diff --git a/bin/tadah_cli.cpp b/bin/tadah_cli.cpp
index ee7351d44686f1f339f8d68a4a26d676a3c9208d..1fe6ee6973fbf3b39fabeca31d54640b682dcb5e 100644
--- a/bin/tadah_cli.cpp
+++ b/bin/tadah_cli.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ void TadahCLI::subcommand_train() {
   /* MPI CODE:
    * 1. each rank reads config file
    * 2. rank 0 should calculate total number of structures
+   * 3. rank 0 should be able to calculate the size of the PHI matrix
+   *    based on force and stress flags
+   *    Who should be able to do this? We do not want to load all data
+   * 4. rank 0 should send the local matrix sizes to worker processes
@@ -31,8 +35,6 @@ void TadahCLI::subcommand_train() {
     Config config(config_file);
-    if (is_verbose()) std::cout << "Training mode" << std::endl;
-    DC_Selector DCS(config);
     if(train->count("--Force")) {
@@ -43,10 +45,40 @@ void TadahCLI::subcommand_train() {
         config.add("STRESS", "true");
+    if (is_verbose()) std::cout << "Training mode" << std::endl;
+    DC_Selector DCS(config);
+    // must set DSIZE key as early as possible,
+    // this will allow us to querry for the number of columns later on
+    DescriptorsCalc<> dc(config,*DCS.d2b,*DCS.d3b,*DCS.dmb,
+            *DCS.c2b,*DCS.c3b,*DCS.cmb);
+    DM_Function_Base *fb = CONFIG::factory<DM_Function_Base,Config&>(
+            config.get<std::string>("MODEL",1),config);
+    M_Tadah_Base *model = CONFIG::factory<M_Tadah_Base,DM_Function_Base&,Config&>
+        (config.get<std::string>("MODEL",0),*fb,config);
+    std::cout << "PHI COLS: " << fb->get_phi_cols(config) << std::endl;
+    //std::cout << "PHI ROWS: " << ??? << std::endl;
     if (is_verbose()) std::cout << "Loading structures..." << std::flush;
     StructureDB stdb(config);
     if (is_verbose()) std::cout << "Done!" << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Test count: " << StructureDB::count_structures(config);
+    std::cout << "Total structure count: " << StructureDB::count(config).first << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Total natoms count: " << StructureDB::count(config).second << std::endl;
+    StructureDB temp;
+    int nst = temp.add("db.train", 99, 3);
+    std::cout << "Number of structures loaded: " << temp.size() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Number of structures loaded: " << nst << std::endl;
+    std::cout << temp << std::endl;
+    std::cout << temp(0) << std::endl;
     if (is_verbose()) std::cout << "Finding nearest neighbours within: " <<
         config.get<double>("RCUTMAX") << " cutoff distance..." << std::flush;
@@ -55,13 +87,8 @@ void TadahCLI::subcommand_train() {
     if (is_verbose()) std::cout << "Done!" << std::endl;
     if (is_verbose()) std::cout << "Training start..." << std::flush;
-    DM_Function_Base *fb = CONFIG::factory<DM_Function_Base,Config&>(
-            config.get<std::string>("MODEL",1),config);
-    M_Tadah_Base *model = CONFIG::factory<M_Tadah_Base,DM_Function_Base&,Config&>
-        (config.get<std::string>("MODEL",0),*fb,config);
-    DescriptorsCalc<> dc(config,*DCS.d2b,*DCS.d3b,*DCS.dmb,
-            *DCS.c2b,*DCS.c3b,*DCS.cmb);