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Commit f6fe2b96 authored by s1309877's avatar s1309877
Browse files

Add tutorial 0 on simulating a simple LJ fluid

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This is a simple example of using LAMMPS to perform molecular dynamics
simulations of a Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid. Atoms are simulated in a periodic
box, and they interact with each other via the (truncated) LJ potential.
What to do:
1. Run the simulation to get a feel of how to use LAMMPS
a. Generate the required input scripts/files
This generates two files that are necessary for running LAMMPS
- run.lam file - a 'driver' script that is read by LAMMPS
- file - a trajectory file containing the initial configuration
of the system (i.e., the atoms' positions, bonds, etc)
Have a look at these files individually and make sure you understand
what each function and each section does!
If in doubt, check out LAMMPS documentation on
b. Run the simulation
You can use the pre-compiled version of LAMMPS available on the school
linux computers. Alternatively, you can also compile LAMMPS on your
own computer. Visit for more info on how to
install LAMMPS.
lmp -in *.lam
pos*.lammpstrj files will be generated storing the atoms' positions
and velocities. See the 'dump' command in the *.lam script.
c. Visualise the atoms' trajectories
This can be done using VMD on the school computers. You can also
download VMD using this link:
You can visualise the trajectory file as follows:
- Type 'vmd' in the terminal
- In the VMD Main window, click on 'File' -> 'New Molecule...'. In the
pop-up window, click on 'Browse...' and select the trajectory file
(pos.lammpstrj). Click 'Load' to load the data
- The display will load the unwrapped positions of the atoms. To 'rewrap'
their positions, we need to type the following in the terminal:
pbc set {lx ly lz} -all
pbc wrap -all
[You will need to replace lx ly lz with the actual box size]
- To get a nicer representation, you can make the following changes. In
the VMD Main window, click on 'Graphics' -> 'Representations...'.
In the pop-up window, select 'VDW' as the Drawing Method and use
'AOChalky' for the Material. Feel free to play around with other
display settings!
2. Play around with the simulation parameters
Explore how changing the number (density) of atoms and the interaction
strength between different types of atoms change the overall dynamics
of the system. This can be done by editing the parameter values in the script, in particular:
natoms = number of atoms in total
epsilon_ab = the interaction strength between type a and type b atoms
cutoff_ab = the cutoff distance of the potential for the interaction
between type a and type b atoms
See if you can find a range of parameter values where:
- the two types of atoms are well mixed
- the two types of atoms form their own clusters
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A simple script to generate atoms in a box of size (lx,ly,lz)
# The centre of the box is at the origin
import sys
import numpy as np
args = sys.argv
if (len(args) != 8):
print("Usage: natoms ntypes lx ly lz seed out_file")
natoms = int(args.pop(1))
ntypes = int(args.pop(1))
lx = float(args.pop(1))
ly = float(args.pop(1))
lz = float(args.pop(1))
seed = int(args.pop(1))
out_file = args.pop(1)
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
xhalf = lx/2.0
yhalf = ly/2.0
zhalf = lz/2.0
with open(out_file,'w') as writer:
for i in range(1,natoms+1):
t = rng.integers(1,ntypes+1)
x = rng.random()*lx-xhalf
y = rng.random()*ly-yhalf
z = rng.random()*lz-zhalf
writer.write("{:d} {:d} {:f} {:f} {:f}\n".format(i,t,x,y,z))
# A script to generate the lammps script and init config file
# Make sure we are using python3
# Set the box size, number of atoms and random seed
# Set LAMMPS parameters
# LJ potential
# Try changing epsilon and cutoff and see how that affects the dynamics!
cutoff_12=1.8 #1.122462048309373
cutoff_0=1.122462048309373 # 2^(1/6) - the cutoff distance for a purely
# repulsive (WCA) potential
sigma=1.0 # Make all atoms have the same size
# Rescale epsilon such that the minimum of the truncated LJ potential
# actually reaches -epsilon
function get_norm() {
local e=$1
local rc=$2
local s=$3
echo $($pyx -c "
norm = 1.0+4.0*(($s/$rc)**12.0-($s/$rc)**6.0)
print($e/norm if norm > 0.0 else $e)")
epsilon_11=$(get_norm $epsilon_11 $cutoff_11 $sigma)
epsilon_12=$(get_norm $epsilon_12 $cutoff_12 $sigma)
epsilon_22=$(get_norm $epsilon_22 $cutoff_22 $sigma)
# Dump frequency and length of simulation
dt=0.01 # Set timestep size in LJ simulation time unit
dump_printfreq=100 # In LJ simulation time unit
# Convert from simulation time unit to timesteps
dump_printfreq=$($pyx -c "print(int($dump_printfreq/$dt))")
thermo_printfreq=$($pyx -c "print(int($thermo_printfreq/$dt))")
run_init_time=$($pyx -c "print(int($run_init_time/$dt))")
run_time=$($pyx -c "print(int($run_time/$dt))")
# Set the box boundaries
xlo=$($pyx -c "print(-int(${lx}/2.0))")
xhi=$($pyx -c "print(int(${lx}/2.0))")
ylo=$($pyx -c "print(-int(${ly}/2.0))")
yhi=$($pyx -c "print(int(${ly}/2.0))")
zlo=$($pyx -c "print(-int(${lz}/2.0))")
zhi=$($pyx -c "print(int(${lz}/2.0))")
# Output files
# Required programs and files
# Generate the lammps input file
$pyx $atom_py $natoms $ntypes $lx $ly $lz $seed $traj_in
echo "LAMMPS data file via
${natoms} atoms
${ntypes} atom types
${xlo} ${xhi} xlo xhi
${ylo} ${yhi} ylo yhi
${zlo} ${zhi} zlo zhi
" > $init_file
awk -v nt=$ntypes 'BEGIN {
print "Masses"
print ""
for (i = 1; i <= nt; i++) {
print i,1
print ""
print "Atoms"
print ""
print NR,$2,$3,$4,$5,0,0,0
}' $traj_in >> $init_file
rm $traj_in
# Generate the script to run lammps
echo "
# Simulation basic setup
units lj # Set simulation unit - for LJ, distance = sigma, energy = k_bT
atom_style atomic # State the system is only made of atoms without bonds/angles
boundary p p p # Set periodic boundary conditions
neighbor 1.9 bin # Set how lammps creates neighbour lists
neigh_modify every 1 delay 1 check yes # How often neighbour lists are created
# Read the file with atoms' init positions
read_data $(basename $init_file)
# Dumps
# Set the params for dumping thermodynamic properties of the system to
# screen or log file
thermo ${thermo_printfreq} # Set the output frequency
# Set the specific observables to dump (see lammps manual for more details)
thermo_style custom step temp epair emol vol
# Set up a dump to output atoms' positions
# xs,ys,zs - positions normalised by the box size (so between 0.0 and 1.0)
# ix,iy,iz - number of times the atoms crossed each periodic boundary
dump 1 all custom ${dump_printfreq} $(basename $pos_equil_file) &
id type xs ys zs ix iy iz
# Potentials
# Use the repulsive soft potential for equilibration to push apart atoms that
# are close together and would cause numerical divergence had one applied the
# LJ potential directly
# U(r) = A*(1+cos(pi*r/r_c))
# A = strength of repulsion; r_c = cutoff
pair_style soft ${cutoff_0}
# Set the params for the pairwise interactions between individual atom types
# Key params: atom_type_1 atom_type_2 A r_c
pair_coeff * * 100.0 ${cutoff_0} # This sets all pairwise interactions
# Set integrator/dynamics
# Use the NVE ensemble (particle number, volume, energy conserved)
fix 1 all nve
# Use langevin thermostat for Brownian dynamics
fix 2 all langevin 1.0 1.0 1.0 ${seed}
# Initial equilibration
# Set the timestep and run the simulation
timestep ${dt}
run ${run_init_time}
# Main simulation
# Use a (truncated) LJ potential for the interactions between atoms
# U_LJ(r) = 4.0*epsilon*((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6)
# U_LJ/cut(r) = U_LJ(r)-U_LJ(r_c) where r_c is the location of the cutoff
# If r_c = 2^(1/6) ~ 1.12246, this becomes as purely repulsive (WCA) potential
# If r_c > 2^(1/6), then there is a region where the potential is attractive
pair_style lj/cut ${cutoff_0}
# Set the params for the pairwise interactions between individual atom types
# Key params: atom_type_1 atom_type_2 epsilon sigma cutoff
# Try changing epsilon and cutoff and see how that affects the dynamics!
pair_coeff 1 1 ${epsilon_11} ${sigma} ${cutoff_11}
pair_coeff 1 2 ${epsilon_12} ${sigma} ${cutoff_12}
pair_coeff 2 2 ${epsilon_22} ${sigma} ${cutoff_22}
# Dumps (same settings as above)
undump 1 # Unset previous dump settings
dump 1 all custom ${dump_printfreq} $(basename $pos_file) &
id type xs ys zs ix iy iz
# Reset time and run the main simulation
reset_timestep 0
run ${run_time}
" > $lam_file
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