#!/bin/bash ####################################################### ## System details: needs to be filled-in by the user ## ####################################################### Nstars=350 Nparticlesperstar=10 rho=0.02 #Current working directory cwd=$(pwd) ########################### #Run the mathematica script ########################### #Note that if you don't have X11 installed you will need to open the script (double click to network_connectivity.m) and run it as usual (shift+enter). math -script MinPathBranching.m ############ #Data format ############ echo "Data format" #Remove new lines found after the special character \ sed -i '/\\$/{N;s/\n//}' shortestpath.txt #Remove the \ special characters sed -i 's/\\//g' shortestpath.txt #Remove all the ",{} characters sed -i 's/"//g' shortestpath.txt sed -i 's/{//g' shortestpath.txt sed -i 's/}//g' shortestpath.txt sed -i 's/,//g' shortestpath.txt #Remove all lines that contain a minus sign (-) #Rememeber that -1 appears only when there is no path between two nanostars sed -i '/-/d' shortestpath.txt ############################## #Histogram of branching points ############################## ./histogram_freq.sh ######################################################## #Compute the 3D distance (R) and Rg of the shortest path ######################################################## echo "Computing fractal dimension" #1.- Path to the input data configurations datapath="${cwd}/../CONFIGURATIONS/rho${rho}/" #2.- Output path outputpath=${cwd} #3.- Input file with atoms information (without timestep) rfile="stars.Nstars${Nstars}.rho${rho}." c++ fractalD.cpp -o fractalD.out -lm # READ Variables from the file created by mathematica # ####################################################### awk -v dp="${datapath}" -v op="${outputpath}" -v rf="${rfile}" '{ arguments = dp" "op" "rf; for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { col[i] = $i; arguments = arguments" "col[i]; } #print "Arguments:", arguments; # Execute the C++ program and pass the concatenated values as a single argument cmd = "./fractalD.out " arguments; system(cmd); }' shortestpath.txt ################ #Compute P(lmin) ################ echo "Computing P(lmin)" # minimum value of x axis m="0" # maximum value of x axis M="100" # number of bins b="100" # output file for plotting fout="distprob" # input file fin="fractalDimension.dat" gawk -f awk.histbin2 ${m} ${M} ${b} ${fout} ${fin} ########################## #Compute <lmin> and <Rg,l> ########################## awk '{aveLmin+=$4; aveRgmin+=$6; i++; deltaL=$4-avgL; avgL+=deltaL/NR; meanL2+=deltaL*($4-avgL); deltaR=$6-avgR; avgR+=deltaR/NR; meanR2+=deltaR*($6-avgR);} END { print aveLmin/i,sqrt(meanL2/NR), aveRgmin/i,sqrt(meanR2/NR); }' fractalDimension.dat > avelmin_Rgmin.dat ################################################################ #Compute average of R and Rg at the same l from the scatter plot ################################################################ echo "Average Rg at same l" chmod a+x awk.ave_at_same_l.sh ./awk.ave_at_same_l.sh echo "Finish of the analysis"