/** \file ServoBehaviours.h
\brief Behaviours to control a servo motor.
This should be extended with stable behaviours that are developed in the
/** \class ServoGoTo
\brief Behaviour that sets a servo to an angle specified as its argument.
/** \class ServoWiggle
\brief Behaviour that wiggles a servo with the sweep angle specified as its argument.
class ServoWiggle : public Behaviour
Servo _servo;
int _start_time = 0;
int _wiggle_time = 300;
int _num_wiggles = 5;
int _wiggles = 0;
int _wiggle_angle = 0;
//Calculate wiggle time by multiplying the angle by this...
ServoWiggle(Servo servo, String name = "Wiggle", int slowness=3);
char* args();
/** \class ServoGoAndReturn
\brief Behaviour that sets a servo to an angle before returning its position
back to zero, for a number of cycles specified as its argument.
Servo _servo;
int _start_angle = 0;
int _end_angle = 180;
int _delay = 30;
int _num_rotations = 1;
int _rotations = 0;
int _pause = 500;
Dave Murray-Rust
ServoGoAndReturn(Servo servo, String name="GoAndReturn", int delay=30, int pause=500, int start_angle = 2, int end_angle=178 );
Dave Murray-Rust