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package ac.ed.lurg;

import java.util.ArrayList;
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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
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import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
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import ac.ed.lurg.demand.DemandManager;
import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.AreasItem;
import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.CropUsageData;
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import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.CropUsageReader;
import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.IntensitiesItem;
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import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.IrrigationCostItem;
import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.IrrigiationCostReader;
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import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandCoverItem;
import ac.ed.lurg.landuse.LandCoverReader;
import ac.ed.lurg.output.LpjgOutputer;
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import ac.ed.lurg.types.CropToDoubleMap;
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import ac.ed.lurg.types.CropType;
import ac.ed.lurg.types.LandCoverType;
import ac.ed.lurg.types.ModelFitType;
import ac.ed.lurg.utils.LogWriter;
import ac.ed.lurg.yield.LPJYieldResponseMapReader;
import ac.ed.lurg.yield.YieldRaster;
import ac.sac.raster.IntegerRasterItem;
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import ac.sac.raster.RasterHeaderDetails;
import ac.sac.raster.RasterKey;
import ac.sac.raster.RasterOutputer;
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import ac.sac.raster.RasterSet;

public class ModelMain {

	private Collection<CountryAgent> countryAgents;
	private Map<Country, List<RasterKey>> countryToKeysMap;
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	private DemandManager demandManager;
	private Map<CropType, Double> prevWorldPrices;
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	private RasterHeaderDetails desiredProjection;
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	public static void main(String[] args)  {
		ModelMain theModel = new ModelMain();
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	/* setup models, reading inputs, etc. */
	private void setup() {
		desiredProjection = RasterHeaderDetails.getGlobalHeaderFromCellSize(ModelConfig.CELL_SIZE_X, ModelConfig.CELL_SIZE_Y, "999");
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		countryToKeysMap = createCountryToKeysMap();
		demandManager = new DemandManager(ModelFitType.LOGISTIC, ModelConfig.SSP_SCENARIO);
		countryAgents = createCountryAgents();
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		// in first timestep we don't have this info, but ok as constrained to import/export specified amount
		prevWorldPrices = new HashMap<CropType, Double>();  
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		for (CropType c : CropType.getImportedTypes()) 
			prevWorldPrices.put(c, 1.0);
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	/* run the model */
	private void run() {
		for (int i = ModelConfig.START_TIMESTEP; i <= ModelConfig.END_TIMESTEP; i++) {
			Timestep timestep = new Timestep(i);
			try {
			catch (Exception e) {
				LpjgOutputer.writeMarkerFile(timestep, true);
				throw new RuntimeException(e);
	private void doTimestep(Timestep timestep) {
		YieldRaster yieldSurfaces = getYieldSurfaces(timestep);  // this will wait for the marker file from LPJ if configured to do so

		//		YieldResponsesItem yresp = yieldSurfaces.getFromCoordinates(-50.0, -4.0);
		//		LogWriter.printlnError("Test key: " + yresp.getYieldMax(CropType.CEREALS)  + ", " + yresp.getYieldFertOnly(CropType.CEREALS) + ", " + yresp.getYieldIrrigOnly(CropType.CEREALS));
		CropToDoubleMap totalImportCommodities = new CropToDoubleMap();
		CropToDoubleMap totalExportCommodities = new CropToDoubleMap();
		RasterSet<IntensitiesItem> globalIntensityRaster = new RasterSet<IntensitiesItem>(desiredProjection);
		RasterSet<AreasItem> globalCropAreaRaster = new RasterSet<AreasItem>(desiredProjection);
		RasterSet<IntegerRasterItem> globalLocationIdRaster = new RasterSet<IntegerRasterItem>(desiredProjection);
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		for (CountryAgent ca : countryAgents) {
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			LogWriter.println("Country " + ca.getCountry());
			Collection<RasterKey> countryKeys = countryToKeysMap.get(ca.getCountry());
			YieldRaster countryYieldSurfaces = yieldSurfaces.getSubsetRasterForKeys(countryKeys);
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			// do the optimization
			GamsRasterOutput result = ca.determineProduction(timestep, countryYieldSurfaces, prevWorldPrices);
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			if (result == null) {
				LogWriter.printlnError("No results for " + ca.getCountry());

			// update global rasters
			// Get values for world input costs
			Map<CropType, CropUsageData> cropUsage = result.getCropUsageData();

			for (Entry<CropType, CropUsageData> entry : cropUsage.entrySet()) {
				CropType c = entry.getKey();
				double countryNetImports = entry.getValue().getNetImports();
				if (countryNetImports > 0)
					totalImportCommodities.incrementValue(c, countryNetImports);
					totalExportCommodities.incrementValue(c, -countryNetImports);
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		// Look at trade balance and adjust appropriately
		for (CropType crop : CropType.getImportedTypes()) {
			double imports = totalImportCommodities.get(crop);
			double exports = totalExportCommodities.get(crop);
			double prevPrice = prevWorldPrices.get(crop);
			double adjustedPrice = updateMarketPrices(prevPrice, imports, exports);
			LogWriter.println(String.format("Price for %s updated from %.3f (imports %.0f, exports %.0f) to %.3f ", crop.getGamsName(), prevPrice, imports, exports, adjustedPrice));
			prevWorldPrices.put(crop, adjustedPrice);
		// output results
		outputTimestepResults(timestep, globalIntensityRaster, globalCropAreaRaster, globalLocationIdRaster, yieldSurfaces);
		writeMarketFile(timestep, globalCropAreaRaster);
	public double updateMarketPrices(double previousPrice, double demand, double supply) {

		if (demand > 0 || supply > 0) {
			double ratio;
			if (demand > supply)
				ratio = (demand-supply)/demand;
				ratio = (demand-supply)/supply;
			double adjustment = Math.exp(ratio * ModelConfig.MARKET_LAMBA);
			return previousPrice * adjustment;
		else {
			return previousPrice;

	private BufferedWriter getFileWriter(Timestep timestep, String file, String columnHeadings) throws IOException {
		if (timestep.isInitialTimestep()) {
			FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(file,false);
			BufferedWriter outputFile = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
			return outputFile;
		else {
			FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(file,true);
			return new BufferedWriter(fstream);
	private double getTotalArea(LandCoverType lcType, RasterSet<AreasItem> globalCropAreaRaster) {
		double totalArea = 0;
		for (AreasItem item : globalCropAreaRaster.values()) {
			totalArea += item.getLandCoverArea(lcType);
		return totalArea;

	private void writeMarketFile(Timestep timestep, RasterSet<AreasItem> cropAreaRaster) {
		try {
			StringBuffer sbHeadings = new StringBuffer("Year, Cropland (Mha), Pasture (Mha), Natural (Mha)");
			for (CropType crop : CropType.getImportedTypes() )
				sbHeadings.append(",Px_" + crop.getGamsName());
			BufferedWriter outputFile = getFileWriter(timestep, ModelConfig.TOTAL_LAND_COVER_FILE, sbHeadings.toString());

			StringBuffer sbData = new StringBuffer();
					timestep.getYear(), getTotalArea(LandCoverType.CROPLAND, cropAreaRaster), getTotalArea(LandCoverType.PASTURE, cropAreaRaster), getTotalArea(LandCoverType.OTHER_NATURAL, cropAreaRaster)));
			for (CropType crop : CropType.getImportedTypes() )
				sbData.append(String.format(",%.3f", prevWorldPrices.get(crop)));
		catch (IOException e) {
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	private void outputTimestepResults(Timestep timestep, RasterSet<IntensitiesItem> intensityRaster, RasterSet<AreasItem> cropAreaRaster, RasterSet<IntegerRasterItem> locationIdRaster, YieldRaster yieldSurfaces) {
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		LpjgOutputer lpjOutputer = new LpjgOutputer(timestep, intensityRaster, cropAreaRaster, yieldSurfaces);
		/*	new RasterOutputer<IntegerRasterItem>(locationIdRaster, "locId" + year) {
			public Double getValue(RasterKey location) {
				IntegerRasterItem locItem = results.get(location);
				if (locItem == null)
					return null;

				return (double)locItem.getInt();

			public int convertToPixelValue(double value) {
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				return (int) (value * 3 + 1);

		new RasterOutputer<IntensitiesItem>(intensityRaster, "wheatIntensity" + year) {
			public Double getValue(RasterKey location) {
				IntensitiesItem intensityItem = results.get(location);
				if (intensityItem == null)
					return null;

				Intensity cropIntensity = intensityItem.getIntensity(CropType.WHEAT);

				return cropIntensity == null ? 0 : cropIntensity.getFertiliserIntensity();

			public int convertToPixelValue(double value) {
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				return (int) (value * 20) + 1;

		outputAreas(year, cropAreaRaster, CropType.MAIZE); */
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		outputLandCover(timestep.getYear(), cropAreaRaster, LandCoverType.CROPLAND);
		outputLandCover(timestep.getYear(), cropAreaRaster, LandCoverType.PASTURE); 
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	private void outputLandCover(int year, RasterSet<AreasItem> cropAreaRaster, final LandCoverType lcType) {
		new RasterOutputer<AreasItem>(cropAreaRaster, lcType.getName() + "Area" + year) {
			public Double getValue(RasterKey location) {
				AreasItem area = results.get(location);
				if (area == null)
					return null;

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				return area.getLandCoverArea(lcType);

			public int convertToPixelValue(double value) {
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				return value > 0 ? 10 : 1;

	public Map<Country, List<RasterKey>> createCountryToKeysMap() {

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		RasterSet<CountryBoundaryItem> countryBoundaries = new RasterSet<CountryBoundaryItem>(desiredProjection) {
			private static final long serialVersionUID = -8449000692429399253L;
			protected CountryBoundaryItem createRasterData() {
				return new CountryBoundaryItem();
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		CountryBoundaryReader countryReader = new CountryBoundaryReader(countryBoundaries);
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		Map<Country, List<RasterKey>> countryMap = new HashMap<Country, List<RasterKey>>();

		for (Map.Entry<RasterKey, CountryBoundaryItem> entry : countryBoundaries.entrySet()) {
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			Country c = entry.getValue().getCountry();
			if (c == null)
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			List<RasterKey> keys = countryMap.get(c);
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			if (keys == null) {
				keys = new ArrayList<RasterKey>();
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				countryMap.put(c, keys);
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		return countryMap;
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	public Collection<CountryAgent> createCountryAgents() {
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		Collection<CountryAgent> countryAgents = new HashSet<CountryAgent>();

		RasterSet<LandCoverItem> initLC = getInitialLandCover();
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		RasterSet<IrrigationCostItem> allIrrigationCosts = getIrrigationCosts();
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		Map<Country, Map<CropType, CropUsageData>> cropUsageDataMap = new CropUsageReader().getCommodityData();
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		HashSet<String> countryExclusionList = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("Bangladesh", "Portugal", "Haiti", "Myanmar")); //"French Polynesia", "Cabo Verde", "Samoa", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"));
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		for (Map.Entry<Country, List<RasterKey>> entry : countryToKeysMap.entrySet()) {
			Country country = entry.getKey();
			List<RasterKey> keys = entry.getValue();
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			// DEBUG code
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	//		if (!(country.getCountryName().equals("United States of Americaxx") || country.getCountryName().equals("Russian Federationxx") || country.getCountryName().equals("China")) ) { //|| country.getCountryName().equals("China")
	//			continue;
	//		}
			if (demandManager.getPopulation(country, 2010) < 80 || countryExclusionList.contains(country.getCountryName())) {
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				LogWriter.printlnError("Skipping " + country);

			RasterSet<LandCoverItem> initCountryLC = initLC.popSubsetForKeys(new RasterSet<LandCoverItem>(initLC.getHeaderDetails()), keys);
			RasterSet<IrrigationCostItem> irrigationCosts = allIrrigationCosts.popSubsetForKeys(new RasterSet<IrrigationCostItem>(allIrrigationCosts.getHeaderDetails()), keys);
			Map<CropType, CropUsageData> countryCommodityData = cropUsageDataMap.get(country);
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			if (countryCommodityData == null) {
				LogWriter.printlnError("No commodities data for " +country + ", so skipping");
			else if (initCountryLC.size() == 0) {
				LogWriter.printlnError("No initial land cover for " +country + ", so skipping");
			else {
				CountryAgent ca = new CountryAgent(demandManager, country, initCountryLC, irrigationCosts, countryCommodityData);
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		return countryAgents;
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	private RasterSet<LandCoverItem> getInitialLandCover() {
		LandCoverReader lcReader = new LandCoverReader(desiredProjection);
		RasterSet<LandCoverItem>  initLC = lcReader.getRasterDataFromFile(ModelConfig.INITAL_LAND_COVER_FILE);
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		return initLC;
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	private YieldRaster getYieldSurfaces(Timestep timestep) {
		LPJYieldResponseMapReader yieldReader = new LPJYieldResponseMapReader(desiredProjection);
		return yieldReader.getRasterData(timestep); 
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	private RasterSet<IrrigationCostItem> getIrrigationCosts() {
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		RasterSet<IrrigationCostItem> irigCosts = new RasterSet<IrrigationCostItem>(desiredProjection) {
			private static final long serialVersionUID = 8393130687550888654L;

			protected IrrigationCostItem createRasterData() {
				return new IrrigationCostItem();
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		IrrigiationCostReader irigCostReader = new IrrigiationCostReader(irigCosts);
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		return irigCosts;
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