@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ PLUMv2 was developed to inform policy making about interaction between policy me
PLUM was developed by Kerstin Engström team and collaborators in 2016. It is open-source (except GAMS license) and mainly implemented in java and the post processing is usually implemented in the R software.
<h4><strong>Check log file for errors</strong></h4>
<p>The log file written by PLUMv2 is call log.txt. On the eddie terminal type and change <strong>“ssp11”</strong> with the name of the output folder created.:</p>
<p>Get the concatenated results file (lc_concat.txt) and point ProcessClusterRes.R to it.</p>
<p>To facilitate usage on the EDDIE. Add script folder to $PATH on EDDIE. In home directory find file .bash_profile. Open with the texte editor and changed the path to</p>
@@ -3172,21 +3368,21 @@ This script created the appropriate <strong>config.properties</strong> file with
<li>Create a parameter distribution file. For each ensemble, need same parameters. Change parameter values according to required settings. For yield shocks include YIELD_SHOCKS_MULTIPLIER and set to 1 for same frequency of historic shocks, 2 for double the frequency etc. Set to 0 for no yield shocks. If you want to manually specify shocks then set to 0 and create a yield shock file manually in the run directories.</li>
<li>Run the ‘MonteCarloStuff.R’ R script using parameter distribution file, this generates an ensemble list. Name the ensemble list file in the 2nd argument of the call to generateScenarios</li>
<li>Open the ensemble list file using Notepad++ <strong>NOT excel</strong> and go to Edit > EOL conversion > Unix. Save the file.</li>
<li>Add the ensemble list file to <strong>/exports/csce/eddie/geos/groups/LURG/models/PLUM/</strong> on the cluster.</li>
<li>Make a folder in <strong>/exports/csce/eddie/geos/groups/LURG/models/PLUM/output</strong> with the same name as the ‘ensemblePrefix’ e.g. here that would be ‘ensembleRuns’</li>
<li>On the cluster command line change your directory using</li>
<li>Check the common_properties file (<strong>/exports/csce/eddie/geos/groups/LURG/models/PLUM/output/</strong>) is pointing to the right calibration run, and the no. of timesteps.</li>
<p><em>[note: when copy and paste, the formatting goes bad for –ys1 –O … its best ot retype the flags]</em></p>
<p>This says run the createScenarios.sh script taking the ensemble list file and the –ys flag says setting yield shocks = TRUE if you don’t include the –ys flag it won’t create a yieldShocks.csv file in the directories for plum to use. Use flag –ys1 to make all the runs use the same shocks, otherwise the default is that between ensembles the shock files will differ. The –O flag says if scenarios already exist in the output directory then overwrite them.</p>
@@ -3204,16 +3400,16 @@ This script created the appropriate <strong>config.properties</strong> file with
<p>This code gets all the output files for 2030,50, 100 including the geo-spatial land use information…good for make maps for comparisons. Run in command line of cluster:</p>
<li>If error can’t run any thing, run only Modelmain.java to set as main class file</li>
<li>Remove error search marketplace for .csv follow <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39698357/disable-marketplace-from-eclipse">these instructions</a>: Windows>Preferences> add in files types> *.csv> add in associate editor Text editor>apply</li>
@@ -3601,7 +3797,7 @@ SSP5
<li>Currently uses Roslyn’s version of plum (roslyns_build_area)…bear in mind for the future when it might be changed to use Peter’s version (just changing the file path).</li>
<li>If need to cancel a lot of runs, use this line… with first and last job numbers:</li>
<li>Can change the ‘common_properties’ file before running the scenario creation, just remember to change back again. Also, double check the created config.properties file in case anything is amiss.</li>
<li>For code on looking at the output, look at PLUMscripts/debugging.rmd from bitbucket.</li>