk(disk_radius))
+#     if downscale != 1:
+#         entropy_image = transform.rescale(entropy_image, 1 / downscale)
+#     # apply threshold
+#     thresh = threshold_otsu(entropy_image)
+#     bw = closing(entropy_image > thresh, square(3))
+#     # remove artifacts connected to image border
+#     cleared = clear_border(bw)
+#     # label image regions
+#     label_image = label(cleared)
+#     traps = [
+#         region.centroid for region in regionprops(label_image) if region.area > min_area
+#     ]
+#     if len(traps) < 10 and downscale != 1:
+#         print("Trying again.")
+#         return segment_traps(image, tile_size, downscale=1)
+#     return traps
+def identify_trap_locations(
+    image, trap_template, optimize_scale=True, downscale=0.35, trap_size=None
+    """
+    Identify the traps in a single image based on a trap template.
+    This assumes a trap template that is similar to the image in question
+    (same camera, same magification; ideally same experiment).
+    This method speeds up the search by downscaling both the image and
+    the trap template before running the template match.
+    It also optimizes the scale and the rotation of the trap template.
+    :param image:
+    :param trap_template:
+    :param optimize_scale:
+    :param downscale:
+    :param trap_rotation:
+    :return:
+    """
+    trap_size = trap_size if trap_size is not None else trap_template.shape[0]
+    # Careful, the image is float16!
+    img = transform.rescale(image.astype(float), downscale)
+    temp = transform.rescale(trap_template, downscale)
+    # TODO random search hyperparameter optimization
+    # optimize rotation
+    matches = {
+        rotation: feature.match_template(
+            img,
+            transform.rotate(temp, rotation, cval=np.median(img)),
+            pad_input=True,
+            mode="median",
+        )
+        ** 2
+        for rotation in [0, 90, 180, 270]
+    }
+    best_rotation = max(matches, key=lambda x: np.percentile(matches[x], 99.9))
+    temp = transform.rotate(temp, best_rotation, cval=np.median(img))
+    if optimize_scale:
+        scales = np.linspace(0.5, 2, 10)
+        matches = {
+            scale: feature.match_template(
+                img, transform.rescale(temp, scale), mode="median", pad_input=True
+            )
+            ** 2
+            for scale in scales
+        }
+        best_scale = max(matches, key=lambda x: np.percentile(matches[x], 99.9))
+        matched = matches[best_scale]
+    else:
+        matched = feature.match_template(img, temp, pad_input=True, mode="median")
+    coordinates = feature.peak_local_max(
+        transform.rescale(matched, 1 / downscale),
+        min_distance=int(trap_template.shape[0] * 0.70),
+        exclude_border=(trap_size // 3),
+    )
+    return coordinates
+def get_tile_shapes(x, tile_size, max_shape):
+    half_size = tile_size // 2
+    xmin = int(x[0] - half_size)
+    ymin = max(0, int(x[1] - half_size))
+    # if xmin + tile_size > max_shape[0]:
+    #     xmin = max_shape[0] - tile_size
+    # if ymin + tile_size > max_shape[1]:
+    # #     ymin = max_shape[1] - tile_size
+    # return max(xmin, 0), xmin + tile_size, max(ymin, 0), ymin + tile_size
+    return xmin, xmin + tile_size, ymin, ymin + tile_size
+def in_image(img, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xidx=2, yidx=3):
+    if xmin >= 0 and ymin >= 0:
+        if xmax < img.shape[xidx] and ymax < img.shape[yidx]:
+            return True
+    else:
+        return False
+def get_xy_tile(img, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xidx=2, yidx=3, pad_val=None):
+    if pad_val is None:
+        pad_val = np.median(img)
+    # Get the tile from the image
+    idx = [slice(None)] * len(img.shape)
+    idx[xidx] = slice(max(0, xmin), min(xmax, img.shape[xidx]))
+    idx[yidx] = slice(max(0, ymin), min(ymax, img.shape[yidx]))
+    tile = img[tuple(idx)]
+    # Check if the tile is in the image
+    if in_image(img, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xidx, yidx):
+        return tile
+    else:
+        # Add padding
+        pad_shape = [(0, 0)] * len(img.shape)
+        pad_shape[xidx] = (max(-xmin, 0), max(xmax - img.shape[xidx], 0))
+        pad_shape[yidx] = (max(-ymin, 0), max(ymax - img.shape[yidx], 0))
+        tile = np.pad(tile, pad_shape, constant_values=pad_val)
+    return tile
+def get_trap_timelapse(
+    raw_expt, trap_locations, trap_id, tile_size=117, channels=None, z=None
+    """
+    Get a timelapse for a given trap by specifying the trap_id
+    :param trap_id: An integer defining which trap to choose. Counted
+    between 0 and Tiler.n_traps - 1
+    :param tile_size: The size of the trap tile (centered around the
+    trap as much as possible, edge cases exist)
+    :param channels: Which channels to fetch, indexed from 0.
+    If None, defaults to [0]
+    :param z: Which z_stacks to fetch, indexed from 0.
+    If None, defaults to [0].
+    :return: A numpy array with the timelapse in (C,T,X,Y,Z) order
+    """
+    # Set the defaults (list is mutable)
+    channels = channels if channels is not None else [0]
+    z = z if z is not None else [0]
+    # Get trap location for that id:
+    trap_centers = [trap_locations[i][trap_id] for i in range(len(trap_locations))]
+    max_shape = (raw_expt.shape[2], raw_expt.shape[3])
+    tiles_shapes = [
+        get_tile_shapes((x[0], x[1]), tile_size, max_shape) for x in trap_centers
+    ]
+    timelapse = [
+        get_xy_tile(
+            raw_expt[channels, i, :, :, z], xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, pad_val=None
+        )
+        for i, (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) in enumerate(tiles_shapes)
+    ]
+    return np.hstack(timelapse)
+def get_trap_timelapse_omero(
+    raw_expt, trap_locations, trap_id, tile_size=117, channels=None, z=None, t=None
+    """
+    Get a timelapse for a given trap by specifying the trap_id
+    :param raw_expt: A Timelapse object from which data is obtained
+    :param trap_id: An integer defining which trap to choose. Counted
+    between 0 and Tiler.n_traps - 1
+    :param tile_size: The size of the trap tile (centered around the
+    trap as much as possible, edge cases exist)
+    :param channels: Which channels to fetch, indexed from 0.
+    If None, defaults to [0]
+    :param z: Which z_stacks to fetch, indexed from 0.
+    If None, defaults to [0].
+    :return: A numpy array with the timelapse in (C,T,X,Y,Z) order
+    """
+    # Set the defaults (list is mutable)
+    channels = channels if channels is not None else [0]
+    z_positions = z if z is not None else [0]
+    times = (
+        t if t is not None else np.arange(raw_expt.shape[1])
+    )  # TODO choose sub-set of time points
+    shape = (len(channels), len(times), tile_size, tile_size, len(z_positions))
+    # Get trap location for that id:
+    zct_tiles, slices, trap_ids = all_tiles(
+        trap_locations, shape, raw_expt, z_positions, channels, times, [trap_id]
+    )
+    # TODO Make this an explicit function in TimelapseOMERO
+    images = raw_expt.pixels.getTiles(zct_tiles)
+    timelapse = np.full(shape, np.nan)
+    total = len(zct_tiles)
+    for (z, c, t, _), (y, x), image in tqdm(
+        zip(zct_tiles, slices, images), total=total
+    ):
+        ch = channels.index(c)
+        tp = times.tolist().index(t)
+        z_pos = z_positions.index(z)
+        timelapse[ch, tp, x[0] : x[1], y[0] : y[1], z_pos] = image
+    # for x in timelapse:  # By channel
+    #    np.nan_to_num(x, nan=np.nanmedian(x), copy=False)
+    return timelapse
+def all_tiles(trap_locations, shape, raw_expt, z_positions, channels, times, traps):
+    _, _, x, y, _ = shape
+    _, _, MAX_X, MAX_Y, _ = raw_expt.shape
+    trap_ids = []
+    zct_tiles = []
+    slices = []
+    for z in z_positions:
+        for ch in channels:
+            for t in times:
+                for trap_id in traps:
+                    centre = trap_locations[t][trap_id]
+                    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, r_xmin, r_ymin, r_xmax, r_ymax = tile_where(
+                        centre, x, y, MAX_X, MAX_Y
+                    )
+                    slices.append(
+                        ((r_ymin - ymin, r_ymax - ymin), (r_xmin - xmin, r_xmax - xmin))
+                    )
+                    tile = (r_ymin, r_xmin, r_ymax - r_ymin, r_xmax - r_xmin)
+                    zct_tiles.append((z, ch, t, tile))
+                    trap_ids.append(trap_id)  # So we remember the order!
+    return zct_tiles, slices, trap_ids
+def tile_where(centre, x, y, MAX_X, MAX_Y):
+    # Find the position of the tile
+    xmin = int(centre[1] - x // 2)
+    ymin = int(centre[0] - y // 2)
+    xmax = xmin + x
+    ymax = ymin + y
+    # What do we actually have available?
+    r_xmin = max(0, xmin)
+    r_xmax = min(MAX_X, xmax)
+    r_ymin = max(0, ymin)
+    r_ymax = min(MAX_Y, ymax)
+    return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, r_xmin, r_ymin, r_xmax, r_ymax
+def get_tile(shape, center, raw_expt, ch, t, z):
+    """Returns a tile from the raw experiment with a given shape.
+    :param shape: The shape of the tile in (C, T, Z, Y, X) order.
+    :param center: The x,y position of the centre of the tile
+    :param
+    """
+    _, _, x, y, _ = shape
+    _, _, MAX_X, MAX_Y, _ = raw_expt.shape
+    tile = np.full(shape, np.nan)
+    # Find the position of the tile
+    xmin = int(center[1] - x // 2)
+    ymin = int(center[0] - y // 2)
+    xmax = xmin + x
+    ymax = ymin + y
+    # What do we actually have available?
+    r_xmin = max(0, xmin)
+    r_xmax = min(MAX_X, xmax)
+    r_ymin = max(0, ymin)
+    r_ymax = min(MAX_Y, ymax)
+    # Fill values
+    tile[
+        :, :, (r_xmin - xmin) : (r_xmax - xmin), (r_ymin - ymin) : (r_ymax - ymin), :
+    ] = raw_expt[ch, t, r_xmin:r_xmax, r_ymin:r_ymax, z]
+    # fill_val = np.nanmedian(tile)
+    # np.nan_to_num(tile, nan=fill_val, copy=False)
+    return tile
+def get_traps_timepoint(
+    raw_expt, trap_locations, tp, tile_size=96, channels=None, z=None
+    """
+    Get all the traps from a given time point
+    :param raw_expt:
+    :param trap_locations:
+    :param tp:
+    :param tile_size:
+    :param channels:
+    :param z:
+    :return: A numpy array with the traps in the (trap, C, T, X, Y,
+    Z) order
+    """
+    # Set the defaults (list is mutable)
+    channels = channels if channels is not None else [0]
+    z_positions = z if z is not None else [0]
+    if isinstance(z_positions, slice):
+        n_z = z_positions.stop
+        z_positions = list(range(n_z))  # slice is not iterable error
+    elif isinstance(z_positions, list):
+        n_z = len(z_positions)
+    else:
+        n_z = 1
+    n_traps = len(trap_locations[tp])
+    trap_ids = list(range(n_traps))
+    shape = (len(channels), 1, tile_size, tile_size, n_z)
+    # all tiles
+    zct_tiles, slices, trap_ids = all_tiles(
+        trap_locations, shape, raw_expt, z_positions, channels, [tp], trap_ids
+    )
+    # TODO Make this an explicit function in TimelapseOMERO
+    images = raw_expt.pixels.getTiles(zct_tiles)
+    # Initialise empty traps
+    traps = np.full((n_traps,) + shape, np.nan)
+    for trap_id, (z, c, _, _), (y, x), image in zip(
+        trap_ids, zct_tiles, slices, images
+    ):
+        ch = channels.index(c)
+        z_pos = z_positions.index(z)
+        traps[trap_id, ch, 0, x[0] : x[1], y[0] : y[1], z_pos] = image
+    for x in traps:  # By channel
+        np.nan_to_num(x, nan=np.nanmedian(x), copy=False)
+    return traps
+def centre(img, percentage=0.3):
+    y, x = img.shape
+    cropx = int(np.ceil(x * percentage))
+    cropy = int(np.ceil(y * percentage))
+    startx = int(x // 2 - (cropx // 2))
+    starty = int(y // 2 - (cropy // 2))
+    return img[starty : starty + cropy, startx : startx + cropx]
+def align_timelapse_images(
+    raw_data, channel=0, reference_reset_time=80, reference_reset_drift=25
+    """
+    Uses image registration to align images in the timelapse.
+    Uses the channel with id `channel` to perform the registration.
+    Starts with the first timepoint as a reference and changes the
+    reference to the current timepoint if either the images have moved
+    by half of a trap width or `reference_reset_time` has been reached.
+    Sets `self.drift`, a 3D numpy array with shape (t, drift_x, drift_y).
+    We assume no drift occurs in the z-direction.
+    :param reference_reset_drift: Upper bound on the allowed drift before
+    resetting the reference image.
+    :param reference_reset_time: Upper bound on number of time points to
+    register before resetting the reference image.
+    :param channel: index of the channel to use for image registration.
+    """
+    ref = centre(np.squeeze(raw_data[channel, 0, :, :, 0]))
+    size_t = raw_data.shape[1]
+    drift = [np.array([0, 0])]
+    for i in range(1, size_t):
+        img = centre(np.squeeze(raw_data[channel, i, :, :, 0]))
+        shifts, _, _ = feature.register_translation(ref, img)
+        # If a huge move is detected at a single time point it is taken
+        # to be inaccurate and the correction from the previous time point
+        # is used.
+        # This might be common if there is a focus loss for example.
+        if any([abs(x - y) > reference_reset_drift for x, y in zip(shifts, drift[-1])]):
+            shifts = drift[-1]
+        drift.append(shifts)
+        ref = img
+        # TODO test necessity for references, description below
+        #   If the images have drifted too far from the reference or too
+        #   much time has passed we change the reference and keep track of
+        #   which images are kept as references
+    return np.stack(drift)
diff --git a/aliby/utils.py b/aliby/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..613bdb720e2e1338261a5965f1c329f7250189e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aliby/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Utility functions and classes
+import itertools
+import logging
+import operator
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Callable
+import h5py
+import imageio
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+def repr_obj(obj, indent=0):
+    """
+    Helper function to display info about OMERO objects.
+    Not all objects will have a "name" or owner field.
+    """
+    string = """%s%s:%s  Name:"%s" (owner=%s)""" % (
+        " " * indent,
+        obj.OMERO_CLASS,
+        obj.getId(),
+        obj.getName(),
+        obj.getAnnotation())
+    return string
+def imread(path):
+    return cv2.imread(str(path), -1)
+class ImageCache:
+    """HDF5-based image cache for faster loading of the images once they've
+    been read.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, file, name, shape, remote_fn):
+        self.store = h5py.File(file, 'a')
+        # Create a dataset
+        self.dataset = self.store.create_dataset(name, shape,
+                                                 dtype=np.float,
+                                                 fill_value=np.nan)
+        self.remote_fn = remote_fn
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        cached = self.dataset[item]
+        if np.any(np.isnan(cached)):
+            full = self.remote_fn(item)
+            self.dataset[item] = full
+            return full
+        else:
+            return cached
+class Cache:
+    """
+    Fixed-length mapping to use as a cache.
+    Deletes items in FIFO manner when maximum allowed length is reached.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, max_len=5000, load_fn: Callable = imread):
+        """
+        :param max_len: Maximum number of items in the cache.
+        :param load_fn: The function used to load new items if they are not
+        available in the Cache
+        """
+        self._dict = dict()
+        self._queue = []
+        self.load_fn = load_fn
+        self.max_len=max_len
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        if item not in self._dict:
+            self.load_item(item)
+        return self._dict[item]
+    def load_item(self, item):
+        self._dict[item] = self.load_fn(item)
+        # Clean up the queue
+        self._queue.append(item)
+        if len(self._queue) > self.max_len:
+            del self._dict[self._queue.pop(0)]
+    def clear(self):
+        self._dict.clear()
+        self._queue.clear()
+def accumulate(l: list):
+    l = sorted(l)
+    it = itertools.groupby(l, operator.itemgetter(0))
+    for key, sub_iter in it:
+        yield key, [x[1] for x in sub_iter]
+def get_store_path(save_dir, store, name):
+    """Create a path to a position-specific store.
+    This combines the name and the store's base name into a file path within save_dir.
+    For example.
+    >>> get_store_path('data', 'baby_seg.h5', 'pos001')
+    Path(data/pos001baby_seg.h5')
+    :param save_dir: The root directory in which to save the file, absolute
+    path.
+    :param store: The base name of the store
+    :param name: The name of the position
+    :return: Path(save_dir) / name+store
+    """
+    store = Path(save_dir) / store
+    store = store.with_name(name + store.name)
+    return store
+def parametrized(dec):
+    def layer(*args, **kwargs):
+        def repl(f):
+            return dec(f, *args, **kwargs)
+        return repl
+    return layer
+from functools import wraps, partial
+from time import perf_counter
+import logging
+def timed(f, name=None):
+    @wraps(f)
+    def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
+        t = perf_counter()
+        res = f(*args, **kwargs)
+        to_print = name or f.__name__
+        logging.debug(f'Timing:{to_print}:{perf_counter() - t}s')
+        return res
+    return decorated
diff --git a/scripts/dev_lineage.py b/scripts/dev_lineage.py
index b2d443fbb587e37f6e552326240014f928290e8a..e817c4b5dfad31e4e0520766aa01aeb34e06c7bb 100644
--- a/scripts/dev_lineage.py
+++ b/scripts/dev_lineage.py
@@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ from utils_find_1st import find_1st, cmp_equal
 # )
 dpath = Path(
-    "/home/alan/Documents/sync_docs/data/data/2021_03_20_sugarShift_pal_glu_pal_Myo1Whi5_Sfp1Nhp6a__00/2021_03_20_sugarShift_pal_glu_pal_Myo1Whi5_Sfp1Nhp6a__00"
+    # "/home/alan/Documents/dev/stoa_libs/pipeline-core/data/2021_11_04_doseResponse_raf_1_15_2_glu_01_2_dual_phluorin_whi5_constantMedia_00/"
+    "/home/alan/Documents/dev/stoa_libs/pipeline-core/data/2020_10_22_2tozero_Hxts_02/2020_10_22_2tozero_Hxts_02"
 def compare_ma_methods(fpath):
     with h5py.File(fpath, "r") as f:
-        ma = f["cell_info/mother_assign"][()]
+        maf = f["cell_info/mother_assign"][()]
         mad = f["cell_info/mother_assign_dynamic"][()]
         trap = f["cell_info/trap"][()]
         timepoint = f["cell_info/timepoint"][()]
@@ -31,12 +32,19 @@ def compare_ma_methods(fpath):
     def mother_assign_from_dynamic(ma, cell_label, trap, ntraps: int):
         Interpolate the list of lists containing the associated mothers from the mother_assign_dynamic feature
+        Parameters:
+        ma:
+        cell_label:
+        trap:
+        ntraps:
-        idlist = list(zip(trap, label))
+        idlist = list(zip(trap, cell_label))
         cell_gid = np.unique(idlist, axis=0)
         last_lin_preds = [
-            find_1st(((label[::-1] == lbl) & (trap[::-1] == tr)), True, cmp_equal)
+            find_1st(((cell_label[::-1] == lbl) & (trap[::-1] == tr)), True, cmp_equal)
             for tr, lbl in cell_gid
         mother_assign_sorted = ma[::-1][last_lin_preds]
@@ -51,9 +59,18 @@ def compare_ma_methods(fpath):
     mad_fixed = mother_assign_from_dynamic(mad, cell_label, trap, len(np.unique(trap)))
     dyn = sum([np.array(i, dtype=bool).sum() for i in mad_fixed])
-    nondyn = sum([x.astype(bool).sum() for x in ma])
-    return dyn, nondyn
+    dyn_len = sum([len(i) for i in mad_fixed])
+    nondyn = sum([x.astype(bool).sum() for x in maf])
+    nondyn_len = sum([len(x) for x in maf])
+    return (dyn, dyn_len), (nondyn, nondyn_len)
+    # return mad_fixed, maf
+nids = [print(compare_ma_methods(fpath)) for fpath in dpath.glob("*.h5")]
+tmp = nids[0]
+fpath = list(dpath.glob("*.h5"))[0]
+from aliby.io.signal import Signal
-for fpath in dpath.glob("*.h5"):
-    print(compare_ma_methods(fpath))
+s = Signal(fpath)
diff --git a/scripts/distributed_alan.py b/scripts/distributed_alan.py
index 28bb68bd30c50a03d251ed3e18f5ac8ea198b255..760f3eff11c8dc5a867c1a0bfca4f3f471e93125 100644
--- a/scripts/distributed_alan.py
+++ b/scripts/distributed_alan.py
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ import seaborn as sns
 import operator
-from pcore.experiment import MetaData
-from pcore.io.omero import Dataset, Image
-from pcore.haystack import initialise_tf
-from pcore.baby_client import BabyRunner
-from pcore.segment import Tiler
-from pcore.io.writer import TilerWriter, BabyWriter
-from pcore.utils import timed
-from pcore.io.signal import Signal
+from aliby.experiment import MetaData
+from aliby.io.omero import Dataset, Image
+from aliby.haystack import initialise_tf
+from aliby.baby_client import BabyRunner
+from aliby.segment import Tiler
+from aliby.io.writer import TilerWriter, BabyWriter
+from aliby.utils import timed
+from aliby.io.signal import Signal
 from extraction.core.functions.defaults import exparams_from_meta
 from extraction.core.extractor import Extractor
 from extraction.core.parameters import Parameters
diff --git a/scripts/run_default.py b/scripts/run_default.py
index acc31ef5a132d06df6aed1485b9a8f676f7d1125..a9d6bd41688ee46df55ca363d5c6ca260a1a9e20 100644
--- a/scripts/run_default.py
+++ b/scripts/run_default.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-from pcore.pipeline import PipelineParameters, Pipeline
+from aliby.pipeline import PipelineParameters, Pipeline
 p = Pipeline(PipelineParameters.default())
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index e6e978a7687368346021360b9b580a198caf8a35..64bb81ee39c098ff885650b45d816e86bb4e5ab6 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-print("find_packages outputs ", find_packages("pcore"))
+print("find_packages outputs ", find_packages("aliby"))
-    # package_dir={"": "pcore"},
-    # packages=['pcore', 'pcore.io'],
+    # package_dir={"": "aliby"},
+    # packages=['aliby', 'aliby.io'],
     # include_package_data=True,