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neigh_list.cpp 8.47 KiB
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
   Steve Plimpton,

   Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
   DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
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   certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
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   the GNU General Public License.

   See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "comm.h"
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#include "update.h"
#include "pair.h"
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#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_request.h"
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#include "my_page.h"
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#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"

using namespace LAMMPS_NS;

#define PGDELTA 1

enum{NSQ,BIN,MULTI};     // also in Neighbor
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

NeighList::NeighList(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pointers(lmp)
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  // initializations

  maxatom = 0;
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  inum = gnum = 0;
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  ilist = NULL;
  numneigh = NULL;
  firstneigh = NULL;
  firstdouble = NULL;

  // defaults, but may be reset by post_constructor()

  occasional = 0;
  ghost = 0;
  ssa = 0;
  copy = 0;
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  dnum = 0;

  // ptrs
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  iskip = NULL;
  ijskip = NULL;

  listcopy = NULL;
  listskip = NULL;
  listfull = NULL;

  listhistory = NULL;
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  fix_history = NULL;

  respamiddle = 0;
  listinner = NULL;
  listmiddle = NULL;

  fix_bond = NULL;
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  ipage = NULL;
  dpage = NULL;

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  // Kokkos package

  kokkos = 0;
  execution_space = Host;

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  // USER-DPD package
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  ndxAIR_ssa = NULL;
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (!copy) {
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    delete [] ipage;
    delete [] dpage;
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  delete [] iskip;
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  if (ssa) {
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   adjust settings to match corresponding NeighRequest
   cannot do this in constructor b/c not all NeighLists are allocated yet
   copy -> set listcopy for list to copy from
   skip -> set listskip for list to skip from, create copy of itype,ijtype
   halffull -> set listfull for full list to derive from
   history -> set LH and FH ptrs in partner list that uses the history info
   respaouter -> set listinner/listmiddle for other rRESPA lists
   bond -> set fix_bond to Fix that made the request
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void NeighList::post_constructor(NeighRequest *nq)
  // copy request settings used by list itself
  occasional = nq->occasional;
  ghost = nq->ghost;
  ssa = nq->ssa;
  copy = nq->copy;
  dnum = nq->dnum;

  if (nq->copy)
    listcopy = neighbor->lists[nq->copylist];

  if (nq->skip) {
    listskip = neighbor->lists[nq->skiplist];
    int ntypes = atom->ntypes;
    iskip = new int[ntypes+1];
    int i,j;
    for (i = 1; i <= ntypes; i++) iskip[i] = nq->iskip[i];
    for (i = 1; i <= ntypes; i++)
      for (j = 1; j <= ntypes; j++)
        ijskip[i][j] = nq->ijskip[i][j];

  if (nq->halffull)
    listfull = neighbor->lists[nq->halffulllist];
  if (nq->history) {
    neighbor->lists[nq->historylist]->listhistory = this;
    int tmp;
    neighbor->lists[nq->historylist]->fix_history = 
      (Fix *) ((Pair *) nq->requestor)->extract("history",tmp);
  if (nq->respaouter) {
    if (nq->respamiddlelist < 0) {
      respamiddle = 0;
      listinner = neighbor->lists[nq->respainnerlist];
    } else {
      respamiddle = 1;
      listmiddle = neighbor->lists[nq->respamiddlelist];
      listinner = neighbor->lists[nq->respainnerlist];
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  if (nq->bond) fix_bond = (Fix *) nq->requestor;
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void NeighList::setup_pages(int pgsize_caller, int oneatom_caller)
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  pgsize = pgsize_caller;
  oneatom = oneatom_caller;

  int nmypage = comm->nthreads;
  ipage = new MyPage<int>[nmypage];
  for (int i = 0; i < nmypage; i++)

  if (dnum) {
    dpage = new MyPage<double>[nmypage];
    for (int i = 0; i < nmypage; i++)
  } else dpage = NULL;
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   grow per-atom data to allow for nlocal/nall atoms
   for parent lists:
     also trigger grow in child list(s) which are not built themselves
     history calls grow() in listhistory
     respaouter calls grow() in respainner, respamiddle
   triggered by neighbor list build
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------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void NeighList::grow(int nlocal, int nall)
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  // trigger grow() in children before possible return

  if (listhistory) listhistory->grow(nlocal,nall);
  if (listinner) listinner->grow(nlocal,nall);
  if (listmiddle) listmiddle->grow(nlocal,nall);
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  // skip if data structs are already big enough

  if (ghost) {
    if (nall <= maxatom) return;
  } else {
    if (nlocal <= maxatom) return;

  maxatom = atom->nmax;
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  firstneigh = (int **) memory->smalloc(maxatom*sizeof(int *),
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  if (dnum) {
    firstdouble = (double **) memory->smalloc(maxatom*sizeof(double *),
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  if (ssa) {
    if (ndxAIR_ssa) memory->sfree(ndxAIR_ssa);
    ndxAIR_ssa = (uint16_t (*)[8]) memory->smalloc(sizeof(uint16_t)*8*maxatom,
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   print attributes of this list and associated request
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void NeighList::print_attributes()
  if (comm->me != 0) return;

  NeighRequest *rq = neighbor->requests[index];

  printf("Neighbor list/request %d:\n",index);
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  printf("  %p = requestor ptr (instance %d id %d)\n",
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  printf("  %d = pair\n",rq->pair);
  printf("  %d = fix\n",rq->fix);
  printf("  %d = compute\n",rq->compute);
  printf("  %d = command\n",rq->command);
  printf("  %d = neigh\n",rq->neigh);
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  printf("  %d = half\n",rq->half);
  printf("  %d = full\n",rq->full);
  printf("  %d = occasional\n",occasional);
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  printf("  %d = newton\n",rq->newton);
  printf("  %d = ghost flag\n",ghost);
  printf("  %d = size\n",rq->size);
  printf("  %d = history\n",rq->history);
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  printf("  %d = granonesided\n",rq->granonesided);
  printf("  %d = respainner\n",rq->respainner);
  printf("  %d = respamiddle\n",rq->respamiddle);
  printf("  %d = respaouter\n",rq->respaouter);
  printf("  %d = bond\n",rq->bond);
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  printf("  %d = omp\n",rq->omp);
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  printf("  %d = intel\n",rq->intel);
  printf("  %d = kokkos host\n",rq->kokkos_host);
  printf("  %d = kokkos device\n",rq->kokkos_device);
  printf("  %d = ssa flag\n",ssa);
  printf("  %d = dnum\n",dnum);
  printf("  %d = skip flag\n",rq->skip);
  printf("  %d = off2on\n",rq->off2on);
  printf("  %d = copy flag\n",rq->copy);
  printf("  %d = half/full\n",rq->halffull);
  printf("  %d = history/partner\n",rq->history_partner);
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   return # of bytes of allocated memory
   if growflag = 0, maxatom & maxpage will also be 0
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   if stencilflag = 0, maxstencil * maxstencil_multi will also be 0
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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bigint NeighList::memory_usage()
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  bigint bytes = 0;
  bytes += memory->usage(ilist,maxatom);
  bytes += memory->usage(numneigh,maxatom);
  bytes += maxatom * sizeof(int *);
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  int nmypage = comm->nthreads;
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  if (ipage) {
    for (int i = 0; i < nmypage; i++)
      bytes += ipage[i].size();

  if (dnum && dpage) {
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    for (int i = 0; i < nmypage; i++) {
      bytes += maxatom * sizeof(double *);
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      bytes += dpage[i].size();
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  if (ndxAIR_ssa) bytes += sizeof(uint16_t) * 8 * maxatom;
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  return bytes;