publicstaticfinaldoublePOPULATION_AGGREG_LIMIT=getDoubleProperty("POPULATION_AGGREG_LIMIT",30.0);// in millions, smaller countries are aggregated on a regional basis
publicstaticfinaldoublePOPULATION_AGGREG_LIMIT=getDoubleProperty("POPULATION_AGGREG_LIMIT",30.0);// in millions, smaller countries are aggregated on a regional basis
publicstaticfinaldoubleUNHANDLED_CROP_AREA=getDoubleProperty("UNHANDLED_CROP_AREA",0.3);// includes fruit veg forage crops set aside and failed crop
// All cropland LUH2 1536.7 Mha, crop_prod[Country =="World" & Item %in% itemGroupMapping$cropProdItem & Year == 2011, sum(area)] is 1105.6 so unhandled is .2805
// 1377.6 Mha is area of crops in FAO crop production. So we do not represent crops covering (1377.6-1105.6)/1536.7=17.7% of cropland. Additional 'unhandled' is for set aside and failed crops, 10.3% of cropland.
publicstaticfinaldoubleUNHANDLED_CROP_AREA=getDoubleProperty("UNHANDLED_CROP_AREA",0.28);// includes fruit veg forage crops set aside and failed crop