From a7859c8ebc55f79b643e3c9ae6ae9de7e927c476 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkirsz <>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 13:31:29 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Transition to SoA

 include/tadah/mlip/analytics/analytics.h      |   4 +
 include/tadah/mlip/atom.h                     | 170 ++++---
 .../dataset_readers/castep_castep_reader.h    |  32 +-
 .../mlip/dataset_readers/castep_geom_reader.h |  22 +-
 .../mlip/dataset_readers/castep_md_reader.h   |  37 +-
 .../mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader.h     |  80 ++-
 .../dataset_readers/dataset_reader_selector.h |  23 +-
 .../tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/tadah_reader.h | 109 ++++
 .../mlip/dataset_readers/vasp_outcar_reader.h |  26 +-
 .../dataset_readers/vasp_vasprun_reader.h     |  26 +-
 .../mlip/dataset_writers/castep_cell_writer.h |   8 +-
 .../mlip/dataset_writers/dataset_writer.h     |  17 +-
 .../dataset_writers/dataset_writer_selector.h |   9 +-
 .../dataset_writers/lammps_structure_writer.h |  10 +-
 .../mlip/dataset_writers/vasp_poscar_writer.h |  10 +-
 include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc.h         |   4 +
 include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc.hpp       |   4 +
 include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc_base.h    |   4 +
 .../tadah/mlip/design_matrix/design_matrix.h  |   4 +
 .../functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_all.h     |   4 +
 .../functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_base.h    |   4 +
 .../functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_linear.h  |   4 +
 .../basis_functions/dm_bf_polynomial2.h       |   4 +
 .../mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_f_all.h   |   4 +
 .../functions/dm_function_base.h              |   4 +
 .../functions/kernels/dm_kern_all.h           |   4 +
 .../functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h          |   4 +
 .../functions/kernels/dm_kern_linear.h        |   4 +
 .../functions/kernels/dm_kern_lq.h            |   4 +
 .../functions/kernels/dm_kern_polynomial.h    |   4 +
 .../functions/kernels/dm_kern_quadratic.h     |   4 +
 .../functions/kernels/dm_kern_rbf.h           |   4 +
 .../functions/kernels/dm_kern_sigmoid.h       |   4 +
 include/tadah/mlip/mlip_context.h             | 167 +++++++
 include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_calc.h            | 110 ++++
 include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_list.h            | 131 +++++
 include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_list_db.h         | 118 +++++
 include/tadah/mlip/nn_finder.h                |   4 +
 include/tadah/mlip/normaliser.h               |   4 +
 include/tadah/mlip/st_descriptors.h           |   4 +
 include/tadah/mlip/st_descriptors_db.h        |   4 +
 include/tadah/mlip/structure.h                | 470 +++++++-----------
 include/tadah/mlip/structure_db.h             | 266 +++++-----
 include/tadah/mlip/structure_inl.h            | 180 +++++++
 include/tadah/mlip/trainer.h                  |   4 +
 src/analytics.cpp                             | 454 ++++++++++-------
 src/atom.cpp                                  |  35 --
 src/castep_castep_reader.cpp                  | 121 +++--
 src/castep_cell_writer.cpp                    |  25 +-
 src/castep_geom_reader.cpp                    |  19 +-
 src/castep_md_reader.cpp                      | 123 +++--
 src/dataset_reader.cpp                        |   6 +
 src/dataset_reader_selector.cpp               |  38 +-
 src/dataset_writer_selector.cpp               |  13 +-
 src/dm_bf_base.cpp                            |   4 +
 src/dm_bf_linear.cpp                          |   4 +
 src/dm_bf_polynomial2.cpp                     |   4 +
 src/dm_f_all.cpp                              |   4 +
 src/dm_function_base.cpp                      |   4 +
 src/dm_kern_base.cpp                          |   4 +
 src/dm_kern_linear.cpp                        |   4 +
 src/dm_kern_lq.cpp                            |   4 +
 src/dm_kern_polynomial.cpp                    |   4 +
 src/dm_kern_quadratic.cpp                     |   4 +
 src/dm_kern_rbf.cpp                           |   4 +
 src/dm_kern_sigmoid.cpp                       |   4 +
 src/lammps_structure_writer.cpp               |  15 +-
 src/m_all.cpp                                 |   4 +
 src/m_blr.cpp                                 |   4 +
 src/m_krr.cpp                                 |   4 +
 src/m_tadah_base.cpp                          |   4 +
 src/nn_finder.cpp                             |   4 +
 src/st_descriptors.cpp                        |   4 +
 src/st_descriptors_db.cpp                     |   4 +
 src/statistics.cpp                            |   4 +
 src/structure.cpp                             | 354 -------------
 src/structure_db.cpp                          | 356 -------------
 src/vasp_outcar_reader.cpp                    |  69 ++-
 src/vasp_poscar_writer.cpp                    |  15 +-
 src/vasp_vasprun_reader.cpp                   |  67 ++-
 80 files changed, 2294 insertions(+), 1613 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/tadah_reader.h
 create mode 100644 include/tadah/mlip/mlip_context.h
 create mode 100644 include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_calc.h
 create mode 100644 include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_list.h
 create mode 100644 include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_list_db.h
 create mode 100644 include/tadah/mlip/structure_inl.h
 delete mode 100644 src/atom.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/structure.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/structure_db.cpp

diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/analytics/analytics.h b/include/tadah/mlip/analytics/analytics.h
index 7dd1016..71cda1d 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/analytics/analytics.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/analytics/analytics.h
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
 #include <tadah/core/core_types.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 /** Class for analysing and comparing datasets
@@ -53,4 +55,6 @@ class Analytics {
         t_type calc_s_r_sq() const;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/atom.h b/include/tadah/mlip/atom.h
index 04d82a4..43796cf 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/atom.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/atom.h
@@ -1,89 +1,97 @@
-#ifndef ATOM_H
-#define ATOM_H
+#pragma once
-#include <tadah/core/element.h>
-#include <tadah/core/core_types.h>
-#include <string>
+#include <cstddef>
 #include <iostream>
+// Forward-declare
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+class Structure; // Defined in "structure.h"
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
- * Container to represent atom properties
- *
- * Usage example:
- *
- *     # create an empty atom object - all attributes are left uninitialised
- *     Atom atom;
- *
- *     # set atom symbol
- *     atom.symbol="Ti"
- *
- *     # set atom name, atomic number... see Element class for attributes
- *
- *     # set atom position to (1.1, 2.2, 3.3)
- *     atom.position(0) = 1.1;
- *     atom.position(1) = 2.2;
- *     atom.position(2) = 3.3;
+ * @brief Acts as a handle referencing subrange data in the parent Structure's SoA.
- *     # set force
- *     atom.force(0)= 0.1;
- *     atom.force(1)= -0.2;
- *     atom.force(2)= 0.3;
- *
- * Usage example:
- *
- *     # Use constructor to fully initialise this object
- *     # with the position and force as in the example above
- *     Element element = PeriodicTable().find_by_symbol("Ti");
- *     Atom atom(element, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 0.1, -0.2, 0.3);
- *
- * Usage example:
- *
- *     # Print atom object using streams:
- *     std::cout << atom;
- *
- *     # Print position only
- *     std::cout << atom.position
- *
- * @see Structure
+ * Inline bodies for each method appear after including "structure_inl.h", providing
+ * the compiler with the full definition of Structure.
-struct Atom: public Element {
-    /**
-     * Create an empty atom object. All class attributes are left uninitialised.
-     */
-    Atom();
-    /** This constructor fully initialise this object
-     *
-     * @param[in] element   Chemical Element
-     * @param[in] px,py,pz  Atomic coordinates
-     * @param[in] fx,fy,fz  Force acting on the atom
-     *
-     */
-    Atom(const Element &element,
-            const double px, const double py, const double pz,
-            const double fx, const double fy, const double fz);
-    /** Hold position of the atom. */
-    Vec3d position;
-    /** Hold force on the atom. */
-    Vec3d force;
-    /** Print object summary to the stream */
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Atom& atom);
-    /** Return true if both atoms are the same.
-     *
-     * This operator compares chemical type, position and force.
-     */
-    bool operator==(const Atom &) const;
-    /** Return true if both atoms have the same position and type.
-     *
-     * This method compares chemical type and position only
-     */
-    bool is_the_same(const Atom &, double thr=1e-6) const;
+class Atom {
+    inline Atom(Structure* parent, std::size_t i)
+      : parent_(parent), index_(i)
+    {}
+    // x(), y(), z(), fx(), fy(), fz(), atomicNumber()
+    // Definitions appear after including "structure_inl.h"
+    inline double&       x();
+    inline double&       y();
+    inline double&       z();
+    inline const double& x() const;
+    inline const double& y() const;
+    inline const double& z() const;
+    inline double&       fx();
+    inline double&       fy();
+    inline double&       fz();
+    inline const double& fx() const;
+    inline const double& fy() const;
+    inline const double& fz() const;
+    inline int&       atomicNumber();
+    inline const int& atomicNumber() const;
+    inline friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Atom& a);
+    Structure*  parent_ = nullptr;
+    std::size_t index_  = 0;
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
+// At the bottom, include structure_inl.h to define Atom's methods inline.
+#include "structure_inl.h"
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+// Below are the inline definitions of each Atom method, referencing SoA data in the parent Structure.
+inline double& Atom::x()       { return parent_->x(index_); }
+inline double& Atom::y()       { return parent_->y(index_); }
+inline double& Atom::z()       { return parent_->z(index_); }
+inline const double& Atom::x() const { return parent_->x(index_); }
+inline const double& Atom::y() const { return parent_->y(index_); }
+inline const double& Atom::z() const { return parent_->z(index_); }
+inline double& Atom::fx()       { return parent_->fx(index_); }
+inline double& Atom::fy()       { return parent_->fy(index_); }
+inline double& Atom::fz()       { return parent_->fz(index_); }
+inline const double& Atom::fx() const { return parent_->fx(index_); }
+inline const double& Atom::fy() const { return parent_->fy(index_); }
+inline const double& Atom::fz() const { return parent_->fz(index_); }
+inline int&    Atom::atomicNumber()             { return parent_->atomicNumber(index_); }
+inline const int& Atom::atomicNumber() const    { return parent_->atomicNumber(index_); }
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Atom& a) {
+    os << "[Atom idx=" << a.index_
+       << " Z=" << a.atomicNumber()
+       << " pos=(" << a.x() << "," << a.y() << "," << a.z() << ") "
+       << "force=(" << a.fx() << "," << a.fy() << "," << a.fz() << ")]";
+    return os;
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
+#endif // TADAH_MLIP_ATOM_H
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_castep_reader.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_castep_reader.h
index 794a114..86c2691 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_castep_reader.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_castep_reader.h
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <vector>
 #include <stdexcept>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
  * @class CastepCastepReader
  * @brief A class for reading and parsing CASTEP .castep files.
@@ -48,16 +51,20 @@ class CastepCastepReader : public DatasetReader {
    * @brief Constructs a CastepCastepReader with a StructureDB reference.
-   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object for storing parsed data.
-  CastepCastepReader(StructureDB& db);
+  CastepCastepReader();
-   * @brief Constructs a CastepCastepReader and reads the specified file.
-   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object for storing parsed data.
-   * @param filename Name of the .castep file to read.
+   * @brief A simple constructor referencing a DB, plus file index, plus # of structures.
+   * @param db Reference to HPC DB (already sized for this file).
+   * @param filename Name of the .castep file.
+   * @param fileIndex Which file index in the DB to fill.
+   * @param nStructsInFile How many structures belong to this file in the DB.
-  CastepCastepReader(StructureDB& db, const std::string& filename);
+  CastepCastepReader(StructureDB* db,
+                     const std::string& filename,
+                     std::size_t fileIndex,
+                     std::size_t nStructsInFile);
    * @brief Reads data from a specified .castep file.
@@ -76,6 +83,17 @@ public:
   virtual void print_summary() const override;
   virtual std::string get_summary() const override;
+  /**
+     * @brief Pass-1 scan of a .castep file to count how many structures
+     *        appear, and how many atoms each structure has.
+     *
+     * @param filename The .castep file to scan.
+     * @param nStructures [out] Will be set to the number of structures found.
+     * @param atomsPerStructure [out] Will be filled with the number of atoms in each structure.
+     */
+  void pass1Count(const std::string &filename,
+                  std::size_t &nStructures,
+                  std::vector<std::size_t> &atomsPerStructure) override;
   std::string raw_data_;  /**< Stores raw file data */
   std::string filename_; /**< Filename of the .castep file */
@@ -84,6 +102,8 @@ protected:
   double p_conv = 0.00624150913; /**< Conversion factor from GPa to eV/A^3 */
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_geom_reader.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_geom_reader.h
index f44dc72..7cfac17 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_geom_reader.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_geom_reader.h
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <stdexcept>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
  * @class CastepGeomReader
  * @brief A class for reading and parsing CASTEP .geom files.
@@ -38,17 +41,20 @@ class CastepGeomReader : public CastepMDReader {
    * @brief Constructs a CastepGeomReader with a StructureDB reference.
-   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object for storing parsed data.
-  CastepGeomReader(StructureDB& db);
+  CastepGeomReader();
-   * @brief Constructs a CastepGeomReader and reads the specified file.
-   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object for storing parsed data.
-   * @param filename Name of the .geom file to read.
+   * @brief A simple constructor referencing a DB, plus file index, plus # of structures.
+   * @param db Reference to HPC DB (already sized for this file).
+   * @param filename Name of the .castep file.
+   * @param fileIndex Which file index in the DB to fill.
+   * @param nStructsInFile How many structures belong to this file in the DB.
-  CastepGeomReader(StructureDB& db, const std::string& filename);
+  CastepGeomReader(StructureDB* db,
+                     const std::string& filename,
+                     std::size_t fileIndex,
+                     std::size_t nStructsInFile);
@@ -61,6 +67,8 @@ private:
   std::string get_label(std::string &) override;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_md_reader.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_md_reader.h
index 8ef93cf..d482fa4 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_md_reader.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_md_reader.h
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <stdexcept>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
  * @class CastepMDReader
  * @brief A class for reading and parsing CASTEP .md files.
@@ -41,16 +45,20 @@ class CastepMDReader : public DatasetReader {
    * @brief Constructs a CastepMDReader with a StructureDB reference.
-   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object for storing parsed data.
-  CastepMDReader(StructureDB& db);
+  CastepMDReader();
-   * @brief Constructs a CastepMDReader and reads the specified file.
-   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object for storing parsed data.
-   * @param filename Name of the .md file to read.
+   * @brief A simple constructor referencing a DB, plus file index, plus # of structures.
+   * @param db Reference to HPC DB (already sized for this file).
+   * @param filename Name of the .castep file.
+   * @param fileIndex Which file index in the DB to fill.
+   * @param nStructsInFile How many structures belong to this file in the DB.
-  CastepMDReader(StructureDB& db, const std::string& filename);
+  CastepMDReader(StructureDB* db,
+                 const std::string& filename,
+                 std::size_t fileIndex,
+                 std::size_t nStructsInFile);
    * @brief Reads data from a specified .md file.
@@ -77,9 +85,20 @@ public:
   bool ends_with(const std::string& str, const std::string& suffix);
+  /**
+     * @brief Pass-1 scan of a .castep file to count how many structures
+     *        appear, and how many atoms each structure has.
+     *
+     * @param filename The .castep file to scan.
+     * @param nStructures [out] Will be set to the number of structures found.
+     * @param atomsPerStructure [out] Will be filled with the number of atoms in each structure.
+     */
+  void pass1Count(const std::string &filename,
+                  std::size_t &nStructures,
+                  std::vector<std::size_t> &atomsPerStructure) override;
   std::string raw_data_;  /**< Stores raw file data */
-  std::string filename_; /**< Filename of the .md file */
   // Unit conversion factors
   double e_conv = 27.211386245988; /**< Conversion factor from Hartree to eV */
@@ -103,7 +122,7 @@ protected:
    * @brief Performs post-processing on the given structure.
    * @param s Reference to a Structure object.
-  void postproc_structure(Structure &s);
+  void postproc_structure(Structure *s, size_t &structIdxInFile);
   double T = 0; /**< Temperature in atomic units (Hartree/k_B) */
   bool stress_tensor_bool = false; /**< Indicates presence of a stress tensor */
@@ -113,6 +132,8 @@ private:
   virtual std::string get_label(std::string &) override;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader.h
index a83ab7e..eff10d2 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader.h
@@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure.h>
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure_inl.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
+#include <tadah/core/vec3d_soa_view.h> // positionView(), forceView()
+#include <tadah/core/vec3d_soa_view_math_inl.h> // for transformBy(...)
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
  * @class DatasetReader
  * @brief Abstract base class for reading and parsing dataset files.
@@ -36,7 +44,7 @@ public:
    * @brief Parses the read data.
    * This pure virtual function must be implemented by derived classes
-   * to define how the data is parsed.
+   * to define how the data is parsed and stored (e.g., in a StructureDB).
   virtual void parse_data() = 0;
@@ -45,42 +53,80 @@ public:
    * This pure virtual function must be implemented by derived classes
    * to provide a summary of the dataset.
-   *
-   * @param stdb Reference to a StructureDB object for data summary.
   virtual void print_summary() const = 0;
-   * @brief Returns a summary of the data.
+   * @brief Returns a summary of the data as a string.
    * This pure virtual function must be implemented by derived classes
-   * to provide a summary of the dataset.
+   * to provide details about the dataset contents.
-   * @param stdb Reference to a StructureDB object for data summary.
+   * @return A string containing summary information for the dataset.
   virtual std::string get_summary() const = 0;
-   * @brief Constructor initializing the reference.
+   * @brief First-pass count of structures and their atom counts within a file.
-   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object to store parsed data.
+   * Derived classes must implement this method to scan the file and
+   * identify how many structures it contains, as well as the number of
+   * atoms per structure. The goal is to gather all necessary information
+   * to allocate data structures prior to a detailed parse pass.
+   *
+   * @param filename          The path to the dataset file to be scanned.
+   * @param nStructures       [out] Will be filled with the total number of structures found.
+   * @param atomsPerStructure [out] Will be resized and filled such that
+   *                             each element corresponds to the number of
+   *                             atoms in the respective structure.
+   *
+   * @note This is a pure virtual function, so each derived reader must
+   *       implement its own logic for identifying structures and atom
+   *       counts in the file format it supports.
-  DatasetReader(StructureDB& db) : stdb(db) {}
+  virtual void pass1Count(const std::string &filename,
+                          std::size_t &nStructures,
+                          std::vector<std::size_t> &atomsPerStructure) = 0;
-   * @brief Constructor initializing the reference and filename.
-   *
-   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object to store parsed data.
-   * @param filename The name of the file to read data from.
+   * @brief Constructor initializing the reference to StructureDB and filename.
-  DatasetReader(StructureDB& db, const std::string& filename) 
-  : stdb(db), filename(filename) {}
+  DatasetReader()
+      : filename(""), fileIndex_(0), nStructsInFile_(0) {}
+  /**
+   * @brief Updated constructor referencing StructureDB, specifying file index and # of structures.
+   * 
+   * This variant passes in the file index and how many structures are 
+   * allocated in the DB for that file. Derived readers can thus fill
+   * those Subrange(s) in parse_data() without calling add().
+   *
+   * @param db Pointer to the HPC StructureDB (already sized).
+   * @param filename Name of the dataset file.
+   * @param fileIndex Which file index this reader corresponds to.
+   * @param nStructsInFile How many structures are allocated for this file in \p db.
+   */
+  DatasetReader(StructureDB* db,
+                const std::string& filename,
+                std::size_t fileIndex,
+                std::size_t nStructsInFile)
+      : stdb(db),
+        filename(filename),
+        fileIndex_(fileIndex),
+        nStructsInFile_(nStructsInFile) 
+  {}
-  StructureDB& stdb; /**< Reference to store parsed data. */
-  std::string filename; /**< Filename for data reading. */
+  StructureDB* stdb;  ///< Reference to HPC DB
+  std::string filename;            ///< Name of the file being read
+  std::size_t fileIndex_{0};       ///< Which file index this reader is for
+  std::size_t nStructsInFile_{0};  ///< How many structures the DB allocated for this file
   virtual std::string get_first_label(std::string &);
   virtual std::string get_label(std::string &);
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader_selector.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader_selector.h
index a09803e..503b410 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader_selector.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader_selector.h
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <memory>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
  * @class DatasetReaderSelector
  * @brief Selects the appropriate DatasetReader based on file type.
@@ -15,11 +19,24 @@ public:
    * @brief Factory method to create specific DatasetReader objects.
+   * The correct DatasetReader object is determined based on the file type.
+   *
    * @param filepath File path to check the content.
-   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object to store parsed data.
+   * @param db Pointer to a StructureDB object to store parsed data.
    * @return A unique pointer to a DatasetReader object.
-  static std::unique_ptr<DatasetReader> get_reader(const std::string& filepath, StructureDB& db);
+  static std::unique_ptr<DatasetReader> get_reader(StructureDB* db,
+                                                   const std::string& filepath,
+                                                   size_t fileIndex,
+                                                   size_t nStructsInFile);
+  /**
+   * @brief Factory method to create specific DatasetReader objects.
+   *
+   * The correct DatasetReader object is determined based on the file type.
+   *
+   * @param filepath File path to check the content.
+   */
+  static std::unique_ptr<DatasetReader> get_reader(const std::string& filepath);
    * @brief Determines the file type based on its content.
@@ -30,5 +47,7 @@ public:
   static std::string determine_file_type_by_content(const std::string& filepath);
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/tadah_reader.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/tadah_reader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c054348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/tadah_reader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#include "dataset_reader.h"
+#include <tadah/mlip/dataset_reader.h>
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure.h>
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure_inl.h>
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+ * @class TadahReader
+ *
+ * This class is a concrete implementation of the DatasetReader interface
+ * to read and parse data from a Tadah! dataset file.
+ *
+ * Provides functionality to count structures and atoms in a file
+ * without parsing the full data.
+ *
+ */
+class TadahReader: public DatasetReader {
+  /**
+   * @brief Virtual destructor.
+   *
+   * Ensures proper cleanup of derived class objects.
+   */
+  virtual ~TadahReader() = default;
+  /**
+   * @brief Reads data from a specified file.
+   *
+   * @param filename The name of the file to read data from.
+   */
+  virtual void read_data(const std::string& filename) override;
+  /**
+   * @brief Parses the read data.
+   *
+   */
+  virtual void parse_data() override;
+  /**
+   * @brief Prints a summary of the data.
+   *
+   */
+  virtual void print_summary() const override;
+  /**
+   * @brief Returns a summary of the data as a string.
+   *
+   * @return A string containing summary information for the dataset.
+   */
+  virtual std::string get_summary() const override;
+  /**
+   * @brief First-pass count of structures and their atom counts within a file.
+   *
+   * This function scans the dataset file to identify how many structures
+   * it contains, as well as the number of atoms per structure.
+   * The goal is to gather all necessary information
+   * to allocate data structures prior to a detailed parse pass.
+   *
+   * @param filename          The path to the dataset file to be scanned.
+   * @param nStructures       [out] Will be filled with the total number of structures found.
+   * @param atomsPerStructure [out] Will be resized and filled such that
+   *                             each element corresponds to the number of
+   *                             atoms in the respective structure.
+   */
+  virtual void pass1Count(const std::string &filename,
+                          std::size_t &nStructures,
+                          std::vector<std::size_t> &atomsPerStructure) override;
+  /**
+   * @brief Constructor initializing the reference to StructureDB and filename.
+   *
+   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object to store parsed data.
+   * @param filename The name of the file to read data from.
+   */
+  TadahReader(): DatasetReader() {}
+  /**
+   * @brief Updated constructor referencing StructureDB, specifying file index and # of structures.
+   * 
+   * This variant passes in the file index and how many structures are 
+   * allocated in the DB for that file. Derived readers can thus fill
+   * those Subrange(s) in parse_data() without calling add().
+   *
+   * @param db Reference to the HPC StructureDB (already sized).
+   * @param filename Name of the dataset file.
+   * @param fileIndex Which file index this reader corresponds to.
+   * @param nStructsInFile How many structures are allocated for this file in \p db.
+   */
+  TadahReader(StructureDB* db,
+                const std::string& filename,
+                std::size_t fileIndex,
+                std::size_t nStructsInFile)
+      : DatasetReader(db,filename,fileIndex,nStructsInFile) {}
+#endif // TADAH_READER_H
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/vasp_outcar_reader.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/vasp_outcar_reader.h
index 34c861a..bd7fa5f 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/vasp_outcar_reader.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/vasp_outcar_reader.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader.h>
 #include <string>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
  * @class VaspOutcarReader
  * @brief Concrete class for reading and parsing VASP OUTCAR files.
@@ -31,9 +35,8 @@ public:
    * @brief Constructor initializing base class reference.
-   * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object to store parsed data.
-  VaspOutcarReader(StructureDB& db);
+  VaspOutcarReader();
    * @brief Constructor that initializes and reads from a file.
@@ -43,7 +46,10 @@ public:
    * @param db Reference to a StructureDB object to store parsed data.
    * @param filename The name of the OUTCAR file to read data from.
-  VaspOutcarReader(StructureDB& db, const std::string& filename);
+  VaspOutcarReader(StructureDB* db,
+                   const std::string& filename,
+                   std::size_t fileIndex,
+                   std::size_t nStructsInFile);
    * @brief Reads data from the specified OUTCAR file.
@@ -71,10 +77,22 @@ public:
   virtual void print_summary() const override;
   virtual std::string get_summary() const override;
+  /**
+     * @brief Pass-1 scan of a .castep file to count how many structures
+     *        appear, and how many atoms each structure has.
+     *
+     * @param filename The .castep file to scan.
+     * @param nStructures [out] Will be set to the number of structures found.
+     * @param atomsPerStructure [out] Will be filled with the number of atoms in each structure.
+     */
+  void pass1Count(const std::string &filename,
+                  std::size_t &nStructures,
+                  std::vector<std::size_t> &atomsPerStructure) override;
   std::string raw_data_;  // Stores raw file data
-  std::string filename_;  // Stores raw file data
   double s_conv = 6.241509074e-4; // kbar -> eV/A^3
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/vasp_vasprun_reader.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/vasp_vasprun_reader.h
index b43e279..73eef8b 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/vasp_vasprun_reader.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/vasp_vasprun_reader.h
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
 namespace rx = rapidxml;
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
  * @class VaspVasprunReader
  * @brief Concrete class for reading and parsing VASP vasprun.xml files.
@@ -37,9 +41,8 @@ public:
      * @brief Constructor initializing with a StructureDB reference.
-     * @param stdb Reference to a StructureDB object for storing parsed data.
-  VaspVasprunReader(StructureDB& stdb);
+  VaspVasprunReader();
      * @brief Constructor that initializes and reads from a file.
@@ -49,7 +52,10 @@ public:
      * @param stdb Reference to a StructureDB object.
      * @param filename Name of the vasprun.xml file to read.
-  VaspVasprunReader(StructureDB& stdb, const std::string& filename);
+  VaspVasprunReader(StructureDB* stdb,
+                    const std::string& filename,
+                    std::size_t fileIndex,
+                    std::size_t nStructsInFile);
      * @brief Destructor for VaspVasprunReader.
@@ -87,6 +93,17 @@ public:
   virtual void print_summary() const override;
   virtual std::string get_summary() const override;
+  /**
+     * @brief Pass-1 scan of a .castep file to count how many structures
+     *        appear, and how many atoms each structure has.
+     *
+     * @param filename The .castep file to scan.
+     * @param nStructures [out] Will be set to the number of structures found.
+     * @param atomsPerStructure [out] Will be filled with the number of atoms in each structure.
+     */
+  void pass1Count(const std::string &filename,
+                  std::size_t &nStructures,
+                  std::vector<std::size_t> &atomsPerStructure) override;
      * @brief Extracts the number of atoms in the current structure.
@@ -155,12 +172,13 @@ protected:
   rx::xml_document<> doc; ///< XML document object for parsing.
   rx::file<> *xmlFile = nullptr; ///< Optional pointer for file management.
   std::vector<std::string> atom_types; ///< List of atom types; length is the number of atoms.
-  StructureDB& stdb; ///< Reference to the StructureDB for storing data.
   Structure _s; ///< Internal structure representation.
   bool stress_tensor_bool = false; ///< Flag indicating stress tensor presence.
   double s_conv = 6.241509074e-4; // kbar -> eV/A^3
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/castep_cell_writer.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/castep_cell_writer.h
index 90b799c..fbe4fe1 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/castep_cell_writer.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/castep_cell_writer.h
@@ -10,13 +10,17 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <vector>
 #include <stdexcept>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class CastepCellWriter : public DatasetWriter {
-  CastepCellWriter(StructureDB& db);
+  CastepCellWriter();
-  virtual void write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) override;
+  virtual void write_data(const StructureDB& stdb, const std::string& filename, size_t structIndex) override;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/dataset_writer.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/dataset_writer.h
index 91ff858..c4ee1f8 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/dataset_writer.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/dataset_writer.h
@@ -1,23 +1,32 @@
+#include <cstddef>
 #include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure.h>
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure_inl.h>
 #include <string>
-#include <vector>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class DatasetWriter {
     virtual ~DatasetWriter() = default;
-    virtual void write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) = 0;
+    virtual void write_data(const StructureDB &stdb,
+                            const std::string& filename,
+                            size_t structIndex) = 0;
-    DatasetWriter(StructureDB& db) : stdb(db) {};
+    DatasetWriter() {};
     virtual void set_precision(const size_t _p) { p = _p; w = p+6; };
-    StructureDB& stdb;
     double p = 10;  // output precision
     double w = p+6;  // column width
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/dataset_writer_selector.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/dataset_writer_selector.h
index 7ea4f85..806aa1d 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/dataset_writer_selector.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/dataset_writer_selector.h
@@ -6,10 +6,15 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <memory>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class DatasetWriterSelector {
-    static std::unique_ptr<DatasetWriter> get_writer(const std::string& type, StructureDB& db);
+  static std::unique_ptr<DatasetWriter> get_writer(std::string type);
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/lammps_structure_writer.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/lammps_structure_writer.h
index 5ee539a..aefb476 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/lammps_structure_writer.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/lammps_structure_writer.h
@@ -10,12 +10,18 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <vector>
 #include <stdexcept>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class LammpsStructureWriter : public DatasetWriter {
-  LammpsStructureWriter(StructureDB& db);
+  LammpsStructureWriter();
-  virtual void write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) override;
+  virtual void write_data(const StructureDB& db, const std::string& filename, size_t structIndex) override;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/vasp_poscar_writer.h b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/vasp_poscar_writer.h
index abd58b8..7fd11c3 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/vasp_poscar_writer.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/vasp_poscar_writer.h
@@ -10,12 +10,18 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <vector>
 #include <stdexcept>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class VaspPoscarWriter : public DatasetWriter {
-  VaspPoscarWriter(StructureDB& db);
+  VaspPoscarWriter();
-  virtual void write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) override;
+  virtual void write_data(const StructureDB &db, const std::string& filename, size_t structIndex) override;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc.h b/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc.h
index 14d1c4b..d4e9a77 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc.h
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 #include <tadah/models/descriptors/dm/dm_base.h>
 #include <tadah/models/cutoffs.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 /** \brief Descriptors calculator
  * This object does not store any data.
@@ -122,6 +124,8 @@ class DescriptorsCalc: public DC_Base {
         void calc_dimer(const Structure &st, StDescriptors &std);
         void common_constructor();
 #include "descriptors_calc.hpp"
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc.hpp b/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc.hpp
index b5bc9b1..f7e876f 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc.hpp
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc.hpp
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 #include <cstdio>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 template <typename D2, typename D3, typename DM, typename C2, typename C3, typename CM>
 template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
 DescriptorsCalc<D2,D3,DM,C2,C3,CM>::DescriptorsCalc(Config &c, T1 &t1, T2 &t2, T3 &t3):
@@ -445,4 +447,6 @@ StDescriptorsDB DescriptorsCalc<D2,D3,DM,C2,C3,CM>::calc(const StructureDB &stdb
   return st_desc_db;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc_base.h b/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc_base.h
index a56c26f..d1b901a 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc_base.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/descriptors_calc_base.h
@@ -6,10 +6,14 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/st_descriptors.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/st_descriptors_db.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class DC_Base {
         virtual ~DC_Base() {};
         virtual StDescriptors calc(const Structure &) { return StDescriptors(); };
         virtual StDescriptorsDB calc(const StructureDB &) {return StDescriptorsDB();};
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/design_matrix.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/design_matrix.h
index c9c02cb..b98239c 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/design_matrix.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/design_matrix.h
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 #include <stdexcept>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class DesignMatrixBase {
@@ -349,4 +351,6 @@ private:
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_all.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_all.h
index 48179cf..791be6e 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_all.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_all.h
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_linear.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_polynomial2.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_base.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_base.h
index 6f6187d..8dc9cc4 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_base.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_base.h
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 #include <iostream>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 struct DM_BF_Base: public DM_Function_Base, public virtual BF_Base {
@@ -22,4 +24,6 @@ struct DM_BF_Base: public DM_Function_Base, public virtual BF_Base {
     // virtual void calc_phi_stress_rows(phi_type &Phi, size_t &row,
     //         const double fac[6], const Structure &st, const StDescriptors &st_d)=0;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_linear.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_linear.h
index e0052c3..6fa887d 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_linear.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_linear.h
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_base.h>
 #include <tadah/models/functions/basis_functions/bf_linear.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 struct DM_BF_Linear: public DM_BF_Base, public BF_Linear
@@ -16,4 +18,6 @@ struct DM_BF_Linear: public DM_BF_Base, public BF_Linear
     void calc_phi_stress_rows(phi_type &Phi, size_t &row,
             const double fac[6], const Structure &st, const StDescriptors &st_d) override;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_polynomial2.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_polynomial2.h
index 550f403..bda5f5a 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_polynomial2.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_polynomial2.h
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_base.h>
 #include <tadah/models/functions/basis_functions/bf_polynomial2.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 struct DM_BF_Polynomial2: public DM_BF_Base, public BF_Polynomial2
@@ -16,4 +18,6 @@ struct DM_BF_Polynomial2: public DM_BF_Base, public BF_Polynomial2
     void  calc_phi_stress_rows(phi_type &Phi, size_t &row,
             const double fac[6], const Structure &st, const StDescriptors &st_d) override;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_f_all.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_f_all.h
index 56c4bae..864a56f 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_f_all.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_f_all.h
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_all.h>
  #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_all.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_function_base.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_function_base.h
index 06f5321..49e92bc 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_function_base.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_function_base.h
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 #include <limits>
 #include <vector>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 /** Base class for Kernels and Basis Functions */
 struct DM_Function_Base: public virtual Function_Base {
@@ -29,6 +31,8 @@ struct DM_Function_Base: public virtual Function_Base {
   virtual void calc_phi_stress_rows(phi_type &, size_t &,
                                     const double[6], const Structure &, const StDescriptors &)=0;
 //template<> inline CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Map CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::registry{};
 //template<> inline CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Map CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::registry{};
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_all.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_all.h
index b53a2f6..91d8318 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_all.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_all.h
@@ -5,3 +5,7 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_polynomial.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_sigmoid.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_quadratic.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h
index 8a12489..5bc532c 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 #include <tadah/models/functions/kernels/kern_base.h>
 #include <iostream>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 /** \brief Abstract class to be used as a base for all kernels.
@@ -29,4 +31,6 @@ class DM_Kern_Base: public DM_Function_Base, public virtual Kern_Base  {
         virtual void  calc_phi_stress_rows(phi_type &Phi, size_t &row, const double fac[6], const Structure &st, const StDescriptors &st_d) override;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_linear.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_linear.h
index cf026d0..fcad6b9 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_linear.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_linear.h
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h>
 #include <tadah/models/functions/kernels/kern_linear.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
  * Linear kernel also knows as dot product kernel
@@ -27,4 +29,6 @@ class DM_Kern_Linear :  public DM_Kern_Base, public Kern_Linear {
     void calc_phi_stress_rows(phi_type &Phi, size_t &row,
             const double fac[6], const Structure &st, const StDescriptors &st_d) override;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_lq.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_lq.h
index f0b4445..704f25a 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_lq.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_lq.h
@@ -4,9 +4,13 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h>
 #include <tadah/models/functions/kernels/kern_lq.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class DM_Kern_LQ :  public DM_Kern_Base, public Kern_LQ {
         DM_Kern_LQ(const Config &c);
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_polynomial.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_polynomial.h
index 5094370..ed8b4b4 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_polynomial.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_polynomial.h
@@ -4,9 +4,13 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h>
 #include <tadah/models/functions/kernels/kern_polynomial.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class DM_Kern_Polynomial :  public DM_Kern_Base, public Kern_Polynomial {
         DM_Kern_Polynomial(const Config &c);
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_quadratic.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_quadratic.h
index ecb8535..5d97711 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_quadratic.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_quadratic.h
@@ -4,9 +4,13 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h>
 #include <tadah/models/functions/kernels/kern_quadratic.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class DM_Kern_Quadratic :  public DM_Kern_Base, public Kern_Quadratic {
         DM_Kern_Quadratic(const Config &c);
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_rbf.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_rbf.h
index 7e1251a..d68c114 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_rbf.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_rbf.h
@@ -4,9 +4,13 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h>
 #include <tadah/models/functions/kernels/kern_rbf.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class DM_Kern_RBF :  public DM_Kern_Base, public Kern_RBF {
         DM_Kern_RBF(const Config &c);
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_sigmoid.h b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_sigmoid.h
index c62a50e..75c47a0 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_sigmoid.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_sigmoid.h
@@ -4,9 +4,13 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h>
 #include <tadah/models/functions/kernels/kern_sigmoid.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class DM_Kern_Sigmoid :  public DM_Kern_Base, public Kern_Sigmoid {
         DM_Kern_Sigmoid(const Config &c);
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/mlip_context.h b/include/tadah/mlip/mlip_context.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4376cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/mlip_context.h
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <memory>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
+#include <tadah/mlip/neighbor_list_db.h>
+#include <tadah/mlip/neighbor_calc.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+ * @class MLIPContext
+ * @brief Provides a central place to manage a StructureDB and its neighbor data.
+ *
+ * References a single StructureDB for coordinates and atomic information,
+ * and allocates or manages a NeighborListDB plus a NeighborCalc.
+ * Reduces overhead of tracking these data structures separately and simplifies
+ * neighbor-related operations, including potential future HPC or ML expansions.
+ */
+class MLIPContext
+    /**
+     * @brief Constructs the context from an existing StructureDB reference.
+     *
+     * Expects 'db' to remain valid for the entire lifetime of this context.
+     * Avoids copying large HPC arrays by referencing them directly.
+     */
+    inline explicit MLIPContext(StructureDB &db)
+    : structDB_(db) 
+    {
+        // Call setupNeighborData() to establish neighbor-related objects if needed.
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Allocates and configures neighbor-related objects for HPC usage.
+     *
+     * Creates a NeighborListDB that references structDB_.
+     * Instantiates a NeighborCalc to populate HPC neighbor arrays if requested.
+     * Acceptable to call again to recreate or update these objects.
+     */
+    inline void setupNeighborData()
+    {
+        nlistDB_ = std::make_unique<NeighborListDB>(structDB_);
+        ncalc_   = std::make_unique<NeighborCalc>();
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Performs neighbor-list building across the entire DB, using the stored NeighborCalc.
+     *
+     * Delegates to neighborCalc()->build(...), populating nlistDB_->nlist() from HPC SoA data.
+     * This design suits naive O(N^2) building or advanced algorithms if implemented in NeighborCalc.
+     *
+     * @param cutoff Distance cutoff for neighbor detection.
+     *
+     * @throws std::runtime_error if neighborListDB or neighborCalc has not been initialized.
+     */
+    inline void buildNeighbors(double cutoff)
+    {
+        if (!nlistDB_) {
+            throw std::runtime_error(
+                "MLIPContext::buildNeighbors: NeighborListDB not available. "
+                "Call setupNeighborData() first."
+            );
+        }
+        if (!ncalc_) {
+            throw std::runtime_error(
+                "MLIPContext::buildNeighbors: NeighborCalc not available. "
+                "Call setupNeighborData() first."
+            );
+        }
+        ncalc_->build(
+            nlistDB_->nlist(), 
+  ,
+            structDB_.X_.size(),
+            cutoff
+        );
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns a reference to StructureDB for reading or modifying HPC arrays.
+     */
+    inline StructureDB& structureDB() 
+    {
+        return structDB_;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns a read-only reference to the StructureDB.
+     */
+    inline const StructureDB& structureDB() const
+    {
+        return structDB_;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns a reference to NeighborListDB for HPC neighbor queries or modifications.
+     *
+     * Valid after setupNeighborData() has been called.
+     */
+    inline NeighborListDB& neighborListDB()
+    {
+        if (!nlistDB_) {
+            throw std::runtime_error(
+                "MLIPContext::neighborListDB(): Not initialized. "
+                "Call setupNeighborData() first."
+            );
+        }
+        return *nlistDB_;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns a const reference to NeighborListDB for read-only neighbor operations.
+     */
+    inline const NeighborListDB& neighborListDB() const
+    {
+        if (!nlistDB_) {
+            throw std::runtime_error(
+                "MLIPContext::neighborListDB() const: Not initialized. "
+                "Call setupNeighborData() first."
+            );
+        }
+        return *nlistDB_;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns the stored NeighborCalc for custom or advanced neighbor-building steps.
+     *
+     * Valid after setupNeighborData() has been called. 
+     * Replaces or enhances it if needed for advanced HPC or parallel approaches.
+     */
+    inline NeighborCalc& neighborCalc()
+    {
+        if (!ncalc_) {
+            throw std::runtime_error(
+                "MLIPContext::neighborCalc(): Not initialized. "
+                "Call setupNeighborData() first."
+            );
+        }
+        return *ncalc_;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reference to the HPC structure database that holds SoA coordinates. Not owned here.
+     */
+    StructureDB &structDB_;
+    /**
+     * Holds a neighbor list referencing all atoms in structDB_, plus local->global mapping.
+     * Created in setupNeighborData().
+     */
+    std::unique_ptr<NeighborListDB> nlistDB_;
+    /**
+     * Provides the actual logic for building or updating HPC neighbor arrays. 
+     * May use O(N^2) or more advanced HPC methods. Created in setupNeighborData().
+     */
+    std::unique_ptr<NeighborCalc>   ncalc_;
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_calc.h b/include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_calc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2e7e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_calc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "neighbor_list.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+ * @file   neighbor_calc.h
+ * @brief  Demonstrates building a NeighborList using a naive O(N^2) approach.
+ *
+ * This example:
+ *   - Loops over all pairs (i,j).
+ *   - Checks if distance^2 < cutoff^2.
+ *   - If true, adds them as neighbors in both directions (i->j, j->i).
+ *   - Sets shift arrays to zero and uses mirrorIndex_ to store symmetrical offsets.
+ */
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+ * @class NeighborCalc
+ * @brief Populates a NeighborList by scanning atom pairs for distances below cutoff.
+ */
+class NeighborCalc
+    /**
+     * @brief Build the neighbor list with a naive O(N^2) distance check.
+     *
+     * @param nlist   The NeighborList to fill.
+     * @param coords  Pointer to x,y,z coords in [3*nAtoms].
+     * @param nAtoms  Number of atoms in coords.
+     * @param cutoff  Distance cutoff for neighbor inclusion.
+     */
+    void build(NeighborList &nlist,
+               const double *coords,
+               std::size_t   nAtoms,
+               double        cutoff)
+    {
+        std::vector<std::size_t> counts(nAtoms, 0);
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++i) {
+            for (std::size_t j = i + 1; j < nAtoms; ++j) {
+                double dx = coords[3*j + 0] - coords[3*i + 0];
+                double dy = coords[3*j + 1] - coords[3*i + 1];
+                double dz = coords[3*j + 2] - coords[3*i + 2];
+                double r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
+                if (r2 < cutoff*cutoff) {
+                    counts[i]++;
+                    counts[j]++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        std::size_t totalCount = 0;
+        for (auto c : counts) {
+            totalCount += c;
+        }
+        nlist.resize(nAtoms, totalCount);
+        std::size_t *pref = nlist.prefixData();
+        pref[0] = 0;
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nAtoms; i++) {
+            pref[i+1] = pref[i] + counts[i];
+        }
+        std::vector<std::size_t> writePos(nAtoms, 0);
+        std::size_t *nbData    = nlist.neighborData();
+        int *sxData            = nlist.shiftXData();
+        int *syData            = nlist.shiftYData();
+        int *szData            = nlist.shiftZData();
+        std::size_t *mirrData  = nlist.mirrorIndexData();
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nAtoms; ++i) {
+            for (std::size_t j = i + 1; j < nAtoms; ++j) {
+                double dx = coords[3*j + 0] - coords[3*i + 0];
+                double dy = coords[3*j + 1] - coords[3*i + 1];
+                double dz = coords[3*j + 2] - coords[3*i + 2];
+                double r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
+                if (r2 < cutoff*cutoff) {
+                    std::size_t offI = pref[i] + writePos[i];
+                    nbData[offI] = j;
+                    sxData[offI] = 0;
+                    syData[offI] = 0;
+                    szData[offI] = 0;
+                    std::size_t offJ = pref[j] + writePos[j];
+                    nbData[offJ] = i;
+                    sxData[offJ] = 0;
+                    syData[offJ] = 0;
+                    szData[offJ] = 0;
+                    mirrData[offI] = offJ;
+                    mirrData[offJ] = offI;
+                    writePos[i]++;
+                    writePos[j]++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+} // end namespace mlip
+} // end namespace tadah
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_list.h b/include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_list.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b16c8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_list.h
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <stdexcept>
+ * @brief Stores a SoA neighbor list, including offsets for each atom and shift information.
+ *
+ * This class maintains:
+ *   - prefixSum_ for offsets
+ *   - neighbors_ for flattened neighbor indices
+ *   - shiftX_, shiftY_, shiftZ_ for periodic or other shifts
+ *   - mirrorIndex_ for symmetrical pair offsets
+ *
+ * Single-pointer accessors (getNeighborsPtr, etc.) help in HPC loops.
+ * Typically fill these arrays via a separate "NeighborCalc".
+ */
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+ * @class NeighborList
+ * @brief SoA neighbor list container with single-pointer interface and optional shifts.
+ */
+class NeighborList
+    inline NeighborList() = default;
+    inline void resize(std::size_t nAtoms, std::size_t totalNeighborCount)
+    {
+        prefixSum_.resize(nAtoms + 1);
+        neighbors_.resize(totalNeighborCount);
+        shiftX_.resize(totalNeighborCount);
+        shiftY_.resize(totalNeighborCount);
+        shiftZ_.resize(totalNeighborCount);
+        mirrorIndex_.resize(totalNeighborCount);
+    }
+    inline std::size_t numAtoms() const
+    {
+        if (prefixSum_.empty()) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        return prefixSum_.size() - 1;
+    }
+    inline std::size_t totalNeighborCount() const
+    {
+        return neighbors_.size();
+    }
+    inline std::size_t numNeighbors(std::size_t i) const
+    {
+        if (i >= numAtoms()) {
+            return 0; 
+        }
+        return prefixSum_[i + 1] - prefixSum_[i];
+    }
+    inline const std::size_t* getNeighborsPtr(std::size_t i) const
+    {
+        if (i >= numAtoms()) {
+            return nullptr;
+        }
+        return &neighbors_[ prefixSum_[i] ];
+    }
+    inline const int* getShiftXPtr(std::size_t i) const
+    {
+        if (i >= numAtoms()) {
+            return nullptr;
+        }
+        return &shiftX_[ prefixSum_[i] ];
+    }
+    inline const int* getShiftYPtr(std::size_t i) const
+    {
+        if (i >= numAtoms()) {
+            return nullptr;
+        }
+        return &shiftY_[ prefixSum_[i] ];
+    }
+    inline const int* getShiftZPtr(std::size_t i) const
+    {
+        if (i >= numAtoms()) {
+            return nullptr;
+        }
+        return &shiftZ_[ prefixSum_[i] ];
+    }
+    inline const std::size_t* getMirrorIndexPtr(std::size_t i) const
+    {
+        if (i >= numAtoms()) {
+            return nullptr;
+        }
+        return &mirrorIndex_[ prefixSum_[i] ];
+    }
+    inline std::size_t getMirrorOffset(std::size_t i, std::size_t k) const
+    {
+        return mirrorIndex_[ prefixSum_[i] + k ];
+    }
+    inline std::size_t* prefixData()      { return; }
+    inline std::size_t* neighborData()    { return; }
+    inline int*         shiftXData()      { return; }
+    inline int*         shiftYData()      { return; }
+    inline int*         shiftZData()      { return; }
+    inline std::size_t* mirrorIndexData() { return; }
+    inline const std::size_t* prefixData()      const { return; }
+    inline const std::size_t* neighborData()    const { return; }
+    inline const int*         shiftXData()      const { return; }
+    inline const int*         shiftYData()      const { return; }
+    inline const int*         shiftZData()      const { return; }
+    inline const std::size_t* mirrorIndexData() const { return; }
+    std::vector<std::size_t> prefixSum_;
+    std::vector<std::size_t> neighbors_;
+    std::vector<int>         shiftX_;
+    std::vector<int>         shiftY_;
+    std::vector<int>         shiftZ_;
+    std::vector<std::size_t> mirrorIndex_;
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_list_db.h b/include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_list_db.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1143607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/neighbor_list_db.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include "neighbor_list.h"
+#include "structure_db.h"
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+ * @class NeighborListDB
+ * @brief Holds a single global NeighborList for an entire StructureDB, along with
+ *        convenience methods for mapping (structureIndex, localAtomIndex).
+ *
+ * This design:
+ *   - References a StructureDB for HPC SoA (X_, Y_, Z_, etc.).
+ *   - Stores one NeighborList covering atom indices [0..(N-1)] for all structures.
+ *   - Expects an external "NeighborCalc" or code to fill nlist_ from the SoA data.
+ */
+class NeighborListDB
+    /**
+     * @brief Binds this object to a const StructureDB reference. The DB must outlive this object.
+     */
+    explicit NeighborListDB(const StructureDB &db)
+    : db_(db)
+    {}
+    /**
+     * @brief Provides mutable access to the HPC neighbor list, allowing
+     *        external building or updates.
+     */
+    inline NeighborList& nlist() { 
+        return nlist_;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Provides read-only access to the HPC neighbor list.
+     */
+    inline const NeighborList& nlist() const {
+        return nlist_;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Converts (structureIndex, localAtomIndex) to a "global atom index" used by the HPC lists.
+     */
+    inline std::size_t toGlobalAtomIndex(std::size_t structIndex,
+                                         std::size_t localAtomIndex) const
+    {
+        if (structIndex >= db_.size()) {
+            throw std::out_of_range("NeighborListDB::toGlobalAtomIndex: structIndex out of range");
+        }
+        const Structure &sRef = db_(structIndex);
+        if (localAtomIndex >= sRef.natoms()) {
+            throw std::out_of_range("NeighborListDB::toGlobalAtomIndex: localAtomIndex out of range");
+        }
+        return sRef.offset_ + localAtomIndex;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns a pointer to the neighbor array for (structureIndex, localAtomIndex).
+     */
+    inline const std::size_t* getNeighborsPtr(std::size_t structIndex,
+                                              std::size_t localAtomIndex) const
+    {
+        std::size_t gIdx = toGlobalAtomIndex(structIndex, localAtomIndex);
+        return nlist_.getNeighborsPtr(gIdx);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns how many neighbors exist for (structureIndex, localAtomIndex).
+     */
+    inline std::size_t numNeighbors(std::size_t structIndex,
+                                    std::size_t localAtomIndex) const
+    {
+        std::size_t gIdx = toGlobalAtomIndex(structIndex, localAtomIndex);
+        return nlist_.numNeighbors(gIdx);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns a pointer to the mirror offset array for symmetrical pairs, 
+     *        mapped from (structureIndex, localAtomIndex).
+     */
+    inline const std::size_t* getMirrorIndexPtr(std::size_t structIndex,
+                                                std::size_t localAtomIndex) const
+    {
+        std::size_t gIdx = toGlobalAtomIndex(structIndex, localAtomIndex);
+        return nlist_.getMirrorIndexPtr(gIdx);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns the shiftXPtr for (structureIndex, localAtomIndex), if needed.
+     */
+    inline const int* getShiftXPtr(std::size_t structIndex,
+                                   std::size_t localAtomIndex) const
+    {
+        std::size_t gIdx = toGlobalAtomIndex(structIndex, localAtomIndex);
+        return nlist_.getShiftXPtr(gIdx);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief A read-only reference to the HPC structure database.
+     */
+    const StructureDB &db_;
+    /**
+     * @brief A single HPC neighbor list representing all atoms in db_.
+     */
+    NeighborList nlist_;
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/nn_finder.h b/include/tadah/mlip/nn_finder.h
index 2593334..561d267 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/nn_finder.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/nn_finder.h
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/structure.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
  * @class NNFinder
@@ -156,6 +158,8 @@ public:
     void calc(StructureDB &stdb);
 #endif // NN_FINDER_H
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/normaliser.h b/include/tadah/mlip/normaliser.h
index 72e8be1..f78a1c7 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/normaliser.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/normaliser.h
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 #include <limits>
 #include <stdexcept>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class Normaliser: public Normaliser_Core {
         using Normaliser_Core::normalise;
@@ -95,4 +97,6 @@ class Normaliser: public Normaliser_Core {
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/st_descriptors.h b/include/tadah/mlip/st_descriptors.h
index f5cf2ad..a3206ef 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/st_descriptors.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/st_descriptors.h
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 #include <vector>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 /** \brief Container for a structure descriptors.
@@ -77,4 +79,6 @@ struct StDescriptors {
     size_t dim() const;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/st_descriptors_db.h b/include/tadah/mlip/st_descriptors_db.h
index 6272db8..d9aa5ed 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/st_descriptors_db.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/st_descriptors_db.h
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/st_descriptors.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 /** \brief Container for StDescriptors.
@@ -45,4 +47,6 @@ struct StDescriptorsDB {
   std::vector<StDescriptors>::const_iterator end() const;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/structure.h b/include/tadah/mlip/structure.h
index 9ab8d6a..b47cfa7 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/structure.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/structure.h
@@ -1,317 +1,199 @@
-#ifndef STRUCTURE_h
-#define STRUCTURE_h
-#include <tadah/mlip/atom.h>
-#include <tadah/core/core_types.h>
-#include <tadah/core/periodic_table.h>
+#pragma once
+#include <cstddef>
 #include <string>
-#include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <vector>
-#include <set>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <iterator>
+// HPC types (Matrix3d, stress_type) come from here:
+#include <tadah/core/periodic_table.h>
+#include <tadah/core/core_types.h>
+#include <tadah/core/vec3d_soa_view.h>
+// Forward-declare classes to avoid circular includes
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+class Atom;         // Defined in "atom.h"
+class StructureDB;  // Defined in "structure_db.h"
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
- * Container for a collection of Atom(s).
- *
- * Holds list of Atom(s), cell dimensions, system energy and stress tensor.
- *
- * Pass this object to NNFinder to build a list of nearest
- * neighbour positions for every Atom in the list.
- *
- * Usage example:
- *
- *     # Default constructor creates an empty Structure object.
- *     # All attributes are left uninitialised
- *     Structure st;
- *
- * Usage example:
- *
- *     # Print object summary with streams:
- *     std::cout << st;
- *
- *     # Print 2nd atom data
- *     std::cout << st(2)
- *
- *     # Print stress tensor
- *     std::cout << st.stress
- *
- * @see Atom StructureDB NNFinder
+ * @brief Manages a subrange of SoA arrays used for storing atoms.
-struct Structure {
-  /** Create an empty Structure object.
-   *
-   * All class attributes are left uninitialised.
-   */
+class Structure {
+  // --------------------------------------------------
+  // Constructors and main fields
+  // --------------------------------------------------
+  Structure(StructureDB* db, size_t offset, size_t capacity);
-  /** Text label for this structure. */
   std::string label;
+  double      energy = 0.0;
+  Matrix3d    cell;
+  stress_type stress;
+  double      T       = 0.0;
+  double      eweight = 1.0, fweight = 1.0, sweight = 1.0;
+  // Tracks how many atoms are currently stored in this structure’s subrange
+  size_t natoms() const { return size_; }
+  // --------------------------------------------------
+  // Access to individual Atom
+  // --------------------------------------------------
+  Atom       operator()(size_t i);
+  const Atom operator()(size_t i) const;
+  // Adds an atom to the SoA subrange
+  void addAtom(int Z, double xVal, double yVal, double zVal,
+               double fxVal, double fyVal, double fzVal);
+  // SoA references for HPC (non-const)
+  double& x(size_t i);
+  double& y(size_t i);
+  double& z(size_t i);
+  double& fx(size_t i);
+  double& fy(size_t i);
+  double& fz(size_t i);
+  int&    atomicNumber(size_t i);
+  // SoA references for HPC (const)
+  const double& x(size_t i) const;
+  const double& y(size_t i) const;
+  const double& z(size_t i) const;
+  const double& fx(size_t i) const;
+  const double& fy(size_t i) const;
+  const double& fz(size_t i) const;
+  const int&    atomicNumber(size_t i) const;
+  // SoA views for HPC (non-const)
+  Vec3dSoAView positionView(size_t i);
+  Vec3dSoAView forceView(size_t i);
+  // --------------------------------------------------
+  // Minimal I/O
+  // --------------------------------------------------
+  int  read(std::ifstream &ifs);
+  void save(std::ofstream &ofs) const;
-  /** Total energy of this structure */
-  double energy;
+  // --------------------------------------------------
+  // Forward iterator for range-based for
+  // --------------------------------------------------
+  class iterator {
+  public:
+    using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
+    using value_type        = Atom;          
+    using difference_type   = std::ptrdiff_t;
+    using pointer           = Atom*;         
+    using reference         = Atom;          
+    iterator(Structure* structure = nullptr, size_t index = 0)
+    : structure_(structure), index_(index)
+    {}
+    // Declaration only; definition is in structure_inl.h
+    reference operator*() const;
+    // Pre-increment
+    iterator& operator++() {
+      ++index_;
+      return *this;
+    }
-  /** Lattice vectors. */
-  Matrix3d cell;
+    // Post-increment
+    iterator operator++(int) {
+      iterator tmp(*this);
+      ++(*this);
+      return tmp;
+    }
-  /** Virial stress tensor. */
-  stress_type stress;
+    bool operator==(const iterator &other) const {
+      return (structure_ == other.structure_) && (index_ == other.index_);
+    }
+    bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const {
+      return !(*this == other);
+    }
+  private:
+    Structure* structure_ = nullptr;
+    size_t     index_     = 0;
+  };
+  // Similarly, a const_iterator for read-only usage
+  class const_iterator {
+  public:
+    using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
+    using value_type        = Atom;
+    using difference_type   = std::ptrdiff_t;
+    using pointer           = const Atom*;   
+    using reference         = const Atom;    
+    const_iterator(const Structure* structure = nullptr, size_t index = 0)
+    : structure_(structure), index_(index)
+    {}
+    // Declaration only; definition is in structure_inl.h
+    reference operator*() const;
+    // Pre-increment
+    const_iterator& operator++() {
+      ++index_;
+      return *this;
+    }
-  /** Container for atoms which belong to this structure */
-  std::vector<Atom> atoms;
-  /** Temperature of this structure.
-   *
-   * Default is 0.0
-   */
-  double T=0;
-  /** Periodic image flag for neigherest neighbours.
-   *
-   * Indicate which periodic image the neigbouring atom belongs to.
-   *
-   * Example in two dimensions for illustration purposes:
-   *
-   *      -1, 1 | 0, 1 | 1, 1
-   *      -------------------
-   *      -1, 0 | 0, 0 | 1, 0
-   *      -------------------
-   *      -1,-1 | 0,-1 | 1,-1
-   *
-   * So [0,0] corresponds to the atom in the main box and [1,0] to periodic
-   * shift in the x-direction. Obviously we use three dimensions so this
-   * corresponds to [0,0,0] and [1,0,0].
-   *
-   * Note that there might be more than one periodic image in each direction.
-   * This depends on the box size and the cutoff distance used.
-   */
-  std::vector<std::vector<Vec3d>> near_neigh_shift;
-  /** List of global indices for nearest neighbours for every atom */
-  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> near_neigh_idx;
-  /** Weighting parameter for energy used during training.
-   *
-   * Default is 1.0
-   */
-  double eweight=1.0;
-  /** Weighting parameter for forces used during training.
-   *
-   * Default is 1.0
-   */
-  double fweight=1.0;
-  /** Weighting parameter for stress used during training.
-   *
-   * Default is 1.0
-   */
-  double sweight=1.0;
-  /** @return a reference to the i-th Atom.
-   *
-   * Usage example:
-   *
-   *     # Get a reference to the 3rd Atom in the st Structure
-   *     const Atom &atom = st(2);
-   */
-  const Atom& operator()(const size_t i) const;
-  /** Add Atom a to this structure. */
-  void add_atom(Atom a);
-  /** Remove an Atom in the i-th position from this structure. */
-  void remove_atom(const size_t i);
-  /** @return  a number of atoms in this structure. */
-  size_t natoms() const;
+    // Post-increment
+    const_iterator operator++(int) {
+      const_iterator tmp(*this);
+      ++(*this);
+      return tmp;
+    }
+    bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const {
+      return (structure_ == other.structure_) && (index_ == other.index_);
+    }
+    bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const {
+      return !(*this == other);
+    }
+  private:
+    const Structure* structure_ = nullptr;
+    size_t           index_     = 0;
+  };
+  inline iterator begin() { return iterator(this, 0); }
+  inline iterator end()   { return iterator(this, size_); }
+  inline const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(this, 0); }
+  inline const_iterator end()   const { return const_iterator(this, size_); }
   /** @return volume of this structure. */
-  double get_volume() const;
+  double get_volume() const {
+    return cell.row(0)*(cell.row(1).cross(cell.row(2)));
+  }
   /** @return density of this structure in g/cm^3 */
   double get_density() const;
   /** @return temperature of this structure in K */
-  double get_temperature() const;
-  /** @return virial pressure calculated from the stress tensor.
-   *
-   *  Units: energy/distance^3
-   */
-  double get_virial_pressure() const;
-  /** @return pressure for a given temperature.
-   *
-   *  The calculated pressure contains both ideal gas
-   *  and virial pressures.
-   *
-   *  Default units Ev/Angstrom^3.
-   *
-   *  @param kB Boltzmann Constant. Default in ev/K.
-   *
-   *  For T=0 returns virial pressure only.
-   */
-  double get_pressure(const double T, const double kB=8.617333262145e-5) const;
- * Return the position of the n-th neighbor of atom i,
- * computed via the neighbor's global index and periodic shifts.
- *
- * Assumes:
- *   near_neigh_idx[i][n]  -> global index of neighbor
- *   near_neigh_shift[i][n] -> integer triple (n1, n2, n3) OR real shift
- *
- * Returns by value (Vec3d) so we don't reference a temporary.
- */
-  Vec3d nn_pos(const size_t i, const size_t n) const;
-  /** @return a number of nearest neighbours of the i-th Atom. */
-  size_t nn_size(const size_t i) const;
-  /** Read structure from the stream.
-   *
-   * If a stream contains more than one structure,
-   * the first structure will be read.
-   *
-   * @returns 0 if success, 1 otherwise
-   */
-  int read(std::ifstream &ifs);
-  /** Read a structure from the file.
-   *
-   * If a file contains more than one structure,
-   * the first structure will be read.
-   */
-  void read(const std::string fn);
-  /** Save structure to the stream. */
-  void save(std::ofstream &ofs) const;
+  double get_temperature() const { return T; }
+  friend class StructureDB;
+  StructureDB* db_       = nullptr;
+  size_t       offset_   = 0;
+  size_t       size_     = 0;
+  size_t       capacity_ = 0;
-  /** Save structure to the file.
-   *
-   * @warning
-   *      This will overwrite any existing data in the fn file.
-   */
-  void save(const std::string fn) const;
-  /**  Return corresponding ii index of i-j (jj) atom interaction.
-   *
-   *  The ii index is used with nearest neighour lists.
-   *  i,j are atom global indices; ii,jj are neighbour lists indices.
-   *
-   *  This method is required to fully specify interacton of two atoms
-   *  when predicting force on the i-th atom. In particular in the case when
-   *  atom i-j interaction is specified more than once. e.g. one i-j interaction
-   *  in the main box and another one coming from the periodic image.
-   *  The critical condition for this to happen for the square box is:
-   *  rcut > box length / 2.
-   *
-   *  e.g.
-   *  To get a force on atom i. We loop over nn of i to obtain jj indices.
-   *  For many-body potentials we also need to know the density for atom at jj,
-   *  hence we need j index. This is stored by:
-   *
-   *      j=near_neigh_idx[a][jj]
-   *
-   *  Moreover we need to know derivatives (descriptor derivatives wrt to rij)
-   *  at both i and j atoms. However if jj atom is outside of the main box
-   *  we do not calculate derivative for this atom but we can use derivative
-   *  for the j-ii interaction. Hence we need to find ii index here...
-   *
-   *
-   *      ii = get_nn_iindex(i,j,jj)
-   *
-   *  phew...
-   */
-  size_t get_nn_iindex(const size_t i, const size_t j, const size_t jj) const;
-  /** Print structure summary using streams. */
-  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Structure& st)
-  {
-    os << "Structure  :    " << std::left << st.label << std::endl;
-    os << "Weights    :    " << std::left
-      <<  "E: "<< st.eweight
-      << " | F: " << std::left << st.fweight
-      << " | S: " << std::left << st.sweight << std::endl;
-    os << "# atoms    :    " << std::left << st.atoms.size() << std::endl;
-    os << "Energy     :" << std::right << std::setw(w)
-      << std::setprecision(p) << std::fixed << << std::endl;
-    os << "Cell       :" << std::endl;
-    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
-      os << std::right << std::fixed << std::setw(w+10)
-        << std::setprecision(p) << st.cell(i,0);
-      os << std::right << std::fixed << std::setw(w)
-        << std::setprecision(p) << st.cell(i,1);
-      os << std::right << std::fixed << std::setw(w)
-        << std::setprecision(p) << st.cell(i,2);
-      os << std::endl;
-    }
-    os << "Stress     :" << std::endl;
-    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
-      os << std::right << std::fixed << std::setw(w+10)
-        << std::setprecision(p) << st.stress(i,0);
-      os << std::right << std::fixed << std::setw(w)
-        << std::setprecision(p) << st.stress(i,1);
-      os << std::right << std::fixed << std::setw(w)
-        << std::setprecision(p) << st.stress(i,2);
-      os << std::endl;
-    }
-    return os;
-  }
-  /** Return true if both structures are the same.
-   *
-   * This operator compares cell, stress tensor, number of atoms,
-   * eweight, fweight and sweight, all atom positions and forces.
-   *
-   * Assumes atoms have the same order.
-   *
-   * It does NOT compare labels.
-   */
-  bool operator==(const Structure& st) const;
-  /** Return true if both structures are the same.
-   *
-   * This method compares cell vectors, number of atoms,
-   * species and atomic coordinates
-   *
-   * Order ot atoms does not matter.
-   *
-   * It does NOT compare energies, stresses, forces and labels.
-   */
-  bool is_the_same(const Structure& st, double thr=1e-6) const;
-  // move iterator forward to the next structure
-  // return number of atoms in the structure
-  // return 0 if there is no more structures
-  static int next_structure(std::ifstream &ifs);
-  /** Clear NN list */
-  void clear_nn();
-  // Methods to enable range-based for loop
-  std::vector<Atom>::iterator begin();
-  std::vector<Atom>::iterator end();
-  std::vector<Atom>::const_iterator begin() const;
-  std::vector<Atom>::const_iterator end() const;
-  /** Method to dump class content to a file */
-  void dump_to_file(std::ostream &file, size_t prec=12) const;
-  /** Method to dump class content to a file */
-  void dump_to_file(const std::string& filepath, size_t prec=12) const;
-  /** List of chemical elements in this structure. */
-  std::set<Element> get_unique_elements() const;
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
-  private:
-    const static size_t w=15;  // controls output width
-    const static size_t p=6;   // controls output precision
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/structure_db.h b/include/tadah/mlip/structure_db.h
index 0cab4a6..a0bc344 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/structure_db.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/structure_db.h
@@ -1,183 +1,157 @@
-#ifndef STRUCTURE_DB_h
-#define STRUCTURE_DB_h
-#include "tadah/core/utils.h"
-#include <tadah/core/element.h>
-#include <tadah/core/config.h>
-#include <tadah/mlip/structure.h>
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
 #include <string>
-#include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <set>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+#include <omp.h>    // Optional if parallelizing
+#include <tadah/core/config.h>      // tadah::core::Config
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure.h>   // tadah::mlip::Structure
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
- * Container for a collection of Structure(s).
- *
- * Usage example:
- *
- *     # Default constructor creates an empty StructureDB object.
- *     StructureDB stdb;
- *     # Add structures from the file "db.dat"
- *     stdb.add("db.dat");
- *
- * Usage example:
+ * @brief Holds a set of structures loaded from multiple files, using a two-pass approach.
- *     # Load all structure files listed in a Config file
- *     Config config("config");
- *     StructureDB stdb(config);
- *
- * Usage example:
- *
- *     # Print this object summary using streams:
- *     std::cout << stdb;
- *
- *     # Print 3rd Atom data from the 1st Structure
- *     std::cout << stdb(0,2);
- *
- * @see Structure NNFinder
+ * The approach:
+ *   1) Parse how many structures and how many atoms each structure has (pass1).
+ *   2) Allocate SoA arrays for HPC storage (X_,Y_,Z_, etc.).
+ *   3) Re-read each file to fill data for each structure (pass2).
+ * Each file can contain multiple structures separated by blank lines. 
+ * Each structure has a 9-line header plus N atom lines. The HPC arrays store 
+ * positions, forces, and atomic numbers in contiguous format.
-struct StructureDB {
-  std::vector<Structure> structures;
-  /** Create an empty StructureDB object. */
-  StructureDB();
+class StructureDB {
-  /** Create this object and load structures
-     *  listed in the config file
+    /**
+     * @brief Stores pass1 results such as how many structures are in each file,
+     *        how many atoms each structure contains, and which files are included.
-     * \note
-     *      Required Config key: \ref DBFILE
+     * Permits loading a certain subset of structures from large input files by
+     * specifying which ranges are included.
-  StructureDB(Config &config);
+  struct Pass1Info {
+    Pass1Info() = default;
+    Pass1Info(const std::vector<std::string> &files,
+              const std::vector<std::size_t> &nStructuresPerFile,
+              const std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> &atomsPerStructurePerFile)
+    : files(files), nStructuresPerFile(nStructuresPerFile), atomsPerStructurePerFile(atomsPerStructurePerFile)
+    {
+      firstStructureIndexPerFile.resize(files.size(), 0);
+    }
+    Pass1Info(const std::vector<std::string> &files,
+              const std::vector<std::size_t> &nStructuresPerFile,
+              const std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> &atomsPerStructurePerFile,
+              const std::vector<std::size_t> &firstStructureIndexPerFile):
+      files(files), nStructuresPerFile(nStructuresPerFile),
+      atomsPerStructurePerFile(atomsPerStructurePerFile),
+      firstStructureIndexPerFile(firstStructureIndexPerFile) {}
+    std::vector<std::string> files;
+    std::vector<std::size_t> nStructuresPerFile;
+    std::vector<std::size_t> firstStructureIndexPerFile;
+    std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> atomsPerStructurePerFile;
+  };
-  /** Add structures listed in the config file
-     *
-     *	\note
-     *      Required Config key: \ref DBFILE
-     *
+    /**
+     * @brief HEADERSIZE_ references the 9 lines forming a header in each structure file block.
-  void add(Config &config);
-  /** Add all structures from a file */
-  void add(const std::string fn);
+    static constexpr std::size_t HEADERSIZE_ = 9;
-  /** Add N structures from a file begining from first index.
-     *
-     * Indexing starts from zero, i.e.
-     * first=0 corresponds to the first structure in the file.
-     *
-     * In the case of N greater than the number of available 
-     * structures, this method will load only the available ones.
-     *
-     * Return the number of loaded structures.
+    /**
+     * @brief BUFSIZE_ sets a 100MB read buffer to accelerate file I/O for large data.
-  int add(const std::string fn, size_t first, int N);
+    static constexpr std::size_t BUFSIZE_ = (100ULL << 20);
-  /** Add a single Structure object to this container */
-  void add(const Structure &s);
-  /** Add all structure from other Structure object to this container */
-  void add(const StructureDB &stdb);
-  /** remove i-th Structure object from this container */
-  void remove(size_t i);
-  /** \return number of structures held by this object */
-  size_t size() const;
-  /** \return number of structures in the n-th DBFILE
-     *
-     * n={0,...,number of DBFILEs-1}
+    /**
+     * @brief TANTALUM_Z_ used as a dummy atomic number for "Ta" examples.
-  size_t size(size_t n) const;
+    static constexpr int TANTALUM_Z_ = 73;
-  /** \return reference to the s-th structure
-     *
-     * Usage example:
-     *
-     *     # Get reference to the 2nd structure held be this object
-     *     # and bind it to Structure st.
-     *     Structure &st = st(1);
-     */
-  Structure& operator()(size_t s);
-  const Structure& operator()(size_t s) const;
+    std::vector<double> X_, Y_, Z_;
+    std::vector<double> FX_, FY_, FZ_;
+    std::vector<int>    atomicNumber_;
-  /** \return reference to the a-th atom in the s-th structure
-     *
-     * Usage example:
-     *
-     *     # Get reference to the 5th atom in the 3rd structure
-     *     # held by this object and bind it to the atom object.
-     *     Atom &atom = st(2,4);
-     */
-  Atom& operator()(size_t s, size_t a);
+    std::vector<Structure> structures_;
+    std::size_t usedAtoms_ = 0;
-  /** Print this object summary to the stream */
-  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StructureDB& stdb)
-  {
-    os << stdb.summary();
-    return os;
-  }
-  std::string summary() const;
+    std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> structureAtomCountsPerFile_;
+    std::vector<std::size_t> fileStructureOffset_; 
-  /** Store  indices for each dataset.
-     *
-     * e.g. if 3 datasets of sizes 11,13,15
-     * dbidx=={0,11,24,39}
+    /**
+     * @brief Constructs by reading config for DB files, performs two-pass fill (if desired).
-  std::vector<size_t> dbidx;
-  /** Calculate total number of atoms stored by this object. */
-  size_t calc_natoms() const;
+    inline explicit StructureDB(Config &config);
-  /** Calculate total number of atoms in the n-th DBFILE.
-     *
-     * n={0,...,number of DBFILEs-1}
+    /**
+     * @brief Constructs from external pass1 info, then allocates HPC arrays accordingly.
-  size_t calc_natoms(size_t n) const;
+    inline StructureDB(const Pass1Info &pinfo);
-  /** Return unique elements for all Structures. */
-  std::set<Element> get_unique_elements() const;
+    // Returns total number of structures across all files
+    inline std::size_t size() const { return structures_.size(); }
-  /** Find unique elements in provided Config file */
-  static std::set<Element> find_unique_elements(const Config &c);
+    // Returns how many files were processed
+    inline std::size_t nFiles() const { return structureAtomCountsPerFile_.size(); }
-  /** Find unique elements in provided file */
-  static std::set<Element> find_unique_elements(const std::string &fn);
+    // Returns how many structures are found in file f
+    inline std::size_t nStructuresInFile(std::size_t f) const;
-  /** Count number of structures and atoms in all datasets from the Config file. */
-  static std::pair<int,int> count(const Config &c);
+    // Access to structures by overall index or by (file, structureIndexInFile)
+    inline Structure& operator()(std::size_t i);
+    inline const Structure& operator()(std::size_t i) const;
-  /** Count number of structures and atoms in a single dataset. */
-  static std::pair<int,int> count(const std::string fn);
+    inline Structure& operator()(std::size_t f, std::size_t j);
+    inline const Structure& operator()(std::size_t f, std::size_t j) const;
-  void clear_nn();
+    // Summary for debug
+    inline std::string summary() const {
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        oss << "StructureDB: " << size() << " structures total\n";
+        return oss.str();
+    }
-  /** Check consistency of the ATOMS key. */
-  static void check_atoms_key(Config &config, std::set<Element> &unique_elements);
+    /**
+     * @brief Pass1 parses each file quickly to identify how many structures
+     *        and how many lines each structure contains.
+     */
+    inline std::vector<std::size_t> pass1ParseStructures(const std::string &filename) const;
-  /** Check consistency of the WATOMS key. Add if missing*/
-  static void check_watoms_key(Config &config, std::set<Element> &unique_elements);
+    /**
+     * @brief Pass2 re-opens each file, skips the 9-line header, and reads
+     *        the atom lines, storing them in HPC SoA arrays.
+     */
+    inline void pass2FillStructures(std::size_t fIndex, 
+                                    std::size_t offsetS,
+                                    const std::string &ifile);
-  // Methods to enable range-based for loop
-  std::vector<Structure>::iterator begin();
-  std::vector<Structure>::iterator end();
-  std::vector<Structure>::const_iterator begin() const;
-  std::vector<Structure>::const_iterator end() const;
+    inline bool isBlankLine(const std::string& line) const;
-  /** Method to dump class content to a file */
-  void dump_to_file(const std::string& filepath, size_t prec=12) const;
+    /**
+     * @brief Converts a symbol to an atomic number. Returns TANTALUM_Z_ if "Ta," else returns 0.
+     */
+    inline int toAtomicNumber(const std::string &sym) const;
-  // Public method that reads the file, counts blocks and line counts per block,
-  // then prints the results to std::cout.
-  void parseFile(const std::string& filename);
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
-  // Checks if a line is empty or contains only whitespace
-  bool isBlankLine(const std::string& line) const;
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/structure_inl.h b/include/tadah/mlip/structure_inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29e320b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/structure_inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure.h>
+#include <tadah/mlip/atom.h>
+#include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
+#include <tadah/core/vec3d_soa_view.h>
+#include <sstream>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+// Inline definitions of Structure methods that reference Atom or SoA:
+inline Structure::Structure()
+ : db_(nullptr), offset_(0), size_(0), capacity_(0)
+inline Structure::Structure(StructureDB* db, size_t offset, size_t capacity)
+ : db_(db), offset_(offset), size_(0), capacity_(capacity)
+inline Atom Structure::operator()(size_t i) {
+    return Atom(this, i);
+inline const Atom Structure::operator()(size_t i) const {
+    // Const-cast is used so Atom can reference internal data. 
+    // The handle itself does not permit non-const modifications unless 
+    // the structure is also non-const.
+    return Atom(const_cast<Structure*>(this), i);
+inline void Structure::addAtom(int Z, double xVal, double yVal, double zVal,
+                               double fxVal, double fyVal, double fzVal)
+    if (size_ >= capacity_) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("Structure::addAtom: capacity exceeded");
+    }
+    size_t idx = size_;
+    x(idx)  = xVal;
+    y(idx)  = yVal;
+    z(idx)  = zVal;
+    fx(idx) = fxVal;
+    fy(idx) = fyVal;
+    fz(idx) = fzVal;
+    atomicNumber(idx) = Z;
+    size_++;
+// SoA references (non-const)
+inline double& Structure::x(size_t i)  { return db_->X_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline double& Structure::y(size_t i)  { return db_->Y_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline double& Structure::z(size_t i)  { return db_->Z_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline double& Structure::fx(size_t i) { return db_->FX_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline double& Structure::fy(size_t i) { return db_->FY_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline double& Structure::fz(size_t i) { return db_->FZ_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline int&    Structure::atomicNumber(size_t i) { return db_->atomicNumber_[offset_ + i]; }
+// SoA references (const)
+inline const double& Structure::x(size_t i) const  { return db_->X_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline const double& Structure::y(size_t i) const  { return db_->Y_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline const double& Structure::z(size_t i) const  { return db_->Z_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline const double& Structure::fx(size_t i) const { return db_->FX_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline const double& Structure::fy(size_t i) const { return db_->FY_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline const double& Structure::fz(size_t i) const { return db_->FZ_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline const int&    Structure::atomicNumber(size_t i) const { return db_->atomicNumber_[offset_ + i]; }
+inline Vec3dSoAView Structure::positionView(size_t i)
+    return Vec3dSoAView( x(i), y(i), z(i) );
+inline Vec3dSoAView Structure::forceView(size_t i)
+    return Vec3dSoAView( fx(i), fy(i), fz(i) );
+inline int Structure::read(std::ifstream &ifs)
+    if (!ifs.good()) return 1;
+    std::string line;
+    std::getline(ifs, line);
+    if (line.empty())  return 1;
+    label = line; // Reads label from first line
+    // Next line includes energy and T
+    {
+        std::getline(ifs, line);
+        if (line.empty()) return 1;
+        std::stringstream ss(line);
+        ss >> energy >> T;
+    }
+    // Reads cell from next 3 lines
+    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i){
+        for (int j=0; j<3; ++j){
+            ifs >> cell(i,j);
+        }
+    }
+    // Reads stress matrix from next 3 lines
+    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i){
+        for (int j=0; j<3; ++j){
+            ifs >> stress(i,j);
+        }
+    }
+    // flush line
+    std::getline(ifs, line);
+    // Parse atoms
+    while (true) {
+        std::streampos pos = ifs.tellg();
+        if (!std::getline(ifs, line)) break;
+        if (line.empty()) break;
+        std::stringstream tmp(line);
+        int zVal; double xx,yy,zz, fxx,fyy,fzz;
+        tmp >> zVal >> xx >> yy >> zz >> fxx >> fyy >> fzz;
+        if ( {
+            // revert
+            ifs.seekg(pos);
+            break;
+        }
+        addAtom(zVal, xx, yy, zz, fxx, fyy, fzz);
+    }
+    return 0;
+inline void Structure::save(std::ofstream &ofs) const
+    ofs << label << "\n";
+    ofs << energy << " " << T << "\n";
+    // Writes cell
+    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
+        for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
+            ofs << cell(i,j) << " ";
+        }
+        ofs << "\n";
+    }
+    // Writes stress
+    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
+        for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
+            ofs << stress(i,j) << " ";
+        }
+        ofs << "\n";
+    }
+    // Writes atom data
+    for (size_t i=0; i<size_; i++) {
+        ofs << atomicNumber(i) << " "
+            << x(i) << " " << y(i) << " " << z(i) << " "
+            << fx(i) << " " << fy(i) << " " << fz(i) << "\n";
+    }
+    ofs << "\n";
+// Iterator stuff for range-based for
+inline Structure::iterator::reference
+Structure::iterator::operator*() const {
+    return (*structure_)(index_);
+inline Structure::const_iterator::reference
+Structure::const_iterator::operator*() const {
+    return (*structure_)(index_);
+inline double Structure::get_density() const {
+  double V = get_volume();
+  V*=1e-24; // convert to cm^3
+  double amu = 1.66053906660e-24; // grams
+  double mass = 0;
+  for (const auto& a:*this) mass += PeriodicTable::get_mass(a.atomicNumber());
+  return amu*mass/V;
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/include/tadah/mlip/trainer.h b/include/tadah/mlip/trainer.h
index 9bbf598..ef20679 100644
--- a/include/tadah/mlip/trainer.h
+++ b/include/tadah/mlip/trainer.h
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 #include <iostream>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 class Trainer {
     Config config;
@@ -630,5 +632,7 @@ class TrainerWorker: public MPI_Trainer {
diff --git a/src/analytics.cpp b/src/analytics.cpp
index 57d1dca..d37ac24 100644
--- a/src/analytics.cpp
+++ b/src/analytics.cpp
@@ -1,247 +1,345 @@
+#include <tadah/mlip/atom.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/analytics/analytics.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/analytics/statistics.h>
+#include <cmath>    // for std::abs, std::sqrt, std::pow
+#include <stdexcept>
-Analytics::Analytics(const StructureDB &st, const StructureDB &stp):
-    st(st),
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+Analytics::Analytics(const StructureDB &st, const StructureDB &stp)
+  : st(st),
-    if (st.size()!=stp.size())
+    if (st.size() != stp.size()) {
         throw std::runtime_error("Containers differ in size.");
+    }
-t_type Analytics::calc_e_mae() const{
-    t_type emae_vec(st.dbidx.size()-1);
-    double emae=0;
-    size_t dbidx=0;
-    size_t N=0;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<st.size(); ++i) {
-        // assume stp(i).natoms()==st(i).natoms()
-        emae += std::abs(st(i).energy - stp(i).energy)/st(i).natoms();
-        N++;
-        if (i+1==st.dbidx[dbidx+1]) {
-            emae_vec(dbidx)=emae/N;
-            emae=0;
-            N=0;
-            dbidx++;
+ * @brief Compute per-file MAE of energy (in eV/atom).
+ * Uses the new approach that sums over all structures in each file f.
+ */
+t_type Analytics::calc_e_mae() const
+    // We return a t_type with length st.nFiles(), 
+    // each element is the MAE for one file.
+    t_type emae_vec(st.nFiles());
+    for (size_t f = 0; f < st.nFiles(); ++f) 
+    {
+        double emae = 0.0;
+        size_t N = 0; 
+        size_t nStructs = st.nStructuresInFile(f);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            // st(f,i) and stp(f,i) must have the same #atoms 
+            double e1 = st(f,i).energy;
+            double e2 = stp(f,i).energy;
+            size_t na = st(f,i).natoms();
+            if (na == 0) continue; // avoid divide-by-zero
+            emae += std::abs(e1 - e2) / na;
+            N++;
+        // average over the structures in file f
+        if (N > 0) emae /= N; 
+        emae_vec(f) = emae;
     return emae_vec;
-t_type Analytics::calc_f_mae() const{
+ * @brief Compute per-file MAE of forces (in eV/Ã…).
+ */
+t_type Analytics::calc_f_mae() const
+    t_type fmae_vec(st.nFiles());
+    for (size_t f = 0; f < st.nFiles(); ++f)
+    {
+        double fmae = 0.0;
+        size_t N = 0; // total # of force components aggregated
+        size_t nStructs = st.nStructuresInFile(f);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            const auto& s1 = st(f,i);
+            const auto& s2 = stp(f,i);
-    t_type fmae_vec(st.dbidx.size()-1);
-    double fmae=0;
-    size_t dbidx=0;
-    size_t N=0;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<st.size(); ++i) {
-        // assume stp(i).natoms()==st(i).natoms()
+            // sum over each atom’s 3 force components
+            for (size_t a = 0; a < s1.natoms(); ++a) {
+                double fx1 = s1(a).fx();
+                double fy1 = s1(a).fy();
+                double fz1 = s1(a).fz();
+                double fx2 = s2(a).fx();
+                double fy2 = s2(a).fy();
+                double fz2 = s2(a).fz();
-        for (size_t a=0; a<st(i).natoms(); ++a) {
-            for (size_t k=0; k<3; ++k) {
-                fmae += std::abs(st(i).atoms[a].force(k) - stp(i).atoms[a].force(k));
-                N++;
+                fmae += std::abs(fx1 - fx2);
+                fmae += std::abs(fy1 - fy2);
+                fmae += std::abs(fz1 - fz2);
+                N += 3;
-        if (i+1==st.dbidx[dbidx+1]) {
-            fmae_vec(dbidx)=fmae/N;
-            fmae=0;
-            N=0;
-            dbidx++;
-        }
+        if (N > 0) fmae /= N;
+        fmae_vec(f) = fmae;
     return fmae_vec;
-t_type Analytics::calc_s_mae() const {
+ * @brief Compute per-file MAE of stress (in eV/ų or whichever units).
+ *        We only collect the symmetric components (x,y) for x <= y.
+ */
+t_type Analytics::calc_s_mae() const
+    t_type smae_vec(st.nFiles());
+    for (size_t f = 0; f < st.nFiles(); ++f)
+    {
+        double smae = 0.0;
+        size_t N = 0; // number of stress components collected
-    t_type smae_vec(st.dbidx.size()-1);
-    double smae=0;
-    size_t dbidx=0;
-    size_t N=0;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<st.size(); ++i) {
-        for (size_t x=0; x<3; ++x) {
-            for (size_t y=x; y<3; ++y) {
-                smae += std::abs(st(i).stress(x,y) - stp(i).stress(x,y));
-                N++;
+        size_t nStructs = st.nStructuresInFile(f);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            const auto& s1 = st(f,i);
+            const auto& s2 = stp(f,i);
+            for (size_t x = 0; x < 3; ++x) {
+                for (size_t y = x; y < 3; ++y) {
+                    double val1 = s1.stress(x,y);
+                    double val2 = s2.stress(x,y);
+                    smae += std::abs(val1 - val2);
+                    N++;
+                }
-        if (i+1==st.dbidx[dbidx+1]) {
-            smae_vec(dbidx)=smae/N;
-            smae=0;
-            N=0;
-            dbidx++;
-        }
+        if (N > 0) smae /= N;
+        smae_vec(f) = smae;
     return smae_vec;
-t_type Analytics::calc_e_rrmse() const {
-  t_type errmse_vec(st.dbidx.size()-1);
-  double errmse=0;
-  size_t dbidx=0;
-  size_t N=0;
-  for (size_t i=0; i<st.size(); ++i) {
-    if (st(i).energy != 0.0) {
-      errmse += std::pow((st(i).energy - stp(i).energy)/st(i).energy,2);
-      N++;
-    }
-    if (i+1==st.dbidx[dbidx+1]) {
-      errmse_vec(dbidx)=std::sqrt(errmse/N);
-      errmse=0;
-      N=0;
-      dbidx++;
+ * @brief Compute per-file relative RMSE of energy: 
+ *        sqrt( 1/N * ∑ [ (E1 - E2)/E1 ]² ).
+ */
+t_type Analytics::calc_e_rrmse() const
+    t_type errmse_vec(st.nFiles());
+    for (size_t f = 0; f < st.nFiles(); ++f)
+    {
+        double sumSq = 0.0;  // sum of squares
+        size_t N = 0; 
+        size_t nStructs = st.nStructuresInFile(f);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            double Eref = st(f,i).energy;
+            double Epred = stp(f,i).energy;
+            // skip if Eref == 0 to avoid dividing by zero
+            if (std::abs(Eref) > 1e-14) {
+                double diffRel = (Eref - Epred)/Eref;
+                sumSq += diffRel * diffRel;
+                N++;
+            }
+        }
+        double val = (N > 0) ? std::sqrt(sumSq / N) : 0.0;
+        errmse_vec(f) = val;
-  }
-  return errmse_vec;
+    return errmse_vec;
-t_type Analytics::calc_e_rmse() const{
-    t_type ermse_vec(st.dbidx.size()-1);
-    double ermse=0;
-    size_t dbidx=0;
-    size_t N=0;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<st.size(); ++i) {
-        // assume stp(i).natoms()==st(i).natoms()
-        ermse += std::pow((st(i).energy - stp(i).energy)/st(i).natoms(),2);
-        N++;
-        if (i+1==st.dbidx[dbidx+1]) {
-            ermse_vec(dbidx)=std::sqrt(ermse/N);
-            ermse=0;
-            N=0;
-            dbidx++;
+ * @brief Compute per-file RMSE of energy (in eV/atom).
+ */
+t_type Analytics::calc_e_rmse() const
+    t_type ermse_vec(st.nFiles());
+    for (size_t f = 0; f < st.nFiles(); ++f)
+    {
+        double sumSq = 0.0;
+        size_t N = 0;
+        size_t nStructs = st.nStructuresInFile(f);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            double Eref = st(f,i).energy;
+            double Epred = stp(f,i).energy;
+            size_t na = st(f,i).natoms();
+            if (na == 0) continue;
+            double diff = (Eref - Epred) / na;
+            sumSq += diff * diff;
+            N++;
+        double val = (N > 0) ? std::sqrt(sumSq / N) : 0.0;
+        ermse_vec(f) = val;
     return ermse_vec;
-t_type Analytics::calc_f_rmse() const{
+ * @brief Compute per-file RMSE of forces (in eV/Ã…).
+ */
+t_type Analytics::calc_f_rmse() const
+    t_type frmse_vec(st.nFiles());
+    for (size_t f = 0; f < st.nFiles(); ++f)
+    {
+        double sumSq = 0.0;
+        size_t N = 0;
-    t_type frmse_vec(st.dbidx.size()-1);
-    double frmse=0;
-    size_t dbidx=0;
-    size_t N=0;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<st.size(); ++i) {
-        // assume stp(i).natoms()==st(i).natoms()
+        size_t nStructs = st.nStructuresInFile(f);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            const auto & s1 = st(f,i);
+            const auto & s2 = stp(f,i);
-        for (size_t a=0; a<st(i).natoms(); ++a) {
-            for (size_t k=0; k<3; ++k) {
-                frmse += std::pow(st(i).atoms[a].force(k) - stp(i).atoms[a].force(k),2);
-                N++;
-            }
-        }
+            for (size_t a = 0; a < s1.natoms(); ++a) {
+                double fx1 = s1(a).fx(), fx2 = s2(a).fx();
+                double fy1 = s1(a).fy(), fy2 = s2(a).fy();
+                double fz1 = s1(a).fz(), fz2 = s2(a).fz();
-        if (i+1==st.dbidx[dbidx+1]) {
-            frmse_vec(dbidx)=sqrt(frmse/N);
-            frmse=0;
-            N=0;
-            dbidx++;
+                sumSq += (fx1 - fx2)*(fx1 - fx2);
+                sumSq += (fy1 - fy2)*(fy1 - fy2);
+                sumSq += (fz1 - fz2)*(fz1 - fz2);
+                N += 3;
+            }
+        if (N > 0) sumSq /= N;
+        frmse_vec(f) = (N > 0) ? std::sqrt(sumSq) : 0.0;
     return frmse_vec;
-t_type Analytics::calc_s_rmse() const {
+ * @brief Compute per-file RMSE of stress (in eV/Ã…^3).
+ */
+t_type Analytics::calc_s_rmse() const
+    t_type srmse_vec(st.nFiles());
+    for (size_t f = 0; f < st.nFiles(); ++f)
+    {
+        double sumSq = 0.0;
+        size_t N = 0;
-    t_type srmse_vec(st.dbidx.size()-1);
-    double srmse=0;
-    size_t dbidx=0;
-    size_t N=0;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<st.size(); ++i) {
-        for (size_t x=0; x<3; ++x) {
-            for (size_t y=x; y<3; ++y) {
-                srmse += std::pow(st(i).stress(x,y) - stp(i).stress(x,y),2);
-                N++;
+        size_t nStructs = st.nStructuresInFile(f);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            const auto & s1 = st(f,i);
+            const auto & s2 = stp(f,i);
+            for (size_t x = 0; x < 3; ++x) {
+                for (size_t y = x; y < 3; ++y) {
+                    double val1 = s1.stress(x,y);
+                    double val2 = s2.stress(x,y);
+                    double diff = val1 - val2;
+                    sumSq += diff * diff;
+                    N++;
+                }
-        if (i+1==st.dbidx[dbidx+1]) {
-            srmse_vec(dbidx)=std::sqrt(srmse/N);
-            srmse=0;
-            N=0;
-            dbidx++;
-        }
+        if (N > 0) sumSq /= N;
+        srmse_vec(f) = (N > 0) ? std::sqrt(sumSq) : 0.0;
     return srmse_vec;
-t_type Analytics::calc_e_r_sq() const {
-    t_type e_r_sq_vec(st.dbidx.size()-1);
-    size_t dbidx=0;
-    t_type obs(st.size(dbidx));
-    t_type pred(st.size(dbidx));
-    size_t idx=0;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<st.size(); ++i) {
-        obs(idx) = st(i).energy/st(i).natoms();
-        pred(idx) = stp(i).energy/st(i).natoms();
-        idx++;
-        if (i+1==st.dbidx[dbidx+1]) {
-            e_r_sq_vec(dbidx) = Statistics::r_sq(obs,pred);
-            dbidx++;
-            if (dbidx<st.dbidx.size()-2) {
-                obs.resize(st.size(dbidx));
-                pred.resize(st.size(dbidx));
-            }
-            idx=0;
+ * @brief Compute per-file R² of energy (comparing E/atom in each structure).
+ */
+t_type Analytics::calc_e_r_sq() const
+    t_type e_r_sq_vec(st.nFiles());
+    for (size_t f = 0; f < st.nFiles(); ++f)
+    {
+        size_t nStructs = st.nStructuresInFile(f);
+        // Build vectors of observed and predicted (E/atom)
+        t_type obs(nStructs), pred(nStructs);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            double Eref = st(f,i).energy;
+            double Epred= stp(f,i).energy;
+            size_t na = st(f,i).natoms();
+            double denom = (na == 0 ? 1.0 : double(na));
+            obs(i)  = Eref / denom;
+            pred(i) = Epred / denom;
+        e_r_sq_vec(f) = Statistics::r_sq(obs, pred);
     return e_r_sq_vec;
-t_type Analytics::calc_f_r_sq() const {
-    t_type f_r_sq_vec(st.dbidx.size()-1);
-    size_t dbidx=0;
-    t_type obs(3*st.calc_natoms(dbidx));
-    t_type pred(3*st.calc_natoms(dbidx));
-    size_t idx=0;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<st.size(); ++i) {
-        for (size_t a=0; a<st(i).natoms(); ++a) {
-            for (size_t k=0; k<3; ++k) {
-                obs(idx) = st(i).atoms[a].force(k);
-                pred(idx) = stp(i).atoms[a].force(k);
-                idx++;
-            }
+ * @brief Compute per-file R² of forces (flattening all atoms’ fx,fy,fz).
+ */
+t_type Analytics::calc_f_r_sq() const
+    t_type f_r_sq_vec(st.nFiles());
+    for (size_t f = 0; f < st.nFiles(); ++f)
+    {
+        // First, compute total # of force components (3 * all atoms in file f)
+        size_t totalAtoms = 0;
+        size_t nStructs   = st.nStructuresInFile(f);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            totalAtoms += st(f,i).natoms();
-        if (i+1==st.dbidx[dbidx+1]) {
-            f_r_sq_vec(dbidx) = Statistics::r_sq(obs,pred);
-            dbidx++;
-            if (dbidx<st.dbidx.size()-2) {
-                obs.resize(3*st.calc_natoms(dbidx));
-                pred.resize(3*st.calc_natoms(dbidx));
+        size_t nForceComps = 3 * totalAtoms;
+        t_type obs(nForceComps), pred(nForceComps);
+        size_t idx = 0;
+        // Fill obs/pred with fx, fy, fz
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            const auto & s1 = st(f,i);
+            const auto & s2 = stp(f,i);
+            for (size_t a = 0; a < s1.natoms(); ++a) {
+                obs(idx)   = s1(a).fx();
+                pred(idx)  = s2(a).fx();
+                idx++;
+                obs(idx)   = s1(a).fy();
+                pred(idx)  = s2(a).fy();
+                idx++;
+                obs(idx)   = s1(a).fz();
+                pred(idx)  = s2(a).fz();
+                idx++;
-            idx=0;
+        f_r_sq_vec(f) = Statistics::r_sq(obs, pred);
     return f_r_sq_vec;
-t_type Analytics::calc_s_r_sq() const {
-    t_type s_r_sq_vec(st.dbidx.size()-1);
-    size_t dbidx=0;
-    t_type obs(6*st.size(dbidx));
-    t_type pred(6*st.size(dbidx));
-    size_t idx=0;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<st.size(); ++i) {
-        for (size_t x=0; x<3; ++x) {
-            for (size_t y=x; y<3; ++y) {
-                obs(idx) = st(i).stress(x,y);
-                pred(idx) = stp(i).stress(x,y);
-                idx++;
-            }
-        }
+ * @brief Compute per-file R² of stress (collecting the 6 independent components).
+ */
+t_type Analytics::calc_s_r_sq() const
+    t_type s_r_sq_vec(st.nFiles());
+    for (size_t f = 0; f < st.nFiles(); ++f)
+    {
+        size_t nStructs = st.nStructuresInFile(f);
+        // Each structure => 6 unique stress components (sxx, syy, szz, sxy, sxz, syz)
+        t_type obs(6 * nStructs), pred(6 * nStructs);
-        if (i+1==st.dbidx[dbidx+1]) {
-            s_r_sq_vec(dbidx) = Statistics::r_sq(obs,pred);
-            dbidx++;
-            if (dbidx<st.dbidx.size()-2) {
-                obs.resize(6*st.size(dbidx));
-                pred.resize(6*st.size(dbidx));
+        size_t idx = 0;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < nStructs; ++i) {
+            const auto & s1 = st(f,i);
+            const auto & s2 = stp(f,i);
+            // Fill in (x,y) for x<=y
+            for (size_t x = 0; x < 3; ++x) {
+                for (size_t y = x; y < 3; ++y) {
+                    obs(idx)  = s1.stress(x,y);
+                    pred(idx) = s2.stress(x,y);
+                    idx++;
+                }
-            idx=0;
+        s_r_sq_vec(f) = Statistics::r_sq(obs, pred);
     return s_r_sq_vec;
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/src/atom.cpp b/src/atom.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 164a6c4..0000000
--- a/src/atom.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#include <tadah/mlip/atom.h>
-#include <tadah/core/periodic_table.h>
-#include <iomanip>
-Atom::Atom() {}
-Atom::Atom(const Element &element,
-           const double px, const double py, const double pz,
-           const double fx, const double fy, const double fz):
-  Element(element),
-  position(px,py,pz),
-  force(fx,fy,fz)
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Atom& atom)
-  os     << (Element&)atom;
-  os     << "Coordinates:  " << std::left << atom.position << std::endl;
-  os     << "Force:        " << std::left << atom.force << std::endl;
-  return os;
-bool Atom::operator==(const Atom &a) const {
-  double EPSILON = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
-  return 
-  position.isApprox(a.position, EPSILON)
-  && force.isApprox(a.force, EPSILON)
-  && Element::operator==(a)
-  ;
-bool Atom::is_the_same(const Atom &a, double thr) const {
-  return 
-  position.isApprox(a.position, thr)
-  && Element::operator==(a)
-  ;
diff --git a/src/castep_castep_reader.cpp b/src/castep_castep_reader.cpp
index f6c38a5..9f3a787 100644
--- a/src/castep_castep_reader.cpp
+++ b/src/castep_castep_reader.cpp
@@ -6,10 +6,17 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_castep_reader.h>
-CastepCastepReader::CastepCastepReader(StructureDB& db) : DatasetReader(db) {}
-CastepCastepReader::CastepCastepReader(StructureDB& db, const std::string& filename) 
-: DatasetReader(db, filename) {
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
+CastepCastepReader::CastepCastepReader() : DatasetReader() {}
+CastepCastepReader::CastepCastepReader(StructureDB* db,
+                                       const std::string& filename,
+                                       std::size_t fileIndex,
+                                       std::size_t nStructsInFile):
+  DatasetReader(db, filename, fileIndex, nStructsInFile) {
@@ -27,6 +34,7 @@ void CastepCastepReader::read_data(const std::string& filename) {
+// parse_data: fill HPC DB subranges [fileIndex_, 0..nStructsInFile_-1]
 void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
   std::istringstream stream(raw_data_);
   std::string line;
@@ -40,7 +48,8 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
   bool restart = false;
   int scf_idx = 0;
-  Structure s;
+  std::size_t structIdxInFile = 0;
+  Structure *s = &(*stdb)(fileIndex_, structIdxInFile);
   std::string label;
   size_t counter=0;
@@ -74,7 +83,8 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
-      s = Structure();
+      //s = Structure();
+      s = &(*stdb)(fileIndex_, ++structIdxInFile);
       for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
         if (!std::getline(stream, line)) {
           std::cerr << "Warning, file" << filename << " line: " << counter << std::endl;
@@ -83,7 +93,7 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
         std::istringstream iss(line);
-        if (!(iss >> s.cell(0,i) >> s.cell(1,i) >> s.cell(2,i))) {
+        if (!(iss >> s->cell(0,i) >> s->cell(1,i) >> s->cell(2,i))) {
           std::cerr << "Warning, file" << filename << " line: " << counter << std::endl;
           std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading lattice vectors at row " << i << std::endl;
@@ -92,7 +102,7 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
       if (constant_volume) label.clear();
       constant_volume = false;
-      if (debug) std::cout << s.cell << std::endl;
+      if (debug) std::cout << s->cell << std::endl;
     else if (line.find("Total number of ions in cell") != std::string::npos) {
@@ -138,12 +148,14 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
       if (debug) std::cout << "Cell Contents" << std::endl;
       if (restart) {
         if (debug) std::cout << "Cell Contents restart" << std::endl;
-        s.atoms.clear();
+        // s->atoms.clear();
       } else {
         if (debug) std::cout << "Cell Contents no restart" << std::endl;
         if (debug) std::cout << line << std::endl;
-        s = Structure();
-        s.cell = stdb.structures.back().cell;   // copy last cell as it is not repeated in castep for const. volume
+        //s = Structure();
+        s = &(*stdb)(fileIndex_, ++structIdxInFile);
+        //s->cell = stdb.structures.back().cell;   // copy last cell as it is not repeated in castep for const. volume
+        s->cell = (*stdb)(fileIndex_, structIdxInFile-1).cell;   // copy last cell as it is not repeated in castep for const. volume
@@ -151,7 +163,7 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
       if (debug) std::cout << "Fractional coordinates of atoms" << std::endl;
       // Ideally st.natoms() should be zero by now. However for constant volum GO this is not the case.
       // Therfore we need to clear the atoms vector but we keep the st.cell as it is.
-      s.atoms.clear();
+      // s->atoms.clear();
       if (!std::getline(stream, line) || !std::getline(stream, line)) {
         std::cerr << "Warning, file" << filename << " line: " << counter << std::endl;
         std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading atom information" << std::endl;
@@ -174,15 +186,21 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
           std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading atomic coordiantes at row " << i << std::endl;
-        s.add_atom(Atom(Element(type),px,py,pz,0,0,0));
-        s.atoms[i].position = s.cell * s.atoms[i].position;  // convert to abs
+        int Z = Element::toAtomicNumber(type);
+        s->addAtom(Z,px,py,pz,0,0,0);
+        // s->atoms[i].position = s->cell * s->atoms[i].position;  // convert to abs
+        auto posView = s->positionView(i);
+        transformBy(posView, s->cell);
+        //Vec3d temp = s->cell * s->atoms[i].position;  // convert to abs
+        //s->x(i) = temp(0); s->y(i) = temp(1); s->z(i) = temp(2);
-      if (debug) std::cout << "natoms: " << s.natoms() << std::endl;
+      if (debug) std::cout << "natoms: " << s->natoms() << std::endl;
     else if (line.find("Cartesian components (eV/A)") != std::string::npos) {
       if (debug) std::cout << "Cartesian components (eV/A)" << std::endl;
-      if (s.natoms()!=natoms) continue;
+      if (s->natoms()!=natoms) continue;
       if (!std::getline(stream, line) || !std::getline(stream, line) || !std::getline(stream, line)) {
         std::cerr << "Warning, file" << filename << " line: " << counter << std::endl;
         std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading atom forces" << std::endl;
@@ -204,7 +222,8 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
           std::cerr << "Warning, file" << filename << " line: " << counter << std::endl;
           std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading atom forces: " << line << std::endl;
         } else {
-          s.atoms[i].force = Vec3d(fx,fy,fz);
+          // s->atoms[i].force = Vec3d(fx,fy,fz);
+          s->fx(i) = fx; s->fy(i) = fy; s->fz(i) = fz;
@@ -227,7 +246,7 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
         std::istringstream iss(line);
         std::string tmp;
-        if (!(iss >> tmp >> tmp >> s.stress(i,0) >> s.stress(i,1) >> s.stress(i,2))) {
+        if (!(iss >> tmp >> tmp >> s->stress(i,0) >> s->stress(i,1) >> s->stress(i,2))) {
           std::cerr << "Warning, file" << filename << " line: " << counter << std::endl;
           std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading atom forces: " << line << std::endl;
@@ -242,13 +261,13 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
       if (debug) std::cout << "Final free energy (E-TS)" << std::endl;
       std::istringstream iss(line);
       std::string tmp;
-      if (!(iss >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp >> {
+      if (!(iss >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp >> s->energy)) {
         std::cerr << "Warning, file" << filename << " line: " << counter << std::endl;
         std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading total energy" << std::endl;
       // scf only loop
       if (!md_run && !go_run) {
-        s.label = "SCF run: " + std::to_string(scf_idx++);
+        s->label = "SCF run: " + std::to_string(scf_idx++);
         complete_structure = true;
@@ -261,7 +280,7 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
       iss >> step >> step >> step >> step;  // safe as found enthalpy=
       std::ostringstream oss;
       oss << std::boolalpha << constant_volume;
-      s.label = "CASTEP GO, const. volume: " + oss.str() + ", step: " + step;
+      s->label = "CASTEP GO, const. volume: " + oss.str() + ", step: " + step;
       complete_structure = true;
@@ -269,7 +288,7 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
       if (debug) std::cout << "Potential Energy:" << std::endl;
       std::istringstream iss(line);
       std::string tmp;
-      if (!(iss >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp >> {
+      if (!(iss >> tmp >> tmp >> tmp >> s->energy)) {
         std::cerr << "Warning, file" << filename << " line: " << counter << std::endl;
         std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading total energy" << std::endl;
@@ -279,28 +298,27 @@ void CastepCastepReader::parse_data() {
       // MD: end of iteration
       std::istringstream iss(line);
       std::string tmp;
-      if (!(iss >> tmp >> tmp >> s.T)) {
+      if (!(iss >> tmp >> tmp >> s->T)) {
         std::cerr << "Warning, file" << filename << " line: " << counter << std::endl;
         std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading temperature" << std::endl;
       if (!label.size())label = "CASTEP MD, const. volume: false, step: 0"; // the last option
-      s.label = label;
+      s->label = label;
       complete_structure = true;
     if (complete_structure) {
       if (!stress_tensor_bool) {
-        s.stress.set_zero();
+        s->stress.set_zero();
       else  {
-        s.stress *= p_conv; // GPa -> eV/A^3
+        s->stress *= p_conv; // GPa -> eV/A^3
-      stdb.add(s);
+      //stdb.add(s);
       complete_structure = false;
 void CastepCastepReader::print_summary() const {
@@ -308,5 +326,52 @@ void CastepCastepReader::print_summary() const {
 std::string CastepCastepReader::get_summary() const {
-  return stdb.summary();
+  return stdb->summary();
+void CastepCastepReader::pass1Count(const std::string &filename,
+                                    std::size_t &nStructures,
+                                    std::vector<std::size_t> &atomsPerStructure)
+    std::ifstream fin(filename);
+    if (!fin.is_open()) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("pass1Count: Could not open file " + filename);
+    }
+    nStructures = 0;
+    atomsPerStructure.clear();
+    std::string line;
+    // We'll track the last known "Total number of ions in cell".
+    // Each time we see "Fractional coordinates of atoms", we assume
+    // that indicates a *new* Structure with lastNatoms atoms.
+    std::size_t lastNatoms = 0;
+    while (std::getline(fin, line))
+    {
+        // Example: parse "Total number of ions in cell" to get natoms
+        if (line.find("Total number of ions in cell") != std::string::npos)
+        {
+            // Very simplistic parse: the 8th token is the # of atoms.
+            std::istringstream iss(line);
+            std::string tmp;
+            int count = 0;
+            while (iss >> tmp) {
+                if (++count == 7) {
+                    iss >> lastNatoms; 
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Example: each time we see "Fractional coordinates of atoms",
+        // we treat that as the start of a new structure.
+        else if (line.find("Fractional coordinates of atoms") != std::string::npos)
+        {
+            nStructures++;
+            atomsPerStructure.push_back(lastNatoms);
+        }
+    }
+    fin.close();
diff --git a/src/castep_cell_writer.cpp b/src/castep_cell_writer.cpp
index 144da27..3025523 100644
--- a/src/castep_cell_writer.cpp
+++ b/src/castep_cell_writer.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
+#include <tadah/core/element.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/structure.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/castep_cell_writer.h>
-CastepCellWriter::CastepCellWriter(StructureDB& db) : DatasetWriter(db) {}
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
-void CastepCellWriter::write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) {
+CastepCellWriter::CastepCellWriter() : DatasetWriter() {}
-  if (i >= stdb.size()) {
-    throw std::out_of_range("Index i is out of range.");
+void CastepCellWriter::write_data(const StructureDB &stdb, const std::string& filename, size_t structIndex) {
+  if (structIndex >= stdb.size()) {
+    throw std::out_of_range("Index structIndex is out of range.");
   std::ofstream file(filename);
@@ -15,7 +19,7 @@ void CastepCellWriter::write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) {
     throw std::runtime_error("Could not open the file: " + filename);
-  const Structure &st = stdb(i);
+  const Structure &st = stdb(structIndex);
   // write label
   file << "# " << st.label << std::endl;
@@ -38,16 +42,19 @@ void CastepCellWriter::write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) {
   file << "%BLOCK POSITIONS_ABS" << std::endl;
   for (const auto &atom : st) {
+    std::string symbol = Element::toSymbol(atom.atomicNumber());
     file << std::right << std::fixed << std::setw(w)
-      << atom.symbol;
+      << symbol;
     file << std::right << std::fixed << std::setw(w)
-      << std::setprecision(p) << atom.position(0);
+      << std::setprecision(p) << atom.x();
     file << std::right << std::fixed << std::setw(w)
-      << std::setprecision(p) << atom.position(1);
+      << std::setprecision(p) << atom.y();
     file << std::right << std::fixed << std::setw(w)
-      << std::setprecision(p) << atom.position(2);
+      << std::setprecision(p) << atom.z();
     file << std::endl;
   file << "%ENDBLOCK POSITIONS_ABS	" << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/castep_geom_reader.cpp b/src/castep_geom_reader.cpp
index 9cd0894..da0c8b2 100644
--- a/src/castep_geom_reader.cpp
+++ b/src/castep_geom_reader.cpp
@@ -2,19 +2,28 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_geom_reader.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_md_reader.h>
-CastepGeomReader::CastepGeomReader(StructureDB& db)
-: CastepMDReader(db) {}
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
-CastepGeomReader::CastepGeomReader(StructureDB& db, const std::string& filename)
-: CastepMDReader(db, filename) {}
+: CastepMDReader() {}
+CastepGeomReader::CastepGeomReader(StructureDB* db,
+                                     const std::string& filename,
+                                     std::size_t fileIndex,
+                                     std::size_t nStructsInFile):
+  CastepMDReader(db, filename, fileIndex, nStructsInFile) {
 double CastepGeomReader::calc_P_ideal(Structure &, double ) {
   return 0; // dummy as geom stress tensor os virial
 std::string CastepGeomReader::get_first_label(std::string &step) {
-  return "Filename: "+filename_+ " | Units: (eV, Angstrom) | Step: " + step;
+  return "Filename: "+filename+ " | Units: (eV, Angstrom) | Step: " + step;
 std::string CastepGeomReader::get_label(std::string &step) {
   return "Step: " + step;
diff --git a/src/castep_md_reader.cpp b/src/castep_md_reader.cpp
index d75b260..92561b2 100644
--- a/src/castep_md_reader.cpp
+++ b/src/castep_md_reader.cpp
@@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
 #include <tadah/core/utils.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/castep_md_reader.h>
-CastepMDReader::CastepMDReader(StructureDB& db)
-: DatasetReader(db) {}
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
-CastepMDReader::CastepMDReader(StructureDB& db, const std::string& filename)
-: DatasetReader(db, filename) {
+: DatasetReader() {}
+CastepMDReader::CastepMDReader(StructureDB* db,
+                                       const std::string& filename,
+                                       std::size_t fileIndex,
+                                       std::size_t nStructsInFile):
+  DatasetReader(db, filename, fileIndex, nStructsInFile) {
 void CastepMDReader::read_data(const std::string& filename) {
-  filename_ = filename;
   std::ifstream file(filename);
   if (!file.is_open()) {
     throw std::runtime_error("Could not open the file: " + filename);
@@ -33,31 +38,32 @@ double CastepMDReader::calc_P_ideal(Structure &s, double T) {
   int N = s.natoms();
   return N*k_b*T/V;
-void CastepMDReader::postproc_structure(Structure &s) {
+void CastepMDReader::postproc_structure(Structure *s, size_t &structIdxInFile) {
   if (!stress_tensor_bool) {
-    s.stress.set_zero();
+    s->stress.set_zero();
   } else {
     // stress in .md file contains kinetic contributions
     // so we remove it to obtain pure virial stress tensor
     // P = N k_b T / V
-    s.stress -= calc_P_ideal(s,T);
+    s->stress -= calc_P_ideal(*s,T);
   // finish conversion
-  s.cell *= d_conv;
-  s.stress *= s_conv;
-  s.T = T/k_b;
+  s->cell *= d_conv;
+  s->stress *= s_conv;
+  s->T = T/k_b;
   // add to database
-  stdb.add(s);
+  // stdb.add(s);
   // reset
   stress_tensor_bool = false;
-  s = Structure();
+  s = &(*stdb)(fileIndex_, ++structIdxInFile);
+  // s = Structure();
 std::string CastepMDReader::get_first_label(std::string &time) {
-  return "Filename: "+filename_+ " | Units: (eV, Angstrom) | Time: "
+  return "Filename: "+filename+ " | Units: (eV, Angstrom) | Time: "
   + std::to_string(std::stod(time)*t_conv) + " ps";
 std::string CastepMDReader::get_label(std::string &time) {
@@ -77,7 +83,9 @@ void CastepMDReader::parse_data() {
   std::istringstream stream(raw_data_);
   std::string line;
-  Structure s;
+  // Structure s;
+  std::size_t structIdxInFile = 0;
+  Structure *s = &(*stdb)(fileIndex_, structIdxInFile);
   size_t cell_idx=0;
   size_t stress_idx=0;
   size_t force_idx=0;
@@ -88,8 +96,8 @@ void CastepMDReader::parse_data() {
   while (std::getline(stream, line)) {
     std::istringstream iss(line);
     if (ends_with(line,"<-- E")) {
-      iss >>;
- *= e_conv;
+      iss >> s->energy;
+      s->energy *= e_conv;
     iss >> time;
@@ -120,8 +128,8 @@ void CastepMDReader::parse_data() {
       std::istringstream iss(line);
-      iss >>;
- *= e_conv;
+      iss >> s->energy;
+      s->energy *= e_conv;
     else if (ends_with(line,"<-- h")) {
@@ -131,7 +139,7 @@ void CastepMDReader::parse_data() {
       std::istringstream iss(line);
-      if (!(iss >> s.cell(0,cell_idx) >> s.cell(1,cell_idx) >> s.cell(2,cell_idx)))
+      if (!(iss >> s->cell(0,cell_idx) >> s->cell(1,cell_idx) >> s->cell(2,cell_idx)))
         std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading lattice vectors at row " << cell_idx << std::endl;
@@ -144,7 +152,7 @@ void CastepMDReader::parse_data() {
       std::istringstream iss(line);
-      if (!(iss >> s.stress(0,stress_idx) >> s.stress(1,stress_idx) >> s.stress(2,stress_idx)))
+      if (!(iss >> s->stress(0,stress_idx) >> s->stress(1,stress_idx) >> s->stress(2,stress_idx)))
         std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading stress tensor at row " << stress_idx << std::endl;
       stress_tensor_bool = true;
@@ -162,11 +170,13 @@ void CastepMDReader::parse_data() {
       std::istringstream iss(line);
       if (!(iss >> element >> temp >> px >> py >> pz)) 
         std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading atomic positions:\n" << line << std::endl;
-      s.add_atom(Atom(Element(element),px*d_conv,py*d_conv,pz*d_conv,0,0,0));
+      // s->add_atom(Atom(Element(element),px*d_conv,py*d_conv,pz*d_conv,0,0,0));
+      int Z = Element::toAtomicNumber(element);
+      s->addAtom(Z,px*d_conv,py*d_conv,pz*d_conv,0,0,0);
     else if (ends_with(line,"<-- F")) {
-      if (/* !T_flag || */ !E_flag || H_flag!=3 || !R_flag || force_idx==s.natoms() || complete_structure) {
+      if (/* !T_flag || */ !E_flag || H_flag!=3 || !R_flag || force_idx==s->natoms() || complete_structure) {
@@ -176,16 +186,19 @@ void CastepMDReader::parse_data() {
       std::istringstream iss(line);
       if (!(iss >> element >> temp >> fx >> fy >> fz)) 
         std::cerr << "Warning: Unexpected end of data when reading atomic forces:\n" << line << std::endl;
-      s.atoms[force_idx].force[0]=fx*f_conv;
-      s.atoms[force_idx].force[1]=fy*f_conv;
-      s.atoms[force_idx].force[2]=fz*f_conv;
+      // s->atoms[force_idx].force[0]=fx*f_conv;
+      // s->atoms[force_idx].force[1]=fy*f_conv;
+      // s->atoms[force_idx].force[2]=fz*f_conv;
+      s->fx(force_idx) = fx*f_conv;
+      s->fy(force_idx) = fy*f_conv;
+      s->fz(force_idx) = fz*f_conv;
-      if (force_idx==s.natoms()) complete_structure=true;
+      if (force_idx==s->natoms()) complete_structure=true;
     else if (is_blank_line(line)) {
       if (!error && complete_structure)
-        postproc_structure(s);
+        postproc_structure(s, structIdxInFile);
@@ -201,7 +214,7 @@ void CastepMDReader::parse_data() {
         std::string time;
         std::istringstream iss(line);
         iss >> time;
-        s.label = !stdb.size() ? get_first_label(time) : get_label(time);
+        s->label = !stdb->size() ? get_first_label(time) : get_label(time);
@@ -212,8 +225,8 @@ void CastepMDReader::parse_data() {
   // in case there is no blank line at the end we have to add last strcuture here
-  if (s.natoms() && !error && complete_structure) {
-    postproc_structure(s);
+  if (s->natoms() && !error && complete_structure) {
+    postproc_structure(s, structIdxInFile);
@@ -222,5 +235,51 @@ void CastepMDReader::print_summary() const {
 std::string CastepMDReader::get_summary() const {
-  return stdb.summary();
+  return stdb->summary();
+void CastepMDReader::pass1Count(const std::string &filename,
+                                    std::size_t &nStructures,
+                                    std::vector<std::size_t> &atomsPerStructure)
+    std::ifstream fin(filename);
+    if (!fin.is_open()) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("pass1Count: Could not open file " + filename);
+    }
+    nStructures = 0;
+    atomsPerStructure.clear();
+    std::string line;
+    // We'll track the last known "Total number of ions in cell".
+    // Each time we see "Fractional coordinates of atoms", we assume
+    // that indicates a *new* Structure with lastNatoms atoms.
+    std::size_t lastNatoms = 0;
+    while (std::getline(fin, line))
+    {
+        // Example: parse "Total number of ions in cell" to get natoms
+        if (line.find("Total number of ions in cell") != std::string::npos)
+        {
+            // Very simplistic parse: the 8th token is the # of atoms.
+            std::istringstream iss(line);
+            std::string tmp;
+            int count = 0;
+            while (iss >> tmp) {
+                if (++count == 7) {
+                    iss >> lastNatoms; 
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Example: each time we see "Fractional coordinates of atoms",
+        // we treat that as the start of a new structure.
+        else if (line.find("Fractional coordinates of atoms") != std::string::npos)
+        {
+            nStructures++;
+            atomsPerStructure.push_back(lastNatoms);
+        }
+    }
+    fin.close();
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/src/dataset_reader.cpp b/src/dataset_reader.cpp
index 048bbd6..da5ac6e 100644
--- a/src/dataset_reader.cpp
+++ b/src/dataset_reader.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/dataset_reader.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 std::string DatasetReader::get_first_label(std::string &) { return std::string(); }
 std::string DatasetReader::get_label(std::string &) { return std::string(); }
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/src/dataset_reader_selector.cpp b/src/dataset_reader_selector.cpp
index ef5d8b1..cb61170 100644
--- a/src/dataset_reader_selector.cpp
+++ b/src/dataset_reader_selector.cpp
@@ -8,21 +8,45 @@
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 // Factory method implementation
-std::unique_ptr<DatasetReader> DatasetReaderSelector::get_reader(const std::string& filepath, StructureDB& db) {
+std::unique_ptr<DatasetReader> DatasetReaderSelector::get_reader(StructureDB* db,
+                                                                 const std::string& filepath,
+                                                                 std::size_t fileIndex,
+                                                                 std::size_t nStructsInFile) {
   std::string type = determine_file_type_by_content(filepath);
+  if (type == "CASTEP.CASTEP") {
+    return std::make_unique<CastepCastepReader>(db,filepath,fileIndex,nStructsInFile);
+  } else if (type == "CASTEP.MD") {
+    return std::make_unique<CastepMDReader>(db,filepath,fileIndex,nStructsInFile);
+  } else if (type == "CASTEP.GEOM") {
+    return std::make_unique<CastepGeomReader>(db,filepath,fileIndex,nStructsInFile);
+  } else if (type == "VASP.VASPRUN") {
+    return std::make_unique<VaspVasprunReader>(db,filepath,fileIndex,nStructsInFile);
+  } else if (type == "VASP.OUTCAR") {
+    return std::make_unique<VaspOutcarReader>(db,filepath,fileIndex,nStructsInFile);
+  } else {
+    std::cerr << "Unknown type! Returning nullptr." << std::endl;
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+std::unique_ptr<DatasetReader> DatasetReaderSelector::get_reader(const std::string& filepath) {
+  std::string type = determine_file_type_by_content(filepath);
   if (type == "CASTEP.CASTEP") {
-    return std::make_unique<CastepCastepReader>(db,filepath);
+    return std::make_unique<CastepCastepReader>();
   } else if (type == "CASTEP.MD") {
-    return std::make_unique<CastepMDReader>(db,filepath);
+    return std::make_unique<CastepMDReader>();
   } else if (type == "CASTEP.GEOM") {
-    return std::make_unique<CastepGeomReader>(db,filepath);
+    return std::make_unique<CastepGeomReader>();
   } else if (type == "VASP.VASPRUN") {
-    return std::make_unique<VaspVasprunReader>(db,filepath);
+    return std::make_unique<VaspVasprunReader>();
   } else if (type == "VASP.OUTCAR") {
-    return std::make_unique<VaspOutcarReader>(db,filepath);
+    return std::make_unique<VaspOutcarReader>();
   } else {
     std::cerr << "Unknown type! Returning nullptr." << std::endl;
     return nullptr;
@@ -59,3 +83,5 @@ std::string DatasetReaderSelector::determine_file_type_by_content(const std::str
   return "Unknown file type";
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/src/dataset_writer_selector.cpp b/src/dataset_writer_selector.cpp
index c038bed..2aa8222 100644
--- a/src/dataset_writer_selector.cpp
+++ b/src/dataset_writer_selector.cpp
@@ -3,18 +3,23 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/vasp_poscar_writer.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/lammps_structure_writer.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 // Factory method implementation
-std::unique_ptr<DatasetWriter> DatasetWriterSelector::get_writer(const std::string& type, StructureDB& db) {
+std::unique_ptr<DatasetWriter> DatasetWriterSelector::get_writer(std::string type) {
   if (type == "CASTEP") {
-    return std::make_unique<CastepCellWriter>(db);
+    return std::make_unique<CastepCellWriter>();
   } else if (type == "VASP") {
-    return std::make_unique<VaspPoscarWriter>(db);
+    return std::make_unique<VaspPoscarWriter>();
   } else if (type == "LAMMPS") {
-    return std::make_unique<LammpsStructureWriter>(db);
+    return std::make_unique<LammpsStructureWriter>();
   } else {
     std::cerr << "Unknown type! Returning nullptr." << std::endl;
     return nullptr;
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/src/dm_bf_base.cpp b/src/dm_bf_base.cpp
index 946f455..ef752f2 100644
--- a/src/dm_bf_base.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_bf_base.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
 #include "tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_function_base.h"
 #include "tadah/models/functions/basis_functions/bf_base.h"
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/basis_functions/dm_bf_base.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_BF_Base::DM_BF_Base() {}
 DM_BF_Base::DM_BF_Base(const Config &c):
   DM_Function_Base(c) {}
 DM_BF_Base::~DM_BF_Base() {}
diff --git a/src/dm_bf_linear.cpp b/src/dm_bf_linear.cpp
index 4f5dac2..7d576fa 100644
--- a/src/dm_bf_linear.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_bf_linear.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Register<DM_BF_Linear> DM_BF_Linear_1( "BF_Linear" );
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Register<DM_BF_Linear> DM_BF_Linear_2( "BF_Linear" );
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_BF_Linear::DM_BF_Linear() {}
 DM_BF_Linear::DM_BF_Linear(const Config &c): 
@@ -69,3 +71,5 @@ void DM_BF_Linear::calc_phi_stress_rows(phi_type &Phi, size_t &row,
   row += 6;
diff --git a/src/dm_bf_polynomial2.cpp b/src/dm_bf_polynomial2.cpp
index c7fb188..ddc417e 100644
--- a/src/dm_bf_polynomial2.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_bf_polynomial2.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Register<DM_BF_Polynomial2> DM_BF_Polynomial2_1( "BF_Polynomial2" );
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Register<DM_BF_Polynomial2> DM_BF_Polynomial2_2( "BF_Polynomial2" );
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_BF_Polynomial2::DM_BF_Polynomial2() {}
 DM_BF_Polynomial2::DM_BF_Polynomial2(const Config &c): 
@@ -99,3 +101,5 @@ void DM_BF_Polynomial2::calc_phi_stress_rows(phi_type &Phi,
   row += 6;
diff --git a/src/dm_f_all.cpp b/src/dm_f_all.cpp
index 64a583a..924e3af 100644
--- a/src/dm_f_all.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_f_all.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_f_all.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 template<> CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Map CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::registry{};
 template<> CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Map CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::registry{};
@@ -20,3 +22,5 @@ CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Register<DM_Kern_RBF> DM_Kern_RBF_1( "Kern_R
 CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Register<DM_Kern_RBF> DM_Kern_RBF_2( "Kern_RBF" );
 CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Register<DM_Kern_Sigmoid> DM_Kern_Sigmoid_1( "Kern_Sigmoid" );
 CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Register<DM_Kern_Sigmoid> DM_Kern_Sigmoid_2( "Kern_Sigmoid" );
diff --git a/src/dm_function_base.cpp b/src/dm_function_base.cpp
index 945c434..7eb5063 100644
--- a/src/dm_function_base.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_function_base.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 #include "tadah/models/functions/function_base.h"
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/dm_function_base.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_Function_Base::DM_Function_Base() {}
 DM_Function_Base::DM_Function_Base(const Config &c): Function_Base(c) {}
 DM_Function_Base::~DM_Function_Base() {}
diff --git a/src/dm_kern_base.cpp b/src/dm_kern_base.cpp
index f78c71e..f3fe327 100644
--- a/src/dm_kern_base.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_kern_base.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 #include "tadah/models/functions/kernels/kern_base.h"
 #include <tadah/mlip/design_matrix/functions/kernels/dm_kern_base.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_Kern_Base::~DM_Kern_Base() {}
 DM_Kern_Base::DM_Kern_Base() {}
 DM_Kern_Base::DM_Kern_Base(const Config &c): 
@@ -73,3 +75,5 @@ void  DM_Kern_Base::calc_phi_stress_rows(phi_type &Phi, size_t &row, const doubl
diff --git a/src/dm_kern_linear.cpp b/src/dm_kern_linear.cpp
index 84c484b..dc12670 100644
--- a/src/dm_kern_linear.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_kern_linear.cpp
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Register<DM_Kern_Linear> DM_Kern_Linear_1( "Kern_Linear" );
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Register<DM_Kern_Linear> DM_Kern_Linear_2( "Kern_Linear" );
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_Kern_Linear::DM_Kern_Linear() {}
 DM_Kern_Linear::DM_Kern_Linear (const Config &c): 
@@ -71,3 +73,5 @@ void DM_Kern_Linear::calc_phi_stress_rows(phi_type &Phi, size_t &row,
   row += 6;
diff --git a/src/dm_kern_lq.cpp b/src/dm_kern_lq.cpp
index dbef59e..5f97ee1 100644
--- a/src/dm_kern_lq.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_kern_lq.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Register<DM_Kern_LQ> DM_Kern_LQ_1( "Kern_LQ" );
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Register<DM_Kern_LQ> DM_Kern_LQ_2( "Kern_LQ" );
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_Kern_LQ::DM_Kern_LQ(const Config &c):
@@ -12,3 +14,5 @@ DM_Kern_LQ::DM_Kern_LQ(const Config &c):
diff --git a/src/dm_kern_polynomial.cpp b/src/dm_kern_polynomial.cpp
index e8637b1..817597d 100644
--- a/src/dm_kern_polynomial.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_kern_polynomial.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Register<DM_Kern_Polynomial> DM_Kern_Polynomial_1( "Kern_Polynomial" );
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Register<DM_Kern_Polynomial> DM_Kern_Polynomial_2( "Kern_Polynomial" );
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_Kern_Polynomial::DM_Kern_Polynomial(const Config &c):
@@ -10,3 +12,5 @@ DM_Kern_Polynomial::DM_Kern_Polynomial(const Config &c):
diff --git a/src/dm_kern_quadratic.cpp b/src/dm_kern_quadratic.cpp
index 72ab0d4..6ec1aa8 100644
--- a/src/dm_kern_quadratic.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_kern_quadratic.cpp
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Register<DM_Kern_Quadratic> DM_Kern_Quadratic_1( "Kern_Quadratic" );
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Register<DM_Kern_Quadratic> DM_Kern_Quadratic_2( "Kern_Quadratic" );
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_Kern_Quadratic::DM_Kern_Quadratic(const Config &c):
@@ -11,3 +13,5 @@ DM_Kern_Quadratic::DM_Kern_Quadratic(const Config &c):
diff --git a/src/dm_kern_rbf.cpp b/src/dm_kern_rbf.cpp
index 41d57be..2aa068a 100644
--- a/src/dm_kern_rbf.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_kern_rbf.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Register<DM_Kern_RBF> DM_Kern_RBF_1( "Kern_RBF" );
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Register<DM_Kern_RBF> DM_Kern_RBF_2( "Kern_RBF" );
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_Kern_RBF::DM_Kern_RBF(const Config &c):
@@ -10,3 +12,5 @@ DM_Kern_RBF::DM_Kern_RBF(const Config &c):
diff --git a/src/dm_kern_sigmoid.cpp b/src/dm_kern_sigmoid.cpp
index 1c3d25b..a75f031 100644
--- a/src/dm_kern_sigmoid.cpp
+++ b/src/dm_kern_sigmoid.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base>::Register<DM_Kern_Sigmoid> DM_Kern_Sigmoid_1( "Kern_Sigmoid" );
 //CONFIG::Registry<DM_Function_Base,Config&>::Register<DM_Kern_Sigmoid> DM_Kern_Sigmoid_2( "Kern_Sigmoid" );
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 DM_Kern_Sigmoid::DM_Kern_Sigmoid(const Config &c):
@@ -10,3 +12,5 @@ DM_Kern_Sigmoid::DM_Kern_Sigmoid(const Config &c):
diff --git a/src/lammps_structure_writer.cpp b/src/lammps_structure_writer.cpp
index e634f38..87f14f5 100644
--- a/src/lammps_structure_writer.cpp
+++ b/src/lammps_structure_writer.cpp
@@ -2,12 +2,15 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_writers/lammps_structure_writer.h>
-LammpsStructureWriter::LammpsStructureWriter(StructureDB& db) : DatasetWriter(db) {}
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
-void LammpsStructureWriter::write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) {
+LammpsStructureWriter::LammpsStructureWriter() : DatasetWriter() {}
-  if (i >= stdb.size()) {
-    throw std::out_of_range("Index i is out of range.");
+void LammpsStructureWriter::write_data(const StructureDB &stdb, const std::string& filename, size_t structIndex) {
+  if (structIndex >= stdb.size()) {
+    throw std::out_of_range("Index structIndex is out of range.");
   std::ofstream file(filename);
@@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ void LammpsStructureWriter::write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t
     throw std::runtime_error("Could not open the file: " + filename);
-  const Structure &st = stdb(i);
+  const Structure &st = stdb(structIndex);
   // compute number of atoms for a given element
   const auto &elements = st.get_unique_elements();
@@ -86,3 +89,5 @@ void LammpsStructureWriter::write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/src/m_all.cpp b/src/m_all.cpp
index c8387e6..5f50214 100644
--- a/src/m_all.cpp
+++ b/src/m_all.cpp
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 #include <tadah/models/memory/IModelsWorkspaceManager.h>
 #include <tadah/mlip/memory/IMLIPWorkspaceManager.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 CONFIG::Registry<M_Tadah_Base, DM_Function_Base&, Config&>::Map
 CONFIG::Registry<M_Tadah_Base, DM_Function_Base&, Config&>::registry{};
@@ -22,3 +24,5 @@ CONFIG::Registry<M_Tadah_Base, DM_Function_Base&, Config&, tadah::mlip::memory::
 CONFIG::Registry<M_Tadah_Base, DM_Function_Base&, Config&, tadah::mlip::memory::IMLIPWorkspaceManager&>::Register<M_BLR<>> M_BLR_3("M_BLR");
 CONFIG::Registry<M_Tadah_Base, DM_Function_Base&, Config&, tadah::mlip::memory::IMLIPWorkspaceManager&>::Register<M_KRR<>> M_KRR_3("M_KRR");
diff --git a/src/m_blr.cpp b/src/m_blr.cpp
index bdb85a7..d7fe68f 100644
--- a/src/m_blr.cpp
+++ b/src/m_blr.cpp
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/models/m_blr.h>
 #include <tadah/core/registry.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
diff --git a/src/m_krr.cpp b/src/m_krr.cpp
index d3cff34..dce40ec 100644
--- a/src/m_krr.cpp
+++ b/src/m_krr.cpp
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/models/m_krr.h>
 #include <tadah/core/registry.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
diff --git a/src/m_tadah_base.cpp b/src/m_tadah_base.cpp
index bdba357..b1ea7af 100644
--- a/src/m_tadah_base.cpp
+++ b/src/m_tadah_base.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/models/m_tadah_base.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 void M_Tadah_Base::
 fpredict(const size_t a, force_type &v,
          const StDescriptors &std, const Structure &st)
@@ -166,3 +168,5 @@ stress_force_predict(const StDescriptors &std, Structure &st_)
   st_.stress = s;
diff --git a/src/nn_finder.cpp b/src/nn_finder.cpp
index 81569cb..369fa1e 100644
--- a/src/nn_finder.cpp
+++ b/src/nn_finder.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 // Constructor
 NNFinder::NNFinder(Config &config)
@@ -284,3 +286,5 @@ void NNFinder::calc(StructureDB &stdb)
             << seconds << " seconds\n";
diff --git a/src/st_descriptors.cpp b/src/st_descriptors.cpp
index a0407e8..25b14f4 100644
--- a/src/st_descriptors.cpp
+++ b/src/st_descriptors.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/st_descriptors.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 StDescriptors::StDescriptors(const Structure &s, const Config &c):
     // fully initialize aed
     aeds(c.get<size_t>("DSIZE"), s.natoms()),
@@ -47,3 +49,5 @@ size_t StDescriptors::naed() const {
 size_t StDescriptors::dim() const {
     return aeds.rows();
diff --git a/src/st_descriptors_db.cpp b/src/st_descriptors_db.cpp
index 3dce74f..d7b5b43 100644
--- a/src/st_descriptors_db.cpp
+++ b/src/st_descriptors_db.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/st_descriptors_db.h>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 StDescriptorsDB::StDescriptorsDB(const StructureDB &stdb, Config &config):
@@ -33,3 +35,5 @@ std::vector<StDescriptors>::const_iterator StDescriptorsDB::begin() const {
 std::vector<StDescriptors>::const_iterator StDescriptorsDB::end() const { 
     return st_descs.cend(); 
diff --git a/src/statistics.cpp b/src/statistics.cpp
index 255d867..6447240 100644
--- a/src/statistics.cpp
+++ b/src/statistics.cpp
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 #include <cmath>
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
 double Statistics::res_sum_sq(const vec &obs, const vec &pred) {
     if (obs.size() != pred.size())
         throw std::runtime_error("Containers differ in size.");
@@ -33,3 +35,5 @@ double Statistics::variance(const vec &v) {
 double Statistics::mean(const vec &v) {
     return v.mean();
diff --git a/src/structure.cpp b/src/structure.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ee3ca19..0000000
--- a/src/structure.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-#include <tadah/mlip/structure.h>
-#include <tadah/core/periodic_table.h>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <cmath>
-Structure::Structure() {
-  PeriodicTable::initialize();
-const Atom &Structure::operator()(const size_t i) const{
-  return atoms[i];
-void Structure::add_atom(Atom a) {
-  atoms.push_back(a);
-void Structure::remove_atom(const size_t i) {
-  atoms.erase(atoms.begin()+i);
-Vec3d Structure::nn_pos(const size_t i, const size_t n) const
-    // (A) Global index of this neighbor
-    const size_t neighborIndex = near_neigh_idx[i][n];
-    // (B) Atom's original "unshifted" position:
-    const Vec3d &posNeighbor = atoms[neighborIndex].position;
-    // (C) Convert the stored shift -> real displacement shiftDisp
-    //     If near_neigh_shift[i][n] is an integer triple (n1, n2, n3),
-    //     multiply by the cell. Otherwise, if it's already in real space,
-    //     you can just do: Vec3d shiftDisp = near_neigh_shift[i][n].
-    Vec3d shift = near_neigh_shift[i][n]; // might be (n1, n2, n3)
-    // If shift is integer triple (n1, n2, n3), multiply with cell:
-    Vec3d shiftDisp;
-    shiftDisp[0] = shift[0]*cell(0,0) + shift[1]*cell(0,1) + shift[2]*cell(0,2);
-    shiftDisp[1] = shift[0]*cell(1,0) + shift[1]*cell(1,1) + shift[2]*cell(1,2);
-    shiftDisp[2] = shift[0]*cell(2,0) + shift[1]*cell(2,1) + shift[2]*cell(2,2);
-    // (D) Final neighbor position = unshifted position + shiftDisp
-    Vec3d posShifted = posNeighbor + shiftDisp;
-    return posShifted;
-size_t Structure::natoms() const {
-  return atoms.size();
-size_t Structure::nn_size(size_t i) const {
-  return near_neigh_idx[i].size();
-int Structure::read(std::ifstream &ifs) {
-  std::string line;
-  // ignore extra empty lines
-  std::getline(ifs,line);
-  if(line.empty()) return 1;
-  // OK, process structural data
-  // read first line as a label
-  label = line;
-  // the second line could be energy or
-  // a scalling factors eweight fweight sweight
-  std::getline(ifs,line);
-  std::stringstream stream(line);
-  std::string temp;
-  size_t count = 0;
-  while(stream >> temp) { ++count;}
-  if (count == 3) {
-    stream.clear();
-    stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
-    stream >> eweight >> fweight >> sweight;
-    std::getline(ifs,line);
-    std::stringstream stream2(line);
-    // energy and T
-    stream2 >> energy;
-    if(stream2) stream2 >> T;
-  }
-  else if (count == 2) {
-    stream.clear();
-    stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
-    // energy and T
-    stream >> energy >> T;
-  }
-  else {
-    energy = std::stod(line);
-  }
-  // 3 lines, 9 elements are for the cell matrix
-  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
-    for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
-      ifs >> cell(i,j);
-  // 3 lines, 9 elements are for the stress matrix
-  // if (use_stress)
-  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
-    for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
-      ifs >> stress(i,j);
-  // move to next line
-  std::getline(ifs,line);
-  // make sure atoms vector is empty
-  atoms.clear();
-  char symbol[3];
-  double px,py,pz,fx,fy,fz;
-  while(std::getline(ifs,line)) {
-    if(line.empty()) break;
-    //if(line == " ") break;
-    if(line == "\r") break;     // detects windows newline
-    std::istringstream tmp(line);
-    tmp >> symbol >> px >> py >> pz >> fx >> fy >> fz;
-    Element e = PeriodicTable::find_by_symbol(symbol);
-    atoms.push_back(Atom(e,px,py,pz,fx,fy,fz));
-    //Atom &a = atoms.back();
-    //tmp >> a.label >> a.position(0) >> a.position(1) >> a.position(2);
-    // if (use_force)
-    //tmp >> a.force(0) >> a.force(1) >> a.force(2);
-    //std::cout <<  a.force(0) << " " <<  a.force(1) << " " <<  a.force(2) << std::endl;;
-  }
-  return 0;
-void Structure::read(const std::string fn) {
-  std::ifstream ifs(fn);
-  if (!ifs.is_open()) {
-    throw std::runtime_error("File does not exist: "+fn);
-  }
-  read(ifs);
-  ifs.close();
-void Structure::save(std::ofstream &ofs) const {
-  ofs << label << std::endl;
-  ofs << eweight << " " << fweight << " " << sweight << std::endl;
-  ofs << energy << std::endl;
-  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
-    ofs << std::fixed << std::right << std::setw(w) << std::setprecision(p) << cell(i,0);
-    ofs << std::fixed << std::right << std::setw(w) << std::setprecision(p) << cell(i,1);
-    ofs << std::fixed << std::right << std::setw(w) << std::setprecision(p) << cell(i,2);
-    ofs << std::endl;
-  }
-  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
-    ofs << std::fixed << std::right << std::setw(w) << std::setprecision(p) << stress(i,0);
-    ofs << std::fixed << std::right << std::setw(w) << std::setprecision(p) << stress(i,1);
-    ofs << std::fixed << std::right << std::setw(w) << std::setprecision(p) << stress(i,2);
-    ofs << std::endl;
-  }
-  for (const Atom &a:atoms) {
-    ofs << a.symbol[0] << a.symbol[1];
-    ofs << std::setw(w-2) << std::fixed << std::right
-      << std::setprecision(p) << a.position(0);
-    ofs << std::setw(w) << std::fixed << std::right
-      << std::setprecision(p) << a.position(1);
-    ofs << std::setw(w) << std::fixed << std::right
-      << std::setprecision(p) << a.position(2);
-    ofs << std::setw(w) << std::fixed << std::right
-      << std::setprecision(p) << a.force(0);
-    ofs << std::setw(w) << std::fixed << std::right
-      << std::setprecision(p) << a.force(1);
-    ofs << std::setw(w) << std::fixed << std::right
-      << std::setprecision(p) << a.force(1);
-    ofs << std::endl;
-  }
-void Structure::save(const std::string fn) const {
-  std::ofstream ofs(fn);
-  save(ofs);
-  ofs.close();
-size_t Structure::get_nn_iindex(const size_t i, const size_t j, const size_t jj) const {
-  Vec3d shift_ijj = -near_neigh_shift[i][jj];
-  size_t ii = 0;
-  for (size_t x=0; x<near_neigh_idx[j].size(); ++x) {
-    if (near_neigh_idx[j][x] == i)
-      if (near_neigh_shift[j][ii] == shift_ijj)
-        break;
-    ii++;
-  }
-  return ii;
-double Structure::get_volume() const {
-  return cell.row(0)*(cell.row(1).cross(cell.row(2)));
-double Structure::get_density() const {
-  double V = get_volume();
-  V*=1e-24; // convert to cm^3
-  double amu = 1.66053906660e-24; // g
-  double mass = 0;
-  for (const auto& a:atoms) mass += PeriodicTable::get_mass(a.Z);
-  return amu*mass/V;
-double Structure::get_temperature() const {
-  return T;
-double Structure::get_virial_pressure() const {
-  return stress.trace()/get_volume()/3;
-double Structure::get_pressure(double T, double kB) const {
-  double vpress = get_virial_pressure();
-  return vpress + natoms()*kB*T/get_volume();
-bool Structure::operator==(const Structure& st) const
-  double EPSILON = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
-  bool result =
-    cell.isApprox(st.cell, EPSILON)
-    && stress.isApprox(st.stress, EPSILON)
-    && natoms()==st.natoms()
-    && (std::fabs(eweight-st.eweight) < EPSILON)
-    && (std::fabs(fweight-st.fweight) < EPSILON)
-    && (std::fabs(sweight-st.sweight) < EPSILON)
-    && (std::fabs( < EPSILON)
-    ;
-  if (!result) return result;
-  for (size_t i=0;i<natoms();++i) {
-    result = atoms[i]==st.atoms[i];
-    if (!result) return result;
-  }
-  return result;
-bool Structure::is_the_same(const Structure& st, double thr) const
-  bool result =
-    cell.isApprox(st.cell, thr)
-    && natoms()==st.natoms();
-  if (!result) return result;
-  size_t count=0;;
-  for (size_t i=0;i<natoms();++i) {
-    for (size_t j=i;j<natoms();++j) {
-      result = atoms[i].is_the_same(st.atoms[j], thr);
-      if (result) count++;
-    }
-  }
-  return count==natoms() ? true : false;
-int Structure::next_structure(std::ifstream &ifs) {
-  std::string line;
-  std::getline(ifs,line);
-  if(line.empty()) return 0;
-  std::getline(ifs,line);
-  // the second line could be energy or
-  // a scalling factors eweight fweight sweight
-  std::stringstream stream(line);
-  std::string temp;
-  size_t count = 0;
-  while(stream >> temp) { ++count;}
-  // optional if second line is a weight
-  if (count==3)
-    std::getline(ifs,line);
-  for (size_t i=0; i<6;++i)
-    std::getline(ifs,line);
-  int natoms=0;
-  while(std::getline(ifs,line)) {
-    if(line.empty()) break;
-    if(line == "\r") break;     // detects windows newline
-    natoms++;
-  }
-  return natoms;
-void Structure::clear_nn() {
-  near_neigh_shift.clear();
-  near_neigh_idx.clear();
-std::vector<Atom>::iterator Structure::begin() { 
-    return atoms.begin(); 
-std::vector<Atom>::iterator Structure::end() { 
-    return atoms.end(); 
-std::vector<Atom>::const_iterator Structure::begin() const { 
-    return atoms.cbegin(); 
-std::vector<Atom>::const_iterator Structure::end() const { 
-    return atoms.cend(); 
-void Structure::dump_to_file(std::ostream& file, size_t prec) const {
-  const int n = 5;
-  file << label << std::endl;
-  file << std::fixed << std::setprecision(prec);
-  file << eweight << " " << fweight << " " << sweight << std::endl;
-  file << energy << " " << T << std::endl;
-  file
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << cell(0,0) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << cell(0,1) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << cell(0,2) << " " << std::endl
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << cell(1,0) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << cell(1,1) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << cell(1,2) << " " << std::endl
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << cell(2,0) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << cell(2,1) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << cell(2,2) << " " << std::endl;
-  file 
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << stress(0,0) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << stress(0,1) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << stress(0,2) << " " << std::endl
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << stress(1,0) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << stress(1,1) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << stress(1,2) << " " << std::endl
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << stress(2,0) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << stress(2,1) << " "
-    << std::setw(prec+n) << stress(2,2) << " " << std::endl;
-  for (const auto& a : atoms) {
-    file << std::setw(2) << a.symbol << " "
-      << std::setw(prec+n) << a.position[0] << " "
-      << std::setw(prec+n) << a.position[1] << " "
-      << std::setw(prec+n) << a.position[2] << " "
-      << std::setw(prec+n) << a.force[0] << " "
-      << std::setw(prec+n) << a.force[1] << " "
-      << std::setw(prec+n) << a.force[2] << std::endl;
-  }
-  file << std::endl;
-void Structure::dump_to_file(const std::string& filepath, size_t prec) const {
-  std::ofstream file(filepath, std::ios::app);  // Open in append mode
-  if (!file.is_open()) {
-    std::cerr << "Error: Could not open file for writing: " << filepath << std::endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  dump_to_file(file,prec);
-  file.close();
-std::set<Element> Structure::get_unique_elements() const{
-  std::set<Element> unique_elements;
-  for (const auto& a:atoms) unique_elements.insert(a);
-  return unique_elements;
diff --git a/src/structure_db.cpp b/src/structure_db.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f1aaa36..0000000
--- a/src/structure_db.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-#include "tadah/core/element.h"
-#include <tadah/mlip/structure_db.h>
-#include <tadah/core/periodic_table.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cctype>   // For std::isspace
-StructureDB::StructureDB() {
-  PeriodicTable::initialize();
-StructureDB::StructureDB(Config &config) {
-  PeriodicTable::initialize();
-  add(config);
-void StructureDB::add(const std::string fn) {
-  std::ifstream ifs(fn);
-  if (!ifs.is_open()) {
-    throw std::runtime_error("DBFILE does not exist: "+fn);
-  }
-  parseFile(fn);
-  while (true) {
-    structures.push_back(Structure());
-    int t = structures.back().read(ifs);
-    // did we read structure succesfully?
-    // if not remove last object from the list
-    if (t==1) structures.pop_back();
-    if (ifs.eof()) break;
-  }
-  ifs.close();
-int StructureDB::add(const std::string fn, size_t first, int N) {
-  std::ifstream ifs(fn);
-  if (!ifs.is_open()) {
-    throw std::runtime_error("DBFILE does not exist: "+fn);
-  }
-  // move iterator to the first structure we want to read
-  for (size_t i=0; i<first; ++i) {
-    Structure::next_structure(ifs);
-  }
-  int count=0;
-  while (count++<N) {
-    structures.push_back(Structure());
-    int t = structures.back().read(ifs);
-    // did we read structure succesfully?
-    // if not remove last object from the list
-    if (t==1) structures.pop_back();
-    if (ifs.eof()) break;
-  }
-  ifs.close();
-  return --count;
-void StructureDB::add(const Structure &s) {
-  structures.push_back(s);
-void StructureDB::add(const StructureDB &stdb) {
-  for (const auto &s: stdb) add(s);
-void StructureDB::remove(size_t i) {
-  structures.erase(structures.begin()+i);
-void StructureDB::add(Config &config) {
-  for (const std::string &s : config("DBFILE")) {
-    dbidx.push_back(size());
-    add(s);
-  }
-  dbidx.push_back(size());
-size_t StructureDB::size() const {
-  return structures.size();
-size_t StructureDB::size(size_t n) const {
-  return dbidx[n+1]-dbidx[n];
-Structure &StructureDB::operator()(size_t s) {
-  return structures[s];
-const Structure &StructureDB::operator()(size_t s) const {
-  return structures[s];
-Atom &StructureDB::operator()(size_t s, size_t a) {
-  return structures[s].atoms[a];
-size_t StructureDB::calc_natoms() const {
-  size_t natoms=0;
-  for (auto struc: structures) natoms += struc.natoms();
-  return natoms;
-size_t StructureDB::calc_natoms(size_t n) const {
-  size_t start = dbidx[n];
-  size_t stop = dbidx[n+1];
-  size_t natoms=0;
-  for (size_t i=start; i<stop; ++i) {
-    natoms += (*this)(i).natoms();
-  }
-  return natoms;
-std::set<Element> StructureDB::get_unique_elements() const {
-  std::set<Element> s;
-  for (const auto & st: structures) {
-    std::set<Element> u = st.get_unique_elements();
-    s.insert(u.cbegin(),u.cend());
-  }
-  return s;
-std::set<Element> StructureDB::find_unique_elements(const std::string &fn) {
-  std::set<Element> s;
-  std::ifstream ifs(fn);
-  std::string line;
-  if (!ifs.is_open()) {
-    std::cerr << "Could not open the file." << std::endl;
-  }
-  char symbol[3];
-  while (std::getline(ifs, line)) {
-    // the second line could be energy or
-    // a scalling factors eweight fweight sweight
-    std::getline(ifs,line);  
-    std::stringstream stream(line);
-    size_t count = std::distance(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(stream),
-        std::istream_iterator<std::string>());
-    if (count == 3)
-      std::getline(ifs,line);
-    for (size_t i=0; i<6; ++i)
-      std::getline(ifs,line);
-    while (std::getline(ifs, line)) {
-      if(line.empty()) break;
-      sscanf(line.c_str(), "%2s", symbol);
-      s.insert(PeriodicTable::find_by_symbol(symbol));
-    }
-  }
-  return s;
-std::set<Element> StructureDB::find_unique_elements(const Config &c) {
-  std::set<Element> s;
-  for (const auto& fn: c("DBFILE")) {
-    std::set<Element> temp = find_unique_elements(fn);
-    s.insert(temp.begin(), temp.end());
-  }
-  return s;
-template <typename T,typename U>                                                   
-std::pair<T,U> operator+(const std::pair<T,U>  &l,const std::pair<T,U>  &r) {   
-  return {l.first+r.first,l.second+r.second};                                    
-std::pair<int,int> StructureDB::count(const Config &config) {
-  std::pair<int, int> res=std::make_pair(0,0);  
-  for (const std::string &fn : config("DBFILE")) {
-    res = res + count(fn);
-  }
-  return res;
-std::pair<int,int> StructureDB::count(const std::string fn){
-  int nstruc=0;
-  int natoms_tot=0;
-  std::ifstream ifs(fn);
-  if (!ifs.is_open()) {
-    throw std::runtime_error("DBFILE does not exist: "+fn);
-  }
-  int natoms = Structure::next_structure(ifs);
-  while(natoms) {
-    natoms_tot += natoms;
-    natoms = Structure::next_structure(ifs);
-    nstruc++;
-  }
-  std::pair<int,int> res = std::make_pair(nstruc,natoms_tot);
-  return res;
-void StructureDB::clear_nn() {
-  for (auto &struc: structures) struc.clear_nn();
-void StructureDB::check_atoms_key(Config &config, std::set<Element> &unique_elements) {
-  bool error=false;
-  if (config.exist("ATOMS")) {
-    // user set this key so here we check does it correspond to unique_elements
-    if (unique_elements.size()!=config.size("ATOMS")) {
-      error=true;
-    }
-    auto set_it = unique_elements.begin();
-    auto atoms_it = config("ATOMS").begin();
-    while (set_it != unique_elements.end() && atoms_it != config("ATOMS").end()) {
-      if (set_it->symbol != (*atoms_it))  {
-        error=true;
-      }
-      ++set_it;
-      ++atoms_it;
-    }
-    if (error) {
-      throw std::runtime_error("\n"
-          "Mismatch between elements in datasets and ATOMS in the config file.\n"
-          "Please either update the ATOMS in the config file or remove ATOMS\n"
-          "key completely. Tadah! will automatically configure this key.\n"
-          );
-    }
-  } else {
-    for (const auto &s : unique_elements) config.add("ATOMS", s.symbol);
-  }
-void StructureDB::check_watoms_key(Config &config, std::set<Element> &unique_elements) {
-  bool error=false;
-  if (config.exist("WATOMS")) {
-    // user set this key so here we check does it correspond to unique_elements
-    if (unique_elements.size()!=config.size("WATOMS")) {
-      error=true;
-    }
-    if (error) {
-      throw std::runtime_error("\n"
-          "Mismatch between elements in datasets and WATOMS in the config file.\n"
-          "Please either update the WATOMS in the config file or remove WATOMS\n"
-          "key completely. In the latter case Tadah! will use default values.\n"
-          );
-    }
-  } else {
-    for (const auto &s : unique_elements) config.add("WATOMS", s.Z);
-  }
-std::vector<Structure>::iterator StructureDB::begin() { 
-    return structures.begin(); 
-std::vector<Structure>::iterator StructureDB::end() { 
-    return structures.end(); 
-std::vector<Structure>::const_iterator StructureDB::begin() const { 
-    return structures.cbegin(); 
-std::vector<Structure>::const_iterator StructureDB::end() const { 
-    return structures.cend(); 
-void StructureDB::dump_to_file(const std::string& filepath, size_t prec) const {
-  std::ofstream file(filepath, std::ios::app);  // Open in append mode
-  if (!file.is_open()) {
-    std::cerr << "Error: Could not open file for writing: " << filepath << std::endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  for (const auto &s : structures) {
-    s.dump_to_file(file,prec);
-  }
-  file.close();
-std::string StructureDB::summary() const {
-  std::string str =  "# of structures : " + to_string(structures.size());
-  str +=  " | # of atoms : " + to_string(calc_natoms());
-  str += " | Elements : ";
-  std::set<Element> ue = get_unique_elements(); 
-  for (const auto &e: ue) str+= e.symbol + " ";
-  str+="\n";
-  return str;
-void StructureDB::parseFile(const std::string& filename)
-    std::ifstream fin(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
-    if (!fin.is_open())
-    {
-        std::cerr << "Error: could not open file " << filename << "\n";
-        return;
-    }
-  std::size_t header_size = 9;
-    // Increase buffer size to speed up I/O on large files.
-    static const size_t BUFSIZE = 100ULL << 20; // 100 MiB
-    char* buffer = new char[BUFSIZE];
-    fin.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buffer, BUFSIZE);
-    std::vector<size_t> blockLineCounts;
-    blockLineCounts.reserve(10000); // Pre-allocate to reduce repeated allocations
-    size_t currentBlockCount = 0;
-    std::string line;
-    while (true)
-    {
-        if (!std::getline(fin, line))
-        {
-            // End of file or read error
-            break;
-        }
-        if (isBlankLine(line))
-        {
-            // We reached the end of the current block
-            if (currentBlockCount > 0)
-            {
-                blockLineCounts.push_back(currentBlockCount-header_size);
-                currentBlockCount = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // Non-empty line => belongs to the current block
-            currentBlockCount++;
-        }
-    }
-    // If the last block didn’t end with a blank line, close it out
-    if (currentBlockCount > 0)
-    {
-        blockLineCounts.push_back(currentBlockCount-header_size);
-    }
-    fin.close();
-    delete[] buffer;
-    // Print the results
-    std::cout << "Found " << blockLineCounts.size() << " blocks.\n";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < blockLineCounts.size(); i+=1000)
-    {
-        std::cout << "Block " << i << " has "
-                  << blockLineCounts[i] << " atoms\n";
-    }
-bool StructureDB::isBlankLine(const std::string& line) const
-    for (char c : line)
-    {
-        if (!std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)))
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    return true;
diff --git a/src/vasp_outcar_reader.cpp b/src/vasp_outcar_reader.cpp
index d1ead35..101b77a 100644
--- a/src/vasp_outcar_reader.cpp
+++ b/src/vasp_outcar_reader.cpp
@@ -7,10 +7,16 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <stdexcept>
-VaspOutcarReader::VaspOutcarReader(StructureDB& db) : DatasetReader(db) {}
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
-VaspOutcarReader::VaspOutcarReader(StructureDB& db, const std::string& filename) 
-: DatasetReader(db, filename), filename_(filename) {
+VaspOutcarReader::VaspOutcarReader() : DatasetReader(db) {}
+VaspOutcarReader::VaspOutcarReader(StructureDB* db,
+                                   const std::string& filename,
+                                   std::size_t fileIndex,
+                                   std::size_t nStructsInFile) 
+: DatasetReader(db, filename, fileIndex, nStructsInFile) {
@@ -52,7 +58,7 @@ void VaspOutcarReader::parse_data() {
       std::string type = line.substr(line.find("=") + 1);
       type = type.substr(0, type.find(":"));
-      s.label += filename_ + " ";
+      s.label += filename + " ";
     else if (line.find("NIONS") != std::string::npos) {
@@ -189,15 +195,16 @@ void VaspOutcarReader::parse_data() {
     if (complete_structure) {
-      stdb.add(s);
+      // stdb.add(s);
       complete_structure = false;
-      s = Structure();
+      s = &(*stdb)(fileIndex_, ++structIdxInFile);
+      // s = Structure();
   if (!stress_tensor_bool) {
-    for (auto &s : stdb) s.stress.set_zero();
+    for (auto &s : *stdb) s.stress.set_zero();
@@ -206,5 +213,51 @@ void VaspOutcarReader::print_summary() const {
 std::string VaspOutcarReader::get_summary() const {
-  return stdb.summary();
+  return stdb->summary();
+void VaspOutcarReader::pass1Count(const std::string &filename,
+                                    std::size_t &nStructures,
+                                    std::vector<std::size_t> &atomsPerStructure)
+    std::ifstream fin(filename);
+    if (!fin.is_open()) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("pass1Count: Could not open file " + filename);
+    }
+    nStructures = 0;
+    atomsPerStructure.clear();
+    std::string line;
+    // We'll track the last known "Total number of ions in cell".
+    // Each time we see "Fractional coordinates of atoms", we assume
+    // that indicates a *new* Structure with lastNatoms atoms.
+    std::size_t lastNatoms = 0;
+    while (std::getline(fin, line))
+    {
+        // Example: parse "Total number of ions in cell" to get natoms
+        if (line.find("Total number of ions in cell") != std::string::npos)
+        {
+            // Very simplistic parse: the 8th token is the # of atoms.
+            std::istringstream iss(line);
+            std::string tmp;
+            int count = 0;
+            while (iss >> tmp) {
+                if (++count == 7) {
+                    iss >> lastNatoms; 
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Example: each time we see "Fractional coordinates of atoms",
+        // we treat that as the start of a new structure.
+        else if (line.find("Fractional coordinates of atoms") != std::string::npos)
+        {
+            nStructures++;
+            atomsPerStructure.push_back(lastNatoms);
+        }
+    }
+    fin.close();
diff --git a/src/vasp_poscar_writer.cpp b/src/vasp_poscar_writer.cpp
index 3314418..42717af 100644
--- a/src/vasp_poscar_writer.cpp
+++ b/src/vasp_poscar_writer.cpp
@@ -4,12 +4,15 @@
 #include <fstream>
-VaspPoscarWriter::VaspPoscarWriter(StructureDB& db) : DatasetWriter(db) {}
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
-void VaspPoscarWriter::write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) {
+VaspPoscarWriter::VaspPoscarWriter() : DatasetWriter() {}
-  if (i >= stdb.size()) {
-    throw std::out_of_range("Index i is out of range.");
+void VaspPoscarWriter::write_data(const StructureDB& stdb, const std::string& filename, size_t structIndex) {
+  if (structIndex >= stdb->size()) {
+    throw std::out_of_range("Index structIndex is out of range.");
   std::ofstream file(filename);
@@ -17,7 +20,7 @@ void VaspPoscarWriter::write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) {
     throw std::runtime_error("Could not open the file: " + filename);
-  const Structure &st = stdb(i);
+  const Structure &st = stdb(structIndex);
   // write scaling factor
   file << st.label << std::endl;
@@ -77,3 +80,5 @@ void VaspPoscarWriter::write_data(const std::string& filename, const size_t i) {
+} // namespace mlip
+} // namespace tadah
diff --git a/src/vasp_vasprun_reader.cpp b/src/vasp_vasprun_reader.cpp
index c6917d3..b8abda8 100644
--- a/src/vasp_vasprun_reader.cpp
+++ b/src/vasp_vasprun_reader.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
 #include <tadah/mlip/dataset_readers/vasp_vasprun_reader.h>
-VaspVasprunReader::VaspVasprunReader(StructureDB& stdb)
-: DatasetReader(stdb), stdb(stdb) {}
+namespace tadah {
+namespace mlip {
-VaspVasprunReader::VaspVasprunReader(StructureDB& stdb, const std::string& filename)
-: DatasetReader(stdb, filename), stdb(stdb) {
+: DatasetReader() {}
+VaspVasprunReader::VaspVasprunReader(StructureDB* stdb,
+                                     const std::string& filename,
+                                     std::size_t fileIndex,
+                                     std::size_t nStructsInFile)
+: DatasetReader(stdb, filename, fileIndex, nStructsInFile) {
@@ -106,8 +112,9 @@ void VaspVasprunReader::extract_calculations(rx::xml_node<> *root_node) {
     _s.label += "Structure " + std::to_string(++counter);
-    stdb.add(_s);
-    _s = Structure(); // reset
+    // stdb.add(_s);
+    // _s = Structure(); // reset
+    _s = &(*stdb)(fileIndex_, ++structIdxInFile);
@@ -238,5 +245,51 @@ void VaspVasprunReader::print_summary() const {
 std::string VaspVasprunReader::get_summary() const {
-  return stdb.summary();
+  return stdb->summary();
+void VaspVasprunReader::pass1Count(const std::string &filename,
+                                    std::size_t &nStructures,
+                                    std::vector<std::size_t> &atomsPerStructure)
+    std::ifstream fin(filename);
+    if (!fin.is_open()) {
+        throw std::runtime_error("pass1Count: Could not open file " + filename);
+    }
+    nStructures = 0;
+    atomsPerStructure.clear();
+    std::string line;
+    // We'll track the last known "Total number of ions in cell".
+    // Each time we see "Fractional coordinates of atoms", we assume
+    // that indicates a *new* Structure with lastNatoms atoms.
+    std::size_t lastNatoms = 0;
+    while (std::getline(fin, line))
+    {
+        // Example: parse "Total number of ions in cell" to get natoms
+        if (line.find("Total number of ions in cell") != std::string::npos)
+        {
+            // Very simplistic parse: the 8th token is the # of atoms.
+            std::istringstream iss(line);
+            std::string tmp;
+            int count = 0;
+            while (iss >> tmp) {
+                if (++count == 7) {
+                    iss >> lastNatoms; 
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Example: each time we see "Fractional coordinates of atoms",
+        // we treat that as the start of a new structure.
+        else if (line.find("Fractional coordinates of atoms") != std::string::npos)
+        {
+            nStructures++;
+            atomsPerStructure.push_back(lastNatoms);
+        }
+    }
+    fin.close();