diff --git a/src/wela/imageviewer.py b/src/wela/imageviewer.py
index 75f5363fed233fc4da0580ff8b6e8015594b6f46..2a349f408bf6d3c9007b92ec13aacbe6e45551e0 100644
--- a/src/wela/imageviewer.py
+++ b/src/wela/imageviewer.py
@@ -161,7 +161,20 @@ class ImageViewer:
         return tile_dict
     def get_data_for_viewing(self, trap_id, tps, channels_to_skip):
-        """Get images and outlines as multidimensional arrays for Napari."""
+        """
+        Get images and outlines as multidimensional arrays for Napari.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        ts_images: array
+            An array of images ordered by time points, channels, z stack,
+            x and y values.
+        ts_labels: array
+            An array of images of cell outlines ordered by time points,
+            z stack, x and y values.
+        channels: list of str
+            List of channel names.
+        """
         # get outlines and tiles
         outlines = self.get_outlines(trap_id, tps)
         tiles_dict = self.get_tiles(trap_id, tps, channels_to_skip)
@@ -183,7 +196,65 @@ class ImageViewer:
             ts_labels[tp_index, 0, ...] = outlines[tp_index]
         return ts_images, ts_labels, channels
-    def view(self, trap_id, tpt_end=10, tpt_start=0, channels_to_skip=None):
+    def concat(self, arrangement, image_dict, axis):
+        """
+        Concat dict of images into one image array.
+        Following the vertical layout in arrangment.
+        """
+        # concatenate vertically into a list
+        images_v = [
+            np.concatenate(
+                [image_dict[trap_id] for trap_id in v_stack], axis=axis
+            )
+            for v_stack in arrangement
+        ]
+        # concatenate horizontally into an array
+        if len(arrangement) > 1:
+            images = np.concatenate(
+                [image_v_stack for image_v_stack in images_v], axis=axis + 1
+            )
+        else:
+            images = images_v[0]
+        return images
+    def combine_tiles(self, ts_images_dict, ts_labels_dict, no_vertical_tiles):
+        """Combine tiles into one image first vertically then horizontally."""
+        no_tiles = len(ts_images_dict)
+        trap_ids = list(ts_images_dict.keys())
+        # find how tiles will be arranged in the concatenated image
+        if no_tiles < no_vertical_tiles:
+            arrangement = [trap_ids]
+        else:
+            arrangement = [
+                trap_ids[i : min(i + no_vertical_tiles, no_tiles)]
+                for i in range(
+                    0,
+                    int(
+                        np.floor(no_tiles / no_vertical_tiles)
+                        * no_vertical_tiles
+                    ),
+                    no_vertical_tiles,
+                )
+            ]
+        if no_tiles > np.array(arrangement).size:
+            print(
+                f"Too many tiles: {no_tiles - np.array(arrangement).size}"
+                " will be ignored."
+            )
+        # concatenate images
+        ts_images = self.concat(arrangement, ts_images_dict, axis=3)
+        ts_labels = self.concat(arrangement, ts_labels_dict, axis=2)
+        return ts_images, ts_labels
+    def view(
+        self,
+        trap_ids,
+        tpt_end=10,
+        tpt_start=0,
+        channels_to_skip=None,
+        no_vertical_tiles=3,
+    ):
         Use Napari to view all channels and outlines for a particular trap.
@@ -200,10 +271,22 @@ class ImageViewer:
             will be slow.
         tps = np.arange(tpt_start, tpt_end + 1)
-        ts_images, ts_labels, channels = self.get_data_for_viewing(
-            trap_id, tps, channels_to_skip
+        if isinstance(trap_ids, int):
+            trap_ids = [trap_ids]
+        ts_images_dict, ts_labels_dict = {}, {}
+        for trap_id in trap_ids:
+            ts_images_dict[trap_id], ts_labels_dict[trap_id], channels = (
+                self.get_data_for_viewing(trap_id, tps, channels_to_skip)
+            )
+        # combine tiles
+        ts_images, ts_labels = self.combine_tiles(
+            ts_images_dict, ts_labels_dict, no_vertical_tiles
         # launch napari
+        self.launch_napari(ts_images, ts_labels, channels)
+    def launch_napari(self, ts_images, ts_labels, channels):
+        """Use Napari to see the images and outlines."""
         viewer = napari.Viewer()
             ts_images[:, channels.index("Brightfield"), ...],
@@ -222,57 +305,7 @@ class ImageViewer:
-# class LocalImageViewer(BaseImageViewer):
-#     """
-#     View images from local files.
-#     Files are either zarr or organised in directories.
-#     """
-#     def __init__(self, h5file: str, image_file: str):
-#         """Initialise using a h5file and a zarr file of images."""
-#         h5file_path = Path(h5file)
-#         image_file_path = Path(image_file)
-#         if h5file_path.exists() and image_file_path.exists():
-#             super().__init__(h5file_path)
-#             with dispatch_image(image_file_path)(image_file_path) as image:
-#                 self.tiler = Tiler.from_h5(image, h5file_path)
-#             self.cells = Cells.from_source(h5file_path)
-#         else:
-#             if not h5file_path.exists():
-#                 print(f" Trouble loading {h5file}.")
-#             if not image_file_path.exists():
-#                 print(f" Trouble loading {image_file}.")
-# class RemoteImageViewer(BaseImageViewer):
-#     """View images from OMERO."""
-#     def __init__(
-#         self, h5file: str, server_info: t.Dict[str, str], omero_id: int
-#     ):
-#         """Initialise using a h5file and importing aliby.io.omero."""
-#         h5file_path = Path(h5file)
-#         super().__init__(h5file_path)
-#         with h5py.File(h5file_path, "r") as f:
-#             # get image_id from the h5 file
-#             image_id = f.attrs.get("image_id")
-#         if image_id is None:
-#             # get image_id from OMERO
-#             with Dataset(omero_id, **server_info) as dataset_om:
-#                 positions = dataset_om.get_position_ids()
-#                 image_id = positions.get(h5file_path.name.split(".")[0])
-#         if image_id is None:
-#             print("Can't find an image.")
-#         else:
-#             print(f"Using image ID {image_id}.")
-#             self.image_id = image_id
-#             image = OImage(image_id, **server_info)
-#             print("Connected to OMERO.")
-#             self.tiler = Tiler.from_h5(image, h5file_path)
-#             self.cells = Cells.from_source(h5file_path)
 def colormap(channel):
     """Find default colormap."""
     if "GFP" in channel: