import logging import typing as t from copy import copy from functools import cached_property, lru_cache from pathlib import PosixPath import bottleneck as bn import h5py import numpy as np import pandas as pd from import BridgeH5 from import _first_arg_str_to_df from agora.utils.association import validate_association from agora.utils.kymograph import add_index_levels from agora.utils.merge import apply_merges class Signal(BridgeH5): """ Fetch data from h5 files for post-processing. Signal assumes that the metadata and data are accessible to perform time-adjustments and apply previously recorded post-processes. """ def __init__(self, file: t.Union[str, PosixPath]): """Define index_names for dataframes, candidate fluorescence channels, and composite statistics.""" super().__init__(file, flag=None) self.index_names = ( "experiment", "position", "trap", "cell_label", "mother_label", ) self.candidate_channels = ( "GFP", "GFPFast", "mCherry", "Flavin", "Citrine", "mKO2", "Cy5", "pHluorin405", ) def __getitem__(self, dsets: t.Union[str, t.Collection]): """Get and potentially pre-process data from h5 file and return as a dataframe.""" if isinstance(dsets, str): # no pre-processing df = self.get_raw(dsets) return self.add_name(df, dsets) elif isinstance(dsets, list): # pre-processing is_bgd = [dset.endswith("imBackground") for dset in dsets] # Check we are not comaring tile-indexed and cell-indexed data assert sum(is_bgd) == 0 or sum(is_bgd) == len( dsets ), "Tile data and cell data can't be mixed" return [ self.add_name(self.apply_prepost(dset), dset) for dset in dsets ] else: raise Exception(f"Invalid type {type(dsets)} to get datasets") @staticmethod def add_name(df, name): """Add column of identical strings to a dataframe.""" = name return df def cols_in_mins(self, df: pd.DataFrame): # Convert numerical columns in a dataframe to minutes try: df.columns = (df.columns * self.tinterval // 60).astype(int) except Exception as e: self._log(f"Unable to convert columns to minutes: {e}", "debug") return df @cached_property def ntimepoints(self): """Find the number of time points for one position, or one h5 file.""" with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: return f["extraction/general/None/area/timepoint"][-1] + 1 @cached_property def tinterval(self) -> int: """Find the interval between time points (minutes).""" tinterval_location = "time_settings/timeinterval" with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: if tinterval_location in f.attrs: return f.attrs[tinterval_location][0] else: logging.getlogger("aliby").warn( f"{str(self.filename).split('/')[-1]}: using default time interval of 5 minutes" ) return 5 @staticmethod def get_retained(df, cutoff): """Return a fraction of the df, one without later time points.""" return df.loc[bn.nansum(df.notna(), axis=1) > df.shape[1] * cutoff] @property def channels(self) -> t.Collection[str]: """Get channels as an array of strings.""" with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: return list(f.attrs["channels"]) @_first_arg_str_to_df def retained(self, signal, cutoff=0.8): """ Load data (via decorator) and reduce the resulting dataframe. Load data for a signal or a list of signals and reduce the resulting dataframes to a fraction of their original size, losing late time points. """ if isinstance(signal, pd.DataFrame): return self.get_retained(signal, cutoff) elif isinstance(signal, list): return [self.get_retained(d, cutoff=cutoff) for d in signal] @lru_cache(2) def lineage( self, lineage_location: t.Optional[str] = None, merged: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """ Get lineage data from a given location in the h5 file. Returns an array with three columns: the tile id, the mother label, and the daughter label. """ if lineage_location is None: lineage_location = "postprocessing/lineage" if merged: lineage_location += "_merged" with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: tile_mo_da = f[lineage_location] lineage = np.array( ( tile_mo_da["trap"], tile_mo_da["mother_label"], tile_mo_da["daughter_label"], ) ).T return lineage @_first_arg_str_to_df def apply_prepost( self, data: t.Union[str, pd.DataFrame], merges: t.Union[np.ndarray, bool] = True, picks: t.Union[t.Collection, bool] = True, ): """ Apply modifier operations (picker or merger) to a dataframe. Parameters ---------- data : t.Union[str, pd.DataFrame] DataFrame or path to one. merges : t.Union[np.ndarray, bool] (optional) 2-D array with three columns: the tile id, the mother label, and the daughter id. If True, fetch merges from file. picks : t.Union[np.ndarray, bool] (optional) 2-D array with two columns: the tiles and the cell labels. If True, fetch picks from file. Examples -------- FIXME: Add docs. """ if isinstance(merges, bool): merges: np.ndarray = self.get_merges() if merges else np.array([]) if merges.any(): merged = apply_merges(data, merges) else: merged = copy(data) if isinstance(picks, bool): picks = ( self.get_picks(names=merged.index.names) if picks else set(merged.index) ) with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: if "modifiers/picks" in f and picks: if picks: return merged.loc[ set(picks).intersection( [tuple(x) for x in merged.index] ) ] else: if isinstance(merged.index, pd.MultiIndex): empty_lvls = [[] for i in merged.index.names] index = pd.MultiIndex( levels=empty_lvls, codes=empty_lvls, names=merged.index.names, ) else: index = pd.Index([], merged = pd.DataFrame([], index=index) return merged # Alan: do we need two similar properties - see below? @property def datasets(self): """Print data sets available in h5 file.""" if not hasattr(self, "_available"): self._available = [] with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: f.visititems(self.store_signal_path) for sig in self._available: print(sig) @cached_property def p_available(self): """Print data sets available in h5 file.""" self.datasets @cached_property def available(self): """Get data sets available in h5 file.""" try: if not hasattr(self, "_available"): self._available = [] with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: f.visititems(self.store_signal_path) except Exception as e: self._log("Exception when visiting h5: {}".format(e), "exception") return self._available def get_merged(self, dataset): """Run preprocessing for merges.""" return self.apply_prepost(dataset, picks=False) @cached_property def merges(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get merges.""" with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: dsets = f.visititems(self._if_merges) return dsets @cached_property def n_merges(self): """Get number of merges.""" return len(self.merges) @cached_property def picks(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get picks.""" with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: dsets = f.visititems(self._if_picks) return dsets def get_raw( self, dataset: str or t.List[str], in_minutes: bool = True, lineage: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame or t.List[pd.DataFrame]: """ Load data from a h5 file and return as a dataframe. Parameters ---------- dataset: str or list of strs The name of the h5 file or a list of h5 file names in_minutes: boolean If True, lineage: boolean """ try: if isinstance(dataset, str): with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: df = self.dataset_to_df(f, dataset).sort_index() if in_minutes: df = self.cols_in_mins(df) elif isinstance(dataset, list): return [ self.get_raw(dset, in_minutes=in_minutes, lineage=lineage) for dset in dataset ] if lineage: # assume that df is sorted mother_label = np.zeros(len(df), dtype=int) lineage = self.lineage() a, b = validate_association( lineage, np.array(df.index.to_list()), match_column=1, ) mother_label[b] = lineage[a, 1] df = add_index_levels(df, {"mother_label": mother_label}) return df except Exception as e: self._log(f"Could not fetch dataset {dataset}: {e}", "error") raise e def get_merges(self): """Get merge events going up to the first level.""" with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: merges = f.get("modifiers/merges", np.array([])) if not isinstance(merges, np.ndarray): merges = merges[()] return merges def get_picks( self, names: t.Tuple[str, ...] = ("trap", "cell_label"), path: str = "modifiers/picks/", ) -> t.Set[t.Tuple[int, str]]: """Get the relevant picks based on names.""" with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f: picks = set() if path in f: picks = set(zip(*[f[path + name] for name in names])) return picks def dataset_to_df(self, f: h5py.File, path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get data from h5 file as a dataframe.""" assert path in f, f"{path} not in {f}" dset = f[path] values, index, columns = [], [], [] index_names = copy(self.index_names) valid_names = [lbl for lbl in index_names if lbl in dset.keys()] if valid_names: index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [dset[lbl] for lbl in valid_names], names=valid_names ) columns = dset.attrs.get("columns", None) if "timepoint" in dset: columns = f[path + "/timepoint"][()] values = f[path + "/values"][()] df = pd.DataFrame(values, index=index, columns=columns) return df @property def stem(self): """Get name of h5 file.""" return self.filename.stem def store_signal_path( self, fullname: str, node: t.Union[h5py.Dataset, h5py.Group], ): """ Store the name of a signal if it is a leaf node (a group with no more groups inside) and if it starts with extraction. """ if isinstance(node, h5py.Group) and np.all( [isinstance(x, h5py.Dataset) for x in node.values()] ): self._if_ext_or_post(fullname, self._available) @staticmethod def _if_ext_or_post(name: str, siglist: list): if name.startswith("extraction") or name.startswith("postprocessing"): siglist.append(name) @staticmethod def _if_merges(name: str, obj): if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset) and name.startswith( "modifiers/merges" ): return obj[()] @staticmethod def _if_picks(name: str, obj): if isinstance(obj, h5py.Group) and name.endswith("picks"): return obj[()] # TODO FUTURE add stages support to fluigent system @property def ntps(self) -> int: """Get number of time points from the metadata.""" return self.meta_h5["time_settings/ntimepoints"][0] @property def stages(self) -> t.List[str]: """Get the contents of the pump with highest flow rate at each stage.""" flowrate_name = "pumpinit/flowrate" pumprate_name = "pumprate" switchtimes_name = "switchtimes" main_pump_id = np.concatenate( ( (np.argmax(self.meta_h5[flowrate_name]),), np.argmax(self.meta_h5[pumprate_name], axis=0), ) ) if not self.meta_h5[switchtimes_name][0]: # Cover for t0 switches main_pump_id = main_pump_id[1:] return [self.meta_h5["pumpinit/contents"][i] for i in main_pump_id] @property def nstages(self) -> int: return len(self.switch_times) + 1 @property def max_span(self) -> int: return int(self.tinterval * self.ntps / 60) @property def switch_times(self) -> t.List[int]: switchtimes_name = "switchtimes" switches_minutes = self.meta_h5[switchtimes_name] return [ t_min for t_min in switches_minutes if t_min and t_min < self.max_span ] # Cover for t0 switches @property def stages_span(self) -> t.Tuple[t.Tuple[str, int], ...]: """Get consecutive stages and their corresponding number of time points.""" transition_tps = (0, *self.switch_times, self.max_span) spans = [ end - start for start, end in zip(transition_tps[:-1], transition_tps[1:]) if end <= self.max_span ] return tuple((stage, ntps) for stage, ntps in zip(self.stages, spans)) @property def stages_span_tp(self) -> t.Tuple[t.Tuple[str, int], ...]: return tuple( [ (name, (t_min * 60) // self.tinterval) for name, t_min in self.stages_span ] )