import sys import matplotlib.pylab as plt import seaborn as sns from wela.dataloader import dataloader from wela.imageviewer import ImageViewer, get_h5files from wela.plotting import kymograph from wela.sorting import sort_by_budding h5dir = "/Users/pswain/wip/aliby_output/ribosomes/" omids = [ "1999_2024_01_14_Rpl3_glc_raf_00", "2003_2024_01_29_2pc_switch_00", "2008_2024_02_12_Rpl3_glc_raf_switching_00", ] # FILL IN server_info = { "host": "", "username": "", "password": "", } view = True # pick the experiment to analyse omid = 2008 # 1. Run with view=True to check visually that aliby has worked correctly. # 2. Set key_index, the signal you are most interested in. # 3. Run with view=False to run dataloader and save a tsv file. if view: omero_name = [om for om in omids if str(omid) in om][0] h5files = get_h5files(h5dir, omero_name) position = h5files[0] h5file = f"{h5dir}{omero_name}/{position}" iv = ImageViewer.remote(h5file, server_info, omid) tpt_end = 10 no_cells = 6 iv.view( trap_ids=iv.sample_traps_with_cells( tpt_end=tpt_end, no_cells=no_cells ), tpt_end=tpt_end, channels_to_skip=["cy5"], no_rows=2, ) sys.exit(0) else: # run dataloader key_index = "median_GFP" dl = dataloader(h5dir, ".") expt = [omid_full for omid_full in omids if str(omid) in omid_full][0] dl.load(expt, key_index=key_index, cutoff=0.9) # plot kymographs groups = for group in groups: _, buddings = dl.get_time_series("buddings", group=group) sort_order = sort_by_budding(buddings) kymograph( dl.df[ == group], hue=key_index, title=group, sort_order=sort_order, ) # plot means sns.relplot(data=dl.df, x="time", y=key_index, kind="line", hue="group")