################################# #### PARAMETERS ######## ################################# #temperature of the system variable Temp equal 1.0 variable tdamp equal 1.0 #Equilibration variable run1 equal 10000 #Restart every these timesteps variable trestart equal 10000 #Dump data every these timesteps variable dumpfreq equal 100 #Dump trajectory every these timesteps variable dumptraj equal 100 variable seedthermo equal 125485 ################################ #### DEFINTIONS ######## ################################ #Where the restart files of the run (non the equilibration) will be stored variable folder index DUMPS shell mkdir ${folder} #The starting configuration is always the same. Also the name of the restart files variable rname index Eq.5_1.N1000.data variable simname index Run.R units lj atom_style angle boundary p p p neighbor 1.2 bin neigh_modify every 1 delay 1 check yes restart ${trestart} ${folder}/Restart.${simname}. read_data ${rname} #################################### #### ANGLE ####### #################################### angle_style cosine angle_coeff 1 5.0 #20 sigma for realistic DNA (1 bead = 2.5 nm) ####################################################### #### PAIRS -- REPULSIVE + TOPO II ####### ####################################################### pair_style hybrid lj/cut 1.12246 soft 1.12246 pair_modify shift yes pair_coeff * * lj/cut 1.0 1.0 1.12246 ## NOW THERE IS TOPO2 -- TYPE 4 BEADS ARE SOFT AND CAN BE CROSSED pair_coeff * 4 soft 2.0 1.12246 pair_coeff * 5 soft 20.0 1.12246 ################################### #### FENE ################## ################################## bond_style fene #It turns off the LJ part of the FENE-bond potential between 1-2 atoms. However, the pairwise LJ interaction is still on special_bonds fene#<=== I M P O R T A N T (new command). bond_coeff 1 30.0 1.6 1.0 1.0 bond_coeff 2 30.0 1.6 1.0 1.0 #################################### #### THERMO AND INTEGRATION #################################### thermo 1000 thermo_style custom step temp epair vol cpu timestep 0.01 #################################### #### DUMPS ####### #################################### dump 2 all custom ${dumpfreq} ${folder}/${simname}.* id type mol mass x y z ix iy iz vx vy vz fx fy fz dump_modify 2 sort id ##XYZ dump 4 all xyz ${dumptraj} ${folder}/traj.xyz dump_modify 4 element O N Ca P Au compute MSDs all msd compute GYRs all gyration fix imprimir all print ${dumpfreq} "$(step) $(c_GYRs) $(c_MSDs[4])" screen no append radius_of_gyration.txt #Compute total energies compute ekin all ke compute epot all pe variable ekin equal c_ekin variable epot equal c_epot variable etot equal c_ekin+c_epot fix energia all print ${dumpfreq} "$(step) ${ekin} ${epot} ${etot}" screen no append energy_total.txt #################################### #### FIXES ####### #################################### fix 1 all nve fix 2 all langevin ${Temp} ${Temp} ${tdamp} ${seedthermo} run ${run1}